Пример #1
function action_find()
    global $pagestore, $find, $branch_search;
    $doFindOne = 1;
    // avoid findOne search if empty string, full text search, or branch search
    if (trim($find) == '' || $find[0] == '!' || $branch_search) {
        $doFindOne = 0;
    // remove leading ! if full text search
    if ($find[0] == '!') {
        $find = substr($find, 1);
    // try to find one page by its name
    if ($doFindOne && ($findOne = $pagestore->findOne(trim($find)))) {
        header('Location: ' . viewURL($findOne));
    } else {
        $list = $pagestore->find($find);
        if ($branch_search) {
            $branch_nodes = $pagestore->getTree($branch_search, '', 'FLAT');
            $list = array_intersect($list, $branch_nodes);
        $text = '';
        foreach ($list as $page) {
            if ($page != $find) {
                $text .= html_ref($page, $page) . html_newline();
        template_find(array('find' => $find, 'pages' => $text, 'branch_search' => $branch_search));
Пример #2
function template_save($args)
    // You might use this to put up some sort of "thank-you" page like Ward
    // does in WikiWiki, or to display a list of words that fail spell-check.
    // For now, we simply redirect to the view action for this page.
    $newLocation = viewURL($args['page']) . '&no_redirect=1';
    if (isset($args['anchor'])) {
        $newLocation .= "#" . $args['anchor'];
    header('Location: ' . $newLocation);
Пример #3
function template_subscriptions($args)
    template_common_prologue(array('norobots' => 1, 'title' => 'Page Subscriptions', 'heading' => 'Page Subscriptions', 'headlink' => '', 'headsufx' => '', 'toolbar' => 0, 'button_selected' => '', 'button_view' => 0, 'button_backlinks' => 0));

<form name="subscriptionsForm" action="<?php 
    print $SubscriptionsScript;
" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="subscribed_pages[]" value="">

    if ($args['subscriptions']) {

    Uncheck any pages you want to remove from your subscriptions.

        foreach ($args['subscriptions'] as $page) {
            print '<input type="checkbox" name="subscribed_pages[]" value="' . urlencode($page) . '" checked>';
            print ' <a href="' . viewURL($page) . '">' . $page . "</a><br>\n";

    <input type="submit" value="Save">

    } else {

   You have no page subscriptions.



