private function show_alert($index) { if (valid_input($index, VALIDATE_NUMBERS, VALIDATE_NONEMPTY) == false) { return; } else { if ($index >= count($this->alerts)) { return; } } list($title, $type, $column) = $this->alerts[(int) $index]; $cache = new cache($this->db, "dashboard_" . $this->user->username); if (($list = $cache->{$column}) === NULL) { $function = "get_" . $type . "_statistics"; $list = $this->model->{$function}($column); $cache->store($column, $list, $this->settings->dashboard_page_refresh * 60 - 1); } if ($list == false) { return; } $this->output->open_tag("list", array("title" => $title)); foreach ($list as $name => $item) { $this->output->add_tag("item", $name, array("count" => $item["today"], "change" => $item["change"])); } $this->output->close_tag(); }
public function filename_oke($file) { if (trim($file) == "") { return false; } return valid_input($file, VALIDATE_NUMBERS . VALIDATE_LETTERS . "/-_. "); }
public function execute() { if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") { if ($_POST["submit_button"] == "Save collection") { /* Save collection */ if ($this->model->save_oke($_POST) == false) { $this->show_collection_form($_POST); } else { if (isset($_POST["id"]) == false) { /* Create collection */ if ($this->model->create_collection($_POST) == false) { $this->show_collection_form($_POST); } else { $this->show_collection_overview(); } } else { /* Update collection */ if ($this->model->update_collection($_POST) == false) { $this->show_collection_form($_POST); } else { $this->show_collection_overview(); } } } } else { if ($_POST["submit_button"] == "Delete collection") { /* Delete collection */ if ($this->model->delete_collection($_POST["id"]) == false) { $this->output->add_message("Error deleting collection."); $this->show_collection_form($_POST); } else { $this->show_collection_overview(); } } else { $this->show_collection_overview(); } } } else { if ($this->page->pathinfo[2] == "new") { $collection = array(); $this->show_collection_form($collection); } else { if (valid_input($this->page->pathinfo[2], VALIDATE_NUMBERS, VALIDATE_NONEMPTY)) { if (($collection = $this->model->get_collection($this->page->pathinfo[2])) == false) { $this->output->add_tag("result", "Collection not found."); } else { $this->show_collection_form($collection); } } else { $this->show_collection_overview(); } } } }
public function save_oke($item) { $result = parent::save_oke($item); if (valid_input($item["name"], VALIDATE_LETTERS . "_", VALIDATE_NONEMPTY) == false) { $this->output->add_message("Invalid name"); $result = false; } return $result; }
public function execute() { $this->output->description = "News"; $this->output->keywords = "news"; $this->output->title = "News"; $this->output->add_alternate("News", "application/rss+xml", "/news.xml"); if ($this->page->type == "xml") { /* RSS feed */ $rss = new RSS($this->output); if ($rss->fetch_from_cache("news_rss") == false) { $rss->title = $this->settings->head_title . " news"; $rss->description = $this->settings->head_description; if (($news = $this->model->get_news(0, $this->settings->news_rss_page_size)) != false) { foreach ($news as $item) { $link = "/news/" . $item["id"]; $rss->add_item($item["title"], $item["content"], $link, $item["timestamp"]); } } $rss->to_output(); } } else { if (valid_input($this->page->pathinfo[1], VALIDATE_NUMBERS, VALIDATE_NONEMPTY)) { /* News item */ if (($item = $this->model->get_news_item($this->page->pathinfo[1])) == false) { $this->output->add_tag("result", "Unknown news item"); } else { $this->output->title = $item["title"] . " - News"; $item["timestamp"] = date("j F Y, H:i", strtotime($item["timestamp"])); $this->output->record($item, "news"); } } else { /* News overview */ if (($count = $this->model->count_news()) === false) { $this->output->add_tag("result", "Database error"); return; } $paging = new pagination($this->output, "news", $this->settings->news_page_size, $count); if (($news = $this->model->get_news($paging->offset, $paging->size)) === false) { $this->output->add_tag("result", "Database error"); return; } foreach ($news as $item) { $item["timestamp"] = date("j F Y, H:i", $item["timestamp"]); $this->output->record($item, "news"); } $paging->show_browse_links(7, 3); } } }
public function show_item_form($item) { if (valid_input($item["id"], VALIDATE_NUMBERS, VALIDATE_NONEMPTY)) { if (($users = $this->model->get_users($item["id"])) !== false) { $this->output->open_tag("users"); foreach ($users as $user) { $this->output->record($user, "user"); } $this->output->close_tag(); } } parent::show_item_form($item); }
public function execute() { if (valid_input($this->page->pathinfo[1], VALIDATE_NUMBERS, VALIDATE_NONEMPTY) == false) { $this->show_collection_overview(); } else { if (($collection = $this->model->get_collection($this->page->pathinfo[1])) == false) { $this->output->add_tag("result", "Collection not found."); } else { $this->show_collection($collection); } } $this->output->add_tag("title", $this->title); $this->output->title = $this->title; }
public function execute() { if (valid_input($this->page->pathinfo[1], VALIDATE_NUMBERS, VALIDATE_NONEMPTY)) { $this->show_album($this->page->pathinfo[1]); } else { if (valid_input($this->page->pathinfo[1], VALIDATE_NONCAPITALS . VALIDATE_NUMBERS . "_.", VALIDATE_NONEMPTY)) { $this->show_photo($this->page->pathinfo[1]); } else { $this->show_albums(); } } $this->output->add_tag("title", $this->title); $this->output->title = $this->title; }
public function execute() { if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") { if ($_POST["submit_button"] == "Save message") { /* Update message */ if ($this->model->save_oke($_POST) == false) { $this->show_message_form($_POST); } else { if ($this->model->update_message($_POST) === false) { $this->output->add_message("Database error while updating message."); $this->show_message_form($_POST); } else { $topic_id = $this->model->get_topic_id($_POST["id"]); $this->user->log_action("forum message %d (topic:%d) updated", $_POST["id"], $topic_id); $this->show_message_overview(); } } } else { if ($_POST["submit_button"] == "delete") { /* Delete message */ $topic_id = $this->model->get_topic_id($_POST["id"]); if ($this->model->delete_message($_POST["message_id"]) == false) { $this->output->add_tag("result", "Database error while deleting message."); } else { $this->user->log_action("forum message %d (topic:%d) deleted", $_POST["message_id"], $topic_id); $this->show_message_overview(); } } else { $this->show_message_overview(); } } } else { if (valid_input($this->page->pathinfo[2], VALIDATE_NUMBERS, VALIDATE_NONEMPTY)) { /* Edit existing message */ if (($message = $this->model->get_message($this->page->pathinfo[2])) == false) { $this->output->add_tag("result", "Message not found."); } else { $this->show_message_form($message); } } else { /* Show message overview */ $this->show_message_overview(); } } }
public function __construct($db, $settings, $user) { $this->db = $db; $this->settings = $settings; $this->user = $user; /* AJAX request */ if ($_SERVER["HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH"] == "XMLHttpRequest" || $_GET["output"] == "ajax") { $this->ajax_request = true; } /* Select module */ if (is_true(ENFORCE_HTTPS) && $_SERVER["HTTPS"] != "on") { header(sprintf("Location: https://%s%s", $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"], $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"])); header("Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000"); $this->module = ERROR_MODULE; $this->http_code = 301; } else { if (is_false(WEBSITE_ONLINE) && $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] != WEBSITE_ONLINE) { $this->module = "banshee/offline"; } else { if ($this->db->connected == false) { if (module_exists("setup") && is_true(DEBUG_MODE)) { $this->module = "setup"; } else { $this->module = ERROR_MODULE; $this->http_code = 500; } } else { list($this->url) = explode("?", $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], 2); $path = trim($this->url, "/"); if ($path == "") { $page = $this->settings->start_page; } else { if (valid_input($path, VALIDATE_URL, VALIDATE_NONEMPTY)) { $page = $path; } else { $this->module = ERROR_MODULE; $this->http_code = 404; } } $this->pathinfo = explode("/", $page); } } } if ($this->module === null) { $this->select_module($page); } }
public function save_oke($page) { $result = true; if (valid_input(trim($page["url"]), VALIDATE_URL, VALIDATE_NONEMPTY) == false) { $this->output->add_message("URL is empty or contains invalid characters."); $result = false; } else { if (strpos($page["url"], "//") !== false || $page["url"][0] !== "/") { $this->output->add_message("Invalid URL."); $result = false; } } if (in_array($page["language"], array_keys(config_array(SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES))) == false) { $this->output->add_message("Language not supported."); $result = false; } if (($layouts = $this->get_layouts()) != false) { if (in_array($page["layout"], $layouts) == false) { $this->output->add_message("Invalid layout."); $result = false; } } if (trim($page["title"]) == "") { $this->output->add_message("Empty title not allowed."); $result = false; } if (valid_input($page["language"], VALIDATE_NONCAPITALS, 2) == false) { $this->output->add_message("Invalid language code."); $result = false; } $module = ltrim($page["url"], "/"); $public_pages = page_to_module(config_file("public_pages")); $private_pages = page_to_module(config_file("private_pages")); if (in_array($module, $public_pages) || in_array($module, $private_pages)) { $this->output->add_message("URL belongs to a module."); $result = false; } else { $query = "select * from pages where id!=%d and url=%s limit 1"; if (($page = $this->db->execute($query, $page["id"], $page["url"])) != false) { if (count($page) > 0) { $this->output->add_message("URL belongs to another page."); $result = false; } } } return $result; }
public function execute() { if (($letters = $this->model->get_first_letters()) === false) { $this->output->add_tag("result", "Database error"); return; } $this->output->description = "Dictionary"; if (valid_input($this->page->pathinfo[1], VALIDATE_NUMBERS, VALIDATE_NONEMPTY)) { /* Show word */ if (($word = $this->model->get_word($this->page->pathinfo[1])) == false) { $this->output->add_tag("result", "Unknown word"); return; } $this->output->keywords = $word["word"] . ", dictionary"; $this->output->title = $word["word"] . " - Dictionary"; $first_letter = strtolower(substr($word["word"], 0, 1)); $this->output->open_tag("word"); $this->show_letters($letters, $first_letter); $this->output->record($word, "word"); $this->output->close_tag(); } else { /* Show overview */ $this->output->keywords = "dictionary"; $this->output->title = "Dictionary"; if (valid_input($this->page->pathinfo[1], VALIDATE_NONCAPITALS, 1) == false) { $first_letter = $letters[0]["char"]; } else { $first_letter = $this->page->pathinfo[1]; } if (($words = $this->model->get_words($first_letter)) === false) { $this->output->add_tag("result", "Database error."); return; } $this->output->open_tag("overview"); $this->show_letters($letters, $first_letter); $this->output->open_tag("words"); foreach ($words as $word) { $this->output->record($word, "word"); } $this->output->close_tag(); $this->output->close_tag(); } }
public function execute() { $this->output->description = "Poll"; $this->output->keywords = "poll"; if (valid_input($this->page->pathinfo[1], VALIDATE_NUMBERS, VALIDATE_NONEMPTY)) { /* Show poll */ if (($poll = $this->model->get_poll($this->page->pathinfo[1])) == false) { $this->output->add_tag("result", "Poll not found"); } else { $this->output->title = $poll["question"] . " - Poll"; $this->output->open_tag("poll", array("id" => $poll["id"])); $this->output->add_tag("question", $poll["question"]); $votes = 0; foreach ($poll["answers"] as $answer) { $votes += (int) $answer["votes"]; } $this->output->open_tag("answers", array("votes" => $votes)); foreach ($poll["answers"] as $answer) { unset($answer["poll_id"]); $answer["percentage"] = $votes > 0 ? round(100 * (int) $answer["votes"] / $votes) : 0; $this->output->record($answer, "answer"); } $this->output->close_tag(); $this->output->close_tag(); } } else { $this->show_active_poll(); /* Poll overview */ $this->output->title = "Poll"; if (($polls = $this->model->get_polls()) === false) { $this->output->add_tag("result", "Database error"); } else { $active_poll_id = $this->model->get_active_poll_id(); $this->output->open_tag("polls"); foreach ($polls as $poll) { if ($poll["id"] != $active_poll_id) { $this->output->add_tag("question", $poll["question"], array("id" => $poll["id"])); } } $this->output->close_tag(); } } }
public function save_oke($word) { $result = true; if (valid_input($word["word"], VALIDATE_LETTERS . VALIDATE_NUMBERS . " -_", VALIDATE_NONEMPTY) == false) { $this->output->add_message("Word contains invalid characters or is empty."); $result = false; } else { if (valid_input($word["word"], VALIDATE_NUMBERS, VALIDATE_NONEMPTY)) { $this->output->add_message("Word must contain letters."); $result = false; } } if (trim($word["short_description"]) == "") { $this->output->add_message("The short description cannot be empty."); $result = false; } return $result; }
