Пример #1
function truncate($text, $maxTextLength, $maxLines)
    $lines = explode("\n", $text);
    $visibleLines = array_filter($lines);
    if (count($visibleLines) > $maxLines) {
        $newContent = array();
        $visibleLinesAdded = 0;
        $i = 0;
        while ($visibleLinesAdded < $maxLines && $i < count($lines)) {
            $line = $lines[$i];
            $newContent[] = $line;
            if (trim($line) != '') {
        $text = implode("\n", $newContent);
        // Tack on extra chars and then tell cassis to ellipsize it shorter to take advantage of proper ellipsizing logic.
        // This is for when the full text is shorter than $maxTextLength but has more lines than $maxLines
        $text .= ' ....';
        $text = truncateString($text, min($maxTextLength, strlen($text) - 1));
    } else {
        $text = truncateString($text, $maxTextLength);
    return $text;
Пример #2
function _make_url_clickable_cb($matches)
    $ret = '';
    $url = $matches[2];
    if (empty($url)) {
        return $matches[0];
    // removed trailing [.,;:] from URL
    if (in_array(substr($url, -1), array('.', ',', ';', ':')) === true) {
        $ret = substr($url, -1);
        $url = substr($url, 0, strlen($url) - 1);
    if (strpos($url, 'pbs.twimg.com') !== false) {
        return $matches[1] . "<img src=\"{$url}\" alt=\"{$url}\" />" . $ret;
    return $matches[1] . "<a href=\"{$url}\" rel=\"nofollow\">" . truncateString($url) . "</a>" . $ret;
Пример #3
<center><b>Bug tracker allows you to view current bugs on the server, also you are able to send bug notices to be fixed.</b></center>
<br />
if (count($bugs) == 0) {
    alert("No bugs has been submited.");
} else {
    echo "<center>" . $pages . "</cemter>";
    echo "<table width='100%'>";
    echo "<tr><td width='2%'></td><td width='30%'><center><b>Title</b></center></td><td><center><b>Category</b></center></td><td><center><b>Priority</b></center></td><td><center><b>Author</b></center></td><td><center><b>Done</b></center></td><td><center><b>Time</b></center></td></tr>";
    foreach ($bugs as $bug) {
        $status = $bug['closed'] == 0 ? "open.gif" : "closed.gif";
        echo "<tr class='bugtrackerRow'><td><center><img src='" . WEBSITE . "/public/images/bugtracker/" . $status . "'></center></td><td width='30%'><center><a href='" . WEBSITE . "/index.php/bugtracker/view/" . $bug['id'] . "'>" . truncateString($bug['title'], 26) . "</a></center></td><td><center>" . bugtracker_getCategory($bug['category']) . "</center></td><td><center>" . bugtracker_getPriorityImage($bug['priority']) . " " . bugtracker_getPriority($bug['priority']) . "</center></td><td><center><a href='" . WEBSITE . "/index.php/character/view/" . $bug['name'] . "'>" . $bug['name'] . "</a></center></td><td><center><div class='bugtrackerProgressBar'><div class='bugtrackerProgress' style='width: " . $bug['done'] . "%;'></div></div>" . $bug['done'] . "%</center></td><td><center>" . ago($bug['time']) . "</center></td></tr>";
    echo "</table>";
echo "<center>" . $pages . "</cemter>";
Пример #4
    $answer = array('assignment_id' => $assignmentID, 'scores' => $scores, 'num_reviews' => $numReviews, 'avg_score' => getAvg($scores, $numReviews));
    $scoresArr[] = $answer;
    // push to array
// (reverse) sort answers by average review score
usort($scoresArr, 'sortByAvgScore');
foreach ($scoresArr as $s) {
    $q = sprintf("SELECT * FROM app_db WHERE assignment_id = '%s'", $s['assignment_id']);
    $results = mysql_query($q);
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($results)) {
        echo '<tr>';
        echo '<td class="dash_table_text_vertical_middle">' . truncateString($row['description']) . '</td>';
        echo '<td class="dash_table_text_vertical_middle">' . truncateString($row['location']) . '</td>';
        echo '<td class="dash_table_text_horizontal_center dash_table_text_vertical_middle">' . $row['confidence'] . '</td>';
        echo '<td class="dash_table_text_vertical_middle">' . truncateString($row['why']) . '</td>';
        echo '<td class="dash_table_text_horizontal_center dash_table_text_vertical_middle">' . $s['num_reviews'] . '</td>';
