Пример #1
    function ut_needed_js()
        global $detect;
        /* check for js cache */
        if (ot_get_option('ut_use_cache', 'off') == 'on' && is_front_page()) {
            $transient_prefix = $detect->isMobile() ? '_mobile' : '_desktop';
            $language_prefix = defined('ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE') ? '_' . ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE : '';
            $js = get_transient('ut_js_cache' . $transient_prefix . $language_prefix);
            if (!empty($js)) {
                echo apply_filters('ut-custom-js', $js);
        $accentcolor = get_option('ut_accentcolor', '#CC5E53');
        $ut_hero_type = ut_return_hero_config('ut_hero_type');
        $js = '(function($){
				"use strict";
				$(document).ready(function(){ ';
        $js .= 'var brooklyn_scroll_offset = $("#header-section").outerHeight();';
        | Retina Logo
        /* check if current page has an option tp show a hero */
        $ut_activate_page_hero = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'ut_activate_page_hero', true);
        $sitelogo_retina = !is_front_page() && !is_home() && ($ut_activate_page_hero == 'off' || empty($ut_activate_page_hero)) ? get_theme_mod('ut_site_logo_alt_retina') : get_theme_mod('ut_site_logo_retina');
        $alternate_logo_retina = get_theme_mod('ut_site_logo_alt_retina') ? get_theme_mod('ut_site_logo_alt_retina') : get_theme_mod('ut_site_logo_retina');
        $js .= 'window.matchMedia||(window.matchMedia=function(){var c=window.styleMedia||window.media;if(!c){var a=document.createElement("style"),d=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0],e=null;a.type="text/css";a.id="matchmediajs-test";d.parentNode.insertBefore(a,d);e="getComputedStyle"in window&&window.getComputedStyle(a,null)||a.currentStyle;c={matchMedium:function(b){b="@media "+b+"{ #matchmediajs-test { width: 1px; } }";a.styleSheet?a.styleSheet.cssText=b:a.textContent=b;return"1px"===e.width}}}return function(a){return{matches:c.matchMedium(a|| "all"),media:a||"all"}}}());';
        $js .= 'var ut_modern_media_query = window.matchMedia( "screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:2)");';
        if (!empty($sitelogo_retina)) {
            $js .= 'if( ut_modern_media_query.matches ) {
                        var $logo = $(".site-logo img");
                        $logo.attr("src" , retina_logos.sitelogo_retina );
        if (!empty($alternate_logo_retina)) {
            $js .= 'if( ut_modern_media_query.matches ) {
                        var $logo = $(".site-logo img");
                        $logo.data("altlogo" , retina_logos.alternate_logo_retina );        
        | Pre Loader
        if (ot_get_option('ut_use_image_loader') == 'on') {
            if (ut_dynamic_conditional('ut_use_image_loader_on')) {
                /* settings for pre loader */
                $loadercolor = ot_get_option('ut_image_loader_color', $accentcolor);
                $barcolor = ot_get_option('ut_image_loader_bar_color', $accentcolor);
                $loader_bg_color = ot_get_option('ut_image_loader_background', '#FFF');
                $bar_height = ot_get_option('ut_image_loader_barheight', 3);
                $ut_show_loader_bar = ot_get_option('ut_show_loader_bar', 'on');
                if ($detect->isMobile()) {
                    $js .= 'window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
									showbar: "' . $ut_show_loader_bar . '",					
									barColor: "' . $barcolor . '",
									textColor: "' . $loadercolor . '",
									backgroundColor: "' . $loader_bg_color . '",
									barHeight: ' . $bar_height . ',
									percentage: true,						
									completeAnimation: "fade",
									minimumTime: 500,
									onComplete : function() {
										$(".ut-loader-overlay").fadeOut( 600 , "easeInOutExpo" , function() {
                } else {
                    $js .= '$("body").queryLoader2({						
								showbar: "' . $ut_show_loader_bar . '",			
								barColor: "' . $barcolor . '",
								textColor: "' . $loadercolor . '",
								backgroundColor: "' . $loader_bg_color . '",
								barHeight: ' . $bar_height . ',
								percentage: true,						
								completeAnimation: "fade",
								minimumTime: 500,
								onComplete : function() {
									$(".ut-loader-overlay").fadeOut( 600 , "easeInOutExpo" , function() {
        | Slogan / Welcome Message Animation
        if ($ut_hero_type != 'slider') {
            $js .= '
				$(window).load(function() {
					function show_slogan() {
						$(".hero-holder").animate({ opacity : 1 });
					var execute_slogan = setTimeout ( show_slogan , 800 );
        | Fittext for Hero Style 11
        if (ut_return_hero_config('ut_hero_style', 'ut-hero-style-1') == 'ut-hero-style-11') {
            $js .= '
                        $(".ut-hero-style-11 .hero-title").fitText(1.1, { minFontSize: "30px", maxFontSize: "130px" });
	                    $(".ut-hero-style-11 .hero-description").fitText(1.6, { minFontSize: "20px", maxFontSize: "72px" });
                        $(".ut-hero-style-11 .hero-description-bottom").fitText(2.0, { minFontSize: "14px", maxFontSize: "20px" });
        | Call to Action Button Scoll Animation
        | only available if shortcode plugin has been installed
        if (ut_is_plugin_active('ut-shortcodes/ut-shortcodes.php')) {
            $js .= '
                        $(".cta-btn a").click( function(event) { 
                            if(this.hash) {
                                $.scrollTo( this.hash , 650, { easing: "easeInOutExpo" , offset: -brooklyn_scroll_offset-1 , "axis":"y" } );			
        | Main Navigation Animation ( only for blog and front page )
        if ((is_home() || is_front_page() || is_singular('portfolio') || get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'ut_activate_page_hero', true) == 'on') && ot_get_option('ut_navigation_state', 'off') == 'off') {
            $ut_navigation_skin = ot_get_option('ut_navigation_skin', 'ut-header-light');
            $navigation_width = ot_get_option('ut_navigation_width', 'centered');
            $ut_site_border_header_class = ot_get_option('ut_site_border', 'hide') == 'show' ? 'bordered-navigation' : '';
            $js .= '				
					/* Header Animation
					================================================== */		
					var $header     = $("#header-section"),
						$logo	    = $(".site-logo img"),
						logo	    = $logo.attr("src"),
						logoalt     = $logo.data("altlogo"),
                        is_open     = false,
                        has_passed  = false;
                    var ut_nav_skin_changer = function( direction , animClassDown , animClassUp ) {
                        if( direction === "down" && animClassDown ) {
                            $header.attr("class", "ha-header ' . $ut_navigation_skin . ' ' . $navigation_width . '" + animClassDown + " ' . $ut_site_border_header_class . '" );
                            $logo.attr("src" , logoalt );
                        } else if( direction === "up" && animClassUp ){
                            $header.attr("class", "ha-header ' . $ut_navigation_skin . ' ' . $navigation_width . ' " + animClassUp + " ' . $ut_site_border_header_class . '");
                            $logo.attr("src" , logo );
					$( ".ha-waypoint" ).each( function(i) {
						/* needed vars */
						var $this = $( this ),
							animClassDown = $this.data( "animateDown" ),
							animClassUp   = $this.data( "animateUp" );
						$this.waypoint(function(direction) {
                            ut_nav_skin_changer( direction , animClassDown , animClassUp );
						}, { offset: brooklyn_scroll_offset+1 } );
        if ((is_home() || is_front_page() || is_singular('portfolio') || get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'ut_activate_page_hero', true) == 'on') && ot_get_option('ut_navigation_state', 'off') == 'on_transparent') {
            $ut_navigation_skin = ot_get_option('ut_navigation_skin', 'ut-header-light');
            $navigation_width = ot_get_option('ut_navigation_width', 'centered');
            $ut_site_border_header_class = ot_get_option('ut_site_border', 'hide') == 'show' ? 'bordered-navigation' : '';
            $js .= '				
					/* Header Animation
					================================================== */		
					var $header     = $("#header-section"),
						$logo	    = $(".site-logo img"),
						logo	    = $logo.attr("src"),
						logoalt     = $logo.data("altlogo"),
                        is_open     = false,
                        has_passed  = false;
                    var ut_update_header_skin = function() {
                        if (($(window).width() > 979) && is_open ) {
                            if( has_passed ) {
                                $header.attr("class", "ha-header ' . $ut_navigation_skin . ' ' . $navigation_width . ' ' . $ut_site_border_header_class . '");
                            } else {
                                $header.attr("class", "ha-header ha-transparent ' . $navigation_width . ' ' . $ut_site_border_header_class . '");
                    var ut_nav_skin_changer = function( direction ) {
                        if( direction === "down" && !is_open ) {
                            $header.attr("class", "ha-header ' . $ut_navigation_skin . ' ' . $navigation_width . ' ' . $ut_site_border_header_class . '");
                            $logo.attr("src" , logoalt );
                            has_passed = true;                            
                        } else if( direction === "up" && !is_open ) {
                            $header.attr("class", "ha-header ha-transparent ' . $navigation_width . ' ' . $ut_site_border_header_class . '");
                            $logo.attr("src" , logo );
                            has_passed = false;
                        if( $header.hasClass("ha-transparent") && !has_passed ) {
                            $header.attr("class", "ha-header ' . $navigation_width . ' ' . $ut_navigation_skin . ' ' . $ut_site_border_header_class . '");
                            $logo.attr("src" , logoalt );                            
                        } else if ( $header.hasClass("' . $ut_navigation_skin . '") && !has_passed ) {
                            $header.attr("class", "ha-header ' . $navigation_width . ' ha-transparent ' . $ut_site_border_header_class . '");
                            $logo.attr("src" , logo );                            
                    }).toggle(function(){ is_open = true; }, function() { is_open = false; });   
					$( "#main-content" ).waypoint(function(direction) {
                        if( direction === "down" ) {
                            has_passed = true;                           
                        } else if( direction === "up" ) {
                            has_passed = false;                           
					}, { offset: brooklyn_scroll_offset+1 });';
        | Rain Effect for images
        if (ut_return_hero_config('ut_hero_rain_effect', 'off') == 'on' && ($ut_hero_type == 'image' || $ut_hero_type == 'tabs' || $ut_hero_type == 'splithero')) {
            $js .= '
					$.fn.utFullSize = function( callback ) {
						var fullsize = $(this);		
						function utResizeObject() {
						  	var imgwidth = fullsize.width(),
						   		imgheight = fullsize.height(),
								winwidth = $(window).width(),
						  		winheight = $(window).height(),
								widthratio = winwidth / imgwidth,
						  		heightratio = winheight / imgheight,
								widthdiff = heightratio * imgwidth,
						  		heightdiff = widthratio * imgheight;
							if( heightdiff > winheight ) {
									width: winwidth+"px",
									height: heightdiff+"px"
							} else {
									width: widthdiff+"px",
									height: winheight+"px"
						if (callback && typeof(callback) === "function") {   

					function ut_init_RainyDay( callback ) {
						var $image = document.getElementById("ut-rain-background"),
							$hero  = document.getElementById("ut-hero");						
							var engine = new RainyDay({
								image: $image,
								parentElement : $hero,
								blur: 20,
								opacity: 1,
								fps: 24
							engine.gravity = engine.GRAVITY_NON_LINEAR;
							engine.trail = engine.TRAIL_SMUDGE;
							engine.rain([ [6, 6, 0.1], [2, 2, 0.1] ], 50 );
						$image.crossOrigin = "anonymous";
						if (callback && typeof(callback) === "function") {   
						$("#ut-rain-background").utFullSize( function() {
							/* play rainday sound and remove section image and adjust canvas */
							ut_init_RainyDay( function() {
								$("#ut-hero").css("background-image" , "none");
								$("#ut-hero canvas").utFullSize();
								if( $("#ut-hero-audio").length != 0 ) {
									$("#ut-hero-audio").find(".mejs-play button").click();
            if (ut_return_hero_config('ut_hero_rain_sound', 'off') == 'on') {
                $js .= '

						var $audioPlayer = $("#ut-hero-audio");
						if( $(".ut-audio-control").hasClass("ut-unmute") ) {
							$audioPlayer.find(".mejs-mute button").click();							
						} else {
							$audioPlayer.find(".mejs-unmute button").click();							
        | Video Player Call
        if (!$detect->isMobile() && $ut_hero_type == 'video' || !$detect->isMobile() && $ut_hero_type == 'tabs' && ut_return_hero_config('ut_video_containment', 'hero') == 'body') {
            $volume = ut_return_hero_config('ut_video_volume', "5");
            $js .= '
						if( $("#ut-background-video-hero").length ) {						
							/* player mute control */
								if( $(this).hasClass("ut-unmute") ) {
									$("#ut-background-video-hero").setYTPVolume(' . $volume . ');
								} else {
        | Slider Settings Hook
        if ($ut_hero_type == 'slider' || is_singular("portfolio") && get_post_format() == 'gallery') {
            $animation = ut_return_hero_config('ut_background_slider_animation', 'fade');
            $slideshowSpeed = ut_return_hero_config('ut_background_slider_slideshow_speed', 7000);
            $animationSpeed = ut_return_hero_config('ut_background_slider_animation_speed', 600);
            if (is_singular("portfolio")) {
                $animation = 'fade';
                $slideshowSpeed = '7000';
                $animationSpeed = '600';
            $js .= '
					 var $hero_captions = $("#ut-hero-captions"),
					 	 animatingTo = 0;
					 $hero_captions.find(".hero-holder").each(function() {						
						var pos = $(this).data("animation"),
							add = "-50%";
						if( pos==="left" || pos==="right" ) { add = "-25%" };						
						$(this).css( pos , add );	
                        animation: "fade",
						animationSpeed: ' . $animationSpeed . ',
						slideshowSpeed: ' . $slideshowSpeed . ',
                        controlNav: false,
						directionNav: false,
                        animationLoop: true,
