function edit() { global $set, $db, $apx; $_REQUEST['id'] = (int) $_REQUEST['id']; if (!$_REQUEST['id']) { die('missing ID!'); } //Sektions-Liste if (!is_array($_POST['secid']) || $_POST['secid'][0] == 'all') { $_POST['secid'] = array('all'); } if ($_POST['send'] == 1) { if (!checkToken()) { infoInvalidToken(); } elseif (!$_POST['catid'] || !$_POST['title'] || !$_POST['text']) { infoNotComplete(); } else { $_POST['secid'] = serialize_section($_POST['secid']); $_POST['lastchange'] = time(); $_POST['lastchange_userid'] = $apx->user->info['userid']; //Autor aktualisieren if ($apx->user->has_spright('content.edit') && $_POST['userid']) { if ($_POST['userid'] == 'send') { $_POST['userid'] = 0; } else { $_POST['userid'] = $_POST['userid']; } $addfields .= ',userid'; } $db->dupdate(PRE . '_content', 'secid,catid,title,text,meta_description,lastchange,lastchange_userid,allowcoms,searchable,allowrating' . $addfields, "WHERE ( id='" . $_REQUEST['id'] . "' " . iif(!$apx->user->has_spright('content.edit'), " AND userid='" . $apx->user->info['userid'] . "'") . " ) LIMIT 1"); logit('CONTENT_EDIT', 'ID #' . $_REQUEST['id']); printJSRedirect(get_index('')); } } else { $res = $db->first("SELECT secid,catid,userid,title,text,meta_description,searchable,allowrating,allowcoms FROM " . PRE . "_content WHERE ( id='" . $_REQUEST['id'] . "' " . iif(!$apx->user->has_spright('content.edit'), " AND userid='" . $apx->user->info['userid'] . "'") . " )"); foreach ($res as $key => $val) { $_POST[$key] = $val; } $_POST['secid'] = unserialize_section($_POST['secid']); mediamanager('content'); $apx->tmpl->assign('CATLIST', $this->get_catlist($_POST['catid'])); $apx->tmpl->assign('SECID', $_POST['secid']); $apx->tmpl->assign('USERID', $_POST['userid']); $apx->tmpl->assign('TITLE', compatible_hsc($_POST['title'])); $apx->tmpl->assign('TEXT', compatible_hsc($_POST['text'])); $apx->tmpl->assign('META_DESCRIPTION', compatible_hsc($_POST['meta_description'])); $apx->tmpl->assign('ALLOWCOMS', (int) $_POST['allowcoms']); $apx->tmpl->assign('ALLOWRATING', (int) $_POST['allowrating']); $apx->tmpl->assign('PUBNOW', (int) $_POST['pubnow']); $apx->tmpl->assign('SEARCHABLE', (int) $_POST['searchable']); $apx->tmpl->assign('ACTION', 'edit'); $apx->tmpl->assign('ID', $_REQUEST['id']); $apx->tmpl->parse('add_edit'); } }
function edit() { global $set, $db, $apx; $_REQUEST['id'] = (int) $_REQUEST['id']; if (!$_REQUEST['id']) { die('missing ID!'); } //Sektions-Liste if (!is_array($_POST['secid']) || $_POST['secid'][0] == 'all') { $_POST['secid'] = array('all'); } if ($_POST['send']) { //Mindestens zwei Felder belegt? for ($i = 1; $i <= 20; $i++) { if ($_POST['a' . $i]) { ++$ac; } if ($ac == 2) { break; } } if (!checkToken()) { infoInvalidToken(); } elseif (!$_POST['question'] || !$_POST['days'] || $ac < 2) { infoNotComplete(); } else { for ($i = 1; $i <= 20; $i++) { if ($_POST['a' . $i] && $_POST['color' . $i]) { $qcache[] = array($_POST['a' . $i], $_POST['color' . $i], $_POST['a' . $i . '_c']); } } for ($i = 1; $i <= 20; $i++) { $_POST['a' . $i] = $qcache[$i - 1][0]; $_POST['color' . $i] = $qcache[$i - 1][1]; $_POST['a' . $i . '_c'] = $qcache[$i - 1][2]; } $_POST['secid'] = serialize_section($_POST['secid']); //Veröffentlichung if ($apx->user->has_right('poll.enable') && isset($_POST['t_day_1'])) { $_POST['starttime'] = maketime(1); $_POST['endtime'] = maketime(2); if ($_POST['starttime']) { if (!$_POST['endtime'] || $_POST['endtime'] <= $_POST['starttime']) { $_POST['endtime'] = 3000000000; } $addfields = ',starttime,endtime'; } } $db->dupdate(PRE . '_poll', 'secid,question,meta_description,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9,a10,a11,a12,a13,a14,a15,a16,a17,a18,a19,a20,color1,color2,color3,color4,color5,color6,color7,color8,color9,color10,color11,color12,color13,color14,color15,color16,color17,color18,color19,color20,a1_c,a2_c,a3_c,a4_c,a5_c,a6_c,a7_c,a8_c,a9_c,a10_c,a11_c,a12_c,a13_c,a14_c,a15_c,a16_c,a17_c,a18_c,a19_c,a20_c,days,multiple,searchable,allowcoms' . $addfields, "WHERE ( id='" . $_REQUEST['id'] . "' ) LIMIT 1"); logit('POLL_EDIT', 'ID #' . $_REQUEST['id']); //Tags $db->query("DELETE FROM " . PRE . "_poll_tags WHERE id='" . $_REQUEST['id'] . "'"); $tagids = produceTagIds($_POST['tags']); foreach ($tagids as $tagid) { $db->query("INSERT IGNORE INTO " . PRE . "_poll_tags VALUES('" . $_REQUEST['id'] . "', '" . $tagid . "')"); } printJSRedirect(get_index('')); } } else { $res = $db->first("SELECT * FROM " . PRE . "_poll WHERE ( id='" . $_REQUEST['id'] . "' ) LIMIT 1"); foreach ($res as $key => $val) { $_POST[$key] = $val; } $_POST['secid'] = unserialize_section($_POST['secid']); //Veröffentlichung if ($res['starttime']) { maketimepost(1, $res['starttime']); if ($res['endtime'] < 2147483647) { maketimepost(2, $res['endtime']); } } //Sektionen auflisten if (is_array($apx->sections) && count($apx->sections)) { $seclist = '<option value="all" style="font-weight:bold;"' . iif(in_array('all', $_POST['secid']), ' selected="selected"') . '>' . $apx->lang->get('ALLSEC') . '</option>'; foreach ($apx->sections as $id => $info) { $seclist .= '<option value="' . $id . '"' . iif(in_array($id, $_POST['secid']), ' selected="selected"') . '>' . replace($info['title']) . '</option>'; } } //Antwortmöglichkeiten for ($i = 1; $i <= 20; $i++) { if ($i > 1 && !$_POST['a' . $i]) { continue; } $answerdata[$i]['TEXT'] = compatible_hsc($_POST['a' . $i]); $answerdata[$i]['VOTES'] = intval($_POST['a' . $i . '_c']); $answerdata[$i]['COLOR'] = iif($_POST['color' . $i], $_POST['color' . $i], $this->colors[0]); $answerdata[$i]['DISPLAY'] = 1; } //Felder auffüllen while (count($answerdata) < 20) { $answerdata[] = array('COLOR' => $this->colors[0]); } //Veröffentlichung if ($apx->user->has_right('poll.enable') && isset($_POST['t_day_1'])) { $apx->tmpl->assign('STARTTIME', choosetime(1, 0, maketime(1))); $apx->tmpl->assign('ENDTIME', choosetime(2, 1, maketime(2))); } //Farben foreach ($this->colors as $color) { $colordata[]['ID'] = $color; } //Tags $tags = array(); $tagdata = $db->fetch("\n\t\t\tSELECT t.tag\n\t\t\tFROM " . PRE . "_poll_tags AS n\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . PRE . "_tags AS t USING(tagid)\n\t\t\tWHERE'" . $_REQUEST['id'] . "'\n\t\t\tORDER BY t.tag ASC\n\t\t"); $tags = get_ids($tagdata, 'tag'); $_POST['tags'] = implode(', ', $tags); $apx->tmpl->assign('COLOR', $colordata); $apx->tmpl->assign('ANSWER', $answerdata); $apx->tmpl->assign('ID', $_REQUEST['id']); $apx->tmpl->assign('SECLIST', $seclist); $apx->tmpl->assign('QUESTION', compatible_hsc($_POST['question'])); $apx->tmpl->assign('DAYS', intval($_POST['days'])); $apx->tmpl->assign('META_DESCRIPTION', compatible_hsc($_POST['meta_description'])); $apx->tmpl->assign('TAGS', compatible_hsc($_POST['tags'])); $apx->tmpl->assign('MULTIPLE', (int) $_POST['multiple']); $apx->tmpl->assign('ALLOWCOMS', (int) $_POST['allowcoms']); $apx->tmpl->assign('SEARCHABLE', (int) $_POST['searchable']); $apx->tmpl->parse('edit'); } }
