function session_logout() { log_userLog('Logging out, IP=' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); $cookieString = session_getCookieSetting('lll'); $cookie = Cookie::get_by_cookieString($cookieString); if ($cookie) { $cookie->delete(); } setcookie("prefs[lll]", NULL, time() - 3600, '/'); unset($_COOKIE['prefs']['lll']); session_kill(); util_redirect(util_getWwwRoot()); }
function smarty_init() { $smarty = new Smarty(); $smarty->template_dir = util_getRootPath() . 'templates'; $smarty->compile_dir = util_getRootPath() . 'templates_c'; $smarty->assign('wwwRoot', util_getWwwRoot()); $smarty->assign('cssRoot', util_getCssRoot()); $smarty->assign('imgRoot', util_getImgRoot()); $smarty->assign('sources', Model::factory('Source')->order_by_desc('isOfficial')->order_by_asc('displayOrder')->find_many()); $smarty->assign('sUser', session_getUser()); $smarty->assign('is_mirror', pref_isMirror()); $smarty->assign('nick', session_getUserNick()); $smarty->assign('contact_email', pref_getContactEmail()); $smarty->assign('hostedBy', pref_getHostedBy()); $smarty->assign('currentYear', date("Y")); $smarty->assign('bannerType', pref_getServerPreference('bannerType')); $smarty->assign('developmentMode', pref_getServerPreference('developmentMode')); $smarty->assign('isMobile', util_isMobile()); smarty_registerFunction($smarty, 'getDebugInfo', 'smarty_function_getDebugInfo'); $smarty->assign('GLOBALS', $GLOBALS); $GLOBALS['smarty_theSmarty'] = $smarty; }
if (!StringUtil::validateAlphabet($lexemId, '0123456789')) { $lexemId = ''; } $lexem = Lexem::get_by_id($lexemId); if ($lexem) { $lexems = array($lexem); $cuv = $lexem->formNoAccent; } else { $lexems = array(); $cuv = NULL; } } if ($lexemId) { SmartyWrap::assign('paradigmLink', util_getWwwRoot() . "lexem/{$cuv}/{$lexemId}/paradigma"); } else { SmartyWrap::assign('paradigmLink', util_getWwwRoot() . "definitie/{$cuv}/paradigma"); } if ($cuv) { $cuv = StringUtil::cleanupQuery($cuv); } // Normal search if ($searchType == SEARCH_INFLECTED) { $lexems = Lexem::searchInflectedForms($cuv, $hasDiacritics); if (count($lexems) == 0) { $cuv_old = StringUtil::tryOldOrthography($cuv); $lexems = Lexem::searchInflectedForms($cuv_old, $hasDiacritics); } } // Maps lexems to arrays of inflected forms (some lexems may lack inflections) // Also compute the text of the link to the paradigm div, // which can be 'conjugări', 'declinări' or both
// Parse or initialize the GET/POST arguments $nick = util_getRequestParameter('n'); $medalSaveButton = util_getRequestParameter('medalSaveButton'); $userId = util_getRequestParameter('userId'); $medalsGranted = util_getRequestParameter('medalsGranted'); if ($medalSaveButton) { util_assertModerator(PRIV_ADMIN); $user = User::get_by_id($userId); $user->medalMask = Medal::getCanonicalMask(array_sum($medalsGranted)); $user->save(); util_redirect(util_getWwwRoot() . "utilizator/{$user->nick}"); } $user = User::get_by_nick($nick); if (!$user) { FlashMessage::add('Utilizatorul ' . htmlspecialchars($nick) . ' nu există.'); util_redirect(util_getWwwRoot()); } $userData = array(); $user->email = StringUtil::scrambleEmail($user->email); // Find the rank of this user by number of words and number of characters $topWords = TopEntry::getTopData(CRIT_WORDS, SORT_DESC, true); $numUsers = count($topWords); $rankWords = 0; while ($rankWords < $numUsers && $topWords[$rankWords]->userNick != $nick) { $rankWords++; } $userData['rank_words'] = $rankWords + 1; if ($rankWords < $numUsers) { $topEntry = $topWords[$rankWords]; $userData['last_submission'] = $topEntry->timestamp; $userData['num_words'] = $topEntry->numDefinitions;
<?php define('WOTM_BIG_BANG', '2012-04-01'); require_once "../phplib/util.php"; $date = util_getRequestParameter('d'); $type = util_getRequestParameter('t'); $today = date('Y-m-01', time()); // Always use the first of the month $timestamp = $date ? strtotime($date) : time(); $mysqlDate = date("Y-m-01", $timestamp); if ($mysqlDate < WOTM_BIG_BANG || $mysqlDate > $today && !util_isModerator(PRIV_ADMIN)) { util_redirect(util_getWwwRoot() . 'cuvantul-lunii'); } $wotm = WordOfTheMonth::getWotM($mysqlDate); $def = Definition::get_by_id($wotm->definitionId); if ($type == 'url') { SmartyWrap::assign('today', $today); SmartyWrap::assign('title', $def->lexicon); SmartyWrap::displayWithoutSkin('bits/wotmurl.tpl'); exit; } $searchResults = SearchResult::mapDefinitionArray(array($def)); $cYear = date('Y', $timestamp); $cMonth = date('n', $timestamp); $nextTS = mktime(0, 0, 0, $cMonth + 1, 1, $cYear); $prevTS = mktime(0, 0, 0, $cMonth - 1, 1, $cYear); if ($mysqlDate > WOTM_BIG_BANG) { SmartyWrap::assign('prevmon', date('Y/m', $prevTS)); } if ($mysqlDate < $today || util_isModerator(PRIV_ADMIN)) { SmartyWrap::assign('nextmon', date('Y/m', $nextTS));