                        slideshow: true,
                        before: function(slider){                        	
							/* hide hero holder */
							$(".flex-active-slide").find(".hero-holder").fadeOut("fast", function() {
								var pos = $(this).data("animation"),
									anim = { opacity: 0 , display : "table" },
									add = "-50%";
								if( pos==="left" || pos==="right" ) { add = "-25%" };
								anim[pos] = add;
							/* animate background slider */
						after: function(slider) {
							/* change position of caption slider */
							slider.animate( { top : ( $(window).height() - $hero_captions.find(".flex-active-slide").height() ) / 2 } , 100 , function() {
								/* show hero holder */
								var pos = $(".flex-active-slide").find(".hero-holder").data("animation"),
									anim = { opacity: 1 };
								anim[pos] = 0;
								$(".flex-active-slide").find(".hero-holder").animate( anim );
						start: function(slider) {
							/* create external navigation */
								if ($(this).hasClass("next")) {
								  slider.flexAnimate(slider.getTarget("next"), true);
								} else {
								  slider.flexAnimate(slider.getTarget("prev"), true);
							$(".hero.slider .parallax-overlay").fadeIn("fast");
							/* change position of caption slider */
							slider.animate( { top : ( $(window).height() - $hero_captions.find(".flex-active-slide").height() ) / 2 } , 100 , function() { 
								/* show hero holder */
								var pos = $(".flex-active-slide").find(".hero-holder").data("animation"),
									anim = { opacity: 1 };
								anim[pos] = 0;
								$(".flex-active-slide").find(".hero-holder").animate( anim );
                    var ut_trigger = 0;
                        /* do not fire on window load resize event */    
                        if( ut_trigger > 0 ) {
                            /* adjust first slide browser bug */
                            $hero_captions.find(".hero-holder").each(function() {
                                if( $(this).width() > $(this).parent().width() ) {
                                    $(this).find(".hero-title").width( $(this).parent().width()-20 );
                            /* change slide */
						animation: "fade",
						animationSpeed: ' . $animationSpeed . ',
						slideshowSpeed: ' . $slideshowSpeed . ', 
                        directionNav: false,
						controlNav: false,
    					animationLoop: true,
                        slideshow: true
        | Parallax Effect for Hero on Front Page
        if (ut_return_hero_config('ut_hero_image_parallax') == 'on') {
            if (!$detect->isMobile()) {
                $js .= '$(".hero .parallax-scroll-container").parallax("50%", 0.6);';
        | Parallax Effect - disabled for mobile devices to much repaint cost
        if (!$detect->isMobile()) {
            $js .= '$(".parallax-banner .parallax-scroll-container").each(function() {                
                                "height" : $(window).height() * 1.1 + "px",
                                "width"  : $(window).width()  * 1.1 + "px",
                                "left"   : "-5%"                            
                            }).parallax( "50%", 0.6 ); 
        | Parallax Effect for Footer
        $ut_csection_parallax = ot_get_option('ut_csection_parallax', 'on');
        if ($ut_csection_parallax == 'on') {
            if (!$detect->isMobile()) {
                $js .= '$(".contact-section .parallax-scroll-container").css({
                            "height" : $(window).height() * 1.1 + "px",
                            "width"  : $(window).width()  * 1.1 + "px",
                            "left"   : "-5%"                            
                        }).parallax("50%", 0.6,true);';
        | Lightbox
        $ut_lightbox_script = ot_get_option('ut_lightbox_script', 'prettyphoto');
        if ($ut_lightbox_script == 'prettyphoto') {
            $js .= '$(".ut-lightbox").prettyPhoto({
                        social_tools : false,
                        markup: \'<div class="pp_pic_holder"> \\
                                    <div class="pp_top"> \\
                                        <div class="pp_left"></div> \\
                                        <div class="pp_middle"></div> \\
                                        <div class="pp_right"></div> \\
                                    </div> \\
                                    <div class="pp_content_container"> \\
                                        <div class="pp_left"> \\
                                        <div class="pp_right"> \\
                                            <div class="pp_content"> \\
                                                <div class="pp_loaderIcon"></div> \\
                                                <div class="pp_fade"> \\
                                                    <a href="#" class="pp_expand" title="Expand the image">Expand</a> \\
                                                    <div class="pp_hoverContainer"> \\
                                                        <a class="pp_next" href="#">next</a> \\
                                                        <a class="pp_previous" href="#">previous</a> \\
                                                    </div> \\
                                                    <div id="pp_full_res"></div> \\
                                                    <div class="pp_details"> \\
                                                        <div class="pp_nav"> \\
                                                            <a href="#" class="pp_arrow_previous">Previous</a> \\
                                                            <p class="currentTextHolder">0/0</p> \\
                                                            <a href="#" class="pp_arrow_next">Next</a> \\
                                                        </div> \\
                                                        <p class="pp_description"></p> \\
                                                        <div class="ppt">&nbsp;</div> \\
                                                        {pp_social} \\
                                                        <a class="pp_close" href="#">Close</a> \\
                                                    </div> \\
                                                </div> \\
                                            </div> \\
                                        </div> \\
                                        </div> \\
                                    </div> \\
                                    <div class="pp_bottom"> \\
                                        <div class="pp_left"></div> \\
                                        <div class="pp_middle"></div> \\
                                        <div class="pp_right"></div> \\
                                    </div> \\
                                </div> \\
                                <div class="pp_overlay"></div>\',
        } else {
            $js .= '$(".ut-lightbox").lightGallery({
                        selector: "this",
                        hash: false
        | Section Animation
        global $detect;
        if (!$detect->isMobile() && ot_get_option('ut_animate_sections', 'on') == 'on') {
            $csection_timer = ot_get_option('ut_animate_sections_timer', '1600');
            $js .= '$("section").each(function() {
							var outerHeight = $(this).outerHeight(),
								offset		= "90%",
								effect		= $(this).data("effect");
							if( outerHeight > $(window).height() / 2 ) {
								offset = "70%";
							$(this).waypoint( function( direction ) {
								var $this = $(this);
								if( direction === "down" && !$(this).hasClass( "animated-" + effect ) ) {
									$this.find(".section-content").animate( { opacity: 1 } , ' . $csection_timer . ' );
									$this.find(".section-header-holder").animate( { opacity: 1 } , ' . $csection_timer . ' );
                                    $this.addClass( "animated-" + effect );
							} , { offset: offset } );			
        $js .= '});
        /* check for css cache */
        if (ot_get_option('ut_use_cache', 'off') == 'on' && is_front_page()) {
            $transient_prefix = $detect->isMobile() ? '_mobile' : '_desktop';
            $language_prefix = defined('ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE') ? '_' . ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE : '';
            $cacheTime = ot_get_option('ut_cache_ltime', '10');
            set_transient('ut_js_cache' . $transient_prefix . $language_prefix, $js, 60 * $cacheTime);
        //echo $js;
        echo apply_filters('ut-custom-js', $js);
Пример #2
 function ut_create_bg_videoplayer($call = '')
     global $detect;
     if ($detect->isMobile()) {
     $player = NULL;
     $video_url = NULL;
     $youtube = false;
     $custom = false;
     $selfhosted = false;
     $containment = ut_return_hero_config('ut_video_containment', 'hero') == 'body' ? 'body' : '#ut-hero';
     /* only create player for desktop devices */
     if (!$detect->isMobile()) {
         /* check if youtube is active */
         if (ut_return_hero_config('ut_video_source', 'youtube') == 'youtube') {
             $youtube = true;
         /* check if youtube is active */
         if (ut_return_hero_config('ut_video_source', 'youtube') == 'custom') {
             $custom = true;
         /* check if selfhosted is active */
         if (ut_return_hero_config('ut_video_source', 'youtube') == 'selfhosted') {
             $selfhosted = true;
         /* conditional to prevent selfhosted video displaying inside hero if it has been set to background */
         if ($selfhosted && ut_return_hero_config('ut_video_containment', 'hero') == 'body' && $call == 'section') {
         /* conditional to prevent selfhosted video displaying inside the background if it has been set to hero */
         if ($selfhosted && ut_return_hero_config('ut_video_containment', 'hero') == 'hero' && $call == 'body') {
         if ($youtube) {
             $video_url = ut_return_hero_config('ut_video_url');
             if (!empty($video_url)) {
                 $muted = ut_return_hero_config('ut_video_mute_state', "off");
                 $muted = $muted == 'off' ? 'mute : true' : 'mute : false';
                 $volume = ut_return_hero_config('ut_video_volume', "5");
                 $volume = $muted == 'off' ? 'vol : 0' : 'vol: ' . $volume;
                 $loop = ut_return_hero_config('ut_video_loop', "on");
                 $loop = $loop == 'on' ? 'loop : true' : 'loop : false';
                 /* build player */
                 $player .= '<a id="ut-background-video-hero" class="ut-video-player" data-property="{ videoURL : \'' . $video_url . '\' , containment : \'' . $containment . '\', showControls: false, autoPlay : true, ' . $loop . ', ' . $muted . ', ' . $volume . ', startAt : 0, opacity : 1}"></a>';
                 return $player;
         if ($selfhosted) {
             $mp4 = $ogg = $webm = NULL;
             $mp4 = ut_return_hero_config('ut_video_mp4');
             $ogg = ut_return_hero_config('ut_video_ogg');
             $webm = ut_return_hero_config('ut_video_webm');
             if (!empty($mp4) || !empty($ogg) || !empty($webm)) {
                 $volume = ut_return_hero_config('ut_video_volume', "5");
                 $muted = ut_return_hero_config('ut_video_mute_state', "off");
                 $muted = $muted == 'off' ? 'muted' : '';
                 $loop = ut_return_hero_config('ut_video_loop', "on");
                 $loop = $loop == 'on' ? 'loop' : '';
                 $preload = ut_return_hero_config('ut_video_preload', "on");
                 $preload = $loop == 'on' ? 'preload="auto"' : '';
                 $player .= '<div class="ut-video-container"><video id="ut-video-hero" class="ut-selfvideo-player" autoplay ' . $loop . ' ' . $muted . ' ' . $preload . ' volume="' . $volume . '" autobuffer controls>';
                 if (!empty($mp4)) {
                     $player .= '<source src="' . $mp4 . '" type="video/mp4"> ';
                 if (!empty($webm)) {
                     $player .= '<source src="' . $webm . '" type="video/webm"> ';
                 if (!empty($ogg)) {
                     $player .= ' <source src="' . $ogg . '" type="video/ogg ogv">';
                 $player .= '</video></div><div class="ut-video-spacer"></div>';
                 return $player;
             /* check for player files */
         if ($custom) {
             $video_embedded = ut_return_hero_config('ut_video_url_custom');
             $player .= do_shortcode($video_embedded);
     return $player;
Пример #3
 function unitedthemes_custom_css()
     global $detect, $post;
     /* check for css cache */
     if (ot_get_option('ut_use_cache', 'off') == 'on' && is_front_page()) {
         $transient_prefix = $detect->isMobile() ? '_mobile' : '_desktop';
         $css = get_transient('ut_css_cache' . $transient_prefix);
         if (!empty($css)) {
             echo apply_filters('ut-custom-css', $css);
     /* some needed variables first */
     $accentcolor = get_option('ut_accentcolor', '#F1C40F');
     $sitelogo = get_theme_mod('ut_site_logo');
     $google_fonts = ut_recognized_google_fonts();
     $ut_recognized_font_styles = ut_recognized_font_styles();
     $font_styles = array('regular' => 'normal', 'normal' => 'normal', 'italic' => 'italic');
     /* styleswitcher */
     if (!empty($_GET['color'])) {
         $accentcolor = '#' . $_GET['color'];
     /* start css */
     $css = '<style type="text/css">' . "\n";
     /* sidebar align */
     if (is_single() || is_home()) {
         $contentalign = ot_get_option('ut_sidebar_align', 'right') == 'right' ? 'left' : 'right';
         $css .= '#primary { float: ' . $contentalign . '}';
     /* themecolor / accentcolor elements */
     $css .= '::-moz-selection  { background: ' . $accentcolor . '; }' . "\n";
     $css .= '::selection { background:' . $accentcolor . '; }' . "\n";
     $css .= 'a, .ha-transparent #navigation ul li a:hover { color: ' . $accentcolor . '; }' . "\n";
     $css .= '.ut-language-selector a:hover { color: ' . $accentcolor . '; }' . "\n";
     $css .= '.ut-custom-icon-link:hover i { color: ' . $accentcolor . ' !important; }' . "\n";
     $css .= '.ut-hide-member-details:hover, #ut-blog-navigation a:hover, .light .ut-hide-member-details, .ut-mm-button:hover:before, .ut-mm-trigger.active .ut-mm-button:before, .ut-mobile-menu a:after { color: ' . $accentcolor . '; }' . "\n";
     $css .= '.ut-header-light .ut-mm-button:before { color: ' . $accentcolor . '; }';
     $css .= '.lead span, .entry-title span, #cancel-comment-reply-link, .member-description-style-3 .ut-member-title,  .ut-twitter-rotator h2 a, .themecolor  { color: ' . $accentcolor . '; }' . "\n";
