Пример #1
 public function orderTimeRange()
     if ($this->opening_status !== '1') {
         return NULL;
     $time_format = $this->CI->config->item('time_format') ? $this->CI->config->item('time_format') : '%h:%i %a';
     $time_interval = $this->order_type === '1' ? $this->deliveryTime() : $this->collectionTime();
     $start_time = mdate('%H:%i', strtotime($this->current_time) + $time_interval * 60);
     $time_range = array();
     $order_times = time_range($this->openingTime(), $this->lastOrderTime(), $time_interval);
     // retrieve the location delivery times from location library
     foreach ($order_times as $key => $value) {
         // loop through delivery times
         // check if current time is within location opening hour
         if (strtotime($value) > strtotime($start_time) and $this->CI->config->item('future_orders') !== '1') {
             $time_range[$value] = mdate($time_format, strtotime($value));
         } else {
             if (strtotime($value) > strtotime($start_time) and $this->CI->config->item('future_orders') === '1') {
                 $time_range[$value] = mdate($time_format, strtotime($value));
     return $time_range;
Пример #2
 $code[] = '<div id="wall_response" class="wall_posting" style="display: none;">' . $lang['global.posting'] . '</div>';
 if ($comments) {
     $code[] = '<div id="comments_delimiter" style="display:none;"></div>';
     foreach ($comments as $comment) {
         $photo = $comment['photo'] == '' ? 'nopic-' . $comment['gender'] . '.gif' : $comment['photo'];
         $username = $comment['username'];
         $code[] = '<div id="wall_comment_' . $comment['wall_id'] . '" class="col-xs-12 m-t-15">';
         $code[] = '<div class="row">';
         $code[] = '<div class="pull-left">';
         $code[] = '<a href="' . $config['BASE_URL'] . '/user/' . $username . '">';
         $code[] = '<img src="' . $config['BASE_URL'] . '/media/users/' . $photo . '" title="' . $username . '" alt="' . $username . '" class="img-responsive comment-avatar" />';
         $code[] = '</a>';
         $code[] = '</div>';
         $code[] = '<div class="comment">';
         $code[] = '<div class="comment-info">';
         $code[] = '<a href="' . $config['BASE_URL'] . '/user/' . $username . '">' . $username . '</a>&nbsp;-&nbsp;<span class="font-10">' . time_range($comment['addtime']) . '</span>';
         $code[] = '</div>';
         $code[] = '<div class="comment-body overflow-hidden">' . nl2br($comment['message']) . '</div>';
         if ($uid) {
             $code[] = '<div class="comment-actions">';
             if ($comment['UID'] == $uid) {
                 $code[] = '<a href="#delete_comment" id="delete_comment_wall_' . $comment['wall_id'] . '_' . $oid . '">' . $lang['global.delete'] . '</a> <span id="delete_response_' . $comment['wall_id'] . '" style="display: none;"></span>';
             if ($comment['UID'] != $uid) {
                 $code[] = '<span id="reported_spam_' . $comment['wall_id'] . '_' . $oid . '"><a href="#report_spam" id="report_spam_wall_' . $comment['wall_id'] . '_' . $oid . '">' . $lang['global.report_spam'] . '</a></span>';
             $code[] = '</div>';
         $code[] = '</div>';
         $code[] = '<div class="clearfix"></div>';
         $code[] = '</div>';
 public function findATable($find = array())
     if (!isset($find['location']) or !isset($find['guest_num']) or empty($find['reserve_date']) or empty($find['reserve_time']) or empty($find['time_interval'])) {
         return 'NO_ARGUMENTS';
     if (!($available_tables = $this->getLocationTablesByMinCapacity($find['location'], $find['guest_num']))) {
         return 'NO_TABLE';
     $find['reserve_date_time'] = strtotime($find['reserve_date'] . ' ' . $find['reserve_time']);
     $find['unix_start_time'] = strtotime('-' . $find['time_interval'] * 2 . ' mins', $find['reserve_date_time']);
     $find['unix_end_time'] = strtotime('+' . $find['time_interval'] * 2 . ' mins', $find['reserve_date_time']);
     $time_slots = time_range(mdate('%H:%i', $find['unix_start_time']), mdate('%H:%i', $find['unix_end_time']), $find['time_interval'], '%H:%i');
     $reserve_time_slot = array_flip($time_slots);
     $reserved_tables = $this->getReservedTableByDate($find, array_keys($available_tables));
     foreach ($reserved_tables as $reserved) {
         // remove available table if already reserved
         if (isset($available_tables[$reserved['table_id']])) {