function stats() { global $set, $db, $apx; $datestamp = date('Ymd', time() - TIMEDIFF); list($count_files) = $db->first("SELECT count(id) FROM " . PRE . "_videos WHERE starttime!='0'"); $count_dlsperday = $this->stats_dlsperday(); $count_sizeperday = $this->stats_sizeperday(); list($count_all, $size[0]) = $db->first("SELECT sum(hits),sum(bytes*hits) FROM " . PRE . "_videos_stats"); list($count_week, $size[1]) = $db->first("SELECT sum(hits),sum(bytes*hits) FROM " . PRE . "_videos_stats WHERE daystamp BETWEEN '" . date('Ymd', time() - 6 * 24 * 3600 - TIMEDIFF) . "' AND '" . date('Ymd', time() - TIMEDIFF) . "'"); list($count_today, $size[2]) = $db->first("SELECT sum(hits),sum(bytes*hits) FROM " . PRE . "_videos_stats WHERE daystamp='" . date('Ymd', time() - TIMEDIFF) . "'"); $apx->tmpl->assign('FILES', $count_files); $apx->tmpl->assign('DLS_PERDAY', $count_dlsperday); $apx->tmpl->assign('SIZE_PERDAY', $count_sizeperday); $apx->tmpl->assign('DLS_ALL', (int) $count_all); $apx->tmpl->assign('DLS_WEEK', (int) $count_week); $apx->tmpl->assign('DLS_TODAY', (int) $count_today); $apx->tmpl->assign('SIZE_ALL', $this->format_size($size[0])); $apx->tmpl->assign('SIZE_WEEK', $this->format_size($size[1])); $apx->tmpl->assign('SIZE_TODAY', $this->format_size($size[2])); //Die letzten 50 Tage if ($_REQUEST['show'] == 'size') { $data = $db->fetch("SELECT sum(bytes*hits) AS count,daystamp,time FROM " . PRE . "_videos_stats WHERE daystamp>='" . date('Ymd', time() - 50 * 24 * 3600 - TIMEDIFF) . "' GROUP BY daystamp ORDER BY daystamp ASC"); $apx->tmpl->assign('GRAPH_HEADLINE', $apx->lang->get('TRAFFIC')); } else { $data = $db->fetch("SELECT sum(hits) AS count,daystamp,time FROM " . PRE . "_videos_stats WHERE daystamp>='" . date('Ymd', time() - 50 * 24 * 3600 - TIMEDIFF) . "' GROUP BY daystamp ORDER BY daystamp ASC"); $apx->tmpl->assign('GRAPH_HEADLINE', $apx->lang->get('DOWNLOADS')); } if (count($data)) { //Maximum holen foreach ($data as $res) { if ($res['count'] > $max) { $max = $res['count']; } } //Base generieren if ($_REQUEST['show'] == 'size') { if (strlen($max) > 3) { $pot = floor(strlen($max) / 3); $multi = floor(strlen($max) % 3); if ($multi == 0) { --$pot; $multi = 3; } for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) { $base = pow(1024, $pot) * pow(10, $multi - 1) * $i; if ($base >= $max) { break; } } } else { for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) { $base = pow(10, strlen($max) - 1) * $i; if ($base >= $max) { break; } } } $apx->tmpl->assign('SCALE1', $this->format_size(round($base / 4), 0)); $apx->tmpl->assign('SCALE2', $this->format_size(round($base / 4 * 2), 0)); $apx->tmpl->assign('SCALE3', $this->format_size(round($base / 4 * 3), 0)); $apx->tmpl->assign('SCALE4', $this->format_size(round($base), 0)); } else { if (strlen($max) > 1) { for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) { $base = pow(10, strlen($max) - 1) * $i; if ($base >= $max) { break; } } } else { $base = $max; } $apx->tmpl->assign('SCALE1', round($base / 4)); $apx->tmpl->assign('SCALE2', round($base / 4 * 2)); $apx->tmpl->assign('SCALE3', round($base / 4 * 3)); $apx->tmpl->assign('SCALE4', $base); } //Statistik generieren foreach ($data as $res) { ++$i; if ($_REQUEST['show'] == 'size') { $info = $this->format_size($res['count']); } else { $info = $res['count'] . ' ' . $apx->lang->get('HITS'); } $statdata[$i]['DATE'] = apxdate($res['time']); $statdata[$i]['INFO'] = $info; $statdata[$i]['COUNT'] = $res['count']; $statdata[$i]['HEIGHT'] = round($res['count'] / $base * 299); } } //Beliebteste Videos $data = $db->fetch("SELECT sum(a.hits) AS count,,b.title FROM " . PRE . "_videos_stats AS a LEFT JOIN " . PRE . "_videos AS b ON WHERE time BETWEEN '" . (time() - 7 * 24 * 3600) . "' AND '" . time() . "' GROUP BY dlid ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 20"); if (count($data)) { foreach ($data as $res) { ++$i; $popdata[$i]['COUNT'] = $res['count']; $popdata[$i]['TITLE'] = strip_tags($res['title']); $popdata[$i]['LINK'] = mklink('videos.php?id=' . $res['id'], 'videos,id' . $res['id'] . urlformat($res['title']) . '.html', iif($set['main']['forcesection'], iif(unserialize_section($res['secid']) == array('all'), $apx->section_default, array_shift($tmp = unserialize_section($res['secid']))), 0)); } } $apx->tmpl->assign('STAT', $statdata); $apx->tmpl->assign('POP', $popdata); $apx->tmpl->parse('stats'); }
function postPollTwitter($data, &$twitter) { global $set, $apx, $db; foreach ($data as $entry) { $tmp = unserialize_section($entry['secid']); $entry['link'] = mklink('poll.php?id=' . $entry['id'], 'poll,' . $entry['id'] . urlformat($entry['title']) . '.html', iif($set['main']['forcesection'], iif(unserialize_section($entry['secid']) == array('all'), $apx->section_default, array_shift($tmp)), 0)); $sectionTitle = getTwitterSectionTitle($entry['secid']); $input = array('SECTION' => $sectionTitle, 'TITLE' => $entry['title'], 'LINK' => $entry['link']); postTwitterMessage($twitter, $set['twitter']['tpl_poll'], $input); } }
function edit() { global $set, $db, $apx; $_REQUEST['id'] = (int) $_REQUEST['id']; if (!$_REQUEST['id']) { die('missing ID!'); } //Sektions-Liste if (!is_array($_POST['secid']) || $_POST['secid'][0] == 'all') { $_POST['secid'] = array('all'); } $info = $db->first("SELECT secid,`group`,title,text,image,link,starttime,endtime FROM " . PRE . "_teaser WHERE id='" . intval($_REQUEST['id']) . "' LIMIT 1"); if ($_POST['send'] == 1) { require BASEDIR . 'lib/class.mediamanager.php'; $mm = new mediamanager(); $ext = $mm->getext($_FILES['image']['name']); if (!checkToken()) { infoInvalidToken(); } elseif (!$_POST['title'] || !$_POST['link']) { infoNotComplete(); } elseif ($_FILES['image']['tmp_name'] && !in_array($ext, array('GIF', 'JPG', 'JPE', 'JPEG', 'PNG'))) { info($apx->lang->get('INFO_NOIMAGE')); } else { //Bild aktualisieren if ($_FILES['image']['tmp_name']) { list($oldpic) = $db->first("SELECT image FROM " . PRE . "_teaser WHERE id='" . $_REQUEST['id'] . "' LIMIT 1"); if ($oldpic) { $mm->deletefile($oldpic); } $newfile = 'teaser-' . intval($_REQUEST['id']) . '.' . strtolower($ext); $mm->uploadfile($_FILES['image'], 'teaser', $newfile); $_POST['image'] = 'teaser/' . $newfile; } elseif ($_POST['delimage']) { list($oldpic) = $db->first("SELECT image FROM " . PRE . "_teaser WHERE id='" . $_REQUEST['id'] . "' LIMIT 1"); $mm->deletefile($oldpic); $_POST['image'] = ''; } $_POST['secid'] = serialize_section($_POST['secid']); //Veröffentlichung $addfields = ''; if ($apx->user->has_right('teaser.enable') && isset($_POST['t_day_1'])) { $_POST['starttime'] = maketime(1); $_POST['endtime'] = maketime(2); if ($_POST['starttime']) { if (!