     $css .= '.icons-ul i, .comments-title span, .member-social a:hover, .ut-parallax-quote-title span, .ut-member-style-2 .member-description .ut-member-title { color:' . $accentcolor . '; }' . "\n";
     $css .= '.about-icon, .ut-skill-overlay, .ut-dropcap-one, .ut-dropcap-two, .ut-mobile-menu a:hover, .themecolor-bg, .ut-btn.ut-pt-btn:hover, .ut-btn.dark:hover { background:' . $accentcolor . '; }' . "\n";
     $css .= 'blockquote, div.wpcf7-validation-errors, .ut-hero-style-5 .hero-description, #navigation ul.sub-menu, .ut-member-style-3 .member-social a:hover { border-color:' . $accentcolor . '; }' . "\n";
     $css .= '.cta-section, .ut-btn.theme-btn, .ut-social-link:hover .ut-social-icon, .ut-member-style-2 .ut-so-link:hover { background:' . $accentcolor . ' !important; }' . "\n";
     $css .= '.ut-social-title, .ut-service-column h3 span, .ut-rq-icon  { color:' . $accentcolor . '; }' . "\n";
     $css .= '.count, .ut-icon-list i { color:' . $accentcolor . '; }' . "\n";
     $css .= '.client-section, .ut-portfolio-pagination.style_two a.selected:hover, .ut-portfolio-pagination.style_two a.selected, .ut-portfolio-pagination.style_two a:hover, .ut-pt-featured { background:' . $accentcolor . ' !important; }' . "\n";
     $css .= 'ins, mark, .ut-alert.themecolor, .ut-portfolio-menu.style_two li a:hover, .ut-portfolio-menu.style_two li a.selected, .light .ut-portfolio-menu.style_two li a.selected:hover { background:' . $accentcolor . '; }' . "\n";
     $css .= '.footer-content i { color:' . $accentcolor . '; }' . "\n";
     $css .= '.copyright a:hover, .footer-content a:hover, .toTop:hover, .ut-footer-dark a.toTop:hover { color:' . $accentcolor . '; }' . "\n";
     $css .= 'blockquote span { color:' . $accentcolor . '; }' . "\n";
     $css .= '.entry-meta a:hover, #secondary a:hover, .page-template-templatestemplate-archive-php a:hover { color:' . $accentcolor . '; }' . "\n";
     $css .= 'h1 a:hover, h2 a:hover, h3 a:hover, h4 a:hover, h5 a:hover, h6 a:hover, .ut-header-dark .site-logo .logo a:hover { color:' . $accentcolor . '; }' . "\n";
     $css .= 'a.more-link:hover, .fa-ul li .fa  { color:' . $accentcolor . '; }' . "\n";
     $css .= '.ut-pt-featured-table .ut-pt-info .fa-li  { color: ' . $accentcolor . ' !important; }' . "\n";
     $css .= '.button, input[type="submit"], input[type="button"], .dark button, .dark input[type="submit"], .dark input[type="button"], .light .button, .light input[type="submit"], .light input[type="button"] { background:' . $accentcolor . '; }' . "\n";
     $css .= '.img-hover { background:rgb(' . ut_hex_to_rgb($accentcolor) . ');    background:rgba(' . ut_hex_to_rgb($accentcolor) . ', 0.85); }' . "\n";
     $css .= '.portfolio-caption { background:rgb(' . ut_hex_to_rgb($accentcolor) . ');    background:rgba(' . ut_hex_to_rgb($accentcolor) . ', 0.85); }' . "\n";
     $css .= '.team-member-details { background:rgba(' . ut_hex_to_rgb($accentcolor) . ', 0.85 ); }' . "\n";
     $css .= '.ut-avatar-overlay { background:rgb(' . ut_hex_to_rgb($accentcolor) . '); background:rgba(' . ut_hex_to_rgb($accentcolor) . ', 0.85 ); }' . "\n";
     $css .= '.mejs-controls .mejs-time-rail .mejs-time-current, .mejs-controls .mejs-horizontal-volume-slider .mejs-horizontal-volume-current, .format-link .entry-header a { background:' . $accentcolor . ' !important; }' . "\n";
     $css .= '.light .ut-portfolio-menu li a:hover, .light .ut-portfolio-pagination a:hover, .light .ut-nav-tabs li a:hover, .light .ut-accordion-heading a:hover { border-color:' . $accentcolor . ' !important; }' . "\n";
     $css .= '.light .ut-portfolio-menu li a:hover, .light .ut-portfolio-pagination a:hover, .ut-portfolio-list li strong, .light .ut-nav-tabs li a:hover, .light .ut-accordion-heading a:hover, .ut-custom-icon a:hover i:first-child { color:' . $accentcolor . ' !important; }' . "\n";
     $css .= '.ut-portfolio-gallery-slider .flex-direction-nav a, .ut-gallery-slider .flex-direction-nav a, .ut-rotate-quote-alt .flex-direction-nav a, .ut-rotate-quote .flex-direction-nav a  { background:rgb(' . ut_hex_to_rgb($accentcolor) . '); background:rgba(' . ut_hex_to_rgb($accentcolor) . ', 0.85); }' . "\n";
     $css .= '.light .ut-bs-wrap .entry-title a:hover, .light .ut-bs-wrap a:hover .entry-title  { color: ' . $accentcolor . '; }' . "\n";
     $css .= '.ut-rated i { color: ' . $accentcolor . '; }' . "\n";
     $css .= '.ut-footer-area ul.sidebar a:hover { color: ' . $accentcolor . '; }' . "\n";
     $css .= '.ut-footer-dark .ut-footer-area .widget_tag_cloud a:hover { color: ' . $accentcolor . '!important; }' . "\n";
     $css .= '.ut-footer-dark .ut-footer-area .widget_tag_cloud a:hover { border-color: ' . $accentcolor . '; }' . "\n";
     $css .= '.elastislide-wrapper nav span:hover { border-color: ' . $accentcolor . '; }' . "\n";
     $css .= '.elastislide-wrapper nav span:hover { color: ' . $accentcolor . '; }' . "\n";
     $css .= '.ut-footer-so li a:hover { border-color: ' . $accentcolor . '; }' . "\n";
     $css .= '.ut-footer-so li a:hover i { color: ' . $accentcolor . '!important; }' . "\n";
     $css .= '.ut-pt-wrap.ut-pt-wrap-style-2 .ut-pt-featured-table .ut-pt-header { background:' . $accentcolor . '; }' . "\n";
     $css .= '.ut-pt-wrap-style-3 .ut-pt-info ul li, .ut-pt-wrap-style-3 .ut-pt-info ul, .ut-pt-wrap-style-3 .ut-pt-header, .ut-pt-wrap-style-3 .ut-btn.ut-pt-btn, .ut-pt-wrap-style-3 .ut-custom-row, .ut-pt-wrap-style-3 .ut-pt-featured-table .ut-btn { border-color:rgba(' . ut_hex_to_rgb($accentcolor) . ', 0.1); }' . "\n";
     $css .= '.ut-pt-wrap-style-3 .ut-btn { color:' . $accentcolor . ' !important; }' . "\n";
     $css .= '.ut-pt-wrap-style-3 .ut-btn { text-shadow: 0 0 40px ' . $accentcolor . ', 2px 2px 3px black; }' . "\n";
     $css .= '.ut-pt-wrap-style-3 .ut-pt-featured-table .ut-btn { color:' . $accentcolor . ' !important; }' . "\n";
     $css .= '.ut-pt-wrap-style-3 .ut-pt-featured-table .ut-btn { text-shadow: 0 0 40px ' . $accentcolor . ', 2px 2px 3px black; }' . "\n";
     $css .= '.ut-pt-wrap-style-3 .ut-pt-featured-table .ut-pt-title { color:' . $accentcolor . ' !important; }' . "\n";
     $css .= '.ut-pt-wrap-style-3 .ut-pt-featured-table .ut-pt-title { text-shadow: 0 0 40px ' . $accentcolor . ', 2px 2px 3px black; }' . "\n";
     | Glow Effect
     $css .= '.ut-glow {
             color:' . $accentcolor . ';
             text-shadow:0 0 40px ' . $accentcolor . ', 2px 2px 3px black; 
     | NEW Video Shortcode
     $css .= '.light .ut-shortcode-video-wrap .ut-video-caption { border-color:rgba(' . ut_hex_to_rgb($accentcolor) . ', 1); }' . "\n";
     $css .= '.light .ut-shortcode-video-wrap .ut-video-caption i { border-color:rgba(' . ut_hex_to_rgb($accentcolor) . ', 0.3); }' . "\n";
     $css .= '.light .ut-shortcode-video-wrap .ut-video-caption i { color:rgba(' . ut_hex_to_rgb($accentcolor) . ', 0.3); }' . "\n";
     $css .= '.light .ut-shortcode-video-wrap .ut-video-caption:hover i { border-color:rgba(' . ut_hex_to_rgb($accentcolor) . ', 1); }' . "\n";
     $css .= '.light .ut-shortcode-video-wrap .ut-video-caption:hover i { color:' . $accentcolor . ' !important; }' . "\n";
     $css .= '.light .ut-shortcode-video-wrap .ut-video-caption:hover i { text-shadow: 0 0 40px ' . $accentcolor . ', 2px 2px 3px black; }' . "\n";
     $css .= '.light .ut-video-loading { color:' . $accentcolor . ' !important; }' . "\n";
     $css .= '.light .ut-video-loading { text-shadow: 0 0 40px ' . $accentcolor . ', 2px 2px 3px black; }' . "\n";
     $css .= '.light .ut-video-caption-text { border-color:rgba(' . ut_hex_to_rgb($accentcolor) . ', 1); }' . "\n";
     | Section animation
     if (!$detect->isMobile() && ot_get_option('ut_animate_sections', 'on') == 'on') {
         $css .= '
                 .js #main-content section .section-content,
                 .js #main-content section .section-header-holder {
     | Main Navigation 
     $ut_navigation_padding_top = ot_get_option('ut_navigation_padding_top');
     $ut_navigation_padding_bottom = ot_get_option('ut_navigation_padding_bottom');
     /* header / navigation padding top */
     if (!empty($ut_navigation_padding_top)) {
         $css .= '#header-section { padding-top: ' . $ut_navigation_padding_top . '; }';
     /* header / navigation padding bottom*/
     if (!empty($ut_navigation_padding_bottom)) {
         $css .= '#header-section { padding-bottom: ' . $ut_navigation_padding_bottom . '; }';
     if (ot_get_option('ut_navigation_skin', 'ut-header-light') == 'ut-header-light') {
         $ut_navigation_skin_light_bgcolor = ot_get_option('ut_navigation_skin_light_bgcolor');
         if (!empty($ut_navigation_skin_light_bgcolor)) {
             /* add to CSS */
             $css .= '
                 .ha-header.ha-transparent:hover #navigation ul.sub-menu li > a,
                 #header-section.ut-header-light #navigation ul.sub-menu li > a {
                     background: rgba(' . ut_hex_to_rgb($ut_navigation_skin_light_bgcolor) . ' , 0.95 ) ; 
     } else {
         $ut_navigation_skin_dark_bgcolor = ot_get_option('ut_navigation_skin_dark_bgcolor');
         if (!empty($ut_navigation_skin_dark_bgcolor)) {
             /* add to CSS */
             $css .= '
                 .ha-header.ha-transparent:hover #navigation ul.sub-menu li > a,
                 #header-section.ut-header-dark #navigation ul.sub-menu li > a {
                     background: rgba(' . ut_hex_to_rgb($ut_navigation_skin_dark_bgcolor) . ' , 0.95 ) ; 
     if (ot_get_option('ut_navigation_font_weight', 'normal') == 'bold') {
         $css .= '#navigation { font-family: "ralewaysemibold", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif !important; }';
     /* custom colors for first level color */
     if (ot_get_option('ut_navigation_level_one_color')) {
         if (ot_get_option('ut_navigation_skin', 'ut-header-light') == 'ut-header-light') {
             $css .= '#navigation ul li a { color: ' . ot_get_option('ut_navigation_level_one_color') . ' }';
         } else {
             $css .= '.ut-header-dark #navigation ul li a { color: ' . ot_get_option('ut_navigation_level_one_color') . ' }';
     /* custom colors for first level dot color */
     if (ot_get_option('ut_navigation_level_one_icon_color')) {
         if (ot_get_option('ut_navigation_skin', 'ut-header-light') == 'ut-header-light') {
             $css .= '#navigation ul li a:after { color: ' . ot_get_option('ut_navigation_level_one_icon_color') . ' }';
         } else {
             $css .= '.ut-header-dark #navigation ul li a:after { color: ' . ot_get_option('ut_navigation_level_one_icon_color') . ' }';
     /* main navigation light */
     $css .= '#navigation li a:hover { color:' . $accentcolor . '; }' . "\n";
     /* main navigation parents and ancestor */
     $css .= '#navigation .selected,
                  #navigation ul li.current_page_parent a.active,
                  #navigation ul li.current-menu-ancestor a.active { color: ' . $accentcolor . '; }' . "\n";
     $css .= '#navigation ul li a:hover, 
                  #navigation ul.sub-menu li a:hover { color: ' . $accentcolor . '; }' . "\n";
     /* main navigation current page */
     $css .= '#navigation ul.sub-menu li > a { color: #999999; }';
     $css .= '#navigation ul li.current-menu-item:not(.current_page_parent) a,
                  #navigation ul li.current_page_item:not(.current_page_parent) a { color: ' . $accentcolor . '; }';
     $css .= '#navigation ul li.current-menu-item:not(.current_page_parent) .sub-menu li a { color: #999999; }';
     /* main navigation dark */
     $css .= '.ut-header-dark #navigation li a:hover { color:' . $accentcolor . '; }' . "\n";
     /* main navigation parents and ancestor */
     $css .= '.ut-header-dark #navigation .selected, 
                  .ut-header-dark #navigation ul li.current_page_parent a.active,
                  .ut-header-dark #navigation ul li.current-menu-ancestor a.active { color: ' . $accentcolor . '; }' . "\n";
     $css .= '.ut-header-dark #navigation ul li a:hover, 
                  .ut-header-dark #navigation ul.sub-menu li a:hover { color: ' . $accentcolor . '; }' . "\n";
     /* main navigation current page */
     $css .= '.ut-header-dark #navigation ul.sub-menu li > a { color: #999999; }';
     $css .= '.ut-header-dark #navigation ul li.current-menu-item:not(.current_page_parent) a,
                  .ut-header-dark #navigation ul li.current_page_item:not(.current_page_parent) a { color: ' . $accentcolor . '; }';
     $css .= '.ut-header-dark #navigation ul li.current-menu-item:not(.current_page_parent) .sub-menu li a { color: #999999; }';
     /* preloader */
     if (ot_get_option('ut_use_image_loader') == 'on') {
         $css .= '.ut-loader-overlay { background: ' . ot_get_option('ut_image_loader_background', '#FFF') . '}' . "\n";
     | Hero Settings
     /* hero global settings */
     $ut_hero_type = ut_return_hero_config('ut_hero_type');
     $ut_hero_style = ut_return_hero_config('ut_hero_style', 'ut-hero-style-1');
     /* hero color settings */
     $css .= '.hero-title span:not(.ut-word-rotator) { color:' . $accentcolor . ' !important; }' . "\n";
     $css .= '.hero-title.ut-glow span { text-shadow: 0 0 40px ' . $accentcolor . ', 2px 2px 3px black; }' . "\n";
     $ut_company_slogan_color = ut_return_hero_config('ut_company_slogan_color');
     if (!empty($ut_company_slogan_color)) {
         $css .= '.hero-title.ut-glow { 
                 color: ' . $ut_company_slogan_color . ';
                 text-shadow: 0 0 40px ' . $ut_company_slogan_color . ', 2px 2px 3px black; 
             }' . "\n";
     /* hero font size */
     $ut_hero_font_size = ut_return_hero_config('ut_hero_font_size');
     /* add to CSS */
     if (!empty($ut_hero_font_size) && $ut_hero_style != 'ut-hero-style-11') {
         $css .= '@media screen and (min-width: 1025px) { .hero-title { font-size: ' . $ut_hero_font_size . '; } }';
     /* hero primary button style for all pages  */
     if (ut_return_hero_config('ut_main_hero_button_style', 'default') == 'custom') {
         $button_settings = ut_return_hero_config('ut_main_hero_button_settings');
         /* add to CSS */
         $css .= ut_create_button_style('.hero-btn', $button_settings);
     /* hero second button style for all pages */
     if (ut_return_hero_config('ut_second_hero_button_style', 'default') == 'custom') {
         $button_settings = ut_return_hero_config('ut_second_hero_button_settings');
         /* add to CSS */
         $css .= ut_create_button_style('.hero-second-btn', $button_settings);
     /* hero border bottom */
     if (ut_return_hero_config('ut_hero_border_bottom', 'off') == 'on') {
         /* add to CSS */
         $css .= '#ut-hero { border-bottom: ' . ut_return_hero_config('ut_hero_border_bottom_width', 1) . 'px ' . ut_return_hero_config('ut_hero_border_bottom_style', 'solid') . ' ' . ut_return_hero_config('ut_hero_border_bottom_color', $accentcolor) . '; }';
