} print $ToolTips; } else { print "<br><b>No Items Found</b>"; } print "</center>"; } // end items if ($mode == "spawngroups") { if ($DisplaySpawnGroupInfo == TRUE) { print "</center>"; $query = "SELECT {$tbspawngroup}.*,{$tbspawn2}.x,{$tbspawn2}.y,{$tbspawn2}.z,{$tbspawn2}.respawntime\n\t\t\tFROM {$tbspawn2},{$tbspawngroup}\n\t\t\tWHERE {$tbspawn2}.zone='{$name}'\n\t\t\tAND {$tbspawngroup}.id={$tbspawn2}.spawngroupID\n\t\t\tORDER BY {$tbspawngroup}.name ASC"; $result = mysql_query($query) or message_die('zone.php', 'MYSQL_QUERY', $query, mysql_error()); if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { print "<li><a href=spawngroup.php?id=" . $row["id"] . ">" . $row["name"] . "</a> (" . floor($row["y"]) . " / " . floor($row["x"]) . " / " . floor($row["z"]) . ") (respawn time : " . translate_time($row["respawntime"]) . ")<ul>"; $query = "SELECT {$tbspawnentry}.npcID,{$tbnpctypes}.name,{$tbspawnentry}.chance,{$tbnpctypes}.level\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM {$tbspawnentry},{$tbnpctypes}\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE {$tbspawnentry}.npcID={$tbnpctypes}.id\n\t\t\t\t\tAND {$tbspawnentry}.spawngroupID=" . $row["id"] . "\n\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY {$tbnpctypes}.name ASC"; $result2 = mysql_query($query) or message_die('zone.php', 'MYSQL_QUERY', $query, mysql_error()); while ($res = mysql_fetch_array($result2)) { print "<li><a href=npc.php?id=" . $res["npcID"] . ">" . $res["name"] . "</a>, chance " . $res["chance"] . "%"; print " (level " . $res["level"] . ")"; } print "</ul>"; } } else { print "<center><br><b>No Spawns Found</b></center>"; } print "<center>"; } } // end spawngroups
if ($dbspelltargets[$spell["targettype"]] != "") { print $dbspelltargets[$spell["targettype"]]; } else { print "Unknown target (" . $spell["targettype"] . ")"; } print "</td></tr>"; print "<tr><td nowrap><b>Resist : </b></td><td>" . $dbspellresists[$spell["resist"]] . " (adjust: " . $spell["ResistDiff"] . ")</td></tr>"; if ($spell["TimeOfDay"] == 2) { print "<tr><td nowrap><b>Casting restriction : </b></td><td>Nighttime</td></tr>"; } $duration = CalcBuffDuration($minlvl, $spell["buffdurationformula"], $spell["buffduration"]); print "<tr><td nowrap><b>Duration : </b></td><td>"; if ($duration == 0) { print "Instant"; } else { print translate_time($duration * 6) . " ({$duration} ticks)"; } print "</td></tr>"; for ($i = 1; $i <= 4; $i++) { // reagents if ($spell["components" . $i] > 0) { print "<tr><td nowrap><b>Needed reagent {$i} : </b></td><td>" . "<a href=item.php?id=" . $spell["components" . $i] . ">" . GetFieldByQuery("Name", "SELECT Name FROM {$tbitems} WHERE id=" . $spell["components" . $i]) . " </a>(" . $spell["component_counts" . $i] . ")</td></tr>"; } } print "<tr><td colspan=2><b>Spell effects:</b></td></tr>"; echo '<td align="center" colspan=2><small>'; for ($n = 1; $n <= 12; $n++) { SpellDescription($spell, $n); } echo '</small></td>'; print "</table></td><td nowrap>";
