Пример #1
                // Establish connection, result, maybe use pasv and alert error if no good connection
                $ftpConn = ftp_connect($ftpHost);
                $ftpLogin = ftp_login($ftpConn, $ftpUser, $ftpPass);
                if ($ftpPasv) {
                    ftp_pasv($ftpConn, true);
                if (!$ftpConn || !$ftpLogin) {
                    die('alert("Sorry, no FTP connection to ' . $ftpHost . ' for user ' . $ftpUser . '");top.ICEcoder.serverMessage();top.ICEcoder.serverQueue("del",0);</script>');
                // Get our file contents and close the FTP connection
                $loadedFile = toUTF8noBOM(ftpGetContents($ftpConn, $ftpRoot . $fileLoc . "/" . $fileName, $ftpMode));
                // Get local file
            } else {
                $loadedFile = toUTF8noBOM(file_get_contents($file, false, $context), true);
            echo '</script><textarea name="loadedFile" id="loadedFile">' . htmlentities($loadedFile) . '</textarea><script>';
            // Run our custom processes
            include_once "../processes/on-file-load.php";
        } else {
            if (strpos($finfo, "image") === 0) {
                echo 'fileType="image";fileName=\'' . $fileLoc . "/" . $fileName . '\';';
            } else {
                echo 'fileType="other";window.open(\'http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $fileLoc . "/" . $fileName . '\');';
    } else {
        echo 'fileType="nothing"; top.ICEcoder.message(\'' . $t['Sorry'] . ', ' . $fileLoc . "/" . $fileName . ' ' . $t['does not seem...'] . '\');';
Пример #2
 function phpGrep($q, $path, $base)
     $fp = opendir($path);
     global $t, $r, $ICEcoder, $serverType, $selectedFiles, $docRoot, $ICEcoderDir, $context;
     if (!isset($ret)) {
         $ret = "";
     $slash = $serverType == strpos($path, "\\") > -1 ? "\\" : "/";
     while ($f = readdir($fp)) {
         if (preg_match("#^\\.+\$#", $f)) {
         $fullPath = $path . $slash . $f;
         if (is_dir($fullPath)) {
             $ret .= phpGrep($q, $fullPath, $base);
         } else {
             if (stristr(toUTF8noBOM(file_get_contents($fullPath, false, $context), false), $q)) {
                 $bFile = false;
                 $foundInSelFile = false;
                 // Exclude banned files
                 for ($i = 0; $i < count($ICEcoder['bannedFiles']); $i++) {
                     if (strpos($f, $ICEcoder['bannedFiles'][$i]) !== false) {
                         $bFile = true;
                 // Exclude the folder ICEcoder is running from
                 $rootPrefix = '/' . str_replace("/", "\\/", preg_quote(str_replace("\\", "/", $docRoot))) . '/';
                 $localPath = preg_replace($rootPrefix, '', $fullPath, 1);
                 if (strpos($localPath, $ICEcoderDir) === 0) {
                     $bFile = true;
                 $findPath = str_replace($base, "", $fullPath);
                 for ($i = 0; $i < count($selectedFiles); $i++) {
                     $stringExtra = $selectedFiles[$i] != "|" ? "/" : "";
                     if (strpos($findPath . $stringExtra, str_replace("|", "/", $selectedFiles[$i]) . $stringExtra) === 0) {
                         $foundInSelFile = true;
                 if (!$bFile && (count($selectedFiles) == 0 || count($selectedFiles) > 0 && $foundInSelFile)) {
                     $ret .= "<a href=\\\"javascript:top.ICEcoder.openFile('" . $fullPath . "');top.ICEcoder.goFindAfterOpenInt = setInterval(function(){goFindAfterOpen('" . $fullPath . "')},20);top.ICEcoder.showHide('hide',top.get('blackMask'))\\\">";
                     $ret .= str_replace($base, "", $fullPath) . "</a><div id=\\\"foundCount" . $r . "\\\">" . $t['Found'] . " " . substr_count(strtolower(toUTF8noBOM(file_get_contents($fullPath, false, $context), false)), $q) . " " . $t['times'] . "</div>";
                     if (isset($_GET['replace'])) {
                         $ret .= "<div class=\\\"replace\\\" id=\\\"replace\\\" onClick=\\\"replaceInFileSingle('" . $fullPath . "');this.style.display=\\'none\\'\\\">" . $t['replace'] . "</div>";
                     $ret .= '<hr>';
                     echo 'foundArray.push("' . $fullPath . '");' . PHP_EOL;
     return $ret;
        $finalAction = "replaceText";
        // Run our custom processes
        include_once "../processes/on-file-replace-text.php";
    } else {
        $doNext .= "top.ICEcoder.message('" . $t['Sorry, cannot replace...'] . "\\\\n" . $file . "');";
        $finalAction = "nothing";
    $doNext .= 'top.ICEcoder.serverMessage();top.ICEcoder.serverQueue("del",0);';
// ==========================
// ==========================
if (!isset($ftpSite) && !$error && $_GET['action'] == "getRemoteFile") {
    $lineNumber = max(isset($_REQUEST['lineNumber']) ? intval($_REQUEST['lineNumber']) : 1, 1);
    if ($remoteFile = toUTF8noBOM(file_get_contents($file, false, $context), true)) {
        // replace \r\n (Windows), \r (old Mac) and \n (Linux) line endings with whatever we chose to be lineEnding
        $remoteFile = str_replace("\r\n", $ICEcoder["lineEnding"], $remoteFile);
        $remoteFile = str_replace("\r", $ICEcoder["lineEnding"], $remoteFile);
        $remoteFile = str_replace("\n", $ICEcoder["lineEnding"], $remoteFile);
        $doNext .= 'top.ICEcoder.newTab();';
        $doNext .= 'top.ICEcoder.getcMInstance().setValue(\'' . str_replace("\r", "", str_replace("\t", "\\\\t", str_replace("\n", "\\\\n", str_replace("'", "\\\\'", str_replace("\\", "\\\\", preg_quote($remoteFile)))))) . '\');';
        $doNext .= 'top.ICEcoder.goToLine(' . $lineNumber . ');';
        $finalAction = "getRemoteFile";
        // Run our custom processes
        include_once "../processes/on-get-remote-file.php";
    } else {
        $finalAction = "nothing";
        $doNext .= 'top.ICEcoder.message(\'' . $t['Sorry, could not...'] . ' ' . $file . '\');';
    $doNext .= 'top.ICEcoder.serverMessage();top.ICEcoder.serverQueue("del",0);';

