Пример #1
function heartbeat()
    global $response;
    global $userid;
    global $db;
    global $chatrooms_language;
    global $chatroomTimeout;
    global $lastMessages;
    global $cookiePrefix;
    global $allowAvatar;
    global $moderatorUserIDs;
    global $guestsMode, $crguestsMode, $guestnamePrefix;
    $usertable = TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE;
    $usertable_username = DB_USERTABLE_NAME;
    $usertable_userid = DB_USERTABLE_USERID;
    $time = getTimeStamp();
    $chatroomList = array();
    $cachedChatrooms = array();
    if (isset($_POST['popout']) && $_POST['popout'] == 0) {
        $_SESSION['cometchat']['cometchat_chatroomspopout'] = $time;
    if (!empty($_POST['currentroom']) && $_POST['currentroom'] != 0) {
        $sql = "insert into cometchat_chatrooms_users (userid,chatroomid,lastactivity,isbanned) values ('" . mysql_real_escape_string($userid) . "','" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['currentroom']) . "','" . mysql_real_escape_string($time) . "','0') on duplicate key update chatroomid = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['currentroom']) . "', lastactivity = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($time) . "'";
        $query = mysql_query($sql);
    if (empty($_SESSION['cometchat']['cometchat_chatroomslist']) || !empty($_POST['force']) || !empty($_SESSION['cometchat']['cometchat_chatroomslist']) && $time - $_SESSION['cometchat']['cometchat_chatroomslist'] > REFRESH_BUDDYLIST) {
        if ($cachedChatrooms = getCache($cookiePrefix . 'chatroom_list', 30)) {
            $cachedChatrooms = unserialize($cachedChatrooms);
        } else {
            $sql = "select DISTINCT cometchat_chatrooms.id, cometchat_chatrooms.name, cometchat_chatrooms.type, cometchat_chatrooms.password, cometchat_chatrooms.lastactivity, cometchat_chatrooms.createdby, (SELECT count(userid) online FROM cometchat_chatrooms_users where cometchat_chatrooms_users.chatroomid = cometchat_chatrooms.id and '{$time}'-lastactivity<" . ONLINE_TIMEOUT . " and isbanned<>'1') online from cometchat_chatrooms order by name asc";
            $query = mysql_query($sql);
            while ($chatroom = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
                $cachedChatrooms[$chatroom['id']] = array('id' => $chatroom['id'], 'name' => $chatroom['name'], 'online' => $chatroom['online'], 'type' => $chatroom['type'], 'password' => $chatroom['password'], 'lastactivity' => $chatroom['lastactivity'], 'createdby' => $chatroom['createdby']);
            setCache($cookiePrefix . 'chatroom_list', serialize($cachedChatrooms), 30);
        foreach ($cachedChatrooms as $key => $chatroom) {
            if ($chatroom['createdby'] == 0 || $chatroom['createdby'] != 0 && $chatroom['type'] != 2 && $time - $chatroom['lastactivity'] < $chatroomTimeout || $chatroom['createdby'] == $userid) {
                $s = 0;
                if ($chatroom['createdby'] != $userid) {
                    if (!in_array($userid, $moderatorUserIDs)) {
                        $chatroom['password'] = '';
                    } else {
                        $s = 2;
                } else {
                    $s = 1;
                $chatroomList[$chatroom['id']] = array('id' => $chatroom['id'], 'name' => $chatroom['name'], 'online' => $chatroom['online'], 'type' => $chatroom['type'], 'i' => $chatroom['password'], 's' => $s);
        $_SESSION['cometchat']['cometchat_chatroomslist'] = $time;
        $clh = md5(serialize($chatroomList));
        if (empty($_POST['clh']) || !empty($_POST['clh']) && $clh != $_POST['clh']) {
            if (!empty($chatroomList)) {
                $response['chatrooms'] = $chatroomList;
            $response['clh'] = $clh;
    if (!empty($_POST['currentroom']) && $_POST['currentroom'] != 0) {
        $users = array();
        $messages = array();
        if ($cachedUsers = getCache($cookiePrefix . 'chatrooms_users' . $_POST['currentroom'], 30)) {
            $users = unserialize($cachedUsers);
        } else {
            $sql = "select DISTINCT " . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "." . DB_USERTABLE_USERID . " userid, " . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "." . DB_USERTABLE_NAME . " username, " . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "." . DB_USERTABLE_LASTACTIVITY . " lastactivity, " . DB_AVATARFIELD . " avatar, cometchat_chatrooms_users.isbanned from " . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . " left join cometchat_status on " . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "." . DB_USERTABLE_USERID . " = cometchat_status.userid inner join cometchat_chatrooms_users on  " . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "." . DB_USERTABLE_USERID . " =  cometchat_chatrooms_users.userid " . DB_AVATARTABLE . " where chatroomid = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['currentroom']) . "' and ('" . mysql_real_escape_string($time) . "' - cometchat_chatrooms_users.lastactivity < " . ONLINE_TIMEOUT . ") order by username asc";
            if ($guestsMode && $crguestsMode) {
                $sql = getChatroomGuests($_POST['currentroom'], $time, $sql);
            $query = mysql_query($sql);
            while ($chat = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
                if (function_exists('processName')) {
                    $chat['username'] = processName($chat['username']);
                $avatar = '';
                if ($allowAvatar) {
                    $avatar = getAvatar($chat['avatar']);
                $users[] = array('id' => $chat['userid'], 'n' => $chat['username'], 'a' => $avatar, 'b' => $chat['isbanned']);
            setCache($cookiePrefix . 'chatrooms_users' . $_POST['currentroom'], serialize($users), 30);
        $ulh = md5(serialize($users));
        if (empty($_POST['ulh']) || !empty($_POST['ulh']) && $ulh != $_POST['ulh']) {
            $response['ulh'] = $ulh;
            if (!empty($users)) {
                $response['users'] = $users;
        if (USE_COMET != 1 || COMET_CHATROOMS != 1) {
            $limit = $lastMessages;
            if ($lastMessages == 0) {
                $limit = 1;
            $guestpart = "";
            $limitClause = " limit " . $limit . " ";
            $timestampCondition = "";
            if ($_POST['timestamp'] != 0) {
                $timestampCondition = " and cometchat_chatroommessages.id > '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['timestamp']) . "' ";
                $limitClause = "";
            if ($guestsMode && $crguestsMode) {
                $guestpart = " UNION select DISTINCT cometchat_chatroommessages.id id, cometchat_chatroommessages.message, cometchat_chatroommessages.sent, CONCAT('" . $guestnamePrefix . "-',m.name) `from`, cometchat_chatroommessages.userid fromid, m.id userid from cometchat_chatroommessages join cometchat_guests m on m.id = cometchat_chatroommessages.userid where cometchat_chatroommessages.chatroomid = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['currentroom']) . "' and cometchat_chatroommessages.message not like 'banned_%' and cometchat_chatroommessages.message not like 'kicked_%' " . $timestampCondition;
            $sql = "select DISTINCT cometchat_chatroommessages.id id, cometchat_chatroommessages.message, cometchat_chatroommessages.sent, m.{$usertable_username} `from`, cometchat_chatroommessages.userid fromid, m.{$usertable_userid} userid from cometchat_chatroommessages join {$usertable} m on m.{$usertable_userid} = cometchat_chatroommessages.userid  where cometchat_chatroommessages.chatroomid = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['currentroom']) . "' and cometchat_chatroommessages.message not like 'banned_%' and cometchat_chatroommessages.message not like 'kicked_%' " . $timestampCondition . $guestpart . " order by id desc " . $limitClause;
