/** * 清空session * */ function clearsession() { global $_MooClass, $dbTablePre; $user = userinfo(); $uid = $user['uid']; //$_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("DELETE FROM `{$dbTablePre}membersession` WHERE `uid` = '$uid'"); }
function chatlist() { //Set The number of posts you want to see here in the variable $viewableposts $msg = ""; $viewableposts = 5; $postsearch = 'SELECT * FROM `chat_list` ORDER BY id ASC'; $postresults = mysql_query($postsearch); $numposts = mysql_num_rows($postresults); $startingpost = $numposts - $viewableposts; $x = 0; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($postresults)) { if ($startingpost > 0 && $x < $startingpost) { } else { $userinfo = userinfo($row['user_id']); $msg .= "<div class='post'><table width=99%>\n"; $msg .= "<tr><td width=450><div class='postusericon'><img src='" . $userinfo['icon'] . "'></div></td>\n"; $msg .= "<td><div class='postuserinfo'>\n"; $msg .= "<div class='postuser'>" . $userinfo['username'] . "</div>"; $msg .= "<div class='postdate'>(" . $row['date_posted'] . ")</div><br>\n"; $msg .= "<div class='postmessage'>" . $row['message'] . "</div>\n"; $msg .= "<div class='postsignature'>" . $userinfo['signature'] . "</div>\n"; $msg .= "</div>\n</td></tr></table></div><br><hr><br>\n"; //$msg.=$message; } $x++; } $msg .= "<p id='bottom'></p>"; return $msg; }
function logaction($message,$rawobj=null,$syncobj=null){ $user=userinfo(); $userid=$user['userid']+0; $logname=$user['login']; $logname=str_replace("'",'',$logname); global $db; $wssid=$_GET['wssid_']+0; if (!isset($rawobj)) $rawobj=array(); $message=noapos($message); $cobj=array(); foreach ($rawobj as $k=>$v){ if (is_array($v)) continue; $v=noapos($v); $v=str_replace('"','"',$v); $cobj[$k]=$v; } $obj=json_encode($cobj); $obj=str_replace("\\'","'",$obj); $now=time(); $query="insert into ".TABLENAME_ACTIONLOG."(userid,logname,logdate,logmessage,rawobj) values ($userid,'$logname','$now','$message','$obj')"; if ($syncobj!=''){ $sid=$wssid; $rectype=$syncobj['rectype']; $recid=$syncobj['recid']+0; $query="insert into ".TABLENAME_ACTIONLOG."(userid,logname,logdate,logmessage,rawobj,sid,rectype,recid) values ($userid,'$logname','$now','$message','$obj',$sid,'$rectype',$recid)"; } sql_query($query,$db); }
public function sign() { $data = I('post.'); if (!$this->check_verify($data['verify'])) { $this->error("验证码错误!"); } $data['password'] = md5($data['password']); $user = M('user'); if (!$user->create($data)) { exit($user->getError()); } if (!($info = $user->where($data)->find())) { $this->error("邮箱或密码错误!"); } $data['id'] = $info['id']; $userinfo = D('Userinfo'); $userinfo->create($data); $userinfo->save(); $userinfo = $userinfo->where("id='%s'", $data['id'])->find(); if ($data['remember'] == 'on') { cookie('auth', $userinfo['authcode'], 1296000); } else { cookie('auth', $userinfo['authcode']); } //缓存用户信息 userinfo($userinfo['authcode'], $data['remember']); $this->success("登录成功,正在进入首页:)", U('Index/index')); }
function edit($post) { global $DT_PRE, $_username, $DT_TIME, $GROUP, $L; $item = $this->get_one(); $user = $item['username'] ? userinfo($item['username']) : array(); $gsql = $msql = $csql = ''; $gsql = "edittime={$DT_TIME},editor='{$_username}',status={$post['status']},note='{$post['note']}'"; if ($post['status'] == 1) { //reject if ($user) { if ($post['message'] && $post['content']) { send_message($user['username'], lang($L['grade_fail'], array($GROUP[$item['groupid']]['groupname'])), nl2br($post['content'])); $gsql .