Пример #1
         //save the new preferences to the db for use next time
         $numBookingOptions = count($_POST['bookingOptions']);
         for ($o = 0; $o < $numBookingOptions; $o++) {
             $query = "INSERT INTO " . BOOKING_USER_OPTIONS_TABLE . " SET user_id = " . $bookingByUserID . ", option_id = '" . $_POST['bookingOptions'][$o] . "'";
 // Attempt to Add the Event to the Database
 $add_event_id = add_event($bookingForUsername, $scheduled_date_time_data, $_REQUEST['subject'], $_REQUEST['location'], $starting_date . ' ' . $_REQUEST['start_time'], $ending_date . ' ' . $_REQUEST['end_time'], $_REQUEST['recur_interval'], $_REQUEST['recur_freq'], $recur_date, $_REQUEST['desc'], $_POST['bookingOptions']);
 if (!empty($add_event_id)) {
     $page_info_message = "Event added successfully!";
     //if the user uses booking credits update their remaining credits
     if ($deductCredits && $bookeeUsesCredits) {
         update_booking_credits($bookingForUsername, $scheduled_slots, 'dec');
         //Set the right message depending on if we are making the booking for ourselves or not
         if ($bookingForUsername == $_SESSION['valid_user']) {
             //booking for self
             $page_info_message .= '<br><br>' . $scheduled_slots . ' credits have been deducted for this booking. You have ' . remaining_booking_credits($bookingForUsername) . ' credits remaining.';
         } else {
             //booking for someone else
             $page_info_message .= '<br><br>NOTE: User ' . $bookingForUsername . ' has had ' . $scheduled_slots . ' credits deducted. ' . remaining_booking_credits($bookingForUsername) . ' credits remaining.';
     //see if booking cinfirmation e-mails are to get sent out
         //create an array of the things we are looking to replace in the body and subject of the e-mail
         $mailTags = array('%firstname%', '%lastname%', '%sitename%', '%bookingtimes%', '%bookingtimesvertical%', '%period%', '%location%', '%slots%', '%briefdesc%', '%fulldesc%', '%options%');
         //figure out the variables that might be reuired in the message
         $mailVars['firstname'] = $user_info['firstname'];
Пример #2
function delete_event($username, $event_id, $refundCredits = true)
    // delete one event (and event schedule) from the database
    // Use global $location_db_name
    global $location_db_name;
    // get user_id based on current $username
    $user_id = get_user_id($username);
    if (empty($user_id)) {
        return false;
    // get event data: location id
    $event = get_event_details($event_id);
    //echo "location: $event['location'], event_id: $event['event_id'] <br />";
    // delete any options set for this event_id
    $query = 'DELETE FROM ' . BOOKING_EVENT_OPTIONS_TABLE . ' WHERE event_id="' . $event_id . '"';
    // delete the event_id
    $result = wrap_db_query("DELETE FROM " . BOOKING_EVENT_TABLE . "\n\t\tWHERE location = '" . $event['location'] . "' AND event_id = " . $event_id . " LIMIT 1");
    // delete the event schedule, set back to zero
    $result = wrap_db_query("UPDATE " . DATE_TIME_SCHEDULE_TABLE . "\n\t\tSET " . $location_db_name[$event['location']] . " = 0\n\t\tWHERE " . $location_db_name[$event['location']] . " = " . $event_id);
    //store the number of slots deleted in case we need to refund credits
    $creditsToRefund = wrap_affected_rows();
    if ($refundCredits) {
        //if the user uses credits, refund used credits
        $userDetails = get_user($user_id);
        if ($userDetails['booking_credits'] == 'Not used') {
            //nothing to do, the user does not use credits
            return true;
        } else {
            //refund a credit for each booking slot deleted
            update_booking_credits($username, $creditsToRefund, 'inc');
    return true;
//make sure the user is an administrator
require_once 'admin_security.php';
$page_title = "Set Booking Credits";
$page_title_bar = "Set Booking Credits";
//echo '<pre>' ;
//print_r( $_POST ) ;
//echo '</pre>' ;
$saved_changes = false;
//holder for potential save state
//check for form submission
if ($_POST['send_form'] != '') {
    //ensure that both a user and a value were submitted
    if ($_POST['user_select'] != '' && $_POST['booking_credits'] != '') {
        $userDetails = get_user($_POST['user_select']);
        $username = $userDetails['username'];
        update_booking_credits($username, $_POST['booking_credits'], 'set');
    } else {
        $page_error_message = 'Unable to save changes. Please make your selection again before resubmitting this form.';
include_once "header.php";
$admin_account_id = '';
$users_full_name = '';
$users_current_booking_limit = '';
Select the user account you wish to modify, then select a new value and press the 'Save Changes' button.

<form name="form1" method="post" action="<?php