function softSafeDereference($orig)
    // read contents of a file from the data directory
    // sanitized to avoid trickery: only alphanumeric and .-_ and / allowed in filenames
    // if it contains any .. then it fails
    // pyboxlog("sd".$s);
    if (substr($orig, 0, 6) != "@file:") {
        return $orig;
    $s = substr($orig, 6);
    // exclude .. and force only alphanumerics plus /._-
    if (strstr($s, "..") != FALSE) {
        return $orig;
    if (preg_match('@^[a-zA-Z0-9/_.-]+$@', $s) == 0) {
        return $orig;
    $fn = PDATADIR . trim($s);
    $co = @file_get_contents($fn);
    if ($co === FALSE) {
        return $orig;
    //throw new PyboxException("Cannot find file " . $fn);
    if (getSoft($GLOBALS, 'pb_translation', NULL) != NULL) {
        $co = translateOf($co, $GLOBALS['pb_translation']);
    return $co;
function pyRecallHandler($options, $content)
    if (!array_key_exists('slug', $options)) {
        return "[pyRecall error: no slug given]";
    global $wpdb;
    $problem = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "pb_problems WHERE slug = %s AND lang = %s", $options['slug'], 'en'), ARRAY_A);
    if ($problem == NULL) {
        return "[pyRecall error: slug " . $options['slug'] . " not found]";
    if (trim($content) == "") {
        $content = $problem['content'];
    $mergedOptions = json_decode($problem['shortcodeArgs'], TRUE);
    if (array_key_exists('translate', $options)) {
        $GLOBALS['pb_translation'] = $options['translate'];
        foreach ($mergedOptions as $key => $value) {
            $mergedOptions[$key] = translateOf($mergedOptions[$key], $options['translate']);
    foreach ($options as $o => $v) {
        $mergedOptions[$o] = $v;
    $result = NULL;
    if ($problem['type'] == "code") {
        $result = pyBoxHandler($mergedOptions, $content);
    if ($problem['type'] == "scramble") {
        $result = pyBoxHandler($mergedOptions, $content);
    if ($problem['type'] == "short answer") {
        $result = pyShortHandler($mergedOptions, $content);
    if ($problem['type'] == "multiple choice") {
        $result = pyMultiHandler($mergedOptions, $content);
    if ($problem['type'] == "multichoice scramble") {
        $result = pyMultiScrambleHandler($mergedOptions, $content);
    $GLOBALS['pb_translation'] = NULL;
    if ($result == NULL) {
        return "[pyRecall error: unknown type " . $problem['type'] . "]";
    return $result;