     /* body font style */
     if (ot_get_option('ut_body_font_type', 'ut-font') == 'ut-google') {
         $ut_google_body_font_style = ot_get_option('ut_google_body_font_style');
         if (!empty($google_fonts[$ut_google_body_font_style['font-id']]['family'])) {
             $css .= 'body {';
             /* familiy */
             $css .= 'font-family:"' . $google_fonts[$ut_google_body_font_style['font-id']]['family'] . '", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif !important;';
             if (!empty($ut_google_body_font_style['font-weight'])) {
                 $css .= ' font-weight: ' . $ut_google_body_font_style['font-weight'] . ';';
             if (!empty($ut_google_body_font_style['font-size'])) {
                 $css .= ' font-size: ' . $ut_google_body_font_style['font-size'] . ';';
             if (!empty($ut_google_body_font_style['font-style']) && isset($font_styles[$ut_google_body_font_style['font-style']])) {
                 $css .= ' font-style: ' . $font_styles[$ut_google_body_font_style['font-style']] . ';';
             if (!empty($ut_google_body_font_style['line-height'])) {
                 $css .= ' line-height: ' . $ut_google_body_font_style['line-height'] . ';';
             if (!empty($ut_google_body_font_style['text-transform'])) {
                 $css .= ' text-transform: ' . $ut_google_body_font_style['text-transform'] . ';';
             $css .= '}';
         } else {
             /* fallback if user has not chosen a google font yet */
             $ut_body_font_style = ot_get_option('ut_body_font_style', 'regular');
             $css .= 'body { font-family: ' . $ut_recognized_font_styles[$ut_body_font_style] . ', "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; }' . "\n";
     } else {
         /* out for theme font */
         $ut_body_font_style = ot_get_option('ut_body_font_style', 'regular');
         $css .= 'body { font-family: ' . $ut_recognized_font_styles[$ut_body_font_style] . ', "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; }' . "\n";
     /* global headline font style */
     $headlines = array("h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6");
     foreach ($headlines as $headline) {
         if (ot_get_option('ut_global_' . $headline . '_font_type', 'ut-font') == 'ut-google') {
             $headline_style = ot_get_option('ut_' . $headline . '_google_font_style');
             if (!empty($google_fonts[$headline_style['font-id']]['family'])) {
                 $css .= $headline . ' {';
                 /* familiy */
                 $css .= 'font-family:"' . $google_fonts[$headline_style['font-id']]['family'] . '", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;';
                 if (!empty(${$headline_style}['font-weight'])) {
                     $css .= ' font-weight: ' . $headline_style['font-weight'] . ';';
                 if (!empty($headline_style['font-size'])) {
                     $css .= ' font-size: ' . $headline_style['font-size'] . ';';
                 if (!empty($headline_style['font-style'])) {
                     $css .= ' font-style: ' . $font_styles[$headline_style['font-style']] . ';';
                 if (!empty($headline_style['line-height'])) {
                     $css .= ' line-height: ' . $headline_style['line-height'] . ';';
                 if (!empty($headline_style['text-transform'])) {
                     $css .= ' text-transform: ' . $headline_style['text-transform'] . ';';
                 $css .= '}';
             } else {
                 /* fallback if user has not chosen a google font yet */
                 $headline_style = ot_get_option('ut_' . $headline . '_font_style', 'semibold');
                 $css .= $headline . ' { font-family: ' . $ut_recognized_font_styles[$headline_style] . ', "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; }' . "\n";
         } else {
             /* output for theme font */
             $headline_style = ot_get_option('ut_' . $headline . '_font_style', 'semibold');
             $css .= $headline . ' { font-family: ' . $ut_recognized_font_styles[$headline_style] . ', "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; }' . "\n";
     | Single Page and Portfolio Styling
     if (!is_front_page() && (is_page() || is_singular('portfolio'))) {
         /* hero active or not */
         if (is_page() && get_post_meta($post->ID, 'ut_activate_page_hero', true) == 'on' || is_singular('portfolio') && get_post_meta($post->ID, 'ut_activate_page_hero', true) != 'off') {
             $css .= '#primary { padding-top:80px; }';
         /* hero color styling */
         $ut_hero_caption_description_color = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'ut_page_caption_description_color', true);
         $ut_hero_caption_slogan_color = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'ut_page_caption_slogan_color', true);
         /* add to CSS */
         if (!empty($ut_hero_caption_description_color)) {
             $css .= '.hero-description-bottom { color: ' . $ut_hero_caption_description_color . '}' . "\n";
         /* add to CSS */
         if (!empty($ut_hero_caption_slogan_color)) {
             $css .= '.hero-title { color: ' . $ut_hero_caption_slogan_color . ' }' . "\n";
         /* headlines */
         $ut_h1_font_style = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'ut_section_header_font_style', true);
         $css .= ut_create_global_headline_font_style('.page-title', $ut_h1_font_style);
         $ut_page_header_style = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'ut_section_header_style', true);
         $ut_page_header_style = !empty($ut_page_header_style) && $ut_page_header_style != 'global' ? $ut_page_header_style : ot_get_option('ut_global_headline_style');
         $ut_page_title_color = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'ut_section_title_color', true);
         $ut_section_title_shadow_color = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'ut_section_shadow_color', true);
         /* pt style 3 needs a fallback */
         if (empty($ut_page_title_color) && $ut_page_header_style == 'pt-style-3') {
             $ut_page_title_color = $accentcolor;
         /* add to CSS */
         if (!empty($ut_page_title_color)) {
             $css .= (is_page() ? '.page-id-' : '.postid-') . $post->ID . ' #primary .page-title { color: ' . $ut_page_title_color . '; }' . "\n";
             $css .= create_section_headline_style((is_page() ? '.page-id-' : '.postid-') . $post->ID . ' #primary', $ut_page_header_style, $ut_page_title_color, $ut_section_title_shadow_color);
         /* content background */
         $ut_page_background_color = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'ut_section_background_color', true);
         /* add to CSS */
         if (!empty($ut_page_background_color)) {
             $css .= '.main-content-background { background-color: ' . $ut_page_background_color . '; }' . "\n";
             $css .= '.main-content-background .page-header.pt-style-1 .page-title span  { background-color: ' . $ut_page_background_color . '; }' . "\n";
         /* header glow */
         if (get_post_meta($post->ID, 'ut_section_title_glow', true) == 'on') {
             $ut_page_title_color = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'ut_section_title_color', true);
             $ut_page_title_glow_color = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'ut_section_title_glow_color', true);
             if (!empty($ut_page_title_color)) {
                 $css .= (is_page() ? '.page-id-' : '.postid-') . $post->ID . ' #primary .page-title.ut-glow { 
                         text-shadow: 0 0 40px ' . $ut_page_title_color . ', 2px 2px 3px black ; 
                     }' . "\n";
             if (!empty($ut_page_title_glow_color)) {
                 $css .= (is_page() ? '.page-id-' : '.postid-') . $post->ID . ' #primary .page-title.ut-glow { 
                         text-shadow: 0 0 40px ' . $ut_page_title_glow_color . ', 2px 2px 3px black ; 
                     }' . "\n";
         /* header margin */
         $ut_page_header_margin_left = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'ut_section_header_margin_left', true);
         $ut_page_header_margin_right = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'ut_section_header_margin_right', true);
         /* add to CSS */
         if (!empty($ut_page_header_margin_left)) {
             $css .= '#primary header.page-header { margin-left:' . $ut_page_header_margin_left . '; }' . "\n";
         /* add to CSS */
         if (!empty($ut_page_header_margin_right)) {
             $css .= '#primary header.page-header { margin-right:' . $ut_page_header_margin_right . '; }' . "\n";
         /* page slogan upperase */
         $ut_page_caption_slogan_uppercase = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'ut_page_caption_slogan_uppercase', true);
         /* add to CSS */
         if ($ut_page_caption_slogan_uppercase == 'on') {
             $css .= '.hero-title { text-transform: uppercase; }';
         /* page slogan color */
         $ut_page_slogan_color = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'ut_section_slogan_color', true);
         /* add to CSS */
         if (!empty($ut_page_slogan_color)) {
             $css .= '#primary .lead { color: ' . $ut_page_slogan_color . '; }' . "\n";
         /* page slogan padding bottom */
         $ut_page_slogan_padding = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'ut_section_slogan_padding', true);
         $ut_page_slogan_padding = !empty($ut_page_slogan_padding) ? $ut_page_slogan_padding : '';
         /* add to CSS */
         if (!empty($ut_page_slogan_padding)) {
             $css .= '#primary .page-header { padding-bottom:' . $ut_page_slogan_padding . '; }' . "\n";
         /* page slogan padding left and right */
         $ut_section_slogan_padding_left = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'ut_section_slogan_padding_left', true);
         $ut_section_slogan_padding_right = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'ut_section_slogan_padding_right', true);
         /* add to CSS */
         if (!empty($ut_section_slogan_padding_left)) {
             $css .= '#primary .lead { padding-left: ' . $ut_section_slogan_padding_left . '; }' . "\n";
         /* add to CSS */
         if (!empty($ut_section_slogan_padding_right)) {
             $css .= '#primary .lead { padding-right: ' . $ut_section_slogan_padding_right . '; }' . "\n";
         /* page text color */
         $ut_page_text_color = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'ut_section_text_color', true);
         /* add to CSS */
         if (!empty($ut_page_text_color)) {
             $css .= '#primary .entry-content { color: ' . $ut_page_text_color . '; }' . "\n";
         /* page headlines text color */
         $ut_page_heading_color = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'ut_section_heading_color', true);
         /* add to CSS */
         if (!empty($ut_page_heading_color)) {
             /* add to CSS */
             $css .= '#primary .entry-content h1 { color: ' . $ut_page_heading_color . ' !important; }' . "\n";
             $css .= '#primary .entry-content h2 { color: ' . $ut_page_heading_color . ' !important; }' . "\n";
             $css .= '#primary .entry-content h3 { color: ' . $ut_page_heading_color . ' !important; }' . "\n";
             $css .= '#primary .entry-content h4 { color: ' . $ut_page_heading_color . ' !important; }' . "\n";
             $css .= '#primary .entry-content h5 { color: ' . $ut_page_heading_color . ' !important; }' . "\n";
             $css .= '#primary .entry-content h6 { color: ' . $ut_page_heading_color . ' !important; }' . "\n";
     | Front Page
     if (is_front_page()) {
         /* front page hero header styling */
         $ut_front_expertise_slogan_color = ot_get_option('ut_front_expertise_slogan_color');
         $ut_front_company_slogan_color = ot_get_option('ut_front_company_slogan_color');
         /* add to CSS */
         if (!empty($ut_front_expertise_slogan_color)) {
             $css .= '.hero-description-bottom { color: ' . $ut_front_expertise_slogan_color . '}' . "\n";
         /* add to CSS */
         if (!empty($ut_front_company_slogan_color)) {
             $css .= '.hero-title { color: ' . $ut_front_company_slogan_color . ' }' . "\n";
         $ut_front_company_slogan_uppercase = ot_get_option('ut_front_company_slogan_uppercase', 'on');
         /* add to CSS */
         if (!empty($ut_front_company_slogan_uppercase) && $ut_front_company_slogan_uppercase == 'on') {
             $css .= '.hero-title { text-transform: uppercase; }';
     /* hero holder adjustment when navigation is visible */
     if ((ot_get_option('ut_navigation_state') == 'on_transparent' || ot_get_option('ut_navigation_state') == 'on') && ($ut_hero_type == 'splithero' && ut_return_hero_config('ut_hero_split_content_type', 'image') == 'image')) {
         $css .= '#ut-hero .hero-holder { margin-top:80px; }';
     /* header hero font style for front and blog */
     if (is_front_page() || is_singular('portfolio') || is_page()) {
         if (ot_get_option('ut_front_hero_font_type', 'ut-font') == 'ut-google') {
             $ut_google_front_page_hero_font_style = ot_get_option('ut_google_front_page_hero_font_style');
             if (!empty($google_fonts[$ut_google_front_page_hero_font_style['font-id']]['family'])) {
                 if ($ut_hero_style == 'ut-hero-style-11') {
                     $css .= '#ut-hero .hdh .hero-description,';
                 $css .= '.hero-title {';
                 /* familiy */
                 $css .= 'font-family:"' . $google_fonts[$ut_google_front_page_hero_font_style['font-id']]['family'] . '", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;';
                 if (!empty($ut_google_front_page_hero_font_style['font-weight'])) {
                     $css .= ' font-weight: ' . $ut_google_front_page_hero_font_style['font-weight'] . ';';
                 if (!empty($ut_google_front_page_hero_font_style['font-size'])) {
                     $css .= ' font-size: ' . $ut_google_front_page_hero_font_style['font-size'] . ';';
                 if (!empty($ut_google_front_page_hero_font_style['font-style'])) {
                     $css .= ' font-style: ' . $font_styles[$ut_google_front_page_hero_font_style['font-style']] . ';';
                 if (!empty($ut_google_front_page_hero_font_style['line-height'])) {
                     $css .= ' line-height: ' . $ut_google_front_page_hero_font_style['line-height'] . ';';
                 if (!empty($ut_google_front_page_hero_font_style['text-transform'])) {
                     $css .= ' text-transform: ' . $ut_google_front_page_hero_font_style['text-transform'] . ';';