         // remove reserve time slot if already reserved
         $reserve_time = mdate('%H:%i', strtotime($reserved['reserve_date'] . ' ' . $reserved['reserve_time']));
         if (isset($reserve_time_slot[$reserve_time])) {
     if (empty($available_tables) or empty($reserve_time_slot)) {
         return 'FULLY_BOOKED';
     return array('table_found' => $available_tables, 'time_slots' => array_flip($reserve_time_slot));
Пример #4
 $end_num = $pagination->getEndItem();
 $code[] = '<div class="blinkp">';
 $code[] = $lang['global.showing'] . ' <strong>' . $start_num . '</strong> ' . $lang['global.to'] . ' <strong>' . $end_num . '</strong> ' . $lang['global.of'] . ' <strong>' . $total . '</strong> ' . $lang['global.comments'] . '.';
 $code[] = '</div>';
 if ($comments) {
     $code[] = '<div class="pagination"><ul>' . $page_link . '</ul></div>';
     $code[] = '<div id="comments_delimiter" style="display:none;"></div>';
     foreach ($comments as $comment) {
         $photo = $comment['photo'] == '' ? 'nopic-' . $comment['gender'] . '.gif' : $comment['photo'];
         $username = $comment['username'];
         $code[] = '<div id="wall_comment_' . $oid . '_' . $comment['wall_id'] . '">';
         $code[] = '<div id="delete_response_' . $comment['wall_id'] . '" class="response" style="display: none;"></div>';
         $code[] = '<div class="comment">';
         $code[] = '<div class="comment_left"><a href="' . $config['BASE_URL'] . '/user/' . $username . '"><img src="' . $config['BASE_URL'] . '/media/users/' . $photo . '" width="60" title="' . $username . '" alt="' . $username . '" /></a></div>';
         $code[] = '<div class="comment_right">';
         $code[] = '<div class="comment_info"><a href="' . $config['BASE_URL'] . '/user/' . $username . '">' . $username . '</a>&nbsp;<strong>-</strong>&nbsp;<span class="font-10">' . time_range($comment['addtime']) . '</span></div>';
         $code[] = '<p class="comment_body">' . nl2br(htmlspecialchars($comment['message'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')) . '</p>';
         if ($uid) {
             $code[] = '<div class="comment_actions">';
             if ($comment['UID'] == $uid) {
                 $code[] = '<a href="#delete_comment" id="delete_comment_wall_' . $comment['wall_id'] . '_' . $oid . '">' . $lang['global.delete'] . '</a> <strong>&middot;</strong>';
             $code[] = '<span id="reported_spam_' . $comment['wall_id'] . '_' . $oid . '"><a href="#report_spam" id="report_spam_wall_' . $comment['wall_id'] . '_' . $oid . '">' . $lang['global.report_spam'] . '</a></span>';
             $code[] = '</div>';
         $code[] = '</div>';
         $code[] = '<div class="clear"></div>';
         $code[] = '</div>';
         $code[] = '</div>';
     $code[] = '<div class="pagination"><ul>' . $page_link_b . '</ul></div>';
Пример #5
 $code[] = '<div class="thumb-overlay">';
 $code[] = '<img src="' . get_thumb_url($video['VID']) . '/' . $video['thumb'] . '.jpg" title="' . htmlspecialchars($video['title'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '" alt="' . htmlspecialchars($video['title'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '" id="rotate_' . $video['VID'] . '_' . $video['thumbs'] . '_' . $video['thumb'] . '" ' . $img_class . ' />';
 if ($video['type'] == 'private') {
     $code[] = '<div class="label-private">' . $lang['global.PRIVATE'] . '</div>';
 if ($video['hd'] == 1) {
     $code[] = '<div class="hd-text-icon">HD</div>';
 $code[] = '<div class="duration">';
 $code[] = duration($video['duration']);
 $code[] = '</div>';
 $code[] = '</div>';
 $code[] = '<span class="video-title title-truncate m-t-5">' . htmlspecialchars($video['title'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '</span>';
 $code[] = '</a>';
 $code[] = '<div class="video-added">';
 $code[] = time_range($video['addtime']);
 $code[] = '</div>';
 $code[] = '<div class="video-views pull-left">';
 $views = $video['viewnumber'] == '1' ? $lang['global.view'] : $lang['global.views'];
 $code[] = $video['viewnumber'] . ' ' . $views;
 $code[] = '</div>';
 if ($video['rate'] == 0 && $video[dislikes] == 0) {
     $rate_class = 'no-rating"';
     $rate_icon = '<i class="fa fa-heart video-rating-heart no-rating"></i> <b>-</b>';
 } else {
     $rate_class = '';
     $rate_icon = '<i class="fa fa-heart video-rating-heart"></i> <b>' . $video['rate'] . '%</b>';
 $code[] = '<div class="video-rating pull-right ' . $rate_class . '">';
 $code[] = $rate_icon;