// Load common functions
include "headers.php";
include "settings.php";
$file = str_replace("|", "/", xssClean($_GET['file'], 'html'));
$loadedFile = toUTF8noBOM(file_get_contents("../backups/" . $file, false, $context), true);
$encoding = ini_get("default_charset");
if ($encoding == "") {
    $encoding = "UTF-8";
echo '<textarea name="loadedFile" id="loadedFile">' . htmlentities($loadedFile, ENT_COMPAT, $encoding) . '</textarea>';
echo "<script>parent.document.getElementById('buttonsContainer').style.display = 'inline-block';parent.editor.setValue(document.getElementById('loadedFile').value)</script>";
Пример #5

        // Get file contents for selected files
        $selectedFiles = xssClean($_GET['selectedFiles'], "html");
        $selectedFiles = explode(";", $selectedFiles);
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($selectedFiles); $i++) {
            // Replace pipes with slashes
            $file = str_replace("|", "/", $selectedFiles[$i]);
            // Trim any +'s or spaces from the end of file
            $file = rtrim(rtrim($file, '+'), ' ');
            // Establish the real absolute path to the file
            $file = str_replace("\\", "/", realpath($docRoot . $iceRoot . $file));
            // Only get the file if it exists and begins with our $docRoot
            if (file_exists($file) && strpos($file, $docRoot) === 0) {
                $loadedFile = toUTF8noBOM(getData($file), true);
                echo '<textarea name="loadedFile' . $i . '" id="loadedFile' . $i . '" style="display: none">' . str_replace("</textarea>", "<ICEcoder:/:textarea>", str_replace("&", "&amp;", $loadedFile)) . '</textarea><br><br>' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
            } else {
                die("<script>top.ICEcoder.message('Sorry, that file doesn\\'t appear to exist');</script>");