= ",message=1"; } if ($item['amount']) { money_add($item['username'], $item['amount']); money_record($item['username'], $item['amount'], $L['in_site'], 'system', $L['grade_title'], $L['grade_return']); } } } else { if ($post['status'] == 2) { // } else { if ($post['status'] == 3) { if ($user) { if (isset($post['pay']) && $post['pay']) { if ($user['money'] < $post['pay']) { return $this->_($L['grade_pass_balance']); } else { money_add($item['username'], -$post['pay']); money_record($item['username'], -$post['pay'], $L['in_site'], 'system', $L['grade_title'], $L['grade_upto'] . $GROUP[$item['groupid']]['groupname']); } } $msql = $csql = "groupid={$item['groupid']},company='{$item['company']}'"; $vip = $GROUP[$item['groupid']]['vip']; $csql .= ",vip={$vip},vipt={$vip}"; if (isset($post['pay'])) { $csql .= ",fromtime=" . strtotime($post['fromtime']) . ",totime=" . strtotime($post['totime']) . ",validtime=" . strtotime($post['validtime']) . ",validator='{$post['validator']}',validated={$post['validated']}"; } if ($post['message'] && $post['content']) { send_message($user['username'], lang($L['grade_success'], array($GROUP[$item['groupid']]['groupname'])), nl2br($post['content'])); $gsql .= ",message=1"; } } } } } $this->db->query("UPDATE {$this->table} SET {$gsql} WHERE itemid={$this->itemid}"); if ($msql) { $this->db->query("UPDATE {$DT_PRE}member SET {$msql} WHERE userid={$item['userid']}"); } if ($csql) { $this->db->query("UPDATE {$DT_PRE}company SET {$csql} WHERE userid={$item['userid']}"); } return true; }
function better($content) { foreach ($content as $test) { if (strpos($test, "email") !== FALSE) { emailinfo($test); } else { if (strpos($test, "POST") !== FALSE) { echo "<br>" . $test; } else { userinfo($test); } } } }
function send_notice($username, $subject, $body) { global $DT, $msg, $eml, $sms, $wec; if (!$username || !$subject || !$body) { return; } if (isset($msg)) { send_message($username, $subject, $body); } if (isset($wec)) { send_weixin($username, $subject); } if (isset($eml) || isset($sms)) { $user = userinfo($username); if (isset($eml)) { send_mail($user['email'], $subject, $body); } if (isset($sms)) { send_sms($user['mobile'], $subject . $DT['sms_sign']); } } }
function update($itemid) { global $TYPE; $item = $this->db->get_one("SELECT * FROM {$this->table} WHERE itemid={$itemid}"); $update = ''; $keyword = $item['title'] . ',' . $TYPE[$item['typeid']] . ',' . strip_tags(cat_pos(get_cat($item['catid']), ',')); if ($keyword != $item['keyword']) { $keyword = str_replace("//", '', addslashes($keyword)); $update .= ",keyword='{$keyword}'"; } else { $keyword = str_replace("//", '', addslashes($keyword)); } $item['itemid'] = $itemid; $linkurl = itemurl($item); if ($linkurl != $item['linkurl']) { $update .= ",linkurl='{$linkurl}'"; } $member = $item['username'] ? userinfo($item['username']) : array(); if ($member) { $update .= update_user($member, $item); } if ($update) { $this->db->query("UPDATE {$this->table} SET " . substr($update, 1) . " WHERE itemid={$itemid}"); } $sorttime = $this->get_sorttime($item['edittime'], $item['vip']); $this->db->query("REPLACE INTO {$this->table_search} (itemid,catid,areaid,status,content,sorttime) VALUES ({$itemid},'{$item['catid']}','{$item['areaid']}','{$item['status']}','{$keyword}','{$sorttime}')"); }
