Пример #1

//prepare the templates and include all neccessary
if (!isset($rootpath)) {
    $rootpath = '';
require_once './lib/common.inc.php';
global $stat_menu, $mnu_siteid;
if ($error == false) {
    //user logged in?
    if ($usr == false) {
        $target = myUrlEncode(tpl_get_current_page());
        tpl_redirect('login.php?target=' . $target);
    } else {
        // check for old-style parameters
        if (isset($_REQUEST['userid'])) {
            $user_id = $_REQUEST['userid'];
        } else {
            $user_id = $usr['userid'];
        tpl_set_var('userid', $user_id);
        require $stylepath . '/viewprofile.inc.php';
        require $stylepath . '/lib/icons.inc.php';
        $tplname = 'viewprofile';
        if ($user_id != $usr['userid']) {
            // do not highlight My stats menu item if browsing other users stats
            $mnu_siteid = 'start';
        $stat_menu = array('title' => tr('Statictics'), 'menustring' => tr('Statictics'), 'siteid' => 'statlisting', 'navicolor' => '#E8DDE4', 'visible' => false, 'filename' => 'viewprofile.php?userid=' . $user_id, 'submenu' => array(array('title' => tr('graph_find'), 'menustring' => tr('graph_find'), 'visible' => true, 'filename' => 'ustatsg2.php?userid=' . $user_id, 'newwindow' => false, 'siteid' => 'findstat', 'icon' => 'images/actions/stat'), array('title' => tr('graph_created'), 'menustring' => tr('graph_created'), 'visible' => true, 'filename' => 'ustatsg1.php?userid=' . $user_id, 'newwindow' => false, 'siteid' => 'createstat', 'icon' => 'images/actions/stat')));
        $content = "";
Пример #2

//prepare the templates and include all neccessary
require_once './lib/common.inc.php';
if ($error == false) {
    //user logged in?
    if ($usr == false) {
        $target = urlencode(tpl_get_current_page());
        tpl_redirect('login.php?target=' . $target);
    } else {
        $tplname = 'removemp3';
        // gibt es nicht ...
        require_once $stylepath . '/removemp3.inc.php';
        $uuid = isset($_REQUEST['uuid']) ? $_REQUEST['uuid'] : '';
        $allok = true;
        if ($uuid == '') {
            $allok = false;
        if ($allok == true) {
            $rs = sql("SELECT `object_type`, `object_id`, `user_id`, `id`, `url` FROM `mp3` WHERE `uuid`='&1'", $uuid);
            if (mysql_num_rows($rs) == 0) {
                $allok = false;
        if ($allok == true) {
            $r = sql_fetch_array($rs);
            $type = $r['object_type'];
            $objectid = $r['object_id'];
            $user_id = $r['user_id'];
Пример #3
function handleUserLogged()
    // check if user logged in - $usr is set in common.inc.php
    global $usr;
    if ($usr == false) {
        // user not logged - redirect to login page...
        $target = urlencode(tpl_get_current_page());
        tpl_redirect('login.php?target=' . $target);