            $query = mysql_query($sql);
            while ($chat = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
                if (function_exists('processName')) {
                    $chat['from'] = processName($chat['from']);
                if ($lastMessages == 0 && $_POST['timestamp'] == 0) {
                    $chat['message'] = '';
                if ($userid == $chat['userid']) {
                    $chat['from'] = $chatrooms_language[6];
                } else {
                    if (!empty($_COOKIE[$cookiePrefix . 'lang']) && !(strpos($chat['message'], "CC^CONTROL_") > -1)) {
                        $translated = text_translate($chat['message'], '', $_COOKIE[$cookiePrefix . 'lang']);
                        if ($translated != '') {
                            $chat['message'] = strip_tags($translated) . ' <span class="untranslatedtext">(' . $chat['message'] . ')</span>';
                array_unshift($messages, array('id' => $chat['id'], 'from' => $chat['from'], 'fromid' => $chat['fromid'], 'message' => $chat['message'], 'sent' => $chat['sent'] + $_SESSION['cometchat']['timedifference']));
        } else {
            if ($_POST['timestamp'] == 0) {
                $comet = new Comet(KEY_A, KEY_B);
                $history = $comet->history(array('channel' => md5('chatroom_' . $_POST['currentroom'] . KEY_A . KEY_B . KEY_C), 'limit' => $lastMessages + 5));
                $moremessages = array();
                $count_msg = 0;
                $i = 0;
                if (!empty($history)) {
                    foreach ($history as $message) {
                        if (strpos($message['message'], 'CC^CONTROL_') > -1) {
                        $moremessages[$message['sent']] = array("id" => $message['sent'], "from" => $message['from'], "fromid" => "0", "message" => $message['message'], "old" => 1, 'sent' => round($message['sent'] / 1000) + $_SESSION['cometchat']['timedifference']);
                    $messages = array_merge($messages, $moremessages);
                    $count_msg = count($messages);
                    usort($messages, 'comparetime');
                    $messages = $lastMessages > $count_msg ? $messages : array_slice($messages, -$lastMessages);
        if (!empty($messages)) {
            $response['messages'] = $messages;
        $sql = "select password from cometchat_chatrooms where id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['currentroom']) . "' limit 1";
        $query = mysql_query($sql);
        $room = mysql_fetch_array($query);
        if (!empty($room['password']) && (empty($_POST['currentp']) || $room['password'] != $_POST['currentp'])) {
            $response['users'] = array();
            $response['messages'] = array();
    header('Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8');
    echo json_encode($response);
Пример #2
function getChatroomData($chatroomid, $prelimit = 0, $lastMessages = 0)
    global $guestsMode, $crguestsMode, $guestnamePrefix;
    global $language;
    global $userid;
    global $cookiePrefix;
    $usertable = TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE;
    $usertable_username = DB_USERTABLE_NAME;
    $usertable_userid = DB_USERTABLE_USERID;
    $messages = array();
    $moremessages = array();
    $guestpart = '';
    $prependCondition = '';
    $limitClause = " limit " . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $lastMessages) . " ";
    if (empty($prelimit) && empty($lastMessages)) {
        if (!empty($_SESSION['cometchat']['cometchat_chatroom_' . $chatroomid])) {
            $moremessages = $moremessages + $_SESSION['cometchat']['cometchat_chatroom_' . $chatroomid];
        $messages = $messages + $moremessages;
        return $messages;
    } else {
        if ($prelimit != '-1') {
            $prelimit = bigintval($prelimit);
            $prependCondition = "and (cometchat_chatroommessages.id < '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $prelimit) . "')";
        if ($guestsMode && $crguestsMode) {
            $guestpart = " UNION select DISTINCT cometchat_chatroommessages.id id, cometchat_chatroommessages.message, cometchat_chatroommessages.sent, CONCAT('" . $guestnamePrefix . "',m.name) `from`, cometchat_chatroommessages.userid fromid, m.id userid from cometchat_chatroommessages join cometchat_guests m on m.id = cometchat_chatroommessages.userid where cometchat_chatroommessages.chatroomid = '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $chatroomid) . "' and cometchat_chatroommessages.message not like '%banned_%' and cometchat_chatroommessages.message not like '%kicked_%' and cometchat_chatroommessages.message not like '%deletemessage_%' " . $prependCondition;
        $sql = "select DISTINCT cometchat_chatroommessages.id id, cometchat_chatroommessages.message, cometchat_chatroommessages.sent, m.{$usertable_username} `from`, cometchat_chatroommessages.userid fromid, m.{$usertable_userid} userid from cometchat_chatroommessages join {$usertable} m on m.{$usertable_userid} = cometchat_chatroommessages.userid  where cometchat_chatroommessages.chatroomid = '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $chatroomid) . "' and cometchat_chatroommessages.message not like '%banned_%' and cometchat_chatroommessages.message not like '%kicked_%' and cometchat_chatroommessages.message not like '%deletemessage_%' " . $prependCondition . $guestpart . " order by id desc " . $limitClause;
        $query = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['dbh'], $sql);
        if (defined('DEV_MODE') && DEV_MODE == '1') {
            echo mysqli_error($GLOBALS['dbh']);
        while ($chat = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query)) {
            if (function_exists('processName')) {
                $chat['from'] = processName($chat['from']);
            if ($lastMessages == 0) {
                $chat['message'] = '';
            if ($userid == $chat['userid']) {
                $chat['from'] = $language[10];
            } else {
                if (!empty($_COOKIE[$cookiePrefix . 'lang']) && !(strpos($chat['message'], "CC^CONTROL_") > -1)) {
                    $translated = text_translate($chat['message'], '', $_COOKIE[$cookiePrefix . 'lang']);
                    if ($translated != '') {
                        $chat['message'] = strip_tags($translated) . ' <span class="untranslatedtext">(' . $chat['message'] . ')</span>';
            $messages[$chat['id']] = array('id' => $chat['id'], 'from' => $chat['from'], 'fromid' => $chat['fromid'], 'message' => $chat['message'], 'sent' => $chat['sent']);
    header('Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8');
    echo json_encode($messages);
Пример #3
function fetchMessages()
    global $response;
    global $userid;
    global $db;
    global $messages;
    global $cookiePrefix;
    global $chromeReorderFix;
    $timestamp = 0;
    if (USE_COMET == 1) {
    $sql = "select cometchat.id, cometchat.from, cometchat.to, cometchat.message, cometchat.sent, cometchat.read, cometchat.direction from cometchat where ((cometchat.to = '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $userid) . "' and cometchat.direction <> 2) or (cometchat.from = '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $userid) . "' and cometchat.direction <> 1)) and (cometchat.id > '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $_REQUEST['timestamp']) . "' or (cometchat.to = '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $userid) . "' and cometchat.read != 1)) order by cometchat.id";