                 $css .= '}';
             } else {
                 /* fallback if user has not chosen a google font yet */
                 $ut_header_hero_font_style = ot_get_option('ut_front_page_hero_font_style', 'semibold');
                 if ($ut_hero_style == 'ut-hero-style-11') {
                     $css .= '#ut-hero .hdh .hero-description,';
                 $css .= '.hero-title { font-family: ' . $ut_recognized_font_styles[$ut_header_hero_font_style] . ', "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; }' . "\n";
         } else {
             /* out for theme font */
             $ut_hero_font_style = ut_return_hero_config('ut_hero_font_style', 'semibold');
             /* design exception for hero */
             if ($ut_hero_style == 'ut-hero-style-11') {
                 $css .= '#ut-hero .hdh .hero-description,';
             $css .= '.hero-title { font-family: ' . $ut_recognized_font_styles[$ut_hero_font_style] . ', "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; }' . "\n";
     if (is_home()) {
         if (ot_get_option('ut_blog_hero_font_type', 'ut-font') == 'ut-google') {
             $ut_google_blog_hero_font_style = ot_get_option('ut_google_blog_hero_font_style');
             if (!empty($google_fonts[$ut_google_blog_hero_font_style['font-id']]['family'])) {
                 /* design exception for hero */
                 if ($ut_hero_style == 'ut-hero-style-11') {
                     $css .= '#ut-hero .hdh .hero-description,';
                 $css .= '.hero-title {';
                 /* familiy */
                 $css .= 'font-family:"' . $google_fonts[$ut_google_blog_hero_font_style['font-id']]['family'] . '", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;';
                 if (!empty($ut_google_blog_hero_font_style['font-weight'])) {
                     $css .= ' font-weight: ' . $ut_google_blog_hero_font_style['font-weight'] . ';';
                 if (!empty($ut_google_blog_hero_font_style['font-size'])) {
                     $css .= ' font-size: ' . $ut_google_blog_hero_font_style['font-size'] . ';';
                 if (!empty($ut_google_blog_hero_font_style['font-style'])) {
                     $css .= ' font-style: ' . $font_styles[$ut_google_blog_hero_font_style['font-style']] . ';';
                 if (!empty($ut_google_blog_hero_font_style['line-height'])) {
                     $css .= ' font-style: ' . $ut_google_blog_hero_font_style['line-height'] . ';';
                 if (!empty($ut_google_blog_hero_font_style['text-transform'])) {
                     $css .= ' text-transform: ' . $ut_google_blog_hero_font_style['text-transform'] . ';';
                 $css .= '}';
             } else {
                 /* fallback if user has not chosen a google font yet */
                 $ut_header_hero_font_style = ot_get_option('ut_blog_hero_font_style', 'semibold');
                 $css .= '.hero-title { font-family: ' . $ut_recognized_font_styles[$ut_header_hero_font_style] . ', "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; }' . "\n";
         } else {
             /* out for theme font */
             $ut_header_hero_font_style = ot_get_option('ut_blog_hero_font_style', 'semibold');
             $css .= '.hero-title { font-family: ' . $ut_recognized_font_styles[$ut_header_hero_font_style] . ', "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; }' . "\n";
     /* hero header background image for tablet slider */
     if ($ut_hero_type == 'tabs') {
         $ut_tabs_headline_style = ut_return_hero_config('ut_tabs_headline_style', 'semibold');
         $css .= ut_create_global_headline_font_style('.ut-tablets-title', $ut_tabs_headline_style);
         /* hero type tabs uses a different header image */
         $css .= ut_create_css_background('.hero', ut_return_hero_config('ut_hero_image', '', true));
     /* hero header background image for image hero */
     if ($ut_hero_type == 'image' || $ut_hero_type == 'splithero') {
         $ut_hero_image = ut_return_hero_config('ut_hero_image');
         if (is_array($ut_hero_image) && !empty($ut_hero_image['background-image'])) {
             /*no background if rain effect is active */
             $css .= ut_create_css_background('.hero', $ut_hero_image);
         } elseif (!empty($ut_hero_image) && !is_array($ut_hero_image)) {
             /* fallback to version 1.0 */
             $css .= '.hero { background-image: url(' . esc_url($ut_hero_image) . '); }' . "\n";
     /* video poster */
     if ($detect->isMobile() && $ut_hero_type == 'video') {
         /* video poster image for mobile devices */
         $ut_video_poster = ut_return_hero_config('ut_video_poster');
         /* hero can be an image , so we need to check the hero type */
         if (!empty($ut_video_poster)) {
             $css .= '.hero { 
                     background-image: url(' . esc_url($ut_video_poster) . ');
                     background-size: cover !important;
                     background-attachment: scroll !important;
                 }' . "\n";
         $css .= '.ut-video-control {
                 display:none !important;
     /* video position for selfhosted video */
     if (ut_return_hero_config('ut_video_source', 'youtube') == 'selfhosted' && !$detect->isMobile() && ut_return_hero_config('ut_video_containment', 'hero') == 'body' && is_front_page()) {
         $css .= '.ut-video-container { position:fixed; }';
     /* split hero */
     if ($ut_hero_type == 'splithero') {
         $split_image_max_width = ut_return_hero_config('ut_hero_split_image_width');
         /* check if value is available */
         $split_image_max_width = empty($split_image_max_width) ? '60' : $split_image_max_width;
         $css .= '#ut-hero .ut-split-image { max-width: ' . $split_image_max_width . '% !important; }';
     /* hero header background image for animated image hero */
     if ($ut_hero_type == 'animatedimage') {
         $header_image = ut_return_hero_config('ut_hero_animated_image');
         if (!empty($header_image)) {
             /* get image ID by url*/
             $imageID = ut_get_image_id($header_image);
             /* grab image imnformation */
             $imageinfo = wp_get_attachment_image_src($imageID, 'full');
             /* background */
             $css .= '.hero { 
                         background-position: 0px 0px;
                         background-repeat: repeat-x;
                         background-image: url(' . esc_url($header_image) . '); 
                         -webkit-animation: animatedBackground 60s linear infinite;
                         -moz-animation: animatedBackground 60s linear infinite;
                         animation: animatedBackground 60s linear infinite;
                     }' . "\n";
             $css .= '@media screen and (max-width: 1024px) {
                     .hero {
                         -webkit-animation: none !important;
                         -moz-animation: none !important;
                         animation: none !important;
             $css .= '@keyframes animatedBackground {
                             from { background-position: 0 0; }
                             to { background-position: ' . $imageinfo[1] . 'px 0; }
                         @-webkit-keyframes animatedBackground {
                             from { background-position: 0 0; }
                             to { background-position: ' . $imageinfo[1] . 'px 0; }
                         @-moz-keyframe animatedBackground {
                             from { background-position: 0 0; }
                             to { background-position: ' . $imageinfo[1] . 'px 0; }
     /* fancy slider */
     $fancy_slider_height = $ut_hero_type == 'transition' ? ut_return_hero_config('ut_fancy_slider_height', '600px') : '';
     if (!empty($fancy_slider_height)) {
         $css .= '.ut-fancy-slider-fullwidth { height: ' . $fancy_slider_height . '; }';
         $css .= '.ut-fancy-slider-fullwidth .hero-inner { height: ' . $fancy_slider_height . '; }';
     /* header overlay styling */
     $ut_hero_overlay_color = ut_return_hero_config('ut_hero_overlay_color');
     $ut_hero_overlay_color_opacity = ut_return_hero_config('ut_hero_overlay_color_opacity', '0.8');
     if (!empty($ut_hero_overlay_color)) {
         $css .= '.hero .parallax-overlay { background-color: rgba(' . ut_hex_to_rgb($ut_hero_overlay_color) . ' , ' . $ut_hero_overlay_color_opacity . ' ); }' . "\n";
     /* blog hero header styling */
     $ut_blog_expertise_slogan_color = ot_get_option('ut_blog_expertise_slogan_color');
     $ut_blog_company_slogan_color = ot_get_option('ut_blog_company_slogan_color');
     if (!empty($ut_blog_expertise_slogan_color) && is_home()) {
         $css .= '.hero-description-bottom { color: ' . $ut_blog_expertise_slogan_color . '}' . "\n";
     if (!empty($ut_blog_company_slogan_color) && is_home()) {
         $css .= '.hero-title { color: ' . $ut_blog_company_slogan_color . ' }' . "\n";
     $ut_blog_company_slogan_uppercase = ot_get_option('ut_blog_company_slogan_uppercase', 'on');
     if (!empty($ut_blog_company_slogan_uppercase) && is_home() && $ut_blog_company_slogan_uppercase == 'on') {
         $css .= '.hero-title { text-transform: uppercase; }';
     /* check if contact section is active*/
     $ut_activate_csection = ut_return_csection_config('ut_activate_csection');
     /* only get contact section styles if footer is active */
     if ($ut_activate_csection == 'on') {
         /* contact section header styling */
         $ut_csection_header_slogan_color = ot_get_option('ut_csection_header_slogan_color');
         $ut_csection_header_expertise_slogan_color = ot_get_option('ut_csection_header_expertise_slogan_color');
         $ut_csection_header_style = ot_get_option('ut_csection_header_style', 'pt-style-1');
         $ut_csection_header_style = $ut_csection_header_style == 'global' ? ot_get_option('ut_global_headline_style') : $ut_csection_header_style;
         /* pt style 3 needs a fallback */
         if (empty($ut_csection_header_slogan_color) && $ut_csection_header_style == 'pt-style-3') {
             $ut_csection_header_slogan_color = $accentcolor;
         if (!empty($ut_csection_header_slogan_color)) {
             $css .= '#contact-section .parallax-title { color: ' . $ut_csection_header_slogan_color . '}' . "\n";
             $css .= create_section_headline_style('#contact-section', $ut_csection_header_style, $ut_csection_header_slogan_color);
         if (!empty($ut_csection_header_expertise_slogan_color)) {
             $css .= '#contact-section .lead { color: ' . $ut_csection_header_expertise_slogan_color . ' }' . "\n";
         if (ot_get_option('ut_csection_title_uppercase', 'off') == 'on') {
             $css .= '#contact-section .parallax-title { text-transform: uppercase; }';
         $css .= '#contact-section .parallax-title span span { color:' . $accentcolor . '; }' . "\n";
         /* contact section section styles */
         $csection_background = null;
         $csection_background_type = ot_get_option('ut_csection_background_type', 'image');
         /* contact section styling */
         if ($csection_background_type == 'image') {
             $ut_csection_background_image = ut_return_csection_config('ut_csection_background_image');
             if (is_array($ut_csection_background_image) && !empty($ut_csection_background_image['background-image'])) {
                 $csection_background .= ut_create_css_background('#contact-section', $ut_csection_background_image);
                 $ut_csection_background_image = $ut_csection_background_image['background-image'];
             } elseif (!is_array($ut_csection_background_image)) {
                 $csection_background .= !empty($ut_csection_background_image) ? '#contact-section { background-image: url(' . esc_url($ut_csection_background_image) . '); }' . "\n" : '';
         /* video poster image */
         if ($csection_background_type == 'video' && $detect->isMobile() || $detect->isMobile() && ot_get_option('ut_front_video_containment', 'hero') == 'body') {
             $ut_csection_video_poster = ot_get_option('ut_csection_video_poster');
             /* video poster image for mobile devices */
             $css .= '#contact-section { 
                       background-image: url(' . esc_url($ut_csection_video_poster) . '); 
                       background-size: cover !important;
                       background-attachment: scroll !important;
                 }' . "\n";
         /* there is no image, so we check if a background color has been set */
         $ut_csection_background_color = ot_get_option('ut_csection_background_color');
         if (empty($ut_csection_background_image)) {
             $csection_background .= !empty($ut_csection_background_color) ? '#contact-section { background: ' . $ut_csection_background_color . '; }' . "\n" : '';
         /* add to CSS */
         $css .= $csection_background;
         /* contact section header font style */
         if (ot_get_option('ut_csection_header_font_type', 'ut-font') == 'ut-google') {
             $ut_csection_header_google_font_style = ot_get_option('ut_csection_header_google_font_style');
             if (!empty($google_fonts[$ut_csection_header_google_font_style['font-id']]['family'])) {
                 $font = '#contact-section .parallax-title {';
                 $font .= 'font-family:"' . $google_fonts[$ut_csection_header_google_font_style['font-id']]['family'] . '", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;';
                 if (!empty($ut_csection_header_google_font_style['font-weight'])) {
                     $font .= ' font-weight: ' . $ut_csection_header_google_font_style['font-weight'] . ';';
                 if (!empty($ut_csection_header_google_font_style['font-size'])) {
                     $font .= ' font-size: ' . $ut_csection_header_google_font_style['font-size'] . ';';
                 if (!empty($ut_csection_header_google_font_style['font-style']) && isset($font_styles[$ut_csection_header_google_font_style['font-style']])) {
                     $font .= ' font-style: ' . $font_styles[$ut_csection_header_google_font_style['font-style']] . ';';
                 if (!empty($ut_csection_header_google_font_style['line-height'])) {
                     $font .= ' line-height: ' . $ut_csection_header_google_font_style['line-height'] . ';';
                 if (!empty($ut_csection_header_google_font_style['text-transform'])) {
                     $font .= ' text-transform: ' . $ut_csection_header_google_font_style['text-transform'] . ';';
                 $font .= '}';
                 $css .= $font;
             } else {
                 /* fallback if user has not chosen a google font yet */