public function vote($answer) { if ($_POST["submit_button"] != "Vote") { return false; } if ($answer == null) { return false; } $_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] = "GET"; if (valid_input($answer, VALIDATE_NUMBERS, VALIDATE_NONEMPTY) == false) { return false; } if (($poll = $this->get_active_poll()) == false) { return false; } $today = strtotime("today 00:00:00"); if ($poll["end"] < $today) { return false; } if ($this->user_may_vote($poll["id"]) == false) { return false; } $query = "select * from poll_answers where poll_id=%d order by answer"; if (($answers = $this->db->execute($query, $poll["id"])) == false) { return false; } $answer = (int) $answer; if ($answer >= count($answers)) { return false; } $answer_id = $answers[$answer]["id"]; setcookie("last_poll_id", (int) $poll["id"], time() + 100 * DAY); $_COOKIE["last_poll_id"] = (int) $poll["id"]; /* Log selected item */ if (($fp = fopen("../logfiles/poll.log", "a")) != false) { fputs($fp, $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] . "|" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "|" . $poll["id"] . "|" . $answer . "\n"); fclose($fp); } $query = "update poll_answers set votes=votes+1 where id=%d"; return $this->db->query($query, $answer_id) != false; }
public function valid_signup($data) { $result = true; if (strlen($data["username"]) < $this->minimum_username_length || valid_input($data["username"], VALIDATE_NONCAPITALS, VALIDATE_NONEMPTY) == false) { $this->output->add_message("Your username must consist of lowercase letters with a mimimum length of %d.", $this->minimum_username_length); $result = false; } if (valid_email($data["email"]) == false) { $this->output->add_message("Invalid e-mail address."); $result = false; } if ($result == false) { return false; } if (strlen($data["password"]) < $this->minimum_password_length) { $this->output->add_message("The length of your password must be equal or greater than %d.", $this->minimum_password_length); $result = false; } if (strlen($data["fullname"]) < $this->mimimum_fullname_length) { $this->output->add_message("The length of your name must be equal or greater than %d.", $this->mimimum_fullname_length); $result = false; } $query = "select * from users where username=%s or email=%s"; if (($users = $this->db->execute($query, $data["username"], $data["email"])) === false) { $this->output->add_message("Error while validating sign up."); return false; } foreach ($users as $user) { if ($user["username"] == $data["username"]) { $this->output->add_message("This username is already taken."); $result = false; } if ($data["email"] != "") { if ($user["email"] == $data["email"]) { $this->output->add_message("This e-mail address has already been used to register an account."); $result = false; } } } return $result; }
public function __construct($output, $name, $page_size, $list_size) { $this->output = $output; $this->name = $name; $this->page_size = $page_size; $this->list_size = $list_size; if ($this->page_size <= 0 || $this->list_size <= 0) { $this->error = true; return; } /* Calculate maximum page number */ $this->max_page = $this->list_size / $this->page_size; if ($this->max_page == floor($this->max_page)) { $this->max_page -= 1; } else { $this->max_page = floor($this->max_page); } /* Initialize session storage */ if (is_array($_SESSION["pagination"]) == false) { $_SESSION["pagination"] = array(); } if (isset($_SESSION["pagination"][$name]) == false) { $_SESSION["pagination"][$name] = $this->page; } /* Calulate page number */ $this->page =& $_SESSION["pagination"][$name]; if (isset($_GET["offset"])) { if (valid_input($_GET["offset"], VALIDATE_NUMBERS, VALIDATE_NONEMPTY) == false) { $this->page = 0; } else { if (($this->page = (int) $_GET["offset"]) > $this->max_page) { $this->page = $this->max_page; } } } #$this->output->add_css("banshee/pagination.css"); }
public function execute() { if (valid_input($this->page->pathinfo[2], VALIDATE_NUMBERS, VALIDATE_NONEMPTY) == false) { $offset = 0; } else { $offset = $this->page->pathinfo[2]; } if (isset($_SESSION["admin_actionlog_size"]) == false) { $_SESSION["admin_actionlog_size"] = $this->model->get_log_size(); } $paging = new pagination($this->output, "admin_actionlog", $this->settings->admin_page_size, $_SESSION["admin_actionlog_size"]); if (($log = $this->model->get_action_log($paging->offset, $paging->size)) === false) { $this->output->add_tag("result", "Error reading action log."); return; } $users = array($this->user->id => $this->user->username); $this->output->open_tag("log"); $this->output->open_tag("list"); foreach ($log as $entry) { $user_id = $entry["user_id"]; list($user_id, $switch_id) = explode(":", $user_id); if (isset($users[$user_id]) == false) { if (($user = $this->model->get_user($user_id)) !== false) { $users[$user_id] = $user["username"]; } } if (isset($users[$switch_id]) == false) { if (($switch = $this->model->get_user($switch_id)) !== false) { $users[$switch_id] = $switch["username"]; } } $entry["username"] = isset($users[$user_id]) ? $users[$user_id] : "-"; $entry["switch"] = isset($users[$switch_id]) ? $users[$switch_id] : "-"; $this->output->record($entry, "entry"); } $this->output->close_tag(); $paging->show_browse_links(); $this->output->close_tag(); }
/** * Provides support for the ecart('cartitem') tags * * @since 1.1 * * @return mixed **/ function tag ($id,$property,$options=array()) { global $Ecart; // Return strings with no options switch ($property) { case "id": return $id; case "product": return $this->product; case "name": return $this->name; case "type": return $this->type; case "link": case "url": return ecarturl(ECART_PRETTYURLS?$this->slug:array('ecart_pid'=>$this->product)); case "sku": return $this->sku; } $taxes = isset($options['taxes'])?value_is_true($options['taxes']):null; if (in_array($property,array('price','newprice','unitprice','total','tax','options'))) $taxes = ecart_taxrate($taxes,$this->taxable,$this) > 0?true:false; // Handle currency values $result = ""; switch ($property) { case "discount": $result = (float)$this->discount; break; case "unitprice": $result = (float)$this->unitprice+($taxes?$this->unittax:0); break; case "unittax": $result = (float)$this->unittax; break; case "discounts": $result = (float)$this->discounts; break; case "tax": $result = (float)$this->tax; break; case "total": $result = (float)$this->total+($taxes?($this->unittax*$this->quantity):0); break; } if (is_float($result)) { if (isset($options['currency']) && !value_is_true($options['currency'])) return $result; else return money($result); } // Handle values with complex options switch ($property) { case "taxrate": return percentage($this->taxrate*100,array('precision' => 1)); break; case "quantity": $result = $this->quantity; if ($this->type == "Donation" && $this->donation['var'] == "on") return $result; if (isset($options['input']) && $options['input'] == "menu") { if (!isset($options['value'])) $options['value'] = $this->quantity; if (!isset($options['options'])) $values = "1-15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,60,70,80,90,100"; else $values = $options['options']; if (strpos($values,",") !== false) $values = explode(",",$values); else $values = array($values); $qtys = array(); foreach ($values as $value) { if (strpos($value,"-") !== false) { $value = explode("-",$value); if ($value[0] >= $value[1]) $qtys[] = $value[0]; else for ($i = $value[0]; $i < $value[1]+1; $i++) $qtys[] = $i; } else $qtys[] = $value; } $result = '<select name="items['.$id.']['.$property.']">'; foreach ($qtys as $qty) $result .= '<option'.(($qty == $this->quantity)?' selected="selected"':'').' value="'.$qty.'">'.$qty.'</option>'; $result .= '</select>'; } elseif (isset($options['input']) && valid_input($options['input'])) { if (!isset($options['size'])) $options['size'] = 5; if (!isset($options['value'])) $options['value'] = $this->quantity; $result = '<input type="'.$options['input'].'" name="items['.$id.']['.$property.']" id="items-'.$id.'-'.$property.'" '.inputattrs($options).'/>'; } else $result = $this->quantity; break; case "remove": $label = __("Remove"); if (isset($options['label'])) $label = $options['label']; if (isset($options['class'])) $class = ' class="'.$options['class'].'"'; else $class = ' class="remove"'; if (isset($options['input'])) { switch ($options['input']) { case "button": $result = '<button type="submit" name="remove['.$id.']" value="'.$id.'"'.$class.' tabindex="">'.$label.'</button>'; break; case "checkbox": $result = '<input type="checkbox" name="remove['.$id.']" value="'.$id.'"'.$class.' tabindex="" title="'.$label.'"/>'; break; } } else { $result = '<a href="'.href_add_query_arg(array('cart'=>'update','item'=>$id,'quantity'=>0),ecarturl(false,'cart')).'"'.$class.'>'.$label.'</a>'; } break; case "optionlabel": $result = $this->option->label; break; case "options": $class = ""; if (!isset($options['before'])) $options['before'] = ''; if (!isset($options['after'])) $options['after'] = ''; if (isset($options['show']) && strtolower($options['show']) == "selected") return (!empty($this->option->label))? $options['before'].$this->option->label.$options['after']:''; if (isset($options['class'])) $class = ' class="'.$options['class'].'" '; if (count($this->variations) > 1) { $result .= $options['before']; $result .= '<input type="hidden" name="items['.$id.'][product]" value="'.$this->product.'"/>'; $result .= ' <select name="items['.$id.'][price]" id="items-'.$id.'-price"'.$class.'>'; $result .= $this->options($this->priceline); $result .= '</select>'; $result .= $options['after']; } break; case "addons-list": case "addonslist": if (empty($this->addons)) return false; $defaults = array( 'before' => '', 'after' => '', 'class' => '', 'exclude' => '', 'prices' => true, ); $options = array_merge($defaults,$options); extract($options); $classes = !empty($class)?' class="'.join(' ',$class).'"':''; $excludes = explode(',',$exclude); $prices = value_is_true($prices); $result .= $before.'<ul'.$classes.'>'; foreach ($this->addons as $id => $addon) { if (in_array($addon->label,$excludes)) continue; $price = ($addon->onsale?$addon->promoprice:$addon->price); if ($this->taxrate > 0) $price = $price+($price*$this->taxrate); if ($prices) $pricing = " (".($addon->unitprice < 0?'-':'+').money($price).")"; $result .= '<li>'.$addon->label.$pricing.'</li>'; } $result .= '</ul>'.$after; return $result; break; case "hasinputs": case "has-inputs": return (count($this->data) > 0); break; case "inputs": if (!isset($this->_data_loop)) { reset($this->data); $this->_data_loop = true; } else next($this->data); if (current($this->data) !== false) return true; else { unset($this->_data_loop); reset($this->data); return false; } break; case "input": $data = current($this->data); $name = key($this->data); if (isset($options['name'])) return $name; return $data; break; case "inputs-list": case "inputslist": if (empty($this->data)) return false; $before = ""; $after = ""; $classes = ""; $excludes = array(); if (!empty($options['class'])) $classes = ' class="'.$options['class'].'"'; if (!empty($options['exclude'])) $excludes = explode(",",$options['exclude']); if (!empty($options['before'])) $before = $options['before']; if (!empty($options['after'])) $after = $options['after']; $result .= $before.'<ul'.$classes.'>'; foreach ($this->data as $name => $data) { if (in_array($name,$excludes)) continue; $result .= '<li><strong>'.$name.'</strong>: '.$data.'</li>'; } $result .= '</ul>'.$after; return $result; break; case "coverimage": case "thumbnail": $defaults = array( 'class' => '', 'width' => 48, 'height' => 48, 'size' => false, 'fit' => false, 'sharpen' => false, 'quality' => false, 'bg' => false, 'alt' => false, 'title' => false ); $options = array_merge($defaults,$options); extract($options); if ($this->image !== false) { $img = $this->image; if ($size !== false) $width = $height = $size; $scale = (!$fit)?false:esc_attr(array_search($fit,$img->_scaling)); $sharpen = (!$sharpen)?false:esc_attr(min($sharpen,$img->_sharpen)); $quality = (!$quality)?false:esc_attr(min($quality,$img->_quality)); $fill = (!$bg)?false:esc_attr(hexdec(ltrim($bg,'#'))); $scaled = $img->scaled($width,$height,$scale); $alt = empty($alt)?$img->alt:$alt; $title = empty($title)?$img->title:$title; $title = empty($title)?'':' title="'.esc_attr($title).'"'; $class = !empty($class)?' class="'.esc_attr($class).'"':''; if (!empty($options['title'])) $title = ' title="'.esc_attr($options['title']).'"'; $alt = esc_attr(!empty($img->alt)?$img->alt:$this->name); return '<img src="'.add_query_string($img->resizing($width,$height,$scale,$sharpen,$quality,$fill),ecarturl($img->id,'images')).'"'.$title.' alt="'.$alt.'" width="'.$scaled['width'].'" height="'.$scaled['height'].'"'.$class.' />'; } break; } if (!empty($result)) return $result; return false; }