    $query = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['dbh'], $sql);
    if (defined('DEV_MODE') && DEV_MODE == '1') {
        echo mysqli_error($GLOBALS['dbh']);
    while ($chat = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query)) {
        $self = 0;
        $old = 0;
        if ($chat['from'] == $userid) {
            $chat['from'] = $chat['to'];
            $self = 1;
            $old = 1;
        if ($chat['read'] == 1) {
            $old = 1;
        if (!empty($_COOKIE[$cookiePrefix . 'lang']) && $chat['direction'] == 0 && $self == 0 && $old == 0) {
            $translated = text_translate($chat['message'], '', $_COOKIE[$cookiePrefix . 'lang']);
            if ($translated != '') {
                $chat['message'] = strip_tags($translated) . ' <span class="untranslatedtext">(' . $chat['message'] . ')</span>';
        $messages[$chromeReorderFix . $chat['id']] = array('id' => $chat['id'], 'from' => $chat['from'], 'message' => $chat['message'], 'self' => $self, 'old' => $old, 'sent' => $chat['sent']);
        if (empty($SESSION['cometchat']['cometchat_user' . $chat['from']][$chromeReorderFix . $chat['id']]['id'])) {
            $_SESSION['cometchat']['cometchat_user_' . $chat['from']][$chromeReorderFix . $chat['id']] = array('id' => $chat['id'], 'from' => $chat['from'], 'message' => $chat['message'], 'self' => $self, 'old' => 1, 'sent' => $chat['sent']);
        $timestamp = $chat['id'];
    if (!empty($messages) && (empty($_REQUEST['callbackfn']) || isset($_REQUEST['callbackfn']) && $_REQUEST['callbackfn'] != 'ccmobiletab')) {
        $sql = "update cometchat set cometchat.read = '1' where cometchat.to = '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $userid) . "' and cometchat.id <= '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $timestamp) . "'";
        $query = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['dbh'], $sql);
        if (defined('DEV_MODE') && DEV_MODE == '1') {
            echo mysqli_error($GLOBALS['dbh']);
Пример #4
function heartbeat()
    global $response;
    $messages = array();
    global $userid;
    global $db;
    global $chatrooms_language;
    global $chatroomTimeout;
    global $lastMessages;
    global $cookiePrefix;
    global $allowAvatar;
    global $moderatorUserIDs;
    global $guestsMode, $crguestsMode, $guestnamePrefix;
    $usertable = TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE;
    $usertable_username = DB_USERTABLE_NAME;
    $usertable_userid = DB_USERTABLE_USERID;
    $time = getTimeStamp();
    $chatroomList = array();
    if (isset($_POST['popout']) && $_POST['popout'] == 0) {
        $_SESSION['cometchat']['cometchat_chatroomspopout'] = $time;
    if (!empty($_POST['currentroom']) && $_POST['currentroom'] != 0) {
        $sql = "insert into cometchat_chatrooms_users (userid,chatroomid,lastactivity,isbanned) values ('" . mysql_real_escape_string($userid) . "','" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['currentroom']) . "','" . mysql_real_escape_string($time) . "','0') on duplicate key update chatroomid = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['currentroom']) . "', lastactivity = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($time) . "'";
        $query = mysql_query($sql);
    if (empty($_SESSION['cometchat']['cometchat_chatroomslist']) || !empty($_POST['force']) || !empty($_SESSION['cometchat']['cometchat_chatroomslist']) && $time - $_SESSION['cometchat']['cometchat_chatroomslist'] > REFRESH_BUDDYLIST) {
        $sql = "select DISTINCT cometchat_chatrooms.id, cometchat_chatrooms.name, cometchat_chatrooms.type, cometchat_chatrooms.password, cometchat_chatrooms.lastactivity, cometchat_chatrooms.createdby, (SELECT count(userid) online FROM cometchat_chatrooms_users where cometchat_chatrooms_users.chatroomid = cometchat_chatrooms.id and '{$time}'-lastactivity<" . ONLINE_TIMEOUT . " and isbanned<>'1') online from cometchat_chatrooms where (type <> 2 or type = 2 and createdby = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($userid) . "' )and (createdby = 0 OR (createdby <> 0 ))and (createdby = 0 OR (createdby <> 0 AND ('" . mysql_real_escape_string($time) . "'-lastactivity < {$chatroomTimeout} or createdby='" . $userid . "'))) order by name asc";
        $query = mysql_query($sql);
        while ($chatroom = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
            $s = 0;
            if ($chatroom['createdby'] != $userid) {
                if (!in_array($userid, $moderatorUserIDs)) {
                    $chatroom['password'] = '';
                } else {
                    $s = 2;
            } else {
                $s = 1;
            $chatroomList[] = array('id' => $chatroom['id'], 'name' => $chatroom['name'], 'online' => $chatroom['online'], 'type' => $chatroom['type'], 'i' => $chatroom['password'], 's' => $s);
        $_SESSION['cometchat']['cometchat_chatroomslist'] = $time;
        $ch = md5(serialize($chatroomList));
        if (empty($_POST['clh']) || !empty($_POST['clh']) && $ch != $_POST['clh']) {
            if (!empty($chatroomList)) {
                $response['chatrooms'] = $chatroomList;
            $response['clh'] = $ch;
    if (!empty($_POST['currentroom']) && $_POST['currentroom'] != 0) {
        $sql = "select DISTINCT " . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "." . DB_USERTABLE_USERID . " userid, " . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "." . DB_USERTABLE_NAME . " username, " . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "." . DB_USERTABLE_LASTACTIVITY . " lastactivity, " . DB_AVATARFIELD . " avatar, cometchat_chatrooms_users.isbanned from " . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . " left join cometchat_status on " . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "." . DB_USERTABLE_USERID . " = cometchat_status.userid inner join cometchat_chatrooms_users on  " . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "." . DB_USERTABLE_USERID . " =  cometchat_chatrooms_users.userid " . DB_AVATARTABLE . " where chatroomid = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['currentroom']) . "' and ('" . mysql_real_escape_string($time) . "' - cometchat_chatrooms_users.lastactivity < " . ONLINE_TIMEOUT . ") order by username asc";
        if ($guestsMode && $crguestsMode) {
            $sql = getChatroomGuests($_POST['currentroom'], $time, $sql);
        $query = mysql_query($sql);
        $users = array();
        while ($chat = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
            if (function_exists('processName')) {
                $chat['username'] = processName($chat['username']);
            $avatar = '';
            if ($allowAvatar) {
                $avatar = getAvatar($chat['avatar']);
            if ($chat['userid'] == $userid) {
                $chat['userid'] = 0;
            $users[] = array('id' => $chat['userid'], 'n' => $chat['username'], 'a' => $avatar, 'b' => $chat['isbanned']);
        $uh = md5(serialize($users));
        if (empty($_POST['ulh']) || !empty($_POST['ulh']) && $uh != $_POST['ulh']) {
            $response['ulh'] = $uh;
            if (!empty($users)) {
                $response['users'] = $users;
        $guestpart = "";
        if ($guestsMode && $crguestsMode) {
            $guestpart = " UNION select cometchat_guests.id {$usertable_userid}, concat('" . $guestnamePrefix . " ',cometchat_guests.name) {$usertable_username} from cometchat_guests ";
        $reverse = 1;
