public function formatUser(&$user) { switch ($user->rank) { case 'U': default: $class = 'info'; $rank = 'User'; break; case 'M': $class = 'success'; $rank = 'Moderator'; break; case 'A': $class = 'danger'; $rank = 'Admin'; break; } $user->userlabel = "<a class='label label-{$class}' href='?action="; $user->userlabel .= "viewUser&user={$user->uid}'>{$user->username}</a>"; $user->rankname = $rank; $user->createdlabel = timestamp($user->created); if ($user->status) { $user->statuslink = "<span class='label label-success'>Active</span> <a class='btn btn-xs btn-danger' href='?action=deactivateUser&user={$user->uid}'><i class='fa fa-times'></i></a>"; } else { $user->statuslink = "<span class='label label-danger'>Inactive</span> <a class='btn btn-xs btn-success' href='?action=activateUser&user={$user->uid}'><i class='fa fa-check'></i></a>"; } return $user; }
/** * html Pour pouvoir masquer les logos sans les downloader en petit ecran * il faut le mettre dans un conteneur parent que l'on masque * * * On utilise un double conteneur : * le premier fixe la largeur, le second la hauteur par le ratio hauteur/largeur * grace a la technique des intrinsic-ratio ou padding-bottom-hack * * * * Le span interieur porte l'image en background CSS * Le span conteneur ne porte pas de style display car trop prioritaire. * Sans CSS il occupe la largeur complete disponible, car en inline par defaut * Il suffit de lui mettre un float:xxx ou un display:block pour qu'il respecte la largeur initiale du logo * * Pour masquer les logos : * .spip_logos {display:none} * Pour forcer une taille maxi : * .spip_logos {max-width:25%;float:right} * * @param $logo * * @return string */ function responsive_logo($logo) { if (!function_exists('extraire_balise')) { include_spip('inc/filtres'); } if (!$logo or !($img = extraire_balise($logo, "img"))) { return $logo; } list($h, $w) = taille_image($img); $src = extraire_attribut($img, "src"); $class = extraire_attribut($img, "class"); // timestamper l'url si pas deja fait if (strpos($src, "?") == false) { $src = timestamp($src); } if (defined('_STATIC_IMAGES_DOMAIN')) { $src = url_absolue($src, _STATIC_IMAGES_DOMAIN); } $hover = ""; if ($hover_on = extraire_attribut($img, "onmouseover")) { $hover_off = extraire_attribut($img, "onmouseout"); $hover_on = str_replace("this.src=", "jQuery(this).css('background-image','url('+", $hover_on) . "+')')"; $hover_off = str_replace("this.src=", "jQuery(this).css('background-image','url('+", $hover_off) . "+')')"; $hover = " onmouseover=\"{$hover_on}\" onmouseout=\"{$hover_off}\""; } $ratio = round($h * 100 / $w, 2); return "<span class='{$class}' style=\"width:{$w}px;\"><span class=\"img\" style=\"display:block;position:relative;height:0;width:100%;padding-bottom:{$ratio}%;overflow:hidden;background:url({$src}) no-repeat center;background-size:100%;\"{$hover}> </span></span>"; }
/** * Ecrire la balise CSS pour insérer le fichier compressé * * C'est cette fonction qui décide ou il est le plus pertinent * d'insérer le fichier, et dans quelle forme d'écriture * * @param string $flux * Contenu du head nettoyé des fichiers qui ont ete compressé * @param int $pos * Position initiale du premier fichier inclu dans le fichier compressé * @param string $src * Nom du fichier compressé * @param string $comments * Commentaires à insérer devant * @param string $media * Type de media si précisé (print|screen...) * @return string * Code HTML de la balise <link> */ function compresseur_ecrire_balise_css_dist(&$flux, $pos, $src, $comments = "", $media = "") { $src = timestamp($src); $comments .= "<link rel='stylesheet'" . ($media ? " media='{$media}'" : "") . " href='{$src}' type='text/css' />"; // Envoyer aussi un entete http pour demarer le chargement de la CSS plus tot // Link: <>;rel="stylesheet prefetch" $comments .= "<" . "?php header('Link: <' . url_de_base() . (_DIR_RACINE ? _DIR_RESTREINT_ABS : '') . '{$src}>;rel=\"stylesheet prefetch\"'); ?>"; $flux = substr_replace($flux, $comments, $pos, 0); return $flux; }
