function GetGroups($friendid) { set_time_limit(0); $objResponse = new xajaxResponse(); if ($GLOBALS['config']['config.enablegroupbanning'] == 0 || !is_numeric($friendid)) { return $objResponse; } global $userbank, $username; if (!$userbank->HasAccess(ADMIN_OWNER | ADMIN_ADD_BAN)) { $objResponse->redirect("index.php?p=login&m=no_access", 0); $log = new CSystemLog("w", "Ошибка доступа", $username . " пытался получить список групп '" . $friendid . "', не имея на это прав."); return $objResponse; } // check if we're getting redirected, if so there is $result["Location"] (the player uses custom id) else just use the friendid. !We can't get the xml with the friendid url if the player has a custom one! $result = get_headers("" . $friendid . "/", 1); $raw = file_get_contents((!empty($result["Location"]) ? $result["Location"] : "" . $friendid . "/") . "?xml=1"); preg_match("/<privacyState>([^\\]]*)<\\/privacyState>/", $raw, $status); if ($status && $status[1] != "public" || strstr($raw, "<groups>")) { $raw = str_replace("&", "", $raw); $raw = strip_31_ascii($raw); $raw = utf8_encode($raw); $xml = simplexml_load_string($raw); // parse xml $result = $xml->xpath('/profile/groups/group'); // go to the group nodes $i = 0; while (list(, $node) = each($result)) { // Checkbox & Groupname table cols $objResponse->addScript('var e = document.getElementById("steamGroupsTable"); var tr = e.insertRow("-1"); var td = tr.insertCell("-1"); td.className = "listtable_1"; = "0px"; = "3px"; var input = document.createElement("input"); input.setAttribute("type","checkbox"); input.setAttribute("id","chkb_' . $i . '"); input.setAttribute("value","' . $node->groupURL . '"); td.appendChild(input); var td = tr.insertCell("-1"); td.className = "listtable_1"; var a = document.createElement("a"); a.href = "' . $node->groupURL . '"; a.setAttribute("target","_blank"); var txt = document.createTextNode("' . utf8_decode($node->groupName) . '"); a.appendChild(txt); td.appendChild(a); var txt = document.createTextNode(" ("); td.appendChild(txt); var span = document.createElement("span"); span.setAttribute("id","membcnt_' . $i . '"); span.setAttribute("value","' . $node->memberCount . '"); var txt3 = document.createTextNode("' . $node->memberCount . '"); span.appendChild(txt3); td.appendChild(span); var txt2 = document.createTextNode(" Members)"); td.appendChild(txt2); '); $i++; } } else { $objResponse->addScript("ShowBox('Ошибка', 'Ошибка получения информации о группе. <br>Возможно это участник другой группы, или его профиль скрыт.<br><a href=\"" . $friendid . "/\" title=\"Профиль участника\" target=\"_blank\">Профиль участника</a>', 'red', 'index.php?p=banlist', true);"); $objResponse->addScript("\$('steamGroupsText').innerHTML = '<i>Нет групп...</i>';"); return $objResponse; } $objResponse->addScript("\$('steamGroupsText').setStyle('display', 'none');"); $objResponse->addScript("\$('steamGroups').setStyle('display', 'block');"); return $objResponse; }
function GetGroups($friendid) { set_time_limit(0); $objResponse = new xajaxResponse(); if ($GLOBALS['config']['config.enablegroupbanning'] == 0 || !is_numeric($friendid)) { return $objResponse; } global $userbank, $username; if (!$userbank->HasAccess(ADMIN_OWNER | ADMIN_ADD_BAN)) { $objResponse->redirect("index.php?p=login&m=no_access", 0); $log = new CSystemLog("w", "Hacking Attempt", $username . " tried to list groups of '" . $friendid . "', but doesnt have access."); return $objResponse; } // check if we're getting redirected, if so there is $result["Location"] (the player uses custom id) else just use the friendid. !We can't get the xml with the friendid url if the player has a custom one! $result = get_headers("" . $friendid . "/", 1); $raw = file_get_contents((!empty($result["Location"]) ? $result["Location"] : "" . $friendid . "/") . "?xml=1"); preg_match("/<privacyState>([^\\]]*)<\\/privacyState>/", $raw, $status); if ($status && $status[1] != "public" || strstr($raw, "<groups>")) { $raw = str_replace("&", "", $raw); $raw = strip_31_ascii($raw); $raw = utf8_encode($raw); $xml = simplexml_load_string($raw); // parse xml $result = $xml->xpath('/profile/groups/group'); // go to the group nodes $i = 0; while (list(, $node) = each($result)) { // Steam only provides the details of the first 3 groups of a players profile. We need to fetch the individual groups seperately to get the correct information. if (empty($node->groupName)) { $memberlistxml = file_get_contents("" . $node->groupID64 . "/memberslistxml/?xml=1"); $memberlistxml = str_replace("&", "", $memberlistxml); $memberlistxml = strip_31_ascii($memberlistxml); $memberlistxml = utf8_encode($memberlistxml); $groupxml = simplexml_load_string($memberlistxml); // parse xml $node = $groupxml->xpath('/memberList/groupDetails'); $node = $node[0]; } // Checkbox & Groupname table cols $objResponse->addScript('var e = document.getElementById("steamGroupsTable"); var tr = e.insertRow("-1"); var td = tr.insertCell("-1"); td.className = "listtable_1"; = "0px"; = "3px"; var input = document.createElement("input"); input.setAttribute("type","checkbox"); input.setAttribute("id","chkb_' . $i . '"); input.setAttribute("value","' . $node->groupURL . '"); td.appendChild(input); var td = tr.insertCell("-1"); td.className = "listtable_1"; var a = document.createElement("a"); a.href = "' . $node->groupURL . '"; a.setAttribute("target","_blank"); var txt = document.createTextNode("' . utf8_decode($node->groupName) . '"); a.appendChild(txt); td.appendChild(a); var txt = document.createTextNode(" ("); td.appendChild(txt); var span = document.createElement("span"); span.setAttribute("id","membcnt_' . $i . '"); span.setAttribute("value","' . $node->memberCount . '"); var txt3 = document.createTextNode("' . $node->memberCount . '"); span.appendChild(txt3); td.appendChild(span); var txt2 = document.createTextNode(" Members)"); td.appendChild(txt2); '); $i++; } } else { $objResponse->addScript("ShowBox('Error', 'There was an error retrieving the group data. <br>Maybe the player isn\\'t member of any group or his profile is private?<br><a href=\"" . $friendid . "/\" title=\"Community profile\" target=\"_blank\">Community profile</a>', 'red', 'index.php?p=banlist', true);"); $objResponse->addScript("\$('steamGroupsText').innerHTML = '<i>No groups...</i>';"); return $objResponse; } $objResponse->addScript("\$('steamGroupsText').setStyle('display', 'none');"); $objResponse->addScript("\$('steamGroups').setStyle('display', 'block');"); return $objResponse; }
function GetCommunityName($steamid) { $friendid = SteamIDToFriendID($steamid); $result = get_headers("" . $friendid . "/", 1); $raw = file_get_contents(($result["Location"] != "" ? $result["Location"] : "" . $friendid . "/") . "?xml=1"); if (strstr($raw, "</profile>")) { $raw = str_replace("&", "", $raw); $raw = strip_31_ascii($raw); $raw = utf8_encode($raw); $xml = simplexml_load_string($raw); $result = $xml->xpath('/profile/steamID'); $friendid = (string) $result[0]; return $friendid; } return ""; }