function BuildSpellInfo($spell, $show_name_icon) { global $dbclasses, $dbspelltargets, $dbspellresists, $dbskills, $icons_url, $tbitems, $icons_dir; $html_string = "<table border=0 style='padding:5px;width:500px'>"; if ($show_name_icon) { $html_string .= "<tr><td>"; $html_string .= '<img src="includes/img.php?type=spellimage&id=' . $spell['new_icon'] . '" class="btn btn-default">'; $html_string .= "</td><td><h2 style='margin-top:0'>" . $spell["name"] . "</h2><hr>"; $html_string .= "</td></tr>"; } $html_string .= "<tr><td nowrap><b>Classes</b></td><td>"; $v = ""; $minlvl = 70; for ($i = 1; $i <= 16; $i++) { if ($spell["classes{$i}"] > 0 and $spell["classes{$i}"] < 255) { $html_string .= "{$v} " . $dbclasses[$i] . " (" . $spell["classes{$i}"] . ")"; $v = ","; if ($spell["classes{$i}"] < $minlvl) { $minlvl = $spell["classes{$i}"]; } } } $html_string .= "</td></tr>"; if ($spell["you_cast"] != "") { $html_string .= "<tr><td nowrap><b>When you cast </b></td><td>" . $spell["you_cast"] . "</td></tr>"; } if ($spell["other_casts"] != "") { $html_string .= "<tr><td nowrap><b>When others cast</b></td><td>" . $spell["other_casts"] . "</td></tr>"; } if ($spell["cast_on_you"] != "") { $html_string .= "<tr><td nowrap><b>When cast on you </b></td><td>" . $spell["cast_on_you"] . "</td></tr>"; } if ($spell["cast_on_other"] != "") { $html_string .= "<tr><td nowrap><b>When cast on other </b></td><td>" . $spell["cast_on_other"] . "</td></tr>"; } if ($spell["spell_fades"] != "") { $html_string .= "<tr><td nowrap><b>When fading </b></td><td>" . $spell["spell_fades"] . "</td></tr>"; } $html_string .= "<tr><td nowrap><b>Mana </b></td><td>" . $spell["mana"] . "</td></tr>"; if ($spell["skill"] < 52) { $html_string .= "<tr><td nowrap><b>Skill</b></td><td>" . $dbskills[$spell["skill"]] . "</td></tr>"; } $html_string .= "<tr><td nowrap><b>Casting time</b></td><td>" . $spell["cast_time"] / 1000 . " sec</td></tr>"; $html_string .= "<tr><td nowrap><b>Recovery time</b></td><td>" . $spell["recovery_time"] / 1000 . " sec</td></tr>"; $html_string .= "<tr><td nowrap><b>Recast time</b></td><td>" . $spell["recast_time"] / 1000 . " sec</td></tr>"; $html_string .= "<tr><td nowrap><b>Range</b></td><td>" . $spell["range"] . "</td></tr>"; $html_string .= "<tr><td nowrap><b>Target</b></td><td>"; if ($dbspelltargets[$spell["targettype"]] != "") { $html_string .= $dbspelltargets[$spell["targettype"]]; } else { $html_string .= "Unknown target (" . $spell["targettype"] . ")"; } $html_string .= "</td></tr>"; $html_string .= "<tr><td nowrap><b>Resist</b></td><td>" . $dbspellresists[$spell["resist"]] . " (adjust" . $spell["ResistDiff"] . ")</td></tr>"; if ($spell["TimeOfDay"] == 2) { $html_string .= "<tr><td nowrap><b>Casting restriction</b></td><td>Nighttime</td></tr>"; } $duration = CalcBuffDuration($minlvl, $spell["buffdurationformula"], $spell["buffduration"]); $html_string .= "<tr><td nowrap><b>Duration</b></td><td>"; if ($duration == 0) { $html_string .= "Instant"; } else { $html_string .= translate_time($duration * 6) . " ({$duration} ticks)"; } $html_string .= "</td></tr>"; for ($i = 1; $i <= 4; $i++) { // reagents if ($spell["components" . $i] > 0) { $html_string .= "<tr><td nowrap><b>Needed Reagents # {$i} </b></td><td>" . "<a href=item.php?id=" . $spell["components" . $i] . ">" . GetFieldByQuery("Name", "SELECT Name FROM {$tbitems} WHERE id=" . $spell["components" . $i]) . " </a> x " . $spell["component_counts" . $i] . " </td></tr>"; } } $html_string .= "<tr><td colspan=2><b>Spell effects:</b></td></tr>"; $html_string .= "<td></td><td align='left' colspan=1><small>"; for ($n = 1; $n <= 12; $n++) { $html_string .= SpellDescription($spell, $n, false, false); } $html_string .= "</small></td>"; $html_string .= "</table>"; return $html_string; }