        echo '<td class="dash_table_text_horizontal_center dash_table_text_vertical_middle">' . number_format($s['avg_score'], 1) . '</td>';
        echo '<td> </td>';
        echo '</tr>';
function sortByAvgScore($a, $b)
    $aAvg = $a['avg_score'];
    $bAvg = $b['avg_score'];
    if ($aAvg == $bAvg) {
        return 0;
    } elseif ($aAvg > $bAvg) {
        return -1;
    } else {
Пример #5
     $status = "stickclose.png";
 } else {
     if ($thread['sticked'] == 1 and $thread['closed'] == 0) {
         $status = "sticked.png";
     } else {
         if ($thread['sticked'] == 0 and $thread['closed'] == 1) {
             $status = "closedthread.png";
         } else {
             $status = "open.png";
 if (empty($thread['post_author'])) {
     $last = "No posts";
 } else {
     $last = "By <a href='" . WEBSITE . "/index.php/character/view/" . $thread['post_author'] . "'>" . truncateString($thread['post_author'], 10) . "</a><br /> " . ago($thread['post_time']);
 echo "<div class='threadTable'>";
 echo "<div class='threadStatus'>";
 echo "<img src='" . WEBSITE . "/public/images/forum/" . $status . "'>";
 echo "</div>";
 echo "<div class='threadLeft'>";
 echo "<div class='threadTitle'><a href='" . WEBSITE . "/index.php/forum/thread/" . $thread['id'] . "'>";
 echo $thread['name'];
 echo "</a></div>";
 echo "<div class='threadAuthor'>";
 echo "Posted by: " . ucfirst($thread['author']);
 echo "</div>";
 echo "</div>";
 echo "<div class='threadRight'>";
 echo $last;
Пример #6
        } else {
            if ($primerRenglon == 0) {
                echo '<div class="row">';
            } else {
                if ($numNoticiasSinNotaPrincipal % 2 != 0) {
                    echo '<hr class="division_notas_listado"><div class="row">';
            echo '  <div class="col-xs-6 col-lg-6 ">';
            echo '    <div class="sub_noticia"> <a href="nota.php?id=' . $objNotice->id . '">';
            echo '     <img class="notice_secondary_image" src="' . $objNotice->urlImageMain . '"/>';
            echo '       <div class="noticia_secondary_summary">';
            echo '         <h3>' . truncateString($objNotice->title, 47) . '</h3>';
            echo '            <small> ' . getTimeDate(substr($objNotice->dateRegistration, 0, 10)) . '</small>';
            echo '          <p>';
            echo '           ' . truncateString($objNotice->summary, 117) . '</p>';
            echo '       </div>';
            echo '       </a>';
            echo '    </div>';
            echo '  </div><!--/.col-xs-6.col-lg-4-->';
            if ($numNoticiasSinNotaPrincipal % 2 == 0) {
                echo '</div><!--/row-->';
            $numNoticiasSinNotaPrincipal = $numNoticiasSinNotaPrincipal - 1;
    echo createPagination($objNoticeController->objNoticeService->totalNotices, $offset);
} else {
        echo '<td width=32><a href="visitors.php?pageno=' . $i_pageno_count . $i_url_pages_addon . '"><img src="images/button-last-big.gif" border=0 title="' . $lngstr['button_last_page'] . '"></a></td>';
    } else {
        echo '<td width=32><img src="images/button-next-big-inactive.gif" border=0 title="' . $lngstr['button_next_page'] . '"></td>';
        echo '<td width=32><img src="images/button-last-big-inactive.gif" border=0 title="' . $lngstr['button_last_page'] . '"></td>';
echo '<td width=2><img src="images/toolbar-right.gif" width=2 height=32></td></tr></table>';
echo '</td></tr><tr><td>';
echo '<table class=rowtable2 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=1 border=0 width="100%">';
echo '<tr vAlign=top><td class=rowhdr1 title="' . $lngstr['label_hdr_select_hint'] . '" width=22><input type=checkbox name=toggleAll onclick="toggleCBs(this);"></td>';
writeQryTableHeaders('visitors.php?action=' . $i_url_limit_addon, $i_tablefields, $i_order_no, $i_direction);
echo '<td class=rowhdr1 colspan=2>' . $lngstr['label_hdr_action'] . '</td></tr>';