        $sql = "select DISTINCT cometchat_chatroommessages.id, cometchat_chatroommessages.message, cometchat_chatroommessages.sent, m.{$usertable_username} `from`, cometchat_chatroommessages.userid fromid, m.{$usertable_userid} userid from cometchat_chatroommessages, (select {$usertable}.{$usertable_userid}, {$usertable}.{$usertable_username} from {$usertable} " . $guestpart . ") m where cometchat_chatroommessages.chatroomid = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['currentroom']) . "' and m.{$usertable_userid} = cometchat_chatroommessages.userid and cometchat_chatroommessages.message not like 'banned_%' and cometchat_chatroommessages.message not like 'kicked_%' order by cometchat_chatroommessages.id desc limit {$lastMessages}";
        if ($_POST['timestamp'] != 0) {
            $sql = "select DISTINCT cometchat_chatroommessages.id, cometchat_chatroommessages.message, cometchat_chatroommessages.sent, m.{$usertable_username} `from`, cometchat_chatroommessages.userid fromid, m.{$usertable_userid} userid from cometchat_chatroommessages, (select {$usertable}.{$usertable_userid}, {$usertable}.{$usertable_username} from {$usertable} " . $guestpart . ") m where cometchat_chatroommessages.chatroomid = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['currentroom']) . "' and m.{$usertable_userid} = cometchat_chatroommessages.userid and cometchat_chatroommessages.id > '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['timestamp']) . "' order by cometchat_chatroommessages.id desc";
            $reverse = 0;
        $query = mysql_query($sql);
        while ($chat = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
            if (function_exists('processName')) {
                $chat['from'] = processName($chat['from']);
            if ($userid == $chat['userid']) {
                $chat['from'] = $chatrooms_language[6];
            } else {
                if (!empty($_COOKIE[$cookiePrefix . 'lang']) && !(strpos($chat['message'], "CC^CONTROL_") > -1)) {
                    $translated = text_translate($chat['message'], '', $_COOKIE[$cookiePrefix . 'lang']);
                    if ($translated != '') {
                        $chat['message'] = strip_tags($translated) . ' <span class="untranslatedtext">(' . $chat['message'] . ')</span>';
            array_unshift($messages, array('id' => $chat['id'], 'from' => $chat['from'], 'fromid' => $chat['fromid'], 'message' => $chat['message'], 'sent' => $chat['sent'] + $_SESSION['cometchat']['timedifference']));
        if (isset($messages)) {
            $response['messages'] = $messages;
        $sql = "select password from cometchat_chatrooms where id = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['currentroom']) . "' limit 1";
        $query = mysql_query($sql);
        $room = mysql_fetch_array($query);
        if (!empty($room['password']) && (empty($_POST['currentp']) || $room['password'] != $_POST['currentp'])) {
            $response['users'] = array();
            $response['messages'] = array();
    header('Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8');
    echo json_encode($response);
Пример #5
                 echo " ";
                 $size_for_translat = strlen($text_for_translate);
                 $arr_for_translate_part = array();
                 $arr_for_translate_part[] = $text_for_translate;
         if (count($arr_for_translate_part) > 0) {
             array_text_translate($arr_for_translate_part, $def_lang, $mlang);
         echo "-->";
         $content .= "<h2>" . text_translate("Main menu", $def_lang, $mlang) . "</h2><ul>";
         $li_menu = "";
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($menus as $menu) {
             $let = explode("http:", $menu->link);
             $li_menu .= "<li><a href=\"" . (count($let) <= 1 ? $mlang . "/" : "") . $menu->link . "\" title=\"" . text_translate($s_translate[$i], $def_lang, $mlang) . "\">" . text_translate($s_translate[$i], $def_lang, $mlang) . "</a></li>";
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         if ($settings['debug']) {
             echo 'Please try translate this page late. Now happned error at translate time: ' . $e->getMessage();
         } else {
             echo 'Sanity check. Now happned error at translate time: ' . $e->getMessage();
     $content .= $li_menu;
     $content .= "</ul>";
Пример #6
function heartbeat()
    global $response;
    global $userid;
    global $chatrooms_language;
    global $chatroomTimeout;
    global $lastMessages;
    global $cookiePrefix;
    global $allowAvatar;
    global $moderatorUserIDs;
    global $guestsMode, $crguestsMode, $guestnamePrefix;
    global $chromeReorderFix;
    if (!empty($guestnamePrefix)) {
        $guestnamePrefix .= '-';
    $usertable = TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE;
    $usertable_username = DB_USERTABLE_NAME;
    $usertable_userid = DB_USERTABLE_USERID;
    $time = getTimeStamp();
    $chatroomList = array();
    if (isset($_POST['popout']) && $_POST['popout'] == 0) {
        $_SESSION['cometchat']['cometchat_chatroomspopout'] = $time;
    if (!empty($_POST['currentroom'])) {
        $sql = "insert into cometchat_chatrooms_users (userid,chatroomid,lastactivity,isbanned) values ('" . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $userid) . "','" . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $_POST['currentroom']) . "','" . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $time) . "','0') on duplicate key update chatroomid = '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $_POST['currentroom']) . "', lastactivity = '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $time) . "'";
        $query = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['dbh'], $sql);
    if (empty($_SESSION['cometchat']['cometchat_chatroomslist']) || !empty($_POST['force']) || !empty($_SESSION['cometchat']['cometchat_chatroomslist']) && $time - $_SESSION['cometchat']['cometchat_chatroomslist'] > REFRESH_BUDDYLIST) {
        if (!is_array($cachedChatrooms = getCache('chatroom_list'))) {
            $cachedChatrooms = array();
            $sql = "select DISTINCT cometchat_chatrooms.id, cometchat_chatrooms.name, cometchat_chatrooms.type, cometchat_chatrooms.password, cometchat_chatrooms.lastactivity, cometchat_chatrooms.createdby, (SELECT count(userid) online FROM cometchat_chatrooms_users where cometchat_chatrooms_users.chatroomid = cometchat_chatrooms.id and '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $time) . "'-lastactivity<" . ONLINE_TIMEOUT . " and isbanned<>'1') online from cometchat_chatrooms order by name asc";
            $query = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['dbh'], $sql);
            while ($chatroom = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query)) {
                $cachedChatrooms[$chromeReorderFix . $chatroom['id']] = array('id' => $chatroom['id'], 'name' => $chatroom['name'], 'online' => $chatroom['online'], 'type' => $chatroom['type'], 'password' => $chatroom['password'], 'lastactivity' => $chatroom['lastactivity'], 'createdby' => $chatroom['createdby']);
            setCache('chatroom_list', $cachedChatrooms, 30);
        foreach ($cachedChatrooms as $key => $chatroom) {
            if (($chatroom['createdby'] == 0 || $chatroom['createdby'] != 0 && $chatroom['type'] != 2 && $time - $chatroom['lastactivity'] < $chatroomTimeout || $chatroom['createdby'] == $userid) && $chatroom['type'] != 3) {
                $s = 0;
                if ($chatroom['createdby'] != $userid) {
                    if (!in_array($userid, $moderatorUserIDs)) {