// All correct? if ($error != "1") { // Check 5 min after last submit if (!isset($_SESSION['ip-sperre_ticket']) || $_SESSION['ip-sperre_ticket'] < time() - 0 * 60) { // Set time in session $_SESSION["ip-sperre_ticket"] = time(); $mysqli = getConnected("account"); // SQL Injection Prevention $f_subject_todb1 = htmlentities($f_subject); $f_subject_todb = mysqli_real_escape_string($mysqli, $f_subject_todb1); $f_message_todb1 = htmlentities($f_message); $f_message_todb = mysqli_real_escape_string($mysqli, $f_message_todb1); $f_cat_todb = mysqli_real_escape_string($mysqli, $f_cat); $f_pri_todb = mysqli_real_escape_string($mysqli, $f_pri); $username = userinfo(id); $usermail = userinfo(email); // Generate Ticket ID $genticketid = genticketid(); // Insert to database $sql = mysqli_query($mysqli, "INSERT INTO cms_tickets (ticketid, subject, message, priority, ufrom, usermail, status, categorie, time) VALUES ('{$genticketid}','{$f_subject_todb}','{$f_message_todb}','{$f_pri_todb}','{$username}','{$usermail}','1','{$f_cat_todb}',now())"); if ($sql) { echo "<div class=\"success\"><b>" . lang('TICKETID') . ": " . $genticketid . "</b><br><br>" . lang('TICKET_OK') . "</div>"; } else { echo "<div class=\"error\">" . lang('TICKET_ERR') . "</div>"; } mysqli_close($mysqli); // Set hideform to 1 $hideform = 1; } else { echo "<div class=\"error\">" . lang('TICKET_TIME') . "</div>"; }
function update($itemid) { global $TYPE; $item = $this->db->get_one("SELECT * FROM {$this->table} WHERE itemid={$itemid}"); $update = ''; $keyword = $item['title'] . ',' . ($item['tag'] ? $item['tag'] . ',' : '') . $TYPE[$item['typeid']] . ',' . strip_tags(cat_pos(get_cat($item['catid']), ',')); if ($keyword != $item['keyword']) { $keyword = str_replace("//", '', addslashes($keyword)); $update .= ",keyword='{$keyword}'"; } $item['itemid'] = $itemid; $linkurl = itemurl($item); if ($linkurl != $item['linkurl']) { $update .= ",linkurl='{$linkurl}'"; } $member = $item['username'] ? userinfo($item['username']) : array(); if ($member) { $update .= update_user($member, $item); } if ($update) { $this->db->query("UPDATE {$this->table} SET " . substr($update, 1) . " WHERE itemid={$itemid}"); } }
$user_status = 3; } else { $mid = $moduleid; if ($_userid) { if (check_pay($mid, $itemid)) { $user_status = 3; } else { $user_status = 2; } } else { $user_status = 0; } } } else { $user_status = 3; } } else { $user_status = $_userid ? 1 : 0; } if ($_username && $_username == $item['username']) { $user_status = 3; } if ($user_status == 3) { $member = $item['username'] ? userinfo($item['username']) : array(); } if ($moduleid == 9 && $item['username']) { foreach (array('truename', 'telephone', 'mobile', 'address', 'msn', 'qq') as $v) { $member[$v] = $item[$v]; } $member['mail'] = $item['email']; }
} ?> </ul> </div> <div id="charEscribir" style=" margin-top: 20px; "> <h3 class="widget-title"> <a class="circle-picture mn-ls-user-profile" style="width: 50px; margin-right: 8px; vertical-align: middle;" href="#"><img src="<?php echo userinfo(avatar); ?> " style="width: 50px; height: 50px" alt=""></a> <input type="hidden" id="userId" value="<?php echo $id; ?> "> <script> $('#enviarChat').keypress(function(event){ var keycode = (event.keyCode ? event.keyCode : event.which); if(keycode == '13'){ var id = $("#userId").val(); var contenido = $("#enviarChat").val(); d = 'post/enviarChat.php'; $.post(d, { id: id, contenido: contenido}, function(h){
$items = $r['num']; } $pages = pages($items, $page, $pagesize); $lists = array(); $result = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {$DT_PRE}member_check WHERE {$condition} ORDER BY addtime DESC LIMIT {$offset},{$pagesize}"); while ($r = $db->fetch_array($result)) { $r['addtime'] = timetodate($r['addtime'], 6); $lists[] = $r; } include tpl('validate_member', $module); break; case 'show': check_name($username) or msg(); $t = $db->get_one("SELECT * FROM {$DT_PRE}member_check WHERE username='******'"); $t or msg('记录不存在'); $U = userinfo($username); $U or msg('会员不存在'); $E = dstripslashes(unserialize($t['content'])); $userid = $U['userid']; $content_table = content_table(4, $userid, is_file(DT_CACHE . '/4.part'), $DT_PRE . 'company_data'); $t = $db->get_one("SELECT * FROM {$content_table} WHERE userid={$userid}"); $U['content'] = $t['content']; if (isset($E['regunit']) && !isset($E['capital'])) { $E['capital'] = $U['capital']; } if ($submit) { $sql1 = $sql2 = $sql3 = ''; if (in_array('thumb', $pass) && isset($E['thumb'])) { if ($U['thumb']) { delete_upload($U['thumb'], $userid); }
