Пример #1
  * 权限控制,默认为查看 view
 public function _initialize()
     if (user_info('roleid') != 1 && strpos(ACTION_NAME, 'public_') === false) {
         $category_priv_db = M('category_priv');
         $tmp = explode('_', ACTION_NAME, 1);
         $action = strtolower($tmp[0]);
         $auth = dict('auth', 'Category');
         if (!in_array($action, array_keys($auth))) {
             $action = 'view';
         $catid = I('get.catid', 0, 'intval');
         $roleid = user_info('roleid');
         $info = $category_priv_db->where(array('catid' => $catid, 'roleid' => $roleid, 'action' => $action))->count();
         if (!$info) {
             if (IS_GET && strpos(ACTION_NAME, '_iframe') !== false) {
                 exit('<style type="text/css">body{margin:0;padding:0}</style><div style="padding:6px;font-size:12px">您没有权限操作该项</div>');
             if (IS_AJAX && IS_GET) {
                 exit('<div style="padding:6px">您没有权限操作该项</div>');
             } else {
Пример #2
function friend_pagesetup()
    // register links --
    global $profile_id;
    global $PAGE;
    global $CFG;
    global $metatags;
    require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/default_template.php";
    require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/lib/friends_config.php";
    $metatags .= "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"" . $CFG->wwwroot . "mod/friend/css.css\" type=\"text/css\" media=\"screen\" />";
    $page_owner = $profile_id;
    if (isloggedin()) {
        if (defined("context") && context == "network" && $page_owner == $_SESSION['userid']) {
            $PAGE->menu[] = array('name' => 'friends', 'html' => "<li><a href=\"{$CFG->wwwroot}{$_SESSION['username']}/friends/\" class=\"selected\" >" . __gettext("Contacts") . '</a></li>');
        } else {
            $PAGE->menu[] = array('name' => 'friends', 'html' => "<li><a href=\"{$CFG->wwwroot}{$_SESSION['username']}/friends/\" >" . __gettext("Contacts") . '</a></li>');
    if (defined("context") && context == "network") {
        if (user_type($page_owner) == "person" || user_type($page_owner) == "external") {
            $friends_username = user_info('username', $page_owner);
            $PAGE->menu_sub[] = array('name' => 'friend', 'html' => a_href("{$CFG->wwwroot}{$friends_username}/friends/", __gettext("My friends")));
            /*$PAGE->menu_sub[] = array( 'name' => 'friend:of',
              'html' => a_href( "{$CFG->wwwroot}{$friends_username}/friendsof/",
                                 __gettext("Friend of")));*/
            if (isloggedin() && $page_owner == $_SESSION['userid']) {
                $PAGE->menu_sub[] = array('name' => 'friend:requests', 'html' => a_href("{$CFG->wwwroot}{$friends_username}/friends/requests", __gettext("Friendship requests")));
            if (FRIENDS_FOAF) {
                $PAGE->menu_sub[] = array('name' => 'friend:foaf', 'html' => a_href("{$CFG->wwwroot}{$friends_username}/foaf/", __gettext("FOAF")));
Пример #3
function messages_pagesetup()
    // register links --
    global $profile_id, $PAGE, $CFG, $metatags, $function, $USER;
    $pgowner = $profile_id;
    require_once $CFG->dirroot . "mod/messages/lib/messages_config.php";
    require_once $CFG->dirroot . "mod/messages/default_template.php";
    if (isloggedin() && user_info("user_type", $_SESSION['userid']) != "external") {
        // Add the JavaScript functions
        // Lose the trailing slash
        $url = substr($CFG->wwwroot, 0, -1);
        $metatags .= "<script language=\"javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"{$url}/mod/messages/messages.js\"></script>";
        $metatags .= "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"" . $CFG->wwwroot . "mod/messages/css.css\" type=\"text/css\" media=\"screen\" />";
        $messages = count_records_select('messages', 'to_id=' . $USER->ident . " AND status='unread'");
        if (defined("context") && context == "messages" && $pgowner == $_SESSION['userid']) {
            $PAGE->menu[] = array('name' => 'messages', 'html' => '<li><a href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . $_SESSION['username'] . '/messages/" class="selected">' . __gettext("Messages") . " ({$messages})" . '</a></li>');
        } else {
            $PAGE->menu[] = array('name' => 'messages', 'html' => '<li><a href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . $_SESSION['username'] . '/messages/">' . __gettext("Messages") . " ({$messages})" . '</a></li>');
        if (profile_permissions_check("profile") && defined("context") && context == "messages") {
            if (user_type($pgowner) == "person") {
                $PAGE->menu_sub[] = array('name' => 'messages:list', 'html' => '<a href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . $_SESSION['username'] . '/messages/">' . __gettext("View Messages") . '</a>');
                $PAGE->menu_sub[] = array('name' => 'messages:compose', 'html' => '<a href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . $_SESSION['username'] . '/messages/compose">' . __gettext("Compose") . '</a>');
                $PAGE->menu_sub[] = array('name' => 'messages:sent', 'html' => '<a href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . $_SESSION['username'] . '/messages/sent">' . __gettext("Sent Messages") . '</a>');
Пример #4
function newsclient_pagesetup()
    // register links --
    global $profile_id;
    global $PAGE;
    global $CFG;
    $page_owner = $profile_id;
    $rss_username = user_info('username', $page_owner);
    if (isloggedin()) {
        /*if (defined("context") && context == "resources" && $page_owner == $_SESSION['userid']) {
              $PAGE->menu[] = array( 'name' => 'feeds',
                                     'html' => "<li><a href=\"{$CFG->wwwroot}{$_SESSION['username']}/feeds/\" class=\"selected\" >" .__gettext("Your Resources").'</a></li>');
          } else {
              $PAGE->menu[] = array( 'name' => 'feeds',
                                     'html' => "<li><a href=\"{$CFG->wwwroot}{$_SESSION['username']}/feeds/\" >" .__gettext("Your Resources").'</a></li>');
    if (defined("context") && context == "resources") {
        if ($page_owner != -1) {
            $PAGE->menu_sub[] = array('name' => 'newsfeed:subscription', 'html' => a_href($CFG->wwwroot . $rss_username . "/feeds/", __gettext("Feeds")));
            if (permissions_check("profile", $page_owner) && isloggedin()) {
                $PAGE->menu_sub[] = array('name' => 'newsfeed:subscription:publish:blog', 'html' => a_href($CFG->wwwroot . "_rss/blog.php?profile_name=" . user_info("username", $page_owner), __gettext("Publish to blog")));
            $PAGE->menu_sub[] = array('name' => 'newsclient', 'html' => a_href($CFG->wwwroot . $rss_username . "/feeds/all/", __gettext("View aggregator")));
        $PAGE->menu_sub[] = array('name' => 'feed', 'html' => a_href($CFG->wwwroot . "_rss/popular.php", __gettext("Popular Feeds")));
        $PAGE->menu_sub[] = array( 'name' => 'feed',
                                   'html' => a_href( $CFG->wwwroot."help/feeds_help.php",
                                                      "Page help"));
Пример #5
function GZ_user_info($user_id)
    global $db, $ecs;
    $user_info = user_info($user_id);
    $collection_num = $db->getOne("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $ecs->table('collect_goods') . " WHERE user_id='{$user_id}' ORDER BY add_time DESC");
    $await_pay = $db->getOne("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $ecs->table('order_info') . " WHERE user_id = '{$user_id}'" . GZ_order_query_sql('await_pay'));
    $await_ship = $db->getOne("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $ecs->table('order_info') . " WHERE user_id = '{$user_id}'" . GZ_order_query_sql('await_ship'));
    $shipped = $db->getOne("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $ecs->table('order_info') . " WHERE user_id = '{$user_id}'" . GZ_order_query_sql('shipped'));
    $finished = $db->getOne("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $ecs->table('order_info') . " WHERE user_id = '{$user_id}'" . GZ_order_query_sql('finished'));
    // include_once(ROOT_PATH .'includes/lib_clips.php');
    // $rank = get_rank_info();
    // print_r($rank);exit;
    /* 取得用户等级 */
    if ($user_info['user_rank'] == 0) {
        // 非特殊等级,根据等级积分计算用户等级(注意:不包括特殊等级)
        $sql = 'SELECT rank_id, rank_name FROM ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('user_rank') . " WHERE special_rank = '0' AND min_points <= " . intval($user_info['rank_points']) . ' AND max_points > ' . intval($user_info['rank_points']);
    } else {
        // 特殊等级
        $sql = 'SELECT rank_id, rank_name FROM ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('user_rank') . " WHERE rank_id = '{$user_info['user_rank']}'";
    if ($row = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow($sql)) {
        $user_info['user_rank_name'] = $row['rank_name'];
    } else {
        $user_info['user_rank_name'] = '非特殊等级';
    $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('user_rank') . " WHERE special_rank = '0' AND min_points = '0'";
    $row = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow($sql);