                        $chatroom['password'] = '';
                    } else {
                        $s = 2;
                } else {
                    $s = 1;
                $chatroomList[$chromeReorderFix . $chatroom['id']] = array('id' => $chatroom['id'], 'name' => $chatroom['name'], 'online' => $chatroom['online'], 'type' => $chatroom['type'], 'i' => $chatroom['password'], 's' => $s, 'createdby' => $chatroom['createdby']);
        $_SESSION['cometchat']['cometchat_chatroomslist'] = $time;
        $clh = md5(serialize($chatroomList));
        if (empty($_POST['clh']) || !empty($_POST['clh']) && $clh != $_POST['clh']) {
            $response['chatrooms'] = $chatroomList;
            $response['clh'] = $clh;
    if (!empty($_POST['currentroom'])) {
        $messages = array();
        if (!is_array($users = getCache('chatrooms_users' . $_POST['currentroom']))) {
            $users = array();
            $sql = "select DISTINCT " . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "." . DB_USERTABLE_USERID . " userid, " . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "." . DB_USERTABLE_NAME . " username, " . DB_AVATARFIELD . " avatar, cometchat_status.lastactivity lastactivity, cometchat_chatrooms_users.isbanned from " . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . " left join cometchat_status on " . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "." . DB_USERTABLE_USERID . " = cometchat_status.userid inner join cometchat_chatrooms_users on  " . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "." . DB_USERTABLE_USERID . " =  cometchat_chatrooms_users.userid " . DB_AVATARTABLE . " where chatroomid = '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $_POST['currentroom']) . "' and ('" . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $time) . "' - cometchat_chatrooms_users.lastactivity < " . ONLINE_TIMEOUT . ") order by username asc";
            if ($guestsMode && $crguestsMode) {
                $sql = getChatroomGuests($_POST['currentroom'], $time, $sql);
            $query = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['dbh'], $sql);
            while ($chat = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query)) {
                if (function_exists('processName')) {
                    $chat['username'] = processName($chat['username']);
                $avatar = '';
                if ($allowAvatar) {
                    $avatar = getAvatar($chat['avatar']);
                $users[$chromeReorderFix . $chat['userid']] = array('id' => (int) $chat['userid'], 'n' => $chat['username'], 'a' => $avatar, 'b' => $chat['isbanned']);
            setCache('chatrooms_users' . $_POST['currentroom'], $users, 30);
        $ulh = md5(serialize($users));
        if (empty($_POST['ulh']) || !empty($_POST['ulh']) && $ulh != $_POST['ulh']) {
            $response['ulh'] = $ulh;
            if (!empty($users)) {
                $response['users'] = $users;
        $limit = $lastMessages;
        if ($lastMessages == 0) {
            $limit = 1;
        $guestpart = "";
        $limitClause = " limit " . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $limit) . " ";
        $timestampCondition = "";
        if ($_POST['timestamp'] != 0) {
            $timestampCondition = " and cometchat_chatroommessages.id > '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $_POST['timestamp']) . "' ";
            $limitClause = "";
        } elseif (!empty($_SESSION['cometchat']['chatrooms_' . $_POST['currentroom'] . '_clearId'])) {
            $timestampCondition = " and cometchat_chatroommessages.sent > '" . $_SESSION['cometchat']['chatrooms_' . $_POST['currentroom'] . '_clearId'] / 1000 . "' ";
        if ($guestsMode && $crguestsMode) {
            $guestpart = " UNION select DISTINCT cometchat_chatroommessages.id id, cometchat_chatroommessages.message, cometchat_chatroommessages.sent, CONCAT('" . $guestnamePrefix . "',m.name) `from`, cometchat_chatroommessages.userid fromid, m.id userid from cometchat_chatroommessages join cometchat_guests m on m.id = cometchat_chatroommessages.userid where cometchat_chatroommessages.chatroomid = '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $_POST['currentroom']) . "' and cometchat_chatroommessages.message not like 'banned_%' and cometchat_chatroommessages.message not like 'kicked_%' and cometchat_chatroommessages.message not like 'deletemessage_%' " . $timestampCondition;
        $sql = "select DISTINCT cometchat_chatroommessages.id id, cometchat_chatroommessages.message, cometchat_chatroommessages.sent, m.{$usertable_username} `from`, cometchat_chatroommessages.userid fromid, m.{$usertable_userid} userid from cometchat_chatroommessages join {$usertable} m on m.{$usertable_userid} = cometchat_chatroommessages.userid  where cometchat_chatroommessages.chatroomid = '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $_POST['currentroom']) . "' and cometchat_chatroommessages.message not like 'banned_%' and cometchat_chatroommessages.message not like 'kicked_%' and cometchat_chatroommessages.message not like 'deletemessage_%' " . $timestampCondition . $guestpart . " order by id desc " . $limitClause;
        $query = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['dbh'], $sql);
        while ($chat = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query)) {
            if (function_exists('processName')) {
                $chat['from'] = processName($chat['from']);
            if ($lastMessages == 0 && $_POST['timestamp'] == 0) {
                $chat['message'] = '';
            if ($userid == $chat['userid']) {
                $chat['from'] = $chatrooms_language[6];
            } else {
                if (!empty($_COOKIE[$cookiePrefix . 'lang']) && !(strpos($chat['message'], "CC^CONTROL_") > -1)) {
                    $translated = text_translate($chat['message'], '', $_COOKIE[$cookiePrefix . 'lang']);
                    if ($translated != '') {
                        $chat['message'] = strip_tags($translated) . ' <span class="untranslatedtext">(' . $chat['message'] . ')</span>';
            array_unshift($messages, array('id' => $chat['id'], 'from' => $chat['from'], 'fromid' => $chat['fromid'], 'message' => $chat['message'], 'sent' => $chat['sent']));
        if (!empty($messages)) {
            $response['messages'] = $messages;
        $sql = "select password from cometchat_chatrooms where id = '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $_POST['currentroom']) . "'";
        $query = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['dbh'], $sql);
        if ($room = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query)) {
            if (!empty($room['password']) && (empty($_POST['currentp']) || $room['password'] != $_POST['currentp'])) {
                $response['users'] = array();
                $response['messages'] = array();
        } else {
            $response['error'] = "ROOM_DOES_NOT_EXISTS";
    header('Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8');
    echo json_encode($response);
Пример #7
function fetchMessages()
    global $response;
    global $userid;
    global $db;
    global $messages;
    global $cookiePrefix;
    global $chromeReorderFix;
    $timestamp = 0;
    if (USE_COMET == 1 && empty($_REQUEST['initialize'])) {
    $sqlpart = array('', '', '', '', '');
    $whereclause = array('', '');
    if (empty($_REQUEST['v3'])) {
        if (!empty($_REQUEST['receivedunreadmessages'])) {
            if (gettype($_REQUEST['receivedunreadmessages']) == 'string') {
                $_REQUEST['receivedunreadmessages'] = json_decode(str_replace(' ', '', $_REQUEST['receivedunreadmessages']));
