Пример #1
function addTransaction($userId, $amount, $project_title, $project_id, $authorId)
    global $db_con;
    $balance = getBalance($userId);
    $balance = intval($balance) - intval($amount);
    $amountToSave = 0 - $amount;
    $description = 'payment for ' . $project_title;
    $insertPayment = "INSERT INTO `payments` SET\n               `transaction_id` = 'inner-transaction',\n               `type` = 'payment',\n               `description` = '" . $description . "',\n\t\t\t   `amount` = " . $amountToSave . ",\n\t\t\t   `user_id` = " . $userId . ",\n\t\t\t   `balance` = " . $balance . ",\n\t\t\t   `project_id` = " . $project_id . ",\n\t\t\t   `created_by` = " . $userId;
    updateBalance($userId, $balance);
    $balance = getBalance($authorId);
    $balance = intval($balance) + intval($amount);
    $amountToSave = $amount;
    $description = 'royalty for ' . $project_title;
    $insertRoyalty = "INSERT INTO `payments` SET\n               `transaction_id` = 'inner-transaction',\n               `type` = 'royalty',\n               `description` = '" . $description . "',\n\t\t\t   `amount` = " . $amountToSave . ",\n\t\t\t   `user_id` = " . $authorId . ",\n\t\t\t   `balance` = " . $balance . ",\n\t\t\t   `project_id` = " . $project_id . ",\n\t\t\t   `created_by` = " . $userId;
    updateBalance($authorId, $balance);
Пример #2
function displayCart()
    global $host, $user, $pw, $db;
    $mysqli = new mysqli($host, $user, $pw, $db);
    if ($mysqli->connect_errno) {
        echo 'Failed to connect to MySQLi: (' . $mysqli->connect_errno . ') ' . $mysqli->connect_error;
    $cartname = $_SESSION['username'];
    $finder = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT * FROM carts WHERE user=?");
    if (!$finder) {
        echo 'Prepare failed';
    $finder->bind_param('s', $cartname);
    $getsoaps = $finder->get_result();
    while ($soaps = $getsoaps->fetch_assoc()) {
        $numOrange = $soaps['orange'];
        $numSwirl = $soaps['swirl'];
        $numAnt = $soaps['antique'];
        $numCh = $soaps['church'];
        $numButt = $soaps['butterfly'];
    $sumOrange = $numOrange * 4.99;
    $sumSwirl = $numSwirl * 4.99;
    $sumAnt = $numAnt * 5.99;
    $sumCh = $numCh * 5.99;
    $sumButt = $numButt * 4.99;
    $soapTotal = $sumOrange + $sumSwirl + $sumAnt + $sumCh + $sumButt;
    // don't echo out a soap if the user hasn't purchased one
    if ($sumOrange != 0) {
        echo '<tr><td>Orange Cream</td>';
        echo '<td><center>' . $numOrange . '</center></td>';
        echo '<td>$4.99</td>';
        // delete button
        $rowId = 'orange';
        echo '<td><form action="delete.php" method="POST">';
        echo '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="' . $rowId . '">';
        echo '<center><input type="submit" value="Remove"></center></form>';
    if ($sumSwirl != 0) {
        echo '<tr><td>Swirl</td>';
        echo '<td><center>' . $numSwirl . '</center></td>';
        echo '<td>$4.99</td>';
        $rowId = 'swirl';
        echo '<td><form action="delete.php" method="POST">';
        echo '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="' . $rowId . '">';
        echo '<center><input type="submit" value="Remove"></center></form>';
    if ($sumAnt != 0) {
        echo '<tr><td>Antique</td>';
        echo '<td><center>' . $numAnt . '</center></td>';
        echo '<td>$5.99</td>';
        $rowId = 'antique';
        echo '<td><form action="delete.php" method="POST">';
        echo '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="' . $rowId . '">';
        echo '<center><input type="submit" value="Remove"></center></form>';
    if ($sumCh != 0) {
        echo '<tr><td>Red Church</td>';
        echo '<td><center>' . $numCh . '</center></td>';
        echo '<td>$5.99</td>';
        $rowId = 'church';
        echo '<td><form action="delete.php" method="POST">';
        echo '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="' . $rowId . '">';
        echo '<center><input type="submit" value="Remove"></center></form>';
    if ($sumButt != 0) {
        echo '<tr><td>Butterfly</td>';
        echo '<td><center>' . $numButt . '</center></td>';
        echo '<td>$4.99</td>';
        $rowId = 'butterfly';
        echo '<td><form action="delete.php" method="POST">';
        echo '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="' . $rowId . '">';
        echo '<center><input type="submit" value="Remove"></center></form>';
    echo '<tr><td></td><td><b>Total: </b></td><td><span id="total">$' . $soapTotal . '</span></td>';
    // don't forget to update the user's balance in the user database
Пример #3
function approveTransaction($id, $approver, $decision)
    //Provisioning 4.4.3
    $return = returnValue();
    $transaction = selectTransaction($id);
    if (!$transaction) {
        $return->value = false;
        $return->msg = "Invalid transaction id";
        return $return;
    //Ensure that only pending transactions are updated 4.6.3
    if ($transaction->STATUS != 'P') {
        $return->value = false;
        $return->msg = "Invalid action";
        return $return;
    $user = selectUser($approver);
    if (!$user || $user->USER_TYPE !== "E") {
        $return->value = false;
        $return->msg = "Invalid approver";
        return $return;
    $senderAccount = selectAccountById($transaction->SENDER_ACCOUNT);
    if ($senderAccount->BALANCE < $transaction->AMOUNT) {
        $return->value = false;
        $return->msg = "Insufficient funds";
        return $return;
    $approve = updateTransactionApproval($id, $approver, $decision);
    if (!$approve) {
        $return->value = false;
        $return->msg = "Transaction update failed";
        return $return;
    if ($decision === 'D') {
        $return->value = true;
        $return->msg = "Transaction successfully denied";
        return $return;
    $balance = updateBalance($transaction->SENDER_ACCOUNT, $transaction->RECIPIENT_ACCOUNT, $transaction->AMOUNT);
    if (!$balance) {
        $return->value = false;
        $return->msg = "Error updating balance";
        return $return;
    $return->value = true;
    $return->msg = "Transaction successfully approved";
    return $return;