function insertUser() { $data = array('username' => $this->input->post('username'), 'picURL' => $this->getUserPicURL($this->input->post('username')), 'active' => 1, 'admin' => 0, 'dateadded' => timestamp()); $this->db->insert('actorRules', $data); if ($this->db->affected_rows() >= 1) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } }
public static function install(&$package, $params = array()) { // Set the files directory $directory = dirname(__FILE__) . '/files'; // Add the files to the package $package->addDir($directory, '', array('ruckusing')); // /ruckusing/db/migrate/users $package->addFile($directory . '/ruckusing/db/migrate/create_users.php', 'ruckusing/db/migrate/' . timestamp() . '_CreateUsers.php'); // /ruckusing/db/migrate/add_admin_to_users $package->addFile($directory . '/ruckusing/db/migrate/add_admin_to_users.php', 'ruckusing/db/migrate/' . timestamp() . '_AddAdminToUsers.php'); // /ruckusing/db/migrate/auth_codes $package->addFile($directory . '/ruckusing/db/migrate/create_auth_codes.php', 'ruckusing/db/migrate/' . timestamp() . '_CreateAuthCodes.php'); // /ruckusing/db/migrate/roles $package->addFile($directory . '/ruckusing/db/migrate/create_roles.php', 'ruckusing/db/migrate/' . timestamp() . '_CreateRoles.php'); // Add links to AdminHelper::admin_nav() $links[] = <<<EOF 'Manage Users' => array( 'path' => 'users', 'auth' => 'admin' ) EOF; $links[] = <<<EOF 'Manage Auth Codes' => array( 'path' => 'auth_codes', 'auth' => 'su' ) EOF; $links[] = <<<EOF 'Manage Roles' => array( 'path' => 'roles', 'auth' => 'admin' ) EOF; foreach ($links as $link_string) { $package->replace('inc/admin/config.php', '/(\\$admin_links = array\\()((?:.+)?)(\\);)/se', "'\\1'.self::global_array_builder('\\2', \"{$link_string}\").'\\3'"); } // Add UserSession initializer $user_session_include = <<<EOF // =============== // = UserSession = // =============== \$session = new UserSession; EOF; $package->appendPHP('inc/config.php', $user_session_include); // Add to inc/helpers.php if (!$package->locateName('inc/helpers.php')) { $package->addFromString('inc/helpers.php', "<?php\n\n?>"); } $package->appendPHP('inc/helpers.php', "include ROOT.'/inc/helpers/user_management.php';\n"); }
function addTweets($xml) { $xml_element = new SimpleXMLElement($xml); //prep data for db //note that for normal applications, full data for twitter is not available //therefore, the URL must be polled to get the full data. foreach ($xml_element as $key) { $data = array('username' => strval($key->actor), 'tweet' => strval($key->payload->body), 'URL' => strval($key->destinationURL), 'time' => strval($key->at), 'client' => strval($key->source), 'replyto' => strval($key->regardingURL), 'timeadded' => timestamp()); $status = $this->Gnipdata_model->addTweet($data); log_message('debug', 'Added tweet by ' . strval($key->actor) . ' at ' . strval($key->at)); } }
/** * Inserer jQuery et ses plugins * * La fonction ajoute les balises scripts dans le texte qui appelent * les scripts jQuery ainsi que certains de ses plugins. La liste * des js chargée peut être complété par le pipeline 'jquery_plugins' * * Cette fonction est appelée par le pipeline insert_head * * @internal * Ne pas vérifier ici qu'on ne doublonne pas `#INSERT_HEAD` * car cela empêche un double appel (multi calcul en cache cool, * ou erreur de l'espace privé) * * @see f_jQuery_prive() * @pipeline insert_head * @pipeline_appel jquery_plugins * * @param string $texte Contenu qui sera inséré dans le head HTML * @return string Contenu qui sera inséré dans le head HTML **/ function f_jQuery($texte) { $x = ''; $jquery_plugins = pipeline('jquery_plugins', array('javascript/jquery.js', 'javascript/jquery.form.js', 'javascript/jquery.autosave.js', 'javascript/jquery.placeholder-label.js', 'javascript/ajaxCallback.js', 'javascript/jquery.cookie.js')); foreach (array_unique($jquery_plugins) as $script) { if ($script = find_in_path($script)) { $script = timestamp($script); $x .= "\n<script src=\"{$script}\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>\n"; } } $texte = $x . $texte; return $texte; }