            foreach ($_REQUEST['receivedunreadmessages'] as $from => $lastunreadmessageid) {
                $sqlpart[0] .= " (cometchat.from = '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $from) . "' and cometchat.id > '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $lastunreadmessageid) . "') OR ";
                $sqlpart[1] .= " (cometchat.to = '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $from) . "' and cometchat.id > '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $lastunreadmessageid) . "') OR ";
                $sqlpart[2] .= "'" . $from . "',";
            if (!empty($sqlpart[0])) {
                $sqlpart[0] = " cometchat.to = '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $userid) . "' and cometchat.direction <> 2 and ( " . rtrim($sqlpart[0], "OR ") . " )";
                $sqlpart[1] = " cometchat.from = '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $userid) . "' and cometchat.direction <> 1 and (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" . rtrim($sqlpart[1], "OR ") . " )";
                $sqlpart[3] = " and cometchat.from not in (" . rtrim($sqlpart[2], ",") . ")";
                $sqlpart[2] = " and cometchat.to not in (" . rtrim($sqlpart[2], ",") . ")";
                $whereclause[0] = " ( " . $sqlpart[0] . " ) or ( " . $sqlpart[1] . " ) or ";
        $sqlpart[3] = " ( cometchat.to = '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $userid) . "' and cometchat.direction <> 2 " . $sqlpart[3] . " ) ";
        $sqlpart[2] = " ( cometchat.from = '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $userid) . "' and cometchat.direction = 2 " . $sqlpart[2] . " ) ";
        $sqlpart[4] = " cometchat.read <> 1 and ";
        $whereclause[1] = "( " . $sqlpart[4] . " ( " . $sqlpart[3] . " or " . $sqlpart[2] . " ) )";
        $sql = "select cometchat.id, cometchat.from, cometchat.to, cometchat.message, cometchat.sent, cometchat.read, cometchat.direction from cometchat where ( " . $whereclause[0] . $whereclause[1] . " ) and cometchat.direction <> 3 order by cometchat.id";
    } else {
        $sql = "select cometchat.id, cometchat.from, cometchat.to, cometchat.message, cometchat.sent, cometchat.read, cometchat.direction from cometchat where ((cometchat.to = '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $userid) . "' and cometchat.direction <> 2) or (cometchat.from = '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $userid) . "' and cometchat.direction <> 1)) and (cometchat.id > '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $_REQUEST['timestamp']) . "' or (cometchat.to = '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $userid) . "' and cometchat.read <> 1)) and cometchat.direction <> 3 order by cometchat.id";
    $query = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['dbh'], $sql);
    if (defined('DEV_MODE') && DEV_MODE == '1') {
        echo mysqli_error($GLOBALS['dbh']);
    while ($chat = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query)) {
        $self = 0;
        $old = 0;
        if ($chat['from'] == $userid) {
            $chat['from'] = $chat['to'];
            $self = 1;
            $old = 1;
        if ($chat['read'] == 1) {
            $old = 1;
        if ((!empty($_REQUEST[$cookiePrefix . 'lang']) || !empty($_COOKIE[$cookiePrefix . 'lang'])) && $self == 0 && $old == 0 && strpos($chat['message'], 'CC^CONTROL_') === false) {
            if (!empty($_REQUEST[$cookiePrefix . 'lang'])) {
                $translated = text_translate($chat['message'], '', $_REQUEST[$cookiePrefix . 'lang']);
            if (!empty($_COOKIE[$cookiePrefix . 'lang'])) {
                $translated = text_translate($chat['message'], '', $_COOKIE[$cookiePrefix . 'lang']);
            if ($translated != '') {
                if (!empty($_REQUEST['callbackfn']) && $_REQUEST['callbackfn'] == 'mobileapp') {
                    $chat['message'] = strip_tags($translated) . ' (' . $chat['message'] . ')';
                } else {
                    $chat['message'] = strip_tags($translated) . ' <span class="untranslatedtext">(' . $chat['message'] . ')</span>';
        if (!empty($_REQUEST['callbackfn']) && $_REQUEST['callbackfn'] == 'mobileapp' && defined('TAPATALK')) {
            global $integration;
            $chat['message'] = $integration->hooks_processMessage($chat['message']);
        $messages[$chromeReorderFix . $chat['id']] = array('id' => $chat['id'], 'from' => $chat['from'], 'message' => $chat['message'], 'self' => $self, 'old' => $old, 'sent' => $chat['sent']);
        if (empty($SESSION['cometchat']['cometchat_user' . $chat['from']][$chromeReorderFix . $chat['id']]['id'])) {
            $_SESSION['cometchat']['cometchat_user_' . $chat['from']][$chromeReorderFix . $chat['id']] = array('id' => $chat['id'], 'from' => $chat['from'], 'message' => $chat['message'], 'self' => $self, 'old' => 1, 'sent' => $chat['sent']);
        $timestamp = $chat['id'];
    if (!empty($messages) && (!empty($_REQUEST['callbackfn']) && ($_REQUEST['callbackfn'] == 'mobileapp' || $_REQUEST['callbackfn'] == 'mobilewebapp') && empty($_REQUEST['v']))) {
        $sql = "update cometchat set cometchat.read = '1' where cometchat.to = '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $userid) . "' and cometchat.id <= '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $timestamp) . "'";
        $query = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['dbh'], $sql);
        if (defined('DEV_MODE') && DEV_MODE == '1') {
            echo mysqli_error($GLOBALS['dbh']);
Пример #8
function heartbeat()
    global $response;
    global $userid;
    global $chatrooms_language;
    global $chatroomTimeout;
    global $lastMessages;
    global $cookiePrefix;
    global $allowAvatar;
    global $moderatorUserIDs;
    global $guestsMode, $crguestsMode, $guestnamePrefix;
    global $chromeReorderFix;
    global $showChatroomUsers;
    $usertable = TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE;
    $usertable_username = DB_USERTABLE_NAME;
    $usertable_userid = DB_USERTABLE_USERID;
    $time = getTimeStamp();
    $chatroomList = array();
    $crreadmessages = array();
    $joinedrooms = array();
    if (!isset($_REQUEST['force'])) {
        $force = 0;
    } else {
        $force = $_REQUEST['force'];
    if (isset($_REQUEST['crreadmessages'])) {
        $crreadmessages = $_REQUEST['crreadmessages'];
    if (!empty($_REQUEST['v']) && !empty($crreadmessages)) {
        $crreadmessages = json_decode($crreadmessages, true);
    if (!empty($joinedrooms)) {
        foreach ($crreadmessages as $chatroomid => $unreadMessages) {
            if (!in_array($chatroomid, $joinedrooms)) {
    if (empty($_SESSION['cometchat']['cometchat_lastlactivity']) || $time - $_SESSION['cometchat']['cometchat_lastlactivity'] >= REFRESH_BUDDYLIST / 4) {
        $sql = updateLastActivity($userid);
        if (function_exists('hooks_updateLastActivity')) {
        $query = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['dbh'], $sql);
        if (defined('DEV_MODE') && DEV_MODE == '1') {
            echo mysqli_error($GLOBALS['dbh']);
        $_SESSION['cometchat']['cometchat_lastlactivity'] = $time;
    if (empty($_SESSION['cometchat']['cometchat_chatroomslist']) || $force == 1 || !empty($_SESSION['cometchat']['cometchat_chatroomslist']) && $time - $_SESSION['cometchat']['cometchat_chatroomslist'] > REFRESH_BUDDYLIST) {
        if (!is_array($cachedChatrooms = getCache('chatroom_list')) || $force == 1) {
            $cachedChatrooms = array();
            if ($showChatroomUsers == 1) {
