function user_delete_ext($userid, $pmsUserDeleteOption) { $database = uddeIMgetDatabase(); $config = new uddeimconfigclass(); $rightnow = uddetime($config->timezone); // $query_pms_delete = "DELETE FROM #__uddeim WHERE fromid='" . (int) $userid ."' OR toid='" . (int) $userid . "'"; // delete all messages send from this user and trashed from the outbox $query_pms_delete1 = "UPDATE #__uddeim SET totrashoutbox=1, totrashdateoutbox=".$rightnow." WHERE fromid='" . (int) $userid . "'"; // delete all messages recived by this user and trashed from the inbox $query_pms_delete2 = "UPDATE #__uddeim SET totrash=1, totrashdate=".$rightnow." WHERE toid='".(int) $userid . "'"; $query_pms_delete_extra1 = "DELETE FROM #__uddeim_emn WHERE userid='" . (int) $userid . "'"; $query_pms_delete_extra2 = "DELETE FROM #__uddeim_blocks WHERE blocker='" . (int) $userid . "' OR blocked='" . (int) $userid . "'"; $query_pms_delete_extra3 = "DELETE FROM #__uddeim_userlists WHERE userid='" . (int) $userid ."'"; print "Deleting pms data for user ".$userid; if ($pmsUserDeleteOption==2 || $pmsUserDeleteOption==4) { $database->setQuery( $query_pms_delete1 ); if (!$database->query()) { $this->_setErrorMSG("SQL error " . $query_pms_delete1 . $database->stderr(true)); return false; } } if ($pmsUserDeleteOption==2 || $pmsUserDeleteOption==3) { $database->setQuery( $query_pms_delete2 ); if (!$database->query()) { $this->_setErrorMSG("SQL error " . $query_pms_delete2 . $database->stderr(true)); return false; } } if ($pmsUserDeleteOption>=2) { $database->setQuery( $query_pms_delete_extra1 ); if (!$database->query()) { $this->_setErrorMSG("SQL error " . $query_pms_delete_extra1 . $database->stderr(true)); return false; } $database->setQuery( $query_pms_delete_extra2 ); if (!$database->query()) { $this->_setErrorMSG("SQL error " . $query_pms_delete_extra2 . $database->stderr(true)); return false; } $database->setQuery( $query_pms_delete_extra3 ); if (!$database->query()) { $this->_setErrorMSG("SQL error " . $query_pms_delete_extra3 . $database->stderr(true)); return false; } } return true; }
function uddeIMselectComboUserlist( $myself, $my_gid, $lids, $config ) { $database = uddeIMgetDatabase(); $users = Array(); getAdditonalGroups($add_special, $add_admin, $config); $ret = '<select multiple="multiple" name="userlist" class="inputbox" ondblclick="userlistdblclick(this.selectedIndex, \'listsform\', \'userlist\', \'selectionlist\', '.$config->maxonlists.')" size="10">'; if (($config->restrictcon==1 && uddeIMisReggedOnly($my_gid)) || ($config->restrictcon==2 && uddeIMisAllNotAdmin($my_gid) && !uddeIMisAdmin2($my_gid, $config)) || ($config->restrictcon==3) ) { if ($lids) $temp = " NOT IN (".uddeIMquoteSmart($lids).") AND "; $somanyfriends = 0; if (uddeIMcheckCB()) { $users = uddeIMselectCBbuddies($myself, $config, $temp); $somanyfriends = count($users); } if (!$somanyfriends) { // no friends found, maybe there are some in CBE? if (uddeIMcheckCBE()) { $users = uddeIMselectCBEbuddies($myself, $config, $temp); $somanyfriends = count($users); } if (uddeIMcheckCBE2()) { $users = uddeIMselectCBE2buddies($myself, $config, $temp); $somanyfriends = count($users); } } if (!$somanyfriends) { // no friends found, maybe there are some in JS? if (uddeIMcheckJS()) { $users = uddeIMselectJSbuddies($myself, $config, $temp); $somanyfriends = count($users); } } } else { if (uddeIMcheckJversion()>=2) { // J1.6 $temp = ""; if ($lids) $temp = "AND NOT IN (".uddeIMquoteSmart($lids).") "; switch ($config->hideallusers) { case 3: // special users $sql="SELECT DISTINCT,u.".($config->realnames ? "name" : "username")." AS displayname FROM (#__users AS u INNER JOIN #__user_usergroup_map AS um ON INNER JOIN #__usergroups AS g ON WHERE u.block=0 ".$temp."AND NOT IN (3,4,5,6,7,8".$add_admin.$add_special.") ORDER BY u.".($config->realnames ? "name" : "username"); break; case 2: // admins $sql="SELECT DISTINCT,u.".($config->realnames ? "name" : "username")." AS displayname FROM (#__users AS u INNER JOIN #__user_usergroup_map AS um ON INNER JOIN #__usergroups AS g ON WHERE u.block=0 ".$temp."AND NOT IN (7,8".$add_admin.") ORDER BY u.".($config->realnames ? "name" : "username"); break; case 1: // superadmins $sql="SELECT DISTINCT,u.".($config->realnames ? "name" : "username")." AS displayname FROM (#__users AS u INNER JOIN #__user_usergroup_map AS um ON INNER JOIN #__usergroups AS g ON WHERE u.block=0 ".$temp."AND NOT IN (8) ORDER BY u.".($config->realnames ? "name" : "username"); break; default: // none $sql="SELECT,u.".($config->realnames ? "name" : "username")." AS displayname FROM #__users AS u WHERE u.block=0 ".$temp."ORDER BY u.".($config->realnames ? "name" : "username"); break; } if (uddeIMisAdmin($my_gid) || uddeIMisAdmin2($my_gid, $config)) // do not hide users when it is an admin $sql="SELECT,u.".($config->realnames ? "name" : "username")." AS displayname FROM #__users AS u WHERE u.block=0 ".$temp."ORDER BY u.".($config->realnames ? "name" : "username"); } else { $temp = ""; if ($lids) $temp = "AND id NOT IN (".uddeIMquoteSmart($lids).") "; switch ($config->hideallusers) { case 3: // special users $sql="SELECT id,".($config->realnames ? "name" : "username")." AS displayname FROM #__users WHERE block=0 ".$temp."AND gid NOT IN (19,20,21,23,24,25".$add_admin.$add_special.") ORDER BY ".($config->realnames ? "name" : "username"); break; case 2: // admins $sql="SELECT id,".($config->realnames ? "name" : "username")." AS displayname FROM #__users WHERE block=0 ".$temp."AND gid NOT IN (24,25".$add_admin.") ORDER BY ".($config->realnames ? "name" : "username"); break; case 1: // superadmins $sql="SELECT id,".($config->realnames ? "name" : "username")." AS displayname FROM #__users WHERE block=0 ".$temp."AND gid NOT IN (25) ORDER BY ".($config->realnames ? "name" : "username"); break; default: // none $sql="SELECT id,".($config->realnames ? "name" : "username")." AS displayname FROM #__users WHERE block=0 ".$temp."ORDER BY ".($config->realnames ? "name" : "username"); break; } if (uddeIMisAdmin($my_gid) || uddeIMisAdmin2($my_gid, $config)) // do not hide users when it is an admin $sql="SELECT id,".($config->realnames ? "name" : "username")." AS displayname FROM #__users WHERE block=0 ".$temp."ORDER BY ".($config->realnames ? "name" : "username"); } $database->setQuery( $sql ); $users = $database->loadObjectList(); if (!$users) $users = Array(); } if ( count( $users ) ) { foreach ( $users as $user ) $ret .= '<option value="'.$user->id.'">'.$user->displayname.'</option>'; } $ret .= '</select>'; return $ret; }
function uddeIMchangeModerated($option, $task, $emnid, $config) { $database = uddeIMgetDatabase(); $database->setQuery("SELECT moderated FROM #__uddeim_emn WHERE id=".(int)$emnid); $value = (int)$database->loadResult(); $value = 1 - $value; $database->setQuery("UPDATE #__uddeim_emn SET moderated=".(int)$value." WHERE id=".(int)$emnid); if (!$database->query()) { die("SQL error" . $database->stderr(true)); } }
function uddeIMdownloadAttachments($box, $userid, $item_id, $messageid, $fileid, $config) { $database = uddeIMgetDatabase(); $sql = ""; if ($box=="downloadOutbox") $sql = "SELECT a.* FROM #__uddeim_attachments AS a LEFT JOIN #__uddeim AS b ON WHERE a.mid=".(int)$messageid." AND".(int)$fileid." AND b.fromid=".$userid; if ($box=="downloadInbox") $sql = "SELECT a.* FROM #__uddeim_attachments AS a LEFT JOIN #__uddeim AS b ON WHERE a.mid=".(int)$messageid." AND".(int)$fileid." AND b.toid=".$userid; if ($sql) { $database->setQuery( $sql ); $value = $database->loadObjectList(); if (!$value) $value = Array(); if (count($value)>0) { while (list($key, $row) = each($value)) { $uploaddir = uddeIMgetPath('absolute_path')."/images/uddeimfiles"; if (file_exists($uploaddir."/".$row->tempname)) { $temp = pathinfo($row->filename); $ext = $temp['extension']; // $ct = "application/force-download"; $ct = uddeIMext2mime($ext); // fix for IE catching or PHP bug issue header("Pragma: public"); header("Expires: 0"); // set expiration time header("Last-Modified: ".gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s")." GMT"); header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0"); // download header("Cache-Control: public"); header("Content-Description: File Transfer"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"".$row->filename."\""); header("Content-Type: ".$ct); header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary"); header("Content-Length: ".(int)$row->size); error_reporting(0); ob_clean(); // flush(); readfile($uploaddir."/".$row->tempname); exit; // only one file } else { echo _UDDEIM_ATT_FILENOTEXISTS; exit; } } } else { echo _UDDEIM_MESSAGENOACCESS; } } exit; }