$_POST['endtime'] || $_POST['endtime'] <= $_POST['starttime']) { $_POST['endtime'] = 3000000000; } $addfields = ',starttime,endtime'; } } $db->dupdate(PRE . '_teaser', 'secid,group,title,text,link' . iif(isset($_POST['image']), ',image') . $addfields, "WHERE id='" . $_REQUEST['id'] . "' LIMIT 1"); logit('TEASER_EDIT', 'ID #' . $_REQUEST['id']); printJSRedirect(get_index('')); } } else { $_POST['group'] = $info['group']; $_POST['title'] = $info['title']; $_POST['text'] = $info['text']; $_POST['link'] = $info['link']; $_POST['starttime'] = $info['starttime']; $_POST['endtime'] = $info['endtime']; $_POST['secid'] = unserialize_section($info['secid']); $imageWidth = ''; if ($info['image']) { $size = @getimagesize(BASEDIR . getpath('uploads') . $info['image']); if ($size[0] && $size[0] > 300) { $imageWidth = 300; } } //Bannergruppen auflisten $grouplist = ''; foreach ($set['teaser']['groups'] as $id => $title) { $grouplist .= '<option value="' . $id . '"' . iif($id == $_POST['group'], ' selected="selected"') . '>' . replace($title) . '</option>'; } //Veröffentlichung if ($_POST['starttime']) { maketimepost(1, $_POST['starttime']); if ($_POST['endtime'] < 2147483647) { maketimepost(2, $_POST['endtime']); } } //Veröffentlichung if ($apx->user->has_right('teaser.enable') && isset($_POST['t_day_1'])) { $apx->tmpl->assign('STARTTIME', choosetime(1, 0, maketime(1))); $apx->tmpl->assign('ENDTIME', choosetime(2, 1, maketime(2))); } $apx->tmpl->assign('ID', $_REQUEST['id']); $apx->tmpl->assign('SECID', $_POST['secid']); $apx->tmpl->assign('GROUPS', $grouplist); $apx->tmpl->assign('TITLE', compatible_hsc($_POST['title'])); $apx->tmpl->assign('TEXT', compatible_hsc($_POST['text'])); $apx->tmpl->assign('LINK', compatible_hsc($_POST['link'])); $apx->tmpl->assign('IMAGE', iif($info['image'], getpath('uploads') . $info['image'])); $apx->tmpl->assign('IMAGE_WIDTH', $imageWidth); $apx->tmpl->assign('DELIMAGE', (int) $_POST['delimage']); $apx->tmpl->parse('edit'); } }
function edit() { global $set, $db, $apx; $_REQUEST['id'] = (int) $_REQUEST['id']; if (!$_REQUEST['id']) { die('missing ID!'); } //Sektions-Liste if (!is_array($_POST['secid']) || $_POST['secid'][0] == 'all') { $_POST['secid'] = array('all'); } //News aktualisieren if ($_POST['send'] == 1) { if (!checkToken()) { infoInvalidToken(); } elseif (!$_POST['title'] || !$_POST['catid'] || !$_POST['text']) { infoNotComplete(); } elseif ($_POST['catid'] != 'newcat' && !$this->category_is_open($_POST['catid'])) { die('you are not allowed to add news to this category!'); } elseif (!$this->update_newspic()) { /*DO NOTHING*/ } else { //Links for ($i = 1; $i <= 40; $i++) { if (!$_POST['link' . $i . '_title'] || !$_POST['link' . $i . '_text'] || !$_POST['link' . $i . '_url']) { continue; } $links[] = array('title' => $_POST['link' . $i . '_title'], 'text' => $_POST['link' . $i . '_text'], 'url' => $_POST['link' . $i . '_url'], 'popup' => intval($_POST['link' . $i . '_popup'])); } //Veröffentlichung if ($apx->user->has_right('news.enable') && isset($_POST['t_day_1'])) { $_POST['starttime'] = maketime(1); $_POST['endtime'] = maketime(2); if ($_POST['starttime']) { if (!$_POST['endtime'] || $_POST['endtime'] <= $_POST['starttime']) { $_POST['endtime'] = 3000000000; } $addfields = ',starttime,endtime'; } } //Sticky Ende if ($_POST['sticky'] && ($stickyend = maketime(3)) != 0) { $_POST['sticky'] = $stickyend; } elseif ($_POST['sticky']) { $_POST['sticky'] = 3000000000; } //Autor if ($apx->user->has_spright('news.edit') && $_POST['userid']) { if ($_POST['userid'] == 'send') { $_POST['userid'] = 0; } else { $_POST['userid'] = $_POST['userid']; } $addfields .= ',userid'; } $_POST['secid'] = serialize_section($_POST['secid']); $_POST['links'] = serialize($links); $_POST['newspic'] = $this->newspicpath; $db->dupdate(PRE . '_news', 'secid,prodid,catid,title,subtitle,newspic,teaser,text,meta_description,galid,links,top,sticky,searchable,restricted,allowcoms,allowrating' . $addfields, "WHERE ( id='" . $_REQUEST['id'] . "' " . iif(!$apx->user->has_spright('news.edit'), " AND userid='" . $apx->user->info['userid'] . "'") . " )"); logit('NEWS_EDIT', "ID #" . $_REQUEST['id']); //Tags $db->query("DELETE FROM " . PRE . "_news_tags WHERE id='" . $_REQUEST['id'] . "'"); $tagids = produceTagIds($_POST['tags']); foreach ($tagids as $tagid) { $db->query("INSERT IGNORE INTO " . PRE . "_news_tags VALUES('" . $_REQUEST['id'] . "', '" . $tagid . "')"); } if ($_POST['catid'] == 'newcat' && $apx->user->has_right('news.catadd')) { printJSRedirect('action.php?action=news.catadd&addid=' . $_REQUEST['id']); } else { printJSRedirect(get_index('')); } } } else { $res = $db->first("SELECT secid,prodid,userid,send_username,send_email,catid,newspic,title,subtitle,teaser,text,meta_description,galid,links,top,sticky,searchable,restricted,allowcoms,allowrating,starttime,endtime FROM " . PRE . "_news WHERE ( id='" . $_REQUEST['id'] . "' " . iif(!$apx->user->has_spright('news.edit'), " AND userid='" . $apx->user->info['userid'] . "'") . " ) LIMIT 1", 1); //Umsetzung zu POST foreach ($res as $key => $val) { if ($key == 'links') { continue; } $_POST[$key] = $val; } //Keine Benutzer-ID gesetzt => Eingesendete News if (!$res['userid']) { $_POST['userid'] = 'send'; } //Links umformen $_POST['link1_popup'] = 1; $links = unserialize($res['links']); if (is_array($links) && count($links)) { foreach ($links as $link) { ++$i; $_POST['link' . $i . '_title'] = $link['title']; $_POST['link' . $i . '_text'] = $link['text']; $_POST['link' . $i . '_url'] = $link['url']; $_POST['link' . $i . '_popup'] = $link['popup']; } } //Veröffentlichung if ($res['starttime']) { maketimepost(1, $res['starttime']); if ($res['endtime'] < 2147483647) { maketimepost(2, $res['endtime']); } } //Sticky Ende if ($res['sticky'] < 2147483647) { maketimepost(3, $res['sticky']); } $_POST['secid'] = unserialize_section($_POST['secid']); mediamanager('news'); //Normale Links if (!$_POST['link1_title']) { $_POST['link1_title'] = $apx->lang->get('LLINK'); } for ($i = 1; $i <= 40; $i++) { if ($i > 1 && (!$_POST['link' . $i . '_title'] || $_POST['link' . $i . '_title'] == $apx->lang->get('LLINK')) && !$_POST['link' . $i . '_text'] && !