function template_ultimate_portal_frontpage() { global $context, $ultimateportalSettings, $sourcedir; //print the front page /* This function is from Source/Subs-UltimatePortal-Init-Blocks.php first parameter is left column second parameter is right column and the last parameter is the center column the first and second parameter is "1" if the column is are not collapsed and "0" if the column print collapsed */ $left = !empty($ultimateportalSettings['ultimate_portal_enable_col_left']) ? 1 : 0; $right = !empty($ultimateportalSettings['ultimate_portal_enable_col_right']) ? 1 : 0; //Portal Above up_print_page_above($left, $right, '', 0, 1); //Portal Below up_print_page_below($right); }
function up_print_page($left, $right, $content = '', $copyright = "", $icon = '', $title = '') { //Portal Above up_print_page_above($left, $right, $copyright, 0); head_block($icon, $title, 0); //Ok now print echo $content; footer_block(); if (!empty($copyright)) { echo '<div align="center"> <strong>' . $copyright . '</strong> </div>'; } //Portal Below up_print_page_below($right); }