public static function install(&$package, $params = array()) { // Set the files directory $directory = dirname(__FILE__) . '/files'; // Add the files to the package $package->addDir($directory, '', array('ruckusing')); // /ruckusing/db/migrate/cms_blocks $package->addFile($directory . '/ruckusing/db/migrate/create_cms_blocks.php', 'ruckusing/db/migrate/' . timestamp() . '_CreateCMSBlocks.php'); // /ruckusing/db/migrate/cms_categories $package->addFile($directory . '/ruckusing/db/migrate/create_cms_categories.php', 'ruckusing/db/migrate/' . timestamp() . '_CreateCMSCategories.php'); // /ruckusing/db/migrate/cms_files $package->addFile($directory . '/ruckusing/db/migrate/create_cms_files.php', 'ruckusing/db/migrate/' . timestamp() . '_CreateCMSFiles.php'); // /ruckusing/db/migrate/add_su_to_users $package->addFile($directory . '/ruckusing/db/migrate/add_su_to_users.php', 'ruckusing/db/migrate/' . timestamp() . '_AddSuToUsers.php'); // Add links to AdminHelper::admin_nav() $links[] = <<<EOF 'Edit Blocks' => array( 'path' => 'cms', 'auth' => 'admin' ) EOF; $links[] = <<<EOF 'Manage Files' => array( 'path' => 'cms_files', 'auth' => 'admin' ) EOF; $links[] = <<<EOF 'Manage Blocks' => array( 'path' => 'blocks', 'auth' => 'su' ) EOF; foreach ($links as $link_string) { $package->replace('inc/admin/config.php', '/(\\$admin_links = array\\()((?:.+)?)(\\);)/se', "'\\1'.self::global_array_builder('\\2', \"{$link_string}\").'\\3'"); } // Add to inc/helpers.php if (!$package->locateName('inc/helpers.php')) { $package->addFromString('inc/helpers.php', "<?php\n\n?>"); } $package->appendPHP('inc/helpers.php', "include ROOT.'/inc/helpers/basic_cms.php';\n"); }
/** * Inserer jQuery et ses plugins pour l'espace privé * * La fonction ajoute les balises scripts dans le texte qui appelent * les scripts jQuery ainsi que certains de ses plugins. La liste * des js chargée peut être complété par le pipeline 'jquery_plugins' * * Cette fonction est appelée par le pipeline header_prive * * @see f_jQuery() * @link * * @param string $texte Contenu qui sera inséré dans le head HTML * @return string Contenu complété des scripts javascripts, dont jQuery **/ function f_jQuery_prive($texte) { $x = ''; $jquery_plugins = pipeline('jquery_plugins', array('prive/javascript/jquery.js', 'prive/javascript/jquery.form.js', 'prive/javascript/jquery.autosave.js', 'prive/javascript/jquery.placeholder-label.js', 'prive/javascript/ajaxCallback.js', 'prive/javascript/jquery.cookie.js', 'prive/javascript/spip_barre.js')); foreach (array_unique($jquery_plugins) as $script) { if ($script = find_in_path($script)) { $script = timestamp($script); $x .= "\n<script src=\"{$script}\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>\n"; } } // inserer avant le premier script externe ou a la fin if (preg_match(",<script[^><]*src=,", $texte, $match) and $p = strpos($texte, $match[0])) { $texte = substr_replace($texte, $x, $p, 0); } else { $texte .= $x; } return $texte; }
public function parseTicket(&$ticket) { $ticket->scanned = $ticket->scanned + 0; if ('0000-00-00 00:00:00' === $ticket->scanned_at) { $ticket->scanned_at = FALSE; } else { $ticket->scanned_at = timestamp($ticket->scanned_at); } $ticket->fullStatus = "Not scanned"; if ($ticket->scanned) { $ticket->fullStatus = "Scanned"; } $ticket->scanlink = "<a href='scan.php?user=manualOverride&barcode={$ticket->barcode}&format=html' class='btn btn-success btn-xs'>"; $ticket->scanlink .= "Manual Check In</a>"; $ticket->ticketLink = "<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-barcode'></span> "; $ticket->ticketLink .= "<a href='viewTicket.php?barcode={$ticket->barcode}'>"; $ticket->ticketLink .= "<code>{$ticket->barcode}</code></a>"; return $ticket; }