 $code[] = '</div>';
Пример #6
 private function getFormData($order_data, $data = array())
     if ($this->input->post('checkout_step')) {
         $data['checkout_step'] = $this->input->post('checkout_step');
     } else {
         if (isset($order_data['checkout_step'])) {
             $data['checkout_step'] = $order_data['checkout_step'];
             // retrieve customer first name from session data
         } else {
             $data['checkout_step'] = 'one';
     if ($this->input->post('first_name')) {
         $data['first_name'] = $this->input->post('first_name');
     } else {
         if (isset($order_data['first_name'])) {
             $data['first_name'] = $order_data['first_name'];
             // retrieve customer first name from session data
         } else {
             if ($this->customer->getFirstName()) {
                 $data['first_name'] = $this->customer->getFirstName();
                 // retrieve customer first name from customer library
             } else {
                 $data['first_name'] = '';
     if ($this->input->post('last_name')) {
         $data['last_name'] = $this->input->post('last_name');
     } else {
         if (isset($order_data['last_name'])) {
             $data['last_name'] = $order_data['last_name'];
             // retrieve customer last name from session data
         } else {
             if ($this->customer->getLastName()) {
                 $data['last_name'] = $this->customer->getLastName();
                 // retrieve customer last name from customer library
             } else {
                 $data['last_name'] = '';
     if ($this->input->post('email')) {
         $data['email'] = $this->input->post('email');
     } else {
         if (isset($order_data['email'])) {
             $data['email'] = $order_data['email'];
             // retrieve customer email from session data
         } else {
             if ($this->customer->getEmail()) {
                 $data['email'] = $this->customer->getEmail();
                 // retrieve customer email address from customer library
             } else {
                 $data['email'] = '';
     if ($this->input->post('telephone')) {
         $data['telephone'] = $this->input->post('telephone');
     } else {
         if (isset($order_data['telephone'])) {
             $data['telephone'] = $order_data['telephone'];
             // retrieve telephone from session data
         } else {
             if ($this->customer->getTelephone()) {
                 $data['telephone'] = $this->customer->getTelephone();
                 // retrieve customer telephone from customer library
             } else {
                 $data['telephone'] = '';
     $local_info = $this->session->userdata('local_info');
     if ($this->input->post('order_type')) {
         $data['order_type'] = $this->input->post('order_type');
         // retrieve order_type value from $_POST data if set
     } else {
         if (isset($order_data['order_type'])) {
             $data['order_type'] = $order_data['order_type'];
             // retrieve order_type from session data
         } else {
             if (isset($local_info['order_type'])) {
                 $data['order_type'] = $local_info['order_type'];
             } else {
                 $data['order_type'] = '1';
     if ($this->input->post('order_time')) {
         $data['order_time'] = $this->input->post('order_time');
         // retrieve order_time value from $_POST data if set
     } else {
         if (isset($order_data['order_time'])) {
             $data['order_time'] = $order_data['order_time'];
             // retrieve order_type from session data
         } else {
             $data['order_time'] = '';
     if ($this->input->post('address_id')) {
         $data['address_id'] = $this->input->post('address_id');
         // retrieve existing_address value from $_POST data if set
     } else {
         if (isset($order_data['address_id'])) {
             $data['address_id'] = $order_data['address_id'];
             // retrieve existing_address from session data
         } else {
             if ($this->customer->getAddressId()) {
                 $data['address_id'] = $this->customer->getAddressId();
                 // retrieve customer default address id from customer library
             } else {
                 $data['address_id'] = '';
     if ($this->config->item('country_id')) {
         $country_id = $this->config->item('country_id');