function uddeIMreplaceListsWithNames(&$thelist, $myself, $config) { $database = uddeIMgetDatabase(); $ok = 1; if ($config->separator==1) $objs = explode(";", $thelist); else $objs = explode(",", $thelist); if ($objs==FALSE) return 0; // error while (list($key, $obj) = each($objs)) { if (substr($obj,0,1)=="#") { // its a list $listname = substr($obj,1); // remove leading "#" // also show global lists $this_lists = uddeIMselectUserlistsListFromName($myself, $listname, true); // $this_lists = uddeIMselectUserlistsListFromName($myself, $listname); if (count($this_lists)>0) { // we have a list with that name $lids = ""; $ltype = 0; $luser = 0; foreach($this_lists as $this_list) { $lids = trim($this_list->userids); $ltype = $this_list->global; $luser = $this_list->userid; } // remove lists if required (1: global list => do not remove; 2: restricted list => remove if not on list or creator) if ($ltype==2) { $ar_ids = explode(",",$lids); $ar_ids[] = $luser; // the creator of the list is always allowed to access the list if (!in_array($myself,$ar_ids)) $lids = ""; } if ($lids) { $obj_new = Array(); // $database->setQuery( "SELECT id,name,username FROM #__users WHERE block=0 AND id IN (".$lids.") ORDER BY ".($config->realnames ? "name" : "username") ); // New behavior: Remove myself from the list $database->setQuery( "SELECT id,name,username FROM #__users WHERE block=0 AND id IN (".$lids.") AND id<>".$myself." ORDER BY ".($config->realnames ? "name" : "username") ); $users = $database->loadObjectList(); if ( count( $users ) ) { foreach ( $users as $user ) array_push($obj_new, ($config->realnames ? $user->name : $user->username)); if ($config->separator==1) $obj = implode(";", $obj_new); else $obj = implode(",", $obj_new); } $objs[$key] = $obj; } else { $objs[$key] = "(".$obj.")"; $ok = 0; // error } } else { // we have no list, so check if we have a user with this name $ret = uddeIMgetIDfromName($obj, $config, true); if (!$ret) { // no there is no user with that name or user is blocked $objs[$key] = "(".$obj.")"; $ok = 0; // error } } } // when it is not a list, do nothing } if ($config->separator==1) $thelist = implode(";", $objs); // now return the complete list else $thelist = implode(",", $objs); // now return the complete list return $ok; }
if (!(defined('_JEXEC') || defined('_VALID_MOS'))) { die('Direct Access to this location is not allowed.'); } $uddeim_isadmin = 0; /* if ( defined( 'JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR' ) ) { require_once(JPATH_SITE.'/components/com_uddeim/uddeimlib15.php'); } else { $app = JFactory::getApplication(); require_once($app->getCfg('absolute_path').'/components/com_uddeim/uddeimlib10.php'); } */ $uddpathtoadmin = uddeIMgetPath('admin'); $uddpathtouser = uddeIMgetPath('user'); $uddpathtosite = uddeIMgetPath('live_site'); $udddatabase = uddeIMgetDatabase(); $uddmosConfig_lang = uddeIMgetLang(); require_once $uddpathtouser . '/crypt.class.php'; require_once $uddpathtoadmin . '/config.class.php'; $uddconfig = new uddeimconfigclass(); if (!defined('_UDDEIM_INBOX')) { $uddpostfix = ""; if ($uddconfig->languagecharset) { $uddpostfix = ".utf8"; } if (file_exists($uddpathtoadmin . '/language' . $uddpostfix . '/' . $uddmosConfig_lang . '.php')) { include_once $uddpathtoadmin . '/language' . $uddpostfix . '/' . $uddmosConfig_lang . '.php'; } elseif (file_exists($uddpathtoadmin . '/language' . $uddpostfix . '/english.php')) { include_once $uddpathtoadmin . '/language' . $uddpostfix . '/english.php'; } elseif (file_exists($uddpathtoadmin . '/language/english.php')) { include_once $uddpathtoadmin . '/language/english.php';
function uddeIMremoveReportSPAM($option, $task, $uddeid, $config) { $database = uddeIMgetDatabase(); if (count($uddeid)) { if ($task=='spamremove') { foreach($uddeid AS $id) { uddeIMdeleteOneReportSPAM($option, $task, 'delete', (int)$id, $config); } } if ($task=='reportremove') { foreach($uddeid AS $id) { uddeIMdeleteOneReportSPAM($option, $task, 'remove', (int)$id, $config); } } } $redirecturl = uddeIMredirectIndex()."?option=$option&task=spamcontrol"; uddeIMmosRedirect($redirecturl); }
function uddeIMcheckPMStype() { $database = uddeIMgetDatabase(); $mypmstype = array(); $tablefound = uddeIMcheckPMS(); if ( in_array(1, $tablefound) || in_array(2, $tablefound) || in_array(9, $tablefound) || in_array(12, $tablefound) ) { // _pms found $sql = "SHOW FIELDS FROM #__pms;"; $database->setQuery($sql); $rows = $database->loadObjectList(); if (!$rows) $rows = Array(); $fields = Array(); foreach ($rows as $row) $fields[]=$row->Field; // $rows = $database->getTableFields(array("#__pms")); // $fields = $rows["#__pms"]; // if ( array_key_exists("groupname" , $fields) && // check for myPMS II 2.x - Danial Taherzadeh if ( in_array("groupname" , $fields) && in_array("username" , $fields) && in_array("whofrom" , $fields) && !in_array("recip_id" , $fields) && !in_array("senderip_id" , $fields) && in_array("time" , $fields) ) { $mypmstype[] = 1; } // check for myPMS Enhanced 1.x - Stefan Klinger if (!in_array("groupname" , $fields) && in_array("username" , $fields) && in_array("whofrom" , $fields) && !in_array("recip_id" , $fields) && !in_array("senderip_id" , $fields) && in_array("time" , $fields) ) { $mypmstype[] = 12; } // check for myPMS Enhanced 2.x - Stefan Klingner if (!in_array("groupname" , $fields) && !in_array("username" , $fields) && !in_array("whofrom" , $fields) && in_array("recip_id" , $fields) && in_array("sender_id" , $fields) && in_array("time" , $fields) ) { $mypmstype[] = 2; } // check for myPMS OS 2.x - Danial Taherzadeh if (!in_array("groupname" , $fields) && in_array("username" , $fields) && in_array("whofrom" , $fields) && !in_array("recip_id" , $fields) && !in_array("senderip_id" , $fields) && !in_array("time" , $fields) ) { $mypmstype[] = 9; } } if ( in_array(3, $tablefound) || in_array(11, $tablefound) ) { // _jim found $sql = "SHOW FIELDS FROM #__jim;"; $database->setQuery($sql); $rows = $database->loadObjectList(); if (!$rows) $rows = Array(); $fields = Array(); foreach ($rows as $row) $fields[]=$row->Field; // check for jim - Laurent Belloeil if (!in_array("inbox" , $fields) && in_array("username" , $fields) && in_array("whofrom" , $fields) && in_array("outbox" , $fields) && in_array("date" , $fields) && in_array("readstate" , $fields) ) { $mypmstype[] = 3; } // check for jim reloaded - Edi Goetschel if ( in_array("inbox" , $fields) && in_array("username" , $fields) && in_array("whofrom" , $fields) && in_array("outbox" , $fields) && in_array("date" , $fields) && in_array("readstate" , $fields) ) { $mypmstype[] = 11; } } if ( in_array(4, $tablefound) ) { // _abim_data $sql = "SHOW FIELDS FROM #__abim_data;"; $database->setQuery($sql); $rows = $database->loadObjectList(); if (!$rows) $rows = Array(); $fields = Array(); foreach ($rows as $row) $fields[]=$row->Field; // check for Archaic Binary Private Messages not required $mypmstype[] = 4; } if ( in_array(5, $tablefound) ) { // _jam $sql = "SHOW FIELDS FROM #__jam;"; $database->setQuery($sql); $rows = $database->loadObjectList(); if (!$rows) $rows = Array(); $fields = Array(); foreach ($rows as $row) $fields[]=$row->Field; // check for JAM not required $mypmstype[] = 5; } if ( in_array(6, $tablefound) || in_array(10, $tablefound) ) { // _mypms $sql = "SHOW FIELDS FROM #__mypms;"; $database->setQuery($sql); $rows = $database->loadObjectList(); if (!