public function execute() { $this->page_size = $this->settings->admin_page_size; /* Work-around for the most f*****g annoying crap browser in the world: IE */ if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") { foreach ($_FILES as $i => $file) { if ($file["type"] == "image/pjpeg") { $files[$i]["type"] = "image/jpeg"; } } if ($_POST["title"] == "" && isset($_POST["photo_album_id"])) { if (($count = $this->model->count_photos_in_album($_POST["photo_album_id"])) !== false) { $_POST["title"] = "Photo " . ($count + 1); } } } if (isset($_SESSION["photo_album"]) == false) { if (($albums = $this->model->get_albums()) != false) { $_SESSION["photo_album"] = (int) $albums[0]["id"]; } } if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST" && $_POST["submit_button"] == "album") { } if (($album_count = $this->model->count_albums()) === false) { $this->output->add_tag("result", "Error counting albums"); return; } else { if ($album_count == 0) { $this->output->add_tag("result", "No albums have been created. Click <a href=\"/cms/albums\">here</a> to create a new photo album."); return; } } if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") { if ($_POST["submit_button"] == "album") { /* Select album */ if ($this->model->valid_album_id($_POST["album"])) { $_SESSION["photo_album"] = (int) $_POST["album"]; } else { $this->output->add_system_warning("Invalid album id"); } $this->show_overview(); } else { if ($_POST["submit_button"] == "Upload photos") { /* Upload photos */ if ($this->model->upload_oke($_FILES["photos"]) == false) { $this->show_overview(); } else { if ($this->model->create_photos($_FILES["photos"], $_POST) == false) { } else { $this->show_overview(); } } } else { if ($_POST["submit_button"] == "Save photo") { /* Save photo */ if ($this->model->edit_oke($_POST) == false) { $this->show_edit_form($_POST); } else { if ($this->model->update_photo($_POST) == false) { $this->show_edit_form($_POST); } else { $this->show_overview(); } } } else { if ($_POST["submit_button"] == "Delete photo") { /* Delete photo */ if ($this->model->delete_photo($_POST["id"]) == false) { $this->output->add_message("Error while deleting photo."); $this->show_edit_form($_POST); } else { $this->show_overview(); } } else { $this->show_overview(); } } } } } else { if (valid_input($this->page->pathinfo[2], VALIDATE_NUMBERS, VALIDATE_NONEMPTY)) { if (($photo = $this->model->get_photo($this->page->pathinfo[2])) != false) { $this->show_edit_form($photo); } else { $this->output->add_tag("result", "Photo not found."); } } else { $this->show_overview(); } } }
public function execute() { $this->output->title = $this->name . " administration"; if (is_a($this->model, "tablemanager_model") == false) { print "Tablemanager model has not been defined.\n"; return false; } /* Check class settings */ if ($this->model->class_settings_oke() == false) { return false; } /* Start */ $this->output->add_css("banshee/tablemanager.css"); $this->output->open_tag("tablemanager"); $this->output->add_tag("name", $this->name); if ($this->back !== null) { $this->output->add_tag("back", $this->back); } if ($this->icon !== null) { $this->output->add_tag("icon", $this->icon); } if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") { /* Handle forum submit */ $this->handle_submit(); } else { if ($this->page->pathinfo[$this->pathinfo_offset] == "new") { /* Show form for new item */ $item = array(); foreach ($this->model->elements as $name => $element) { if (isset($element["default"])) { $item[$name] = $element["default"]; } else { if ($element["type"] == "date") { $item[$name] = date("Y-m-d"); } else { if ($element["type"] == "timestamp") { $item[$name] = date("Y-m-d H:i"); } } } } $this->show_item_form($item); } else { if (valid_input($this->page->pathinfo[$this->pathinfo_offset], VALIDATE_NUMBERS, VALIDATE_NONEMPTY)) { /* Show form for existing item */ if (($item = $this->model->get_item($this->page->pathinfo[$this->pathinfo_offset])) == false) { $this->output->add_tag("result", $this->name . " not found."); } else { $this->show_item_form($item); } } else { /* Show item overview */ if (count($_GET) == 0) { $_SESSION["tablemanager_search_" . $this->model->table] = null; } $this->show_overview(); } } } $this->output->close_tag(); return true; }
function tag($property, $options = array()) { global $Shopp; switch ($property) { case "link": case "url": if (SHOPP_PERMALINKS) { $url = esc_url(add_query_arg($_GET, $Shopp->shopuri . urldecode($this->slug) . "/")); } else { $url = add_query_arg('shopp_pid', $this->id, $Shopp->shopuri); } return $url; break; case "found": if (empty($this->id)) { return false; } $load = array('prices', 'images', 'specs'); if (isset($options['load'])) { $load = explode(",", $options['load']); } $this->load_data($load); return true; break; case "id": return $this->id; break; case "name": return $this->name; break; case "slug": return $this->slug; break; case "summary": return $this->summary; break; case "description": return apply_filters('shopp_product_description', $this->description); case "isfeatured": case "is-featured": return $this->featured == "on"; break; case "price": if (empty($this->prices)) { $this->load_data(array('prices')); } if (!isset($options['taxes'])) { $options['taxes'] = null; } // $taxrate = 0; // $taxes = false; // $base = $Shopp->Settings->get('base_operations'); // if ($base['vat']) $taxes = true; // if (isset($options['taxes'])) $taxes = (value_is_true($options['taxes'])); // if ($taxes) $taxrate = $Shopp->Cart->taxrate(); if (count($this->options) > 0) { $taxrate = shopp_taxrate($options['taxes']); if ($this->pricerange['min']['price'] == $this->pricerange['max']['price']) { return money($this->pricerange['min']['price'] + $this->pricerange['min']['price'] * $taxrate); } else { if (!empty($options['starting'])) { return $options['starting'] . " " . money($this->pricerange['min']['price'] + $this->pricerange['min']['price'] * $taxrate); } return money($this->pricerange['min']['price'] + $this->pricerange['min']['price'] * $taxrate) . " — " . money($this->pricerange['max']['price'] + $this->pricerange['max']['price'] * $taxrate); } } else { $taxrate = shopp_taxrate($options['taxes'], $this->prices[0]->tax); return money($this->prices[0]->price + $this->prices[0]->price * $taxrate); } break; case "weight": if (empty($this->prices)) { $this->load_data(array('prices')); } $unit = isset($options['units']) && !value_is_true($options['units']) ? false : $Shopp->Settings->get('weight_unit'); if (!$this->weightrange['min']) { return false; } $string = $this->weightrange['min'] == $this->weightrange['max'] ? round($this->weightrange['min'], 3) : round($this->weightrange['min'], 3) . " - " . round($this->weightrange['max'], 3); $string .= $unit ? " {$unit}" : ""; return $string; break; case "onsale": if (empty($this->prices)) { $this->load_data(array('prices')); } if (empty($this->prices)) { return false; } return $this->onsale; // if (empty($this->prices)) $this->load_prices(); $sale = false; if (count($this->prices) > 1) { foreach ($this->prices as $pricetag) { if (isset($pricetag->onsale) && $pricetag->onsale == "on") { $sale = true; } } return $sale; } else { return $this->prices[0]->onsale == "on" ? true : false; } break; case "saleprice": if (empty($this->prices)) { $this->load_data(array('prices')); } if (!isset($options['taxes'])) { $options['taxes'] = null; } $pricetag = 'price'; if ($this->onsale) { $pricetag = 'saleprice'; } if (count($this->options) > 0) { $taxrate = shopp_taxrate($options['taxes']); if ($this->pricerange['min'][$pricetag] == $this->pricerange['max'][$pricetag]) { return money($this->pricerange['min'][$pricetag] + $this->pricerange['min'][$pricetag] * $taxrate); } else { if (!empty($options['starting'])) { return $options['starting'] . " " . money($this->pricerange['min'][$pricetag] + $this->pricerange['min'][$pricetag] * $taxrate); } return money($this->pricerange['min'][$pricetag] + $this->pricerange['min'][$pricetag] * $taxrate) . " — " . money($this->pricerange['max'][$pricetag] + $this->pricerange['max'][$pricetag] * $taxrate); } } else { $taxrate = shopp_taxrate($options['taxes'], $this->prices[0]->tax); return money($this->prices[0]->promoprice + $this->prices[0]->promoprice * $taxrate); } break; case "has-savings": return $this->onsale && $this->pricerange['min']['saved'] > 0 ? true : false; break; case "savings": if (empty($this->prices)) { $this->load_data(array('prices')); } if (!isset($options['taxes'])) { $options['taxes'] = null; } $taxrate = shopp_taxrate($options['taxes']); if (!isset($options['show'])) { $options['show'] = ''; } if ($options['show'] == "%" || $options['show'] == "percent") { if ($this->options > 1) { if (round($this->pricerange['min']['savings']) == round($this->pricerange['max']['savings'])) { return percentage($this->pricerange['min']['savings']); } else { return percentage($this->pricerange['min']['savings']) . " — " . percentage($this->pricerange['max']['savings']); } } else { return percentage($this->pricerange['max']['savings']); } } else { if ($this->options > 1) { if ($this->pricerange['min']['saved'] == $this->pricerange['max']['saved']) { return money($this->pricerange['min']['saved'] + $this->pricerange['min']['saved'] * $taxrate); } else { return money($this->pricerange['min']['saved'] + $this->pricerange['min']['saved'] * $taxrate) . " — " . money($this->pricerange['max']['saved'] + $this->pricerange['max']['saved'] * $taxrate); } } else { return money($this->pricerange['max']['saved'] + $this->pricerange['max']['saved'] * $taxrate); } } break; case "freeshipping": if (empty($this->prices)) { $this->load_data(array('prices')); } // if (empty($this->prices)) $this->load_prices(); return $this->freeshipping; case "thumbnail": if (empty($this->imagesets)) { $this->load_data(array('images')); } if (empty($options['class'])) { $options['class'] = ''; } else { $options['class'] = ' class="' . $options['class'] . '"'; } if (isset($this->thumbnail)) { $img = $this->thumbnail; $title = !empty($img->properties['title']) ? ' title="' . attribute_escape($img->properties['title']) . '"' : ''; $width = isset($options['width']) ? $options['width'] : $img->properties['width']; $height = isset($options['height']) ? $options['height'] : $img->properties['height']; if (isset($options['width']) && !isset($options['height'])) { $scale = $width / $img->properties['width']; $height = round($img->properties['height'] * $scale); } if (isset($options['height']) && !isset($options['width'])) { $scale = $height / $img->properties['height']; $width = round($img->properties['width'] * $scale); } if (!empty($options['title'])) { $title = ' title="' . attribute_escape($options['title']) . '"'; } $alt = attribute_escape(!empty($img->properties['alt']) ? $img->properties['alt'] : $this->name); return '<img src="' . $img->uri . '"' . $title . ' alt="' . $alt . '" width="' . $width . '" height="' . $height . '" ' . $options['class'] . ' />'; break; } break; case "hasimages": case "has-images": if (empty($options['type'])) { $options['type'] = "thumbnail"; } if (empty($this->images)) { $this->load_data(array('images')); } if (!empty($this->imagesets[$options['type']])) { $this->imageset =& $this->imagesets[$options['type']]; return true; } else { return false; } break; case "images": if (!$this->imageset) { return false; } if (!$this->imageloop) { reset($this->imageset); $this->imageloop = true; } else { next($this->imageset); } if (current($this->imageset)) { return true; } else { $this->imageloop = false; $this->imageset = false; return false; } break; case "image": $img = current($this->imageset); if (isset($options['property'])) { switch (strtolower($options['property'])) { case "url": return $img->uri; case "width": return $img->properties['width']; case "height": return $img->properties['height']; case "title": return attribute_escape($img->properties['title']); case "alt": return attribute_escape($img->properties['alt']); default: return $img->id; } } if (!isset($options['class'])) { $options['class'] = false; } if (!empty($options['class'])) { $options['class'] = ' class="' . $options['class'] . '"'; } $title = !empty($img->properties['title']) ? ' title="' . attribute_escape($img->properties['title']) . '"' : ''; $width = isset($options['width']) ? $options['width'] : $img->properties['width']; $height = isset($options['height']) ? $options['height'] : $img->properties['height']; if (isset($options['width']) && !isset($options['height'])) { $scale = $width / $img->properties['width']; $height = round($img->properties['height'] * $scale); } if (isset($options['height']) && !isset($options['width'])) { $scale = $height / $img->properties['height']; $width = round($img->properties['width'] * $scale); } if (!empty($options['title'])) { $title = ' title="' . attribute_escape($options['title']) . '"'; } $alt = attribute_escape(!empty($img->properties['alt']) ? $img->properties['alt'] : $this->name); $string = ""; if (!isset($options['zoomfx'])) { $options['zoomfx'] = "shopp-thickbox"; } if (!empty($options['zoom'])) { $string .= '<a href="' . $Shopp->imguri . $img->src . '/' . str_replace('small_', '', $img->name) . '" class="' . $options['zoomfx'] . '" rel="product-gallery">'; } $string .