		// Start our github object
		var github = new Github({token: "<?php 
        echo $_SESSION['githubAuthToken'];
", auth: "oauth"});

		committingFiles = ['<?php 

// Load common functions
include "headers.php";
include "settings.php";
$file = str_replace("|", "/", xssClean($_GET['file'], 'html'));
// Get contents
$loadedFile = toUTF8noBOM(getData("../backups/" . $file), true);
$encoding = ini_get("default_charset");
if ($encoding == "") {
    $encoding = "UTF-8";
// Set content in a textarea
echo '<textarea name="loadedFile" id="loadedFile">' . htmlentities($loadedFile, ENT_COMPAT, $encoding) . '</textarea>';
// Get bytes for this file
$bytes = filesize("../backups/" . $file);
// Change into kilobytes
$outputSize = $bytes / 1024;
$outputUnit = "kb";
// Maybe we should show in megabytes?
if ($outputSize >= 1024) {
    $outputSize = $outputSize / 1024;
    $outputUnit = "mb";
$size = number_format($outputSize, 2, '.', '') . $outputUnit . " (" . number_format($bytes) . " bytes)";
// Get date & time of file
$datetime = str_replace("-", "<br>", date("D jS M Y-g:i:sa", filemtime("../backups/" . $file)));
parent.document.getElementById('buttonsContainer').style.display = 'inline-block';
Пример #7
        $finalAction = "replaceText";
        // Run our custom processes
        include_once "../processes/on-file-replace-text.php";
    } else {
        $doNext .= "top.ICEcoder.message('" . $t['Sorry, cannot replace...'] . "\\\\n" . $file . "');";
        $finalAction = "nothing";
    $doNext .= 'top.ICEcoder.serverMessage();top.ICEcoder.serverQueue("del",0);';
// ==========================
// ==========================
if (!isset($ftpSite) && !$error && $_GET['action'] == "getRemoteFile") {
    $lineNumber = max(isset($_REQUEST['lineNumber']) ? intval($_REQUEST['lineNumber']) : 1, 1);
    if ($remoteFile = toUTF8noBOM(getData($file, 'curl'), true)) {
        // replace \r\n (Windows), \r (old Mac) and \n (Linux) line endings with whatever we chose to be lineEnding
        $remoteFile = str_replace("\r\n", $ICEcoder["lineEnding"], $remoteFile);
        $remoteFile = str_replace("\r", $ICEcoder["lineEnding"], $remoteFile);
        $remoteFile = str_replace("\n", $ICEcoder["lineEnding"], $remoteFile);
        $doNext .= 'top.ICEcoder.newTab();';
        $doNext .= 'top.ICEcoder.getcMInstance().setValue(\'' . str_replace("\r", "", str_replace("\t", "\\\\t", str_replace("\n", "\\\\n", str_replace("'", "\\\\'", str_replace("\\", "\\\\", preg_quote($remoteFile)))))) . '\');';
        $doNext .= 'top.ICEcoder.goToLine(' . $lineNumber . ');';
        $finalAction = "getRemoteFile";
        // Run our custom processes
        include_once "../processes/on-get-remote-file.php";
    } else {
        $finalAction = "nothing";
        $doNext .= 'top.ICEcoder.message(\'' . $t['Sorry, could not...'] . ' ' . $file . '\');';
    $doNext .= 'top.ICEcoder.serverMessage();top.ICEcoder.serverQueue("del",0);';