    if ($user_info['user_rank_name'] == $row['rank_name']) {
        $level = 0;
    } else {
        $level = 1;
    return array('id' => $user_info['user_id'], 'name' => $user_info['user_name'], 'rank_name' => $user_info['user_rank_name'], 'rank_level' => $level, 'collection_num' => $collection_num, 'email' => $user_info['email'], "order_num" => array('await_pay' => $await_pay, 'await_ship' => $await_ship, 'shipped' => $shipped, 'finished' => $finished));
Пример #6
  * 获取工具栏按钮
  * @param $id
  * @return array
 public function getToolBar($id)
     $roleid = user_info('roleid');
     $result = $this->where(array('parentid' => $id, 'display' => 1, 'toolbar' => 1))->order('listorder ASC')->limit(1000)->select();
     foreach ($result as &$info) {
         $info['icon'] = menu_icon($info['level'], $info['icon']);
     if ($roleid == 1) {
         return $result ? $result : array();
     $admin_role_priv_db = M('admin_role_priv');
     $array = array();
     foreach ($result as $v) {
         $action = $v['a'];
         if (preg_match('/^public_/', $action)) {
             $array[] = $v;
         } else {
             if (preg_match('/^ajax_(\\w+)_/', $action, $_match)) {
                 $action = $_match[1];
             $r = $admin_role_priv_db->where(array('c' => $v['c'], 'a' => $action, 'roleid' => $roleid))->find();
             if ($r) {
                 $array[] = $v;
     return $array;
Пример #7
function user_link($id = false, $blank = false)
    $data = user_info($id);
    if (!$data) {
        return '<span class="user_link">Гость</span>';
    return '<span class="user_link"><img src="' . URL . '/tpl/img/icons/user.png" alt="" style="vertical-align:middle;"/> <a href="' . URL . '/user/' . $id . '/"' . ($blank ? ' target="_blank"' : '') . '>' . $data['name'] . '</a></span>';
Пример #8
 function init()
     # Okay, init user session with it's login & password
     $login = @$_COOKIE['login'];
     $passw = @$_COOKIE['passw'];
     $uid = user_password($login, $passw, true);
     if (!$uid) {
         return $this->error('LOGIN_ERROR', 'Invalid login or password');
     $uinfo = user_info($uid);
     # Generate SID
     echo '<user>';
     echo '<sid>' . $this->sid . '</sid>';
     echo '<lk>' . $this->lk . '</lk>';
     echo '<uid>' . $uid . '</uid>';
     echo '<name>' . htmlspecialchars($uinfo['name']) . '</name>';
     echo '<seed>' . mt_rand() . '</seed>';
     echo '</user>' . "\n";
     # Version info
     if (@$_COOKIE['v'] && @$_COOKIE['os']) {
         $ver = explode('.', $_COOKIE['v']);
         $ver = sprintf('%02d%02d%02d', @$ver[0], @$ver[1], @$ver[2]);
         $ver = intval($ver);
         $os = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9]/', '', strtolower($_COOKIE['os']));
         # Check version
         $lastv = ldb_select('client_version', array('ver', 'veri', 'tms_publish'), '`veri`>' . $ver . ' AND `os_' . $os . '`=\'Y\' AND `published`=\'Y\' ORDER BY `veri` DESC LIMIT 1');
         $lastv = @$lastv[0];
         if ($lastv) {
             echo '<newversion ver="' . $lastv['ver'] . '" tms_publish="' . $lastv['tms_publish'] . '"/>' . "\n";
     include_once CORE_PATH . '/ttl.php';
     echo '<ttl default="' . $GLOBALS['ttl_def'] . '">' . "\n";
     foreach ($GLOBALS['ttl'] as $k => $v) {
         echo '<rec name="' . htmlspecialchars($v) . '" value="' . $k . '"' . ($k == $GLOBALS['ttl'] ? ' default="default"' : '') . '/>' . "\n";
     echo '</ttl>' . "\n";
     # Get file list...
     $u_list = ldb_select('upload', '*', '`uid`=' . $uid . ' ORDER BY `tms_upload` ASC');
     echo '<uploads>' . "\n";
     for ($x = 0; $x < count($u_list); $x++) {
         echo '<upload id="' . $u_list[$x]['id'] . '" code="' . $u_list[$x]['code'] . '" ph="' . $u_list[$x]['ph'] . '" comment="' . htmlspecialchars($u_list[$x]['comment']) . '" tms_upload="' . $u_list[$x]['tms_upload'] . '" tms_last="' . $u_list[$x]['tms_last'] . '" ttl="' . $u_list[$x]['ttl'] . '" tms_delete="' . $u_list[$x]['tms_delete'] . '" prolong="' . ($u_list[$x]['prolong'] == 'Y' ? 1 : 0) . '">';
         echo '<files>';
         $f_list = ldb_select('file', '*', '`upid`=' . $u_list[$x]['id'] . ' ORDER BY `tms_add` ASC');
         for ($f = 0; $f < count($f_list); $f++) {
             echo '<file id="' . $f_list[$f]['id'] . '" n="' . $f_list[$f]['upn'] . '" dh="' . $f_list[$f]['dh'] . '" name="' . htmlspecialchars($f_list[$f]['file_name']) . '" size="' . $f_list[$f]['file_size'] . '" tms_add="' . $f_list[$f]['tms_add'] . '"/>';
         echo '</files>';
         echo '</upload>';
     echo '</uploads>' . "\n";
     # Save data
Пример #9
  * Weblog class constructor
  * <p>Will set all weblog properties, if the provided weblog id exist 
  * (which effectively will be a user id, regardless if one is dealing 
  * with a person or a community - for Elgg both are users).</p>
  * @param int $user_id The user id.
  * @param int $blog_id The weblog id.
 function Weblog($user_id, $blog_id)
     $this->community = false;
     // dealing with community or not
     // username/id conversions
     if (is_numeric($user_id)) {
         $this->user_id = $user_id;
     } elseif (is_string($user_id)) {
         $this->user_id = user_info_username('ident', $user_id);
     if (is_numeric($blog_id)) {
         $this->ident = $blog_id;
     } elseif (is_string($blog_id)) {
         $this->ident = user_info_username('ident', $blog_id);
     // Are we dealing with a person or a community?
     if (user_type($this->ident) == "person") {
         if ($result = get_record('users', 'ident', $this->user_id)) {
             $this->user_name = $result->name;
             $this->user_username = $result->username;
         $posts = get_records_select('weblog_posts', "owner = ? AND weblog = ?", array($this->user_id, $this->user_id), 'posted DESC');
         $this->blog_name = $this->user_name;
         $this->blog_username = $this->user_username;
         $this->owner = $this->user_id;
     } else {
         // It's a community
         $this->community = true;
         // Get the owner
         $this->owner = user_info('owner', $this->ident);
         // Inject an SQL restriction if the user is not owner
         $sql_insert = "";
         if ($this->owner != $this->user_id) {
             $sql_insert = " and owner = {$this->user_id} ";
         if ($result = get_record('users', 'ident', $this->ident)) {
             $this->blog_name = $result->name;
             $this->blog_username = $result->username;
         $posts = get_records_select('weblog_posts', "weblog = {$this->ident} {$sql_insert}", null, 'posted DESC');
         $user = run('users:instance', array('user_id' => $this->user_id));
         $this->user_name = $user->getName();
         $this->user_username = $user->getUserName();
     $this->posts = array();
     if (is_array($posts) && sizeof($posts) > 0) {
         foreach ($posts as $post) {
             $this->posts[] = $post->ident;
     } else {
Пример #10
  * 登录验证
 public function login($username, $password)
     $times_db = M('times');
     $info = $this->where(array('username' => $username, 'status' => 1))->find();
     if (!$info) {
         $this->error = '用户不存在!';
         return false;
     $rtime = $times_db->where(array('username' => $username, 'type' => '0'))->find();
     if ($rtime['times'] >= C('MAX_LOGIN_TIMES')) {
         $minute = C('LOGIN_WAIT_TIME') - floor((time() - $rtime['time']) / 60);
         if ($minute > 0) {
             $this->error = "密码重试次数太多,请过{$minute}分钟后重新登录!";
             return false;
         } else {
             $times_db->where(array('username' => $username, 'type' => '0'))->delete();
     $password = md5(md5($password) . $info['encrypt']);
     $ip = get_client_ip(0, true);
     if ($info['password'] != $password) {
         if ($rtime && $rtime['times'] < C('MAX_LOGIN_TIMES')) {
             $times = C('MAX_LOGIN_TIMES') - intval($rtime['times']);
             $times_db->where(array('username' => $username, 'type' => '0'))->save(array('ip' => $ip));
             $times_db->where(array('username' => $username, 'type' => '0'))->setInc('times');
         } else {
             $times_db->where(array('username' => $username, 'type' => '0'))->delete();
             $times_db->add(array('username' => $username, 'ip' => $ip, 'type' => '0', 'time' => time(), 'times' => 1));
             $times = C('MAX_LOGIN_TIMES');
         $this->error = "密码错误,您还有{$times}次尝试机会!";
         return false;
     $times_db->where(array('username' => $username, 'type' => '0'))->delete();
     $this->where(array('userid' => $info['userid']))->save(array('lastloginip' => $ip, 'lastlogintime' => time()));
     $admin_log_db = M('admin_log');
     $admin_log_db->add(array('userid' => $info['userid'], 'username' => $username, 'httpuseragent' => $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'ip' => $ip, 'time' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'type' => 'login', 'sessionid' => session_id()));
     $admin_role_db = D('AdminRole');
     $roleInfo = $admin_role_db->field(array('rolename', 'roleid'))->where(array('roleid' => $info['roleid'], 'status' => 1))->find();