= '<img src="' . $img->uri . '"' . $title . ' alt="' . $alt . '" width="' . $width . '" height="' . $height . '" ' . $options['class'] . ' />'; if (!empty($options['zoom'])) { $string .= "</a>"; } return $string; break; case "gallery": if (empty($this->images)) { $this->load_data(array('images')); } if (!isset($options['zoomfx'])) { $options['zoomfx'] = "shopp-thickbox"; } if (!isset($options['preview'])) { $options['preview'] = "click"; } $previews = '<ul class="previews">'; $firstPreview = true; if (!empty($this->imagesets['small'])) { foreach ($this->imagesets['small'] as $img) { if ($firstPreview) { $previews .= '<li id="preview-fill"' . ($firstPreview ? ' class="fill"' : '') . '>'; $previews .= '<img src="' . $Shopp->uri . '/core/ui/icons/clear.png' . '" alt="' . $img->datatype . '" width="' . $img->properties['width'] . '" height="' . $img->properties['height'] . '" />'; $previews .= '</li>'; } $title = !empty($img->properties['title']) ? ' title="' . attribute_escape($img->properties['title']) . '"' : ''; $alt = attribute_escape(!empty($img->properties['alt']) ? $img->properties['alt'] : $img->name); $rel = isset($options['rel']) && $options['rel'] ? ' rel="product_' . $this->id . '_gallery"' : ''; $previews .= '<li id="preview-' . $img->src . '"' . ($firstPreview ? ' class="active"' : '') . '>'; $previews .= '<a href="' . $Shopp->imguri . $img->src . '/' . str_replace('small_', '', $img->name) . '" class="product_' . $this->id . '_gallery ' . $options['zoomfx'] . '"' . $rel . '>'; $previews .= '<img src="' . $Shopp->imguri . $img->id . '"' . $title . ' alt="' . $alt . '" width="' . $img->properties['width'] . '" height="' . $img->properties['height'] . '" />'; $previews .= '</a>'; $previews .= '</li>'; $firstPreview = false; } } $previews .= '</ul>'; $thumbs = ""; if (isset($this->imagesets['thumbnail']) && count($this->imagesets['thumbnail']) > 1) { $thumbsize = 32; if (isset($options['thumbsize'])) { $thumbsize = $options['thumbsize']; } $thumbwidth = $thumbsize; $thumbheight = $thumbsize; if (isset($options['thumbwidth'])) { $thumbwidth = $options['thumbwidth']; } if (isset($options['thumbheight'])) { $thumbheight = $options['thumbheight']; } $firstThumb = true; $thumbs = '<ul class="thumbnails">'; foreach ($this->imagesets['thumbnail'] as $img) { if (isset($options['thumbwidth']) && !isset($options['thumbheight'])) { $scale = $thumbwidth / $img->properties['width']; $thumbheight = round($img->properties['height'] * $scale); } if (isset($options['thumbheight']) && !isset($options['thumbwidth'])) { $scale = $thumbheight / $img->properties['height']; $thumbwidth = round($img->properties['width'] * $scale); } $title = !empty($img->properties['title']) ? ' title="' . attribute_escape($img->properties['title']) . '"' : ''; $alt = attribute_escape(!empty($img->properties['alt']) ? $img->properties['alt'] : $img->name); $thumbs .= '<li id="thumbnail-' . $img->src . '" class="preview-' . $img->src . ($firstThumb ? ' first' : ' test') . '">'; $thumbs .= '<img src="' . $Shopp->imguri . $img->id . '"' . $title . ' alt="' . $alt . '" width="' . $thumbwidth . '" height="' . $thumbheight . '" />'; $thumbs .= '</li>'; $firstThumb = false; } $thumbs .= '</ul>'; } $result = '<div id="gallery-' . $this->id . '" class="gallery">' . $previews . $thumbs . '</div>'; $result .= '<script type="text/javascript"><!-- jQuery(document).ready( function() { shopp_gallery("#gallery-' . $this->id . '","' . $options['preview'] . '"); }); // --></script>'; return $result; break; case "has-categories": if (empty($this->categories)) { $this->load_data(array('categories')); } if (count($this->categories) > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } break; case "categories": if (!$this->categoryloop) { reset($this->categories); $this->categoryloop = true; } else { next($this->categories); } if (current($this->categories)) { return true; } else { $this->categoryloop = false; return false; } break; case "in-category": if (empty($this->categories)) { $this->load_data(array('categories')); } if (isset($options['id'])) { $field = "id"; } if (isset($options['name'])) { $field = "name"; } if (isset($options['slug'])) { $field = "slug"; } foreach ($this->categories as $category) { if ($category->{$field} == $options[$field]) { return true; } } return false; case "category": $category = current($this->categories); if (isset($options['show'])) { if ($options['show'] == "id") { return $category->id; } if ($options['show'] == "slug") { return $category->slug; } } return $category->name; break; case "has-tags": if (empty($this->tags)) { $this->load_data(array('tags')); } if (count($this->tags) > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } break; case "tags": if (!$this->tagloop) { reset($this->tags); $this->tagloop = true; } else { next($this->tags); } if (current($this->tags)) { return true; } else { $this->tagloop = false; return false; } break; case "tagged": if (empty($this->tags)) { $this->load_data(array('tags')); } if (isset($options['id'])) { $field = "id"; } if (isset($options['name'])) { $field = "name"; } foreach ($this->tags as $tag) { if ($tag->{$field} == $options[$field]) { return true; } } return false; case "tag": $tag = current($this->tags); if (isset($options['show'])) { if ($options['show'] == "id") { return $tag->id; } } return $tag->name; break; case "has-specs": if (empty($this->specs)) { $this->load_data(array('specs')); } if (count($this->specs) > 0) { $this->merge_specs(); return true; } else { return false; } break; case "specs": if (!$this->specloop) { reset($this->specs); $this->specloop = true; } else { next($this->specs); } if (current($this->specs)) { return true; } else { $this->specloop = false; return false; } break; case "spec": $string = ""; $separator = ": "; $delimiter = ", "; if (isset($options['separator'])) { $separator = $options['separator']; } if (isset($options['delimiter'])) { $separator = $options['delimiter']; } $spec = current($this->specs); if (is_array($spec->content)) { $spec->content = join($delimiter, $spec->content); } if (isset($options['name']) && !empty($options['name']) && isset($this->specskey[$options['name']])) { $spec = $this->specskey[$options['name']]; if (is_array($spec)) { if (isset($options['index'])) { foreach ($spec as $index => $entry) { if ($index + 1 == $options['index']) { $content = $entry->content; } } } else { foreach ($spec as $entry) { $contents[] = $entry->content; } $content = join($delimiter, $contents); } } else { $content = $spec->content; } $string = apply_filters('shopp_product_spec', $content); return $string; } if (isset($options['name']) && isset($options['content'])) { $string = "{$spec->name}{$separator}" . apply_filters('shopp_product_spec', $spec->content); } elseif (isset($options['name'])) { $string = $spec->name; } elseif (isset($options['content'])) { $string = apply_filters('shopp_product_spec', $spec->content); } else { $string = "{$spec->name}{$separator}" . apply_filters('shopp_product_spec', $spec->content); } return $string; break; case "has-variations": return $this->variations == "on" && !empty($this->options); break; case "variations": $string = ""; if (!isset($options['mode'])) { if (!$this->priceloop) { reset($this->prices); $this->priceloop = true; } else { next($this->prices); } $thisprice = current($this->prices); if ($thisprice && $thisprice->type == "N/A") { next($this->prices); } if (current($this->prices)) { return true; } else { $this->priceloop = false; return false; } return true; } if ($this->outofstock) { return false; } // Completely out of stock, hide menus if (!isset($options['taxes'])) { $options['taxes'] = null; } $defaults = array('defaults' => '', 'disabled' => 'show', 'before_menu' => '', 'after_menu' => ''); $options = array_merge($defaults, $options); if (!isset($options['label'])) { $options['label'] = "on"; } if (!isset($options['required'])) { $options['required'] = __('You must select the options for this item before you can add it to your shopping cart.', 'Shopp'); } if ($options['mode'] == "single") { if (!empty($options['before_menu'])) { $string .= $options['before_menu'] . "\n"; } if (value_is_true($options['label'])) { $string .= '<label for="product-options' . $this->id . '">Options: </label> ' . "\n"; } $string .= '<select name="products[' . $this->id . '][price]" id="product-options' . $this->id . '">'; if (!empty($options['defaults'])) { $string .= '<option value="">' . $options['defaults'] . '</option>' . "\n"; } foreach ($this->prices as $pricetag) { if ($pricetag->context != "variation") { continue; } $taxrate = shopp_taxrate($options['taxes'], $pricetag->tax); $currently = $pricetag->sale == "on" ? $pricetag->promoprice : $pricetag->price; $disabled = $pricetag->inventory == "on" && $pricetag->stock == 0 ? ' disabled="disabled"' : ''; $price = ' (' . money($currently) . ')'; if ($pricetag->type != "N/A") { $string .= '<option value="' . $pricetag->id . '"' . $disabled . '>' . $pricetag->label . $price . '</option>' . "\n"; } } $string .= '</select>'; if (!empty($options['after_menu'])) { $string .= $options['after_menu'] . "\n"; } } else { $taxrate = shopp_taxrate($options['taxes'], true); ob_start(); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- (function($) { $(document).ready(function () { productOptions[<?php echo $this->id; ?> ] = new Array(); productOptions[<?php echo $this->id; ?> ]['pricing'] = <?php echo json_encode($this->pricekey); ?> ; options_default = <?php echo !empty($options['defaults']) ? 'true' : 'false'; ?> ; options_required = "<?php echo $options['required']; ?> "; productOptions[<?php echo $this->id; ?> ]['menu'] = new ProductOptionsMenus('select<?php if (isset($Shopp->Category->slug)) { echo ".category-" . $Shopp->Category->slug; } ?> .product<?php echo $this->id; ?> ',<?php echo $options['disabled'] == "hide" ? "true" : "false"; ?> ,productOptions[<?php echo $this->id; ?> ]['pricing'],<?php echo empty($taxrate) ? '0' : $taxrate; ?> ); }); })(jQuery) //--> </script> <?php $script = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $options['after_menu'] = $script . $options['after_menu']; if (isset($this->options['variations'])) { foreach ($this->options['variations'] as $id => $menu) { if (!empty($options['before_menu'])) { $string .= $options['before_menu'] . "\n"; } if (value_is_true($options['label'])) { $string .= '<label for="options-' . $id . '">' . $menu['menu'] . '</label> ' . "\n"; } $string .= '<select name="products[' . $this->id . '][options][]" class="product' . $this->id . ' options">'; if (!empty($options['defaults'])) { $string .= '<option value="">' . $options['defaults'] . '</option>' . "\n"; } foreach ($menu['label'] as $key => $option) { $string .= '<option value="' . $menu['id'][$key] . '">' . $option . '</option>' . "\n"; } $string .= '</select>'; if (!empty($options['after_menu'])) { $string .= $options['after_menu'] . "\n"; } } } else { foreach ($this->options as $id => $menu) { if (!empty($options['before_menu'])) { $string .= $options['before_menu'] . "\n"; } if (value_is_true($options['label'])) { $string .= '<label for="options-' . $menu['id'] . '">' . $menu['name'] . '</label> ' . "\n"; } $category_class = isset($Shopp->Category->slug) ? 'category-' . $Shopp->Category->slug : ''; $string .= '<select name="products[' . $this->id . '][options][]" class="' . $category_class . ' product' . $this->id . ' options" id="options-' . $menu['id'] . '">'; if (!empty($options['defaults'])) { $string .= '<option value="">' . $options['defaults'] . '</option>' . "\n"; } foreach ($menu['options'] as $key => $option) { $string .= '<option value="' . $option['id'] . '">' . $option['name'] . '</option>' . "\n"; } $string .= '</select>'; if (!empty($options['after_menu'])) { $string .= $options['after_menu'] . "\n"; } } } } return $string; break; case "variation": $variation = current($this->prices); if (!isset($options['taxes'])) { $options['taxes'] = null; } $taxrate = shopp_taxrate($options['taxes'], $variation->tax); $weightunit = isset($options['units']) && !value_is_true($options['units']) ? false : $Shopp->Settings->get('weight_unit'); $string = ''; if (array_key_exists('id', $options)) { $string .= $variation->id; } if (array_key_exists('label', $options)) { $string .= $variation->label; } if (array_key_exists('type', $options)) { $string .= $variation->type; } if (array_key_exists('sku', $options)) { $string .= $variation->sku; } if (array_key_exists('price', $options)) { $string .= money($variation->price + $variation->price * $taxrate); } if (array_key_exists('saleprice', $options)) { $string .= money($variation->saleprice + $variation->saleprice * $taxrate); } if (array_key_exists('stock', $options)) { $string .= $variation->stock; } if (array_key_exists('weight', $options)) { $string .= round($variation->weight, 3) . ($weightunit ? " {$weightunit}" : false); } if (array_key_exists('shipfee', $options)) { $string .