$data_arr = $this->vars['data']; foreach ($data_arr as $key => $var) { $this->vars['data_key'] = $key; $this->vars['data_var'] = $this->vars['data'] = $var; ?> <tr> <td><?php echo $this->vars['data']['id']; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $this->vars['data']['titre']; ?> </td> <td><?php echo userinfo($this->vars['data']['idchef']); ?> </td> <td><?php echo $this->vars['data']['entreprise']; ?> </td> <td>Entre <?php echo $this->vars['data']['datedebut']; ?> et <?php echo $this->vars['data']['datefin']; ?> </td> <td> <?php
if (logged_in()) { if ($userlevel > 0) { // Administration Naviagtion echo "<div id=\"admin_box\">"; echo "<div class=\"navleft\">"; echo lang('ADMIN_CENTER'); echo "</div>"; echo "<div class=\"navright\">"; echo "<a class=\"yellow\" href=\"../index.php?page=admin_ticket\">" . lang('ADMIN_NAV_TICEKT_01') . "</a> "; echo "<a class=\"yellow\" href=\"../index.php?page=admin_ticket&action=search\">" . lang('ADMIN_NAV_TICEKT_02') . "</a> "; echo "</div>"; echo "</div>"; } } // Get username $username_form = userinfo(id); // Only access when admin if (!logged_in()) { echo "<div class=\"error\">" . lang('ERR_ADMINACCESS1') . "</div>"; } elseif ($userlevel !== "9") { echo "<div class=\"error\">" . lang('ERR_ADMINACCESS2') . "</div>"; } else { // Set variables from get parameter // General variables $id = $_GET['id']; $action = $_GET['action']; $status = $_GET['status']; $answerIt = $_GET['answerIt']; $deleteIt = $_GET['deleteIt']; $updateIt = $_GET['updateIt']; // Vairables from answer
<?php include_once "../global.php"; session_start(); $usuario_recibe = $_POST["id"]; $usuario_envia = userinfo(usuario_id); $contenido = $_POST["contenido"]; if (status() == 1) { mysql_query("INSERT INTO mensajes (usuario_envia, usuario_recibe, contenido) VALUES ('{$usuario_envia}','{$usuario_recibe}','{$contenido}')") or die(mysql_error()); }
function update($itemid) { $item = $this->db->get_one("SELECT * FROM {$this->table} WHERE itemid={$itemid}"); $update = ''; $keyword = $item['title'] . ',' . $item['company'] . ',' . strip_tags(cat_pos(get_cat($item['catid']), ',')); if ($keyword != $item['keyword']) { $keyword = str_replace("//", '', addslashes($keyword)); $update .= ",keyword='{$keyword}'"; } $item['itemid'] = $itemid; $linkurl = itemurl($item); if ($linkurl != $item['linkurl']) { $update .= ",linkurl='{$linkurl}'"; } $member = $item['username'] ? userinfo($item['username']) : array(); if ($member) { foreach (array('groupid', 'vip', 'validated', 'company', 'areaid', 'truename', 'telephone', 'mobile', 'address', 'qq', 'msn', 'ali', 'skype') as $v) { if ($item[$v] != $member[$v]) { $update .= ",{$v}='" . addslashes($member[$v]) . "'"; } } if ($item['email'] != $member['mail']) { $update .= ",email='" . addslashes($member['mail']) . "'"; } } if ($update) { $this->db->query("UPDATE {$this->table} SET " . substr($update, 1) . " WHERE itemid={$itemid}"); } }
<?php include_once "../global.php"; session_start(); $id_user = userinfo(usuario_id); $query = mysql_query("UPDATE notificaciones SET estado = 0 WHERE usuario_recibe = '{$id_user}' ");