     if (!$roleInfo) {
         $this->error = '用户已被冻结!';
         return false;
     $info['rolename'] = $roleInfo['rolename'];
     user_info('', $info);
     S('USER_LOGIN_INFO_' . $info['userid'], array('sessid' => session_id(), 'time' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'useragent' => $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'ip' => $ip, 'identity' => cookie('identity')));
     return true;
Пример #11
function template_pagesetup()
    // register links --
    global $profile_id;
    global $PAGE;
    global $CFG;
    $page_owner = $profile_id;
    if (defined("context") && context == "account" && !$CFG->disable_templatechanging && user_info("user_type", $_SESSION['userid']) != "external") {
        if ($page_owner == $_SESSION['userid'] && $page_owner != -1) {
            $PAGE->menu_sub[] = array('name' => 'template:change', 'html' => a_href("{$CFG->wwwroot}mod/template/", __gettext("Change theme")));
    $CFG->templates->variables_substitute['templatesroot'][] = "templates_root";
Пример #12
function a_home_pagesetup()
    // register links --
    global $profile_id;
    global $PAGE;
    global $CFG;
    $page_owner = $profile_id;
    $rss_username = user_info('username', $page_owner);
    define("home", $context);
    if (isloggedin()) {
        if (defined("context") && context == "home" && $page_owner == $_SESSION['userid']) {
            $PAGE->menu[] = array('name' => 'home', 'html' => "<li><a href=\"{$CFG->wwwroot}/ \" class=\"selected\" >" . __gettext("Home") . '</a></li>');
        } else {
            $PAGE->menu[] = array('name' => 'home', 'html' => "<li><a href=\"{$CFG->wwwroot} \" >" . __gettext("Home") . '</a></li>');
Пример #13
 function display_wad_table($limit = 0)
     echo "\n<table>\n\t<tr>\n\t\t<th></th>\n\t\t<th>File</th>\n\t\t<th>Size</th>\n\t\t<th>Uploaded by</th>\n\t\t<th>Date and time</th>\n\t\t<th>MD5</th>\n\t</tr>\n";
     $db = getsql();
     $limitstring = '';
     if ($limit > 0) {
         $limitstring = " LIMIT {$limit}";
     $q = $db->query("SELECT * FROM `wads` ORDER BY `time` DESC {$limitstring}");
     if ($q->num_rows < 1) {
         echo "\n<div id='serversbox'>\n\t<div style='width: 100%; text-align: center'>\n\t\tThere are no WADs uploaded yet.\n\t\t";
         if (is_authed()) {
             echo "\n\t\t<br />\n\t\tFeel free to upload one from the main WADs page.\n\t\t";
         echo "\n\t</div>\n</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t";
     } elseif ($q->num_rows > 0) {
         while ($o = $q->fetch_object()) {
             $id = $o->id;
             $size = human_filesize(filesize(disciple_json()->serverdata . '/wads/' . $o->filename));
             $filename = $o->filename;
             $uploader = $o->uploader;
             $uploader_name = user_info($uploader)->username;
             $time = date('Y-m-d \\a\\t H:i:s', $o->time);
             echo "\n<tr id='wadrow-{$id}'>\n\t<td>\n";
             if (is_authed()) {
                 if (user_info()->userlevel >= UL_ADMINISTRATOR || $uploader == $_SESSION['id']) {
                     echo "<a href='javascript:deleteWad({$id});' title='Delete'><i class='material-icons'>delete</i></a>";
                 if (user_info()->userlevel >= UL_ADMINISTRATOR) {
                     if ($db->query("SELECT * FROM `wadbans` WHERE `md5`='" . $o->md5 . "'")->num_rows == 0) {
                         echo "<a href='javascript:banWad({$id});' title='Ban'><i class='material-icons'>not_interested</i></a>";
                     } else {
                         echo "<a href='javascript:unbanWad({$id});' title='Unban'><i class='material-icons'>done</i></a>";
             echo "\n</td>\n<td><a href='/wads/{$filename}'>{$filename}</a></td>\n<td>{$size}</td>\n<td>{$uploader_name}</td>\n<td>{$time}</td>\n<td id='wadmd5-{$id}'><a href='javascript:wadMd5({$id});'>Show</a></td>\n</tr>\n";
         echo "</table>";
Пример #14
 function view()
     global $data;
     global $page_owner;
     global $CFG;
     /*$run_result = '';
             $usertype = user_type($page_owner);
             $icon = user_info('icon',$page_owner);
             $username = user_info('username',$page_owner);
             $icon_url = $CFG->wwwroot.'_icon/user/'.$icon.'/w/240';
             // $first_column_fields = array('biography','likes','dislikes');
             // $id_block_fields = array('gender','town','country','birth_date');
             // Cycle through all defined profile detail fields and display them
             $allvalues = get_records('profile_data','owner',$this->id);
             $first_column_fields = array();
             $second_column_fields = array();
             $firstcol = "";
             $secondcol = "";
             foreach($data['profile:details'] as $field) {
                 if (is_array($field)) {
                     $flabel = !empty($field[0]) ? $field[0] : '';
                     $fname  = !empty($field[1]) ? $field[1] : '';
                     $ftype  = !empty($field[2]) ? $field[2] : '';
                     $fblurb = !empty($field[3]) ? $field[3] : '';
                     $fusertype = !empty($field[4]) ? $field[4] : '';
                     $finvisible = false;
                     $frequired = false;
                     $fcat = __gettext("Main");
                 // Otherwise map things the new way!
                 } else {
                     $flabel = $field->name;
                     $fname = $field->internal_name;
                     $ftype = $field->field_type;
                     $fblurb = $field->description;
                     $fusertype = $field->user_type;
                     $finvisible = $field->invisible;
                     $frequired = $field->required;
                     if (!isset($field->col1)) {
                         $col1 = false;
                     } else {
                         $col1 = $field->col1;
                         $first_column_fields[] = $fname;
                     if (!isset($field->col2)) {
                         $col2 = false;
                     } else {
                         $col2 = $field->col2;
                         $second_column_fields[] = $fname;
                     if (!empty($field->category)) {
                         $fcat = $field->category;
                     } else {
                         $fcat = __gettext("Main");
                 if (empty($fusertype) || $usertype == $fusertype) {
                 // $field is an array, with the name
                 // of the field in $field[0]
                     if (in_array($fname,$first_column_fields)) {
                         $firstcol .= $this->field_display($field,$allvalues);
                     } else if (in_array($fname,$second_column_fields)) {
                         $secondcol .= $this->field_display($field,$allvalues);
     // $other_fields = array_merge($first_column_fields,$second_column_fields);
     //$run_result .= '<div class="profile_main">'."\n";
     //$run_result .= '<div class="profile_primary">'."\n";
     // $run_result .= '<div class="profile_icon"><img src="'.$icon_url.'"></div>'."\n";
     //$run_result .= $firstcol;
     /*$run_result .= templates_draw(array(
                               'context' => 'databox1',
                               'name' => __gettext("Extended profile"),
                               'column1' => "<a href=\"{$CFG->wwwroot}profile/extended.php?profile_name={$username}\">" . __gettext("Click here to view extended profile") . "</a>"
     //$run_result .= '</div>'."\n";
     //$run_result .= '<div class="profile_secondary">'."\n";
     //$run_result .= $secondcol;
     //$run_result .= "</div>\n";
     //$run_result .= '<div class="profile_main_bottom"></div>'."</div>\n";
     /*//Pruebas con el perfil extendido
     		$profile_name = optional_param('profile_name', '', PARAM_ALPHANUM);
     		if (!empty($profile_name)) {
         		$profile_id = user_info_username('ident', $profile_name);
     		if (empty($profile_id)) {
         		$profile_id = optional_param('profile_id', -1, PARAM_INT);
     		// and the page_owner naturally
     		$page_owner = $profile_id;
     		define("context", "profile");
     		// init library
     		$profile = new ElggProfile($profile_id);
     		$title = user_name($profile_id); //$profile->display_name();
     		$body  = $profile->view();
     		$run_result .= $body;*/
     // Draw the user's comment wall
     if (function_exists("commentwall_displayonprofile")) {
         $offset = optional_param('offset', 0);
         $limit = optional_param('limit', 3);
         $run_result .= commentwall_displayonprofile($page_owner, $limit, $offset);
     $view = array();
     $view['body'] = $run_result;
     $run_result = '';
     $username = user_info('username', $this->id);
     $run_result .= '<div id="profile_widgets">' . "\n";
     $run_result .= widget_page_display($page_owner, 'profile', 0, 2);
     $run_result .= "</div>\n";
     $view['body'] .= $run_result;
     return $view;
Пример #15
//TODO: Redo html
if (!check_perms('admin_manage_permissions')) { error(403); }
if(!isset($_REQUEST['userid']) || !is_number($_REQUEST['userid'])){ error(404); }