= money(floatvalue($variation->shipfee)); } if (array_key_exists('sale', $options)) { return $variation->sale == "on"; } if (array_key_exists('shipping', $options)) { return $variation->shipping == "on"; } if (array_key_exists('tax', $options)) { return $variation->tax == "on"; } if (array_key_exists('inventory', $options)) { return $variation->inventory == "on"; } return $string; break; case "has-addons": if (isset($this->options['addons'])) { return true; } else { return false; } break; break; case "donation": case "amount": case "quantity": if ($this->outofstock) { return false; } if (!isset($options['value'])) { $options['value'] = 1; } if (!isset($options['input'])) { $options['input'] = "text"; } if (!isset($options['labelpos'])) { $options['labelpos'] = "before"; } if (!isset($options['label'])) { $label = ""; } else { $label = '<label for="quantity' . $this->id . '">' . $options['label'] . '</label>'; } $result = ""; if ($options['labelpos'] == "before") { $result .= "{$label} "; } if (!$this->priceloop) { reset($this->prices); } $variation = current($this->prices); if (isset($options['input']) && $options['input'] == "menu") { if (!isset($options['options'])) { $values = "1-15,20,25,30,40,50,75,100"; } else { $values = $options['options']; } if ($this->inventory && $this->pricerange['max']['stock'] == 0) { return ""; } if (strpos($values, ",") !== false) { $values = explode(",", $values); } else { $values = array($values); } $qtys = array(); foreach ($values as $value) { if (strpos($value, "-") !== false) { $value = explode("-", $value); if ($value[0] >= $value[1]) { $qtys[] = $value[0]; } else { for ($i = $value[0]; $i < $value[1] + 1; $i++) { $qtys[] = $i; } } } else { $qtys[] = $value; } } $result .= '<select name="products[' . $this->id . '][quantity]" id="quantity-' . $this->id . '">'; foreach ($qtys as $qty) { $amount = $qty; $selected = isset($this->quantity) ? $this->quantity : 1; if ($variation->type == "Donation" && $variation->donation['var'] == "on") { if ($variation->donation['min'] == "on" && $amount < $variation->price) { continue; } $amount = money($amount); $selected = $variation->price; } else { if ($this->inventory && $amount > $this->pricerange['max']['stock']) { continue; } } $result .= '<option' . ($qty == $selected ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . ' value="' . $qty . '">' . $amount . '</option>'; } $result .= '</select>'; if ($options['labelpos'] == "after") { $result .= " {$label}"; } return $result; } if (valid_input($options['input'])) { if (!isset($options['size'])) { $options['size'] = 3; } if ($variation->type == "Donation" && $variation->donation['var'] == "on") { if ($variation->donation['min']) { $options['value'] = $variation->price; } $options['class'] .= " currency"; } $result = '<input type="' . $options['input'] . '" name="products[' . $this->id . '][quantity]" id="quantity-' . $this->id . '"' . inputattrs($options) . ' />'; } if ($options['labelpos'] == "after") { $result .= " {$label}"; } return $result; break; case "input": if (!isset($options['type']) || $options['type'] != "menu" && $options['type'] != "textarea" && !valid_input($options['type'])) { $options['type'] = "text"; } if (!isset($options['name'])) { return ""; } if ($options['type'] == "menu") { $result = '<select name="products[' . $this->id . '][data][' . $options['name'] . ']" id="data-' . $options['name'] . '-' . $this->id . '">'; if (isset($options['options'])) { $menuoptions = preg_split('/,(?=(?:[^\\"]*\\"[^\\"]*\\")*(?![^\\"]*\\"))/', $options['options']); } if (is_array($menuoptions)) { foreach ($menuoptions as $option) { $selected = ""; $option = trim($option, '"'); if (isset($options['default']) && $options['default'] == $option) { $selected = ' selected="selected"'; } $result .= '<option value="' . $option . '"' . $selected . '>' . $option . '</option>'; } } $result .= '</select>'; } elseif ($options['type'] == "textarea") { if (isset($options['cols'])) { $cols = ' cols="' . $options['cols'] . '"'; } if (isset($options['rows'])) { $rows = ' rows="' . $options['rows'] . '"'; } $result .= '<textarea name="products[' . $this->id . '][data][' . $options['name'] . ']" id="data-' . $options['name'] . '-' . $this->id . '"' . $cols . $rows . '>' . $options['value'] . '</textarea>'; } else { $result = '<input type="' . $options['type'] . '" name="products[' . $this->id . '][data][' . $options['name'] . ']" id="data-' . $options['name'] . '-' . $this->id . '"' . inputattrs($options) . ' />'; } return $result; break; case "outofstock": if ($this->outofstock) { $label = isset($options['label']) ? $options['label'] : $Shopp->Settings->get('outofstock_text'); $string = '<span class="outofstock">' . $label . '</span>'; return $string; } else { return false; } break; case "buynow": if (!isset($options['value'])) { $options['value'] = __("Buy Now", "Shopp"); } case "addtocart": if (!isset($options['class'])) { $options['class'] = "addtocart"; } else { $options['class'] .= " addtocart"; } if (!isset($options['value'])) { $options['value'] = __("Add to Cart", "Shopp"); } $string = ""; if ($this->outofstock) { $string .= '<span class="outofstock">' . $Shopp->Settings->get('outofstock_text') . '</span>'; return $string; } $string .= '<input type="hidden" name="products[' . $this->id . '][product]" value="' . $this->id . '" />'; if (!empty($this->prices[0]) && $this->prices[0]->type != "N/A") { $string .= '<input type="hidden" name="products[' . $this->id . '][price]" value="' . $this->prices[0]->id . '" />'; } if (!empty($Shopp->Category)) { if (SHOPP_PERMALINKS) { $string .= '<input type="hidden" name="products[' . $this->id . '][category]" value="' . $Shopp->Category->uri . '" />'; } else { $string .= '<input type="hidden" name="products[' . $this->id . '][category]" value="' . (!empty($Shopp->Category->id) ? $Shopp->Category->id : $Shopp->Category->slug) . '" />'; } } $string .= '<input type="hidden" name="cart" value="add" />'; if (isset($options['ajax'])) { $options['class'] .= " ajax"; $string .= '<input type="hidden" name="ajax" value="true" />'; $string .= '<input type="button" name="addtocart" ' . inputattrs($options) . ' />'; } else { $string .= '<input type="submit" name="addtocart" ' . inputattrs($options) . ' />'; } return $string; } }
public function execute() { if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") { if ($_POST["submit_button"] == "Save appointment") { /* Save appointment */ if ($this->model->appointment_oke($_POST) == false) { $this->show_appointment_form($_POST); } else { if (isset($_POST["id"]) == false) { /* Create appointment */ if ($this->model->create_appointment($_POST) == false) { $this->output->add_message("Error while creating appointment."); $this->show_appointment_form($_POST); } else { $this->user->log_action("appointment %d created", $db->last_insert_id); $this->show_agenda_overview(); } } else { /* Update appointment */ if ($this->model->update_appointment($_POST) == false) { $this->output->add_message("Error while updating appointment."); $this->show_appointment_form($_POST); } else { $this->user->log_action("appointment %d updated", $_POST["id"]); $this->show_agenda_overview(); } } } } else { if ($_POST["submit_button"] == "Delete appointment") { /* Delete appointment */ if ($this->model->delete_appointment($_POST["id"]) == false) { $this->output->add_tag("result", "Error while deleting appointment."); } else { $this->user->log_action("appointment %d deleted", $_POST["id"]); $this->show_agenda_overview(); } } else { $this->show_agenda_overview(); } } } else { if ($this->page->pathinfo[2] == "new") { /* New appointment */ $appointment = array("begin" => date("Y-m-d"), "end" => date("Y-m-d")); $this->show_appointment_form($appointment); } else { if (valid_input($this->page->pathinfo[2], VALIDATE_NUMBERS, VALIDATE_NONEMPTY)) { /* Edit appointment */ if (($appointment = $this->model->get_appointment($this->page->pathinfo[2])) == false) { $this->output->add_tag("result", "Agendapunten niet gevonden."); } else { $this->show_appointment_form($appointment); } } else { /* Show month */ $this->show_agenda_overview(); } } } }
function tag ($property,$options=array()) { global $Ecart; $select_attrs = array('title','required','class','disabled','required','size','tabindex','accesskey'); $submit_attrs = array('title','class','value','disabled','tabindex','accesskey'); switch ($property) { case "link": case "url": return ecarturl(ECART_PRETTYURLS?$this->slug:array('ecart_pid'=>$this->id)); break; case "found": if (empty($this->id)) return false; $load = array('prices','images','specs','tags','categories'); if (isset($options['load'])) $load = explode(",",$options['load']); $this->load_data($load); return true; break; case "relevance": return (string)$this->score; break; case "id": return $this->id; break; case "name": return apply_filters('ecart_product_name',$this->name); break; case "slug": return $this->slug; break; case "summary": return apply_filters('ecart_product_summary',$this->summary); break; case "description": return apply_filters('ecart_product_description',$this->description); case "isfeatured": case "is-featured": return ($this->featured == "on"); break; case "price": case "saleprice": if (empty($this->prices)) $this->load_data(array('prices')); $defaults = array( 'taxes' => null, 'starting' => '' ); $options = array_merge($defaults,$options); extract($options); if (!is_null($taxes)) $taxes = value_is_true($taxes); $min = $this->min[$property]; $mintax = $this->min[$property.'_tax']; $max = $this->max[$property]; $maxtax = $this->max[$property.'_tax']; $taxrate = ecart_taxrate($taxes,$this->prices[0]->tax,$this); if ("saleprice" == $property) $pricetag = $this->prices[0]->promoprice; else $pricetag = $this->prices[0]->price; if (count($this->options) > 0) { $taxrate = ecart_taxrate($taxes,true,$this); $mintax = $mintax?$min*$taxrate:0; $maxtax = $maxtax?$max*$taxrate:0; if ($min == $max) return money($min+$mintax); else { if (!empty($starting)) return "$starting ".money($min+$mintax); return money($min+$mintax)." — ".money($max+$maxtax); } } else return money($pricetag+($pricetag*$taxrate)); break; case "taxrate": return ecart_taxrate(null,true,$this); break; case "weight": if(empty($this->prices)) $this->load_data(array('prices')); $defaults = array( 'unit' => $Ecart->Settings->get('weight_unit'), 'min' => $this->min['weight'], 'max' => $this->max['weight'], 'units' => true, 'convert' => false ); $options = array_merge($defaults,$options); extract($options); if(!isset($this->min['weight'])) return false; if ($convert !== false) { $min = convert_unit($min,$convert); $max = convert_unit($max,$convert); if (is_null($units)) $units = true; $unit = $convert; } $range = false; if ($min != $max) { $range = array($min,$max); sort($range); } $string = ($min == $max)?round($min,3):round($range[0],3)." - ".round($range[1],3); $string .= value_is_true($units) ? " $unit" : ""; return $string; break; case "onsale": if (empty($this->prices)) $this->load_data(array('prices')); if (empty($this->prices)) return false; return $this->onsale; break; case "has-savings": return ($this->onsale && $this->min['saved'] > 0); break; case "savings": if (empty($this->prices)) $this->load_data(array('prices')); if (!isset($options['taxes'])) $options['taxes'] = null; $taxrate = ecart_taxrate($options['taxes']); $range = false; if (!isset($options['show'])) $options['show'] = ''; if ($options['show'] == "%" || $options['show'] == "percent") { if ($this->options > 1) { if (round($this->min['savings']) != round($this->max['savings'])) { $range = array($this->min['savings'],$this->max['savings']); sort($range); } if (!$range) return percentage($this->min['savings'],array('precision' => 0)); // No price range else return percentage($range[0],array('precision' => 0))." — ".percentage($range[1],array('precision' => 0)); } else return percentage($this->max['savings'],array('precision' => 0)); } else { if ($this->options > 1) { if (round($this->min['saved']) != round($this->max['saved'])) { $range = array($this->min['saved'],$this->max['saved']); sort($range); } if (!$range) return money($this->min['saved']+($this->min['saved']*$taxrate)); // No price range else return money($range[0]+($range[0]*$taxrate))." — ".money($range[1]+($range[1]*$taxrate)); } else return money($this->max['saved']+($this->max['saved']*$taxrate)); } break; case "freeshipping": if (empty($this->prices)) $this->load_data(array('prices')); return $this->freeshipping; case "hasimages": case "has-images": if (empty($this->images)) $this->load_data(array('images')); return (!empty($this->images)); break; case "images": if (!$this->images) return false; if (!isset($this->_images_loop)) { reset($this->images); $this->_images_loop = true; } else next($this->images); if (current($this->images) !== false) return true; else { unset($this->_images_loop); return false; } break; case "coverimage": // Force select the first loaded image unset($options['id']); $options['index'] = 0; case "thumbnail": // deprecated case "image": if (empty($this->images)) $this->load_data(array('images')); if (!