function show_page() { global $EXPORT_STR; //$EXPORT_STR=true makes it return a string of all the code. (and not echo anything) if (!$EXPORT_STR) { lmt_page_header('Export'); echo <<<HEREDOC <h1>Export</h1> HEREDOC; } $code = '<h3>Results</h3>'; score_guts(); // INDIVIDUAL ROUND $indiv_query = 'SELECT AS name, (SELECT name FROM schools WHERE AS school_name, IFNULL(%l,0) AS score FROM (individuals LEFT JOIN teams ON team=teams.team_id) WHERE individuals.deleted="0" AND teams.deleted="0" AND individuals.attendance="1" ORDER BY score DESC, RAND()'; $rankings = array(array('Top Individuals in Individual Round', str_replace('%l', 'score_individual', $indiv_query), 10), array('Top Individuals in Theme Round', str_replace('%l', 'score_theme', $indiv_query), 10), array('Top Individuals Overall', str_replace('%l', '(score_individual + score_theme)', $indiv_query), 10)); foreach ($rankings as $rankparams) { $title = $rankparams[0]; $query = $rankparams[1]; $maxrank = $rankparams[2]; $code .= '<h4>' . htmlentities($title) . '</h4>' . "\n" . '<table class="contrasting"><tr><th>Place</th><th>Name</th><th>School</th><th>Score</th></tr>'; $result = DB::query($query); $prev_score = NULL; //Null never equals anything. foreach ($result as $ind => $row) { $name = htmlentities($row['name']); $school = htmlentities($row['school_name']); if ($school == '') { $school = '<span class="i">None</span>'; } $score = intval($row['score']); //Finding the rank if ($prev_score != $score) { $prev_rank = $rank = $ind + 1; } //If score is below, set it to the actual ranking. //If it's tied, leave the ranking as it was. $prev_score = $score; //update previous score. if ($rank > $maxrank) { break; } //Only specified number of top places. $code .= " <tr>\n <td>{$rank}</td>\n <td>{$name}</td>\n <td>{$school}</td>\n <td>{$score}</td>\n </tr>\n"; } $code .= "</table>\n"; } //selecting individuals' name, school, individual score, from individuals left-joined with teams // TEAM ROUND $code .= '<h4>Top Teams in Team Round</h4><table class="contrasting"><tr><th>Place</th><th>Team</th><th>School</th><th>Score</th></tr>'; $query = 'SELECT team_id, name, IFNULL(score_team_short, 0) + IFNULL(score_team_long, 0) AS score_team, (SELECT name FROM schools WHERE AS school_name, RAND() AS rand FROM teams WHERE deleted="0" ORDER BY score_team DESC, rand'; $result = DB::queryRaw($query); $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result); $place = 1; $num = 0; $last_score = null; while ($row) { $num++; if ($row['score_team'] != $last_score) { $place = $num; } $last_score = $row['score_team']; if ($place > 10) { break; } $id = htmlentities($row['team_id']); $name = htmlentities($row['name']); $school_name = htmlentities($row['school_name']); $score_team = htmlentities($row['score_team']); if (is_null($row['score_team'])) { $score_team = '<span class="i">None</span>'; } $code .= <<<HEREDOC <tr> <td>{$place}</td> <td>{$name}</td> <td>{$school_name}</td> <td>{$score_team}</td> </tr> HEREDOC; $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result); } $code .= "</table>\n"; // GUTS ROUND $code .= <<<HEREDOC <h4>Top Teams in Guts Round</h4> <table class="contrasting"> <tr> <th>Place</th> <th>Team</th> <th>School</th> <th>Score</th> </tr> HEREDOC; $query = 'SELECT team_id, name, score_guts, (SELECT name FROM schools WHERE AS school_name, RAND() AS rand FROM teams WHERE deleted="0" ORDER BY score_guts DESC, rand'; $result = DB::queryRaw($query); $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result); $place = 0; $num = 0; $last_score = null; while ($row) { $num++; if ($row['score_guts'] != $last_score) { $place = $num; } $last_score = $row['score_guts']; if ($place > 10) { break; } $id = htmlentities($row['team_id']); $name = htmlentities($row['name']); $school_name = htmlentities($row['school_name']); $score_guts = htmlentities($row['score_guts']); if (is_null($row['score_guts'])) { $score_guts = '<span class="i">None</span>'; } $code .