Пример #1
$configure = optional_param('mappings', '', PARAM_FILE);
$basedir = '/theme/' . current_theme() . '/pix/headers';
// english will have all the available ones
$endir = $basedir . '/en_utf8/';
$images = get_directory_list($CFG->dirroot . $endir, '', false, false, true);
$images = array_flip($images);
foreach (array_keys($images) as $i) {
    $images[$i] = $i;
$thisurl = $CFG->wwwroot . '/local/admin/imagemap.php';
if (empty($configure)) {
    print_heading(get_string('imagemap', 'local'));
    echo '<p>' . get_string('imagemapdesc', 'local') . '</p>';
    foreach ($images as $image) {
        echo '<div class="imagemap"><a href="' . $thisurl . '?mappings=' . $image . '"><b>' . $image . '</b><br /><img src="' . tao_header_image_location($image) . '" alt="' . $image . '" border="1" width="400" /></a><div class="imagemapdefault">';
        echo $CFG->defaultcustomheader == $image ? ' (' . get_string('default') . ')</div>' : '<a href="' . $thisurl . '?default=' . $image . '">' . get_string('setdefault', 'local') . '</a></div>';
        echo '<div class="clearer"></div></div>' . "\n";
echo ' ' . '<a href="' . $thisurl . '">' . get_string('gobacktolist', 'local') . '</a>';
print_heading(get_string('configuringmappingsfor', 'local', $configure));
echo '<div class="imagemap"><img src="' . $CFG->wwwroot . $endir . $configure . '" alt="' . $configure . '" border="1" width="400" /></div>' . "\n";
if ($configure == $CFG->defaultcustomheader) {
    notify(get_string('alreadydefault', 'local'));
echo '<p>' . get_string('mappinghelp', 'local') . '</p>';
if (!($mappings = get_records('header_image', 'image', $configure))) {
    notify(get_string('nomappings', 'local'));
Пример #2
* helper function for the theme to figure out what header graphic to use
function tao_header_image()
    global $CFG, $COURSE, $db;
    // first figure out the url mapping
    $me = me();
    $pathinfo = strstr(substr(strstr($CFG->wwwroot, '//'), 2), '/');
    //strip out http://mywebsite.com and https://mywebsite.com
    $me = str_replace($pathinfo, '', $me);
    //remove any prepended directories
    $me = strip_querystring($me);
    //remove any params!
    // this is dangerous, so use prepared statements.
    if (!empty($COURSE->id)) {
        $coursehdrs = get_records('header_image', 'courseid', $COURSE->id, 'sortorder');
        if (!empty($coursehdrs)) {
            foreach ($coursehdrs as $ch) {
                if (empty($ch->url)) {
                    //if url is empty then all pages with this id must use this image.
                    return tao_header_image_location($ch->image);
                } elseif (strpos($me, $ch->url) !== false) {
                    return tao_header_image_location($ch->image);
    $sth = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . $CFG->prefix . "header_image WHERE url like ? || '%' ORDER BY sortorder LIMIT 1");
    if (!($resultset = $db->execute($sth, array($me)))) {
        if (isset($CFG->defaultcustomheader)) {
            return $CFG->defaultcustomheader;
    if ($resultset->recordCount() == 1) {
        $image = $resultset->fields['image'];
    } else {
        $image = $CFG->defaultcustomheader;
    return tao_header_image_location($image);