function main($user) { global $stop, $smilies; if (!isset($user)) { include "header.php"; echo '<h2>' . translate("User") . '</h2>'; if ($stop == 99) { echo '<p class="lead text-danger text-xs-center"><i class="fa fa-exclamation"></i> ' . translate("User not yet allowed by Administrator") . '</p>'; } elseif ($stop) { echo '<p class="lead text-danger text-xs-center"><i class="fa fa-exclamation"></i> ' . translate("Incorrect Login!") . '</p>'; } if (!$user) { echo ' <h3><a href="user.php?op=only_newuser" role="button" title="' . translate("New User") . '"><i class="fa fa-user-plus"></i> ' . translate("New User") . '</a></h3> <h3><i class="fa fa-sign-in fa-lg"></i> ' . translate("Connection") . '</h3> <form class="" role="form" action="user.php" method="post" name="userlogin"> <div class="form-group row"> <div class="col-sm-4"> <label for="inputuser" class="form-control-label">' . translate("Nickname") . '</label> </div> <div class="col-sm-7"> <input type="text" class="form-control" name="uname" id="inputuser" placeholder="' . translate("Nickname") . '"> </div> </div> <div class="form-group row"> <div class="col-sm-4"> <label for="inputPassuser" class="form-control-label">' . translate("Password") . '</label> </div> <div class="col-sm-7"> <input type="password" class="form-control" name="pass" id="inputPassuser" placeholder="' . translate("Password") . '"> <span class="help-block small"><a href="user.php?op=forgetpassword" role="button" title="' . translate("Lost your Password?") . '">' . translate("Lost your Password?") . '</a></span> </div> </div> <input type="hidden" name="op" value="login" /> <div class="form-group row"> <div class="col-sm-offset-4 col-sm-7"> <button class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" title="' . translate("Submit") . '"><i class="fa fa-lg fa-check"></i> ' . translate("Submit") . '</button> </div> </div> </form>'; echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n//<![CDATA[\ndocument.userlogin.uname.focus();\n//]]>\n</script>"; // include externe file from modules/include for functions, codes ... /* if (file_exists("modules/include/user.inc")) { include ("modules/include/user.inc"); }*/ } include "footer.php"; } elseif (isset($user)) { $cookie = cookiedecode($user); userinfo($cookie[1]); } }
case 'print': //订单打印 if ($td['seller'] != $_username || !$td['logistic']) { message($L['group_msg_deny']); } $td['total'] = $td['amount']; include template('group_print', $module); exit; break; case 'pay': //买家付款 if ($td['status'] != 6 || $td['buyer'] != $_username) { message($L['group_msg_deny']); } $money = $td['amount']; $seller = userinfo($td['seller']); if ($submit) { is_payword($_username, $password) or message($L['error_payword']); money_add($_username, -$money); money_record($_username, -$money, $L['in_site'], 'system', $L['group_order_credit'], $L['trade_order_id'] . $itemid); $password = $td['logistic'] ? '' : random(6, '0123456789'); $db->query("UPDATE {$table} SET status=0,password='******',updatetime={$DT_TIME} WHERE itemid={$itemid}"); if ($password) { //send sms if ($DT['sms']) { $message = lang('sms->ord_group', array($td['title'], $itemid, $password)); $message = strip_sms($message); send_sms($td['buyer_mobile'], $message); } //send sms }