list($UserID, $Username, $PermissionID) = array_values(user_info($_REQUEST['userid']));

	FROM users_main AS u 
	LEFT JOIN permissions AS p ON u.PermissionID=p.ID 
	WHERE u.ID='$UserID'");

list($Defaults,$Customs)=$DB->next_record(MYSQLI_NUM, array(0,1));

$Defaults = unserialize($Defaults);

if (isset($_POST['action'])) {
	foreach ($PermissionsArray as $Perm => $Explaination) {
		$Setting = (isset($_POST['perm_'.$Perm]))?1:0;
		$Default = (isset($Defaults[$Perm]))?1:0;
		if ($Setting != $Default) {
			$Delta[$Perm] = $Setting;
Пример #16
function photogallery_folder_view($folder)
    global $CFG, $metatags, $messages;
    require_once $CFG->dirroot . 'lib/filelib.php';
    $metatags .= file_get_contents($CFG->dirroot . "mod/photogallery/css");
    $metatags .= <<<END
        <script type="text/javascript">
            var elggWwwRoot = "{$CFG->wwwroot}";
        <script type="text/javascript" src="{$CFG->wwwroot}mod/photogallery/lightbox/js/prototype.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="{$CFG->wwwroot}mod/photogallery/lightbox/js/scriptaculous.js?load=effects"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="{$CFG->wwwroot}mod/photogallery/lightbox/js/lightbox.js"></script>
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="{$CFG->wwwroot}mod/photogallery/lightbox/css/lightbox.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />

    $file_html = "";
    $photo_html = "";
    $folder_html = "";
    // Get all the files in this folder
    if ($files = get_records_select('files', "folder = ? AND files_owner = ? ORDER BY time_uploaded desc", array($folder->ident, $folder->files_owner))) {
        foreach ($files as $file) {
            if (run("users:access_level_check", $file->access) == true) {
                $image = $CFG->wwwroot . "_files/icon.php?id=" . $file->ident . "&amp;w=200&amp;h=200";
                $filepath = $CFG->wwwroot . user_info("username", $file->files_owner) . "/files/{$folder->ident}/{$file->ident}/" . urlencode($file->originalname);
                $image = "<a href=\"{$CFG->wwwroot}_files/icon.php?id={$file->ident}&w=500&h=500\" rel=\"lightbox[folder]\"><img src=\"{$image}\" /></a>";
                $fileinfo = round($file->size / 1048576, 4) . "Mb";
                $filelinks = file_edit_links($file);
                $uploaded = sprintf(__gettext("Uploaded on %s"), strftime("%A, %d %B %Y", $file->time_uploaded));
                $keywords = display_output_field(array("", "keywords", "file", "file", $file->ident, $file->owner));
                $mimetype = mimeinfo('type', $file->originalname);
                if (empty($file->title)) {
                    $file->title = __gettext("No title");
                if (substr_count($mimetype, "image") > 0) {
                    $photo_html .= <<<END

                            <div class="photogallery-photo-container">
                                <div class="photogallery-photo-image">
                                <div class="photogallery-photo-info">
                                    <h2 class="photogallery-photo-title"><a href="{$filepath}" >{$file->title}</a></h2>
                                    <p class="photogallery-photo-description">
                                    <p class="photogallery-photo-keywords">
                                    <p class="photogallery-photo-infobar">
                                        {$uploaded}<br />
                                        {$fileinfo} {$mimetype} {$filelinks}