    template_common_epilogue(array('nosearch' => 1, 'headlink' => '', 'button_selected' => '', 'button_view' => 0, 'button_backlinks' => 0));
Пример #4
function action_rss()
    global $pagestore, $min, $days;
    $itemseq = '';
    $itemdesc = '';
    if ($min == 0) {
        $min = 10;
    if ($days == 0) {
        $days = 2;
    $pages = $pagestore->allpages();
    usort($pages, 'catSort');
    $now = time();
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($pages); $i++) {
        $editTime = mktime(substr($pages[$i][0], 8, 2), substr($pages[$i][0], 10, 2), substr($pages[$i][0], 12, 2), substr($pages[$i][0], 4, 2), substr($pages[$i][0], 6, 2), substr($pages[$i][0], 0, 4));
        if ($days >= 0 && $now - $editTime > $days * 24 * 60 * 60 && $i >= $min) {
        $itemseq = $itemseq . '                <rdf:li rdf:resource="' . viewURL($pages[$i][1], $pages[$i][7]) . '" />' . "\n";
        $itemdesc = $itemdesc . '    <item rdf:about="' . viewURL($pages[$i][1], $pages[$i][7]) . '">' . "\n" . '        <title>' . $pages[$i][1] . '</title>' . "\n" . '        <link>' . viewURL($pages[$i][1]) . '</link>' . "\n" . '        <description>' . $pages[$i][5] . '</description>' . "\n" . '        <dc:date>' . html_gmtime($pages[$i][0]) . '</dc:date>' . "\n" . '        <dc:contributor>' . "\n" . '            <rdf:Description wiki:host="' . $pages[$i][2] . '"' . ($pages[$i][3] == '' ? '' : ' link="' . viewURL($pages[$i][3]) . '"') . '>' . "\n" . ($pages[$i][3] == '' ? '' : '                <rdf:value>' . $pages[$i][3] . '</rdf:value>' . "\n") . '            </rdf:Description>' . "\n" . '        </dc:contributor>' . "\n" . '        <wiki:status>updated</wiki:status>' . "\n" . '        <wiki:importance>major</wiki:importance>' . "\n" . '        <wiki:diff>' . historyURL($pages[$i][1]) . '</wiki:diff>' . "\n" . '        <wiki:version>' . $pages[$i][7] . '</wiki:version>' . "\n" . '        <wiki:history>' . historyURL($pages[$i][1]) . '</wiki:history>' . "\n" . '    </item>' . "\n";
    template_rss(array('itemseq' => $itemseq, 'itemdesc' => $itemdesc));
Пример #5
function template_subscribe($args)
    $newLocation = viewURL($args['page']);
    header('Location: ' . $newLocation);
Пример #6
function custom_display_html_ref($page, $appearance, $hover = '', $anchor = '', $anchor_appearance = '')
    global $SeparateLinkWords, $TDPageQueue, $Messages;
    if ($hover != '') {
        $hover = ' title="' . $hover . '"';
    if (query_page_exists($page)) {
        $found = FALSE;
        foreach ($TDPageQueue as $t) {
            if ($t == $page) {
                $found = TRUE;
        if (!$found) {
            $TDPageQueue[] = $page;
        if ($SeparateLinkWords && $page == $appearance) {
            $appearance = html_split_name($page);
        return '<a href="' . viewURL($page) . $anchor . '"' . $hover . '>' . $appearance . $anchor_appearance . '</a>';
    } else {
        $Messages[] = 'Page <a href="index.php?action=edit&page=' . $page . '">' . $page . '</a> missing from Wiki.';
        return $appearance;
Пример #7
function template_common_epilogue($args)
    global $AdditionalFooter, $AllowAnonymousPosts, $EmailSuffix;
    global $EnableSubscriptions, $EnableCaptcha, $HomePage, $NickName, $page;
    global $pagestore, $PageTooLongLen, $PrefsScript, $UserName;
    $pg = $pagestore->page($page);
    $pagetext = $pg->text;
    if (isset($args["toolbar"])) {
   <div class="toolbar" id="toolbar-bottom"><?php 
        toolbar($page, $args);
<div id="footer" class="printhide">
<div id="logininfo">
    if ($UserName) {
        print "Logged in as " . html_ref($UserName, $UserName);
    } else {
        print "Not <a href=\"login/?{$page}\">logged in</a>";
    if ($EnableSubscriptions && isset($EmailSuffix) && $UserName != '' && isset($args['subscribe']) && !empty($args['subscribe'])) {
        if ($pg->isSubscribed($UserName)) {
            $caption = 'Unsubscribe';
        } else {
            $caption = 'Subscribe';
        print ' | <a href="' . pageSubscribeURL($args['subscribe']) . '">' . $caption . '</a>';
    if (!$UserName) {
        print ' | <a href="' . viewURL($page) . '&view_source=1">View source</a>';
    print "<br>";
    print html_ref('RecentChanges', 'RecentChanges') . ', ' . '<a href="' . $PrefsScript . '">UserOptions</a>';
    $help_page = $pagestore->page('HelpPage');
    if ($help_page->exists()) {
        print ', ' . html_ref('HelpPage', 'HelpPage');
<div id="comment">
    if (!in_array($page, array($HomePage, 'RecentChanges')) && ($UserName || $AllowAnonymousPosts)) {
    <script language="javascript">
    function epilogue_quickadd_validate(form)
        if (form.quickadd.value == '') {
            alert('Please provide content for the text field.');
            return false;
        } else if (form.validationcode && form.validationcode.value == '') {
            alert('The validation code is required.');
            return false;
        } else {
            return true;