$searchType = SEARCH_APPROXIMATE; $lexems = Lexem::searchApproximate($cuv, $hasDiacritics, true); if (count($lexems) == 1) { FlashMessage::add("Ați fost redirecționat automat la forma „{$lexems[0]->formNoAccent}”."); } else { if (!count($lexems)) { FlashMessage::add("Niciun rezultat relevant pentru „{$cuv}”."); } } } if (count($lexems) == 1 && $cuv != $lexems[0]->formNoAccent) { // Convenience redirect when there is only one correct form. We want all pages to be canonical $sourcePart = $source ? "-{$source->urlName}" : ''; session_setVariable('redirect', true); session_setVariable('init_word', $cuv); util_redirect(util_getWwwRoot() . "definitie{$sourcePart}/{$lexems[0]->formNoAccent}" . ($xml ? '/xml' : '')); } smarty_assign('lexems', $lexems); if ($searchType == SEARCH_INFLECTED) { // For successful searches, load the definitions, inflections and linguistic articles $definitions = Definition::loadForLexems($lexems, $sourceId, $cuv, $exclude_unofficial); smarty_assign('wikiArticles', WikiArticle::loadForLexems($lexems)); } if (isset($definitions)) { $searchResults = SearchResult::mapDefinitionArray($definitions); } } $conjugations = NULL; $declensions = NULL; if ($searchType == SEARCH_INFLECTED || $searchType == SEARCH_LEXEM_ID || $searchType == SEARCH_FULL_TEXT || $searchType == SEARCH_MULTIWORD) { smarty_assign('results', $searchResults);
smarty_assign('rss_pubDate', date('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' EEST'); smarty_assign('results', $results); smarty_displayWithoutSkin('common/rss.ixml'); exit; } $today = date('Y-m-d', time()); $timestamp = $date ? strtotime($date) : time(); $mysqlDate = date("Y-m-d", $timestamp); if ($mysqlDate < WOTD_BIG_BANG || $mysqlDate > $today) { util_redirect(util_getWwwRoot() . 'cuvantul-zilei'); } $wotd = WordOfTheDay::get_by_displayDate($mysqlDate); if (!$wotd) { // We shouldn't have missing words since the Big Bang. if ($mysqlDate != $today) { util_redirect(util_getWwwRoot() . 'cuvantul-zilei'); } WordOfTheDay::updateTodaysWord(); $wotd = WordOfTheDay::get_by_displayDate($mysqlDate); } $archive = WordOfTheDay::getArchiveWotD(date('Y', $timestamp), date('m', $timestamp)); $defId = WordOfTheDayRel::getRefId($wotd->id); $def = Definition::get_by_id($defId); $searchResults = SearchResult::mapDefinitionArray(array($def)); setlocale(LC_ALL, 'ro_RO'); $roDate = strftime("%e %B %Y", $timestamp); $pageTitle = sprintf("Cuvântul zilei: %s (%s)", $def->lexicon, $roDate); if ($mysqlDate > WOTD_BIG_BANG) { smarty_assign('prevday', date('Y/m/d', $timestamp - 86400)); } if ($mysqlDate < $today) {
/** * Search engine friendly URLs used for the search page: * 1)[-<sursa>]/<cuvânt>[/<defId>][/paradigma] * 2)[-<sursa>]/<cuvânt>[/<lexemId>][/paradigma] * 3)[-<sursa>]/<text> * Links of the old form (search.php?...) can only come via the search form and should not contain lexemId / definitionId. */ function util_redirectToFriendlyUrl($cuv, $sourceUrlName, $text, $showParadigm, $xml) { if (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/search.php?') === false) { return; // The url is already friendly. } if ($xml) { return; } $cuv = urlencode($cuv); $sourceUrlName = urlencode($sourceUrlName); $sourcePart = $sourceUrlName ? "-{$sourceUrlName}" : ''; $paradigmPart = $showParadigm ? '/paradigma' : ''; if ($text) { $url = "text{$sourcePart}/{$cuv}"; } else { $url = "definitie{$sourcePart}/{$cuv}{$paradigmPart}"; } util_redirect(util_getWwwRoot() . $url); }