                } else {
                    $file_html .= <<<END

                            <div class="photogallery-file-container">
                                <div class="photogallery-file-image">
                                    <a href="{$filepath}">{$image}</a>
                                <div class="photogallery-file-info">
                                    <h2 class="photogallery-file-title"><a href="{$filepath}">{$file->title}</a></h2>
                                    <p class="photogallery-file-keywords">
                                    <p class="photogallery-file-infobar">
                                        {$uploaded}<br />
                                        {$fileinfo} {$mimetype} {$filelinks}

    if ($subfolders = get_records_select('file_folders', "parent = ? AND files_owner = ? ORDER BY name desc", array($folder->ident, $folder->owner))) {
        foreach ($subfolders as $subfolder) {
            $folderlinks = file_folder_edit_links($subfolder);
            $keywords = display_output_field(array("", "keywords", "folder", "folder", $subfolder->ident, $subfolder->owner));
            $filepath = $CFG->wwwroot . user_info("username", $folder->files_owner) . "/files/" . $subfolder->ident;
            $folder_html .= <<<END

                        <div class="photogallery-file-container">
                            <div class="photogallery-file-image">
                                <a href="{$filepath}"><img src="{$CFG->wwwroot}_files/folder.png" /></a>
                            <div class="photogallery-file-info">
                                <h2 class="photogallery-file-title"><a href="{$filepath}">{$subfolder->name}</a></h2>
                                <p class="photogallery-file-keywords">
                                <p class="photogallery-file-infobar">

    if (!empty($file_html)) {
        $file_html = "<h2>" . __gettext("Non-photo files") . "</h2>" . $file_html;
    if (!empty($folder_html)) {
        $folder_html = "<h2>" . __gettext("Subfolders") . "</h2>" . $folder_html;
    $body = $photo_html . $file_html . $folder_html;
    if (empty($body)) {
        $body = "<p>" . __gettext("This folder is currently empty.") . "</p>";
    return $body;
Пример #17
* 获取需要显示的银行
* @ReturnRes 为空是仅仅返回支付银行,否则返回完整html格式
* @retuen array 支付方式
function show_bank($ReturnRes = '')
    //增加区分网页版支付还是手机平台支付 Platform_pay  '系统平台支付 0:默认 电脑版 1:手机版wap支付方式'
    $BankList = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll("select bank_name,bank_code,bank_img from " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('show_bank') . " where state = 1 AND Platform_pay = 0");
    if (!$BankList) {
        return false;
    if (!$ReturnRes) {
        $arr = shou_bank_height($BankList, $num = 3);
        $BankList['css']['height'] = $arr['height'];
        $BankList['css']['andHeight'] = $arr['andHeight'];
        return $BankList;
    } else {
        $BankHtml = '';
        $BankHtml .= '<div class="flowBox">';
        $BankHtml .= '<style>.zhifu li{width:205px;height:40px;float:left;margin:10px 0 0 30px;}';
        $BankHtml .= '.zhifu input{float:left;margin-top:10px;}';
        $BankHtml .= '.zhifu img{width:120px;height:30px;}';
        $BankHtml .= '</style>';
        $BankHtml .= '<script>function morezhifu(){document.getElementById("zhifu").style.height ="100px"; 
        $BankHtml .= '<h6><span>支付方式</span></h6>';
        if ($GLOBALS['_SESSION']['user_id']) {
            $user_info = user_info($GLOBALS['_SESSION']['user_id']);
            $BankHtml .= '<ul class="zhifu" id="yue" style="width:920px;height:50px;border-bottom:1px solid #B5877D;margin-left:10px;">';
            $BankHtml .= '<li style="margin-left:20px;margin-top:15px;height:30px;">';
            $BankHtml .= '<input style="margin-top:2px;" type="radio" value="1" name="payment">';
            $BankHtml .= '使用余额支付(余额' . $user_info['user_money'] . ')</li></ul>';
        $arr = shou_bank_height($BankList, $num = 4);
        $height = $arr['height'];
        $andHeight = $arr['andHeight'];
        $BankHtml .= '<ul class="zhifu" id="zhifu" style="width:950px;height:' . $height . 'px;">';
        foreach ($BankList as $k => $v) {
            $BankHtml .= '<li><input type="radio" value="' . $v['bank_code'] . '" name="payment"><img src="' . $v['bank_img'] . '" ></li>';
            if (count($BankList) > 8 && $k == 8) {
                $BankHtml .= '<li id="jsa"><a href="javascript:morezhifu();" style="color:#E66A14;">更多银行 >></a></li></ul>';
                $BankHtml .= '<ul class="zhifu" id="zhifuand" style="width:950px;height:' . $andHeight . 'px;display:none;">';
        $BankHtml .= '</ul>';
        if ($GLOBALS['_SESSION']['user_id']) {
            $BankHtml .= '<ul class="" id="cod" style="width:920px;height:40px;border-top:1px solid #B5877D;margin-left:10px;">';
            $BankHtml .= '<li style="margin-left:20px;margin-top:15px;height:30px;">';
            $BankHtml .= '<input style="margin-top:2px;" type="radio" value="2" name="payment">货到付款</li></ul>';
        $BankHtml .= '</div>';
        return $BankHtml;
Пример #18
function cancel_delivery($order_id, $delivery_id)
    global $db, $ecs;
    /* 取得参数 */
    $delivery = '';
    /* 根据发货单id查询发货单信息 */
    if (!empty($delivery_id)) {
        $delivery_order = delivery_order_info($delivery_id);
    } else {
        sys_msg('订单号不能为空!', 1);
    /* 查询订单信息 */
    $order = order_info($order_id);
    /* 取消当前发货单物流单号 */
    $_delivery['invoice_no'] = '';
    $_delivery['status'] = 2;
    $query = $db->autoExecute($ecs->table('delivery_order'), $_delivery, 'UPDATE', "delivery_id = {$delivery_id}", 'SILENT');
    if (!$query) {
        /* 操作失败 */
        $links[] = array('text' => $GLOBALS['_LANG']['delivery_sn'] . $GLOBALS['_LANG']['detail'], 'href' => 'order.php?act=delivery_info&delivery_id=' . $delivery_id);
        sys_msg($GLOBALS['_LANG']['act_false'], 1, $links);
    /* 修改定单发货单号 */
    $invoice_no_order = explode('<br>', $order['invoice_no']);
    $invoice_no_delivery = explode('<br>', $delivery_order['invoice_no']);
    foreach ($invoice_no_order as $key => $value) {
        $delivery_key = array_search($value, $invoice_no_delivery);
        if ($delivery_key !== false) {
            unset($invoice_no_order[$key], $invoice_no_delivery[$delivery_key]);
            if (count($invoice_no_delivery) == 0) {
    $_order['invoice_no'] = implode('<br>', $invoice_no_order);
    /* 更新配送状态 */
    $order_finish = get_all_delivery_finish($order_id);
    $shipping_status = $order_finish == -1 ? SS_SHIPPED_PART : SS_SHIPPED_ING;
    $arr['shipping_status'] = $shipping_status;
    if ($shipping_status == SS_SHIPPED_ING) {
        $arr['shipping_time'] = '';
        // 发货时间
    $arr['invoice_no'] = $_order['invoice_no'];
    update_order($order_id, $arr);
    /* 发货单取消发货记录log */
    order_action($order['order_sn'], $order['order_status'], $shipping_status, $order['pay_status'], $action_note, null, 1);
    /* 如果使用库存,则增加库存 */
    if ($_CFG['use_storage'] == '1' && $_CFG['stock_dec_time'] == SDT_SHIP) {
        // 检查此单发货商品数量
        $virtual_goods = array();
        $delivery_stock_sql = "SELECT DG.goods_id, DG.product_id, DG.is_real, SUM(DG.send_number) AS sums\r\n            FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('delivery_goods') . " AS DG\r\n            WHERE DG.delivery_id = '{$delivery_id}'\r\n            GROUP BY DG.goods_id ";
        $delivery_stock_result = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll($delivery_stock_sql);
        foreach ($delivery_stock_result as $key => $value) {
            /* 虚拟商品 */
            if ($value['is_real'] == 0) {
            if (!empty($value['product_id'])) {
                $minus_stock_sql = "UPDATE " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('products') . "\r\n                                    SET product_number = product_number + " . $value['sums'] . "\r\n                                    WHERE product_id = " . $value['product_id'];
                $GLOBALS['db']->query($minus_stock_sql, 'SILENT');
            $minus_stock_sql = "UPDATE " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods') . "\r\n                                SET goods_number = goods_number + " . $value['sums'] . "\r\n                                WHERE goods_id = " . $value['goods_id'];
            $GLOBALS['db']->query($minus_stock_sql, 'SILENT');
    /* 发货单全退回时,退回其它 */
    if ($order['order_status'] == SS_SHIPPED_ING) {
        /* 如果订单用户不为空,计算积分,并退回 */
        if ($order['user_id'] > 0) {
            /* 取得用户信息 */
            $user = user_info($order['user_id']);
            /* 计算并退回积分 */
            $integral = integral_to_give($order);
            log_account_change($order['user_id'], 0, 0, -1 * intval($integral['rank_points']), -1 * intval($integral['custom_points']), sprintf($GLOBALS['_LANG']['return_order_gift_integral'], $order['order_sn']));
            /* todo 计算并退回红包 */
    /* 清除缓存 */
    /* 操作成功 */
    $links[] = array('text' => $GLOBALS['_LANG']['delivery_sn'] . $GLOBALS['_LANG']['detail'], 'href' => 'order.php?act=delivery_info&delivery_id=' . $delivery_id);
    sys_msg($GLOBALS['_LANG']['act_ok'], 0, $links);
Пример #19
 * Return the basic HTML for a message (given its database row),
 * where the title is a heading 2 and the body is in a paragraph.
 * @param string $message the message body
 * @return string HTML output
 * @todo TODO refactor, separate display and logic
 * @author Ben WerdMuller <*****@*****.**>
function display_message($message)
    global $CFG;
    if ($message->from_id == -1) {
        $from->name = __gettext("System");
    } else {
        $from = get_record_sql("select * from " . $CFG->prefix . "users where ident = " . $message->from_id);
    $title = "[" . __gettext("Message from ");
    if ($message->from_id != -1) {
        $title .= "<a href=\"" . $CFG->wwwroot . user_info("username", $message->from_id) . "/\">";
    $title .= $from->name;
    if ($message->from_id != -1) {
        $title .= "</a>";
    $title .= "] " . $message->title;
    $body = "<p>" . nl2br(str_replace("\t", "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;", activate_urls($message->body))) . "</p>";
    $body = templates_draw(array('context' => 'databox1', 'name' => $title, 'column1' => $body));
    return $body;
if ($filter == "judges") {
    $email_subject .= "Judging at " . $_SESSION['contestName'];
} elseif ($filter == "stewards") {
    $email_subject .= "Stewarding at " . $_SESSION['contestName'];
} else {
    $email_subject .= $_SESSION['contestName'];
do {
    $output_datatables_add_link = "";
    $output_datatables_edit_link = "";
    $output_datatables_delete_link = "";
    $output_datatables_print_link = "";
    $output_datatables_other_link = "";
    $output_datatables_view_link = "";
    $output_datatables_actions = "";
    $user_info = user_info($row_brewer['uid']);
    $user_info = explode("^", $user_info);
    $table_assign_judge = table_assignments($user_info[0], "J", $_SESSION['prefsTimeZone'], $_SESSION['prefsDateFormat'], $_SESSION['prefsTimeFormat'], 1);
    $table_assign_steward = table_assignments($user_info[0], "S", $_SESSION['prefsTimeZone'], $_SESSION['prefsDateFormat'], $_SESSION['prefsTimeFormat'], 1);
    if ($filter == "judges") {
        $locations = $row_brewer['brewerJudgeLocation'];
    if ($filter == "stewards") {
        $locations = $row_brewer['brewerStewardLocation'];
    if ($_SESSION['brewerCountry'] == "United States") {
        $us_phone = TRUE;
    } else {
        $us_phone = FALSE;
Пример #21
//This is a hybrid to reduce the catalogue down to the page elements: We use the page limit % catalogue
	<div class="linkbox"><a name="comments"></a>
echo $Pages;