$rows) $rows = Array(); $fields = Array(); foreach ($rows as $row) $fields[]=$row->Field; // check for Clexus 2.0 if ( in_array("sent_id" , $fields) && in_array("userid" , $fields) && in_array("whofrom" , $fields) && in_array("replyid" , $fields) && in_array("pm_notify" , $fields) && in_array("owner" , $fields) ) { $mypmstype[] = 6; } // check for myPMS Pro if ( in_array("sent_id" , $fields) && !in_array("userid" , $fields) && in_array("whofrom" , $fields) && in_array("replyid" , $fields) && !in_array("pm_notify" , $fields) && in_array("owner" , $fields) ) { $mypmstype[] = 10; } } if ( in_array(7, $tablefound) ) { // _missus $sql = "SHOW FIELDS FROM #__missus;"; $database->setQuery($sql); $rows = $database->loadObjectList(); if (!$rows) $rows = Array(); $fields = Array(); foreach ($rows as $row) $fields[]=$row->Field; // check for Missus 1.x if ( in_array("senderid" , $fields) && in_array("sendername" , $fields) && in_array("datesended" , $fields) && in_array("sdr_rstate" , $fields) && in_array("broadcast" , $fields) && in_array("message" , $fields) ) { $mypmstype[] = 7; } } if ( in_array(8, $tablefound) ) { // __primezilla_inbox $sql = "SHOW FIELDS FROM #__primezilla_inbox;"; $database->setQuery($sql); $rows = $database->loadObjectList(); if (!$rows) $rows = Array(); $fields = Array(); foreach ($rows as $row) $fields[]=$row->Field; // check for Primezilla 1.0 if ( in_array("userid" , $fields) && in_array("userid_from" , $fields) && in_array("msg_date" , $fields) && in_array("message" , $fields) && in_array("flag_read" , $fields) && in_array("marker" , $fields) ) { $mypmstype[] = 8; } } if ( in_array(13, $tablefound) ) { // __community_msg_recepient $sql = "SHOW FIELDS FROM #__community_msg_recepient;"; $database->setQuery($sql); $rows = $database->loadObjectList(); if (!$rows) $rows = Array(); $fields = Array(); foreach ($rows as $row) $fields[]=$row->Field; // check for JomSocial 1.0 if ( in_array("msg_id" , $fields) && in_array("msg_parent" , $fields) && in_array("msg_from" , $fields) && in_array("to" , $fields) && in_array("bcc" , $fields) && in_array("is_read" , $fields) ) { $mypmstype[] = 13; } } if ( in_array(14, $tablefound) ) { // __messaging $sql = "SHOW FIELDS FROM #__messaging;"; $database->setQuery($sql); $rows = $database->loadObjectList(); if (!$rows) $rows = Array(); $fields = Array(); foreach ($rows as $row) $fields[]=$row->Field; // check for Messaging 1.5 if ( in_array("idFrom" , $fields) && in_array("idTo" , $fields) && in_array("subject" , $fields) && in_array("seen" , $fields) && in_array("message" , $fields) && in_array("date" , $fields) ) { $mypmstype[] = 14; } } if ( in_array(15, $tablefound) ) { // __cdpuremessenger $sql = "SHOW FIELDS FROM #__cdpuremessenger;"; $database->setQuery($sql); $rows = $database->loadObjectList(); if (!$rows) $rows = Array(); $fields = Array(); foreach ($rows as $row) $fields[]=$row->Field; // check for CD Pure Messenger 1.x if ( in_array("from_id" , $fields) && in_array("to_id" , $fields) && in_array("message" , $fields) && in_array("from_created", $fields) && in_array("from_ip" , $fields) && in_array("to_read" , $fields) ) { $mypmstype[] = 15; } } return $mypmstype; }
function uddeIMpreSaveAttachmentsRemove($config) { $database = uddeIMgetDatabase(); $uploaddir = uddeIMgetPath('absolute_path')."/images/uddeimfiles"; $sql = "SELECT * FROM #__uddeim_attachments WHERE mid=-1"; $database->setQuery( $sql ); $value = $database->loadObjectList(); if (!$value) $value = Array(); if (count($value)>0) { // we have temporary file markers, so remove the files and all entries while (list($key, $row) = each($value)) { if (file_exists($uploaddir."/".$row->tempname)) unlink($uploaddir."/".$row->tempname); } $sql = "DELETE FROM #__uddeim_attachments WHERE mid=-1"; $database->setQuery($sql); if (!$database->query()) die("SQL error when attempting to delete temporary attachment markers" . $database->stderr(true)); } }
function uddeIMnotifySpam($myself, $item_id, $fromid, $toid, $config) { $db = uddeIMgetDatabase(); $mosConfig_sitename = uddeIMgetSitename(); $pathtosite = uddeIMgetPath('live_site'); if(!$config->emailtrafficenabled) { return; } if(!$config->allowemailnotify) { return; } getAdditonalGroups($add_special, $add_admin, $config); if (uddeIMcheckJversion()>=2) { // J1.6 $sql="SELECT DISTINCT FROM (#__users AS u INNER JOIN #__user_usergroup_map AS um ON INNER JOIN #__usergroups AS g ON WHERE u.block=0 AND IN (7,8".$add_admin.")"; } else { $sql="SELECT id FROM #__users WHERE block=0 AND gid IN (24,25".$add_admin.")"; } $db->setQuery($sql); $receivers = $db->loadObjectList(); if (!count($receivers)) { return; } foreach($receivers as $receiver) { // the admin $var_toid = $receiver->id; $var_toname = uddeIMgetNameFromID($var_toid, $config); $var_tomail = uddeIMgetEMailFromID($var_toid, $config); if(!$var_tomail) continue; if (!$var_toname) $var_toname = "Anonymous"; $sname = uddeIMgetNameFromID($fromid, $config); $dname = uddeIMgetNameFromID($toid, $config); $var_body = _UDDEIM_BODY_SPAMREPORT; $var_body = str_replace("%livesite%", $pathtosite, $var_body); $var_body = str_replace("%you%", $var_toname, $var_body); $var_body = str_replace("%fromuser%", $sname, $var_body); $var_body = str_replace("%touser%", $dname, $var_body); $var_body = str_replace("%site%", $mosConfig_sitename, $var_body); $subject = _UDDEIM_SUBJECT_SPAMREPORT; $subject = str_replace("%livesite%", $pathtosite, $subject); $subject = str_replace("%you%", $var_toname, $subject); $var_body = str_replace("%fromuser%", $sname, $var_body); $var_body = str_replace("%touser%", $dname, $var_body); $subject = str_replace("%site%", $mosConfig_sitename, $subject); $replyto = $var_tomail; $replytoname = ""; if(uddeIMsendmail($config->emn_sendername, $config->emn_sendermail, $var_toname, $var_tomail, $subject, $var_body, $replyto, $replytoname, "", $config)) { // } } }
function uddeIMrssFeedPlugin($versionstring, $userid, $config) { $database = uddeIMgetDatabase(); $sitename = uddeIMgetSitename(); $live_site = uddeIMgetPath('live_site'); $Itemid = uddeIMmosGetParam( $_REQUEST, 'Itemid'); if (!$Itemid || !isset($Itemid) || empty( $Itemid )) { $Itemid = uddeIMgetItemid($config); } else if ($config->overwriteitemid) { $Itemid = (int)$config->useitemid; } $item_id = (int)$Itemid; $username = stripslashes( strval( uddeIMmosGetParam ($_REQUEST, 'user', '') )); $passwd = stripslashes( strval( uddeIMmosGetParam ($_REQUEST, 'pass', '') )); $showall = (int) uddeIMmosGetParam ($_REQUEST, 'showall', 0); $type = (int) uddeIMmosGetParam ($_REQUEST, 'type', 0); $row = uddeIMselectUserrecordFromUsername($username, $config); if ($row) { if ($row->block) { uddeIMrssOutputHeader($versionstring); uddeIMrssOutputItem($type, "Code=5", _UDDEIM_RSS_USERBLOCKED, ""); uddeIMrssOutputFooter(); return; } $gid = uddeIMgetGID($row->id); // $userid if (!$config->enablerss || ($config->enablerss==2 && !uddeIMisAdmin($gid) && !uddeIMisAdmin2($gid, $config))) { uddeIMrssOutputHeader($versionstring); uddeIMrssOutputItem($type, "Code=2", _UDDEIM_RSS_NOTALLOWED, ""); uddeIMrssOutputFooter(); return; } if ((strpos($row->password, ':') === false) && $row->password == md5($passwd)) { // Old password hash storage but authentic ... lets convert it $salt = uddeIMmosMakePassword(16); $crypt = md5($passwd.$salt); $row->password = $crypt.':'.$salt; } list($hash, $salt) = explode(':', $row->password); $hash_db = sha1($hash); // the hash value from the user database $hash_post = $passwd; if ($hash_db != $hash_post) { uddeIMrssOutputHeader($versionstring); uddeIMrssOutputItem($type, "Code=3", _UDDEIM_RSS_WRONGPASSWORD, ""); uddeIMrssOutputFooter(); return; } uddeIMrssOutputHeader($versionstring); $filter = ""; if (!$showall) { $filter = "AND a.toread=0 "; } $limit = ""; if ($config->rsslimit) $limit = " LIMIT ".(int)$config->rsslimit; $userid = uddeIMgetIDfromUsername($username, $config, true); $sql = "SELECT a.