function update_acordes($data = array()) { global $db, $usuario; $timestamp = timestamp(); $id = $data[id] ? $data[id] : false; unset($data[id]); foreach ($data as $campo => $valor) { $campos[] = $campo . "='" . $valor . "'"; } $campos[] = "id_usuario = '{$usuario['id_usuario']}'"; $campos[] = "timestamp \t= '{$timestamp}'"; $updateFields = implode(',', $campos); if ($id && $updateFields) { $sql = "UPDATE {$db['tbl_acordes']}\n\t\t\t\tSET {$updateFields}\n\t\t\t\tWHERE id_acorde='{$id}'\n\t\t\t\tLIMIT 1;"; $resultado = SQLDo($sql) ? true : false; return $resultado; } else { return false; } }
function updateAdminStatus($username, $statusvalue) { $data = array('admin' => $statusvalue, 'lastupdated' => timestamp()); $this->db->where('username', $username); $this->db->update('actorRules', $data); if ($statusvalue == 1) { $verificationcode = md5(md5($username) . md5(timestamp())); $this->db->select('username'); $query = $this->db->get_where('admin', array('username' => $username)); if (!$query->result()) { $data = array('username' => $username, 'activationcode' => $verificationcode); $this->db->insert('admin', $data); } return $verificationcode; } else { // delete user from admin as well $this->db->where('username', $username); $this->db->delete('admin'); } }
protected function read($params = array()) { // the core of the data is the user object $auth = !empty($_SESSION['user']); // filter session (fixed fields for now...) if ($auth) { $this->data['user'] = $this->filter($_SESSION['user']); // loop through the token data if (!empty($_SESSION['oauth'])) { $this->data['oauth'] = array(); foreach ($_SESSION['oauth'] as $service => $creds) { // save in an array if more than one... $this->data["oauth"][$service] = $this->filter($creds); } } } // set the auth flag $this->data['auth'] = $auth; // set updated attribute (for the client) $this->data['updated'] = timestamp(); }
function sql($query, $mysql_data = null) { global $mysql_default; if (!$mysql_data) { $mysql_data = $mysql_default; } if ($mysql_data['debug'] & 1) { print "<!-- SQL-Query: {$query} -->\n"; } if ($mysql_data['debug'] & 2) { global $path_config; global $current_user; file_put_contents("{$path_config}/.debug.log", timestamp() . "\t" . $current_user->id . ":\n" . $query . "\n", FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX); } if (!($res = $mysql_data['linkid']->query($query))) { global $path_config; global $current_user; file_put_contents("{$path_config}/.debug.log", timestamp() . "\t" . $current_user->id . ":\n" . "ERROR executing query \"{$query}\"\n" . print_r($mysql_data['linkid']->errorInfo(), 1) . "\n", FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX); print "<pre>" . print_r($mysql_data['linkid']->errorInfo(), 1) . "</pre>"; exit; } return $res; }
function sql($query, $mysql_data = null) { global $mysql_default; if (!$mysql_data) { $mysql_data = $mysql_default; } if (!mysql_select_db($mysql_data['db'], $mysql_data['linkid'])) { echo "Can't select database!<br>"; exit; } if ($mysql_data['debug'] & 1) { print "<!-- SQL-Query: {$query} -->\n"; } if ($mysql_data['debug'] & 2) { global $path_config; global $current_user; file_put_contents("{$path_config}/.debug.log", timestamp() . "\t" . $current_user->id . ":\n" . $query . "\n", FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX); } if (!($res = mysql_query($query, $mysql_data['linkid']))) { echo mysql_error(); exit; } return $res; }
function getDifferenceOfTimes($timeA, $timeB) { if (preg_match('/\\d{4}-\\d{1,2}-\\d{1,2}\\s\\d{1,2}:\\d{1,2}:\\d{1,2}/u', $timeA)) { $timeA = strtotime($timeA); } if (preg_match('/\\d{4}-\\d{1,2}-\\d{1,2}\\s\\d{1,2}:\\d{1,2}:\\d{1,2}/u', $timeB)) { $timeB = strtotime($timeB); } $d = $timeA - $timeB; return timestamp($d, true); }
function is_midnight($date) { $ts = timestamp($date); return date('H:i:s', $ts) == '00:00:00'; }