$_POST['link' . $i . '_url']) { continue; } $linklist[] = array('TITLE' => compatible_hsc($_POST['link' . $i . '_title']), 'TEXT' => compatible_hsc($_POST['link' . $i . '_text']), 'URL' => compatible_hsc($_POST['link' . $i . '_url']), 'POPUP' => (int) $_POST['link' . $i . '_popup'], 'DISPLAY' => 1); } while (count($linklist) < 40) { $linklist[] = array('TITLE' => $apx->lang->get('LLINK'), 'POPUP' => 1); } //Veröffentlichung if ($apx->user->has_right('news.enable') && isset($_POST['t_day_1'])) { $apx->tmpl->assign('STARTTIME', choosetime(1, 0, maketime(1))); $apx->tmpl->assign('ENDTIME', choosetime(2, 1, maketime(2))); } //Einsende-User beachten $send = $db->first("SELECT send_username,send_email FROM " . PRE . "_news WHERE id='" . $_REQUEST['id'] . "' LIMIT 1"); if ($send['send_username']) { $usersend = '<option value="send"' . iif($_POST['userid'] == 'send', ' selected="selected"') . '>' . $apx->lang->get('GUEST') . ': ' . $send['send_username'] . iif($send['send_email'], ' (' . $send['send_email'] . ')') . '</option>'; } //Newspic $teaserpic = ''; if ($_POST['newspic']) { $teaserpicpath = $_POST['newspic']; $poppicpath = str_replace('-thumb.', '.', $teaserpicpath); if (file_exists(BASEDIR . getpath('uploads') . $poppicpath)) { $teaserpic = '../' . getpath('uploads') . $poppicpath; } else { $teaserpic = '../' . getpath('uploads') . $teaserpicpath; } } //Tags $tags = array(); $tagdata = $db->fetch("\n\t\t\tSELECT t.tag\n\t\t\tFROM " . PRE . "_news_tags AS n\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . PRE . "_tags AS t USING(tagid)\n\t\t\tWHERE'" . $_REQUEST['id'] . "'\n\t\t\tORDER BY t.tag ASC\n\t\t"); $tags = get_ids($tagdata, 'tag'); $_POST['tags'] = implode(', ', $tags); $apx->tmpl->assign('ID', $_REQUEST['id']); $apx->tmpl->assign('USERID', $_POST['userid']); $apx->tmpl->assign('PRODID', $_POST['prodid']); $apx->tmpl->assign('USER_SEND', $usersend); $apx->tmpl->assign('SECID', $_POST['secid']); $apx->tmpl->assign('GALID', $_POST['galid']); $apx->tmpl->assign('CATLIST', $this->get_catlist()); $apx->tmpl->assign('TITLE', compatible_hsc($_POST['title'])); $apx->tmpl->assign('SUBTITLE', compatible_hsc($_POST['subtitle'])); $apx->tmpl->assign('TEASER', compatible_hsc($_POST['teaser'])); $apx->tmpl->assign('TEXT', compatible_hsc($_POST['text'])); $apx->tmpl->assign('META_DESCRIPTION', compatible_hsc($_POST['meta_description'])); $apx->tmpl->assign('TAGS', compatible_hsc($_POST['tags'])); $apx->tmpl->assign('NEWSPIC', $teaserpic); $apx->tmpl->assign('PIC_COPY', compatible_hsc($_POST['pic_copy'])); $apx->tmpl->assign('LINK', $linklist); $apx->tmpl->assign('ALLOWCOMS', (int) $_POST['allowcoms']); $apx->tmpl->assign('ALLOWRATING', (int) $_POST['allowrating']); $apx->tmpl->assign('TOP', (int) $_POST['top']); $apx->tmpl->assign('STICKY', (int) $_POST['sticky']); $apx->tmpl->assign('STICKYTIME', choosetime(3, 1, maketime(3))); $apx->tmpl->assign('SEARCHABLE', (int) $_POST['searchable']); $apx->tmpl->assign('RESTRICTED', (int) $_POST['restricted']); $apx->tmpl->parse('edit'); } }
function edit() { global $set, $db, $apx; $_REQUEST['id'] = (int) $_REQUEST['id']; if (!$_REQUEST['id']) { die('missing ID!'); } //Sektions-Liste if (!is_array($_POST['secid']) || $_POST['secid'][0] == 'all') { $_POST['secid'] = array('all'); } //Anfrage abesenden if ($_POST['send'] == 1) { if (!checkToken()) { infoInvalidToken(); } elseif (!$_POST['title'] || !$_POST['url'] || !$_POST['catid'] || !$_POST['text']) { infoNotComplete(); } elseif (!$this->update_linkpic()) { /*DO NOTHING*/ } else { $_POST['secid'] = serialize_section($_POST['secid']); $_POST['linkpic'] = $this->linkpicpath; //Autor if ($apx->user->has_spright('links.edit') && $_POST['userid']) { if ($_POST['userid'] == 'send') { $_POST['userid'] = 0; } else { $_POST['userid'] = $_POST['userid']; } $addfields .= ',userid'; } //Veröffentlichung if ($apx->user->has_right('links.enable') && isset($_POST['t_day_1'])) { $_POST['starttime'] = maketime(1); $_POST['endtime'] = maketime(2); if ($_POST['starttime']) { if (!$_POST['endtime'] || $_POST['endtime'] <= $_POST['starttime']) { $_POST['endtime'] = 3000000000; } $addfields .= ',starttime,endtime'; } } $db->dupdate(PRE . '_links', 'secid,catid,userid,title,url,linkpic,text,meta_description,galid,searchable,restricted,allowcoms,allowrating,top' . $addfield, "WHERE id='" . $_REQUEST['id'] . "' LIMIT 1"); logit('LINKS_EDIT', 'ID #' . $_REQUEST['id']); //Tags $db->query("DELETE FROM " . PRE . "_links_tags WHERE id='" . $_REQUEST['id'] . "'"); $tagids = produceTagIds($_POST['tags']); foreach ($tagids as $tagid) { $db->query("INSERT IGNORE INTO " . PRE . "_links_tags VALUES('" . $_REQUEST['id'] . "', '" . $tagid . "')"); } if ($_POST['catid'] == 'newcat' && $apx->user->has_right('links.catadd')) { return printJSRedirect('action.php?action=links.catadd&addid=' . $_REQUEST['id']); } else { printJSRedirect(get_index('')); } } } else { $res = $db->first("SELECT * FROM " . PRE . "_links WHERE id='" . $_REQUEST['id'] . "' LIMIT 1", 1); foreach ($res as $key => $val) { $_POST[$key] = $val; } $_POST['secid'] = unserialize_section($_POST['secid']); //Keine Benutzer-ID gesetzt => Eingesendeter Link if (!$res['userid']) { $_POST['userid'] = 'send'; } //Veröffentlichung if ($res['starttime']) { maketimepost(1, $res['starttime']); if ($res['endtime'] < 2147483647) { maketimepost(2, $res['endtime']); } } mediamanager('links'); //Veröffentlichung if ($apx->user->has_right('links.enable') && isset($_POST['t_day_1'])) { $apx->tmpl->assign('STARTTIME', choosetime(1, 0, maketime(1))); $apx->tmpl->assign('ENDTIME', choosetime(2, 1, maketime(2))); } //Einsende-User beachten $send = $db->first("SELECT send_username,send_email FROM " . PRE . "_links WHERE id='" . $_REQUEST['id'] . "' LIMIT 1"); if ($send['send_username']) { $usersend = '<option value="send"' . iif($_POST['userid'] == 'send', ' selected="selected"') . '>' . $apx->lang->get('GUEST') . ': ' . $send['send_username'] . iif($send['send_email'], ' (' . $send['send_email'] . ')') . '</option>'; } //Bild $teaserpic = ''; if ($_POST['linkpic']) { $teaserpicpath = $_POST['linkpic']; $poppicpath = str_replace('-thumb.', '.', $teaserpicpath); if (file_exists(BASEDIR . getpath('uploads') . $poppicpath)) { $teaserpic = '../' . getpath('uploads') . $poppicpath; } else { $teaserpic = '../' . getpath('uploads') . $teaserpicpath; } } //Tags $tags = array(); $tagdata = $db->fetch("\n\t\t\tSELECT t.tag\n\t\t\tFROM " . PRE . "_links_tags AS n\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . PRE . "_tags AS t USING(tagid)\n\t\t\tWHERE'" . $_REQUEST['id'] . "'\n\t\t\tORDER BY t.tag ASC\n\t\t"); $tags = get_ids($tagdata, 'tag'); $_POST['tags'] = implode(', ', $tags); $apx->tmpl->assign('USERID', $_POST['userid']); $apx->tmpl->assign('USER_SEND', $usersend); $apx->tmpl->assign('SECID', $_POST['secid']); $apx->tmpl->assign('GALID', $_POST['galid']); $apx->tmpl->assign('CATLIST', $this->get_catlist()); $apx->tmpl->assign('TITLE', compatible_hsc($_POST['title'])); $apx->tmpl->assign('URL', compatible_hsc($_POST['url'])); $apx->tmpl->assign('LINKPIC', $teaserpic); $apx->tmpl->assign('PIC_COPY', compatible_hsc($_POST['pic_copy'])); $apx->tmpl->assign('TEXT', compatible_hsc($_POST['text'])); $apx->tmpl->assign('META_DESCRIPTION', compatible_hsc($_POST['meta_description'])); $apx->tmpl->assign('TAGS', compatible_hsc($_POST['tags'])); $apx->tmpl->assign('ALLOWCOMS', (int) $_POST['allowcoms']); $apx->tmpl->assign('ALLOWRATING', (int) $_POST['allowrating']); $apx->tmpl->assign('TOP', (int) $_POST['top']); $apx->tmpl->assign('SEARCHABLE', (int) $_POST['searchable']); $apx->tmpl->assign('RESTRICTED', (int) $_POST['restricted']); $apx->tmpl->assign('ACTION', 'edit'); $apx->tmpl->assign('ID', $_REQUEST['id']); $apx->tmpl->parse('add_edit'); } }
