/** *include自定义类 *@param $file file *@return null */ function import($file) { $_file = LIB_PATH . '/Extend/' . $file; if (file_exists($_file)) { include $_file; } else { sys_error("Error : The file of \"" . $_file . "\" not exist!!!"); } }
<?php /** * @package Simple Groupware * @link http://www.simple-groupware.de * @copyright Simple Groupware Solutions Thomas Bley 2002-2012 * @license GPLv2 */ define("NOCONTENT", true); define("NOSESSION", true); require "index.php"; if (empty($_REQUEST["item"]) or empty($_REQUEST["action"]) or empty($_REQUEST["folder"]) or !isset($_REQUEST["subitem"])) { sys_error("Missing parameters.", "403 Forbidden"); } sys_check_auth(); if (empty($_REQUEST["field"])) { $field = "filedata"; } else { $field = ltrim($_REQUEST["field"], "_"); } $folder = folder_from_path($_REQUEST["folder"]); if (strtolower($_REQUEST["action"]) == "lock") { ajax::file_lock($folder, $_REQUEST["item"], $field, $_REQUEST["subitem"]); header("Cache-Control: private, max-age=1, must-revalidate"); header("Expires: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", NOW) . " GMT"); header("Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8"); header("Lock-Token: <opaquelocktoken:1>"); echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <D:prop xmlns:D="DAV:"> <D:lockdiscovery><D:activelock> <D:lockscope><D:exclusive/></D:lockscope><D:locktype><D:write/></D:locktype>
$dispo = "attachment"; } $modified = filemtime($row_filename); $etag = '"' . md5($row_filename . $modified) . '"'; header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", $modified) . " GMT"); header("ETag: {$etag}"); if (!empty($_SERVER["HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH"]) and $etag == stripslashes($_SERVER["HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH"]) and !DEBUG) { header("HTTP/1.0 304 Not Modified"); exit; } $resize = false; if (isset($_REQUEST["image_width"]) or isset($_REQUEST["image_height"])) { $resize = true; } if (!$resize and $result = validate::checkvirus($row_filename)) { sys_error("Virus scanner: " . $result, "403 Forbidden"); } else { if ($resize) { $row_filename = _download_resize($row_filename); } _download_file($row_filename, $filename, $dispo); } function _download_file($row_filename, $filename, $dispo) { if ($fp = fopen($row_filename, "rb")) { if (strpos($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"], "MSIE")) { $filename = rawurlencode($filename); } sys_log_stat("downloads", 1); header("Expires: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", NOW) . " GMT"); header("Content-Type: " . ($dispo == "inline" ? "image/jpg" : "application/octet-stream") . "; charset=utf-8");
/** * @package Simple Groupware * @link http://www.simple-groupware.de * @copyright Simple Groupware Solutions Thomas Bley 2002-2012 * @license GPLv2 */ define("NOCONTENT", true); require "index.php"; if (empty($_SESSION["folder"])) { exit; } if (!empty($_REQUEST["filename"])) { $filename = SIMPLE_CACHE . "/thumbs/" . basename($_REQUEST["filename"]); if (!file_exists($filename)) { sys_error("File not found."); } $modified = filemtime($filename); $etag = '"' . md5($filename . $modified) . '"'; header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", $modified) . " GMT"); header("ETag: {$etag}"); if (!empty($_SERVER["HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH"]) and $etag == stripslashes($_SERVER["HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH"]) and !DEBUG) { header("HTTP/1.0 304 Not Modified"); exit; } header("Content-Type: image/png"); header("Expires: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", NOW) . " GMT"); header("Content-Length: " . (int) filesize($filename)); readfile($filename); } if (!empty($_REQUEST["type"]) and $_REQUEST["type"] == "bar" and !empty($_REQUEST["stat"]) and !empty($_REQUEST["style"]) and !empty($_REQUEST["data"])) {
function _upload_create_file($db_path, $target_lnk, $path, $filename) { list($id, $left, $unused) = _upload_process_folder_string($db_path . "/"); if ($left != 0 or $id == 0) { sys_error("path not found", "409 Conflict"); } $ftype = db_select_value("simple_sys_tree", "ftype", "id=@id@", array("id" => $id)); if (db_get_right($id, "write") and !empty($ftype) and $ftype == "files") { list($target, $a_filename) = sys_build_filename($filename, "simple_files"); dirs_checkdir($target); $target .= sys_get_pathnum($id) . "/"; dirs_checkdir($target); $target .= md5($id) . $a_filename; if ($fp = fopen("php://input", "r") and $ft = fopen($target, "wb")) { while (!feof($fp)) { fwrite($ft, fread($fp, 8192)); } fclose($fp); fclose($ft); $a_id = sql_genID("simple_files") * 100; $data = array("id" => $a_id, "folder" => $id, "dsize" => filesize($target), "filedata" => "|" . $target . "|", "filename" => $filename, "rread_users" => "|anonymous|", "rwrite_users" => "|anonymous|", "history" => t("{t}Item created by %s at %s{/t}", $_SESSION["username"], sys_date(t("{t}m/d/y g:i:s a{/t}"))) . "\n"); $error_sql = db_insert("simple_files", $data); if ($error_sql == "") { db_update_treesize("simple_files", $id); $fields = array("filename" => "text", "filedata" => "files", "folder" => "id", "id" => "id"); db_search_update("simple_files", $a_id, array(), $fields); sys_log_stat("new_records", 1); file_put_contents($target_lnk, $path . "/" . $a_id . "_0__" . $filename . "\n" . $target, LOCK_EX); _upload_success(); } } } sys_error("cant write new", "403 Forbidden"); }
function fatal_handler() { $errfile = "unknown file"; $errstr = "shutdown"; $errno = E_CORE_ERROR; $errline = 0; $error = error_get_last(); //var_dump($error);die(); if ($error !== NULL) { $errno = $error["type"]; $errfile = $error["file"]; $errline = $error["line"]; $errstr = $error["message"]; sys_error($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline); } }