/** * Clôture une série de filtres d'images * * Ce filtre est automatiquement appelé à la fin d'une série de filtres * d'images dans un squelette. * * @filtre * @uses reconstruire_image_intermediaire() * Si l'image finale a déjà été supprimée car considérée comme temporaire * par une autre série de filtres images débutant pareil * @uses ramasse_miettes() * Pour déclarer l'image définitive et nettoyer les images intermédiaires. * * @pipeline_appel post_image_filtrer * * @param string $img * Code HTML de l'image * @return string * Code HTML de l'image **/ function image_graver($img) { // appeler le filtre post_image_filtrer qui permet de faire // des traitements auto a la fin d'une serie de filtres $img = pipeline('post_image_filtrer', $img); $fichier_ori = $fichier = extraire_attribut($img, 'src'); if (($p = strpos($fichier, '?')) !== false) { $fichier = substr($fichier, 0, $p); } if (strlen($fichier) < 1) { $fichier = $img; } # si jamais le fichier final n'a pas ete calcule car suppose temporaire if (!@file_exists($fichier)) { reconstruire_image_intermediaire($fichier); } ramasse_miettes($fichier); // ajouter le timestamp si besoin if (strpos($fichier_ori, "?") === false) { // on utilise str_replace pour attraper le onmouseover des logo si besoin $img = str_replace($fichier_ori, timestamp($fichier_ori), $img); } return $img; }
$start_dateSQL = 'SUBDATE(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 DAY)'; $server = 'https://' . $cfg_web_host . '/'; $class_totals = new class_totals(); // Process the papers in range checking the totals. $class_totals->process_papers($mysqli, $cfg_cron_user, $cfg_cron_passwd, $rootpath, $userid, $start_dateSQL, $end_dateSQL, $server); // Get any failures. $status = 'failure'; $testresult = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT user_id, paper_id, errors FROM class_totals_test_local WHERE status = ? and user_id = {$userid}"); $testresult->bind_param('s', $status); $testresult->execute(); $testresult->bind_result($user_id, $paper_id, $errors); // Log and email errors to support. $message = ''; while ($testresult->fetch()) { $errors = strip_tags($errors); $message .= 'Failure: user - ' . $user_id . ', paper - ' . $paper_id . ', error - ' . $errors . "\n"; } $testresult->close(); $headers = "From: {$support_email}\n"; $headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"; $subject = 'Rogo Summative Exam check'; if ($message != '') { echo $message; $sent = mail($support_email, $subject, $message, $headers); if ($sent) { echo "Email sent to {$support_email}"; } } $mysqli->close(); echo "\n" . timestamp() . ": Finishing class totals check.\n";
function getAllStatus($md5_only, $format) { $ajax = array(); $meta = array(); $result = retAllStatus(); //Doors foreach ($result["result"] as $i2 => $v2) { $statusType = $v2["Type"]; $statusHardware = $v2["HardwareName"]; $statusName = $v2["Name"]; if (($statusType == "Lighting 1" or $statusType == "Lighting 2" or $statusType == "Light/Switch") and strpos($statusName, "Door") == true and $statusHardware == "MySensors") { $ajax["doors"][$v2["idx"]]["Status"] = $v2["Status"]; $ajax["doors"][$v2["idx"]]["Type"] = $v2["Type"]; $ajax["doors"][$v2["idx"]]["Name"] = $v2["Name"]; } } //Comfort foreach ($result["result"] as $i2 => $v2) { $statusType = $v2["Type"]; $statusHardware = $v2["HardwareName"]; $statusName = $v2["Name"]; if ($statusType == "Temp + Humidity") { $ajax["comfort"][$v2["idx"]]["Type"] = $v2["Type"]; $ajax["comfort"][$v2["idx"]]["Name"] = $v2["Name"]; $ajax["comfort"][$v2["idx"]]["Temperature"] = number_format((double) $v2["Temp"], 2, '.', ''); $ajax["comfort"][$v2["idx"]]["Humidity"] = $v2["Humidity"]; $ajax["comfort"][$v2["idx"]]["ComfortLevel"] = $v2["HumidityStatus"]; } } //Dummy foreach ($result["result"] as $i2 => $v2) { $statusType = $v2["Type"]; $statusHardware = $v2["HardwareName"]; $statusName = $v2["Name"]; if ($statusHardware == "Hardware Dummy") { if (strpos($v2["Status"], "Set") !