= <<<HEREDOC <tr> <td>{$place}</td> <td>{$name}</td> <td>{$school_name}</td> <td>{$score_guts}</td> </tr> HEREDOC; $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result); } $code .= "</table>\n"; // TEAM COMPOSITE $code .= <<<HEREDOC <h4>Top Teams Overall</h4> <table class="contrasting"> <tr> <th>Place</th> <th>Team</th> <th>School</th> <th>Score</th> </tr> HEREDOC; $query = team_composite('team_id, name, IFNULL(score_team_short, 0) + IFNULL(score_team_long, 0) AS score_team, score_guts, RAND() AS rand, (SELECT name FROM schools WHERE AS school_name,', 'WHERE deleted="0" ORDER BY team_composite DESC, rand'); $result = DB::queryRaw($query); $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result); $place = 0; $num = 0; $last_score = null; while ($row) { $num++; if ($row['team_composite'] != $last_score) { $place = $num; } $last_score = $row['team_composite']; if ($place > 10) { break; } $id = htmlentities($row['team_id']); $name = htmlentities($row['name']); $score_team = htmlentities($row['score_team']); $score_guts = htmlentities($row['score_guts']); $score_composite = htmlentities($row['team_composite']); $school_name = htmlentities($row['school_name']); if (is_null($row['score_team'])) { $score_team = '<span class="i">None</span>'; } if (is_null($row['score_guts'])) { $score_guts = '<span class="i">None</span>'; } $code .= <<<HEREDOC <tr> <td>{$place}</td> <td>{$name}</td> <td>{$school_name}</td> <td>{$score_composite}</td> </tr> HEREDOC; $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result); } $code .= "</table>\n"; if ($EXPORT_STR) { return $code; } else { echo "Exported results (to paste into website page):<br><textarea cols='100' rows='10' onclick='this.setSelectionRange(0, this.value.length)'>" . str_replace(' ', ' ', htmlentities($code)) . "</textarea>{$code}"; } }
function show_page() { if (scoring_is_enabled()) { $message = '<div class="error">Score entry is still enabled! Disable it <a href="../Scoring/Refrigerator">here</a>.</div><br />'; } lmt_page_header('Top Scorers'); echo <<<HEREDOC <h1>Top Scorers</h1> {$message} <div class="text-centered b"> <span class="noPrint"> <a href="Full">Full Results</a> <a href="Print">Scores for Coaches</a> <br /><br /> </span> <span class="red">Reminder: Do not copy data locally!</span><br /> Ties are listed in random order. <br /><br /> </div> <h2>Top 5 Individuals by Individual Round</h2> <table class="contrasting"> <tr> <th>Place</th> <th>Name</th> <th>School</th> <th>Individual Round</th> </tr> HEREDOC; score_guts(); // INDIVIDUAL ROUND $query = 'SELECT id, AS name, (SELECT name FROM schools WHERE AS school_name, ' . 'RAND() AS rand, score_individual FROM individuals LEFT JOIN teams ON team=teams.team_id WHERE individuals.deleted="0" AND attendance="1" ORDER BY score_individual DESC, rand'; $result = DB::queryRaw($query); $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result); $place = 0; $num = 0; $last_score = null; while ($row) { $num++; if ($row['score_individual'] != $last_score) { $place = $num; } $last_score = $row['score_individual']; if ($place > 5) { break; } $id = htmlentities($row['id']); $name = htmlentities($row['name']); $school = htmlentities($row['school_name']); if ($school == '') { $school = '<span class="i">None</span>'; } $score_individual = htmlentities($row['score_individual']); echo <<<HEREDOC <tr> <td>{$place}</td> <td><a href="../Data/Individual?ID={$id}">{$name}</a></td> <td>{$school}</td> <td class="b">{$score_individual}</td> </tr> HEREDOC; $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result); } echo " </table>\n"; // Theme ROUND echo <<<HEREDOC <h2>Top 5 Individuals by Theme Round</h2> <table class="contrasting"> <tr> <th>Place</th> <th>Name</th> <th>School</th> <th>Theme Round</th> </tr> HEREDOC; $query = 'SELECT id, AS name, (SELECT name FROM schools WHERE AS school_name, ' . 