if ($validated == 0) {
    echo "PrestashopToDolibarr module is not properly configured (probably server url, login or password). Glease go to module configuration page to fix it.";
if (version_compare(Configuration::get('dolibarr_version'), '3.6.3') == -1) {
    echo "<br />Your version of Dolibarr can't synchronize clients properly. Please consider updating Dolibarr to 3.6.3 or higher to have a full synchronisation.";
// action if reset synchronization
if (Tools::isSubmit('action')) {
    $action = Tools::getValue('action');
    if ($action == "reset") {
        Configuration::updateValue('clients_last_synchro', "1970-01-01 00:00:00");
$last_synchro = Configuration::get('clients_last_synchro');
echo "Synchronisation of clients begins for modification since " . $last_synchro . "<br>";
$failed_number = 0;
$sql = "select id_customer from " . _DB_PREFIX_ . "customer where date_upd > '" . $last_synchro . "'";
if ($results = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS($sql)) {
    foreach ($results as $row) {
        $id_customer = $row['id_customer'];
        $hasSucceded = synchroClient($id_customer);
        if (!$hasSucceded) {
echo "Synchronisation of clients done : " . $failed_number . "error(s)<br>";
$time = new DateTime('NOW');
Configuration::updateValue('clients_last_synchro', $time->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
                        return FALSE;
                } else {
                    if ($result["result"]->result_code == 'OK') {
                        // Update address
                        echo "<br>update address : ";
                        $contact->id = $result["contact"]->id;
                        // we can't update contact using it's ref_ext so we use id
                        $result = $dolibarr->updateContact($contact);
                        echo $result["result"]->result_code . "<br/>";
                        if ($result["result"]->result_code != 'OK') {
                            echo "Erreur de synchronisation address : " . $result["result"]->result_label;
                            return FALSE;
                    } else {
                        echo "Erreur de synchronisation address : " . $result["result"]->result_label;
                        return FALSE;
    return TRUE;
if (Tools::isSubmit('id_customer')) {
    $id_customer = Tools::getValue('id_customer');