*, b.".($config->realnames ? "name" : "username")." AS fromname FROM #__uddeim AS a LEFT JOIN #__users AS b ON WHERE a.toid=".(int)$userid." AND a.totrash=0 AND a.archived=0 AND `a`.`delayed`=0 ".$filter."ORDER BY a.datum DESC".$limit; $database->setQuery($sql); $rows = $database->loadObjectList(); if (!$rows) { $pms_show = uddeIMsefRelToAbs("index.php?option=com_uddeim&Itemid=".$item_id); uddeIMrssOutputItem($type,($showall ? "Code=0" : "Code=1"), ($showall ? _UDDEIM_RSS_NOMESSAGES : _UDDEIM_RSS_NONEWMESSAGES), "", $pms_show); } else { foreach ($rows as $row) { $fromname = uddeIMevaluateUsername($row->fromname, $row->fromid, $row->publicname); if($row->systemmessage) $fromname = $row->systemmessage; if ($row->cryptmode==2) $pms_show = uddeIMsefRelToAbs("index.php?option=com_uddeim&Itemid=".$item_id."&task=showpass&messageid=".$row->id); else $pms_show = uddeIMsefRelToAbs("index.php?option=com_uddeim&Itemid=".$item_id."&task=show&messageid=".$row->id); $cm = uddeIMgetMessage($row->message, "", $row->cryptmode, "", $config->cryptkey); $cm = stripslashes($cm); if($row->systemflag || $config->allowbb) { $cm = uddeIMbbcode_strip($cm); } $cm = htmlspecialchars($cm, ENT_QUOTES, $config->charset); $cm = str_replace("&#", "&#", $cm); $title = $fromname.": ".substr($cm,0,30); $pubdate = date("r",$row->datum); $desc = substr($cm,0,500); uddeIMrssOutputItem(0, "", $title, $desc, $pms_show, $pubdate); } } uddeIMrssOutputFooter(); } else { uddeIMrssOutputHeader($versionstring); uddeIMrssOutputItem($type, "Code=4", _UDDEIM_RSS_NOOBJECT, ""); uddeIMrssOutputFooter(); } }
function uddeIMselectUserrecordFromUsername($username, $config) { $database = uddeIMgetDatabase(); // $sql = "SELECT id, name, username, password, usertype, block FROM #__users WHERE username="******"SELECT id, name, username, password, block FROM #__users WHERE username="******""; foreach($values as $value) $row = $value; return $row; }
function uddeIMremoveMessage($option, $task, $uddeid, $config) { $database = uddeIMgetDatabase(); if (count($uddeid)) { if ($task=='messageremove') { foreach($uddeid AS $id) { uddeIMdeleteOnemessage($option, $task, 'delete', (int)$id, $config); } } if ($task=='messagedeliver') { foreach($uddeid AS $id) { uddeIMdeleteOnemessage($option, $task, 'deliver', (int)$id, $config); } } } $redirecturl = uddeIMredirectIndex()."?option=$option&task=mcp"; uddeIMmosRedirect($redirecturl); }
function uddeIMgetPicOnly($ofanid, $config, $noanchor=false) { // PIC only $mosConfig_lang = uddeIMgetLang(); $database = uddeIMgetDatabase(); $gimmeback = ""; $grsize = 80; if ($config->avatarw) $grsize = $config->avatarw; $picstyle = ""; if ($config->avatarw || $config->avatarh) { $picstyle = " style='"; if ($config->avatarw) $picstyle .= "max-width: ".$config->avatarw."px; "; if ($config->avatarh) $picstyle .= "max-height: ".$config->avatarh."px; "; $picstyle .= "'"; } if ($config->showcbpic==1) { // CB if (is_dir(uddeIMgetPath('absolute_path')."/components/com_comprofiler/plugin/language/".$mosConfig_lang."/images")) $fileLang=$mosConfig_lang; else $fileLang="default_language"; $sql="SELECT avatar FROM #__comprofiler WHERE user_id=".(int)$ofanid." LIMIT 1"; $database->setQuery($sql); $ofanavatar=$database->loadResult(); $filenamelocal = "/images/comprofiler/tn".$ofanavatar; // Thumbnail $filenamelive = uddeIMgetPath('live_site') ."/images/comprofiler/tn".$ofanavatar; // Thumbnail $filenameglocal = "/images/comprofiler/".$ofanavatar; // Gallery $filenameglive = uddeIMgetPath('live_site') ."/images/comprofiler/".$ofanavatar; // Gallery // NOPHOTO for CB $filename2local = "/components/com_comprofiler/plugin/language/".$fileLang."/images/tnnophoto.jpg"; $filename2live = uddeIMgetPath('live_site') ."/components/com_comprofiler/plugin/language/".$fileLang."/images/tnnophoto.jpg"; // NOPHOTO for CBE $filename3local = "/images/".$fileLang."/tnnophoto.jpg"; $filename3live = uddeIMgetPath('live_site') ."/images/".$fileLang."/tnnophoto.jpg"; // NOPHOTO for CB 2.0 $filename4local = "/components/com_comprofiler/plugin/templates/default/images/avatar/tnnophoto_n.png"; $filename4live = uddeIMgetPath('live_site') ."/components/com_comprofiler/plugin/templates/default/images/avatar/tnnophoto_n.png"; // CB 2.0 // $cbUser =& CBuser::getInstance( $ofanid ); // if ( !$cbUser ) // $cbUser =& CBuser::getInstance( null ); // $avatar = $cbUser->getField( 'avatar', null, 'html', 'none', 'list' ); if (uddeIMfileExists($filenamelocal)) { $imgurl = "<img class='uddeim-tn'".$picstyle." src='".$filenamelive."' alt='' />"; } elseif (uddeIMfileExists($filenameglocal) && $config->CBgallery) { $imgurl = "<img class='uddeim-tn'".$picstyle." src='".$filenameglive."' alt='' />"; } elseif ($config->gravatar) { $email = uddeIMgetEMailFromID((int)$ofanid, $config); $grurl = uddeIMgetGravatar($email, $grsize, $config->gravatard, $config->gravatarr); $imgurl = "<img class='uddeim-tn'".$picstyle." src='".$grurl."' alt='' />"; } elseif (uddeIMfileExists($filename4local)) { $imgurl = "<img class='uddeim-tn'".$picstyle." src='".$filename4live."' alt='' />"; } elseif (uddeIMfileExists($filename2local)) { $imgurl = "<img class='uddeim-tn'".$picstyle." src='".$filename2live."' alt='' />"; } elseif (uddeIMfileExists($filename3local)) { $imgurl = "<img class='uddeim-tn'".$picstyle." src='".$filename3live."' alt='' />"; } else { $imgurl = "NOPHOTO"; } if ($noanchor) $gimmeback = $imgurl; else $gimmeback = uddeIMgetLinkOnly($ofanid, $imgurl, $config); } elseif ($config->showcbpic==2) { // FB $sql="SELECT avatar FROM #__fb_users WHERE userid=".(int)$ofanid." LIMIT 1"; $database->setQuery($sql); $ofanavatar=$database->loadResult(); $filenameglocal = "/images/fbfiles/avatars/".$ofanavatar; // Gallery $filenameglive = uddeIMgetPath('live_site') ."/images/fbfiles/avatars/".$ofanavatar; // Gallery $filename2local = "/images/fbfiles/avatars/s_nophoto.jpg"; $filename2live = uddeIMgetPath('live_site') ."/images/fbfiles/avatars/s_nophoto.jpg"; if (uddeIMfileExists($filenameglocal)) { $imgurl = "<img class='uddeim-tn'".$picstyle." src='".$filenameglive."' alt='' />"; } elseif ($config->gravatar) { $email = uddeIMgetEMailFromID((int)$ofanid, $config); $grurl = uddeIMgetGravatar($email, $grsize, $config->gravatard, $config->gravatarr); $imgurl = "<img class='uddeim-tn'".$picstyle." src='".$grurl."' alt='' />"; } elseif (uddeIMfileExists($filename2local)) { $imgurl = "<img class='uddeim-tn'".$picstyle." src='".$filename2live."' alt='' />"; } if ($noanchor) $gimmeback = $imgurl; else $gimmeback = uddeIMgetLinkOnly($ofanid, $imgurl, $config); } elseif ($config->showcbpic==3) { // Agora // $database->setQuery("UPDATE #__agora_config SET conf_value=$conf_value WHERE conf_name='$conf_name'"); // $dbresult = $database->query(); $adir = ""; $useavatars = 0; if (uddeIMfileExists("/components/com_agora/cache/cache_config.php")) { include(uddeIMgetPath('absolute_path')."/components/com_agora/cache/cache_config.php"); if (isset($agora_config['o_avatars_dir'])) { $adir = $agora_config['o_avatars_dir']; } if (isset($agora_config['o_avatars'])) { $useavatars = $agora_config['o_avatars']; } } if (!$adir) return $gimmeback; $sql = "SELECT id, show_avatars FROM #__agora_users WHERE jos_id=".(int)$ofanid; $database->setQuery($sql); $results = $database->loadObjectList(); if (!$results) { $agoraid = "notfound"; $showavatars = 0; } else { foreach($results as $result) { $agoraid = $result->id; $showavatars = $result->show_avatars; } } // $value = NULL; // if ($database->loadObject($value)) { // $agoraid = $value->id; // $showavatars = $value->show_avatars; // } else { // $agoraid = "notfound"; // $showavatars = 0; // } $pic1 = "/".$agoraid.".gif"; $pic2 = "/".$agoraid.".jpg"; $pic3 = "/".$agoraid.".png"; $filename1local = "/".$adir.$pic1; $filename1live = uddeIMgetPath('live_site') ."/".$adir.$pic1; $filename2local = "/".$adir.$pic2; $filename2live = uddeIMgetPath('live_site') ."/".$adir.$pic2; $filename3local = "/".$adir.