Пример #1
 public function add_js_defaults($data)
     $newdata = array('defaults' => self::default_properties(), 'template' => upfront_get_template_url('uaccordion', upfront_element_url('tpl/uaccordion.html', dirname(__FILE__))));
     if (isset($data['uaccordion'])) {
         if (isset($data['uaccordion']['defaults'])) {
             $merged_defaults = array_merge($data['uaccordion']['defaults'], $newdata['defaults']);
             $data['uaccordion']['defaults'] = $merged_defaults;
         } else {
             $data['uaccordion']['defaults'] = $newdata['defaults'];
         $data['uaccordion']['template'] = $newdata['template'];
     } else {
         $data['uaccordion'] = $newdata;
     return $data;
  * Fetching and pre-processing the relative/absolute paths in styles.
 private function _get_style_contents($frags)
     $path = upfront_element_dir($frags[0], $frags[1]);
     $url = upfront_element_url($frags[0], $frags[1]);
     if (!file_exists($path)) {
         return false;
     $style = file_get_contents($path);
     // Obtain the first "../" level
     $base_url = trailingslashit(dirname(dirname($url)));
     // First up, let's build up allowed directories list
     $dirs = explode('/', $base_url);
     $relatives = array();
     $upfront_root = preg_quote(Upfront::get_root_url(), '/');
     while (array_pop($dirs) !== NULL) {
         $rel = join('/', $dirs);
         $relatives[] = $rel;
         if (preg_match('/^' . $upfront_root . '$/', $rel)) {
         // Let's not allow relative paths inclusion higher than the Upfront root
     if (empty($relatives)) {
         return $style;
     // Next, let's build the matching patterns list
     $matchers = array();
     foreach ($relatives as $idx => $relpath) {
         $count = $idx + 1;
         $matchers[$count] = array('url' => $relpath, 'pattern' => str_repeat('../', $count));
     $matchers = array_reverse($matchers);
     // Start with longest match first
     // Lastly, let's actually replace the relative paths
     $slash = preg_quote('/', '/');
     foreach ($matchers as $match) {
         if (empty($match['pattern']) || empty($match['url'])) {
         $rx = "/([^{$slash}])" . preg_quote($match['pattern'], '/') . '([^.]{2})/';
         // Let's start small
         $rpl = '$1' . trailingslashit($match['url']) . '$2';
         $style = preg_replace($rx, $rpl, $style);
     return $style;
Пример #3
 * Adds element script resource.
 * @param string $slug Script ID to be keyed under (hopefully unique)
 * @param array $path_info Two-member array, describing resource location. The members are like arguments for upfront_element_dir/upfront_element_url
 * @return bool False on failure/invalid arguments, true on success
function upfront_add_element_script($slug, $path_info)
    if (empty($slug) || empty($path_info)) {
        return false;
    if (!is_array($path_info)) {
        return false;
    if (count($path_info) != 2) {
        return false;
    if (current_theme_supports("upfront-element_scripts") && current_theme_supports("{$slug}-script")) {
        return true;
    // Current theme supports element scripts, and this script in particular
    if (empty($_GET['dev']) && empty($_GET['debug'])) {
        // Yeah, so re-intorduce the hacks
        $hub = Upfront_PublicScripts_Registry::get_instance();
        return $hub->set($slug, $path_info);
    } else {
        wp_enqueue_script($slug, upfront_element_url($path_info[0], $path_info[1]), array('jquery'));
Пример #4
 public function add_js_defaults($data)
     $post_types = get_post_types(array('public' => true), 'objects');
     $labels = get_terms('media_label', array('hide_empty' => false));
     $labels_names = array();
     $labels_ids = array();
     foreach ($labels as $label) {
         if (!is_object($label)) {
         $labels_ids[$label->term_id] = array('id' => $label->term_id, 'text' => $label->name);
         $labels_names[$label->name] = array('id' => $label->term_id, 'text' => $label->name);
     // Sanitize post type objects array
     foreach ($post_types as $ptidx => $ptype) {
         if (empty($ptype->register_meta_box_cb)) {
         $ptype->register_meta_box_cb = false;
         $post_types[$ptidx] = $ptype;
     // Whatever we need in the post types array, I am fairly sure metabox callback is *NOT* one of those things...
     $data['ugallery'] = array('defaults' => self::default_properties(), 'imageDefaults' => self::image_defaults(), 'template' => upfront_get_template_url('ugallery', upfront_element_url('tpl/ugallery.html', dirname(__FILE__))), 'lightboxTpl' => upfront_get_template('lightbox', array(), dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/tpl/lightbox.html'), 'postTypes' => $post_types, 'grids' => array(), 'label_names' => $labels_names, 'label_ids' => $labels_ids, 'themeDefaults' => apply_filters('upfront_gallery_defaults', array()));
     return $data;
Пример #5
 public function add_js_defaults($data)
     $data['uimage'] = array('defaults' => self::default_properties(), 'template' => upfront_get_template_url('uimage', upfront_element_url('tpl/image.html', dirname(__FILE__))));
     return $data;
Пример #6
function upfront_maps_add_maps_local_url($data)
    $data['upfront_maps'] = array("root_url" => trailingslashit(upfront_element_url('/', dirname(__FILE__))), "markers" => trailingslashit(upfront_element_url('img/markers/', dirname(__FILE__))));
    return $data;
Пример #7
 public static function add_data_defaults($data)
     $data['upfront_login'] = array("defaults" => self::default_properties(), "root_url" => trailingslashit(upfront_element_url('/', dirname(__FILE__))));
     return $data;
Пример #8
 public static function add_js_defaults($data)
     $data['uslider'] = array('defaults' => self::default_properties(), 'slideDefaults' => self::slide_defaults(), 'template' => upfront_get_template_url('uslider', upfront_element_url('tpls/uslider.html', dirname(__FILE__))));
     return $data;