$i_rSet1 = $g_db->SelectLimit("SELECT *, ip1, ip2, ip3, ip4, " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "users.username FROM " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "visitors, " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "users WHERE ((" . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "visitors.id=0 AND " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "users.id=2) OR " . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "visitors.id=" . $srv_settings['table_prefix'] . "users.id)" . $i_sql_order_addon, $i_limitcount, $i_limitfrom);
if (!$i_rSet1) {
    showDBError(__FILE__, 1);
} else {
    $i_counter = 0;
    while (!$i_rSet1->EOF) {
        $rowname = $i_counter % 2 ? "rowone" : "rowtwo";
        $i_ip = $i_rSet1->fields['ip1'] . '.' . $i_rSet1->fields['ip2'] . '.' . $i_rSet1->fields['ip3'] . '.' . $i_rSet1->fields['ip4'];
        echo '<tr id=tr_' . $i_pagewide_id . ' class=' . $rowname . ' onmouseover="rollTR(' . $i_pagewide_id . ',1);" onmouseout="rollTR(' . $i_pagewide_id . ',0);"><td align=center width=22><input id=cb_' . $i_pagewide_id . ' type=checkbox name=box_visitors[] value="' . $i_rSet1->fields['visitorid'] . '" onclick="toggleCB(this);"></td><td align=right>' . $i_rSet1->fields['visitorid'] . '</td><td>' . getDateLocal($lngstr['language']['date_format'], $i_rSet1->fields['startdate']) . '</td><td><nobr>' . convertTextValue($i_rSet1->fields['username']) . ' [<a href="users.php?id=' . $i_rSet1->fields['id'] . '&action=edit" title="' . $lngstr['label']['view_edit_user'] . '">' . $i_rSet1->fields['id'] . '</a>]</nobr></td><td>' . $i_rSet1->fields['hits'] . '</td><td><a href="http://www.whois.sc/' . $i_ip . '" title="' . $lngstr['page_visitors']['ipwhois'] . '" target=_blank>' . $i_ip . '</a></td><td>' . truncateString(convertTextValue($i_rSet1->fields['host'])) . '</td><td>' . truncateString(convertTextValue($i_rSet1->fields['referer'])) . '</td>';
        echo '<td align=center width=22><a href="visitors.php?action=view&visitorid=' . $i_rSet1->fields['visitorid'] . $i_order_addon . $i_url_limit_addon . '"><img width=20 height=20 border=0 src="images/button-view.gif" title="' . $lngstr['label_action_visitors_view'] . '"></a></td><td align=center width=22><a href="visitors.php?action=delete&visitorid=' . $i_rSet1->fields['visitorid'] . $i_order_addon . $i_url_limit_addon . '" onclick="return confirmMessage(this, \'' . $lngstr['qst_delete_visitor'] . '\')"><img width=20 height=20 border=0 src="images/button-cross.gif" title="' . $lngstr['label_action_visitor_delete'] . '"></a></td></tr>';
echo '</table>';
echo '</td></tr></table></form>';
Пример #8
$sel_news = "SELECT * FROM news ORDER BY data DESC, ora DESC LIMIT " . $_SESSION['__config__']['num_news'];
$res_news = $db->executeQuery($sel_news);
while ($news = $res_news->fetch_assoc()) {
				<li style="padding-bottom: 5px"><a href="#" onclick="show_news(<?php 
    print $news['id_news'];
    print truncateString($news['abstract'], 80);
Пример #9

require "config.php";
echo "<h1>Forum boards on " . $config['server_name'] . "</h1><br />";
if (count($boards) == 0) {
    alert("There is no boards to display.");
} else {
    foreach ($boards as $board) {
        if (empty($board['author'])) {
            $last = "No posts";
        } else {
            $last = "<a href='" . WEBSITE . "/index.php/forum/thread/" . $board['thread_id'] . "'>" . truncateString($board['thread_title'], 20) . "</a><br />by <a href='" . WEBSITE . "/index.php/character/view/" . $board['author'] . "'>" . truncateString($board['author'], 10) . "</a> " . ago($board['time']);
        $status = $board['closed'] == 0 ? "openBoard.png" : "closed.png";
        echo "<div class='forumBoard'>";
        echo "<div class='boardStatus'>";
        echo "<img src='" . WEBSITE . "/public/images/forum/" . $status . "'>";
        echo "</div>";
        echo "<div class='leftBoard'>";
        echo "<div class='boardTitle'><a href='" . WEBSITE . "/index.php/forum/board/" . $board['id'] . "'>" . $board['name'] . "</a></div>";
        echo "<div class='boardDescription'>" . $board['description'] . "</div>";
        echo "</div>";
        echo "<div class='rightBoard'>";
        echo $last;
        echo "</div>";
        echo "</div>";
        echo "<div style='clear: both;'></div>";
function getTruncatedHTML($i_html, $i_length = 60)
    return truncateString(trim(strip_tags(convertTextAreaHTML(false, $i_html))), $i_length);