$pic3; $filename3live = uddeIMgetPath('live_site') ."/".$adir.$pic3; $filename4local = "/".$adir."/noavatar_sm.gif"; $filename4live = uddeIMgetPath('live_site') ."/".$adir."/noavatar_sm.gif"; if (uddeIMfileExists($filename1local) && $useavatars && $showavatars) { $imgurl = "<img class='uddeim-tn'".$picstyle." src='".$filename1live."' alt='' />"; } elseif (uddeIMfileExists($filename2local) && $useavatars && $showavatars) { $imgurl = "<img class='uddeim-tn'".$picstyle." src='".$filename2live."' alt='' />"; } elseif (uddeIMfileExists($filename3local) && $useavatars && $showavatars) { $imgurl = "<img class='uddeim-tn'".$picstyle." src='".$filename3live."' alt='' />"; } elseif ($config->gravatar) { $email = uddeIMgetEMailFromID((int)$ofanid, $config); $grurl = uddeIMgetGravatar($email, $grsize, $config->gravatard, $config->gravatarr); $imgurl = "<img class='uddeim-tn'".$picstyle." src='".$grurl."' alt='' />"; } elseif (uddeIMfileExists($filename4local)) { $imgurl = "<img class='uddeim-tn'".$picstyle." src='".$filename4live."' alt='' />"; } if ($noanchor) $gimmeback = $imgurl; else $gimmeback = uddeIMgetLinkOnly($ofanid, $imgurl, $config); } elseif ($config->showcbpic==4) { // CBE (new) if (is_dir(uddeIMgetPath('absolute_path')."/components/com_cbe/plugin/language/".$mosConfig_lang."/images")) $fileLang=$mosConfig_lang; else $fileLang="default_language"; $sql="SELECT avatar FROM #__cbe WHERE user_id=".(int)$ofanid." LIMIT 1"; $database->setQuery($sql); $ofanavatar=$database->loadResult(); $filenamelocal = "/images/cbe/tn".$ofanavatar; // Thumbnail $filenamelive = uddeIMgetPath('live_site') ."/images/cbe/tn".$ofanavatar; // Thumbnail $filenameglocal = "/images/cbe/".$ofanavatar; // Gallery $filenameglive = uddeIMgetPath('live_site') ."/images/cbe/".$ofanavatar; // Gallery // NOPHOTO for CBE new $filename3local = "/components/com_cbe/images/".$fileLang."/tnnophoto.jpg"; $filename3live = uddeIMgetPath('live_site') ."/components/com_cbe/images/".$fileLang."/tnnophoto.jpg"; if (uddeIMfileExists($filenamelocal)) { $imgurl = "<img class='uddeim-tn'".$picstyle." src='".$filenamelive."' alt='' />"; } elseif (uddeIMfileExists($filenameglocal) && $config->CBgallery) { $imgurl = "<img class='uddeim-tn'".$picstyle." src='".$filenameglive."' alt='' />"; } elseif ($config->gravatar) { $email = uddeIMgetEMailFromID((int)$ofanid, $config); $grurl = uddeIMgetGravatar($email, $grsize, $config->gravatard, $config->gravatarr); $imgurl = "<img class='uddeim-tn'".$picstyle." src='".$grurl."' alt='' />"; } elseif (uddeIMfileExists($filename3local)) { $imgurl = "<img class='uddeim-tn'".$picstyle." src='".$filename3live."' alt='' />"; } if ($noanchor) $gimmeback = $imgurl; else $gimmeback = uddeIMgetLinkOnly($ofanid, $imgurl, $config); } elseif ($config->showcbpic==5) { // KUNENA $sql="SELECT avatar FROM #__fb_users WHERE userid=".(int)$ofanid." LIMIT 1"; $database->setQuery($sql); $ofanavatar=$database->loadResult(); $filenameglocal = "/images/fbfiles/avatars/".$ofanavatar; // Gallery $filenameglive = uddeIMgetPath('live_site') ."/images/fbfiles/avatars/".$ofanavatar; // Gallery $filename2local = "/images/fbfiles/avatars/s_nophoto.jpg"; $filename2live = uddeIMgetPath('live_site') ."/images/fbfiles/avatars/s_nophoto.jpg"; if (uddeIMfileExists($filenameglocal)) { $imgurl = "<img class='uddeim-tn'".$picstyle." src='".$filenameglive."' alt='' />"; } elseif ($config->gravatar) { $email = uddeIMgetEMailFromID((int)$ofanid, $config); $grurl = uddeIMgetGravatar($email, $grsize, $config->gravatard, $config->gravatarr); $imgurl = "<img class='uddeim-tn'".$picstyle." src='".$grurl."' alt='' />"; } elseif (uddeIMfileExists($filename2local)) { $imgurl = "<img class='uddeim-tn'".$picstyle." src='".$filename2live."' alt='' />"; } if ($noanchor) $gimmeback = $imgurl; else $gimmeback = uddeIMgetLinkOnly($ofanid, $imgurl, $config); } elseif ($config->showcbpic==6) { // JOMSOCIAL, no gravatar if (class_exists('CFactory')) { $jsuser = CFactory::getUser((int)$ofanid); $filenameglive = $jsuser->getThumbAvatar(); $imgurl = "<img class='uddeim-tn'".$picstyle." src='".$filenameglive."' alt='' />"; } if ($noanchor) $gimmeback = $imgurl; else $gimmeback = uddeIMgetLinkOnly($ofanid, $imgurl, $config); } elseif ($config->showcbpic==7) { // AUP, no gravatar $api_AUP = JPATH_SITE.'/components/com_alphauserpoints/helper.php'; if ( file_exists($api_AUP) ) { require_once($api_AUP); if ($config->avatarw && $config->avatarh) $avatar = AlphaUserPointsHelper::getAupAvatar($ofanid, 0, $config->avatarw, $config->avatarh); else $avatar = AlphaUserPointsHelper::getAupAvatar($ofanid, 0); // [int $width], [int $height] $imgurl = $avatar; } if ($noanchor) $gimmeback = $imgurl; else $gimmeback = uddeIMgetLinkOnly($ofanid, $imgurl, $config); } elseif ($config->showcbpic==8) { // JooCM $avatarFile = ""; $sql = "SELECT a.* FROM #__joocm_avatars AS a INNER JOIN #__joocm_users AS u ON u.id_avatar = WHERE = ".(int)$ofanid; $database->setQuery($sql); $avatar = $database->loadObject(); if (is_object($avatar)) { $pos = strpos($avatar->avatar_file, 'http://'); if ($pos === false) { if ($avatar->avatar_file) { $avatarFile = uddeIMgetPath('live_site')."/media/joocm/avatars/"; if ($avatar->id_user) { $avatarFile .= $avatar->id_user.'/'.$avatar->avatar_file; } else { $avatarFile .= 'standard/'.$avatar->avatar_file; } } } else { $avatarFile = $avatar->avatar_file; } } if (!$avatarFile) { if ($config->gravatar) { $email = uddeIMgetEMailFromID((int)$ofanid, $config); $avatarFile = uddeIMgetGravatar($email, $grsize, $config->gravatard, $config->gravatarr); } else { $avatarFile = uddeIMgetPath('live_site').'/media/joocm/avatars/standard/_cm_noavatar.png'; } } if ($avatarFile) { $imgurl = "<img class='uddeim-tn'".$picstyle." src='".$avatarFile."' alt='' />"; } if ($noanchor) $gimmeback = $imgurl; else $gimmeback = uddeIMgetLinkOnly($ofanid, $imgurl, $config); } elseif ($config->showcbpic==9) { // KUNENA 1.6+ // $api_KUN = JPATH_SITE.'/components/com_kunena/lib/kunena.config.class.php'; // if ( file_exists($api_KUN) ) { // require_once($api_KUN); // $kcfg = KunenaFactory::getConfig(); //} $sql="SELECT avatar FROM #__kunena_users WHERE userid=".(int)$ofanid." LIMIT 1"; $database->setQuery($sql); $ofanavatar=$database->loadResult(); $filenameglocal = "/media/kunena/avatars/".$ofanavatar; $filenameglive = uddeIMgetPath('live_site') ."/media/kunena/avatars/".$ofanavatar; $filename2local = "/media/kunena/avatars/s_nophoto.jpg"; $filename2live = uddeIMgetPath('live_site') ."/media/kunena/avatars/s_nophoto.jpg"; if (uddeIMfileExists($filenameglocal)) { $imgurl = "<img class='uddeim-tn'".$picstyle." src='".$filenameglive."' alt='' />"; } elseif ($config->gravatar) { $email = uddeIMgetEMailFromID((int)$ofanid, $config); $grurl = uddeIMgetGravatar($email, $grsize, $config->gravatard, $config->gravatarr); $imgurl = "<img class='uddeim-tn'".$picstyle." src='".$grurl."' alt='' />"; } elseif (uddeIMfileExists($filename2local)) { $imgurl = "<img class='uddeim-tn'".$picstyle." src='".$filename2live."' alt='' />"; } if ($noanchor) $gimmeback = $imgurl; else $gimmeback = uddeIMgetLinkOnly($ofanid, $imgurl, $config); } elseif ($config->showcbpic==10) { // NINJABOARD // $filenameglocal = "/media/com_ninjaboard/images/avatars/".$ofanid."/avatar.png"; // $filenameglive = uddeIMgetPath('live_site') ."/media/com_ninjaboard/images/avatars/".$ofanid."/avatar.png"; // if (uddeIMfileExists($filenameglocal)) { // $gimmeback = uddeIMgetLinkOnly($ofanid, "<img class='uddeim-tn'".$picstyle." src='".$filenameglive."' alt='' />", $config); // } $filenameglive = uddeIMgetPath('live_site') ."/index.php?view=avatar&id=".$ofanid."&thumbnail=large"; $imgurl = "<img class='uddeim-tn'".$picstyle." src='".