//---------- Begin printing
foreach($Thread as $Key => $Post){
	list($PostID, $AuthorID, $AddedTime, $Body, $EditedUserID, $EditedTime, $EditedUsername) = array_values($Post);
	list($AuthorID, $Username, $PermissionID, $Artist, $Donor, $Warned, $Avatar, $Enabled, $UserTitle) = array_values(user_info($AuthorID));
<table class="forum_post box vertical_margin" id="post<?php 
echo $PostID;
	<tr class="colhead_dark">
		<td colspan="2">
			<span style="float:left;"><a href='#post<?php 
echo $PostID;
echo $PostID;
				by <strong><?php 
Пример #22
     ecs_header("Location: ./\n");
 /* 检查订单是否未付款,检查应付款金额是否大于0 */
 if ($order['pay_status'] != PS_UNPAYED || $order['order_amount'] <= 0) {
     $err->show($_LANG['order_detail'], 'user.php?act=order_detail&order_id=' . $order_id);
 /* 计算应付款金额(减去支付费用) */
 $order['order_amount'] -= $order['pay_fee'];
 /* 余额是否超过了应付款金额,改为应付款金额 */
 if ($surplus > $order['order_amount']) {
     $surplus = $order['order_amount'];
 /* 取得用户信息 */
 $user = user_info($_SESSION['user_id']);
 /* 用户帐户余额是否足够 */
 if ($surplus > $user['user_money'] + $user['credit_line']) {
     $err->show($_LANG['order_detail'], 'user.php?act=order_detail&order_id=' . $order_id);
 /* 修改订单,重新计算支付费用 */
 $order['surplus'] += $surplus;
 $order['order_amount'] -= $surplus;
 if ($order['order_amount'] > 0) {
     $cod_fee = 0;
     if ($order['shipping_id'] > 0) {
         $regions = array($order['country'], $order['province'], $order['city'], $order['district']);
         $shipping = shipping_area_info($order['shipping_id'], $regions);
         if ($shipping['support_cod'] == '1') {
             $cod_fee = $shipping['pay_fee'];
Пример #23
function file_folder_view($folder)
    global $CFG;
     *    View a specific folder
     *    (Access rights are presumed)
    // Find out who's the owner
    global $page_owner;
    $owner_username = user_info('username', $page_owner);
    // If we're not in the parent folder, provide a link to return to the parent
    if ($folder->ident != -1) {
        $folder->name = stripslashes($folder->name);
    $body = "<h2>" . $folder->name . "</h2>";
    // Firstly, get a list of folders
    // Display folders we actually have access to
    if ($folder->idents = get_records_select('file_folders', "parent = {$folder->ident} AND (" . run("users:access_level_sql_where") . ") and files_owner = {$page_owner}")) {
        $subFolders = __gettext("Subfolders");
        // gettext variable
        $body .= <<<END


