Пример #1
        case 8:
            $output = "A PHP extensioned the file upload";
    return $output;
function cleanup()
    $cleartmp = shell_exec('rm /tmp/' . $_FILES["csv"]["name"]);
    echo $cleartmp;
//array for storing upload status
$upload = array("csv" => 0);
//call function to process each upload
$upload["csv"] = uploadProcess("csv");
//perform action and remove temp files in directory
if ($upload["csv"] == 0) {
    //display error message
    echo "Error during CSV file upload!  CSV database insertion halted.";
} else {
    //open file for reading
    $file = fopen("/tmp/" . $_FILES["csv"]["name"], "r");
    if ($file) {
        echo "File opened successfully.<br>";
        //create db connection
        $dbconn = pg_connect("host=" . $dbhost . " port=" . $dbport . " dbname=" . $dbname . " user="******" password="******"Could not connect to server\n");
        while (($line = fgets($file)) !== false) {
            //echo $line;
            $lineary = explode(";", $line);
Пример #2
    return $output;
function cleanup()
    $cleartmp = shell_exec('rm /tmp/' . $_FILES["shp"]["name"] . ' /tmp/' . $_FILES["shx"]["name"] . ' /tmp/' . $_FILES["dbf"]["name"] . ' /tmp/' . $_FILES["prj"]["name"] . ' /tmp/' . substr($_FILES["shp"]["name"], 0, -4) . '.sql' . ' /tmp/insert' . substr($_FILES["shp"]["name"], 0, -4) . '.sql' . ' /tmp/insert2' . substr($_FILES["shp"]["name"], 0, -4) . '.sql');
    echo $cleartmp;
//array for storing upload status
$upload = array("shp" => 0, "shx" => 0, "dbf" => 0, "prj" => 0);
//call function to process each upload
$upload["shp"] = uploadProcess("shp");
$upload["shx"] = uploadProcess("shx");
$upload["dbf"] = uploadProcess("dbf");
$upload["prj"] = uploadProcess("prj");
//perform action and remove temp files in directory
if ($upload["shp"] == 0 || $upload["shx"] == 0 || $upload["dbf"] == 0 || $upload["prj"] == 0) {
    //display error message
    echo "Error during shapefile upload!  Shapefile database insertion halted.";
} else {
    //check for filename mismatch
    if (substr($_FILES["shp"]["name"], 0, -4) != substr($_FILES["shx"]["name"], 0, -4) || substr($_FILES["shp"]["name"], 0, -4) != substr($_FILES["dbf"]["name"], 0, -4) || substr($_FILES["shp"]["name"], 0, -4) != substr($_FILES["prj"]["name"], 0, -4)) {
        echo "Base Filename mismatch!  Make sure all files are from the same shapefile.<br>Shapefile database insertion halted.";
    } else {
        //generate raw insertion .sql
        $sqlconv = shell_exec('shp2pgsql -s 4326 /tmp/' . $_FILES["shp"]["name"] . ' > /tmp/' . substr($_FILES["shp"]["name"], 0, -4) . '.sql');
        echo $sqlconv;
        //grep to select only insert statements
        $grepins = shell_exec('grep -e "INSERT INTO" /tmp/' . substr($_FILES["shp"]["name"], 0, -4) . '.sql > /tmp/insert' . substr($_FILES["shp"]["name"], 0, -4) . '.sql');