$filenameglive."' alt='' />"; if ($noanchor) $gimmeback = $imgurl; else $gimmeback = uddeIMgetLinkOnly($ofanid, $imgurl, $config); } elseif ($config->showcbpic==11 || $config->showcbpic==12) { // KUNENA 2.0+, 3.0+ $sizex = $sizey = $grsize; $class = 'avatar'; KunenaForum::setup(); $isInstalled = KunenaForum::installed (); if ($isInstalled) { $user = KunenaUserHelper::get($ofanid); // $user = KunenaFactory::getUser(); // Get avatar URL "/media/kunena/avatars/path/file.jpg" $avatarUrl = $user->getAvatarURL($sizex, $sizey); // Get avatar <img> tag $avatarHtml = $user->getAvatarImage($class, $sizex, $sizey); // Get profile link with avatar pointing to profile page $userLink = $user->getLink(null, $avatarHtml); $filenameglocal = $avatarUrl; $filenameglive = $avatarHtml; if (!empty($avatarUrl)) { $imgurl = $filenameglive; } elseif ($config->gravatar) { $email = uddeIMgetEMailFromID((int)$ofanid, $config); $grurl = uddeIMgetGravatar($email, $grsize, $config->gravatard, $config->gravatarr); $imgurl = "<img class='uddeim-tn'".$picstyle." src='".$grurl."' alt='' />"; } else { $imgurl = ""; } if ($noanchor) $gimmeback = $imgurl; else $gimmeback = uddeIMgetLinkOnly($ofanid, $imgurl, $config); } } elseif ($config->showcbpic==0 && $config->gravatar) { // disabled, but gravatar enabled $email = uddeIMgetEMailFromID((int)$ofanid, $config); $grurl = uddeIMgetGravatar($email, $grsize, $config->gravatard, $config->gravatarr); $imgurl = "<img class='uddeim-tn'".$picstyle." src='".$grurl."' alt='' />"; if ($noanchor) $gimmeback = $imgurl; else $gimmeback = uddeIMgetLinkOnly($ofanid, $imgurl, $config); } return $gimmeback; }
function uddeIMquoteSmart($source) { $database = uddeIMgetDatabase(); if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $source = stripslashes($source); } $source = $database->getEscaped( $source ); return $source; }
function uddeIMgetPostboxUserCount($myself, $userid, $filter_user=0, $filter_unread=0, $filter_flagged=0) { $database = uddeIMgetDatabase(); $filter=""; if ($filter_user) $filter = " WHERE a.fromid=".(int)$filter_user; if ($filter_user==-1) $filter = " WHERE a.fromid=0"; if ($filter_unread) $filter .= " AND a.toread=0"; if ($filter_flagged) $filter .= " AND a.flagged<>0"; $filterout = ""; if ($filter_user) $filterout = " AND a.toid=".(int)$filter_user; if ($filter_user==-1) $filterout = " AND a.toid=0"; $sql = " SELECT count( FROM #__uddeim AS a WHERE (a.totrash=0 AND a.toid=".(int)$myself." AND a.fromid=".(int)$userid.$filter.") OR (a.totrashoutbox=0 AND a.fromid=".(int)$myself." AND a.toid=".(int)$userid.$filterout.")"; $database->setQuery($sql); $total = (int)$database->loadResult(); return $total; }
function sendNewSysMessage($fromid, $recipients, $message, $systemmsg=0, $validfor=0, $sendnotification=0, $forceembedded=0) { $database = uddeIMgetDatabase(); if ($systemmsg) { // system message $sendername = $this->config->sysm_username; $savesysflag = addslashes($sendername); // system message $savedisablereply = 1; // and users can't reply to them $emn_fromid = 0; // for email notifications set userid 0 } else { $sendername = uddeIMgetNameFromID($fromid, $this->config); $savesysflag = addslashes($sendername); $savedisablereply = 0; $emn_fromid = $fromid; } $savedatum = uddetime($this->config->timezone); if ($validfor>0) { $now = uddetime($this->config->timezone); $validuntil = $now+($validfor*3600); } else { $validuntil = 0; } if ($this->config->cryptmode>=1) { // because of encoding do not use slashes $savemessage = strip_tags($message); } else { $savemessage = addslashes(strip_tags($message)); // original 0.6+ } getAdditonalGroups($add_special, $add_admin, $config); if (uddeIMcheckJversion()>=2) { // J1.6 if ($recipients=="all") { $sql="SELECT id FROM #__users WHERE block=0"; } elseif($recipients=="online") { $sql="SELECT, b.userid FROM #__users AS a, #__session AS b WHERE block=0 AND"; } elseif($recipients=="special") { $sql="SELECT DISTINCT FROM (#__users AS u INNER JOIN #__user_usergroup_map AS um ON INNER JOIN #__usergroups AS g ON WHERE u.block=0 AND IN (3,4,5,6,7,8".$add_admin.$add_special.")"; } elseif($recipients=="admins") { $sql="SELECT DISTINCT FROM (#__users AS u INNER JOIN #__user_usergroup_map AS um ON INNER JOIN #__usergroups AS g ON WHERE u.block=0 AND IN (7,8".$add_admin.")"; } else { $sql="SELECT DISTINCT FROM (#__users AS u INNER JOIN #__user_usergroup_map AS um ON INNER JOIN #__usergroups AS g ON WHERE u.block=0 AND".(int)$recipients; } } else { if ($recipients=="all") { $sql="SELECT id FROM #__users WHERE block=0"; } elseif($recipients=="online") { $sql="SELECT, b.userid FROM #__users AS a, #__session AS b WHERE block=0 AND"; } elseif($recipients=="special") { $sql="SELECT id FROM #__users WHERE block=0 AND gid IN (19,20,21,23,24,25".$add_admin.")"; } elseif($recipients=="admins") { $sql="SELECT id FROM #__users WHERE block=0 AND gid IN (24,25".$add_admin.")"; } else { $sql="SELECT id FROM #__users WHERE block=0 AND gid=".(int)$recipients; } } $database->setQuery($sql); $receivers=$database->loadObjectList(); if (!count($receivers)) { return 1; } foreach($receivers as $receiver) { $toid = $receiver->id; $themode = 0; if ($this->config->cryptmode==1 || $this->config->cryptmode==2 || $this->config->cryptmode==4) { $themode = 1; $cm = uddeIMencrypt($savemessage,$this->config->cryptkey,CRYPT_MODE_BASE64); $sql="INSERT INTO #__uddeim (fromid, toid, message, datum, expires, systemmessage, systemflag, disablereply, totrashoutbox, totrashdateoutbox, cryptmode, crypthash) VALUES (".(int)$fromid.", ".(int)$toid.", '".$cm."', ".$savedatum.", ".$validuntil.", '".$savesysflag."', 1,".$savedisablereply.", 1, ".$savedatum.",1,'".md5($this->config->cryptkey)."')"; } elseif ($this->config->cryptmode==3) { $themode = 3; $cm = uddeIMencrypt($savemessage,"",CRYPT_MODE_STOREBASE64); $sql="INSERT INTO #__uddeim (fromid, toid, message, datum, expires, systemmessage, systemflag, disablereply, totrashoutbox, totrashdateoutbox, cryptmode) VALUES (".(int)$fromid.", ".(int)$toid.", '".$cm."', ".$savedatum.", ".$validuntil.", '".$savesysflag."', 1,".$savedisablereply.", 1, ".$savedatum.",3)"; } else { $sql="INSERT INTO #__uddeim (fromid, toid, message, datum, expires, systemmessage, systemflag, disablereply, totrashoutbox, totrashdateoutbox) VALUES (".(int)$fromid.", ".(int)$toid.", '".$savemessage."', ".$savedatum.", ".$validuntil.", '".$savesysflag."', 1,".$savedisablereply.", 1,".$savedatum.")"; } $database->setQuery($sql); if (!$database->query()) { die("SQL error when attempting to save a message" . $database->stderr(true)); } $insID = $database->insertid(); if ($sendnotification) { // Check if E-Mail notification or popups are enabled by default, if so create a record for the receiver. if ($this->config->notifydefault>0 || $this->config->popupdefault>0 || $this->config->pubfrontenddefault>0 || $this->config->autoresponder>0 || $this->config->autoforward>0) { if (!uddeIMexistsEMN($toid)) uddeIMinsertEMNdefaults($toid, $this->config); } } // ################################################################################################## // email notification // ################################################################################################## if ($sendnotification) { $currentlyonline = uddeIMisOnline($toid); if ($this->config->cryptmode>=1) { $email = stripslashes($savemessage); } else { $email = stripslashes(stripslashes($savemessage)); } $type = 0; if ($forceembedded) $type = 2; if ($this->config->allowemailnotify==1) { $ison = uddeIMgetEMNstatus($toid); if (($ison==1) || ($ison==2 && !$currentlyonline) || $ison==10 || ($ison==20 && !$currentlyonline)) { uddeIMdispatchEMN($insID, $item_id, $themode, $emn_fromid, $toid, $email, $type, $this->config); } } elseif($this->config->allowemailnotify==2) { $gid = uddeIMgetGID((int)$toid); if (uddeIMisAdmin($gid) || uddeIMisAdmin2($gid, $this->config)) { $ison = uddeIMgetEMNstatus($toid); if (($ison==1) || ($ison==2 && !$currentlyonline) || $ison==10 || ($ison==20 && !$currentlyonline)) { uddeIMdispatchEMN($insID, $item_id, $themode, $emn_fromid, $toid, $email, $type, $this->config); } } } } } return 0; }
