function email_send($p_from, $p_recipient, $p_subject, $p_message, $p_cc = '', $p_exit_on_error = false, $htmlFormat = false) { global $g_phpMailer_smtp; $op = new stdClass(); $op->status_ok = true; $op->msg = 'ok'; // Check fatal Error $smtp_host = config_get('smtp_host'); if (is_blank($smtp_host)) { $op->status_ok = false; $op->msg = lang_get('stmp_host_unconfigured'); return $op; } $t_recipient = trim($p_recipient); $t_subject = string_email(trim($p_subject)); $t_message = string_email_links(trim($p_message)); # short-circuit if no recipient is defined, or email disabled # note that this may cause signup messages not to be sent # Visit # if you have problems with phpMailer $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->PluginDir = PHPMAILER_PATH; // 20090201 - franciscom // Need to get strings file for php mailer // To avoid problems I choose ENglish $mail->SetLanguage('en', PHPMAILER_PATH . 'language' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); # Select the method to send mail switch (config_get('phpMailer_method')) { case 0: $mail->IsMail(); break; case 1: $mail->IsSendmail(); break; case 2: $mail->IsSMTP(); # SMTP collection is always kept alive # $mail->SMTPKeepAlive = true; # @@@ yarick123: It is said in phpMailer comments, that phpMailer::smtp has private access. # but there is no common method to reset PHPMailer object, so # I see the smallest evel - to initialize only one 'private' # field phpMailer::smtp in order to reuse smtp connection. if (is_null($g_phpMailer_smtp)) { register_shutdown_function('email_smtp_close'); } else { $mail->smtp = $g_phpMailer_smtp; } break; } $mail->IsHTML($htmlFormat); # set email format to plain text $mail->WordWrap = 80; $mail->Priority = config_get('mail_priority'); # Urgent = 1, Not Urgent = 5, Disable = 0 $mail->CharSet = config_get('charset'); $mail->Host = config_get('smtp_host'); $mail->From = config_get('from_email'); if (!is_blank($p_from)) { $mail->From = $p_from; } $mail->Sender = config_get('return_path_email'); $mail->FromName = ''; if (!is_blank(config_get('smtp_username'))) { # Use SMTP Authentication $mail->SMTPAuth = true; $mail->Username = config_get('smtp_username'); $mail->Password = config_get('smtp_password'); } $t_debug_to = ''; # add to the Recipient list $t_recipient_list = split(',', $t_recipient); while (list(, $t_recipient) = each($t_recipient_list)) { if (!is_blank($t_recipient)) { $mail->AddAddress($t_recipient, ''); } } // 20051106 - fm $t_cc_list = split(',', $p_cc); while (list(, $t_cc) = each($t_cc_list)) { if (!is_blank($t_cc)) { $mail->AddCC($t_cc, ''); } } $mail->Subject = $t_subject; $mail->Body = make_lf_crlf("\n" . $t_message); if (!$mail->Send()) { if ($p_exit_on_error) { print "PROBLEMS SENDING MAIL TO: {$p_recipient}<br />"; print 'Mailer Error: ' . $mail->ErrorInfo . '<br />'; exit; } else { $op->status_ok = false; $op->msg = $mail->ErrorInfo; return $op; } } if (!is_null($mail->smtp)) { # @@@ yarick123: It is said in phpMailer comments, that phpMailer::smtp has private access. # but there is no common method to reset PHPMailer object, so # I see the smallest evel - to initialize only one 'private' # field phpMailer::smtp in order to reuse smtp connection. $g_phpMailer_smtp = $mail->smtp; } return $op; }
/** * Prepare a string for plain text display in email and add URLs for bug * links and cvs links */ function string_email_links($p_string) { $p_string = string_email($p_string); return $p_string; }
/** * This function sends an email message based on the supplied email data. * * @param EmailData $p_email_data * @return bool */ function email_send($p_email_data) { global $g_phpMailer; $t_email_data = $p_email_data; $t_recipient = trim($t_email_data->email); $t_subject = string_email(trim($t_email_data->subject)); $t_message = string_email_links(trim($t_email_data->body)); $t_debug_email = config_get('debug_email'); $t_mailer_method = config_get('phpMailer_method'); $t_log_msg = 'ERROR: Message could not be sent - '; if (is_null($g_phpMailer)) { if ($t_mailer_method == PHPMAILER_METHOD_SMTP) { register_shutdown_function('email_smtp_close'); } $mail = new PHPMailer(true); } else { $mail = $g_phpMailer; } if (isset($t_email_data->metadata['hostname'])) { $mail->Hostname = $t_email_data->metadata['hostname']; } # @@@ should this be the current language (for the recipient) or the default one (for the user running the command) (thraxisp) $t_lang = config_get('default_language'); if ('auto' == $t_lang) { $t_lang = config_get('fallback_language'); } $mail->SetLanguage(lang_get('phpmailer_language', $t_lang)); # Select the method to send mail switch (config_get('phpMailer_method')) { case PHPMAILER_METHOD_MAIL: $mail->IsMail(); break; case PHPMAILER_METHOD_SENDMAIL: $mail->IsSendmail(); break; case PHPMAILER_METHOD_SMTP: $mail->IsSMTP(); // SMTP collection is always kept alive $mail->SMTPKeepAlive = true; if (!is_blank(config_get('smtp_username'))) { # Use SMTP Authentication $mail->SMTPAuth = true; $mail->Username = config_get('smtp_username'); $mail->Password = config_get('smtp_password'); } if (!is_blank(config_get('smtp_connection_mode'))) { $mail->SMTPSecure = config_get('smtp_connection_mode'); } $mail->Port = config_get('smtp_port'); break; } $mail->IsHTML(false); # set email format to plain text $mail->WordWrap = 80; # set word wrap to 50 characters $mail->Priority = $t_email_data->metadata['priority']; # Urgent = 1, Not Urgent = 5, Disable = 0 $mail->CharSet = $t_email_data->metadata['charset']; $mail->Host = config_get('smtp_host'); $mail->From = config_get('from_email'); $mail->Sender = config_get('return_path_email'); $mail->FromName = config_get('from_name'); $mail->AddCustomHeader('Auto-Submitted:auto-generated'); $mail->AddCustomHeader('X-Auto-Response-Suppress: All'); if (OFF !== $t_debug_email) { $t_message = 'To: ' . $t_recipient . "\n\n" . $t_message; $t_recipient = $t_debug_email; } try { $mail->AddAddress($t_recipient, ''); } catch (phpmailerException $e) { log_event(LOG_EMAIL, $t_log_msg . $mail->ErrorInfo); $t_success = false; $mail->ClearAllRecipients(); $mail->ClearAttachments(); $mail->ClearReplyTos(); $mail->ClearCustomHeaders(); return $t_success; } $mail->Subject = $t_subject; $mail->Body = make_lf_crlf("\n" . $t_message); if (isset($t_email_data->metadata['headers']) && is_array($t_email_data->metadata['headers'])) { foreach ($t_email_data->metadata['headers'] as $t_key => $t_value) { switch ($t_key) { case 'Message-ID': /* Note: hostname can never be blank here as we set metadata['hostname'] in email_store() where mail gets queued. */ if (!strchr($t_value, '@') && !is_blank($mail->Hostname)) { $t_value = $t_value . '@' . $mail->Hostname; } $mail->set('MessageID', "<{$t_value}>"); break; case 'In-Reply-To': $mail->AddCustomHeader("{$t_key}: <{$t_value}@{$mail->Hostname}>"); break; default: $mail->AddCustomHeader("{$t_key}: {$t_value}"); break; } } } try { $t_success = $mail->Send(); if ($t_success) { $t_success = true; if ($t_email_data->email_id > 0) { email_queue_delete($t_email_data->email_id); } } else { # We should never get here, as an exception is thrown after failures log_event(LOG_EMAIL, $t_log_msg . $mail->ErrorInfo); $t_success = false; } } catch (phpmailerException $e) { log_event(LOG_EMAIL, $t_log_msg . $mail->ErrorInfo); $t_success = false; } $mail->ClearAllRecipients(); $mail->ClearAttachments(); $mail->ClearReplyTos(); $mail->ClearCustomHeaders(); return $t_success; }
/** * sends the actual email * * @param boolean $p_exit_on_error == true - calls exit() on errors, else - returns true * on success and false on errors * @param boolean $htmlFormat specify text type true = html, false (default) = plain text */ function email_send($p_from, $p_recipient, $p_subject, $p_message, $p_cc = '', $p_exit_on_error = false, $htmlFormat = false, $opt = null) { global $g_phpMailer; $op = new stdClass(); $op->status_ok = true; $op->msg = 'ok'; $options = array('strip_email_links' => true); $options = array_merge($options, (array) $opt); // Check fatal Error $smtp_host = config_get('smtp_host'); if (is_blank($smtp_host)) { $op->status_ok = false; $op->msg = lang_get('stmp_host_unconfigured'); return $op; // >>>----> } $t_recipient = trim($p_recipient); $t_subject = string_email(trim($p_subject)); $t_message = trim($p_message); $t_message = $options['strip_email_links'] ? string_email_links($p_message) : $p_message; # short-circuit if no recipient is defined, or email disabled # note that this may cause signup messages not to be sent # Visit # if you have problems with phpMailer $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->PluginDir = PHPMAILER_PATH; // Need to get strings file for php mailer // To avoid problems I choose ENglish $mail->SetLanguage('en', PHPMAILER_PATH . 