                 $font_style = ot_get_option('ut_csection_header_font_style', 'semibold');
                 if (isset($ut_recognized_font_styles[$font_style])) {
                     $css .= '#contact-section .parallax-title { font-family: ' . $ut_recognized_font_styles[$font_style] . ', "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;}' . "\n";
         } else {
             $font_style = ot_get_option('ut_csection_header_font_style', 'semibold');
             if (isset($ut_recognized_font_styles[$font_style])) {
                 $css .= '#contact-section .parallax-title { font-family: ' . $ut_recognized_font_styles[$font_style] . ', "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;}' . "\n";
         /* contact section border styling */
         if (ot_get_option('ut_activate_csection_border', 'off') == 'on') {
             /* border settings */
             $ut_csection_border_color = ot_get_option('ut_csection_border_color');
             $ut_csection_border_color = !empty($ut_csection_border_color) ? $ut_csection_border_color : $accentcolor;
             $ut_csection_border_width = ot_get_option('ut_csection_border_width');
             $ut_csection_border_width = !empty($ut_csection_border_width) ? $ut_csection_border_width : '1';
             $ut_csection_border_style = ot_get_option('ut_csection_border_style');
             $ut_csection_border_style = !empty($ut_csection_border_style) ? $ut_csection_border_style : 'solid';
             /* add to CSS */
             $css .= '#contact-section { border-top: ' . $ut_csection_border_width . 'px ' . $ut_csection_border_style . ' ' . $ut_csection_border_color . '; }';
         /* contact section box styling */
         $ut_left_csection_content_area_color = ot_get_option('ut_left_csection_content_area_color');
         $ut_right_csection_content_area_color = ot_get_option('ut_right_csection_content_area_color');
         $ut_left_csection_content_area_opacity = ot_get_option('ut_left_csection_content_area_opacity', '0.8');
         $ut_right_csection_content_area_opacity = ot_get_option('ut_right_csection_content_area_opacity', '0.8');
         $css .= !empty($ut_left_csection_content_area_color) ? '#contact-section .ut-left-footer-area { background: rgb(' . ut_hex_to_rgb($ut_left_csection_content_area_color) . ',' . $ut_left_csection_content_area_opacity . '); }' . "\n" : '';
         $css .= !empty($ut_left_csection_content_area_color) ? '#contact-section .ut-left-footer-area { background: rgba(' . ut_hex_to_rgb($ut_left_csection_content_area_color) . ',' . $ut_left_csection_content_area_opacity . '); }' . "\n" : '';
         $css .= !empty($ut_right_csection_content_area_color) ? '#contact-section .ut-right-footer-area { background: rgb(' . ut_hex_to_rgb($ut_right_csection_content_area_color) . ',' . $ut_right_csection_content_area_opacity . '); }' . "\n" : '';
         $css .= !empty($ut_right_csection_content_area_color) ? '#contact-section .ut-right-footer-area { background: rgba(' . ut_hex_to_rgb($ut_right_csection_content_area_color) . ',' . $ut_right_csection_content_area_opacity . '); }' . "\n" : '';
         /* contact section overlay color */
         $ut_csection_overlay = ut_return_csection_config('ut_csection_overlay', 'on');
         $ut_csection_overlay_color = ut_return_csection_config('ut_csection_overlay_color');
         $ut_csection_overlay_opacity = ut_return_csection_config('ut_csection_overlay_opacity', '0.8');
         $css .= !empty($ut_csection_overlay_color) ? '#contact-section .parallax-overlay { background: rgb(' . ut_hex_to_rgb($ut_csection_overlay_color) . ',' . $ut_csection_overlay_opacity . '); }' . "\n" : '';
         $css .= !empty($ut_csection_overlay_color) ? '#contact-section .parallax-overlay { background: rgba(' . ut_hex_to_rgb($ut_csection_overlay_color) . ',' . $ut_csection_overlay_opacity . '); }' . "\n" : '';
         /* contact section section padding */
         $ut_csection_padding_top = ot_get_option('ut_csection_padding_top');
         $ut_csection_padding_bottom = ot_get_option('ut_csection_padding_bottom');
         /* fallback if there is no entry */
         $ut_csection_padding_top = empty($ut_csection_padding_top) ? '80px' : $ut_csection_padding_top;
         $ut_csection_padding_bottom = empty($ut_csection_padding_bottom) ? '60px' : $ut_csection_padding_bottom;
         if ($ut_csection_overlay == 'on') {
             $css .= '#contact-section .parallax-overlay { padding-top:' . $ut_csection_padding_top . '; padding-bottom:' . $ut_csection_padding_bottom . '; }' . "\n";
             $css .= '#contact-section .ut-offset-anchor { top:-' . (79 + str_replace("px", "", $ut_navigation_padding_top) + str_replace("px", "", $ut_navigation_padding_bottom)) . 'px; }' . "\n";
         } else {
             $css .= '#contact-section { padding-top:' . $ut_csection_padding_top . '; padding-bottom:' . $ut_csection_padding_bottom . '; }' . "\n";
             $css .= '#contact-section .ut-offset-anchor { top:-' . (79 + str_replace("px", "", $ut_csection_padding_top) + str_replace("px", "", $ut_navigation_padding_top) + str_replace("px", "", $ut_navigation_padding_bottom)) . 'px; }' . "\n";
     /* end $ut_activate_csection */
     /* copyright */
     if (ot_get_option('ut_footer_font_weight', 'normal') == 'bold') {
         $css .= '.copyright { font-family: "ralewaysemibold", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif !important; }';
     /* theme options misc settings */
     if (ot_get_option('ut_blockquote_font_type', 'ut-font') == 'ut-google') {
         $ut_google_blockquote_font_style = ot_get_option('ut_google_blockquote_font_style');
         if (!empty($google_fonts[$ut_google_blockquote_font_style['font-id']]['family'])) {
             $css .= 'blockquote {';
             /* familiy */
             $css .= 'font-family:"' . $google_fonts[$ut_google_blockquote_font_style['font-id']]['family'] . '", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;';
             if (!empty($ut_google_blockquote_font_style['font-weight'])) {
                 $css .= ' font-weight: ' . $ut_google_blockquote_font_style['font-weight'] . ';';
             if (!empty($ut_google_blockquote_font_style['font-size'])) {
                 $css .= ' font-size: ' . $ut_google_blockquote_font_style['font-size'] . ';';
             if (!empty($ut_google_blockquote_font_style['font-style'])) {
                 $css .= ' font-style: ' . $font_styles[$ut_google_blockquote_font_style['font-style']] . ';';
             if (!empty($ut_google_blockquote_font_style['text-transform'])) {
                 $css .= ' text-transform: ' . $ut_google_blockquote_font_style['text-transform'] . ';';
             $css .= '}';
         } else {
             /* fallback if user has not chosen a google font yet */
             $ut_blockquote_font_style = ot_get_option('ut_blockquote_font_style', 'semibold');
             $css .= 'blockquote { font-family: ' . $ut_recognized_font_styles[$ut_blockquote_font_style] . ', "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; }' . "\n";
     } else {
         /* out for theme font */
         $ut_blockquote_font_style = ot_get_option('ut_blockquote_font_style', 'semibold');
         $css .= 'blockquote { font-family: ' . $ut_recognized_font_styles[$ut_blockquote_font_style] . ', "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; }' . "\n";
     if (ot_get_option('ut_global_lead_font_type', 'ut-font') == 'ut-google') {
         $ut_google_lead_font_style = ot_get_option('ut_google_lead_font_style');
         if (!empty($google_fonts[$ut_google_lead_font_style['font-id']]['family'])) {
             $css .= '.lead, .taxonomy-description {';
             /* familiy */
             $css .= 'font-family:"' . $google_fonts[$ut_google_lead_font_style['font-id']]['family'] . '", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;';
             if (!empty($ut_google_lead_font_style['font-weight'])) {
                 $css .= ' font-weight: ' . $ut_google_lead_font_style['font-weight'] . ';';
             if (!empty($ut_google_lead_font_style['font-size'])) {
                 $css .= ' font-size: ' . $ut_google_lead_font_style['font-size'] . ';';
             if (!empty($ut_google_lead_font_style['font-style'])) {
                 $css .= ' font-style: ' . $font_styles[$ut_google_lead_font_style['font-style']] . ';';
             if (!empty($ut_google_lead_font_style['text-transform'])) {
                 $css .= ' text-transform: ' . $ut_google_lead_font_style['text-transform'] . ';';
             $css .= '}';
         } else {
             /* fallback if user has not chosen a google font yet */
             $ut_lead_font_style = ot_get_option('ut_lead_font_style', 'semibold');
             $css .= '.lead, .taxonomy-description { font-family: ' . $ut_recognized_font_styles[$ut_lead_font_style] . ', "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; }' . "\n";
     } else {
         /* out for theme font */
         $ut_lead_font_style = ot_get_option('ut_lead_font_style', 'semibold');
         $css .= '.lead, .taxonomy-description { font-family: ' . $ut_recognized_font_styles[$ut_lead_font_style] . ', "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; }' . "\n";
     /* loader logo */
     $ut_site_logo = get_theme_mod('ut_site_logo');
     $loader_logo = ot_get_option('ut_image_loader_logo', $ut_site_logo);
     if (!empty($loader_logo)) {
         $css .= '#ut-loader-logo { background-image: url(' . esc_url($loader_logo) . '); background-position: center center; background-repeat: no-repeat; }' . "\n";
     | Footer Skin & Border
     if (ot_get_option('ut_footer_skin', 'ut-footer-light') == 'ut-footer-light') {
         $ut_footer_skin_light_bgcolor = ot_get_option('ut_footer_skin_light_bgcolor');
         if (!empty($ut_footer_skin_light_bgcolor)) {
             /* add to CSS */
             $css .= '.footer, a.toTop {
                     background: ' . $ut_footer_skin_light_bgcolor . ' ;
     } else {
         $ut_footer_skin_dark_bgcolor = ot_get_option('ut_footer_skin_dark_bgcolor');
         if (!empty($ut_footer_skin_dark_bgcolor)) {
             /* add to CSS */
             $css .= '.footer.ut-footer-dark, .ut-footer-dark a.toTop {
                     background: ' . $ut_footer_skin_dark_bgcolor . ' ;
     /* footer border */
     $ut_footer_skin_border = ot_get_option('ut_footer_skin_border');
     /* add to CSS */
     if (!empty($ut_footer_skin_border)) {
         $css .= '.footer { border-top: 1px solid ' . $ut_footer_skin_border . '; }';
         $css .= 'a.toTop { border: 1px solid ' . $ut_footer_skin_border . '; border-bottom: none; }';
     /* subfooter backgroundcolor  */
     $ut_subfooter_bgcolor = ot_get_option('ut_subfooter_bgcolor');
     /* add to CSS */
     if (!empty($ut_subfooter_bgcolor)) {
         /* add to CSS */
         $css .= '.footer .footer-content {
                     background: ' . $ut_subfooter_bgcolor . ' ;
     /* subfooter paddingtop  */
     $ut_subfooter_padding_top = ot_get_option('ut_subfooter_padding_top');
     /* add to CSS */
     if (!empty($ut_subfooter_padding_top)) {
         /* add to CSS */
         $css .= '.footer .footer-content {
                     padding-top: ' . $ut_subfooter_padding_top . ';
     /* individual section styles , only run this query for front page */
     if (is_front_page()) {
         /* retrieve query arguements */
         $pagequery = ut_prepare_front_query();
         if (!empty($pagequery)) {
             $css_query = new WP_Query($pagequery);
             if ($css_query->have_posts()) {
                 while ($css_query->have_posts()) {
                     global $detect;
                     $ut_section_video_state = get_post_meta($css_query->post->ID, 'ut_section_video_state', true);
                      * split section
                     $ut_section_width = get_post_meta($css_query->post->ID, 'ut_section_width', true);
                     if ($ut_section_width == 'split') {
                         /* try to get featured image */
                         $fullsize = wp_get_attachment_url(get_post_thumbnail_id($css_query->post->ID));
                         if (!empty($fullsize)) {
                             $css .= '#' . ut_clean_section_id($css_query->post->post_name) . ' .ut-split-screen-poster{ background: url("' . $fullsize . '") }';
                         /* padding settings */
                         $ut_split_section_margin_top = get_post_meta($css_query->post->ID, 'ut_split_section_margin_top', true);
                         $ut_split_section_margin_bottom = get_post_meta($css_query->post->ID, 'ut_split_section_margin_bottom', true);
                         /* fallback if there is no entry */
                         $ut_split_section_margin_top = empty($ut_split_section_margin_top) ? '' : $ut_split_section_margin_top;
                         $ut_split_section_margin_bottom = empty($ut_split_section_margin_bottom) ? '' : $ut_split_section_margin_bottom;
                         $ut_split_content_align = get_post_meta($css_query->post->ID, 'ut_split_content_align', true);
                         if (!empty($ut_split_content_align) && $ut_split_content_align == 'right') {
                             $css .= '#' . ut_clean_section_id($css_query->post->post_name) . ' .ut-split-content-right { margin-top:' . $ut_split_section_margin_top . '; }' . "\n";
                             $css .= '#' . ut_clean_section_id($css_query->post->post_name) . ' .ut-split-content-right { margin-bottom:' . $ut_split_section_margin_bottom . '; }' . "\n";
                         if (!empty($ut_split_content_align) && $ut_split_content_align == 'left') {
                             $css .= '#' . ut_clean_section_id($css_query->post->post_name) . ' .ut-split-content-left  { margin-top:' . $ut_split_section_margin_top . ';  }' . "\n";
                             $css .= '#' . ut_clean_section_id($css_query->post->post_name) . ' .ut-split-content-left  { margin-bottom:' . $ut_split_section_margin_bottom . ';  }' . "\n";
                      * section padding
                     /* get overlay settings */
                     $ut_overlay_section = get_post_meta($css_query->post->ID, 'ut_overlay_section', true);
                     /* padding settings */
                     $ut_section_padding_top = get_post_meta($css_query->post->ID, 'ut_section_padding_top', true);
                     $ut_section_padding_bottom = get_post_meta($css_query->post->ID, 'ut_section_padding_bottom', true);
                     $ut_section_slogan_padding = get_post_meta($css_query->post->ID, 'ut_section_slogan_padding', true);
                     /* fallback if there is no entry */
                     $ut_section_padding_top = empty($ut_section_padding_top) ? '80px' : $ut_section_padding_top;