function pass_lost() { global $user, $module_name; if (!is_user($user)) { include "header.php"; OpenTable(); echo "<center><font class=\"title\"><b>" . _USERREGLOGIN . "</b></font></center>\n"; CloseTable(); echo "<br>\n"; OpenTable(); echo "<b>" . _PASSWORDLOST . "</b><br><br>\n" . "" . _NOPROBLEM . "<br><br>\n" . "<form action=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}\" method=\"post\">\n" . "<table border=\"0\"><tr><td>\n" . "" . _NICKNAME . ":</td><td><input type=\"text\" name=\"username\" size=\"15\" maxlength=\"25\"></td></tr>\n" . "<tr><td>" . _CONFIRMATIONCODE . ":</td><td><input type=\"text\" name=\"code\" size=\"11\" maxlength=\"10\"></td></tr></table><br>\n" . "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"op\" value=\"mailpasswd\">\n" . "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . _SENDPASSWORD . "\"></form><br>\n" . "<center><font class=\"content\">[ <a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}\">" . _USERLOGIN . "</a> | <a href=\"modules.php?name={$module_name}&op=new_user\">" . _REGNEWUSER . "</a> ]</font></center>\n"; CloseTable(); include "footer.php"; } elseif (is_user($user)) { global $cookie; cookiedecode($user); userinfo($cookie[1]); } }
if (!is_mobile($mobile)) { message($L['msg_type_mobile']); } $areaid = intval($areaid); $address = dhtmlspecialchars($address); preg_match("/^[0-9]{6}\$/", $postcode) or $postcode = ''; is_email($email) or $email = ''; is_qq($qq) or $qq = ''; $content = dhtmlspecialchars($content); $user = $item['username']; $title = addslashes($item['title']); $db->query("INSERT INTO {$table_order} (id,user,title,amount,company,truename,mobile,areaid,address,postcode,email,qq,content,addtime,username,ip) VALUES ('{$itemid}','{$user}','{$title}','{$amount}','{$company}','{$truename}','{$mobile}','{$areaid}','{$address}','{$postcode}','{$email}','{$qq}','{$content}','{$DT_TIME}','{$_username}','{$DT_IP}')"); $db->query("UPDATE {$table} SET orders=orders+1 WHERE itemid={$itemid}"); message($L['msg_sign_success'], $linkurl, 3); } else { if ($_userid) { $user = userinfo($_username); $company = $user['company']; $truename = $user['truename']; $mobile = $user['mobile']; $areaid = $user['areaid']; $address = $user['address']; $postcode = $user['postcode']; $email = $user['mail'] ? $user['mail'] : $user['email']; $qq = $user['qq']; } else { $company = $truename = $mobile = $areaid = $address = $postcode = $email = $qq = ''; } $head_title = $L['sign_title']; include template('sign', $module); }
} if ($member) { foreach (array('groupid', 'vip', 'validated', 'company', 'areaid', 'truename', 'telephone', 'mobile', 'address', 'qq', 'msn', 'ali', 'skype') as $v) { if ($item[$v] != $member[$v]) { $update .= ",{$v}='" . addslashes($member[$v]) . "'"; } } if ($item['email'] != $member['mail']) { $update .= ",email='{$member['mail']}'"; } } } } else { $user_status = $_userid ? 1 : 0; if ($_username && $item['username'] == $_username) { $member = userinfo($item['username']); $user_status = 3; } } include DT_ROOT . '/include/update.inc.php'; $seo_file = 'show'; include DT_ROOT . '/include/seo.inc.php'; if ($EXT['wap_enable']) { $head_mobile = $EXT['wap_url'] . 'index.php?moduleid=' . $moduleid . '&itemid=' . $itemid . ($page > 1 ? '&page=' . $page : ''); } $template = 'show'; if ($MOD['template_show']) { $template = $MOD['template_show']; } if ($CAT['show_template']) { $template = $CAT['show_template'];
$chat = $db->get_one("SELECT * FROM {$table} WHERE chatid='{$chatid}'"); if ($chat) { $db->query("UPDATE {$table} SET forward='{$forward}' WHERE chatid='{$chatid}'"); } else { $db->query("INSERT INTO {$table} (chatid,fromuser,touser,tgettime,forward) VALUES ('{$chat_id}','{$_username}','{$touser}','0','{$forward}')"); } $type = 1; } else { if (isset($chatid) && is_md5($chatid)) { $chat = $db->get_one("SELECT * FROM {$table} WHERE chatid='{$chatid}'"); if ($chat && ($chat['touser'] == $_username || $chat['fromuser'] == $_username)) { if ($chat['touser'] == $_username) { $user = userinfo($chat['fromuser']); } else { if ($chat['fromuser'] == $_username) { $user = userinfo($chat['touser']); } } $online = online($user['userid']); $chat_id = $chatid; $head_name = lang($L['chat_with'], array($user['username'])); $head_title = $head_name . $DT['seo_delimiter'] . $head_title; } else { dheader('?action=index'); } $type = 2; } else { $head_name = $L['chat_title']; $head_title = $head_name . $DT['seo_delimiter'] . $head_title; $type = 3; }
