 * Rewrite markuped XHTML back to plain Text. AJAX callback
 * @author Andreas Gohr <*****@*****.**>
function spell_resume()
    $text = $_POST['data'];
    //some browsers insert newlines instead of spaces
    $text = preg_replace("/(\r\n|\n|\r)/", ' ', $text);
    $text = preg_replace("=<br */?>=i", "\n", $text);
    // remove HTML tags
    $text = strip_tags($text);
    // restore spaces
    $text = preg_replace('/&nbsp;/', ' ', $text);
    $text = preg_replace('/\\xC2\\xA0/', ' ', $text);
    // restore quoted special chars
    $text = unhtmlspecialchars($text);
    // check if UTF-8 is accepted
    if (!$_POST['utf8']) {
        // protect '&' (gets removed in JS later)
        $text = str_replace('&', '&amp;', $text);
        // encode multibyte chars as entities for broken Konqueror
        $text = utf8_tohtml($text);
    // output
    print $text;
Пример #2
 function test_from_4byte()
     $in = "􀀁";
     $out = '&#x100001;';
     $this->assertEqual(utf8_tohtml($in), $out);
Пример #3
  * Parses a projection group in 'long syntax'.
 function parseFieldsLong($lines, &$typemap)
     $p = $this->getPatterns();
     $result = array();
     foreach ($lines as $lineNode) {
         $line = trim($lineNode['text']);
         if (preg_match("/^({$p->variable})\\s*({$p->aggregate})?\\s*({$p->type})?(?:\\s*(:)\\s*({$p->any})?\\s*)?\$/S", $line, $match)) {
             list(, $var, $vaggregate, $vtype, $nocaphint, $caption) = $match;
             $variable = $p->variable($var)->name;
             if (!$nocaphint || !$nocaphint && !$caption) {
                 $caption = ucfirst($variable);
             list($type, $hint) = $p->type($vtype);
             list($agg, $agghint) = $p->aggregate($vaggregate);
             $this->updateTypemap($typemap, $variable, $type, $hint);
             $result[] = array('variable' => $variable, 'caption' => $caption, 'aggregate' => $agg, 'aggregateHint' => $agghint, 'type' => $type, 'hint' => $hint);
         } else {
             $this->_fail(sprintf($this->getLang('error_query_fieldsline'), utf8_tohtml(hsc($line))), $lineNode);
     return $result;
Пример #4
 function handle($match, $state, $pos, &$handler)
     $result = array('entry' => '', 'data' => array($this->util->getIsaKey(false) => array(), $this->util->getTitleKey(false) => array()));
     // allow for preprocessing by a subclass
     $match = $this->preprocess($match, $state, $pos, $handler, $result);
     $lines = explode("\n", $match);
     $header = trim(array_shift($lines));
     $footer = trim(array_pop($lines));
     // allow subclasses to mangle header
     $header = $this->handleHeader($header, $result);
     // extract header, and match it to get classes and fragment
     preg_match('/^( +[^#>]+)?(?: *#([^>]*?))?$/', $header, $header);
     // process the classes into triples
     foreach (preg_split('/\\s+/', trim($header[1])) as $class) {
         if ($class == '') {
         $result['data'][$this->util->getIsaKey(false)][] = array('value' => $class, 'type' => 'text', 'hint' => null);
     // process the fragment if necessary
     $result['entry'] = $header[2];
     $result['position'] = $pos;
     if ($result['entry'] != '') {
         $result['title candidate'] = array('value' => $result['entry'], 'type' => 'text', 'hint' => null);
     // parse tree
     $tree = $this->syntax->constructTree($lines, 'data entry');
     // allow subclasses first pick in the tree
     $this->handleBody($tree, $result);
     // fetch all lines
     $lines = $this->syntax->extractText($tree);
     // sanity check
     if (count($tree['cs'])) {
         msg(sprintf($this->syntax->getLang('error_entry_block'), $tree['cs'][0]['tag'] ? sprintf($this->syntax->getLang('named_group'), utf8_tohtml(hsc($tree['cs'][0]['tag']))) : $this->syntax->getLang('unnamed_group'), utf8_tohtml(hsc($result['entry']))), -1);
         return array();
     $p = $this->syntax->getPatterns();
     // now handle all lines
     foreach ($lines as $line) {
         $line = $line['text'];
         // match a "property_type(hint)*: value" pattern
         // (the * is only used to indicate that the value is actually a comma-seperated list)
         // [grammar] ENTRY := PREDICATE TYPE? '*'? ':' ANY
         if (preg_match("/^({$p->predicate})\\s*({$p->type})?\\s*(\\*)?\\s*:\\s*({$p->any}?)\$/", $line, $parts)) {
             // assign useful names
             list(, $property, $ptype, $multi, $values) = $parts;
             list($type, $hint) = $p->type($ptype);
             // trim property so we don't get accidental 'name   ' keys
             $property = utf8_trim($property);
             // lazy create key bucket
             if (!isset($result['data'][$property])) {