                $sqlPart = "(SELECT count(cometchat_chatrooms_users.userid) online FROM cometchat_chatrooms_users where cometchat_chatrooms_users.chatroomid = cometchat_chatrooms.id and isbanned<>'1')";
            } else {
                $sqlPart = '0';
            $sql = "select DISTINCT cometchat_chatrooms.id, cometchat_chatrooms.name, cometchat_chatrooms.type, cometchat_chatrooms.password, cometchat_chatrooms.lastactivity, cometchat_chatrooms.invitedusers, cometchat_chatrooms.createdby, " . $sqlPart . " online from cometchat_chatrooms order by name asc";
            $query = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['dbh'], $sql);
            while ($chatroom = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query)) {
                $cachedChatrooms[$chromeReorderFix . $chatroom['id']] = array('id' => $chatroom['id'], 'name' => urldecode($chatroom['name']), 'online' => $chatroom['online'], 'type' => $chatroom['type'], 'password' => $chatroom['password'], 'lastactivity' => $chatroom['lastactivity'], 'createdby' => $chatroom['createdby'], 'invitedusers' => $chatroom['invitedusers']);
            setCache('chatroom_list', $cachedChatrooms, 30);
        foreach ($cachedChatrooms as $key => $chatroom) {
            if (($chatroom['createdby'] == 0 || $chatroom['createdby'] != 0 && $time - $chatroom['lastactivity'] < $chatroomTimeout || $chatroom['createdby'] == $userid) && $chatroom['type'] != 3) {
                $userList = explode(',', $chatroom['invitedusers']);
                $s = 0;
                if ($chatroom['createdby'] != $userid) {
                    if (in_array($userid, $moderatorUserIDs)) {
                        $s = 2;
                } else {
                    $s = 1;
                if ($chatroom['type'] == 2 && !in_array($userid, $userList) && $chatroom['createdby'] != $userid) {
                } else {
                    $chatroomList[$chromeReorderFix . $chatroom['id']] = array('id' => $chatroom['id'], 'name' => $chatroom['name'], 'online' => $chatroom['online'], 'type' => $chatroom['type'], 'i' => $chatroom['password'], 's' => $s, 'createdby' => $chatroom['createdby']);
        $_SESSION['cometchat']['cometchat_chatroomslist'] = $time;
        $clh = md5(serialize($chatroomList));
        if (empty($_POST['clh']) || !empty($_POST['clh']) && $clh != $_POST['clh'] || $force == 1) {
            $response['chatrooms'] = $chatroomList;
            $response['clh'] = $clh;
    if (!empty($_REQUEST['initialize']) && $_REQUEST['initialize'] == '1') {
    if ($force == 1 && empty($_SESSION['cometchat']['cometchat_joinedchatroomids'])) {
        $joinedChatroomIds = array();
        $sql = "select DISTINCT cometchat_chatrooms.id from cometchat_chatrooms where cometchat_chatrooms.id IN (select cometchat_chatrooms_users.chatroomid from cometchat_chatrooms_users where cometchat_chatrooms_users.userid = '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $userid) . "')";
        $query = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['dbh'], $sql);
        if (defined('DEV_MODE') && DEV_MODE == '1') {
            echo mysqli_error($GLOBALS['dbh']);
        while ($result = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query)) {
            $joinedChatroomIds[] = $result['id'];
        $_SESSION['cometchat']['cometchat_joinedchatroomids'] = $joinedChatroomIds;
    if (isset($_SESSION['cometchat']['cometchat_joinedchatroomids'])) {
        $joinedrooms = $_SESSION['cometchat']['cometchat_joinedchatroomids'];
    if (!empty($_REQUEST['initialize']) && $_REQUEST['initialize'] == 1 && !empty($joinedrooms) || !empty($_POST['currentroom']) && $force == 1 && USE_COMET == 1 && COMET_CHATROOMS == 1) {
        $LastMessageIdList = array();
        $implodedChatrooms = implode(',', $joinedrooms);
        $sql = "select max(cometchat_chatroommessages.id) id, cometchat_chatroommessages.chatroomid from cometchat_chatroommessages where cometchat_chatroommessages.chatroomid IN (" . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $implodedChatrooms) . ") group by cometchat_chatroommessages.chatroomid";
        $query = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['dbh'], $sql);
        while ($result = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query)) {
            $LastMessageIdList[$chromeReorderFix . $result['chatroomid']] = $result['id'];
            if (!isset($crreadmessages[$result['chatroomid']])) {
                $crreadmessages[$result['chatroomid']] = $result['id'];
        if (!empty($LastMessageIdList)) {
            $response['chatroomList'] = $LastMessageIdList;
        if (USE_COMET == 1 && COMET_CHATROOMS == 1) {
            $cometresponse = array();
            foreach ($joinedrooms as $key => $chatroomid) {
                $key = '';
                if (defined('KEY_A') && defined('KEY_B') && defined('KEY_C')) {
                    $key = KEY_A . KEY_B . KEY_C;
                $cometresponsedata = array('chatroomid' => $chatroomid, 'cometid' => md5('chatroom_' . $chatroomid . $key), 'userid' => $userid);
                array_push($cometresponse, $cometresponsedata);
            $response['subscribeChatrooms'] = $cometresponse;
    if (count($joinedrooms) > 0 || !empty($_REQUEST['callbackfn']) && $_REQUEST['callbackfn'] == 'mobileapp') {
        $messages = array();
        $moremessages = array();
        if (!is_array($users = getCache('chatrooms_users' . $_POST['currentroom'])) || $force == 1) {
            $users = array();
            $sql = "select DISTINCT " . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "." . DB_USERTABLE_USERID . " userid, " . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "." . DB_USERTABLE_NAME . " username, " . DB_AVATARFIELD . " avatar, cometchat_status.lastactivity lastactivity, cometchat_status.isdevice isdevice, cometchat_chatrooms_users.isbanned from " . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . " left join cometchat_status on " . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "." . DB_USERTABLE_USERID . " = cometchat_status.userid inner join cometchat_chatrooms_users on  " . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "." . DB_USERTABLE_USERID . " =  cometchat_chatrooms_users.userid " . DB_AVATARTABLE . " where chatroomid = '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $_POST['currentroom']) . "' and ('" . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $time) . "' - cometchat_status.lastactivity < " . ONLINE_TIMEOUT . ") group by userid order by username asc";
            if ($guestsMode && $crguestsMode) {
                $sql = getChatroomGuests($_POST['currentroom'], $time, $sql);
            $query = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['dbh'], $sql);
            while ($chat = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query)) {
                if (function_exists('processName')) {
                    $chat['username'] = processName($chat['username']);
                $avatar = '';
                if ($allowAvatar) {
                    $avatar = getAvatar($chat['avatar']);
                $users[$chromeReorderFix . $chat['userid']] = array('id' => (int) $chat['userid'], 'n' => $chat['username'], 'a' => $avatar, 'b' => $chat['isbanned']);
            setCache('chatrooms_users' . $_POST['currentroom'], $users, 30);
        if (empty($_SESSION['cometchat']['cometchat_chatroom_' . $_POST['currentroom']])) {
            $_SESSION['cometchat']['cometchat_chatroom_' . $_POST['currentroom']] = array();
        $ulh = md5(serialize($users));
        if (empty($_POST['ulh']) || !empty($_POST['ulh']) && $ulh != $_POST['ulh']) {