(count($this->images) > 0)) return ""; // Compatibility defaults $_size = 96; $_width = $Ecart->Settings->get('gallery_thumbnail_width'); $_height = $Ecart->Settings->get('gallery_thumbnail_height'); if (!$_width) $_width = $_size; if (!$_height) $_height = $_size; $defaults = array( 'img' => false, 'id' => false, 'index' => false, 'class' => '', 'width' => false, 'height' => false, 'size' => false, 'fit' => false, 'sharpen' => false, 'quality' => false, 'bg' => false, 'alt' => '', 'title' => '', 'zoom' => '', 'zoomfx' => 'ecart-zoom', 'property' => false ); $options = array_merge($defaults,$options); extract($options); // Select image by database id if ($id !== false) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->images); $i++) { if ($img->id == $id) { $img = $this->images[$i]; break; } } if (!$img) return ""; } // Select image by index position in the list if ($index !== false && isset($this->images[$index])) $img = $this->images[$index]; // Use the current image pointer by default if (!$img) $img = current($this->images); if ($size !== false) $width = $height = $size; if (!$width) $width = $_width; if (!$height) $height = $_height; $scale = $fit?array_search($fit,$img->_scaling):false; $sharpen = $sharpen?min($sharpen,$img->_sharpen):false; $quality = $quality?min($quality,$img->_quality):false; $fill = $bg?hexdec(ltrim($bg,'#')):false; list($width_a,$height_a) = array_values($img->scaled($width,$height,$scale)); if ($size == "original") { $width_a = $img->width; $height_a = $img->height; } if ($width_a === false) $width_a = $width; if ($height_a === false) $height_a = $height; $alt = esc_attr(empty($alt)?(empty($img->alt)?$img->name:$img->alt):$alt); $title = empty($title)?$img->title:$title; $titleattr = empty($title)?'':' title="'.esc_attr($title).'"'; $classes = empty($class)?'':' class="'.esc_attr($class).'"'; $src = ecarturl($img->id,'images'); if (ECART_PERMALINKS) $src = trailingslashit($src).$img->filename; if ($size != "original") $src = add_query_string($img->resizing($width,$height,$scale,$sharpen,$quality,$fill),$src); switch (strtolower($property)) { case "id": return $img->id; break; case "url": case "src": return $src; break; case "title": return $title; break; case "alt": return $alt; break; case "width": return $width_a; break; case "height": return $height_a; break; case "class": return $class; break; } $imgtag = '<img src="'.$src.'"'.$titleattr.' alt="'.$alt.'" width="'.$width_a.'" height="'.$height_a.'" '.$classes.' />'; if (value_is_true($zoom)) return '<a href="'.ecarturl($img->id,'images').'/'.$img->filename.'" class="'.$zoomfx.'" rel="product-'.$this->id.'">'.$imgtag.'</a>'; return $imgtag; break; case "gallery": if (empty($this->images)) $this->load_data(array('images')); if (empty($this->images)) return false; $styles = ''; $_size = 240; $_width = $Ecart->Settings->get('gallery_small_width'); $_height = $Ecart->Settings->get('gallery_small_height'); if (!$_width) $_width = $_size; if (!$_height) $_height = $_size; $defaults = array( // Layout settings 'margins' => 20, 'rowthumbs' => false, // 'thumbpos' => 'after', // Preview image settings 'p.size' => false, 'p.width' => false, 'p.height' => false, '' => false, 'p.sharpen' => false, 'p.quality' => false, '' => false, '' => true, 'rel' => '', // Thumbnail image settings 'thumbsize' => false, 'thumbwidth' => false, 'thumbheight' => false, 'thumbfit' => false, 'thumbsharpen' => false, 'thumbquality' => false, 'thumbbg' => false, // Effects settings 'zoomfx' => 'ecart-zoom', 'preview' => 'click', 'colorbox' => '{}' ); $optionset = array_merge($defaults,$options); // Translate dot names $options = array(); $keys = array_keys($optionset); foreach ($keys as $key) $options[str_replace('.','_',$key)] = $optionset[$key]; extract($options); if ($p_size > 0) $_width = $_height = $p_size; $width = $p_width > 0?$p_width:$_width; $height = $p_height > 0?$p_height:$_height; $preview_width = $width; $previews = '<ul class="previews">'; $firstPreview = true; // Find the max dimensions to use for the preview spacing image $maxwidth = $maxheight = 0; foreach ($this->images as $img) { $scale = $p_fit?false:array_search($p_fit,$img->_scaling); $scaled = $img->scaled($width,$height,$scale); $maxwidth = max($maxwidth,$scaled['width']); $maxheight = max($maxheight,$scaled['height']); } if ($maxwidth == 0) $maxwidth = $width; if ($maxheight == 0) $maxheight = $height; $p_link = value_is_true($p_link); foreach ($this->images as $img) { $scale = $p_fit?array_search($p_fit,$img->_scaling):false; $sharpen = $p_sharpen?min($p_sharpen,$img->_sharpen):false; $quality = $p_quality?min($p_quality,$img->_quality):false; $fill = $p_bg?hexdec(ltrim($p_bg,'#')):false; $scaled = $img->scaled($width,$height,$scale); if ($firstPreview) { // Adds "filler" image to reserve the dimensions in the DOM $href = ecarturl(ECART_PERMALINKS?trailingslashit('000'):'000','images'); $previews .= '<li id="preview-fill"'.(($firstPreview)?' class="fill"':'').'>'; $previews .= '<img src="'.add_query_string("$maxwidth,$maxheight",$href).'" alt=" " width="'.$maxwidth.'" height="'.$maxheight.'" />'; $previews .= '</li>'; } $title = !empty($img->title)?' title="'.esc_attr($img->title).'"':''; $alt = esc_attr(!empty($img->alt)?$img->alt:$img->filename); $previews .= '<li id="preview-'.$img->id.'"'.(($firstPreview)?' class="active"':'').'>'; $href = ecarturl(ECART_PERMALINKS?trailingslashit($img->id).$img->filename:$img->id,'images'); if ($p_link) $previews .= '<a href="'.$href.'" class="gallery product_'.$this->id.' '.$options['zoomfx'].'"'.(!empty($rel)?' rel="'.$rel.'"':'').'>'; // else $previews .= '<a name="preview-'.$img->id.'">'; // If links are turned off, leave the <a> so we don't break layout $previews .= '<img src="'.add_query_string($img->resizing($width,$height,$scale,$sharpen,$quality,$fill),ecarturl($img->id,'images')).'"'.$title.' alt="'.$alt.'" width="'.$scaled['width'].'" height="'.$scaled['height'].'" />'; if ($p_link) $previews .= '</a>'; $previews .= '</li>'; $firstPreview = false; } $previews .= '</ul>'; $thumbs = ""; $twidth = $preview_width+$margins; if (count($this->images) > 1) { $default_size = 64; $_thumbwidth = $Ecart->Settings->get('gallery_thumbnail_width'); $_thumbheight = $Ecart->Settings->get('gallery_thumbnail_height'); if (!$_thumbwidth) $_thumbwidth = $default_size; if (!$_thumbheight) $_thumbheight = $default_size; if ($thumbsize > 0) $thumbwidth = $thumbheight = $thumbsize; $width = $thumbwidth > 0?$thumbwidth:$_thumbwidth; $height = $thumbheight > 0?$thumbheight:$_thumbheight; $firstThumb = true; $thumbs = '<ul class="thumbnails">'; foreach ($this->images as $img) { $scale = $thumbfit?array_search($thumbfit,$img->_scaling):false; $sharpen = $thumbsharpen?min($thumbsharpen,$img->_sharpen):false; $quality = $thumbquality?min($thumbquality,$img->_quality):false; $fill = $thumbbg?hexdec(ltrim($thumbbg,'#')):false; $scaled = $img->scaled($width,$height,$scale); $title = !empty($img->title)?' title="'.esc_attr($img->title).'"':''; $alt = esc_attr(!empty($img->alt)?$img->alt:$img->name); $thumbs .= '<li id="thumbnail-'.$img->id.'" class="preview-'.$img->id.(($firstThumb)?' first':'').'">'; $thumbs .= '<img src="'.add_query_string($img->resizing($width,$height,$scale,$sharpen,$quality,$fill),ecarturl($img->id,'images')).'"'.$title.' alt="'.$alt.'" width="'.$scaled['width'].'" height="'.$scaled['height'].'" />'; $thumbs .= '</li>'."\n"; $firstThumb = false; } $thumbs .= '</ul>'; } if ($rowthumbs > 0) $twidth = ($width+$margins+2)*(int)$rowthumbs; $result = '<div id="gallery-'.$this->id.'" class="gallery">'.$previews.$thumbs.'</div>'; $script = "\t".'EcartGallery("#gallery-'.$this->id.'","'.$preview.'"'.($twidth?",$twidth":"").');'; add_storefrontjs($script); return $result; break; case "has-categories": if (empty($this->categories)) $this->load_data(array('categories')); if (count($this->categories) > 0) return true; else return false; break; case "categories": if (!isset($this->_categories_loop)) { reset($this->categories); $this->_categories_loop = true; } else next($this->categories); if (current($this->categories) !== false) return true; else { unset($this->_categories_loop); return false; } break; case "in-category": if (empty($this->categories)) $this->load_data(array('categories')); if (isset($options['id'])) $field = "id"; if (isset($options['name'])) $field = "name"; if (isset($options['slug'])) $field = "slug"; foreach ($this->categories as $category) if ($category->{$field} == $options[$field]) return true; return false; case "category": $category = current($this->categories); if (isset($options['show'])) { if ($options['show'] == "id") return $category->id; if ($options['show'] == "slug") return $category->slug; } return $category->name; break; case "hastags": case "has-tags": if (empty($this->tags)) $this->load_data(array('tags')); if (count($this->tags) > 0) return true; else return false; break; case "tags": if (!isset($this->_tags_loop)) { reset($this->tags); $this->_tags_loop = true; } else next($this->tags); if (current($this->tags) !== false) return true; else { unset($this->_tags_loop); return false; } break; case "tagged": if (empty($this->tags)) $this->load_data(array('tags')); if (isset($options['id'])) $field = "id"; if (isset($options['name'])) $field = "name"; foreach ($this->tags as $tag) if ($tag->{$field} == $options[$field]) return true; return false; case "tag": $tag = current($this->tags); if (isset($options['show'])) { if ($options['show'] == "id") return $tag->id; } return $tag->name; break; case "hasspecs": case "has-specs": if (empty($this->specs)) $this->load_data(array('specs')); if (count($this->specs) > 0) { $this->merge_specs(); return true; } else return false; break; case "specs": if (!isset($this->_specs_loop)) { reset($this->specs); $this->_specs_loop = true; } else next($this->specs); if (current($this->specs) !== false) return true; else { unset($this->_specs_loop); return false; } break; case "spec": $string = ""; $separator = ": "; $delimiter = ", "; if (isset($options['separator'])) $separator = $options['separator']; if (isset($options['delimiter'])) $separator = $options['delimiter']; $spec = current($this->specs); if (is_array($spec->value)) $spec->value = join($delimiter,$spec->value); if (isset($options['name']) && !empty($options['name']) && isset($this->specskey[$options['name']])) { $spec = $this->specskey[$options['name']]; if (is_array($spec)) { if (isset($options['index'])) { foreach ($spec as $index => $entry) if ($index+1 == $options['index']) $content = $entry->value; } else { foreach ($spec as $entry) $contents[] = $entry->value; $content = join($delimiter,$contents); } } else $content = $spec->value; $string = apply_filters('ecart_product_spec',$content); return $string; } if (isset($options['name']) && isset($options['content'])) $string = "{$spec->name}{$separator}".apply_filters('ecart_product_spec',$spec->value); elseif (isset($options['name'])) $string = $spec->name; elseif (isset($options['content'])) $string = apply_filters('ecart_product_spec',$spec->value); else $string = "{$spec->name}{$separator}".apply_filters('ecart_product_spec',$spec->value); return $string; break; case "has-variations": return ($this->variations == "on" && (!empty($this->options['v']) || !empty($this->options))); break; case "variations": $string = ""; if (!isset($options['mode'])) { if (!isset($this->_prices_loop)) { reset($this->prices); $this->_prices_loop = true; } else next($this->prices); $price = current($this->prices); if ($price && ($price->type == 'N/A' || $price->context != 'variation')) next($this->prices); if (current($this->prices) !== false) return true; else { unset($this->_prices_loop); return false; } return true; } if ($this->outofstock) return false; // Completely out of stock, hide menus if (!isset($options['taxes'])) $options['taxes'] = null; $defaults = array( 'defaults' => '', 'disabled' => 'show', 'pricetags' => 'show', 'before_menu' => '', 'after_menu' => '', 'label' => 'on', 'required' => __('You must select the options for this item before you can add it to your shopping cart.','Ecart') ); $options = array_merge($defaults,$options); if ($options['mode'] == "single") { if (!empty($options['before_menu'])) $string .= $options['before_menu']."\n"; if (value_is_true($options['label'])) $string .= '<label for="product-options'.$this->id.'">'. __('Options').': </label> '."\n"; $string .= '<select name="products['.$this->id.'][price]" id="product-options'.$this->id.'">'; if (!empty($options['defaults'])) $string .= '<option value="">'.$options['defaults'].'</option>'."\n"; foreach ($this->prices as $pricetag) { if ($pricetag->context != "variation") continue; if (!isset($options['taxes'])) $taxrate = ecart_taxrate(null,$pricetag->tax); else $taxrate = ecart_taxrate(value_is_true($options['taxes']),$pricetag->tax); $currently = ($pricetag->sale == "on")?$pricetag->promoprice:$pricetag->price; $disabled = ($pricetag->inventory == "on" && $pricetag->stock == 0)?' disabled="disabled"':''; $price = ' ('.money($currently).')'; if ($pricetag->type != "N/A") $string .= '<option value="'.