function uddeIMdoPublicShowAllUsers($config) { $database = uddeIMgetDatabase(); $hide = ""; if ($config->pubhideusers) $hide = "AND NOT IN (".uddeIMquoteSmart($config->pubhideusers).") "; $hide2 = ""; if ($config->pubblockgroups) $hide2 = "AND gid NOT IN (".uddeIMquoteSmart($config->pubblockgroups).") "; switch ($config->pubhideallusers) { case 3: // special users $sql="SELECT a.".($config->pubrealnames ? "name" : "username")." AS displayname FROM #__users AS a, #__uddeim_emn AS b WHERE AND b.public=1 AND a.block=0 AND gid NOT IN (19,20,21,23,24,25) ".$hide.$hide2."ORDER BY a.".($config->pubrealnames ? "name" : "username"); break; case 2: // admins $sql="SELECT a.".($config->pubrealnames ? "name" : "username")." AS displayname FROM #__users AS a, #__uddeim_emn AS b WHERE AND b.public=1 AND a.block=0 AND gid NOT IN (24,25) ".$hide.$hide2."ORDER BY a.".($config->pubrealnames ? "name" : "username"); break; case 1: // superadmins $sql="SELECT a.".($config->pubrealnames ? "name" : "username")." AS displayname FROM #__users AS a, #__uddeim_emn AS b WHERE AND b.public=1 AND a.block=0 AND gid NOT IN (25) ".$hide.$hide2."ORDER BY a.".($config->pubrealnames ? "name" : "username"); break; default: // none $sql="SELECT a.".($config->pubrealnames ? "name" : "username")." AS displayname FROM #__users AS a, #__uddeim_emn AS b WHERE AND b.public=1 AND a.block=0 ".$hide.$hide2."ORDER BY a.".($config->pubrealnames ? "name" : "username"); break; } $database->setQuery($sql); $rows=$database->loadObjectList(); if (count($rows)>0) { $allnames="<select size=\"1\" class=\"inputbox\" name=\"userlist\" onchange=\"document.sendeform.to_name.value=document.sendeform.userlist.value; return false;\">"; $allnames.="<option value=\"\"> </option>"; foreach ($rows as $row) $allnames.="<option value=\"".$row->displayname."\">".$row->displayname."</option>"; $allnames.="</select>"; echo _UDDEIM_USERLIST."<br />"; echo $allnames; } }
function uddeIM_com_install() { $ver = new JVersion(); if ( defined( 'JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR' ) ) { require_once(JPATH_SITE.'/components/com_uddeim/uddeimlib.php'); require_once(JPATH_SITE.'/administrator/components/com_uddeim/admin.uddeimlib.php'); } else { global $mainframe; require_once($mainframe->getCfg('absolute_path').'/components/com_uddeim/uddeimlib.php'); require_once($mainframe->getCfg('absolute_path').'/administrator/components/com_uddeim/admin.uddeimlib.php'); } require_once(uddeIMgetPath('absolute_path')."/administrator/components/com_uddeim/config.class.php"); require_once(uddeIMgetPath('absolute_path')."/administrator/components/com_uddeim/admin.shared.php"); require_once(uddeIMgetPath('absolute_path')."/administrator/components/com_uddeim/admin.includes.php"); $mosConfig_locale = uddeIMgetLocale(); $mosConfig_sitename = uddeIMgetSitename(); $mosConfig_lang = uddeIMgetLang(); $database = uddeIMgetDatabase(); $version = uddeIMgetVersion(); $pathtoadmin = uddeIMgetPath('admin'); $pathtouser = uddeIMgetPath('user'); $config = new uddeimconfigclass(); // set initial values $config->cryptkey = 'uddeIMcryptkey'; $config->version = '2.4'; $config->datumsformat = 'j M, H:i'; $config->ldatumsformat = 'j F Y, H:i'; $config->emn_sendermail = 'webmaster'; $config->emn_sendername = 'Messaging'; $config->sysm_username = '******'; $config->charset = 'ISO-8859-1'; $config->mailcharset = 'ISO-8859-1'; $config->emn_body_nomessage = ''; $config->emn_body_withmessage = ''; $config->emn_forgetmenot = ''; $config->export_format = ''; $config->showtitle = ''; $config->templatedir = 'default'; $config->quotedivider= '__________'; $config->blockgroups = ''; $config->pubblockgroups = ''; $config->hideusers = '62'; $config->pubhideusers = '62'; $config->attachmentgroups = ''; $config->recaptchaprv = ''; $config->recaptchapub = ''; $config->allowedextensions = ''; $config->badwords = ''; $config->gravatard = ''; $config->gravatarr = ''; $config->ReadMessagesLifespan = 36524; $config->UnreadMessagesLifespan = 36524; $config->SentMessagesLifespan = 36524; $config->TrashLifespan = 2; $config->ReadMessagesLifespanNote = 0; $config->UnreadMessagesLifespanNote = 0; $config->SentMessagesLifespanNote = 0; $config->TrashLifespanNote = 1; $config->adminignitiononly = 1; $config->pmsimportdone = 0; $config->blockalert = 0; $config->blocksystem = 0; $config->allowemailnotify = 0; $config->notifydefault = 0; $config->popupdefault = 0; $config->allowsysgm = 0; $config->emailwithmessage = 0; $config->firstwordsinbox = 40; $config->longwaitingdays = 75; $config->longwaitingemail = 0; $config->maxlength = 2500; $config->showcblink = 1; $config->showcbpic = 1; $config->showonline = 1; $config->allowarchive = 0; $config->maxarchive = 100; $config->allowcopytome = 1; $config->trashoriginal = 1; $config->perpage = 8; $config->enabledownload = 0; $config->inboxlimit = 0; $config->showinboxlimit = 0; $config->allowpopup = 0; $config->allowbb = 1; $config->allowsmile = 1; $config->animated = 0; $config->animatedex = 0; $config->showmenuicons = 1; $config->bottomlineicons = 1; $config->actionicons = 1; $config->showconnex = 0; $config->showsettingslink = 2; $config->connex_listbox = 1; $config->forgetmenotstart = 0; $config->showabout = 0; $config->emailtrafficenabled = 0; $config->getpiclink = 0; $config->realnames = 0; $config->cryptmode = 0; $config->modeshowallusers = 1; $config->useautocomplete = 0; $config->allowmultipleuser = 1; $config->connexallowmultipleuser = 1; $config->allowmultiplerecipients = 1; $config->showtextcounter = 1; $config->allowforwards = 1; $config->showgroups = 0; $config->mailsystem = 0; $config->searchinstring = 1; $config->maxrecipients = 0; $config->languagecharset = 0; $config->usecaptcha = 0; $config->captchalen = 4; $config->pubfrontend = 0; $config->pubfrontenddefault = 0; $config->pubmodeshowallusers = 1; $config->hideallusers = 0; $config->pubhideallusers = 0; $config->unblockCBconnections = 1; $config->CBgallery = 0; $config->enablelists = 0; $config->maxonlists = 100; $config->timedelay = 0; $config->pubrealnames = 0; $config->pubreplies = 0; $config->pubemail = 0; $config->csrfprotection = 0; $config->trashrestriction = 0; $config->replytruncate = 0; $config->allowflagged = 0; $config->overwriteitemid = 0; $config->useitemid = 0; $config->timezone = 0; $config->pubsearchinstring = 1; $config->pubuseautocomplete = 0; $config->mootools = 1; $config->autoresponder = 0; $config->autoforward = 0; $config->rows = 10; $config->cols = 60; $config->width = 0; $config->enablefilter = 0; $config->enablereply = 0; $config->enablerss = 0; $config->showigoogle = 1; $config->showhelp = 0; $config->separator = 0; $config->rsslimit = 20; $config->restrictallusers = 0; $config->trashoriginalsent = 0; $config->checkbanned = 0; $config->enableattachment = 0; $config->maxsizeattachment = 16384; $config->maxattachments = 1; $config->fileadminignitiononly = 1; $config->showlistattachment = 1; $config->showmenucount = 0; $config->encodeheader = 0; $config->enablesort = 0; $config->captchatype = 0; $config->unprotectdownloads = 0; $config->waitdays = 0; $config->avatarw = 0; $config->avatarh = 0; $config->gravatar = 0; $config->addccline = 0; $config->modnewusers = 0; $config->modpubusers = 0; $config->restrictcon = 0; $config->restrictrem = 0; $config->stime = 0; $config->dontsefmsglink = 0; $config->enablepostbox = 0; $config->postboxfull = 0; $config->postboxavatars = 0; $config->replytext = 1; // temporary variables $config->flags = 0; $config->userid = 0; $config->usergid = 0; $config->cbitemid = 0; $config->languagecharset = 1; // use UTF-8 on Joomla != 1.0 // try to determine the best settings for uddeIM on this installation // is uddeIM already installed and are messages in the archive? $sql="SELECT count(id) FROM #__uddeim WHERE archived=1"; $database->setQuery($sql); $archivedmessages=$database->loadResult(); $config->allowarchive = 0; $config->enabledownload = 0; if ($archivedmessages) { $config->allowarchive = 1; $config->enabledownload = 1; } switch ($mosConfig_lang) { case "germani": case "germanf": case "german": $config->datumsformat = 'j M, H:i'; $config->ldatumsformat = 'j. F Y, H:i'; break; default: $config->datumsformat = 'j M, H:i'; $config->ldatumsformat = 'j F Y, H:i'; break; } // is CB installed? CB only, NOT CBE! $config->showcblink = 0; $config->showcbpic = 0; $config->showconnex = 0; $config->checkbanned = 0; $config->realnames = 0; if (uddeIMfileExists("/components/com_comprofiler/comprofiler.php")) { $config->showcblink = 1; $config->showcbpic = 1; $config->showconnex = 1; $config->checkbanned = 1; // now look for the CB config file // if realnames are used in CB, use realnames in uddeIM as well if (uddeIMfileExists("/administrator/components/com_comprofiler/ue_config.php")) { global $ueConfig; include_once(uddeIMgetPath('absolute_path')."