        if ($args['edit']) {
            if ($args['page_length'] > $PageTooLongLen) {
                print '<div style="color:red;font-weight:bold">' . 'This page is too long. Comments are disabled.</div>';
            } else {
                global $document;
                $document = $pg->read();
                $document = str_replace('"', "\\\\'", $document);
            <form method="post" action="<?php 
                print saveURL($page);
            <div class="form">
            <input type="hidden" name="Save" value="1">
            <input type="hidden" name="appending" value="1">
                if (!strcasecmp($page, 'annoyingquote') || !strcasecmp($page, 'accumulatedwisdom')) {
                    // Tweaked "Add a Comment" for AnnoyingQuote page
                <input type="hidden" name="comment" value="Add a Quote">
                <input type="hidden" name="appendingQuote" value="1">
                <table width="100%">
                <tr valign="bottom">
                <td align="right">Quote:&nbsp;</td>
                <td nowrap><textarea name="quickadd" rows="2" wrap="virtual"></textarea></td>
                <tr valign="bottom">
                <td width="1%" align="right">Author:&nbsp;</td>
                <td width="99%" nowrap><input class="fullWidth" type="text" name="quoteAuthor" size="20" value=""></td>
                    if (!$UserName && $EnableCaptcha) {
                <input type="submit" name="append" value="Add a Quote" onClick="return epilogue_quickadd_validate(this.form)">
                } else {
                    // Standard Add a Comment
                    print '<input type="hidden" name="comment" value="Comment">';
                    print '<textarea name="quickadd" rows="4" cols="20">';
                    print "----\n'''";
                    if ($UserName) {
                        print "[{$UserName}]";
                    } else {
                        if ($NickName) {
                            print htmlspecialchars($NickName);
                        } else {
                            print "Anonymous@" . $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
                    print " (" . date('Y/m/d') . ")''': ";
                    print "</textarea>\n";
                    if (!$UserName) {
                        if ($EnableCaptcha) {
                        if (!$NickName) {
                            print '(Anonymous users, see <a href="' . $PrefsScript . '">UserOptions</a> to set a nickname.)&nbsp;';
                    print '<input type="submit" name="append" value="Add a Comment" onClick="return epilogue_quickadd_validate(this.form)">';

<div id="timestamp">
    if (isset($args['timestamp'])) {
        print '<i>Last edited ' . html_time($args['timestamp']);
        if ($args['timestamp'] != '') {
            if (isset($args['euser']) && $args['euser']) {
                print ' by ' . $args['euser'];
            } else {
                print ' anonymously';
    if (isset($args['twin']) && $args['twin'] != '') {
        if (count($twin = $pagestore->twinpages($args['twin']))) {
            print '<br>See twins of this page: ';
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($twin); $i++) {
                print html_twin($twin[$i][0], $twin[$i][1]) . ' ';

    if ($AdditionalFooter) {
        include $AdditionalFooter;