function edit() { global $set, $db, $apx; $_REQUEST['id'] = (int) $_REQUEST['id']; if (!in_array($_REQUEST['pageid'], array('new', 'conclusion', 'pics'))) { $_REQUEST['pageid'] = (int) $_REQUEST['pageid']; } if (!$_REQUEST['id']) { die('missing ID!'); } //Artikelseiten if ($_REQUEST['pageid']) { $this->pagecontent(); return; } //Sektions-Liste if (!is_array($_POST['secid']) || $_POST['secid'][0] == 'all') { $_POST['secid'] = array('all'); } //Artikel aktualisieren if ($_POST['send'] == 1) { if (!checkToken()) { infoInvalidToken(); } elseif (!$_POST['title'] || !$_POST['catid']) { infoNotComplete(); } elseif ($_POST['catid'] != 'newcat' && !$this->category_is_open($_POST['catid'])) { die('you are not allowed to add articles to this category!'); } elseif (!$this->update_artpic()) { /*DO NOTHING*/ } else { //Links for ($i = 1; $i <= 20; $i++) { if (!$_POST['link' . $i . '_title'] || !$_POST['link' . $i . '_text'] || !$_POST['link' . $i . '_url']) { continue; } $links[] = array('title' => $_POST['link' . $i . '_title'], 'text' => $_POST['link' . $i . '_text'], 'url' => $_POST['link' . $i . '_url'], 'popup' => intval($_POST['link' . $i . '_popup'])); } //Veröffentlichung if ($apx->user->has_right('article.enable') && isset($_POST['t_day_1'])) { $_POST['starttime'] = maketime(1); $_POST['endtime'] = maketime(2); if ($_POST['starttime']) { if (!$_POST['endtime'] || $_POST['endtime'] <= $_POST['starttime']) { $_POST['endtime'] = 3000000000; } $addfields = ',starttime,endtime'; } } //Sticky Ende if ($_POST['sticky'] && ($stickyend = maketime(3)) != 0) { $_POST['sticky'] = $stickyend; } elseif ($_POST['sticky']) { $_POST['sticky'] = 3000000000; } //Autor if ($apx->user->has_spright('article.edit') && $_POST['userid']) { $addfields .= ',userid'; } $_POST['secid'] = serialize_section($_POST['secid']); $_POST['artpic'] = $this->artpicpath; $_POST['teaser'] = $_POST['text']; $_POST['links'] = serialize($links); $db->dupdate(PRE . '_articles', $addfield . 'secid,prodid,catid,title,subtitle,artpic,teaser,meta_description,galid,links,top,sticky,searchable,restricted,allowcoms,allowrating' . $addfields, "WHERE ( id='" . $_REQUEST['id'] . "' " . iif(!$apx->user->has_spright('articles.edit'), " AND userid='" . $apx->user->info['userid'] . "'") . " )"); logit('ARTICLES_EDIT', 'ID #' . $_REQUEST['id']); //Tags $db->query("DELETE FROM " . PRE . "_articles_tags WHERE id='" . $_REQUEST['id'] . "'"); $tagids = produceTagIds($_POST['tags']); foreach ($tagids as $tagid) { $db->query("INSERT IGNORE INTO " . PRE . "_articles_tags VALUES('" . $_REQUEST['id'] . "', '" . $tagid . "')"); } if ($_POST['catid'] == 'newcat' && $apx->user->has_right('articles.catadd')) { header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently"); header('location:action.php?action=articles.catadd&addid=' . $_REQUEST['id'] . '&from=edit' . iif($_POST['submit_finish'], '&finish=1')); } elseif ($_POST['submit_finish']) { $this->finish_article(); } else { list($pageid) = $db->first("SELECT id FROM " . PRE . "_articles_pages WHERE artid='" . $_REQUEST['id'] . "' ORDER BY ord ASC LIMIT 1"); if (!$pageid) { $pageid = 'new'; } printJSRedirect('action.php?action=articles.edit&id=' . $_REQUEST['id'] . '&pageid=' . $pageid); } return; } } else { $res = $_POST = $db->first("SELECT userid,secid,prodid,catid,artpic,title,subtitle,teaser,links,meta_description,galid,top,sticky,searchable,restricted,allowcoms,allowrating,starttime,endtime FROM " . PRE . "_articles WHERE ( id='" . $_REQUEST['id'] . "' " . iif(!$apx->user->has_spright('articles.edit'), " AND userid='" . $apx->user->info['userid'] . "'") . " ) LIMIT 1", true); $_POST['text'] = $_POST['teaser']; $_POST['secid'] = unserialize_section($_POST['secid']); //Links umformen $_POST['link1_popup'] = 1; $links = unserialize($res['links']); if (is_array($links) && count($links)) { foreach ($links as $link) { ++$i; $_POST['link' . $i . '_title'] = $link['title']; $_POST['link' . $i . '_text'] = $link['text']; $_POST['link' . $i . '_url'] = $link['url']; $_POST['link' . $i . '_popup'] = $link['popup']; } } //Veröffentlichung if ($res['starttime']) { maketimepost(1, $res['starttime']); if ($res['endtime'] < 2147483647) { maketimepost(2, $res['endtime']); } } //Sticky Ende if ($res['sticky'] < 2147483647) { maketimepost(3, $res['sticky']); } mediamanager('articles'); //Links if (!$_POST['link1_title']) { $_POST['link1_title'] = $apx->lang->get('LLINK'); } for ($i = 1; $i <= 20; $i++) { if ($i > 1 && (!$_POST['link' . $i . '_title'] || $_POST['link' . $i . '_title'] == $apx->lang->get('LLINK')) && !$_POST['link' . $i . '_text'] && !$_POST['link' . $i . '_url']) { continue; } $linklist[] = array('TITLE' => compatible_hsc($_POST['link' . $i . '_title']), 'TEXT' => compatible_hsc($_POST['link' . $i . '_text']), 'URL' => compatible_hsc($_POST['link' . $i . '_url']), 'POPUP' => (int) $_POST['link' . $i . '_popup'], 'DISPLAY' => 1); } while (count($linklist) < 20) { $linklist[] = array('TITLE' => $apx->lang->get('LLINK'), 'POPUP' => 1); } //Veröffentlichung if ($apx->user->has_right('articles.enable') && isset($_POST['t_day_1'])) { $apx->tmpl->assign('STARTTIME', choosetime(1, 0, maketime(1))); $apx->tmpl->assign('ENDTIME', choosetime(2, 1, maketime(2))); } //Artpicpic $teaserpic = ''; if ($_POST['artpic']) { $teaserpicpath = $_POST['artpic']; $poppicpath = str_replace('-thumb.', '.', $teaserpicpath); if (file_exists(BASEDIR . getpath('uploads') . $poppicpath)) { $teaserpic = '../' . getpath('uploads') . $poppicpath; } else { $teaserpic = '../' . getpath('uploads') . $teaserpicpath; } } //Tags $tags = array(); $tagdata = $db->fetch("\n\t\t\tSELECT t.tag\n\t\t\tFROM " . PRE . "_articles_tags AS n\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . PRE . "_tags AS t USING(tagid)\n\t\t\tWHERE'" . $_REQUEST['id'] . "'\n\t\t\tORDER BY t.tag ASC\n\t\t"); $tags = get_ids($tagdata, 'tag'); $_POST['tags'] = implode(', ', $tags); $apx->tmpl->assign('ID', $_REQUEST['id']); $apx->tmpl->assign('USERID', $_POST['userid']); $apx->tmpl->assign('PRODID', $_POST['prodid']); $apx->tmpl->assign('GALID', $_POST['galid']); $apx->tmpl->assign('SECID', $_POST['secid']); $apx->tmpl->assign('CATLIST', $this->get_catlist()); $apx->tmpl->assign('TITLE', compatible_hsc($_POST['title'])); $apx->tmpl->assign('SUBTITLE', compatible_hsc($_POST['subtitle'])); $apx->tmpl->assign('TEXT', compatible_hsc($_POST['text'])); $apx->tmpl->assign('META_DESCRIPTION', compatible_hsc($_POST['meta_description'])); $apx->tmpl->assign('TAGS', compatible_hsc($_POST['tags'])); $apx->tmpl->assign('ARTPIC', $teaserpic); $apx->tmpl->assign('PIC_COPY', compatible_hsc($_POST['pic_copy'])); $apx->tmpl->assign('LINK', $linklist); $apx->tmpl->assign('ALLOWCOMS', (int) $_POST['allowcoms']); $apx->tmpl->assign('ALLOWRATING', (int) $_POST['allowrating']); $apx->tmpl->assign('TOP', (int) $_POST['top']); $apx->tmpl->assign('STICKY', (int) $_POST['sticky']); $apx->tmpl->assign('STICKYTIME', choosetime(3, 1, maketime(3))); $apx->tmpl->assign('SEARCHABLE', (int) $_POST['searchable']); $apx->tmpl->assign('RESTRICTED', (int) $_POST['restricted']); $apx->tmpl->parse('edit'); } }