                     $ut_section_padding_bottom = empty($ut_section_padding_bottom) ? '60px' : $ut_section_padding_bottom;
                     $ut_section_slogan_padding = empty($ut_section_slogan_padding) ? '30px' : $ut_section_slogan_padding;
                     /* add to CSS */
                     if ($ut_overlay_section == 'on') {
                         $css .= '#' . ut_clean_section_id($css_query->post->post_name) . ' .parallax-overlay { padding-top:' . $ut_section_padding_top . '; padding-bottom:' . $ut_section_padding_bottom . '; }' . "\n";
                         $css .= '#' . ut_clean_section_id($css_query->post->post_name) . ' .ut-offset-anchor { top:-' . (79 + str_replace("px", "", $ut_navigation_padding_top) + str_replace("px", "", $ut_navigation_padding_bottom)) . 'px; }' . "\n";
                     } else {
                         $css .= '#' . ut_clean_section_id($css_query->post->post_name) . '{ padding-top:' . $ut_section_padding_top . '; padding-bottom:' . $ut_section_padding_bottom . '; }' . "\n";
                         $css .= '#' . ut_clean_section_id($css_query->post->post_name) . ' .ut-offset-anchor { top:-' . (79 + str_replace("px", "", $ut_section_padding_top) + str_replace("px", "", $ut_navigation_padding_top) + str_replace("px", "", $ut_navigation_padding_bottom)) . 'px; }' . "\n";
                     $css .= '#' . ut_clean_section_id($css_query->post->post_name) . ' .parallax-header { padding-bottom:' . $ut_section_slogan_padding . '; }' . "\n";
                     $css .= '#' . ut_clean_section_id($css_query->post->post_name) . ' .section-header { padding-bottom:' . $ut_section_slogan_padding . '; }' . "\n";
                      * section header font
                     /* get font style */
                     $ut_section_header_font_style = get_post_meta($css_query->post->ID, 'ut_section_header_font_style', true);
                     /* fallback if there is no entry */
                     $ut_section_header_font_style = empty($ut_section_header_font_style) ? 'semibold' : $ut_section_header_font_style;
                     /* add to CSS */
                     $css .= ut_create_global_headline_font_style('#' . ut_clean_section_id($css_query->post->post_name) . ' .parallax-title', $ut_section_header_font_style);
                     $css .= ut_create_global_headline_font_style('#' . ut_clean_section_id($css_query->post->post_name) . ' .section-title', $ut_section_header_font_style);
                     if ($ut_section_video_state != 'on') {
                          * section parallax image
                         /* get parallax settings*/
                         $ut_parallax_image = get_post_meta($css_query->post->ID, 'ut_parallax_image', true);
                         $ut_parallax_section = get_post_meta($css_query->post->ID, 'ut_parallax_section', true);
                         /* image fallback to version 1.0 */
                         if (is_array($ut_parallax_image) && !empty($ut_parallax_image['background-image'])) {
                             if (!empty($ut_parallax_image) && $ut_parallax_section == 'on') {
                                 $css .= ut_create_css_background('#' . ut_clean_section_id($css_query->post->post_name) . '.parallax-section', $ut_parallax_image);
                             } else {
                                 $css .= ut_create_css_background('#' . ut_clean_section_id($css_query->post->post_name), $ut_parallax_image);
                         } elseif (!is_array($ut_parallax_image)) {
                             if (!empty($ut_parallax_image) && $ut_parallax_section == 'on') {
                                 $css .= '#' . ut_clean_section_id($css_query->post->post_name) . '.parallax-section { background-image: url(' . esc_url($ut_parallax_image) . '); }' . "\n";
                             } else {
                                 $css .= '#' . ut_clean_section_id($css_query->post->post_name) . ' { background-image: url(' . esc_url($ut_parallax_image) . '); }' . "\n";
                          * section background color 
                         $ut_section_background_color = get_post_meta($css_query->post->ID, 'ut_section_background_color', true);
                         if (!empty($ut_section_background_color)) {
                             /* add to CSS */
                             $css .= '#' . ut_clean_section_id($css_query->post->post_name) . '{ background-color: ' . $ut_section_background_color . '; }' . "\n";
                             $css .= '#' . ut_clean_section_id($css_query->post->post_name) . ' .section-header.pt-style-1 .section-title span  { background-color: ' . $ut_section_background_color . '; }' . "\n";
                     /* video poster for section */
                     if ($detect->isMobile() && $ut_section_video_state != 'off' || $detect->isMobile() && ot_get_option('ut_front_video_containment', 'hero') == 'body') {
                         $ut_video_poster = get_post_meta($css_query->post->ID, 'ut_section_video_poster', true);
                         if (!empty($ut_video_poster)) {
                             /* video poster image for mobile devices */
                             $css .= '#' . ut_clean_section_id($css_query->post->post_name) . ' { 
                                     background-image: url(' . esc_url($ut_video_poster) . '); 
                                     background-size: cover !important;
                                     background-attachment: scroll !important;
                                 }' . "\n";
                         } else {
                             $ut_section_video_bgcolor = get_post_meta($css_query->post->ID, 'ut_section_video_bgcolor', true);
                             if (!empty($ut_section_video_bgcolor)) {
                                 /* add to CSS */
                                 $css .= '#' . ut_clean_section_id($css_query->post->post_name) . '{ background-color: ' . $ut_section_video_bgcolor . '; }' . "\n";
                                 $css .= '#' . ut_clean_section_id($css_query->post->post_name) . ' .section-header.pt-style-1 .section-title span  { background-color: ' . $ut_section_video_bgcolor . '; }' . "\n";
                      * section title , text , heading and lead color 
                     $ut_section_text_color = get_post_meta($css_query->post->ID, 'ut_section_text_color', true);
                     if (!empty($ut_section_text_color)) {
                         /* add to CSS */
                         $css .= '#' . ut_clean_section_id($css_query->post->post_name) . ' .section-content { color: ' . $ut_section_text_color . '; }' . "\n";
                     $ut_section_heading_color = get_post_meta($css_query->post->ID, 'ut_section_heading_color', true);
                     if (!empty($ut_section_heading_color)) {
                         /* add to CSS */
                         $css .= '#' . ut_clean_section_id($css_query->post->post_name) . ' .section-content h1 { color: ' . $ut_section_heading_color . ' !important; }' . "\n";
                         $css .= '#' . ut_clean_section_id($css_query->post->post_name) . ' .section-content h2 { color: ' . $ut_section_heading_color . ' !important; }' . "\n";
                         $css .= '#' . ut_clean_section_id($css_query->post->post_name) . ' .section-content h3 { color: ' . $ut_section_heading_color . ' !important; }' . "\n";
                         $css .= '#' . ut_clean_section_id($css_query->post->post_name) . ' .section-content h4 { color: ' . $ut_section_heading_color . ' !important; }' . "\n";
                         $css .= '#' . ut_clean_section_id($css_query->post->post_name) . ' .section-content h5 { color: ' . $ut_section_heading_color . ' !important; }' . "\n";
                         $css .= '#' . ut_clean_section_id($css_query->post->post_name) . ' .section-content h6 { color: ' . $ut_section_heading_color . ' !important; }' . "\n";
                     $ut_section_header_style = get_post_meta($css_query->post->ID, 'ut_section_header_style', true);
                     $ut_section_header_style = !empty($ut_section_header_style) && $ut_section_header_style != 'global' ? $ut_section_header_style : ot_get_option('ut_global_headline_style');
                     $ut_section_title_color = get_post_meta($css_query->post->ID, 'ut_section_title_color', true);
                     /* pt style 3 needs a fallback */
                     if (empty($ut_section_title_color) && $ut_section_header_style == 'pt-style-3') {
                         $ut_section_title_color = $accentcolor;
                     if (!empty($ut_section_title_color)) {
                         /* add to CSS */
                         $css .= '#' . ut_clean_section_id($css_query->post->post_name) . ' .parallax-title { color: ' . $ut_section_title_color . '; }' . "\n";
                         $css .= '#' . ut_clean_section_id($css_query->post->post_name) . ' .section-title { color: ' . $ut_section_title_color . '; }' . "\n";
                         $css .= create_section_headline_style('#' . ut_clean_section_id($css_query->post->post_name), $ut_section_header_style, $ut_section_title_color);
                      * section title shadow
                     if (get_post_meta($css_query->post->ID, 'ut_section_title_glow', true) == 'on') {
                         $ut_section_title_color = get_post_meta($css_query->post->ID, 'ut_section_title_color', true);
                         $ut_section_title_glow_color = get_post_meta($css_query->post->ID, 'ut_section_title_glow_color', true);
                         if (!empty($ut_section_title_color)) {
                             /* add to CSS */
                             $css .= '#' . ut_clean_section_id($css_query->post->post_name) . ' .parallax-title.ut-glow { 
                                     text-shadow: 0 0 40px ' . $ut_section_title_color . ', 2px 2px 3px black ; 
                                 }' . "\n";
                             $css .= '#' . ut_clean_section_id($css_query->post->post_name) . ' .section-title.ut-glow { 
                                     text-shadow: 0 0 40px ' . $ut_section_title_color . ', 2px 2px 3px black; 
                                 }' . "\n";
                         if (!empty($ut_section_title_glow_color)) {
                             /* add to CSS */
                             $css .= '#' . ut_clean_section_id($css_query->post->post_name) . ' .parallax-title.ut-glow { 
                                     text-shadow: 0 0 40px ' . $ut_section_title_glow_color . ', 2px 2px 3px black ; 
                                 }' . "\n";
                             $css .= '#' . ut_clean_section_id($css_query->post->post_name) . ' .section-title.ut-glow { 
                                     text-shadow: 0 0 40px ' . $ut_section_title_glow_color . ', 2px 2px 3px black; 
                                 }' . "\n";
                      * section header spacing
                     $ut_section_header_margin_left = get_post_meta($css_query->post->ID, 'ut_section_header_margin_left', true);
                     $ut_section_header_margin_right = get_post_meta($css_query->post->ID, 'ut_section_header_margin_right', true);
                     /* add to CSS */
                     if (!empty($ut_section_header_margin_left)) {
                         $css .= '#' . ut_clean_section_id($css_query->post->post_name) . ' header.section-header { margin-left:' . $ut_section_header_margin_left . '; }' . "\n";
                         $css .= '#' . ut_clean_section_id($css_query->post->post_name) . ' header.parallax-header { margin-left:' . $ut_section_header_margin_left . '; }' . "\n";
                     /* add to CSS */
                     if (!empty($ut_section_header_margin_right)) {
                         $css .= '#' . ut_clean_section_id($css_query->post->post_name) . ' header.section-header { margin-right:' . $ut_section_header_margin_right . '; }' . "\n";
                         $css .= '#' . ut_clean_section_id($css_query->post->post_name) . ' header.parallax-header { margin-right:' . $ut_section_header_margin_right . '; }' . "\n";
                      * section p lead padding
                     $ut_section_slogan_padding_left = get_post_meta($css_query->post->ID, 'ut_section_slogan_padding_left', true);
                     $ut_section_slogan_padding_right = get_post_meta($css_query->post->ID, 'ut_section_slogan_padding_right', true);
                     /* add to CSS */
                     if (!empty($ut_section_slogan_padding_left)) {
                         $css .= '#' . ut_clean_section_id($css_query->post->post_name) . ' .lead { padding-left: ' . $ut_section_slogan_padding_left . '; }' . "\n";
                     /* add to CSS */
                     if (!empty($ut_section_slogan_padding_right)) {
                         $css .= '#' . ut_clean_section_id($css_query->post->post_name) . ' .lead { padding-right: ' . $ut_section_slogan_padding_right . '; }' . "\n";
                      * section lead color
                     $ut_section_slogan_color = get_post_meta($css_query->post->ID, 'ut_section_slogan_color', true);
                     /* add to CSS */
                     if (!empty($ut_section_slogan_color)) {
                         $css .= '#' . ut_clean_section_id($css_query->post->post_name) . ' .lead, #' . ut_clean_section_id($css_query->post->post_name) . ' .lead p { color: ' . $ut_section_slogan_color . '; }' . "\n";
                      * overlay color
                     if ($ut_overlay_section == 'on') {
                         $ut_overlay_color = get_post_meta($css_query->post->ID, 'ut_overlay_color', true);
                         $ut_overlay_color_opacity = get_post_meta($css_query->post->ID, 'ut_overlay_color_opacity', true);
                         $ut_overlay_color_opacity = !empty($ut_overlay_color_opacity) ? $ut_overlay_color_opacity : '0.8';
                         /* add to CSS */
                         $css .= '#' . ut_clean_section_id($css_query->post->post_name) . ' .parallax-overlay { background-color: rgb(' . ut_hex_to_rgb($ut_overlay_color) . '); }' . "\n";
                         $css .= '#' . ut_clean_section_id($css_query->post->post_name) . ' .parallax-overlay { background-color: rgba(' . ut_hex_to_rgb($ut_overlay_color) . ' , ' . $ut_overlay_color_opacity . ' ); }' . "\n";
                      * section border bottom 
                     if (get_post_meta($css_query->post->ID, 'ut_section_border_bottom', true) == 'on') {
                         /* border settings */
                         $ut_section_border_bottom_color = get_post_meta($css_query->post->ID, 'ut_section_border_bottom_color', true);
                         $ut_section_border_bottom_color = !empty($ut_section_border_bottom_color) ? $ut_section_border_bottom_color : $accentcolor;
