function applyChanges($smarty, $module_name, $local_templates_dir, &$pDB, $arrConf) { $action = ""; $pORGZ = new paloSantoOrganization($pDB); $pGP = new paloGeneralPBX($pDB); $arrForm = createFieldForm($pGP->getVoicemailTZ()); $oForm = new paloForm($smarty, $arrForm); if (!$oForm->validateForm($_POST)) { // Validation basic, not empty and VALIDATION_TYPE $smarty->assign("mb_title", _tr("Validation Error")); $arrErrores = $oForm->arrErroresValidacion; $strErrorMsg = "<b>" . _tr("The following fields contain errors") . ":</b><br/>"; if (is_array($arrErrores) && count($arrErrores) > 0) { foreach ($arrErrores as $k => $v) { $strErrorMsg .= "{$k} [{$v['mensaje']}], "; } } $smarty->assign("mb_message", $strErrorMsg); } else { $arrProp = getParameterGeneralSettings(); $pDB->beginTransaction(); $exito = $pGP->setGeneralSettings($arrProp); if ($exito === true) { $pDB->commit(); unset($_POST["save_edit"]); if (reloadFiles()) { $smarty->assign("mb_title", _tr("MESSAGE")); $smarty->assign("mb_message", _tr("Changes have been applied successfully.")); } else { $smarty->assign("mb_title", _tr("ERROR")); $msg = _tr("Changes couldn't be applied successfully. "); $msg .= $pGP->errMsg; $smarty->assign("mb_message", $msg); } } else { $pDB->rollBack(); $smarty->assign("mb_title", _tr("ERROR")); $smarty->assign("mb_message", _tr("Changes couldn't be applied. ") . $pGP->errMsg); } } return viewGeneralSetting($smarty, $module_name, $local_templates_dir, $pDB, $arrConf); }
function reloadAasterisk($smarty, $module_name, $local_templates_dir, &$pDB, $arrConf, $credentials) { $showMsg = false; $continue = false; /*if($arrCredentiasls['userlevel']=="other"){ $smarty->assign("mb_title", _tr("ERROR")); $smarty->assign("mb_message",_tr("You are not authorized to perform this action")); }*/ $idOrganization = $credentials['id_organization']; if ($credentials['userlevel'] == "superadmin") { $idOrganization = getParameter("organization_id"); } if ($idOrganization == 1) { return viewGeneralSetting($smarty, $module_name, $local_templates_dir, $pDB, $arrConf, $credentials); } $query = "select domain from organization where id=?"; $result = $pDB->getFirstRowQuery($query, false, array($idOrganization)); if ($result === false) { $smarty->assign("mb_title", _tr("ERROR")); $smarty->assign("mb_message", _tr("Asterisk can't be reloaded. ") . _tr($pDB->errMsg)); $showMsg = true; } elseif (count($result) == 0) { $smarty->assign("mb_title", _tr("ERROR")); $smarty->assign("mb_message", _tr("Asterisk can't be reloaded. ") . _tr("Invalid Organization. ")); $showMsg = true; } else { $domain = $result[0]; $continue = true; } if ($continue) { $pAstConf = new paloSantoASteriskConfig($pDB); if ($pAstConf->generateDialplan($domain) === false) { $pAstConf->setReloadDialplan($domain, true); $smarty->assign("mb_title", _tr("ERROR")); $smarty->assign("mb_message", _tr("Asterisk can't be reloaded. ") . $pAstConf->errMsg); $showMsg = true; } else { $pAstConf->setReloadDialplan($domain); $smarty->assign("mb_title", _tr("MESSAGE")); $smarty->assign("mb_message", _tr("Asterisk was reloaded correctly. ")); } } return viewGeneralSetting($smarty, $module_name, $local_templates_dir, $pDB, $arrConf, $credentials); }