function sidebars_body_classes($classes) { $entry_id = thb_get_page_ID(); if ($entry_id != 0) { $is_sidebar_page = in_array(thb_get_page_template($entry_id), thb_config('core/sidebars', 'templates')) || is_single(); if ($is_sidebar_page) { $sidebar = thb_get_post_meta($entry_id, 'sidebar'); if ($sidebar != '0' && is_active_sidebar($sidebar)) { $classes[] = 'w-sidebar'; // Checking the sidebar position $position = thb_get_post_meta($entry_id, 'sidebar_position'); $classes[] = $position; } } } else { if (!is_archive() && !is_search() && !is_404()) { if (is_active_sidebar('post-sidebar')) { $classes[] = 'w-sidebar'; } } } return $classes; }
/** * Ritorna il template di pagina utilizzato da una risorsa nell'area di amministrazione. * * @return string */ function thb_get_admin_template() { global $pagenow; $thb_page_id = 0; $post_type = 'post'; if (!empty($_POST)) { if (isset($_POST['post_ID'])) { $thb_page_id = absint($_POST['post_ID']); } if (isset($_POST['post_type'])) { $post_type = (string) $_POST['post_type']; } } elseif (!empty($_GET)) { if (isset($_GET['post'])) { $thb_page_id = absint($_GET['post']); } if (isset($_GET['post_type'])) { $post_type = (string) $_GET['post_type']; } } if (!$thb_page_id) { if ($post_type !== 'post') { if ($post_type !== 'page' && $pagenow !== 'edit.php') { return 'single-' . $post_type . '.php'; } else { return 'default'; } } else { return 'single.php'; } } else { return thb_get_page_template($thb_page_id); } }
/** * Get the admin page template. * * @return string */ function thb_get_admin_template() { $thb_page_id = 0; if (isset($_GET['post'])) { $thb_page_id = (int) $_GET['post']; } elseif (defined('POLYLANG_VERSION') && isset($_GET['from_post'])) { // Polylang compatibility fix $thb_page_id = (int) $_GET['from_post']; } if (!$thb_page_id) { if (isset($_GET['post_type'])) { if ($_GET['post_type'] != 'page') { return 'single-' . $_GET['post_type'] . '.php'; } else { return 'default'; } } else { return 'single.php'; } } else { return thb_get_page_template($thb_page_id); } }