cust_die("Which class's assignments would you like to view? Make sure you follow the correct links."); } $class_id = escape_string($_GET['id']); if (!isset($_GET['gp']) or $_GET['gp'] == "" or is_numeric($_GET['gp'] == FALSE)) { $grading_period = current_semester; } else { $grading_period = escape_string($_GET['gp']); } // see if the class is valid, and if so, if user may access the class connect_sql(); // see if it's a valid class $valid_class = @query("SELECT 1 FROM `classes` WHERE `ID`='{$class_id}'") or die("Error checking the database."); if (num_rows($valid_class) == 0) { cust_die("That is not a valid class."); } if (teacher_teaches($_SESSION['id'], $class_id) == FALSE) { cust_die("You may not view that class's grades."); } print "<table id=\"spreadsheet\">"; // get the assignments for the current (or specified) semester $assignment_info = @query("SELECT `assign_number` FROM `grades` WHERE `class_id`='{$class_id}' AND `grading_period`='{$grading_period}'"); $assignments_to_use = array(); while ($assignments = result($assignment_info)) { if (in_array($assignments->assign_number, $assignments_to_use) == FALSE) { $assignments_to_use[] = $assignments->assign_number; } } print "<tr class=\"spreadheader\"><td></td>"; // get each assignment's name foreach ($assignments_to_use as $assignment) { $the_name = @query("SELECT `assign_name` FROM `grades` WHERE `assign_number`='{$assignment}' LIMIT 1");
if (!isset($_POST['categoryname']) or $_POST['categoryname'] == "") { cust_die("You must submit the category's name."); } if (strlen($_POST['categoryname']) > 50) { cust_die("Your category's name must be 50 characters or fewer."); } $categoryname = escape_string(htmlspecialchars($_POST['categoryname'])); if (!isset($_POST['classid']) or $_POST['classid'] == "") { cust_die("You must submit the class's ID."); } if (is_numeric($_POST['classid']) == FALSE) { cus_die("Invalid class ID."); } $classid = escape_string(htmlspecialchars($_POST['classid'])); // make sure the user teachers the class if (teacher_teaches($teacherid, $classid) == FALSE) { cust_die("You do not teach that class."); } if (!isset($_POST['categoryid']) or $_POST['categoryid'] == "") { cust_die("You must submit the category's ID."); } if (is_numeric($_POST['categoryid']) == FALSE) { cus_die("Invalid category ID."); } $categoryid = escape_string(htmlspecialchars($_POST['categoryid'])); // make sure it's valid $occurance = @query("SELECT 1 FROM `categories` WHERE `ID`='{$categoryid}' AND `class`='{$classid}' LIMIT 1") or die("Error checking the database."); if (num_rows($occurance) == 0) { cust_die("Invalid category ID."); } if (!isset($_POST['categoryweight']) or $_POST['categoryweight'] == "") {
if (!isset($_GET['id']) or $_GET['id'] == "" or is_numeric($_GET['id']) != "true") { cust_die("You must submit the news post you'd like to delete."); } if ($_GET['id'] == "NULL") { cust_die("Please select the post you'd like to delete, not the class."); } $id = escape_string($_GET['id']); connect_sql(); // see if they're able to delete the post: if they're an admin, they don't check if (user_type() == "teacher") { $teacher_id = $_SESSION['id']; // see if they can delete it $class_id = @query("SELECT `class` FROM `news` WHERE `ID`='{$id}'") or die("Error checking the database."); $result = result($class_id); $class_id = $result->class; if (teacher_teaches($teacher_id, $class_id) == "FALSE") { cust_die("You can't delete that news post."); } } @query("DELETE FROM `news` WHERE `ID`='{$id}' LIMIT 1") or die("Error deleting the post."); disconnect_sql(); print "The post has been deleted."; } elseif (isset($_POST['addnews'])) { if (user_type() == "user") { cust_die("You may not add news."); } if (!isset($_POST['class']) or $_POST['class'] == "" or is_numeric($_POST['class']) != "true") { cust_die("Don't mess with the class ID. ;D"); } $class_id = escape_string($_POST['class']); if (!isset($_POST['subject']) or $_POST['subject'] == "") {