         // retrieve country_id from config settings
     if ($this->input->post('address')) {
         $addresses = $this->input->post('address');
         // retrieve address value from $_POST data if set
     } else {
         if ($this->customer->islogged()) {
             $addresses = $this->Addresses_model->getAddresses($this->customer->getId());
             // retrieve customer addresses array from getAddresses method in Customers model
         } else {
             if (!empty($order_data['address_id'])) {
                 $addresses = array($this->Addresses_model->getGuestAddress($order_data['address_id']));
                 // retrieve customer addresses array from getAddresses method in Customers model
     if (empty($addresses)) {
         $addresses = array(array('address_id' => '', 'address_1' => '', 'address_2' => '', 'city' => '', 'state' => '', 'postcode' => '', 'country_id' => $country_id));
     $data['addresses'] = array();
     if ($addresses) {
         foreach ($addresses as $address) {
             // loop through customer addresses arrary
             if (empty($address['country'])) {
                 $country = $this->Countries_model->getCountry($address['country_id']);
                 $address['country'] = !empty($address['country']) ? $address['country'] : $country['country_name'];
             $data['addresses'][] = array('address_id' => isset($address['address_id']) ? $address['address_id'] : NULL, 'address_1' => $address['address_1'], 'address_2' => $address['address_2'], 'city' => $address['city'], 'state' => $address['state'], 'postcode' => $address['postcode'], 'country_id' => $address['country_id'], 'address' => $this->country->addressFormat($address));
     if ($this->input->post('comment')) {
         $data['comment'] = $this->input->post('comment');
         // retrieve comment value from $_POST data if set
     } else {
         if (isset($order_data['comment'])) {
             $data['comment'] = $order_data['comment'];
             // retrieve comment from session data
         } else {
             $data['comment'] = '';
     if ($this->input->post('payment')) {
         $data['payment'] = $this->input->post('payment');
         // retrieve comment value from $_POST data if set
     } else {
         if (isset($order_data['payment'])) {
             $data['payment'] = $order_data['payment'];
             // retrieve comment from session data
         } else {
             $data['payment'] = '';
     if ($this->config->item('checkout_terms') > 0) {
         $data['checkout_terms'] = str_replace(root_url(), '/', site_url('pages?popup=1&page_id=' . $this->config->item('checkout_terms')));
     } else {
         $data['checkout_terms'] = FALSE;
     if ($this->input->ip_address()) {
         $data['ip_address'] = $this->input->ip_address();
         // retrieve ip_address value if set
     $data['countries'] = array();
     $results = $this->Countries_model->getCountries();
     // retrieve countries array from getCountries method in locations model
     foreach ($results as $result) {
         // loop through crountries array
         $data['countries'][] = array('country_id' => $result['country_id'], 'name' => $result['country_name']);
     $time_format = $this->config->item('time_format') ? $this->config->item('time_format') : '%h:%i %a';
     $current_time = $this->location->currentTime();
     // retrieve the location current time from location library
     $data['delivery_times'] = array();
     $data['asap_time'] = mdate('%H:%i', strtotime($current_time) + $this->location->deliveryTime() * 60);
     if (strtotime($current_time) > strtotime($this->location->openingTime())) {
         $delivery_times = time_range($this->location->openingTime(), $this->location->lastOrderTime(), $this->location->deliveryTime());
         // retrieve the location delivery times from location library
         foreach ($delivery_times as $key => $value) {
             // loop through delivery times
             if (strtotime($value) > strtotime($data['asap_time']) or $this->config->item('future_orders') === '1') {
                 $data['delivery_times'][$value] = mdate($time_format, strtotime($value));
     $local_payments = $this->location->payments();
     $data['payments'] = array();
     $payments = $this->extension->getAvailablePayments();
     foreach (sort_array($payments) as $code => $payment) {
         if (!empty($local_payments) and !in_array($payment['code'], $local_payments)) {