                         $ut_section_border_bottom_width = get_post_meta($css_query->post->ID, 'ut_section_border_bottom_width', true);
                         $ut_section_border_bottom_width = !empty($ut_section_border_bottom_width) ? $ut_section_border_bottom_width : '1';
                         $ut_section_border_bottom_style = get_post_meta($css_query->post->ID, 'ut_section_border_bottom_style', true);
                         $ut_section_border_bottom_style = !empty($ut_section_border_bottom_style) ? $ut_section_border_bottom_style : 'solid';
                         /* add to CSS */
                         $css .= '#' . ut_clean_section_id($css_query->post->post_name) . '{ border-bottom: ' . $ut_section_border_bottom_width . 'px ' . $ut_section_border_bottom_style . ' ' . $ut_section_border_bottom_color . '; }';
     /* end front page styling */
     $css .= '.parallax-overlay-pattern.style_one { background-image: url(" ' . THEME_WEB_ROOT . '/images/overlay-pattern.png") !important; }' . "\n";
     $css .= '.parallax-overlay-pattern.style_two { background-image: url(" ' . THEME_WEB_ROOT . '/images/overlay-pattern2.png") !important; }' . "\n";
     /* custom css from theme option panel */
     $css .= ot_get_option('ut_custom_css');
     /* end css */
     $css .= '</style>';
     /* check for css cache */
     if (ot_get_option('ut_use_cache', 'off') == 'on' && is_front_page()) {
         $transient_prefix = $detect->isMobile() ? '_mobile' : '_desktop';
         $cacheTime = ot_get_option('ut_cache_ltime', '10');
         set_transient('ut_css_cache' . $transient_prefix, $css, 60 * $cacheTime);
     echo apply_filters('ut-custom-css', $css);
Пример #4

 * The Template for displaying a custom shortcode inside the Hero
 * @author 		United Themes
 * @package 	Brooklyn
 * @version     1.0
/* template config */
$ut_hero_shortcode = ut_return_hero_config('ut_hero_shortcode');

<!-- hero section -->
<section class="ha-waypoint" data-animate-up="ha-header-hide" data-animate-down="ha-header-hide">

echo do_shortcode(ut_translate_meta($ut_hero_shortcode));
<!-- end hero section -->
Пример #5
      <a class="ut-flex-control next"></a>
      <a class="ut-flex-control prev"></a>
      <!-- !controls -->
      <!-- caption -->
      <div id="ut-hero-captions" class="ut-hero-captions flexslider">
          <ul class="slides">
    foreach ($ut_hero_background_slides as $slide) {
        /* single caption settings */
        $style = !empty($slide['style']) && $slide['style'] != 'global' ? $slide['style'] : ut_return_hero_config('ut_hero_style', 'ut-hero-style-1');
        $fontstyle = !empty($slide['font_style']) && $slide['font_style'] != 'global' ? $slide['font_style'] : ut_return_hero_config('ut_hero_font_style', 'semibold');
        $align = !empty($slide['align']) ? $slide['align'] : 'center';
        $animation_direction = !empty($slide['direction']) ? $slide['direction'] : 'top';
        $slidelink = !empty($slide['link']) ? $slide['link'] : '#ut-to-first-section';
        $link_description = !empty($slide['link_description']) ? $slide['link_description'] : '';
                          <div class="grid-container">
                              <!-- hero holder -->
                              <div class="hero-holder grid-100 mobile-grid-100 tablet-grid-100 <?php 
        echo $style;
" data-animation="<?php 
Пример #6
        <div id="ut-hero-audio" class="hero-audio-holder">
    echo do_shortcode('[audio mp3="' . THEME_WEB_ROOT . '/sounds/heavyrain.mp3" wav="' . THEME_WEB_ROOT . '/sounds/heavyrain.wav" loop="on" autoplay=""]');
        <a href="#ut-hero-audio" class="ut-audio-control ut-unmute">Unmute</a>
/* overlay effect for hero */
if (ut_return_hero_config('ut_hero_overlay') == 'on') {
    <div data-section="top" class="ut-scroll-up-waypoint"></div>
<!-- end hero section -->       
Пример #7
 function unitedthemes_scripts()
     global $detect;
     $min = NULL;
     if (!WP_DEBUG) {
         $min = '.min';
     | CSS
     /* Fonts */
     wp_enqueue_style('main-font-face', THEME_WEB_ROOT . '/css/ut-fontface' . $min . '.css');
     wp_enqueue_style('ut-fontawesome', '//maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.4.0/css/font-awesome' . $min . '.css');
     /* Google Fonts */
     /* Grid and Responsive */
     wp_enqueue_style('ut-responsive-grid', THEME_WEB_ROOT . '/css/ut-responsive-grid' . $min . '.css');
     /* Flexslider */
     wp_enqueue_style('ut-flexslider', THEME_WEB_ROOT . '/css/flexslider' . $min . '.css');
     /* lightbox script */
     $ut_lightbox_script = ot_get_option('ut_lightbox_script', 'prettyphoto');
     if ($ut_lightbox_script == 'prettyphoto') {
         /* Prettyphoto */
         wp_enqueue_style('ut-prettyphoto', THEME_WEB_ROOT . '/css/prettyPhoto' . $min . '.css');
     } else {
         /* Lightgallery */
         wp_enqueue_style('ut-lightgallery', THEME_WEB_ROOT . '/assets/vendor/lightGallery/css/lightgallery' . $min . '.css');
     /* Main Navigation */
     wp_enqueue_style('ut-superfish', THEME_WEB_ROOT . '/css/ut-superfish' . $min . '.css');
     /* Animate CSS */
     wp_enqueue_style('ut-animate', THEME_WEB_ROOT . '/css/ut.animate' . $min . '.css');
     /* fancy slider */
     if (ut_return_hero_config('ut_hero_type') == 'transition') {
         wp_enqueue_style('ut-fancy-slider', THEME_WEB_ROOT . '/css/ut-fancyslider' . $min . '.css');
     /* Main CSS */
     wp_enqueue_style('unitedthemes-style', get_stylesheet_uri(), array(), UT_THEME_VERSION);
     | JavaScript
     /* base javaScripts header */
     /* cookie law - todo */
     /*if( ot_get_option('ut_activate_cookie_law' , 'off') == 'on' ) {
           wp_enqueue_script( 'ut-cookie'             , THEME_WEB_ROOT . '/js/jquery.ckie.min.js', array('jquery') , '1.4.1' );
           wp_enqueue_script( 'ut-cookie-law'         , THEME_WEB_ROOT . '/js/jquery.ckie.law.js', array('jquery') , '1.0' );
     /* preloader */
     if (ot_get_option('ut_use_image_loader') == 'on') {
         $loader_for = ot_get_option('ut_use_image_loader_on');
         $loader_match = false;
         if (!empty($loader_for) && is_array($loader_for)) {
             foreach ($loader_for as $key => $conditional) {
                 if ($conditional() && $conditional != 'is_singular') {
                     $loader_match = true;
                     /* front page gets handeled as a page too */
                     if ($conditional == 'is_page' && is_front_page()) {
                         $loader_match = false;
                     } elseif ($conditional == 'is_single' && is_singular('portfolio')) {
                         $loader_match = false;
                     } else {
                         /* we have a match , so we can stop the loop */
                 if ($conditional('portfolio') && $conditional == 'is_singular') {
                     $loader_match = true;
         if ($loader_match) {
             wp_enqueue_script('ut-loader', THEME_WEB_ROOT . '/js/jquery.queryloader2' . $min . '.js', array('jquery'), '2.9.0', false);
     /* browser and mobile detection */
     wp_enqueue_script('modernizr', THEME_WEB_ROOT . '/js/modernizr' . $min . '.js', array('jquery'), '2.6.2');
     /* comment reply*/
     if (is_singular() && comments_open() && get_option('thread_comments')) {
      * base Java Scripts // output in footer 
     /* toucheffect js */
     wp_enqueue_script('ut-toucheffects', THEME_WEB_ROOT . '/js/toucheffects' . $min . '.js', array('jquery'), '1.0', true);
     /* easing */
     wp_enqueue_script('ut-easing', THEME_WEB_ROOT . '/js/jquery.easing' . $min . '.js', array('jquery'), '1.3', true);
     /* superfish navigation */
     wp_enqueue_script('ut-superfish', THEME_WEB_ROOT . '/js/superfish' . $min . '.js', array('jquery'), '1.7.4', true);
     /* smothscroll only for chrome desktop */
     if (ot_get_option('ut_smooth_scroll', 'on') == 'on' && preg_match("/chrome/", strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) && !$detect->isMobile()) {
         /* now check if user is using a Windows PC */
         $user_agent = getenv("HTTP_USER_AGENT");
         if (strpos($user_agent, "Win") !== false) {
             wp_enqueue_script('ut-smoothscroll', THEME_WEB_ROOT . '/js/SmoothScroll' . $min . '.js', array('jquery'), '0.9.9', true);
     /* retina images */
     wp_enqueue_script('ut-retina', THEME_WEB_ROOT . '/js/retina.min.js', array('jquery'), '1.3', true);
     /* background video player , load only when needed */
     if (!$detect->isMobile() && ut_return_hero_config('ut_hero_type') == 'video' || !$detect->isMobile() && ut_return_hero_config('ut_hero_type') == 'tabs' && ut_return_hero_config('ut_video_containment', 'hero') == 'body') {
         wp_enqueue_script('ut-bgvid', THEME_WEB_ROOT . '/js/jquery.mb.YTPlayer' . $min . '.js', array('jquery'), '1.7.15', true);
     /* rain effect, load only when needed */
     if (ut_return_hero_config('ut_hero_rain_effect', 'off') == 'on') {
         wp_enqueue_script('ut-rain', THEME_WEB_ROOT . '/js/rainyday' . $min . '.js', array('jquery'), '1.0', true);
     /* selfhosted video player */
     if (ut_return_hero_config('ut_video_source', 'youtube') == 'selfhosted') {
         wp_enqueue_script('ut-video', THEME_WEB_ROOT . '/js/ut-videoplayer' . $min . '.js', array('jquery'), '1.0', true);
     /* fancy slider */
     if (ut_return_hero_config('ut_hero_type') == 'transition') {
         wp_enqueue_script('ut-fancy-slider', THEME_WEB_ROOT . '/js/ut-fancyslider' . $min . '.js', array('jquery'), '1.0', true);
     /* overlay animation effect */
     if (ut_return_hero_config('ut_hero_overlay_effect', 'off') == 'on') {
         wp_enqueue_script('ut-greensock-tweenlite', THEME_WEB_ROOT . '/js/greensock/TweenLite' . $min . '.js', array(), '1.0', true);
         wp_enqueue_script('ut-greensock-easepack', THEME_WEB_ROOT . '/js/greensock/EasePack' . $min . '.js', array('ut-greensock-tweenlite'), '1.0', true);
         wp_enqueue_script('ut-animation-frame', THEME_WEB_ROOT . '/js/greensock/AnimationFrame.js', array('ut-greensock-easepack'), '1.0', true);
         /* connecting dots overlay */
         if (ut_return_hero_config('ut_hero_overlay_effect_style') == 'dots') {
             wp_enqueue_script('ut-connecting-dots', THEME_WEB_ROOT . '/js/canvas.connectingdots' . $min . '.js', array('ut-animation-frame'), '1.0', true);
         /* rising bubbles overlay */
         if (ut_return_hero_config('ut_hero_overlay_effect_style') == 'bubbles') {
             wp_enqueue_script('ut-rising-bubbles', THEME_WEB_ROOT . '/js/canvas.risingbubbles' . $min . '.js', array('ut-animation-frame'), '1.0', true);
     /* flexslider for slider headers */
     wp_enqueue_script('ut-flexslider-js', THEME_WEB_ROOT . '/js/jquery.flexslider' . $min . '.js', '2.2.2', true);
     /* parallax for section backgrounds */
     wp_enqueue_script('ut-parallax', THEME_WEB_ROOT . '/js/jquery.parallax' . $min . '.js', array('jquery'), '1.1.3', true);
     /* scroll to section */
     wp_enqueue_script('ut-scrollTo', THEME_WEB_ROOT . '/js/jquery.scrollTo' . $min . '.js', array('jquery'), '1.4.6', true);
     /* simple waypoints */
     wp_enqueue_script('ut-waypoints', THEME_WEB_ROOT . '/js/jquery.waypoints' . $min . '.js', array('jquery'), '2.0.5', true);
     /* lightbox script */
     $ut_lightbox_script = ot_get_option('ut_lightbox_script', 'prettyphoto');
     if ($ut_lightbox_script == 'prettyphoto') {
         /* prettyphoto */
         wp_enqueue_script('ut-prettyphoto', THEME_WEB_ROOT . '/js/jquery.prettyPhoto' . $min . '.js', array('jquery'), '3.1.6', true);
     } else {
         /* lightgallery */
         wp_enqueue_script('ut-lightgallery-js', THEME_WEB_ROOT . '/assets/vendor/lightGallery/js/lightgallery-all' . $min . '.js', array('jquery'), '1.2.6', true);
     /* Fit Vid for embeded videos*/
     wp_enqueue_script('ut-fitvid', THEME_WEB_ROOT . '/js/jquery.fitvids' . $min . '.js', array('jquery'), '1.0.3', true);
     /* fit text for hero style 11 */
     if (ut_return_hero_config('ut_hero_style', 'ut-hero-style-1') == 'ut-hero-style-11') {
         wp_enqueue_script('ut-fittext', THEME_WEB_ROOT . '/js/jquery.fittext' . $min . '.js', array('jquery'), '1.2', true);
     /* ut social share */
     if (is_singular('portfolio')) {
         wp_enqueue_script('ut-social-share', THEME_WEB_ROOT . '/js/ut-share' . $min . '.js', array('jquery'), '1.0', true);
     /* lazy load */
     wp_enqueue_script('ut-lazyload-js', THEME_WEB_ROOT . '/js/jquery.lazyload' . $min . '.js', array('jquery'), '1.9.7', false);
     /* Custom JavaScripts - you can use this file inside the child theme or use the footer java hook */
     wp_enqueue_script('unitedthemes-init', STYLE_WEB_ROOT . '/js/ut-init' . $min . '.js', array('jquery'), UT_THEME_VERSION, true);
     /* retina logos with fallback */
     $ut_activate_page_hero = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'ut_activate_page_hero', true);
     $sitelogo_retina = !is_front_page() && !is_home() && ($ut_activate_page_hero == 'off' || empty($ut_activate_page_hero)) ? get_theme_mod('ut_site_logo_alt_retina') : get_theme_mod('ut_site_logo_retina');
     $alternate_logo_retina = get_theme_mod('ut_site_logo_alt_retina') ? get_theme_mod('ut_site_logo_alt_retina') : get_theme_mod('ut_site_logo_retina');
     $retina_logos = array('sitelogo_retina' => $sitelogo_retina, 'alternate_logo_retina' => $alternate_logo_retina);
     wp_localize_script('unitedthemes-init', 'retina_logos', $retina_logos);
Пример #8

 * The Template for displaying dynamic content inside the Hero
 * @author 		United Themes
 * @package 	Brooklyn
 * @version     1.0
/* template config */
$ut_hero_dynamic_content = ut_return_hero_config('ut_hero_dynamic_content');

<!-- hero section -->
<section class="ha-waypoint" data-animate-up="ha-header-hide" data-animate-down="ha-header-hide">

echo apply_filters('the_content', $ut_hero_dynamic_content);

<!-- end hero section -->
Пример #9

if (is_front_page() || is_home() || get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'ut_activate_page_hero', true) == 'on' && !ut_is_shop() || is_singular('portfolio') && get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'ut_activate_page_hero', true) != 'off' || ut_is_shop() && get_post_meta(get_option('woocommerce_shop_page_id'), 'ut_activate_page_hero', true) == 'on') {
    /* get hero template part based on hero type */
    get_template_part('partials/hero', ut_return_hero_config('ut_hero_type'));
<div class="clear"></div>      
Пример #10
/* overlay effect for hero */
if (ut_return_hero_config('ut_hero_overlay') == 'on') {
} elseif (ut_return_hero_config('ut_hero_overlay') == 'off' && !empty($ut_video_source) && $ut_video_source == 'selfhosted') {
    <div data-section="top" class="ut-scroll-up-waypoint"></div>
<!-- end hero section -->