} } else { $resultstring = EBAY_SESSION_ERROR; } } else { $resultstring = AUCTIONS_TEXT_AUCTION_LIST_STATUS_FAILED; } if ($resultstring) { $main_content = "<span class='smallText'>" . $resultstring . "</span><br/>"; } } $orderby = "auction_id"; //Default order field require_once DIR_WS_FUNCTIONS . 'list_sorting.php'; //show all auctions not ended and not sheduled $mynewstarttime = toGMT(date(AUCTIONS_DATE_FORMAT)); $auctionssql = SELECT_ALL . TABLE_AUCTION_LIST . " where ended !=1 AND starttime <= '" . $mynewstarttime . "' " . $ordersql; $myauctions = olc_db_query($auctionssql); $main_content .= ' <p align="right"> ' . olc_draw_form('pickup_form', $PHP_SELF) . olc_draw_submit_button('pickup', AUCTIONS_TEXT_AUCTION_LIST_STATUS_GET) . ' </form> </p> '; /* define Table Heading */ $heading = array(array($name_text => AUCTIONS_TEXT_AUCTION_AMOUNT, $attributes_text => $align_center_text, $sort_text => str_replace(HASH, $auction_title_text, $sort0), $link_text => $file . $auction_title_text), array($name_text => AUCTIONS_TEXT_AUCTION_LIST_EBAY_ID, $attributes_text => $align_center_text, $sort_text => str_replace(HASH, $auction_id_text, $sort0), $link_text => $file . $auction_id_text), array($name_text => AUCTIONS_TEXT_AUCTION_START_PRICE, $attributes_text => $align_right_text, $sort_text => str_replace(HASH, $startprice_text, $sort0), $link_text => $file . $startprice_text), array($name_text => AUCTIONS_TEXT_AUCTION_BUYNOW_PRICE, $attributes_text => $align_center_text, $sort_text => str_replace(HASH, $buynowprice_text, $sort0), $link_text => $file . $buynowprice_text), array($name_text => AUCTIONS_TEXT_AUCTION_LIST_START_TIME, $attributes_text => $align_center_text, $sort_text => str_replace(HASH, $starttime_text, $sort0), $link_text => $file . $starttime_text), array($name_text => AUCTIONS_TEXT_AUCTION_LIST_END_TIME, $attributes_text => $align_center_text, $sort_text => str_replace(HASH, $endtime_text, $sort0), $link_text => $file . $endtime_text), array($name_text => AUCTIONS_TEXT_AUCTION_LIST_BIDS, $attributes_text => $align_center_text, $sort_text => str_replace(HASH, $bidcount_text, $sort0), $link_text => $file . $bidcount_text), array($name_text => AUCTIONS_TEXT_AUCTION_LIST_HIGHEST_BID, $attributes_text => $align_center_text, $sort_text => str_replace(HASH, $bidprice_text, $sort0), $link_text => $file . $bidprice_text)); /* print table heading */ $main_content = tableheading($heading); $i = 0; while ($auctions_values = olc_db_fetch_array($myauctions)) { $mybidcount = $auctions_values[$bidcount_text];
function update_auction_list() { $ebatns_dir = DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'EbatNs' . SLASH; require_once $ebatns_dir . 'EbatNs_ServiceProxy.php'; require_once $ebatns_dir . 'EbatNs_Logger.php'; require_once $ebatns_dir . 'GetSellerEventsRequestType.php'; $mySession = create_ebay_session(); if ($mySession) { //look for auction details of ended auctions update_auction_details($session); $resultstring = AUCTIONS_TEXT_AUCTION_LIST_STATUS_SUCCESS; $mynewstarttime = toGMT(date(AUCTIONS_DATE_FORMAT)); $eventarray = get_new_Events($mySession, $mynewstarttime); $auctionssql = SELECT_ALL . TABLE_AUCTION_LIST . SQL_WHERE . "auction_list.ended!=1 AND auction_list.starttime <= '" . $mynewstarttime . "' " . $ordersql; $myauctions = olc_db_query($auctionssql); while ($auctions_values = olc_db_fetch_array($myauctions)) { $mybidcount = $auctions_values['bidcount']; //look if spec. auctionitem has some new events $auction_id = $auctions_values['auction_id']; $current_eventarray = $eventarray[$auction_id]; if (isset($current_eventarray)) { $endtime = $auctions_values['endtime']; $starttime = $auctions_values['starttime']; $bidcount = $current_eventarray['bidcount']; $bidprice = $current_eventarray['price']; $endtime = $current_eventarray['endtime']; if ($bidcount > $mybidcount && $endtime <= $endtime) { update_bidcount($starttime, $endtime, $bidcount, $bidprice, $auction_id); } else { if ($endtime > $endtime) { update_ended($starttime, $endtime, $auction_id); } } } else { if ($endtime <= $mynewstarttime) { update_ended($starttime, $endtime, $auction_id); } } } return true; } else { return false; } }
$error_location = true; } //set country $country = $_POST[$country_text]; //set starttime $mystarttime = $_POST[$starttime_text]; if ($mystarttime) { $future_auction = true; if (eregi("[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2} [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}", $mystarttime)) { //look if starttime is correct $mytime = substr($mystarttime, 11); $starttime_array = explode(":", $mytime); $mydate = substr($mystarttime, 0, 10); $startdate_array = explode("-", $mydate); //makte GTM Time of GTM+1 $mynewstarttime = toGMT(date(AUCTIONS_DATE_FORMAT, mktime($starttime_array[0], $starttime_array[1], $starttime_array[2], $startdate_array[1], $startdate_array[2], $startdate_array[0]))); } else { //starttime error $error_total = true; $error_starttime = true; } } //set pic_url //We don't really need the pictures on the server as they are already there, //but it is more convenient to use a "file" input for picture selection. //They are transferred to the "temp" directory and get deleted after selection. $temp_dir = DIR_FS_CATALOG . 'cache/cache'; $pic_url = new upload($pic_url_text, $temp_dir); $pic_url = $pic_url['filename']; if ($pic_url) { $pic_file_name = basename($pic_url);