$error = 'A intervenit o eroare la încărcare.'; } } } } if ($error) { FlashMessage::add($error); util_redirect(util_getWwwRoot() . 'preferinte'); } $user = session_getUser(); if (!$user) { FlashMessage::add('Nu puteți alege o imagine de profil dacă nu sunteți autentificat.'); util_redirect(util_getWwwRoot()); } // Remove any old files (with different extensions) $oldFiles = glob(util_getRootPath() . "wwwbase/img/user/{$user->id}_raw.*"); foreach ($oldFiles as $oldFile) { unlink($oldFile); } $ext = pathinfo($file['name'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $destFileName = util_getRootPath() . "wwwbase/img/user/{$user->id}_raw.{$ext}"; if (!move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], $destFileName)) { FlashMessage::add('A intervenit o eroare la copierea fișierului.'); util_redirect(util_getWwwRoot() . 'preferinte'); } chmod($destFileName, 0666); SmartyWrap::addCss('jcrop'); SmartyWrap::addJs('jcrop'); SmartyWrap::assign('page_title', "Editarea pozei de profil"); SmartyWrap::assign('rawFileName', "{$user->id}_raw.{$ext}"); SmartyWrap::display('editare-avatar.ihtml');
static function addJs() { // Note the priorities. This allows files to be added in any order, regardless of dependencies foreach (func_get_args() as $id) { switch ($id) { case 'jquery': self::$jsFiles[1] = 'jquery-1.10.2.min.js'; break; case 'jqueryui': self::$jsFiles[2] = 'jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom.min.js'; break; case 'jqgrid': self::$jsFiles[3] = 'grid.locale-en.js?v=2'; self::$jsFiles[4] = 'jquery.jqGrid.min.js?v=3'; break; case 'jqnotice': self::$jsFiles[5] = 'jquery.notice.js'; break; case 'jqTableDnd': self::$jsFiles[6] = 'jquery.tablednd.0.8.min.js?v=1'; break; case 'tablesorter': self::$jsFiles[7] = 'jquery.tablesorter.min.js?v=5'; self::$jsFiles[8] = ''; break; case 'pager': self::$jsFiles[9] = 'jquery.tablesorter.pager.min.js'; break; case 'elfinder': self::$jsFiles[10] = 'elfinder.min.js?v=1'; break; case 'windowEngine': self::$jsFiles[11] = 'jquery-wm.js'; break; case 'cookie': self::$jsFiles[12] = 'jquery.cookie.js?v=1'; break; case 'dex': self::$jsFiles[13] = 'dex.js?v=29'; break; case 'flex': self::$jsFiles[14] = 'flex.js?v=2'; break; case 'hangman': self::$jsFiles[15] = 'hangman.js?v=5'; break; case 'mill': self::$jsFiles[16] = 'mill.js?v=3'; break; case 'wotd': self::$jsFiles[17] = 'wotd.js?v=2'; break; case 'lexemEdit': self::$jsFiles[18] = 'lexemEdit.js?v=15'; break; case 'jcrop': self::$jsFiles[19] = 'jquery.Jcrop.min.js?v=2'; break; case 'select2': self::$jsFiles[20] = 'select2.min.js?v=3'; break; case 'select2Dev': self::$jsFiles[21] = 'select2Dev.js?v=7'; break; case 'visual': self::$jsFiles[22] = 'visual.js?v=2'; break; case 'visualTag': self::$jsFiles[23] = 'visualTag.js?v=2'; break; case 'gallery': self::$jsFiles[24] = 'colorbox/jquery.colorbox-min.js'; self::$jsFiles[25] = 'colorbox/jquery.colorbox-ro.js'; self::$jsFiles[26] = 'dexGallery.js?v=2'; self::$jsFiles[27] = 'jcanvas.min.js'; break; case 'modelDropdown': self::$jsFiles[28] = 'modelDropdown.js'; break; case 'textComplete': self::$jsFiles[29] = 'jquery.textcomplete.min.js'; break; case 'definitionEdit': self::$jsFiles[30] = 'definitionEdit.js'; break; default: FlashMessage::add("Cannot load JS script {$id}"); util_redirect(util_getWwwRoot()); } } }
/** * Search engine friendly URLs used for the search page: * 1)[-<sursa>]/<cuvânt>[/<defId>][/paradigma] * 2)[-<sursa>]/<cuvânt>[/<lexemId>][/paradigma] * 3)[-<sursa>]/<text> * Links of the old form (search.php?...) can only come via the search form and should not contain lexemId / definitionId. */ function util_redirectToFriendlyUrl($cuv, $lexemId, $sourceUrlName, $text, $showParadigm, $xml, $all) { if (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '/search.php?') === false) { return; // The url is already friendly. } if ($xml) { return; } $cuv = urlencode($cuv); $sourceUrlName = urlencode($sourceUrlName); $sourcePart = $sourceUrlName ? "-{$sourceUrlName}" : ''; $paradigmPart = $showParadigm ? '/paradigma' : ''; $allPart = $all && !$showParadigm ? '/expandat' : ''; if ($text) { $url = "text{$sourcePart}/{$cuv}"; } else { if ($lexemId) { $l = Lexem::get_by_id($lexemId); if (!$l) { util_redirect(util_getWwwRoot()); } $url = "lexem{$sourcePart}/{$l->formNoAccent}/{$l->id}/{$paradigmPart}"; } else { $url = "definitie{$sourcePart}/{$cuv}{$paradigmPart}"; } } util_redirect(util_getWwwRoot() . $url . $allPart); }