function addnews() { global $set, $db, $apx; if (!$apx->is_module('news')) { die('module news is not active!'); } //Zeitraum generieren if (!$_POST['period'] && !$_POST['finish'] && !$_POST['send']) { $_POST['day_count'] = (int) $_POST['day_count']; $_POST['week_count'] = (int) $_POST['week_count']; $_POST['month_count'] = (int) $_POST['month_count']; if ($_POST['type'] == 'day' && $_POST['day_count']) { $_POST['period'] = $_POST['day_count'] * 24 * 3600; } elseif ($_POST['type'] == 'week' && $_POST['week_count']) { $_POST['period'] = $_POST['week_count'] * 7 * 24 * 3600; } elseif ($_POST['type'] == 'month' && $_POST['month_count']) { $_POST['period'] = $_POST['month_count'] * 30 * 24 * 3600; } } //Newsletter erstellen if ($_POST['finish']) { if ($_POST['send'] == 1) { if (!checkToken()) { infoInvalidToken(); } elseif (!$_POST['subject'] || !$_POST['text']) { infoNotComplete(); } else { $_POST['addtime'] = time(); $db->dinsert(PRE . '_newsletter', 'catid,subject,text,text_html,addtime'); $insertid = $db->insert_id(); logit('NEWSLETTER_ADDNEWS', $insertid); printJSRedirect('action.php?'); } } else { if (is_array($_POST['news']) && count($_POST['news'])) { foreach ($_POST['news'] as $id => $trash) { $id = (int) $id; if (!$id) { continue; } $ids[] = $id; } //Sonderzeichen-Symbole entfernen $trans = get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES); $trans = array_flip($trans); $data = $db->fetch("SELECT id,secid,title,subtitle,teaser,text FROM " . PRE . "_news WHERE id IN (" . implode(',', $ids) . ")"); if (count($data)) { foreach ($data as $res) { ++$ii; //Image-Codes entfernen $res['teaser'] = preg_replace('#{IMAGE\\( *[0-9]+ *\\)}#s', '', $res['teaser']); $res['text'] = preg_replace('#{IMAGE\\( *[0-9]+ *\\)}#s', '', $res['text']); $tmp = unserialize_section($res['secid']); $newslink = HTTP_HOST . mklink('news.php?id=' . $res['id'], 'news,id' . $res['id'] . urlformat($res['title']) . '.html', iif($set['main']['forcesection'], iif(unserialize_section($res['secid']) == array('all'), $apx->section_default, array_shift($tmp)), 0)); $text .= strip_tags($res['title']) . "\n" . iif($res['teaser'], strip_tags(strtr($res['teaser'], $trans)) . "\n") . strip_tags(strtr($res['text'], $trans)) . "\n\n\n"; $text_html .= iif($ii > 1, '<br><br><br>') . '<b><a href="' . $newslink . '">' . $res['title'] . '</a></b><br>' . iif($res['teaser'], $res['teaser'] . '<br>') . $res['text']; } } } $_POST['text'] = trim($text); $_POST['text_html'] = trim($text_html); } //Kategorien $catinfo = $set['newsletter']['categories']; asort($catinfo); foreach ($catinfo as $id => $name) { $catlist .= '<option value="' . $id . '"' . iif(intval($_POST['catid']) == $id, 'selected="selected"') . '>' . $name . '</option>'; } $apx->tmpl->assign('ACTION', 'add'); $apx->tmpl->assign('SUBJECT', compatible_hsc($_POST['subject'])); $apx->tmpl->assign('CATLIST', $catlist); $apx->tmpl->assign('TEXT', compatible_hsc($_POST['text'])); $apx->tmpl->assign('TEXT_HTML', compatible_hsc($_POST['text_html'])); $apx->tmpl->parse('add_edit'); } elseif ($_POST['period']) { //Sektions-Liste if (!is_array($_POST['secid']) || $_POST['secid'][0] == 'all') { $_POST['secid'] = array('all'); } //Filter nach Sektionen $secfilter = ''; if ($_POST['secid'][0] != 'all') { foreach ($_POST['secid'] as $secid) { $secfilter .= " secid LIKE '%|" . intval($secid) . "|%' OR "; } $secfilter = " AND ( " . $secfilter . " secid='all' )"; } $_POST['period'] = (int) $_POST['period']; list($count) = $db->first("SELECT count(id) FROM " . PRE . "_news WHERE starttime>='" . (time() - $_POST['period']) . "' " . $secfilter); $maxpage = ceil($count / 10); $_REQUEST['p'] = (int) $_REQUEST['p']; if ($_POST['previous']) { --$_REQUEST['p']; } if ($_POST['next']) { ++$_REQUEST['p']; } if (!$_REQUEST['p']) { $_REQUEST['p'] = 1; } if ($_REQUEST['p'] < 1 || $_REQUEST['p'] > $maxpage) { $_REQUEST['p'] = 1; } if (!is_array($_POST['news'])) { $_POST['news'] = array(); } $data = $db->fetch("SELECT id,title,subtitle,teaser,text FROM " . PRE . "_news WHERE starttime>='" . (time() - $_POST['period']) . "' " . $secfilter . " LIMIT " . ($_REQUEST['p'] - 1) * 10 . ",10"); if (count($data)) { foreach ($data as $res) { ++$i; $tabledata[$i]['ID'] = $res['id']; $tabledata[$i]['TITLE'] = strip_tags($res['title']); if ($res['teaser']) { $tabledata[$i]['TEXT'] = shorttext(strip_tags($res['teaser']), 200); } else { $tabledata[$i]['TEXT'] = shorttext(strip_tags($res['text']), 200); } $tabledata[$i]['CHECKED'] = iif(in_array($res['id'], $_POST['news']), 1, 0); unset($_POST['news'][$res['id']]); } } //Ausgewählte News foreach ($_POST['news'] as $id => $trash) { $checkednews .= '<input type="hidden" name="news[' . $id . ']" value="' . $id . '" />'; } //Sektionen $seclist = array(); foreach ($_POST['secid'] as $secid) { $seclist[] = array('SECID' => $secid); } $apx->tmpl->assign('SECTION', $seclist); $apx->tmpl->assign('NEWS', $tabledata); $apx->tmpl->assign('MAXPAGE', $maxpage); $apx->tmpl->assign('PERIOD', $_POST['period']); $apx->tmpl->assign('P', $_REQUEST['p']); $apx->tmpl->assign('CHECKEDNEWS', $checkednews); $apx->tmpl->parse('addnews_choose'); } else { if (!$_POST['day_count']) { $_POST['day_count'] = 7; } if (!$_POST['week_count']) { $_POST['week_count'] = 2; } if (!$_POST['month_count']) { $_POST['month_count'] = 1; } if (!$_POST['type']) { $_POST['type'] = 'day'; } $apx->tmpl->assign('SECID', array('all')); $apx->tmpl->assign('TYPE', $_POST['type']); $apx->tmpl->assign('DAY_COUNT', $_POST['day_count']); $apx->tmpl->assign('WEEK_COUNT', $_POST['week_count']); $apx->tmpl->assign('MONTH_COUNT', $_POST['month_count']); $apx->tmpl->parse('addnews_period'); } }