/administrator/components/com_comprofiler/ue_config.php"); if (isset($ueConfig['name_format'])) { if ($ueConfig['name_format']=='1') { $config->realnames=1; $config->pubrealnames=1; } } } } if (uddeIMfileExists("/components/com_cbe/cbe.php")) { $config->showcblink = 4; $config->showcbpic = 4; $config->showconnex = 1; $config->checkbanned = 1; // now look for the CBE config file // if realnames are used in CBE, use realnames in uddeIM as well if (uddeIMfileExists("/administrator/components/com_cbe/ue_config.php")) { global $ueConfig; include_once(uddeIMgetPath('absolute_path')."/administrator/components/com_cbe/ue_config.php"); if (isset($ueConfig['name_format'])) { if ($ueConfig['name_format']=='1') { $config->realnames=1; $config->pubrealnames=1; } } } } if (uddeIMfileExists("/administrator/components/com_comprofiler/ue_config.php")) { global $ueConfig; include_once(uddeIMgetPath('absolute_path')."/administrator/components/com_comprofiler/ue_config.php"); if (isset($ueConfig['thumbWidth'])) { if ($ueConfig['thumbWidth']) $config->avatarw = (int)$ueConfig['thumbWidth']; } if (isset($ueConfig['thumbHeight'])) { if ($ueConfig['thumbHeight']) $config->avatarh = (int)$ueConfig['thumbHeight']; } } elseif (uddeIMfileExists("/administrator/components/com_cbe/ue_config.php")) { global $ueConfig; include_once(uddeIMgetPath('absolute_path')."/administrator/components/com_cbe/ue_config.php"); if (isset($ueConfig['thumbWidth'])) { if ($ueConfig['thumbWidth']) $config->avatarw = (int)$ueConfig['thumbWidth']; } if (isset($ueConfig['thumbHeight'])) { if ($ueConfig['thumbHeight']) $config->avatarh = (int)$ueConfig['thumbHeight']; } } $postfix = ""; if ($config->languagecharset) $postfix = ".utf8"; // is the correct lang file installed? if (file_exists($pathtoadmin.'/language'.$postfix.'/'.$mosConfig_lang.'.php')) { include_once($pathtoadmin.'/language'.$postfix.'/'.$mosConfig_lang.'.php'); $langinfo=""; } elseif (file_exists($pathtoadmin.'/language'.$postfix.'/english.php')) { include_once($pathtoadmin.'/language'.$postfix.'/english.php'); $langinfo="<p>There is no <b>".ucfirst($mosConfig_lang)." (UTF-8)</b> language file installed. uddeIM will use English (UTF-8).</p>"; } elseif (file_exists($pathtoadmin.'/language/english.php')) { include_once($pathtoadmin.'/language/english.php'); $langinfo="<p>There is no <b>".ucfirst($mosConfig_lang)."</b> language file installed. uddeIM will use English.</p>"; $config->languagecharset=0; } // see // // // en, fr_FR, es_ES, it_IT, pt_PT // $tag = strtolower(substr($mosConfig_locale,0,2)); switch ($tag) { case "bg": case "ru": $config->charset = 'cp1251'; $config->mailcharset = 'Windows-1251'; break; case "sr": case "vi": case "ar": // and others case "el": // and others case "sr": case "zh": // and others case "ja": $config->charset = 'UTF-8'; $config->mailcharset = 'UTF-8'; break; default: $config->charset = 'ISO-8859-1'; $config->mailcharset = 'ISO-8859-1'; break; } if ($config->languagecharset==1) { $config->charset = 'UTF-8'; $config->mailcharset = 'UTF-8'; } // Now save these settings uddeIMsaveConfig($pathtoadmin, $config); // Now write a welcome message to the Admin $userid = uddeIMgetUserID(); if ($userid) { if ($config->languagecharset) { // UTF-8 fix, not tested so far $sql = "SET NAMES utf8;"; $database->setQuery($sql); $isok = $database->query(); } $rightnow = uddetime($config->timezone); $welcome_time = $rightnow; $welcome_user = "******"; $welcome_msg = _UDDEADM_WELCOMEMSG; // its not a reply, so replyid=0 $sql="INSERT INTO #__uddeim (fromid, toid, toread, message, datum, systemflag, disablereply, systemmessage, totrashoutbox, totrashdateoutbox) VALUES (".$userid.", ".$userid.", 0, '".$welcome_msg."', ".$welcome_time.", 1, 1, '".$welcome_user."', 1, ".$welcome_time.")"; $database->setQuery($sql); if (!$database->query()) { die("SQL error when attempting to save a message" . $database->stderr(true)); } } // create folder for attachments $folder = "/images/uddeimfiles"; if (!uddeIMfolderExists($folder)) { if (!uddeIMmkdir($folder)) { echo "<b><span style='color: red;'>"._UDDEADM_FOLDERCREATE_ERROR.$folder."</span></b>"; } else { // uddeIMchmod($folder, "766"); // BUGBUG: Joomla send CHMOD instead of SITE CHMOD $file = $folder."/index.html"; if (!uddeIMfileExists($file)) { $cf = "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">\n"; $cf .= "<html><head></head><body></body></html>"; uddeIMwriteFile($file, $cf); } $file = $folder."/.htaccess"; if (!uddeIMfileExists($file)) { $cf = "# Having a .htaccess prevents users from directly\n"; $cf .= "# accessing the files in your /images/uddeimfiles folder\n"; $cf .= "#\n"; $cf .= "deny from all\n"; uddeIMwriteFile($file, $cf); } } } echo "<div style='width: 600px; text-align: left;'>"; echo "<p><b>"._UDDEADM_UDDEINSTCOMPLETE."</b></p>"; echo $langinfo; echo "<p>"._UDDEADM_REVIEWSETTINGS."</p>"; echo "<ul>"; echo "<li>"._UDDEADM_REVIEWLANG."</li>"; echo "<li>"._UDDEADM_REVIEWEMAILSTOP."</li>"; echo "<li>"._UDDEADM_REVIEWUPDATE."</li>"; $folder = "/uddeimfiles"; if (uddeIMfolderExists($folder)) { echo "<li>"._UDDEADM_CHECKFILESFOLDER."</li>"; } echo "</ul>"; // redirect to settings echo "<p><a href='".uddeIMredirectIndex()."?option=com_uddeim'>".ucfirst(_UDDEADM_CONTINUE)."</a></p>"; echo "</div>"; }
function uddeIMcheckForValidDB($option, $task, $uddeimversion, $config) { $database = uddeIMgetDatabase(); $sql = "SHOW FIELDS FROM #__uddeim_userlists LIKE 'global';"; $database->setQuery($sql); $rows = $database->loadObjectList(); if (!$rows) $rows = Array(); $fields = Array(); foreach ($rows as $row) $fields[]=$row->Field; if ( !in_array("global" , $fields) ) return 0; // it is 1.5 or below, since 1.6 has "global" $sql = "SHOW FIELDS FROM #__uddeim_spam LIKE 'mid';"; $database->setQuery($sql); $rows = $database->loadObjectList(); if (!$rows) $rows = Array(); $fields = Array(); foreach ($rows as $row) $fields[]=$row->Field; if ( !in_array("mid" , $fields) ) return 0; // it is 1.6 or below, since 1.7 has "mid" $sql = "SHOW FIELDS FROM #__uddeim_emn LIKE 'locked';"; $database->setQuery($sql); $rows = $database->loadObjectList(); if (!$rows) $rows = Array(); $fields = Array(); foreach ($rows as $row) $fields[]=$row->Field; if ( !in_array("locked" , $fields) ) return 0; // it is 1.6 or below, since 1.7 has "locked" $sql = "SHOW FIELDS FROM #__uddeim_attachments LIKE 'filename';"; $database->setQuery($sql); $rows = $database->loadObjectList(); if (!$rows) $rows = Array(); $fields = Array(); foreach ($rows as $row) $fields[]=$row->Field; if ( !in_array("filename" , $fields) ) return 0; // it is 1.7 or 1.8, since 1.9 has "attachments" $sql = "SHOW FIELDS FROM #__uddeim LIKE 'systemflag';"; $database->setQuery($sql); $rows = $database->loadObjectList(); if (!$rows) $rows = Array(); $fields = Array(); foreach ($rows as $row) $fields[]=$row->Field; if ( !in_array("systemflag" , $fields) ) return 0; // it is 1.9 or 2.0, since 2.1 has "systemflag" $sql = "SHOW FIELDS FROM #__uddeim LIKE 'delayed';"; $database->setQuery($sql); $rows = $database->loadObjectList(); if (!$rows) $rows = Array(); $fields = Array(); foreach ($rows as $row) $fields[]=$row->Field; if ( !in_array("delayed" , $fields) ) return 0; // it is 2.2, since 2.3 has "delayed" return 1; }