        foreach ($folder->idents as $folder->ident_details) {
            if (run("users:access_level_check", $folder->ident_details->access) == true) {
                $username = $owner_username;
                $ident = (int) $folder->ident_details->ident;
                $name = get_access_description($folder->ident_details->access);
                $name .= stripslashes($folder->ident_details->name);
                $folder->identmenu = file_folder_edit_links($folder->ident_details);
                $keywords = display_output_field(array("", "keywords", "folder", "folder", $ident, $folder->ident_details->owner));
                if ($keywords) {
                    $keywords = __gettext("Keywords: ") . $keywords;
                $body .= templates_draw(array('context' => 'folder', 'username' => $username, 'url' => $CFG->wwwroot . "{$username}/files/{$ident}", 'ident' => $ident, 'name' => $name, 'menu' => $folder->identmenu, 'icon' => $CFG->wwwroot . "mod/file/folder.png", 'keywords' => $keywords));
    // Then get a list of files
    // View files we actually have access to
    if ($files = get_records_select('files', "folder = ? AND files_owner = ?", array($folder->ident, $page_owner))) {
        foreach ($files as $file) {
            if (run("users:access_level_check", $file->access) == true || $file->owner == $_SESSION['userid']) {
                $username = $owner_username;
                $ident = (int) $file->ident;
                $folder->ident = $file->folder;
                $title = get_access_description($file->access);
                $title .= stripslashes($file->title);
                $description = nl2br(stripslashes($file->description));
                $filetitle = urlencode($title);
                $originalname = stripslashes($file->originalname);
                $filemenu = round($file->size / 1048576, 4) . "MB ";
                $icon = $CFG->wwwroot . "_icon/file/" . $file->ident;
                $filepath = $CFG->wwwroot . "{$username}/files/{$folder->ident}/{$ident}/" . urlencode($originalname);
                $mimetype = mimeinfo('type', $file->originalname);
                if ($mimetype == "audio/mpeg" || $mimetype == "audio/mp3") {
                    $filemenu .= " <object classid=\"clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000\"\n        codebase=\"http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=7,0,0,0\"\n        width=\"17\" height=\"17\" >\n            <param name=\"allowScriptAccess\" value=\"sameDomain\" />\n            <param name=\"movie\" value=\"" . $CFG->wwwroot . "mod/file/mp3player/musicplayer.swf?song_url={$filepath}&amp;song_title={$filetitle}\" />\n            <param name=\"quality\" value=\"high\" />\n            <embed src=\"" . $CFG->wwwroot . "mod/file/mp3player/musicplayer.swf?song_url={$filepath}&amp;song_title={$filetitle}\"\n            quality=\"high\" bgcolor=\"#E6E6E6\" name=\"xspf_player\" allowscriptaccess=\"sameDomain\"\n            type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\"\n            pluginspage=\"http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer\"\n            align=\"center\" height=\"17\" width=\"17\" />\n        </object>";
                $filemenu = file_edit_links($file);
                $keywords = display_output_field(array("", "keywords", "file", "file", $ident, $file->owner));
                if ($keywords) {
                    $keywords = __gettext("Keywords: ") . $keywords;
                $body .= templates_draw(array('context' => 'file', 'username' => $username, 'title' => $title, 'ident' => $ident, 'folder' => $folder->ident, 'description' => $description, 'originalname' => $originalname, 'url' => $filepath, 'menu' => $filemenu, 'icon' => $icon, 'keywords' => $keywords));
                $body .= display_run_displayobjectannotations($file, "file::file");
    // Deliver an apologetic message if there aren't any files or folders
    if (empty($files) && empty($folder->idents)) {
        $body .= "<p>" . __gettext("This folder is currently empty.") . "</p>";
    return $body;
Пример #24
 $_POST['inv_payee'] = isset($_POST['inv_payee']) ? htmlspecialchars($_POST['inv_payee']) : '';
 $_POST['inv_content'] = isset($_POST['inv_content']) ? htmlspecialchars($_POST['inv_content']) : '';
 $_POST['postscript'] = isset($_POST['postscript']) ? htmlspecialchars($_POST['postscript']) : '';
 $order = array('shipping_id' => intval($_POST['shipping']), 'pay_id' => isset($_POST['payment']) ? intval($_POST['payment']) : '0', 'pack_id' => isset($_POST['pack']) ? intval($_POST['pack']) : 0, 'card_id' => isset($_POST['card']) ? intval($_POST['card']) : 0, 'card_message' => trim($_POST['card_message']), 'surplus' => isset($_POST['surplus']) ? floatval($_POST['surplus']) : 0.0, 'integral' => isset($_POST['integral']) ? intval($_POST['integral']) : 0, 'bonus_id' => isset($_POST['bonus']) ? intval($_POST['bonus']) : 0, 'need_inv' => empty($_POST['need_inv']) ? 0 : 1, 'inv_type' => $_POST['inv_type'], 'inv_payee' => trim($_POST['inv_payee']), 'inv_content' => $_POST['inv_content'], 'postscript' => trim($_POST['postscript']), 'how_oos' => isset($_LANG['oos'][$_POST['how_oos']]) ? addslashes($_LANG['oos'][$_POST['how_oos']]) : '', 'need_insure' => isset($_POST['need_insure']) ? intval($_POST['need_insure']) : 0, 'user_id' => $_SESSION['user_id'], 'add_time' => gmtime(), 'order_status' => OS_UNCONFIRMED, 'shipping_status' => SS_UNSHIPPED, 'pay_status' => PS_UNPAYED, 'agency_id' => get_agency_by_regions(array($consignee['country'], $consignee['province'], $consignee['city'], $consignee['district'])));
 /* 扩展信息 */
 if (isset($_SESSION['flow_type']) && intval($_SESSION['flow_type']) != CART_GENERAL_GOODS) {
     $order['extension_code'] = $_SESSION['extension_code'];
     $order['extension_id'] = $_SESSION['extension_id'];
 } else {
     $order['extension_code'] = '';
     $order['extension_id'] = 0;
 /* 检查积分余额是否合法 */
 $user_id = $_SESSION['user_id'];
 if ($user_id > 0) {
     $user_info = user_info($user_id);
     $order['surplus'] = min($order['surplus'], $user_info['user_money'] + $user_info['credit_line']);
     if ($order['surplus'] < 0) {
         $order['surplus'] = 0;
     // 查询用户有多少积分
     $flow_points = flow_available_points();
     // 该订单允许使用的积分
     $user_points = $user_info['pay_points'];
     // 用户的积分总数
     $order['integral'] = min($order['integral'], $user_points, $flow_points);
     if ($order['integral'] < 0) {
         $order['integral'] = 0;
 } else {
     $order['surplus'] = 0;
Пример #25
 $_REQUEST['refund_note'] = isset($_REQUEST['refund_note']) ? $_REQUEST['refund'] : '';
 /* 标记订单为“退货”、“未付款”、“未发货” */
 $arr = array('order_status' => OS_RETURNED, 'pay_status' => PS_UNPAYED, 'shipping_status' => SS_UNSHIPPED, 'money_paid' => 0, 'invoice_no' => '', 'order_amount' => $order['money_paid']);
 update_order($order_id, $arr);
 /* todo 处理退款 */
 if ($order['pay_status'] != PS_UNPAYED) {
     $refund_type = $_REQUEST['refund'];
     $refund_note = $_REQUEST['refund'];
     order_refund($order, $refund_type, $refund_note);
 /* 记录log */
 order_action($order['order_sn'], OS_RETURNED, SS_UNSHIPPED, PS_UNPAYED, $action_note);
 /* 如果订单用户不为空,计算积分,并退回 */
 if ($order['user_id'] > 0) {
     /* 取得用户信息 */
     $user = user_info($order['user_id']);
     $sql = "SELECT  goods_number, send_number FROM" . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('order_goods') . "\n                WHERE order_id = '" . $order['order_id'] . "'";
     $goods_num = $db->query($sql);
     $goods_num = $db->fetchRow($goods_num);
     if ($goods_num['goods_number'] == $goods_num['send_number']) {
         /* 计算并退回积分 */
         $integral = integral_to_give($order);
         log_account_change($order['user_id'], 0, 0, -1 * intval($integral['rank_points']), -1 * intval($integral['custom_points']), sprintf($_LANG['return_order_gift_integral'], $order['order_sn']));
     /* todo 计算并退回红包 */
 /* 如果使用库存,则增加库存(不论何时减库存都需要) */
 if ($_CFG['use_storage'] == '1') {
     if ($_CFG['stock_dec_time'] == SDT_SHIP) {
         change_order_goods_storage($order['order_id'], false, SDT_SHIP);
Пример #26