function edit() { global $set, $db, $apx; $_REQUEST['id'] = (int) $_REQUEST['id']; if (!$_REQUEST['id']) { die('missing ID!'); } //Sektions-Liste if (!is_array($_POST['secid']) || $_POST['secid'][0] == 'all') { $_POST['secid'] = array('all'); } //Aktualisieren if ($_POST['send']) { if (!checkToken()) { infoInvalidToken(); } elseif (!$_POST['catid'] || !$_POST['title'] || !$_POST['text'] || !$_POST['start_day'] || !$_POST['start_month'] || !$_POST['start_year']) { infoNotComplete(); } elseif (!$this->update_pic()) { /*DO NOTHING*/ } else { $_POST['picture'] = $this->picpath; $_POST['startday'] = $this->generate_stamp($_POST['start_day'], $_POST['start_month'], $_POST['start_year']); //Startzeit $_POST['starttime'] = -1; if ($_POST['start_hour'] !== '' && $_POST['start_minute'] !== '') { $_POST['starttime'] = sprintf('%02d%02d', $_POST['start_hour'], $_POST['start_minute']); } //Termin Ende $_POST['endday'] = 0; if ($_POST['end_day'] !== '' && $_POST['end_month'] !== '' && $_POST['end_year'] !== '') { $_POST['endday'] = $this->generate_stamp($_POST['end_day'], $_POST['end_month'], $_POST['end_year']); $_POST['endtime'] = -1; if ($_POST['end_hour'] !== '' && $_POST['end_minute'] !== '') { $_POST['endtime'] = sprintf('%02d%02d', $_POST['end_hour'], $_POST['end_minute']); } } else { $_POST['endday'] = $_POST['startday']; $_POST['endtime'] = -1; } //Links for ($i = 1; $i <= 20; $i++) { if (!$_POST['link' . $i . '_title'] || !$_POST['link' . $i . '_text'] || !$_POST['link' . $i . '_url']) { continue; } $links[] = array('title' => $_POST['link' . $i . '_title'], 'text' => $_POST['link' . $i . '_text'], 'url' => $_POST['link' . $i . '_url'], 'popup' => (int) $_POST['link' . $i . '_popup']); } $_POST['links'] = serialize($links); //Autor if ($_POST['userid'] == 'send') { $_POST['userid'] = 0; } else { $_POST['userid'] = $_POST['userid']; } //Sektion $_POST['secid'] = serialize_section($_POST['secid']); $db->dupdate(PRE . '_calendar_events', 'secid,catid,userid,title,text,location,location_link,picture,priority,meta_description,galid,links,startday,starttime,endday,endtime,searchable,restricted,allowcoms,allownote', "WHERE id='" . $_REQUEST['id'] . "' LIMIT 1"); $nid = $db->insert_id(); logit('CALENDAR_EDIT', 'ID #' . $_REQUEST['id']); //Tags $db->query("DELETE FROM " . PRE . "_calendar_tags WHERE id='" . $_REQUEST['id'] . "'"); $tagids = produceTagIds($_POST['tags']); foreach ($tagids as $tagid) { $db->query("INSERT IGNORE INTO " . PRE . "_calendar_tags VALUES('" . $_REQUEST['id'] . "', '" . $tagid . "')"); } printJSRedirect(get_index('')); return; } } else { $res = $db->first("SELECT * FROM " . PRE . "_calendar_events WHERE id='" . $_REQUEST['id'] . "' LIMIT 1"); foreach ($res as $key => $value) { $_POST[$key] = $value; } //Start $start = $this->explode_stamp($res['startday']); $_POST['start_day'] = $start['day']; $_POST['start_month'] = $start['month']; $_POST['start_year'] = $start['year']; if ($res['starttime'] != -1) { $starttime = sprintf('%04d', $res['starttime']); $_POST['start_hour'] = substr($starttime, 0, 2); $_POST['start_minute'] = substr($starttime, 2, 2); } //Ende if ($res['endday'] != $res['startday'] || $res['endtime'] != -1) { $end = $this->explode_stamp($res['endday']); $_POST['end_day'] = $end['day']; $_POST['end_month'] = $end['month']; $_POST['end_year'] = $end['year']; if ($res['endtime'] != -1) { $endtime = sprintf('%04d', $res['endtime']); $_POST['end_hour'] = substr($endtime, 0, 2); $_POST['end_minute'] = substr($endtime, 2, 2); } } //Links umformen $_POST['link1_popup'] = 1; $links = unserialize($res['links']); if (is_array($links) && count($links)) { foreach ($links as $link) { ++$i; $_POST['link' . $i . '_title'] = $link['title']; $_POST['link' . $i . '_text'] = $link['text']; $_POST['link' . $i . '_url'] = $link['url']; $_POST['link' . $i . '_popup'] = $link['popup']; } } //Sektionen $_POST['secid'] = unserialize_section($_POST['secid']); //Aktuelles Bild list($picture) = $db->first("SELECT picture FROM " . PRE . "_calendar_events WHERE id='" . $_REQUEST['id'] . "' LIMIT 1"); $teaserpic = ''; if ($picture) { $teaserpicpath = $picture; $poppicpath = str_replace('-thumb.', '.', $teaserpicpath); if (file_exists(BASEDIR . getpath('uploads') . $poppicpath)) { $teaserpic = '../' . getpath('uploads') . $poppicpath; } else { $teaserpic = '../' . getpath('uploads') . $teaserpicpath; } } //Einsende-User beachten $send = $db->first("SELECT send_username,send_email FROM " . PRE . "_calendar_events WHERE id='" . $_REQUEST['id'] . "' LIMIT 1"); if ($send['send_username']) { $usersend = '<option value="send"' . iif($_POST['userid'] == 'send', ' selected="selected"') . '>' . $apx->lang->get('GUEST') . ': ' . $send['send_username'] . iif($send['send_email'], ' (' . $send['send_email'] . ')') . '</option>'; } //Normale Links if (!$_POST['link1_title']) { $_POST['link1_title'] = $apx->lang->get('LLINK'); } for ($i = 1; $i <= 20; $i++) { if ($i > 1 && (!$_POST['link' . $i . '_title'] || $_POST['link' . $i . '_title'] == $apx->lang->get('LLINK')) && !$_POST['link' . $i . '_text'] && !$_POST['link' . $i . '_url']) { continue; } $linklist[] = array('TITLE' => compatible_hsc($_POST['link' . $i . '_title']), 'TEXT' => compatible_hsc($_POST['link' . $i . '_text']), 'URL' => compatible_hsc($_POST['link' . $i . '_url']), 'POPUP' => (int) $_POST['link' . $i . '_popup'], 'DISPLAY' => 1); } while (count($linklist) < 20) { $linklist[] = array('TITLE' => $apx->lang->get('LLINK'), 'POPUP' => 1); } //Tags $tags = array(); $tagdata = $db->fetch("\n\t\t\tSELECT t.tag\n\t\t\tFROM " . PRE . "_calendar_tags AS n\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . PRE . "_tags AS t USING(tagid)\n\t\t\tWHERE'" . $_REQUEST['id'] . "'\n\t\t\tORDER BY t.tag ASC\n\t\t"); $tags = get_ids($tagdata, 'tag'); $_POST['tags'] = implode(', ', $tags); $apx->tmpl->assign('USERID', $_POST['userid']); $apx->tmpl->assign('USER_SEND', $usersend); $apx->tmpl->assign('SECID', $_POST['secid']); $apx->tmpl->assign('CATLIST', $this->get_catlist()); $apx->tmpl->assign('TITLE', compatible_hsc($_POST['title'])); $apx->tmpl->assign('TEXT', compatible_hsc($_POST['text'])); $apx->tmpl->assign('PICTURE', $teaserpic); $apx->tmpl->assign('LOCATION', compatible_hsc($_POST['location'])); $apx->tmpl->assign('LOCATION_LINK', compatible_hsc($_POST['location_link'])); $apx->tmpl->assign('START_DAY', (int) $_POST['start_day']); $apx->tmpl->assign('START_MONTH', (int) $_POST['start_month']); $apx->tmpl->assign('START_YEAR', (int) $_POST['start_year']); $apx->tmpl->assign('START_HOUR', $_POST['start_hour']); $apx->tmpl->assign('START_MINUTE', $_POST['start_minute']); $apx->tmpl->assign('END_DAY', (int) $_POST['end_day']); $apx->tmpl->assign('END_MONTH', (int) $_POST['end_month']); $apx->tmpl->assign('END_YEAR', (int) $_POST['end_year']); $apx->tmpl->assign('END_HOUR', $_POST['end_hour']); $apx->tmpl->assign('END_MINUTE', $_POST['end_minute']); $apx->tmpl->assign('GALID', (int) $_POST['galid']); $apx->tmpl->assign('PRIORITY', (int) $_POST['priority']); $apx->tmpl->assign('META_DESCRIPTION', compatible_hsc($_POST['meta_description'])); $apx->tmpl->assign('TAGS', compatible_hsc($_POST['tags'])); $apx->tmpl->assign('LINK', $linklist); $apx->tmpl->assign('ALLOWCOMS', (int) $_POST['allowcoms']); $apx->tmpl->assign('ALLOWNOTE', (int) $_POST['allownote']); $apx->tmpl->assign('SEARCHABLE', (int) $_POST['searchable']); $apx->tmpl->assign('RESTRICTED', (int) $_POST['restricted']); $apx->tmpl->assign('ID', $_REQUEST['id']); $apx->tmpl->assign('ACTION', 'edit'); $apx->tmpl->parse('add_edit'); } }