== false) { $ajax["dummy"][$v2["idx"]]["Status"] = "Transition"; } else { $ajax["dummy"][$v2["idx"]]["Status"] = $v2["Status"]; } if ($v2["Status"] == "Off") { $ajax["dummy"][$v2["idx"]]["Level"] = "0"; } else { $ajax["dummy"][$v2["idx"]]["Level"] = $v2["Level"]; } $ajax["dummy"][$v2["idx"]]["Type"] = $v2["Type"]; $ajax["dummy"][$v2["idx"]]["Name"] = $v2["Name"]; } } //Security - must enable this if (defined('SECURITY_ENABLE')) { foreach ($result["result"] as $i2 => $v2) { $security_idx = $v2["idx"]; if ($security_idx == SECURITY_ID) { $securityStatus = $v2["Status"]; $ajax["security"]["Normal"]["Name"] = "Normal"; $ajax["security"]["Normal"]["Status"] = "disabled"; $ajax["security"]["ArmAway"]["Name"] = "Arm Away"; $ajax["security"]["ArmAway"]["Status"] = "disabled"; $ajax["security"]["ArmHome"]["Name"] = "Arm Home"; $ajax["security"]["ArmHome"]["Status"] = "disabled"; if ($securityStatus == "Normal") { $ajax["security"]["Normal"]["Status"] = "enabled"; } elseif ($securityStatus == "Arm Away") { $ajax["security"]["ArmAway"]["Status"] = "enabled"; } elseif ($securityStatus == "Arm Home") { $ajax["security"]["ArmHome"]["Status"] = "enabled"; } } } } //Lights foreach ($result["result"] as $i2 => $v2) { $statusType = $v2["Type"]; $statusHardware = $v2["HardwareName"]; $statusName = $v2["Name"]; if (($statusType == "Lighting 1" or $statusType == "Lighting 2" or $statusType == "Light/Switch") and strpos($statusName, "Aux") == false and strpos($statusName, "Bath") == false and strpos($statusName, "Fan") == false and $statusHardware == "Z-Wave") { if (strpos($v2["Status"], "Set") !== false) { $ajax["lights"][$v2["idx"]]["Status"] = "Transition"; } else { $ajax["lights"][$v2["idx"]]["Status"] = $v2["Status"]; } if ($v2["Status"] == "Off") { $ajax["lights"][$v2["idx"]]["Level"] = "0"; } else { $ajax["lights"][$v2["idx"]]["Level"] = $v2["Level"]; } $ajax["lights"][$v2["idx"]]["Type"] = $v2["Type"]; $ajax["lights"][$v2["idx"]]["Name"] = $v2["Name"]; } } $md5Lights = md5(print_r($ajax["lights"], true)); //Fans foreach ($result["result"] as $i2 => $v2) { $statusType = $v2["Type"]; $statusHardware = $v2["HardwareName"]; $statusName = $v2["Name"]; if (strpos($statusName, "Fan") == true and strpos($statusName, "Bath") == false and $statusHardware == "Z-Wave") { if (strpos($v2["Status"], "Set") !== false) { $ajax["fans"][$v2["idx"]]["Status"] = "Transition"; } else { $ajax["fans"][$v2["idx"]]["Status"] = $v2["Status"]; } $ajax["fans"][$v2["idx"]]["Level"] = $v2["Level"]; $ajax["fans"][$v2["idx"]]["Type"] = $v2["Type"]; $ajax["fans"][$v2["idx"]]["Name"] = $v2["Name"]; } } $curlScene = curl_init(DOMOTICZ_JSON_URL . "?type=scenes"); curl_setopt($curlScene, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $sceneResult = json_decode(curl_exec($curlScene), true); curl_close($curlScene); foreach ($sceneResult["result"] as $i3 => $v3) { $ajax["scenes"][$v3["idx"]]["Name"] = $v3["Name"]; $pos = strpos($v3["Description"], $md5Lights); if ($pos === false) { $ajax["scenes"][$v3["idx"]]["Status"] = "Deactivated"; } else { $ajax["scenes"][$v3["idx"]]["Status"] = "Activated"; } } $md5 = md5(print_r($ajax, true)); if ($md5_only == "true") { return $md5; } else { $ajax["meta"]["md5"] = $md5; $meta["meta"]["md5"] = $md5; $ajax["meta"]["lightd5"] = $md5Lights; $meta["meta"]["lightd5"] = $md5Lights; $timestamp = timestamp(); $ajax["meta"]["timestamp"] = $timestamp; $meta["meta"]["timestamp"] = $timestamp; $ret_md5 = $_GET["md5"]; if ($ret_md5 == $md5) { if ($format == "array") { return $meta; } else { return json_encode($meta); } } else { if ($format == "array") { return $ajax; } else { return json_encode($ajax); } } } }