         $data['payments'][] = $payment;
     return $data;
Пример #7
 } else {
     $img_class = 'class="img-responsive"';
 $code[] = '<div class="col-sm-6 col-md-3 col-lg-3">';
 $code[] = '<div class="well well-sm m-b-0 m-t-20">';
 $code[] = '<a href="' . $config['BASE_URL'] . '/game/' . $game['GID'] . '/' . prepare_string($game['title']) . '">';
 $code[] = '<div class="thumb-overlay">';
 $code[] = '<img src="' . $config['BASE_URL'] . '/media/games/tmb/' . $game['GID'] . '.jpg" title="' . htmlspecialchars($game['title'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '" alt="' . htmlspecialchars($game['title'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '" ' . $img_class . ' />';
 if ($game['type'] == 'private') {
     $code[] = '<div class="label-private">' . $lang['global.PRIVATE'] . '</div>';
 $code[] = '</div>';
 $code[] = '<span class="game-title title-truncate m-t-5">' . htmlspecialchars($game['title'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . '</span>';
 $code[] = '</a>';
 $code[] = '<div class="game-added">';
 $code[] = time_range($game['addtime']);
 $code[] = '</div>';
 $code[] = '<div class="game-views pull-left">';
 $views = $game['total_plays'] == '1' ? $lang['global.play'] : $lang['global.plays'];
 $code[] = $game['viewnumber'] . ' ' . $views;
 $code[] = '</div>';
 if ($game['rate'] == 0 && $game[dislikes] == 0) {
     $rate_class = 'no-rating"';
     $rate_icon = '<i class="fa fa-heart video-rating-heart no-rating"></i> <b>-</b>';
 } else {
     $rate_class = '';
     $rate_icon = '<i class="fa fa-heart video-rating-heart"></i> <b>' . $game['rate'] . '%</b>';
 $code[] = '<div class="game-rating pull-right ' . $rate_class . '">';
 $code[] = $rate_icon;
 $code[] = '</div>';
Пример #8
 public function index()
     // load the location library
     if (!file_exists(EXTPATH . 'reservation_module/views/reservation_module.php')) {
         //check if file exists in views folder
         // Whoops, show 404 error page!
     $this->template->setStyleTag(extension_url('reservation_module/views/stylesheet.css'), 'reservation-module-css', '154000');
     $this->template->setStyleTag(base_url('assets/js/datepicker/datepicker.css'), 'datepicker-css', '124000');
     $this->template->setScriptTag(base_url("assets/js/datepicker/bootstrap-datepicker.js"), 'bootstrap-datepicker-js', '12000');
     $this->template->setStyleTag(base_url('assets/js/datepicker/bootstrap-timepicker.css'), 'bootstrap-timepicker-css', '124440');
     $this->template->setScriptTag(base_url("assets/js/datepicker/bootstrap-timepicker.js"), 'bootstrap-timepicker-js', '12550');
     if ($this->config->item('reservation_mode') !== '1') {
         $this->alert->set('alert', $this->lang->line('alert_reservation_disabled'));
     $date_format = $this->config->item('date_format') ? $this->config->item('date_format') : '%d %M %y';
     $time_format = $this->config->item('time_format') ? $this->config->item('time_format') : '%h:%i %a';
     if (strpos($time_format, '%h') !== FALSE) {
         $data['time_format'] = '12hr';
         $time_format = '%g:%i %A';
     } else {
         $data['time_format'] = '24hr';
         $time_format = '%H:%i';
     if (strpos($date_format, 'm') === 1) {
         $data['date_format'] = 'month_first';
         $date_format = '%m-%d-%Y';
     } else {
         if (strpos($date_format, 'Y') === 1) {
             $data['date_format'] = 'year_first';
             $date_format = '%Y-%m-%d';
         } else {
             $data['date_format'] = 'day_first';
             $date_format = '%d-%m-%Y';
     $data['current_url'] = page_url() . '?action=find_table&';
     $data['reset_url'] = site_url('reservation');
     $data['find_table_action'] = 'find_table';
     if ($this->input->get() and ($response = $this->findTable()) !== FALSE) {
         if ($this->input->get('action') === 'select_time' and $this->input->get('selected_time')) {
             $data['find_table_action'] = 'view_summary';
             $data['current_url'] = page_url() . '?action=select_time&';
         } else {
             $data['find_table_action'] = 'select_time';
             $data['current_url'] = page_url() . '?action=select_time&';
     $data['locations'] = array();
     $locations = $this->Locations_model->getLocations();
     foreach ($locations as $location) {
         $data['locations'][] = array('id' => $location['location_id'], 'name' => $location['location_name']);