function edit() { global $set, $db, $apx; $_REQUEST['id'] = (int) $_REQUEST['id']; if (!$_REQUEST['id']) { die('missing ID!'); } //Sektions-Liste if (!is_array($_POST['secid']) || $_POST['secid'][0] == 'all') { $_POST['secid'] = array('all'); } if ($_POST['send'] == 1) { if (!checkToken()) { infoInvalidToken(); } elseif (!$_POST['title']) { infoNotComplete(); } else { $update = array('prodid' => $_POST['prodid'], 'title' => $_POST['title'], 'description' => $_POST['description'], 'meta_description' => $_POST['meta_description'], 'searchable' => $_POST['searchable'], 'restricted' => $_POST['restricted'], 'allowcoms' => $_POST['allowcoms']); //Veröffentlichung if ($apx->user->has_right('gallery.enable') && isset($_POST['t_day_1'])) { $update['starttime'] = maketime(1); $update['endtime'] = maketime(2); if ($update['starttime']) { if (!$update['endtime'] || $update['endtime'] <= $_POST['starttime']) { $update['endtime'] = 3000000000; } } } //Prüfen, ob der neue Elternknoten deaktiviert ist => falls ja den Knoten deaktivieren if (intval($_POST['parent'])) { list($parentEnabled) = $db->first("SELECT starttime FROM " . PRE . "_gallery WHERE id='" . intval($_POST['parent']) . "' LIMIT 1"); if (!$parentEnabled) { $update['starttime'] = 0; $update['endtime'] = 0; } } //Unter-Galerien werden verwendet if ($set['gallery']['subgals']) { $nodeInfo = $this->cat->getNode($_REQUEST['id']); $currentParentId = array_pop($nodeInfo['parents']); //Dieser Knoten wird ein Unter-Knoten //Übernehme secid vom neuen Parent, password löschen if (intval($_POST['parent'])) { $_POST['parent'] = intval($_POST['parent']); //Parent hat sich geändert => Daten übernehmen if ($currentParentId != $_POST['parent']) { $rootNode = $this->cat->getNode($_POST['parent'], array('secid', 'password', 'restricted')); $update['secid'] = $rootNode['secid']; $update['password'] = ''; $update['restricted'] = ''; //Unter-Galerien des Knotens anpassen $childrenIds = $nodeInfo['children']; if ($childrenIds) { $db->query("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tUPDATE " . PRE . "_gallery\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSET secid='" . addslashes($update['secid']) . "', password = '', restricted=0\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE id IN (" . implode(',', $childrenIds) . ")\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"); } } } else { $update['secid'] = serialize_section($_POST['secid']); $update['password'] = $_POST['password']; $update['restricted'] = $_POST['restricted']; //Unter-Galerien des Knotens anpassen $childrenIds = $nodeInfo['children']; if ($childrenIds) { $db->query("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tUPDATE " . PRE . "_gallery\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSET secid='" . addslashes($update['secid']) . "', password = '', restricted=0\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE id IN (" . implode(',', $childrenIds) . ")\n\t\t\t\t\t\t"); } } } else { $update['secid'] = serialize_section($_POST['secid']); $update['password'] = $_POST['password']; $update['restricted'] = $_POST['restricted']; } $this->cat->moveNode($_REQUEST['id'], intval($_POST['parent']), $update); logit('GALLERY_EDIT', 'ID #' . $_REQUEST['id']); //Tags $db->query("DELETE FROM " . PRE . "_gallery_tags WHERE id='" . $_REQUEST['id'] . "'"); $tagids = produceTagIds($_POST['tags']); foreach ($tagids as $tagid) { $db->query("INSERT IGNORE INTO " . PRE . "_gallery_tags VALUES('" . $_REQUEST['id'] . "', '" . $tagid . "')"); } printJSRedirect(get_index('')); } } else { $res = $this->cat->getNode($_REQUEST['id'], array('secid', 'prodid', 'title', 'description', 'meta_description', 'password', 'starttime', 'endtime', 'searchable', 'restricted', 'allowcoms')); $_POST['secid'] = unserialize_section($res['secid']); $_POST['prodid'] = $res['prodid']; $_POST['title'] = $res['title']; $_POST['description'] = $res['description']; $_POST['meta_description'] = $res['meta_description']; $_POST['password'] = $res['password']; $_POST['searchable'] = $res['searchable']; $_POST['restricted'] = $res['restricted']; $_POST['allowcoms'] = $res['allowcoms']; if (!$res['parents']) { $_POST['parent'] = 'root'; } else { $_POST['parent'] = array_pop($res['parents']); } //Veröffentlichung if ($res['starttime']) { maketimepost(1, $res['starttime']); if ($res['endtime'] < 2147483647) { maketimepost(2, $res['endtime']); } } //Baum if ($set['gallery']['subgals']) { $gallist = '<option value="root" style="font-weight:bold;"' . iif($_POST['parent'] == 'root', ' selected="selected"') . '>' . $apx->lang->get('ROOT') . '</option>'; $data = $this->cat->getTree(array('title')); if (count($data)) { $gallist .= '<option value=""></option>'; foreach ($data as $res) { if ($jumplevel && $res['level'] > $jumplevel) { continue; } else { $jumplevel = 0; } if ($_REQUEST['id'] == $res['id']) { $jumplevel = $res['level']; continue; } $gallist .= '<option value="' . $res['id'] . '"' . iif($_POST['parent'] === $res['id'], ' selected="selected"') . '>' . str_repeat(' ', $res['level'] - 1) . replace($res['title']) . '</option>'; } } } //Veröffentlichung if ($apx->user->has_right('gallery.enable') && isset($_POST['t_day_1'])) { $apx->tmpl->assign('STARTTIME', choosetime(1, 0, maketime(1))); $apx->tmpl->assign('ENDTIME', choosetime(2, 1, maketime(2))); } //Tags $tags = array(); $tagdata = $db->fetch("\n\t\t\tSELECT t.tag\n\t\t\tFROM " . PRE . "_gallery_tags AS n\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . PRE . "_tags AS t USING(tagid)\n\t\t\tWHERE'" . $_REQUEST['id'] . "'\n\t\t\tORDER BY t.tag ASC\n\t\t"); $tags = get_ids($tagdata, 'tag'); $_POST['tags'] = implode(', ', $tags); $apx->tmpl->assign('PARENT', $gallist); $apx->tmpl->assign('ID', $_REQUEST['id']); $apx->tmpl->assign('SECID', $_POST['secid']); $apx->tmpl->assign('PRODID', $_POST['prodid']); $apx->tmpl->assign('TITLE', compatible_hsc($_POST['title'])); $apx->tmpl->assign('DESCRIPTION', compatible_hsc($_POST['description'])); $apx->tmpl->assign('PASSWORD', compatible_hsc($_POST['password'])); $apx->tmpl->assign('META_DESCRIPTION', compatible_hsc($_POST['meta_description'])); $apx->tmpl->assign('TAGS', compatible_hsc($_POST['tags'])); $apx->tmpl->assign('SEARCHABLE', (int) $_POST['searchable']); $apx->tmpl->assign('RESTRICTED', (int) $_POST['restricted']); $apx->tmpl->assign('ALLOWCOMS', (int) $_POST['allowcoms']); $apx->tmpl->parse('edit'); } }