pageheader($title); starttable(-1, $title, 2); $chset = _CHARSET; echo '<form method="post" action="' . URL::index("") . '" enctype="multipart/form-data" accept-charset="$chset">'; make_form($edit_profile_form_param, $form_data); echo <<<EOT </form> EOT; endtable(); if (defined('CPG_NUKE')) { get_lang("Your_Account"); require_once 'modules/Your_Account/functions.php'; require "modules/Your_Account/userinfo.php"; userinfo(USER_ID); } else { pagefooter(); } /* break; default : $sql = "SELECT username, user_email, user_regdate as user_regdate_cp, group_name, " . "user_from, user_interests, user_website, user_occ " . "FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_USERS']} AS u " . "INNER JOIN {$CONFIG['TABLE_USERGROUPS']} AS g ON user_group_cp = group_id " . "WHERE user_id ='$uid'"; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); if (!$db->sql_numrows($result)) cpg_die(_ERROR, $lang_register_php['err_unk_user'], __FILE__, __LINE__); $user_data = $db->sql_fetchrow($result); $db->sql_freeresult($result); $form_data = array('username' => $user_data['username'],
// ### Admin Overview // ################################ if (!$action) { echo '<h2>Search User</h2>'; echo '<div id="box">'; echo '<input type="text" id="search_user" placeholder="Enter a min length of 2 characters" maxlength="30" autocomplete="off"> '; echo '<br>'; echo '<div class="infosearch">'; echo '<div class="info">Showing results for: <b id="search-string"></b></div>'; echo '<ul id="results"></ul>'; echo '</div>'; echo '</div>'; //get the path $path = "index.php?page=admin_user"; // Get userid $username = userinfo(id); // start with pagination $mysqli = getConnected("account"); $query = mysqli_query($mysqli, "SELECT * FROM account ORDER BY login ASC"); $data_per_page = settinginfo(page_entries); // Number of entrys to be displayed per page $p = settinginfo(pagination_entries); // Number of links in the pagination // start with pagination $total = $query->num_rows; $pages = ceil($total / $data_per_page); if (empty($_GET['go'])) { $go = 1; } elseif ($_GET['go'] <= 0 || $_GET['go'] > $pages) { $go = 1; } else {
function admin_notice() { global $DT, $MODULE, $db, $moduleid, $file, $itemid, $action, $reason, $msg, $eml, $sms, $wec; if (!is_array($itemid)) { return; } if (count($itemid) == 0) { return; } $S = array('delete' => '已经被删除', 'check' => '已经通过审核', 'reject' => '没有通过审核', 'onsale' => '已经上架', 'unsale' => '已经下架'); $N = array('honor' => '荣誉资质', 'news' => '公司新闻', 'page' => '公司单页', 'link' => '友情链接'); if (!isset($S[$action])) { return; } if ($moduleid > 4) { $table = get_table($moduleid); $name = $MODULE[$moduleid]['name']; if ($moduleid == 9) { if ($file == 'resume') { $table = $db->pre . $file; $name = '简历'; } else { $name = '招聘'; } } else { if ($moduleid == 16) { $name = '商品'; } } } else { if (isset($N[$file])) { $table = $db->pre . $file; $name = $N[$file]; } else { return; } } if ($reason == '操作原因') { $reason = ''; } $msg = isset($msg) ? 1 : 0; if (strlen($reason) > 2) { $msg = 1; } $eml = isset($eml) ? 1 : 0; if ($msg == 0 && $eml == 0) { return; } $sms = isset($sms) ? 1 : 0; $wec = isset($wec) ? 