require_once 'inc/lib.php';
if (!($user = user_info($_SESSION['user']))) {
switch ($_POST['req']) {
    case 'dir':
        // Initial vars
        $dirs = array();
        $files = array();
        // Get directory contents
        $h = opendir($user['home'] . $_POST['dir']);
        while (false !== ($f = readdir($h))) {
            if ($f != '.' && $f != '..') {
                if (is_dir($user['home'] . $_POST['dir'] . '/' . $f)) {
                    $dirs[] = $f;
                } elseif (is_file($user['home'] . $_POST['dir'] . '/' . $f)) {
                    $files[] = $f;
        // Sort data
        // Get file sizes
        $sizes = array();
        foreach ($files as $f) {
Пример #27
function action_act_edit_surplus()
    $user = $GLOBALS['user'];
    $_CFG = $GLOBALS['_CFG'];
    $_LANG = $GLOBALS['_LANG'];
    $smarty = $GLOBALS['smarty'];
    $db = $GLOBALS['db'];
    $ecs = $GLOBALS['ecs'];
    $user_id = $_SESSION['user_id'];
    /* 检查是否登录 */
    if ($_SESSION['user_id'] <= 0) {
        ecs_header("Location: ./\n");
    /* 检查订单号 */
    $order_id = intval($_POST['order_id']);
    if ($order_id <= 0) {
        ecs_header("Location: ./\n");
    /* 检查余额 */
    $surplus = floatval($_POST['surplus']);
    if ($surplus <= 0) {
        $err->show($_LANG['order_detail'], 'user.php?act=order_detail&order_id=' . $order_id);
    include_once ROOT_PATH . 'includes/lib_order.php';
    /* 取得订单 */
    $order = order_info($order_id);
    if (empty($order)) {
        ecs_header("Location: ./\n");
    /* 检查订单用户跟当前用户是否一致 */
    if ($_SESSION['user_id'] != $order['user_id']) {
        ecs_header("Location: ./\n");
    /* 检查订单是否未付款,检查应付款金额是否大于0 */
    if ($order['pay_status'] != PS_UNPAYED || $order['order_amount'] <= 0) {
        $err->show($_LANG['order_detail'], 'user.php?act=order_detail&order_id=' . $order_id);
    /* 计算应付款金额(减去支付费用) */
    $order['order_amount'] -= $order['pay_fee'];
    /* 余额是否超过了应付款金额,改为应付款金额 */
    if ($surplus > $order['order_amount']) {
        $surplus = $order['order_amount'];
    /* 取得用户信息 */
    $user = user_info($_SESSION['user_id']);
    /* 用户帐户余额是否足够 */
    if ($surplus > $user['user_money'] + $user['credit_line']) {
        $err->show($_LANG['order_detail'], 'user.php?act=order_detail&order_id=' . $order_id);
    /* 修改订单,重新计算支付费用 */
    $order['surplus'] += $surplus;
    $order['order_amount'] -= $surplus;
    if ($order['order_amount'] > 0) {
        $cod_fee = 0;
        if ($order['shipping_id'] > 0) {
            $regions = array($order['country'], $order['province'], $order['city'], $order['district']);
            $shipping = shipping_area_info($order['shipping_id'], $regions);
            if ($shipping['support_cod'] == '1') {
                $cod_fee = $shipping['pay_fee'];
        $pay_fee = 0;
        if ($order['pay_id'] > 0) {
            $pay_fee = pay_fee($order['pay_id'], $order['order_amount'], $cod_fee);
        $order['pay_fee'] = $pay_fee;
        $order['order_amount'] += $pay_fee;
    /* 如果全部支付,设为已确认、已付款 */
    if ($order['order_amount'] == 0) {
        if ($order['order_status'] == OS_UNCONFIRMED) {
            $order['order_status'] = OS_CONFIRMED;
            $order['confirm_time'] = gmtime();
        $order['pay_status'] = PS_PAYED;
        $order['pay_time'] = gmtime();
    $order = addslashes_deep($order);
    update_order($order_id, $order);
    /* 更新用户余额 */
    $change_desc = sprintf($_LANG['pay_order_by_surplus'], $order['order_sn']);
    log_account_change($user['user_id'], -1 * $surplus, 0, 0, 0, $change_desc);
    /* 跳转 */
    ecs_header('Location: user.php?act=order_detail&order_id=' . $order_id . "\n");
Пример #28
 /* 取得拍卖活动信息 */
 $auction = auction_info($id);
 if (empty($auction)) {
     ecs_header("Location: ./\n");
 /* 活动是否正在进行 */
 if ($auction['status_no'] != UNDER_WAY) {
     show_message($_LANG['au_not_under_way'], '', '', 'error');
 /* 是否登录 */
 $user_id = $_SESSION['user_id'];
 if ($user_id <= 0) {
 $user = user_info($user_id);
 /* 取得出价 */
 $bid_price = isset($_POST['price']) ? round(floatval($_POST['price']), 2) : 0;
 if ($bid_price <= 0) {
     show_message($_LANG['au_bid_price_error'], '', '', 'error');
 /* 如果有一口价且出价大于等于一口价,则按一口价算 */
 $is_ok = false;
 // 出价是否ok
 if ($auction['end_price'] > 0) {
     if ($bid_price >= $auction['end_price']) {
         $bid_price = $auction['end_price'];
         $is_ok = true;
 /* 出价是否有效:区分第一次和非第一次 */
Пример #29

require_once 'inc/lib.php';
if (empty($_SESSION['user']) || !($user = user_info($_SESSION['user']))) {
    // Not logged in, redirect to login page
    header('Location: .');
    exit('Not Authorized');
if (empty($_REQUEST['file'])) {
    // Not file specified, return to file list
    header('Location: files.php');
    exit('No file specified');
// Prevent a simple directory security issue
if (strpos($_REQUEST['file'], '..') !== false) {
    exit('Invalid file path.');
// Save file if edited
if (isset($_POST['text']) && !empty($_POST['file'])) {
    $file = $user['home'] . $_POST['file'];
    $text = $_POST['text'];
    if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
        $text = stripslashes($text);
    $saved = file_put_contents($file, $text);
// Determine current directory
$dir = rtrim($_REQUEST['file'], basename($_REQUEST['file']));
$dir = rtrim($dir, '/');
Пример #30
<td BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF"><img SRC="https://www.benfund.com/clear.gif" height=2 width=20></td>

            <td BGCOLOR="#33CCFF"><font color="#000099" face="Arial,Helvetica"><a href="../logout.php">Log 
              Out </a></font></td>
      <p><img SRC="https://www.benfund.com/clear.gif" height=46 width=20> <br>
      <p> <br>

    <td valign="top" WIDTH="640"><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="EditRegion3" --> 
user_info($id, $pw);
$group = $row['g_name'];
$cause = $row['cause'];
	  <p align="center">You can download a flyer in the form of a PDF from this 
        page. It contains all the necessary information for anyone who reads it 
        to make a donation. You need Adobe Reader to view the flyers and print 
        them.If you do not have adobe reader get it here.</p>
      <p align="center"><a href="http://adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html"><img src="images/get_adobe_reader.gif" width="88" height="31" border="0"></a></p>
      <p align="center">If you have Adobe Reader and wish to generate flyers click 
        the button below.</p>
	  <form name="form1" method="post" action="pdf_create.php">
          <div align="center">
          <input name="id" type="hidden" id="id" value="<?php 
echo $id;