if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { print "<b>This NPC spawns in : </b>"; $z = ""; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if ($z != $row["short_name"]) { print "<p><a href='zone.php?name=" . $row["short_name"] . "'>" . $row["long_name"] . "</a>"; $z = $row["short_name"]; if ($AllowQuestsNPC == TRUE) { if (file_exists("{$quests_dir}{$z}/" . str_replace("#", "", $npc["name"]) . ".pl")) { print "<br/><a href='" . $root_url . "quests/index.php?npc=" . str_replace("#", "", $npc["name"]) . "&zone=" . $z . "&npcid=" . $id . "'>Quest(s) for that NPC</a>"; } } } if ($DisplaySpawnGroupInfo == TRUE) { print "<li><a href='spawngroup.php?id=" . $row["spawngroupID"] . "'>" . $row["spawngroup"] . "</a> : " . floor($row["y"]) . " / " . floor($row["x"]) . " / " . floor($row["z"]); print "<br/>Spawns every " . translate_time($row["respawntime"]); } } } // factions $query = "SELECT {$tbfactionlist}.name,\n\t\t\t{$tbfactionlist}.id,\n\t\t\t{$tbnpcfactionentries}.value\n\t\t\tFROM {$tbfactionlist},{$tbnpcfactionentries}\n\t\t\tWHERE {$tbnpcfactionentries}.npc_faction_id=" . $npc["npc_faction_id"] . "\n\t\t\tAND {$tbnpcfactionentries}.faction_id={$tbfactionlist}.id\n\t\t\tAND {$tbnpcfactionentries}.value<0\n\t\t\tGROUP BY {$tbfactionlist}.id"; $result = mysql_query($query) or message_die('npc.php', 'MYSQL_QUERY', $query, mysql_error()); if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { print "<p><b>Killing this NPC lowers factions with : </b><ul>"; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { if ($ShowNPCFactionHits == TRUE) { print "<li><a href=faction.php?id=" . $row["id"] . ">" . $row["name"] . "</a> (" . $row["value"] . ")"; } else { print "<li><a href=faction.php?id=" . $row["id"] . ">" . $row["name"] . "</a>"; } }
</td> <td><?php echo $nick; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $score['Sectors']; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $score['Divisions']; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $score['Buildings']; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $score['total']; ?> </td> <td><?php echo translate_time($_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] - $score['lastUpdate']); ?> </td> </tr> <?php $position++; } ?> </table>
$txt = ""; $spawns = array(); $loots = array(); $query = "SELECT {$tbnpctypes}.* FROM {$tbnpctypes} WHERE {$tbnpctypes}.id={$id}"; $mymob = GetRowByQuery($query); $txt = str_replace(array('_', '#'), ' ', $mymob["name"]) . ","; $txt .= $dbiracenames[$mymob["race"]] . ","; $txt .= $dbclasses[$mymob["class"]] . ","; $txt .= $mymob["level"] . ","; $query = "SELECT {$tbspawn2}.x,{$tbspawn2}.y,{$tbspawn2}.z,\n {$tbspawngroup}.name as spawngroup,\n {$tbspawngroup}.id as spawngroupID,\n {$tbspawn2}.respawntime\n FROM {$tbspawnentry},{$tbspawn2},{$tbspawngroup}\n WHERE {$tbspawnentry}.npcID={$id}\n AND {$tbspawnentry}.spawngroupID={$tbspawn2}.spawngroupID\n AND {$tbspawn2}.zone='{$name}'\n AND {$tbspawnentry}.spawngroupID={$tbspawngroup}.id"; $result = mysql_query($query) or message_die('npc.php', 'MYSQL_QUERY', $query, mysql_error()); if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { $cpt = 0; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $spawns[$cpt] = floor($row["y"]) . " / " . floor($row["x"]) . " / " . floor($row["z"]); $spawns[$cpt] .