if (!$metrics) { header("Content-Type: image/" . IMGFMT); echo $canvas; } // Generate thumbnail image of the title for UI purposes. $thumb = $canvas->clone(); if ($player) { $thumb->cropImage(427, 240, 350, 795); $thumb->resizeImage(72, 40, Imagick::FILTER_TRIANGLE, 1); $thumb->writeImage(realpath('thumbs') . '/' . $filename . '.' . IMGFMT); // headshotless title generation for animation $noHeadshot = getStatscard($player, ["emptyHeadshot" => true]); $noHeadshotCanvas = new Imagick(); $noHeadshotCanvas->newImage(1920, 1080, "none", IMGFMT); $noHeadshotCanvas->setImageDepth(8); $noHeadshotCanvas->setimagecolorspace(imagick::COLORSPACE_SRGB); foreach ($noHeadshot['geos'] as $geo) { addGeoToCanvas($noHeadshotCanvas, $geo, $bustCache); } $noHeadshotCanvas->writeImage(realpath('out') . '/' . $filename . '_noHeadshot.' . IMGFMT); } else { //$thumb->cropImage(1440, 1080, 0, 0); $thumb->resizeImage(72, 40, Imagick::FILTER_TRIANGLE, 1); $thumb->writeImage(realpath('thumbs') . '/' . $filename . '.' . IMGFMT); } timestamp('post thumbs'); // Generate the output file of the title. $canvas->writeImage(realpath('out') . '/' . $filename . '.' . IMGFMT); dbquery("REPLACE INTO cache SET `key`='{$key}', `hash`='" . getHashForTitle($title) . "';"); timestamp('post out');
<tr> <td><?php echo $log->id; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $log->what; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $log->data; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $log->from; ?> </td> <td><?php echo timestamp($log->timestamp); ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <?php }
function add_command($device, $command) { $db = get_connection(); $db->queue->save(array("device_udid" => $device["udid"], "command" => $command, "created" => timestamp())); }
function log_activity($_message, $_file_name) { $log_file = '/var/log/' . $_file_name; $activity = timestamp() . ' ' . $_message . "\n"; if ($handle = fopen($log_file, 'a')) { if (fwrite($handle, $activity) === FALSE) { $errmsg = $timestamp . " Cannot write to " . $logFile . "\n"; fwrite(STDERR, $activity); exit; } } else { $errmsg = $timestamp . " " . $log_file . " is not writable\n"; fwrite(STDERR, $errmsg); exit; } }
public function transform($data) { return ['_id' => (string) $data->_id, 'party_name' => $data->party_name, 'party_name_english' => $data->party_name_english, 'abbreviation' => $data->abbreviation, 'member_count' => $data->member_count, 'leadership' => $data->leadership, 'chairman' => $data->chairman, 'establishment_date' => timestamp($data->establishment_date), 'establishment_approval_date' => timestamp($data->establishment_approval_date), 'registration_application_date' => timestamp($data->registration_application_date), 'registration_approval_date' => timestamp($data->registration_approval_date), 'approved_party_number' => $data->approved_party_number, 'party_flag' => $data->party_flag, 'party_seal' => $data->party_seal, 'region' => $data->region, 'ST_PCODE' => $data->ST_PCODE, 'DT_PCODE' => $data->DT_PCODE, 'headquarters' => $data->headquarters, 'contact' => $data->contact, 'policy' => $data->policy]; }
/** * Set Etag * * if it's empty, set a valid Etag in the entries table * * @author Brian Hendrickson <*****@*****.**> * @access public * @return string[] */ function set_etag($person_id = NULL) { global $db; $Entry =& $db->get_table('entries'); $atomentry = $Entry->find_by(array('resource' => $this->table, 'record_id' => $this->id), $this->id); if ($atomentry) { return true; } $atomentry = $Entry->base(); if ($person_id == NULL) { $person_id = get_person_id(); } if ($atomentry) { $id = $this->primary_key; $atomentry->set_value('etag', getEtag($this->{$id})); $atomentry->set_value('resource', $this->table); $atomentry->set_value('record_id', $this->{$id}); $atomentry->set_value('content_type', 'text/html'); $atomentry->set_value('last_modified', timestamp()); $atomentry->set_value('person_id', $person_id); $aresult = $atomentry->save_changes(); if ($aresult && array_key_exists('entry_id', $this->attributes)) { $this->set_value('entry_id', $atomentry->id); $this->save_changes(); } } }