                 $result['data'][$property] = array();
             // determine values, splitting on commas if necessary
             $values = $multi == '*' ? explode(',', $values) : array($values);
             // generate triples from the values
             foreach ($values as $v) {
                 $v = utf8_trim($v);
                 if ($v == '') {
                 // replace the [[]] quasi-magic token with the empty string
                 if ($v == '[[]]') {
                     $v = '';
                 if (!isset($type) || $type == '') {
                     list($type, $hint) = $this->util->getDefaultType();
                 $result['data'][$property][] = array('value' => $v, 'type' => $type, 'hint' => $hint ?: null);
         } else {
             msg(sprintf($this->syntax->getLang('error_entry_line'), utf8_tohtml(hsc($line))), -1);
     // normalize data:
     // - Normalize all values
     $buckets = $result['data'];
     $result['data'] = array();
     foreach ($buckets as $property => &$bucket) {
         // normalize the predicate
         $property = $this->util->normalizePredicate($property);
         // process all triples
         foreach ($bucket as &$triple) {
             // normalize the value
             $type = $this->util->loadType($triple['type']);
             $triple['value'] = $type->normalize($triple['value'], $triple['hint']);
             // lazy create property bucket
             if (!isset($result['data'][$property])) {
                 $result['data'][$property] = array();
             $result['data'][$property][] = $triple;
     // normalize title candidate
     if (!empty($result['title candidate'])) {
         $type = $this->util->loadType($result['title candidate']['type']);
         $result['title candidate']['value'] = $type->normalize($result['title candidate']['value'], $result['title candidate']['hint']);
     $footer = $this->handleFooter($footer, $result);
     return $result;
Пример #5
 function handle($match, $state, $pos, &$handler)
     try {
         $result = array();
         $typemap = array();
         // allow subclass handling of the whole match
         $match = $this->preprocess($match, $state, $pos, $handler, $result, $typemap);
         // split into lines and remove header and footer
         $lines = explode("\n", $match);
         $header = trim(array_shift($lines));
         $footer = trim(array_pop($lines));
         // allow subclass header handling
         $header = $this->handleHeader($header, $result, $typemap);
         // parse projection information in 'short syntax' if available
         if (trim($header) != '') {
             $result['fields'] = $this->helper->parseFieldsShort($header, $typemap);
         $tree = $this->helper->constructTree($lines, 'query');
         // parse long fields, if available
         $longFields = $this->helper->getFields($tree, $typemap);
         // check double data
         if (count($result['fields']) && count($longFields)) {
         // assign longfields if necessary
         if (count($result['fields']) == 0) {
             $result['fields'] = $longFields;
         // check no data
         if (count($result['fields']) == 0) {
         // determine the variables to project
         $projection = array();
         foreach ($result['fields'] as $f) {
             $projection[] = $f['variable'];
         $projection = array_unique($projection);
         // allow subclass body handling
         $this->handleBody($tree, $result, $typemap);
         // parse UI group
         $this->handleUI($tree, $result, $typemap);
         // parse the query itself
         list($result['query'], $variables) = $this->helper->constructQuery($tree, $typemap, $projection);
         // allow subclass footer handling
         $footer = $this->handleFooter($footer, $result, $typemap, $variable);
         // check projected variables and load types
         foreach ($result['fields'] as $i => $f) {
             $var = $f['variable'];
             if (!in_array($var, $variables)) {
                 $this->helper->_fail(sprintf($this->helper->getLang('error_query_unknownselect'), utf8_tohtml(hsc($var))));
             if (empty($f['type'])) {
                 if (!empty($typemap[$var])) {
                     $result['fields'][$i] = array_merge($result['fields'][$i], $typemap[$var]);
                 } else {
                     list($type, $hint) = $this->util->getDefaultType();
                     $result['fields'][$i]['type'] = $type;
                     $result['fields'][$i]['hint'] = $hint;
         return $result;
     } catch (strata_exception $e) {
         return array('error' => array('message' => $e->getMessage(), 'regions' => $e->getData(), 'lines' => $lines));