'RAND() AS rand, score_theme FROM individuals LEFT JOIN teams ON team=teams.team_id WHERE individuals.deleted="0" AND attendance="1" ORDER BY score_theme DESC, rand'; $result = DB::queryRaw($query); $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result); $place = 0; $num = 0; $last_score = null; while ($row) { $num++; if ($row['score_theme'] != $last_score) { $place = $num; } $last_score = $row['score_theme']; if ($place > 5) { break; } $id = htmlentities($row['id']); $name = htmlentities($row['name']); $school = htmlentities($row['school_name']); if ($school == '') { $school = '<span class="i">None</span>'; } $score_theme = htmlentities($row['score_theme']); echo <<<HEREDOC <tr> <td>{$place}</td> <td><a href="../Data/Individual?ID={$id}">{$name}</a></td> <td>{$school}</td> <td class="b">{$score_theme}</td> </tr> HEREDOC; $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result); } echo " </table>\n"; // INDIVIDUAL COMPOSITE echo <<<HEREDOC <h2>Top 10 Individuals by Composite</h2> <table class="contrasting"> <tr> <th>Place</th> <th>Name</th> <th>School</th> <th>Composite</th> </tr> HEREDOC; $query = individual_composite('id, AS name, (SELECT name FROM schools WHERE AS school_name, ' . 'RAND() AS rand,', 'LEFT JOIN teams ON team=teams.team_id WHERE individuals.deleted="0" AND attendance="1" ORDER BY score_composite DESC, rand'); $result = DB::queryRaw($query); $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result); $place = 0; $num = 0; $last_score = null; while ($row) { $num++; if ($row['score_composite'] != $last_score) { $place = $num; } $last_score = $row['score_composite']; if ($place > 10) { break; } $id = htmlentities($row['id']); $name = htmlentities($row['name']); $school = htmlentities($row['school_name']); if ($school == '') { $school = '<span class="i">None</span>'; } $score_composite = htmlentities($row['score_composite']); echo <<<HEREDOC <tr> <td>{$place}</td> <td><a href="../Data/Individual?ID={$id}">{$name}</a></td> <td>{$school}</td> <td class="b">{$score_composite}</td> </tr> HEREDOC; $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result); } echo " </table>\n"; // TEAM ROUND echo <<<HEREDOC <h2>Top 5 Teams by Team Round</h2> <table class="contrasting"> <tr> <th>Place</th> <th>Team Name</th> <th>Team Round</th> </tr> HEREDOC; $query = 'SELECT team_id, name, IFNULL(score_team_short, 0) + IFNULL(score_team_long, 0) AS score_team, RAND() AS rand FROM teams WHERE deleted="0" ORDER BY score_team DESC, rand'; $result = DB::queryRaw($query); $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result); $place = 0; $num = 0; $last_score = null; while ($row) { $num++; if ($row['score_team'] != $last_score) { $place = $num; } $last_score = $row['score_team']; if ($place > 5) { break; } $id = htmlentities($row['team_id']); $name = htmlentities($row['name']); $score_team = htmlentities($row['score_team']); if (is_null($row['score_team'])) { $score_team = '<span class="i">None</span>'; } echo <<<HEREDOC <tr> <td>{$place}</td> <td><a href="../Data/Team?ID={$id}">{$name}</a></td> <td class="b">{$score_team}</td> </tr> HEREDOC; $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result); } echo " </table>\n"; // GUTS ROUND echo <<<HEREDOC <h2>Top 5 Teams by Guts Round</h2> <table class="contrasting"> <tr> <th>Place</th> <th>Team Name</th> <th>Guts Round</th> </tr> HEREDOC; $query = 'SELECT team_id, name, score_guts, RAND() AS rand FROM teams WHERE deleted="0" ORDER BY score_guts DESC, rand'; $result = DB::queryRaw($query); $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result); $place = 0; $num = 0; $last_score = null; while ($row) { $num++; if ($row['score_guts'] != $last_score) { $place = $num; } $last_score = $row['score_guts']; if ($place > 5) { break; } $id = htmlentities($row['team_id']); $name = htmlentities($row['name']); $score_guts = htmlentities($row['score_guts']); if (is_null($row['score_guts'])) { $score_guts = '<span class="i">None</span>'; } echo <<<HEREDOC <tr> <td>{$place}</td> <td><a href="../Data/Team?ID={$id}">{$name}</a></td> <td class="b">{$score_guts}</td> </tr> HEREDOC; $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result); } echo " </table>\n"; // TEAM COMPOSITE echo <<<HEREDOC <h2>Top 5 Teams by Composite</h2> <table class="contrasting"> <tr> <th>Place</th> <th>Team Name</th> <th>Team Round</th> <th>Guts Round</th> <th>Composite</th> </tr> HEREDOC; $query = team_composite('team_id, name, IFNULL(score_team_short, 0) + IFNULL(score_team_long, 0) AS score_team, score_guts, RAND() AS rand,', 'WHERE deleted="0" ORDER BY team_composite DESC, rand'); $result = DB::queryRaw($query); $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result); $place = 0; $num = 0; $last_score = null; while ($row) { $num++; if ($row['team_composite'] != $last_score) { $place = $num; } $last_score = $row['team_composite']; if ($place > 5) { break; } $id = htmlentities($row['team_id']); $name = htmlentities($row['name']); $score_team = htmlentities($row['score_team']); $score_guts = htmlentities($row['score_guts']); $score_composite = htmlentities($row['team_composite']); if (is_null($row['score_team'])) { $score_team = '<span class="i">None</span>'; } if (is_null($row['score_guts'])) { $score_guts = '<span class="i">None</span>'; } echo <<<HEREDOC <tr> <td>{$place}</td> <td><a href="../Data/Team?ID={$id}">{$name}</a></td> <td>{$score_team}</td> <td>{$score_guts}</td> <td class="b">{$score_composite}</td> </tr> HEREDOC; $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result); } echo " </table>\n"; die; }
function display_team($err, $selected_field) { score_guts(); $row = DB::queryFirstRow('SELECT teams.*, AS school_name, schools.coach_email FROM teams LEFT JOIN schools ON' . ' WHERE team_id="' . mysqli_real_escape_string(DB::get(), $_GET['ID']) . '"'); $team_name = htmlentities($row['name']); $school_name = htmlentities($row['school_name']); $school_id = htmlentities($row['school']); $coach_email = '<a href="mailto:' . htmlentities($row['coach_email']) . '" rel="external">' . htmlentities($row['coach_email']) . '</a>'; if ($school_id == '-1') { $school_link = '<span class="b">Individuals</span>'; $coach_email = '<span class="b">None</span>'; } else { $school_link = '<a href="School?ID=' . $school_id . '">' . $school_name . '</a>'; } $schools_dropdown = make_schools_dropdown($school_id); $members_list = make_members_list(); $teamround_short_checked = is_null($row['score_team_short']) ? '' : ' checked="checked"'; $teamround_short_score = htmlentities($row['score_team_short']); $teamround_long_checked = is_null($row['score_team_long']) ? '' : ' checked="checked"'; $teamround_long_score = htmlentities($row['score_team_long']); $row2 = DB::queryFirstRow(team_composite('', 'WHERE team_id="' . mysqli_real_escape_string(DB::get(), $_GET['ID']) . '"')); $composite_score = $row2['team_composite']; if (is_null($composite_score)) { $composite_score = 'None'; } else { $composite_score = htmlentities($composite_score); } global $body_onload; $body_onload = $selected_field . 