$timestamp = date('YmdHis', strtotime('+' . $x . ' seconds')); ++$x; return $timestamp; } // ======================== // = Build/Add Form Files = // ======================== $builder = new FormBuilderTool($_POST); $builder->build_form(); $zip = new ZipArchive(); $filename = ROOT . "/tools/_shared/tmp/form-" . time() . ".zip"; if ($zip->open($filename, ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE) !== TRUE) { exit("cannot open <{$filename}>\n"); } if ($builder->database) { $zip->addFromString('ruckusing/db/migrate/' . timestamp() . '_Create' . $builder->form_name->migration . '.php', $builder->migration); } if ($builder->contact) { $zip->addFromString('inc/mailers/' . $builder->form_name->computer . '.html.php', $builder->mailer); } $zip->close(); // =================== // = Save to History = // =================== // $template_name = (!empty($_POST['form_name'])) ? addslashes($_POST['form_name']) : date('r'); // $template = str_replace(array('\n', '\r'), array('\\\n', '\\\r'), addslashes(json_encode($_POST))); // $timestamp = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); // // $query = "INSERT INTO `history` "; // $query .= "(`user_id`, `tool`, `template_name`, `template`, `created_at`, `updated_at`)"; // $query .= " VALUES (";
$v = floor($m / $s); $n = "{$v} {$u}" . ($v == 1 ? '' : 'a') . ' pärast'; break; case 'kuu': $v = floor($m / $s); $n = "{$v} {$u}" . ($v == 1 ? '' : '') . ' pärast'; break; case 'aasta': $v = floor($m / $s); $n = "{$v} {$u}" . ($v == 1 ? '' : '') . ' pärast'; break; } } } return $n; } // if ($language === 'english') { // return $o; // } // elseif ($language === 'estonian') { // return $n; // } } $languageInFuture = 'english'; $languageInPast = 'estonian'; $timeInFuture = '2032-04-08 21:30:15'; $timeInPast = '1978-04-08 21:30:15'; // @formatter:off echo ' <br/>126: ', sprintf('The incident is going to take place in %1$s.', timestamp(strtotime($timeInFuture), $languageInFuture)); echo ' <br/>130: ', sprintf('Intsident toimus %1$s.', timestamp(strtotime($timeInPast), $languageInPast)); // @formatter:on
} if ($sql_dir) { $load_files = dir_read($sql_dir, null, array('.sql'), 'date_desc'); } $load_assoc = array(); if ($sql_dir) { foreach ($load_files as $file) { $file_path = $file; $file = basename($file); $load_assoc[$file] = '(' . substr(file_date($file_path), 0, 10) . ')' . ' ' . $file; } } if ($sql_dir && 'load' == $post['perform']) { $file = $sql_dir . '/' . $post['load_from']; if (array_key_exists($post['load_from'], $load_assoc) && file_exists($file)) { $msg .= sprintf('<div>Sql loaded: %s (%s)</div>', basename($file), timestamp(file_date($file))); $post['sql'] = file_get($file); $post['save_as'] = basename($file); $post['save_as'] = str_replace('.sql', '', $post['save_as']); } else { error('<div>File not found: %s</div>', $file); } } // after load - md5 may change $md5 = md5($post['sql']); if ($sql_dir && 'load' == $post['perform'] && !error()) { $md5_tmp = sprintf($sql_dir . '/zzz_%s.dat', $md5); file_put($md5_tmp, $post['sql']); } $is_sel = false; $queries = preg_split("#;(\\s*--[ \t\\S]*)?(\r\n|\n|\r)#U", $post['sql']);
function userEntitled($entitlement) { // the userEntitled() method is what should be called at login to determine // if the user is entitled, based on the current time and the start & end timestamps $now = timestamp(); $isEntitled = $entitlement->startTimestamp < $now && (null == $entitlement->endTimestamp || $entitlement->endTimestamp > $now); logMsg("userEntitled(): Entitlement " . $entitlement->merchantEntitlementId . " for Account " . $entitlement->account->merchantAccountId . ", from Product " . $entitlement->merchantProductId . ", from AutoBill " . $entitlement->merchantAutoBillId . ",\n\tsource: " . $entitlement->source . ", dynamic status: " . ($isEntitled ? "Entitled" : "Not Entitled") . ", " . dateString("entitlement begins", $entitlement->startTimestamp) . " " . dateString("until", $entitlement->endTimestamp) . "\n"); return $isEntitled; }