function authorized($username, $service, $mode = AUTH_VERIFY) { if ($service == 'http') { if ($mode != AUTH_PROBE) { u_syslog("Gave {$service} access to {$username}"); } return TRUE; } elseif ($service == 'postcomment' and is_logged_in()) { if ($mode != AUTH_PROBE) { u_syslog("Gave {$service} access to {$username}"); } return TRUE; } elseif (is_logged_in() and $service == 'updatejournal' and $username == JOURNAL_USERNAME) { if ($mode != AUTH_PROBE) { u_syslog("Gave {$service} access to {$username}"); } return TRUE; } else { if ($mode != AUTH_PROBE) { u_syslog("Denied {$service} access to {$username}"); } return FALSE; } }
function authenticate($username, $password, $mode = AUTH_VERIFY) { $authenticators = split('\\s+,\\s+', LOGIN_AUTHENTICATORS); while (count($authenticators) > 0) { $af = 'authenticate_' . array_shift($authenticators); if (($authstat = $af($username, $password)) != AUTH_SERVFAIL) { if ($mode != AUTH_PROBE) { u_syslog("Authenticated {$username}"); } return $authstat; } } if ($mode != AUTH_PROBE) { u_syslog("Failed to authenticate {$username}"); } return AUTH_DENY; // Obsolete: if (LOGIN_AUTHENTICATOR == 'imap') { return authenticate_imap($username, $password); } elseif (LOGIN_AUTHENTICATOR == 'passwd') { return authenticate_passwd($username, $password); } else { return FALSE; } // Obsolete: if (USERNAME == 'aredridel') { if ($username == 'aredridel' and $password == 'arcanixdesire') { return true; } else { return false; } } elseif (USERNAME == 'toodamnperky') { if (($username == 'toodamnperky' or $username == 'marina') and $password == 'perkyisgood') { return true; } else { return false; } } elseif (USERNAME == 'jadzia') { $crypted = '16BeVr1SnBnrQ'; if ($username == 'jadzia' and crypt($password, $crypted) == $crypted) { return true; } else { return false; } } elseif (USERNAME == 'ryland') { $crypted = '$1$Ne2wTZ2g$ykyhHrAD1fXAAvSSHCOSQ0'; if ($username == 'ryland' and crypt($password, $crypted) == $crypted) { return true; } else { return false; } } elseif (USERNAME == 'carrie') { if ($username = '******' and $password = '******') { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } elseif (USERNAME == 'thelhf') { if ($username == 'thelhf' and $password == 'smart') { return true; } else { return false; } } }
<?php require "syslog.php"; u_openlog("hmm"); u_syslog("test");