$pricetag->id.'"'.$disabled.'>'.$pricetag->label.$price.'</option>'."\n"; } $string .= '</select>'; if (!empty($options['after_menu'])) $string .= $options['after_menu']."\n"; } else { if (!isset($this->options)) return; $menuoptions = $this->options; if (!empty($this->options['v'])) $menuoptions = $this->options['v']; $baseop = $Ecart->Settings->get('base_operations'); $precision = $baseop['currency']['format']['precision']; if (!isset($options['taxes'])) $taxrate = ecart_taxrate(null,true,$this); else $taxrate = ecart_taxrate(value_is_true($options['taxes']),true,$this); $pricekeys = array(); foreach ($this->pricekey as $key => $pricing) { $filter = array(''); $_ = new StdClass(); if ($pricing->type != "Donation") $_->p = ((isset($pricing->onsale) && $pricing->onsale == "on")? (float)$pricing->promoprice: (float)$pricing->price); $_->i = ($pricing->inventory == "on"); $_->s = ($pricing->inventory == "on")?$pricing->stock:false; $_->tax = ($pricing->tax == "on"); $_->t = $pricing->type; $pricekeys[$key] = $_; } ob_start(); ?><?php if (!empty($options['defaults'])): ?> sjss.opdef = true; <?php endif; ?> <?php if (!empty($options['required'])): ?> sjss.opreq = "<?php echo $options['required']; ?>"; <?php endif; ?> pricetags[<?php echo $this->id; ?>] = <?php echo json_encode($pricekeys); ?>; new ProductOptionsMenus('select<?php if (!empty($Ecart->Category->slug)) echo ".category-".$Ecart->Category->slug; ?>.product<?php echo $this->id; ?>.options',{<?php if ($options['disabled'] == "hide") echo "disabled:false,"; ?><?php if ($options['pricetags'] == "hide") echo "pricetags:false,"; ?><?php if (!empty($taxrate)) echo "taxrate:$taxrate,"?>prices:pricetags[<?php echo $this->id; ?>]}); <?php $script = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); add_storefrontjs($script); foreach ($menuoptions as $id => $menu) { if (!empty($options['before_menu'])) $string .= $options['before_menu']."\n"; if (value_is_true($options['label'])) $string .= '<label for="options-'.$menu['id'].'">'.$menu['name'].'</label> '."\n"; $category_class = isset($Ecart->Category->slug)?'category-'.$Ecart->Category->slug:''; $string .= '<select name="products['.$this->id.'][options][]" class="'.$category_class.' product'.$this->id.' options" id="options-'.$menu['id'].'">'; if (!empty($options['defaults'])) $string .= '<option value="">'.$options['defaults'].'</option>'."\n"; foreach ($menu['options'] as $key => $option) $string .= '<option value="'.$option['id'].'">'.$option['name'].'</option>'."\n"; $string .= '</select>'; } if (!empty($options['after_menu'])) $string .= $options['after_menu']."\n"; } return $string; break; case "variation": $variation = current($this->prices); if (!isset($options['taxes'])) $options['taxes'] = null; else $options['taxes'] = value_is_true($options['taxes']); $taxrate = ecart_taxrate($options['taxes'],$variation->tax,$this); $weightunit = (isset($options['units']) && !value_is_true($options['units']) ) ? false : $Ecart->Settings->get('weight_unit'); $string = ''; if (array_key_exists('id',$options)) $string .= $variation->id; if (array_key_exists('label',$options)) $string .= $variation->label; if (array_key_exists('type',$options)) $string .= $variation->type; if (array_key_exists('sku',$options)) $string .= $variation->sku; if (array_key_exists('price',$options)) $string .= money($variation->price+($variation->price*$taxrate)); if (array_key_exists('saleprice',$options)) { if (isset($options['promos']) && !value_is_true($options['promos'])) { $string .= money($variation->saleprice+($variation->saleprice*$taxrate)); } else $string .= money($variation->promoprice+($variation->promoprice*$taxrate)); } if (array_key_exists('stock',$options)) $string .= $variation->stock; if (array_key_exists('weight',$options)) $string .= round($variation->weight, 3) . ($weightunit ? " $weightunit" : false); if (array_key_exists('shipfee',$options)) $string .= money(floatvalue($variation->shipfee)); if (array_key_exists('sale',$options)) return ($variation->sale == "on"); if (array_key_exists('shipping',$options)) return ($variation->shipping == "on"); if (array_key_exists('tax',$options)) return ($variation->tax == "on"); if (array_key_exists('inventory',$options)) return ($variation->inventory == "on"); return $string; break; case "has-addons": return ($this->addons == "on" && !empty($this->options['a'])); break; break; case "addons": $string = ""; if (!isset($options['mode'])) { if (!$this->priceloop) { reset($this->prices); $this->priceloop = true; } else next($this->prices); $thisprice = current($this->prices); if ($thisprice && $thisprice->type == "N/A") next($this->prices); if ($thisprice && $thisprice->context != "addon") next($this->prices); if (current($this->prices) !== false) return true; else { $this->priceloop = false; return false; } return true; } if ($this->outofstock) return false; // Completely out of stock, hide menus if (!isset($options['taxes'])) $options['taxes'] = null; $defaults = array( 'defaults' => '', 'disabled' => 'show', 'before_menu' => '', 'after_menu' => '' ); $options = array_merge($defaults,$options); if (!isset($options['label'])) $options['label'] = "on"; if (!isset($options['required'])) $options['required'] = __('You must select the options for this item before you can add it to your shopping cart.','Ecart'); if ($options['mode'] == "single") { if (!empty($options['before_menu'])) $string .= $options['before_menu']."\n"; if (value_is_true($options['label'])) $string .= '<label for="product-options'.$this->id.'">'. __('Options').': </label> '."\n"; $string .= '<select name="products['.$this->id.'][price]" id="product-options'.$this->id.'">'; if (!empty($options['defaults'])) $string .= '<option value="">'.$options['defaults'].'</option>'."\n"; foreach ($this->prices as $pricetag) { if ($pricetag->context != "addon") continue; if (isset($options['taxes'])) $taxrate = ecart_taxrate(value_is_true($options['taxes']),$pricetag->tax,$this); else $taxrate = ecart_taxrate(null,$pricetag->tax,$this); $currently = ($pricetag->sale == "on")?$pricetag->promoprice:$pricetag->price; $disabled = ($pricetag->inventory == "on" && $pricetag->stock == 0)?' disabled="disabled"':''; $price = ' ('.money($currently).')'; if ($pricetag->type != "N/A") $string .= '<option value="'.$pricetag->id.'"'.$disabled.'>'.$pricetag->label.$price.'</option>'."\n"; } $string .= '</select>'; if (!empty($options['after_menu'])) $string .= $options['after_menu']."\n"; } else { if (!isset($this->options['a'])) return; $taxrate = ecart_taxrate($options['taxes'],true,$this); // Index addon prices by option $pricing = array(); foreach ($this->prices as $pricetag) { if ($pricetag->context != "addon") continue; $pricing[$pricetag->options] = $pricetag; } foreach ($this->options['a'] as $id => $menu) { if (!empty($options['before_menu'])) $string .= $options['before_menu']."\n"; if (value_is_true($options['label'])) $string .= '<label for="options-'.$menu['id'].'">'.$menu['name'].'</label> '."\n"; $category_class = isset($Ecart->Category->slug)?'category-'.$Ecart->Category->slug:''; $string .= '<select name="products['.$this->id.'][addons][]" class="'.$category_class.' product'.$this->id.' addons" id="addons-'.$menu['id'].'">'; if (!empty($options['defaults'])) $string .= '<option value="">'.$options['defaults'].'</option>'."\n"; foreach ($menu['options'] as $key => $option) { $pricetag = $pricing[$option['id']]; if (isset($options['taxes'])) $taxrate = ecart_taxrate(value_is_true($options['taxes']),$pricetag->tax,$this); else $taxrate = ecart_taxrate(null,$pricetag->tax,$this); $currently = ($pricetag->sale == "on")?$pricetag->promoprice:$pricetag->price; if ($taxrate > 0) $currently = $currently+($currently*$taxrate); $string .= '<option value="'.$option['id'].'">'.$option['name'].' (+'.money($currently).')</option>'."\n"; } $string .= '</select>'; } if (!empty($options['after_menu'])) $string .= $options['after_menu']."\n"; } return $string; break; case "donation": case "amount": case "quantity": if ($this->outofstock) return false; $inputs = array('text','menu'); $defaults = array( 'value' => 1, 'input' => 'text', // accepts text,menu 'labelpos' => 'before', 'label' => '', 'options' => '1-15,20,25,30,40,50,75,100', 'size' => 3 ); $options = array_merge($defaults,$options); $_options = $options; extract($options); unset($_options['label']); // Interferes with the text input value when passed to inputattrs() $labeling = '<label for="quantity-'.$this->id.'">'.$label.'</label>'; if (!isset($this->_prices_loop)) reset($this->prices); $variation = current($this->prices); $_ = array(); if ("before" == $labelpos) $_[] = $labeling; if ("menu" == $input) { if ($this->inventory && $this->max['stock'] == 0) return ""; if (strpos($options,",") !== false) $options = explode(",",$options); else $options = array($options); $qtys = array(); foreach ((array)$options as $v) { if (strpos($v,"-") !== false) { $v = explode("-",$v); if ($v[0] >= $v[1]) $qtys[] = $v[0]; else for ($i = $v[0]; $i < $v[1]+1; $i++) $qtys[] = $i; } else $qtys[] = $v; } $_[] = '<select name="products['.$this->id.'][quantity]" id="quantity-'.$this->id.'">'; foreach ($qtys as $qty) { $amount = $qty; $selection = (isset($this->quantity))?$this->quantity:1; if ($variation->type == "Donation" && $variation->donation['var'] == "on") { if ($variation->donation['min'] == "on" && $amount < $variation->price) continue; $amount = money($amount); $selection = $variation->price; } else { if ($this->inventory && $amount > $this->max['stock']) continue; } $selected = ($qty==$selection)?' selected="selected"':''; $_[] = '<option'.$selected.' value="'.$qty.'">'.$amount.'</option>'; } $_[] = '</select>'; } elseif (valid_input($input)) { if ($variation->type == "Donation" && $variation->donation['var'] == "on") { if ($variation->donation['min']) $_options['value'] = $variation->price; $_options['class'] .= " currency"; } $_[] = '<input type="'.$input.'" name="products['.$this->id.'][quantity]" id="quantity-'.$this->id.'"'.inputattrs($_options).' />'; } if ("after" == $labelpos) $_[] = $labeling; return join("\n",$_); break; case "input": if (!isset($options['type']) || ($options['type'] != "menu" && $options['type'] != "textarea" && !valid_input($options['type']))) $options['type'] = "text"; if (!isset($options['name'])) return ""; if ($options['type'] == "menu") { $result = '<select name="products['.$this->id.'][data]['.$options['name'].']" id="data-'.$options['name'].'-'.$this->id.'"'.inputattrs($options,$select_attrs).'>'; if (isset($options['options'])) $menuoptions = preg_split('/,(?=(?:[^\"]*\"[^\"]*\")*(?![^\"]*\"))/',$options['options']); if (is_array($menuoptions)) { foreach($menuoptions as $option) { $selected = ""; $option = trim($option,'"'); if (isset($options['default']) && $options['default'] == $option) $selected = ' selected="selected"'; $result .= '<option value="'.$option.'"'.$selected.'>'.$option.'</option>'; } } $result .= '</select>'; } elseif ($options['type'] == "textarea") { if (isset($options['cols'])) $cols = ' cols="'.$options['cols'].'"'; if (isset($options['rows'])) $rows = ' rows="'.$options['rows'].'"'; $result .= '<textarea name="products['.$this->id.'][data]['.$options['name'].']" id="data-'.$options['name'].'-'.$this->id.'"'.$cols.$rows.inputattrs($options).'>'.$options['value'].'</textarea>'; } else { $result = '<input type="'.$options['type'].'" name="products['.$this->id.'][data]['.$options['name'].']" id="data-'.$options['name'].'-'.$this->id.'"'.inputattrs($options).' />'; } return $result; break; case "outofstock": if ($this->outofstock) { $label = isset($options['label'])?$options['label']:$Ecart->Settings->get('outofstock_text'); $string = '<span class="outofstock">'.$label.'</span>'; return $string; } else return false; break; case "buynow": if (!isset($options['value'])) $options['value'] = __("Buy Now","Ecart"); case "addtocart": if (!isset($options['class'])) $options['class'] = "addtocart"; else $options['class'] .= " addtocart"; if (!isset($options['value'])) $options['value'] = __("Add to Cart","Ecart"); $string = ""; if ($this->outofstock) { $string .= '<span class="outofstock">'.$Ecart->Settings->get('outofstock_text').'</span>'; return $string; } if (isset($options['redirect']) && !isset($options['ajax'])) $string .= '<input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="'.$options['redirect'].'" />'; $string .= '<input type="hidden" name="products['.$this->id.'][product]" value="'.$this->id.'" />'; if (!empty($this->prices[0]) && $this->prices[0]->type != "N/A") $string .= '<input type="hidden" name="products['.$this->id.'][price]" value="'.$this->prices[0]->id.'" />'; if (!empty($Ecart->Category)) { if (ECART_PRETTYURLS) $string .= '<input type="hidden" name="products['.$this->id.'][category]" value="'.$Ecart->Category->uri.'" />'; else $string .= '<input type="hidden" name="products['.$this->id.'][category]" value="'.((!empty($Ecart->Category->id))?$Ecart->Category->id:$Ecart->Category->slug).'" />'; } $string .= '<input type="hidden" name="cart" value="add" />'; if (isset($options['ajax'])) { if ($options['ajax'] == "html") $options['class'] .= ' ajax-html'; else $options['class'] .= " ajax"; $string .= '<input type="hidden" name="ajax" value="true" />'; $string .= '<input type="button" name="addtocart" '.inputattrs($options).' />'; } else { $string .= '<input type="submit" name="addtocart" '.inputattrs($options).' />'; } return $string; } }