= " (" . translate_time($row["respawntime"]) . ")"; $cpt++; } } if ($mymob["loottable_id"] > 0 and (!in_array($mymob["class"], $dbmerchants) or $MerchantsDontDropStuff == FALSE)) { $query = "SELECT {$tbitems}.id,{$tbitems}.Name,{$tbitems}.itemtype,\n {$tblootdropentries}.chance,{$tbloottableentries}.probability,\n {$tbloottableentries}.lootdrop_id,{$tbloottableentries}.multiplier\n FROM {$tbitems},{$tbloottableentries},{$tblootdropentries}\n WHERE {$tbloottableentries}.loottable_id=" . $mymob["loottable_id"] . "\n AND {$tbloottableentries}.lootdrop_id={$tblootdropentries}.lootdrop_id\n AND {$tblootdropentries}.item_id={$tbitems}.id"; $result = mysql_query($query) or message_die('npc.php', 'MYSQL_QUERY', $query, mysql_error()); if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { $cpt = 0; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $loots[$cpt] = $row["Name"]; $loots[$cpt] .= " (" . $dbitypes[$row["itemtype"]] . ")"; $cpt++; } } }
$mymob = GetRowByQuery($query); if ($ZoneDebug == TRUE) { print "<td align=center>" . $_POST["npc"][$i] . "</td>"; } print "<td nowrap><a href=npc.php?id=" . $mymob["id"] . ">" . str_replace(array('_', '#'), ' ', $mymob["name"]) . "</a></td>"; print "<td nowrap>" . $dbiracenames[$mymob["race"]] . "</td>"; print "<td nowrap>" . $dbclasses[$mymob["class"]] . "</td>"; print "<td nowrap align=center>" . $mymob["level"] . "</td>"; $query = "SELECT {$tbspawn2}.x,{$tbspawn2}.y,{$tbspawn2}.z,\n {$tbspawngroup}.name as spawngroup,\n {$tbspawngroup}.id as spawngroupID,\n {$tbspawn2}.respawntime\n FROM {$tbspawnentry},{$tbspawn2},{$tbspawngroup}\n WHERE {$tbspawnentry}.npcID=" . $_POST["npc"][$i] . "\n AND {$tbspawnentry}.spawngroupID={$tbspawn2}.spawngroupID\n AND {$tbspawn2}.zone='{$name}'\n AND {$tbspawnentry}.spawngroupID={$tbspawngroup}.id"; $result = mysql_query($query) or message_die('npc.php', 'MYSQL_QUERY', $query, mysql_error()); if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { print "<td nowrap>"; $sep = ""; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { print "{$sep}" . floor($row["y"]) . " / " . floor($row["x"]) . " / " . floor($row["z"]); print ", " . translate_time($row["respawntime"]); $sep = "<br>"; } print "</td>"; } if ($mymob["loottable_id"] > 0 and (!in_array($mymob["class"], $dbmerchants) or $MerchantsDontDropStuff == FALSE)) { $query = "SELECT {$tbitems}.id,{$tbitems}.Name,{$tbitems}.itemtype,\n {$tblootdropentries}.chance,{$tbloottableentries}.probability,\n {$tbloottableentries}.lootdrop_id,{$tbloottableentries}.multiplier\n FROM {$tbitems},{$tbloottableentries},{$tblootdropentries}\n WHERE {$tbloottableentries}.loottable_id=" . $mymob["loottable_id"] . "\n AND {$tbloottableentries}.lootdrop_id={$tblootdropentries}.lootdrop_id\n AND {$tblootdropentries}.item_id={$tbitems}.id\n "; $result = mysql_query($query) or message_die('npc.php', 'MYSQL_QUERY', $query, mysql_error()); if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { print "<td nowrap>"; $sep = ""; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { print "{$sep}<a href=item.php?id=" . $row["id"] . ">" . $row["Name"] . "</a>"; print ", " . $dbitypes[$row["itemtype"]]; $sep = "<br>"; }