            $response['ulh'] = $ulh;
            if (!empty($users)) {
                $response['users'] = $users;
        $limit = $lastMessages;
        if (!empty($crreadmessages)) {
            foreach ($joinedrooms as $key => $chatroomid) {
                if (!isset($crreadmessages[$chatroomid])) {
                    $crreadmessages[$chatroomid] = 0;
            foreach ($crreadmessages as $key => $value) {
                if (!in_array($key, $joinedrooms)) {
        if ($force == 1 && !empty($_SESSION['cometchat']['cometchat_chatroom_' . $_POST['currentroom']]) && !(USE_COMET == 1 && COMET_CHATROOMS == 1)) {
            $messages = getChatroomData($_POST['currentroom']);
            $messages = array_reverse($messages);
        } else {
            $guestpart = "";
            $limitClause = " limit " . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $limit) . " ";
            $timestampCondition = "";
            foreach ($crreadmessages as $chatroomid => $lastmessageid) {
                if ((!empty($_REQUEST['initialize']) && $_REQUEST['initialize'] == 1 || !empty($lastmessageid) && $force == 1) && (USE_COMET == 1 && COMET_CHATROOMS == 1)) {
                    $lastmessageid = $lastmessageid - $lastMessages;
                if (!empty($_SESSION['cometchat']['chatrooms_' . $chatroomid . '_clearId']) && empty($_SESSION['cometchat']['cometchat_chatroom_' . $chatroomid])) {
                    $timestampCondition .= " (cometchat_chatroommessages.chatroomid = '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $chatroomid) . "' and cometchat_chatroommessages.id > '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $_SESSION['cometchat']['chatrooms_' . $chatroomid . '_clearId']) . "') or";
                } else {
                    $timestampCondition .= " (cometchat_chatroommessages.chatroomid = '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $chatroomid) . "' and cometchat_chatroommessages.id > '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $lastmessageid) . "') or";
            if (count($crreadmessages) > 0) {
                $timestampCondition = rtrim($timestampCondition, "or");
                $timestampCondition = $timestampCondition . " and ";
                $limitClause = '';
            if (!empty($_REQUEST['callbackfn']) && $_REQUEST['callbackfn'] == 'mobileapp' && empty($_REQUEST['v']) || !empty($_REQUEST['currentroom'])) {
                $timestampCondition = "";
                if ($_POST['timestamp'] != 0) {
                    $timestampCondition = " cometchat_chatroommessages.chatroomid = '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $_POST['currentroom']) . "' and cometchat_chatroommessages.id > '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $_POST['timestamp']) . "' and ";
                    $limitClause = "";
                } else {
                    $timestampCondition = "cometchat_chatroommessages.chatroomid = '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $_POST['currentroom']) . "' and ";
                    $limitClause = " limit " . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $limit) . " ";
            if ($guestsMode && $crguestsMode) {
                $guestpart = " UNION select DISTINCT cometchat_chatroommessages.id id, cometchat_chatroommessages.message, cometchat_chatroommessages.chatroomid, cometchat_chatroommessages.sent, CONCAT('" . $guestnamePrefix . "',m.name) `from`, cometchat_chatroommessages.userid fromid, m.id userid from cometchat_chatroommessages join cometchat_guests m on m.id = cometchat_chatroommessages.userid where " . $timestampCondition . " cometchat_chatroommessages.message not like 'banned_%' and cometchat_chatroommessages.message not like 'kicked_%' and cometchat_chatroommessages.message not like 'deletemessage_%' ";
            if (empty($crreadmessages) && empty($_POST['currentroom'])) {
                $sql = "select cometchat_chatroommessages.id id from cometchat_chatroommessages where false";
            } else {
                $sql = "select DISTINCT cometchat_chatroommessages.id id, cometchat_chatroommessages.message, cometchat_chatroommessages.chatroomid, cometchat_chatroommessages.sent, m.{$usertable_username} `from`, cometchat_chatroommessages.userid fromid, m.{$usertable_userid} userid from cometchat_chatroommessages join {$usertable} m on m.{$usertable_userid} = cometchat_chatroommessages.userid  where " . $timestampCondition . " cometchat_chatroommessages.message not like 'banned_%' and cometchat_chatroommessages.message not like 'kicked_%' and cometchat_chatroommessages.message not like 'deletemessage_%' " . $guestpart . " order by id desc " . $limitClause;
            $query = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['dbh'], $sql);
            if (mysqli_num_rows($query) > 0) {
                while ($chat = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query)) {
                    if (function_exists('processName')) {
                        $chat['from'] = processName($chat['from']);
                    if ($lastMessages == 0 && $_POST['timestamp'] == 0) {
                        $chat['message'] = '';
                    if ($userid == $chat['userid']) {
                        $chat['from'] = $chatrooms_language[6];
                    } else {
                        if (!empty($_COOKIE[$cookiePrefix . 'lang']) && !(strpos($chat['message'], "CC^CONTROL_") > -1)) {
                            $translated = text_translate($chat['message'], '', $_COOKIE[$cookiePrefix . 'lang']);
                            if ($translated != '') {
                                $chat['message'] = strip_tags($translated) . ' <span class="untranslatedtext">(' . $chat['message'] . ')</span>';
                    array_unshift($messages, array('id' => $chat['id'], 'from' => $chat['from'], 'chatroomid' => $chat['chatroomid'], 'fromid' => $chat['fromid'], 'message' => $chat['message'], 'sent' => $chat['sent']));
                    $_SESSION['cometchat']['cometchat_chatroom_' . $chat['chatroomid']][$chat['id']] = array('id' => $chat['id'], 'chatroomid' => $chat['chatroomid'], 'from' => $chat['from'], 'fromid' => $chat['fromid'], 'message' => $chat['message'], 'sent' => $chat['sent']);
        if (!empty($messages)) {
            $response['messages'] = $messages;
        $sql = '';
        if (!empty($_REQUEST['callbackfn']) && $_REQUEST['callbackfn'] == 'mobileapp' && !empty($_POST['currentroom'])) {
            $sql = "select password from cometchat_chatrooms where id = '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $_POST['currentroom']) . "'";
        } else {
            if (!empty($_COOKIE[$cookiePrefix . 'crstate'])) {
                $cr_state = json_decode($_COOKIE[$cookiePrefix . 'crstate'], true);
                if ($cr_state['open'] != '') {
                    $sql = "select password from cometchat_chatrooms where id = '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS['dbh'], $cr_state['open']) . "'";
        if ($sql && $_POST['currentroom'] > 0) {
            $query = mysqli_query($GLOBALS['dbh'], $sql);
            if ($room = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query)) {
                if (!empty($room['password']) && (empty($_POST['currentp']) || $room['password'] != $_POST['currentp'])) {
                    $response['users'] = array();
                    $response['messages'] = array();
            } else {
                $response['error'] = "ROOM_DOES_NOT_EXISTS";
    header('Content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8');
    echo json_encode($response);