1 : 0; if ($msg == 0) { $sms = $wec = 0; } $result = $db->query("SELECT itemid,title,username,linkurl FROM {$table} WHERE itemid IN (" . implode(',', $itemid) . ")"); while ($r = $db->fetch_array($result)) { $username = $r['username']; if (!check_name($username)) { continue; } $title = $r['title']; $linkurl = strpos($r['linkurl'], '://') === false ? $MODULE[$moduleid]['linkurl'] . $r['linkurl'] : $r['linkurl']; $subject = '您发布的[' . $name . ']' . $title . '(ID:' . $r['itemid'] . ')' . $S[$action]; $body = '尊敬的会员:<br/>您发布的[' . $name . ']<a href="' . $linkurl . '" target="_blank">' . $title . '</a>(ID:' . $r['itemid'] . ')' . $S[$action] . '!<br/>'; if ($reason) { $body .= '操作原因:<br/>' . $reason . '<br/>'; } $body .= '如果您对此操作有异议,请及时与网站联系。'; if ($msg) { send_message($username, $subject, $body); } if ($wec) { send_weixin($username, $subject); } if ($eml || $sms) { $user = userinfo($username); if ($eml) { send_mail($user['email'], $subject, $body); } if ($sms) { send_sms($user['mobile'], $subject . $DT['sms_sign']); } } } }
if ($ali) { $content .= '<br/>' . $L['content_ali'] . ' ' . im_ali($ali) . ' ' . $ali; } if (is_email($msn)) { $content .= '<br/>' . $L['content_msn'] . ' ' . im_msn($msn) . ' ' . $msn; } if ($skype) { $content .= '<br/>' . $L['content_skype'] . ' ' . im_skype($skype) . ' ' . $skype; } if (is_date($date)) { $content .= '<hr size="1"/>' . lang($L['content_date'], array($date)); } $message = $L['content_product'] . '<a href="' . $linkurl . '"><strong>' . $item['title'] . '</strong></a><br/>' . $content; //send sms if ($DT['sms'] && $_sms && $item['username'] && isset($sendsms)) { $touser = userinfo($item['username']); if ($touser['mobile']) { $message = lang('sms->sms_price', array($item['tag'], $itemid, $truename, $telephone)); $message = strip_sms($message); $word = word_count($message); $sms_num = ceil($word / $DT['sms_len']); if ($sms_num <= $_sms) { $sms_code = send_sms($touser['mobile'], $message, $word); if (strpos($sms_code, $DT['sms_ok']) !== false) { $tmp = explode('/', $sms_code); if (is_numeric($tmp[1])) { $sms_num = $tmp[1]; } if ($sms_num) { sms_add($_username, -$sms_num); }
} } $menuon = array('4', '2', '1', '0'); switch ($action) { case 'edit': $itemid or msg(); $do->itemid = $itemid; if ($submit) { if ($do->edit($post)) { dmsg('操作成功', $forward); } else { msg($do->errmsg); } } else { extract($do->get_one()); $user = $username ? userinfo($username) : array(); $addtime = timetodate($addtime); $edittime = timetodate($edittime); $fromtime = timetodate($DT_TIME, 3); $days = $promo_amount && $promo_type == 1 ? $promo_amount : 365; $totime = timetodate($DT_TIME + 86400 * $days); $UG = cache_read('group-' . $groupid . '.php'); $fee = $UG['fee']; $pay = $fee - $amount; if ($promo_amount) { $pay = $promo_type == 1 ? 0 : $pay - $promo_amount; } include tpl('grade_edit', $module); } break; case 'delete':
<?php defined('IN_DESTOON') or exit('Access Denied'); isset($file) or $file = 'homepage'; if (isset($update) || isset($preview)) { $db->cids = 1; userclean($username); } $COM = userinfo($username); if (!$COM || $COM['groupid'] < 5 && $COM['groupid'] > 1) { userclean($username); $head_title = $L['not_company']; dhttp(404, $DT_BOT); include template('com-notfound', 'message'); exit; } if (!$COM['edittime'] && !$MOD['openall']) { dhttp(404, $DT_BOT); $head_title = $COM['company']; include template('com-opening', 'message'); exit; } $domain = $COM['domain']; if ($domain) { if (!isset($preview) && !isset($update) && !isset($key)) { if ($CFG['com_domain']) { if (strpos($DT_URL, $domain) === false) { $subdomain = userurl($username); if (strpos($DT_URL, $subdomain) === false) { dheader('http://' . $domain . '/'); } else {