'nullboxSetState(-1);externalLinks();'; global $use_rel_external_script; $use_rel_external_script = true; global $javascript; $javascript = <<<HEREDOC function nullboxSetState(isClick) { if (document.forms['lmtDataTeamRoundShortScore'].teamRoundShortHasValue.checked) { document.forms['lmtDataTeamRoundShortScore'].teamRoundShortScore.disabled = false; if (isClick == 1) document.forms['lmtDataTeamRoundShortScore'].teamRoundShortScore.focus(); } else document.forms['lmtDataTeamRoundShortScore'].teamRoundShortScore.disabled = true; if (document.forms['lmtDataTeamRoundLongScore'].teamRoundLongHasValue.checked) { document.forms['lmtDataTeamRoundLongScore'].teamRoundLongScore.disabled = false; if (isClick == 2) document.forms['lmtDataTeamRoundLongScore'].teamRoundLongScore.focus(); } else document.forms['lmtDataTeamRoundLongScore'].teamRoundLongScore.disabled = true; } HEREDOC; if ($err != '') { $err = "\n <div class=\"error\">{$err}</div><br />\n"; } $id = htmlentities($_GET['ID']); if (!scoring_is_enabled()) { $scoring_warning = "\n " . '<div class="text-centered">Note: Scoring has been frozen, so results may not be changed.</div><br /><br />'; $scoring_freeze = 'disabled="disabled" '; } lmt_page_header($team_name); echo <<<HEREDOC <h1>Team</h1> {$scoring_warning} <table> <tr> <td>Team Name:</td> <td> <form id="lmtDataTeamName" method="post" action="{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}"><div> <input type="text" name="team_name" size="25" maxlength="25" value="{$team_name}" /> <input type="hidden" name="xsrf_token" value="{$_SESSION['xsrf_token']}" /> <input type="submit" name="lmtDataTeam_changeName" value="Change" /> </div></form> <br /> </td> </tr><tr> <td>School:</td> <td> {$school_link} <div class="halfbreak"></div> <form id="lmtDataTeamSchool" method="post" action="{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}"><div> {$schools_dropdown} <input type="hidden" name="xsrf_token" value="{$_SESSION['xsrf_token']}" /> <input type="submit" name="lmtDataTeam_changeSchool" value="Change" /> </div></form> </td> </tr><tr> <td>Coach's Email:</td> <td>{$coach_email}<br /><br /></td> </tr><tr> <td>Team Round Short Score:</td> <td> <form id="lmtDataTeamRoundShortScore" method="post" action="{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}"><div> <input type="checkbox" name="teamRoundShortHasValue" value="Yes" onchange="nullboxSetState(1);"{$teamround_short_checked}/> <input type="text" name="teamRoundShortScore" size="25" value="{$teamround_short_score}" /> <input type="hidden" name="xsrf_token" value="{$_SESSION['xsrf_token']}" /> <input type="submit" name="lmtDataTeam_changeTeamRoundShort" value="Change" {$scoring_freeze}/> </div></form> </td> </tr><tr> <td>Team Round Long Score:</td> <td> <form id="lmtDataTeamRoundLongScore" method="post" action="{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}"><div> <input type="checkbox" name="teamRoundLongHasValue" value="Yes" onchange="nullboxSetState(2);"{$teamround_long_checked}/> <input type="text" name="teamRoundLongScore" size="25" value="{$teamround_long_score}" /> <input type="hidden" name="xsrf_token" value="{$_SESSION['xsrf_token']}" /> <input type="submit" name="lmtDataTeam_changeTeamRoundLong" value="Change" {$scoring_freeze}/> </div></form> </td> </tr><tr> <td>Guts Round Score:</td> <td><a href="../Guts/Full?ID={$id}">View & Edit</a></td> </tr><tr> <td>Composite Score:</td> <td><span class="b">{$composite_score}</span><br /><br /></td> </tr><tr> <td>Members:</td> <td> {$members_list} <br /> </td> </tr><tr> <td>Delete:</td> <td> <form method="post" action="{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}"><div> <input type="submit" name="lmtDataTeam_delete" value="Delete Team & Members" /> </div></form> </td> </tr> </table> HEREDOC; die; }