Пример #8
function latex_history_entry($page, $version, $time, $host, $user, $c1, $c2, $comment)
    return "<tr><td>" . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"ver1\" value=\"{$version}\"" . ($c1 ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . " /></td>\n" . "    <td>" . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"ver2\" value=\"{$version}\"" . ($c2 ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . " /></td>\n" . "<td><a href=\"" . viewURL($page, $version) . "\">" . latex_time($time) . "</a> . . . . " . ($user == '' ? $host : latex_ref($user, $user, $host)) . ($comment == '' ? '' : ' ' . latex_bold_start() . '[' . str_replace('<', '&lt;', str_replace('&', '&amp;', $comment)) . ']' . latex_bold_end()) . "</td></tr>\n";
Пример #9
 function parse($args, $page)
     global $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS, $pagestore, $UserName;
     $poll_user = addslashes($UserName);
     // is a ballot being cast?
     if ($_POST['poll_vote']) {
         if ($poll_user && $_POST['poll_choice']) {
             $vote_title = $this->quote($_POST['poll_title']);
             // check if they have already voted.
             $q1 = $pagestore->dbh->query("SELECT id " . "FROM " . $this->tblname . " " . "WHERE title='{$vote_title}' " . "AND author='{$poll_user}'");
             $results = $pagestore->dbh->result($q1);
             if (!$results) {
                 foreach ($_POST['poll_choice'] as $vote_choice) {
                     $vote_choice = $this->quote($vote_choice);
                     $query = "INSERT INTO " . $this->tblname . " " . "(title, author, choice) " . "VALUES ('{$vote_title}', '{$poll_user}', " . "'{$vote_choice}')";
         header('Location: ' . viewURL($page));
     } else {
         if ($_GET['vote_cancel']) {
             if ($poll_user && $_GET['poll_title']) {
                 $vote_title = $this->quote($_GET['poll_title']);
                 $query = "DELETE FROM " . $this->tblname . " " . "WHERE title='{$vote_title}' " . "AND author='{$poll_user}'";
             header('Location: ' . viewURL($page));
         } else {
             if (isset($_GET['poll_show_results'])) {
                 $poll_show_results = $_GET['poll_show_results'] ? 1 : 0;
                 setcookie('pollshowresults', $poll_show_results, time() + 157680000, "/", false);
                 header('Location: ' . viewURL($page));
     // poll type
     preg_match('/^((single|multiple) )?(.*)/i', $args, $matches);
     $poll_type = strtolower($matches[2]) == 'multiple' ? POLL_MULTIPLE : POLL_SINGLE;
     $args = $matches[3];
     // poll title and members
     $ob = strpos($args, '(');
     if ($ob === FALSE) {
         $poll_title = $args;
         $poll_members = array();
     } else {
         $poll_title = trim(substr($args, 0, $ob));
         $poll_members = substr($args, $ob + 1);
         $poll_members = rtrim($poll_members, ')');
         $poll_members = explode('|', $poll_members);
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($poll_members); $i++) {
             $poll_members[$i] = trim($poll_members[$i]);
     if ($poll_user) {
         // check if they have already voted.
         $query_title = addslashes($poll_title);
         $q1 = $pagestore->dbh->query("SELECT id " . "FROM " . $this->tblname . " " . "WHERE title='{$query_title}' " . "AND author='{$poll_user}'");
         $results = $pagestore->dbh->result($q1);
     } else {
         // show results if not logged in
         $results = true;
     if ($results) {
         $show_results = 1;
         $show_vote_widgets = 0;
     } else {
         $show_results = isset($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS['pollshowresults']) && $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS['pollshowresults'] ? 1 : 0;
         $show_vote_widgets = 1;
     return $this->draw_poll($poll_user, $poll_type, $poll_title, $poll_members, $show_results, $show_vote_widgets);
Пример #10
function template_reparent($args)
    $newLocation = viewURL($args['page']);
    header('Location: ' . $newLocation);
Пример #11
function template_common_prologue($args)
    global $WikiName, $HomePage, $WikiLogo, $MetaKeywords, $MetaDescription;
    global $StyleScript, $SeparateTitleWords, $SeparateHeaderWords;
    $keywords = ' ' . html_split_name($args['headlink']);
    $keywords = str_replace('"', '&quot;', $keywords);
    preg_match("/^(.*)\\//", $args['headlink'], $path);
    // Find startpath of page
    // Start buffering output.
    if ($SeparateTitleWords) {
        $args['title'] = html_split_name($args['title']);
<!DOCTYPE html
          PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html   xmlns   = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta name="KEYWORDS" content="<?php 
    print $MetaKeywords . $keywords;
" />
<meta name="DESCRIPTION" content="<?php 
    print $MetaDescription;
" />
    if ($args['norobots']) {
<meta name="ROBOTS" content="NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW" />
<link rel="STYLESHEET" href="<?php 
    print $StyleScript;
" type="text/css" />
    print $args['title'] . ' - ' . $WikiName;
<div id="header">
  <div class="logo">
  <a href="<?php 
    print viewURL($HomePage);
    print $WikiLogo;
" alt="[Home]" /></a>
    print $args['heading'];
    if ($args['headlink'] != '') {
    <a class="title" href="<?php 
        print findURL($args['headlink']);
        if ($SeparateHeaderWords) {
            print html_split_name($args['headlink']);
        } else {
            print $args['headlink'];
    print $args['headsufx'];
  <div id="toolbar-top">
    if ($args['toolbar']) {
        if (isset($path[1])) {
            print html_toolbar_top($path[1]);
        } else {
            print html_toolbar_top("");

<hr />