public function execute() { if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") { if ($_POST["submit_button"] == "Save FAQ") { /* Save FAQ */ if ($this->model->save_oke($_POST) == false) { $this->show_faq_form($_POST); } else { if (isset($_POST["id"]) === false) { /* Create FAQ */ if ($this->model->create_faq($_POST) == false) { $this->output->add_message("Error while creating F.A.Q."); $this->show_faq_form($_POST); } else { $this->user->log_action("faq %d created", $this->db->last_insert_id); $this->show_faq_overview(); } } else { /* Update FAQ */ if ($this->model->update_faq($_POST) == false) { $this->output->add_message("Error while updating F.A.Q."); $this->show_faq_form($_POST); } else { $this->user->log_action("faq %d updated", $_POST["id"]); $this->show_faq_overview(); } } } } else { if ($_POST["submit_button"] == "Delete FAQ") { /* Delete FAQ */ if ($this->model->delete_faq($_POST["id"]) == false) { $this->output->add_message("Error while deleting F.A.Q."); $this->show_faq_form($_POST); } else { $this->user->log_action("faq %d deleted", $_POST["id"]); $this->show_faq_overview(); } } else { $this->show_faq_overview(); } } } else { if ($this->page->pathinfo[2] == "new") { /* New FAQ */ $faq = array("section" => 1); $this->show_faq_form($faq); } else { if (valid_input($this->page->pathinfo[2], VALIDATE_NUMBERS, VALIDATE_NONEMPTY)) { /* Edit existing FAQ */ if (($faq = $this->model->get_faq($this->page->pathinfo[2])) == false) { $this->output->add_tag("result", "FAQ not found."); } else { $this->show_faq_form($faq); } } else { /* FAQ overview */ $this->show_faq_overview(); } } } }
public function execute() { $months_of_year = config_array(MONTHS_OF_YEAR); $this->output->title = "Weblog"; $this->output->description = "Weblog"; $this->output->keywords = "weblog"; $this->output->add_alternate("Weblog", "application/rss+xml", "/weblog.xml"); $this->url = array("url" => $this->page->page); /* Sidebar */ $this->output->open_tag("sidebar"); /* Tags */ if (($tags = $this->model->get_all_tags()) != false) { $this->output->open_tag("tags"); foreach ($tags as $tag) { $this->output->add_tag("tag", $tag["tag"], array("id" => $tag["id"])); } $this->output->close_tag(); } /* Years */ if (($years = $this->model->get_years()) != false) { $this->output->open_tag("years"); foreach ($years as $year) { $this->output->add_tag("year", $year["year"]); } $this->output->close_tag(); } /* Periods */ if (($periods = $this->model->get_periods()) != false) { $this->output->open_tag("periods"); foreach ($periods as $period) { $link = array("link" => $period["year"] . "/" . $period["month"]); $text = $months_of_year[$period["month"] - 1] . " " . $period["year"]; $this->output->add_tag("period", $text, $link); } $this->output->close_tag(); } $this->output->close_tag(); if ($this->page->type == "xml") { /* RSS feed */ $rss = new RSS($this->output); if ($rss->fetch_from_cache("weblog_rss") == false) { $rss->title = $this->settings->head_title . " weblog"; $rss->description = $this->settings->head_description; if (($weblogs = $this->model->get_last_weblogs($this->settings->weblog_rss_page_size)) != false) { foreach ($weblogs as $weblog) { $link = "/weblog/" . $weblog["id"]; $rss->add_item($weblog["title"], $weblog["content"], $link, $weblog["timestamp"]); } } $rss->to_output(); } } else { if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") { /* Comment submits */ if ($this->model->comment_oke($_POST) == false) { $this->show_weblog($_POST["weblog_id"]); $this->show_comment($_POST); } else { if ($this->model->add_comment($_POST) == false) { $this->output->add_message("Error while adding comment."); $this->show_weblog($_POST["weblog_id"]); $this->show_comment($_POST); } else { $this->output->add_tag("result", "Comment has been added.", array("url" => $this->page->page . "/" . $_POST["weblog_id"])); } } } else { if ($this->page->pathinfo[1] == "tag" && valid_input($this->page->pathinfo[2], VALIDATE_NUMBERS, VALIDATE_NONEMPTY)) { /* Tagged weblogs */ if (($tag = $this->model->get_tag($this->page->pathinfo[2])) == false) { $this->output->add_tag("result", "Unknown tag", $this->url); } else { if (($weblogs = $this->model->get_tagged_weblogs($this->page->pathinfo[2])) === false) { $this->output->add_tag("result", "Error fetching tags", $this->url); } else { $this->output->title = "Tag " . $tag . " - Weblog"; $this->output->open_tag("list", array("label" => "Weblogs with '" . $tag . "' tag")); foreach ($weblogs as $weblog) { $this->output->record($weblog, "weblog"); } $this->output->close_tag(); } } } else { if ($this->page->pathinfo[1] == "period" && valid_input($this->page->pathinfo[2], VALIDATE_NUMBERS, VALIDATE_NONEMPTY) && valid_input($this->page->pathinfo[3], VALIDATE_NUMBERS)) { /* Weblogs of certain period */ if (($weblogs = $this->model->get_weblogs_of_period($this->page->pathinfo[2], $this->page->pathinfo[3])) === false) { $this->output->add_tag("result", "Error fetching weblogs", $this->url); } else { if ($this->page->pathinfo[3] == null) { $this->output->title = "Year " . $this->page->pathinfo[2] . " - Weblog"; } else { $month = $months_of_year[$this->page->pathinfo[3] - 1]; $this->output->title = $month . " " . $this->page->pathinfo[2] . " - Weblog"; } $month = 0; $count = count($weblogs); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { if ((int) $weblogs[$i]["month"] != $month) { if ($month != 0) { $this->output->close_tag(); } if ($i < $count) { $label = $months_of_year[$weblogs[$i]["month"] - 1] . " " . $this->page->pathinfo[2]; $this->output->open_tag("list", array("label" => $label)); } } $this->output->record($weblogs[$i], "weblog"); $month = (int) $weblogs[$i]["month"]; } if ($month != 0) { $this->output->close_tag(); } } } else { if (valid_input($this->page->pathinfo[1], VALIDATE_NUMBERS, VALIDATE_NONEMPTY)) { /* Show weblog */ $this->show_weblog($this->page->pathinfo[1]); if ($this->user->logged_in) { $this->show_comment(array("author" => $this->user->fullname)); } } else { /* Show last weblogs */ $this->show_last_weblogs(); } } } } } }
public function execute() { if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") { /* Remove weblog RSS from cache */ $this->output->remove_from_cache("weblog_rss"); if ($_POST["submit_button"] == "Save weblog") { /* Save weblog */ if ($this->model->save_oke($_POST) == false) { $this->show_weblog_form($_POST); } else { if (isset($_POST["id"]) == false) { /* Create weblog */ if ($this->model->create_weblog($_POST) == false) { $this->output->add_message("Database error while creating weblog."); $this->show_weblog_form($_POST); } else { $this->user->log_action("weblog %d created", $this->db->last_insert_id); $this->show_weblog_overview(); } } else { /* Update weblog */ if ($this->model->update_weblog($_POST) == false) { $this->output->add_message("Database error while updating weblog."); $this->show_weblog_form($_POST); } else { $this->user->log_action("weblog %d updated", $_POST["id"]); $this->show_weblog_overview(); } } } } else { if ($_POST["submit_button"] == "Delete weblog") { /* Delete weblog */ if ($this->model->delete_weblog($_POST["id"]) == false) { $this->output->add_tag("result", "Error while deleting weblog."); } else { $this->user->log_action("weblog %d deleted", $_POST["id"]); $this->show_weblog_overview(); } } else { $this->show_weblog_overview(); } } } else { if (valid_input($this->page->pathinfo[2], VALIDATE_NUMBERS, VALIDATE_NONEMPTY)) { /* Show weblog */ if (($weblog = $this->model->get_weblog($this->page->pathinfo[2])) == false) { $this->output->add_tag("result", "Weblog not found."); } else { $this->show_weblog_form($weblog); } } else { if ($this->page->pathinfo[2] == "new") { /* New weblog */ $weblog = array("visible" => 1); $this->show_weblog_form($weblog); } else { /* Show weblog overview */ $this->show_weblog_overview(); } } } }
public function execute() { if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") { if ($_POST["submit_button"] == "Save page") { /* Save page */ $_POST["url"] = "/" . trim($_POST["url"], "/ "); if ($this->model->save_oke($_POST) == false) { $this->show_page_form($_POST); } else { if (isset($_POST["id"]) == false) { /* Create page */ if ($this->model->create_page($_POST) === false) { $this->output->add_message("Database error while creating page."); $this->show_page_form($_POST); } else { $this->user->log_action("page %s created", $_POST["url"]); $this->show_page_overview(); } } else { /* Update user */ $url = $this->model->get_url($_POST["id"]); if ($this->model->update_page($_POST, $_POST["id"]) === false) { $this->output->add_message("Database error while updating page."); $this->show_page_form($_POST); } else { if ($_POST["url"] == $url) { $name = $_POST["url"]; } else { $name = sprintf("%s -> %s", $url, $_POST["url"]); } $this->user->log_action("page %s updated", $name); list($webserver) = explode(" ", $_SERVER["SERVER_SOFTWARE"], 2); if ($this->settings->hiawatha_cache_enabled && $webserver == "Hiawatha") { if ($_POST["url"] == "/" . $this->settings->start_page) { header("X-Hiawatha-Cache-Remove: all"); } else { header("X-Hiawatha-Cache-Remove: " . $_POST["url"]); } } $this->show_page_overview(); } } } } else { if ($_POST["submit_button"] == "Delete page") { /* Delete page */ $url = $this->model->get_url($_POST["id"]); if ($this->model->delete_page($_POST["id"]) == false) { $this->output->add_tag("result", "Database error while deleting page."); } else { $this->user->log_action("page %s deleted", $url); $this->show_page_overview(); } } else { if ($_POST["submit_button"] == "Clear Hiawatha cache") { header("X-Hiawatha-Cache-Remove: all"); $this->output->add_system_message("Hiawatha webserver cache cleared."); $this->show_page_overview(); } else { $this->show_page_overview(); } } } } else { if ($this->page->pathinfo[2] == "new") { /* Show the user webform */ $page = array("url" => "/", "language" => $this->settings->default_language, "layout" => null, "visible" => 1, "roles" => array()); $this->show_page_form($page); } else { if (valid_input($this->page->pathinfo[2], VALIDATE_NUMBERS, VALIDATE_NONEMPTY)) { /* Show the user webform */ if (($page = $this->model->get_page($this->page->pathinfo[2])) == false) { $this->output->add_tag("result", "Page not found."); } else { $this->show_page_form($page); } } else { /* Show a list of all users */ $this->show_page_overview(); } } } }
public function save_oke($user) { $result = true; if (isset($user["id"])) { if (($current = $this->get_user($user["id"])) == false) { $this->output->add_message("User not found."); return false; } /* Non-admins cannot edit admins */ if ($this->user->is_admin == false) { if ($this->access_allowed_for_non_admin($current) == false) { $this->output->add_message("You are not allowed to edit this user."); $this->user->log_action("unauthorized update attempt of user %d", $user["id"]); return false; } } /* Username changed need password to be reset */ if ($user["username"] != $current["username"] && $user["password"] == "") { $this->output->add_message("Username change needs password to be re-entered."); $result = false; } } /* Check username */ if ($user["username"] == "" || $user["fullname"] == "") { $this->output->add_message("The username and full name cannot be empty."); $result = false; } else { if (valid_input($user["username"], VALIDATE_LETTERS . VALIDATE_NUMBERS) == false) { $this->output->add_message("Invalid characters in username."); $result = false; } else { if (($check = $this->db->entry("users", $user["username"], "username")) != false) { if ($check["id"] != $user["id"]) { $this->output->add_message("Username already exists."); $result = false; } } } } /* Check password */ if (isset($user["id"]) == false) { if ($user["password"] == "" && is_false($user["generate"])) { $this->output->add_message("Fill in the password or let Banshee generate one."); $result = false; } } /* Check e-mail */ if (valid_email($user["email"]) == false) { $this->output->add_message("Invalid e-mail address."); $result = false; } else { if (($check = $this->db->entry("users", $user["email"], "email")) != false) { if ($check["id"] != $user["id"]) { $this->output->add_message("E-mail address already exists."); $result = false; } } } /* Check certificate serial */ if (valid_input($user["cert_serial"], VALIDATE_NUMBERS) == false) { $this->output->add_message("The certificate serial must be a number."); $result = false; } return $result; }
public function delete_oke($item_id) { if ($this->allow_delete == false) { $this->output->add_message("You are not allowed to delete items."); return false; } if (valid_input($item_id, VALIDATE_NUMBERS, VALIDATE_NONEMPTY) == false) { $this->output->add_message("Invalid item id."); return false; } return true; }