     $data['guest_numbers'] = array('2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10');
     $data['location_image'] = $this->location->getImage();
     if ($this->input->get('location')) {
         $data['location_id'] = $this->input->get('location');
         $data['current_url'] .= 'location=' . $data['location_id'] . '&';
     } else {
         $data['location_id'] = $this->location->getId();
     if ($this->input->get('guest_num')) {
         $data['guest_num'] = $this->input->get('guest_num');
         $data['current_url'] .= 'guest_num=' . $data['guest_num'] . '&';
     } else {
         $data['guest_num'] = '';
     if ($this->input->get('reserve_date')) {
         $data['date'] = $this->input->get('reserve_date');
         $data['current_url'] .= 'reserve_date=' . urlencode($data['date']) . '&';
     } else {
         $data['date'] = mdate($date_format, strtotime('+1 day', time()));
     if ($this->input->get('selected_time')) {
         $data['time'] = mdate($time_format, strtotime($this->input->get('selected_time')));
         $data['current_url'] .= 'reserve_time=' . urlencode($data['time']) . '&';
     } else {
         if ($this->input->get('reserve_time')) {
             $data['time'] = mdate($time_format, strtotime($this->input->get('reserve_time')));
             $data['current_url'] .= 'reserve_time=' . urlencode($data['time']) . '&';
         } else {
             $data['time'] = '';
     $data['reservation_times'] = array();
     $start_time = mdate('%H:%i', strtotime($this->location->openingTime()) + $this->location->getReservationInterval() * 60);
     $reservation_times = time_range($start_time, $this->location->closingTime(), $this->location->getReservationInterval());
     // retrieve the location delivery times from location library
     foreach ($reservation_times as $key => $value) {
         // loop through delivery times
         $data['reservation_times'][$value] = mdate($time_format, strtotime($value));
     $data['time_slots'] = array();
     if (!empty($response['time_slots'])) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
             if (isset($response['time_slots'][$i])) {
                 $time = mdate($time_format, strtotime($response['time_slots'][$i]));
                 $data['time_slots'][$i]['state'] = '';
                 $data['time_slots'][$i]['time'] = $time;
             } else {
                 $data['time_slots'][$i]['state'] = 'disabled';
                 $data['time_slots'][$i]['time'] = '--';
     $data['reservation_alert'] = $this->alert->display('reservation_module');
     $this->load->view('reservation_module/reservation_module', $data);
Пример #9
 public function orderTimeRange()
     if ($this->isClosed() or !$this->checkOrderType()) {
         return NULL;
     if ($this->order_type === '1') {
         $order_type = 'delivery';
         $time_interval = $this->deliveryTime();
     } else {
         $order_type = 'collection';
         $time_interval = $this->collectionTime();
     $days_in_advance = $this->hasFutureOrder() ? $this->futureOrderDays($order_type) : '0';
     $start_date = mdate("%d-%m-%Y", strtotime("-1 day", $this->current_time));
     $end_date = mdate("%d-%m-%Y", strtotime("+{$days_in_advance} day", $this->current_time));
     $working_hours = isset($this->working_hours[$this->location_id]) ? $this->working_hours[$this->location_id] : array();
     $working_hours = $this->parseWorkingHours($order_type, $start_date, $end_date, $working_hours);
     $count = 1;
     $order_times = array();
     foreach ($working_hours as $date => $hour) {
         if ($hour['open'] > $hour['close']) {
             $hour['close'] = $hour['close'] + 86400;
         $start_time = mdate("%d-%m-%Y %H:%i", $hour['open'] + $time_interval * 60);
         $end_time = mdate("%d-%m-%Y %H:%i", $hour['close'] - $this->local_info['last_order_time'] * 60);
         $time_ranges = time_range($start_time, $end_time, $time_interval, "%d-%m-%Y %H:%i");
         foreach ($time_ranges as $time) {
             if (strtotime($time) >= $this->current_time + $time_interval * 60) {
                 if ($hour['working_status'] === 'open' and $count === 1) {
                     $order_times['asap'] = $time;
                 } else {
                     $dt = mdate('%d-%m-%Y', strtotime($time));
                     $hr = mdate('%H', strtotime($time));
                     $order_times[$dt][$hr][] = mdate('%i', strtotime($time));
     return $order_times;