'language' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); # Select the method to send mail switch (config_get('phpMailer_method')) { case PHPMAILER_METHOD_MAIL: $mail->IsMail(); break; case PHPMAILER_METHOD_SENDMAIL: $mail->IsSendmail(); break; case PHPMAILER_METHOD_SMTP: $mail->IsSMTP(); # SMTP collection is always kept alive $mail->SMTPKeepAlive = true; # Copied from last mantis version if (!is_blank(config_get('smtp_username'))) { # Use SMTP Authentication $mail->SMTPAuth = true; $mail->Username = config_get('smtp_username'); $mail->Password = config_get('smtp_password'); } if (!is_blank(config_get('smtp_connection_mode'))) { $mail->SMTPSecure = config_get('smtp_connection_mode'); } $mail->Port = config_get('smtp_port'); // is not a lot clear why this is useful (franciscom) // need to use sometime to understand . if (is_null($g_phpMailer)) { register_shutdown_function('email_smtp_close'); } else { $mail = $g_phpMailer; } break; } $mail->IsHTML($htmlFormat); # set email format to plain text $mail->WordWrap = 80; $mail->Priority = config_get('mail_priority'); # Urgent = 1, Not Urgent = 5, Disable = 0 $mail->CharSet = config_get('charset'); $mail->Host = config_get('smtp_host'); $mail->From = config_get('from_email'); if (!is_blank($p_from)) { $mail->From = $p_from; } $mail->Sender = config_get('return_path_email'); $mail->FromName = ''; $t_debug_to = ''; # add to the Recipient list $t_recipient_list = explode(',', $t_recipient); while (list(, $t_recipient) = each($t_recipient_list)) { if (!is_blank($t_recipient)) { $mail->AddAddress($t_recipient, ''); } } $t_cc_list = explode(',', $p_cc); while (list(, $t_cc) = each($t_cc_list)) { if (!is_blank($t_cc)) { $mail->AddCC($t_cc, ''); } } $mail->Subject = $t_subject; $mail->Body = make_lf_crlf("\n" . $t_message); if (!$mail->Send()) { if ($p_exit_on_error) { print "PROBLEMS SENDING MAIL TO: {$p_recipient}<br />"; print 'Mailer Error: ' . $mail->ErrorInfo . '<br />'; exit; } else { $op->status_ok = false; $op->msg = $mail->ErrorInfo; return $op; } } return $op; }
function email_send($p_email_data) { global $g_phpMailer_smtp; $t_email_data = $p_email_data; $t_recipient = trim($t_email_data->email); $t_subject = string_email(trim($t_email_data->subject)); $t_message = string_email_links(trim($t_email_data->body)); $t_debug_email = config_get('debug_email'); # Visit # if you have problems with phpMailer $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->PluginDir = PHPMAILER_PATH; if (isset($t_email_data->metadata['hostname'])) { $mail->Hostname = $t_email_data->metadata['hostname']; } # @@@ should this be the current language (for the recipient) or the default one (for the user running the command) (thraxisp) $t_lang = config_get('default_language'); if ('auto' == $t_lang) { $t_lang = config_get('fallback_language'); } $mail->SetLanguage(lang_get('phpmailer_language', $t_lang), PHPMAILER_PATH . 'language' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); # Select the method to send mail switch (config_get('phpMailer_method')) { case 0: $mail->IsMail(); break; case 1: $mail->IsSendmail(); break; case 2: $mail->IsSMTP(); # SMTP collection is always kept alive # $mail->SMTPKeepAlive = true; # @@@ yarick123: It is said in phpMailer comments, that phpMailer::smtp has private access. # but there is no common method to reset PHPMailer object, so # I see the smallest evel - to initialize only one 'private' # field phpMailer::smtp in order to reuse smtp connection. if (is_null($g_phpMailer_smtp)) { register_shutdown_function('email_smtp_close'); } else { $mail->smtp = $g_phpMailer_smtp; } break; } $mail->IsHTML(false); # set email format to plain text $mail->WordWrap = 80; # set word wrap to 50 characters $mail->Priority = $t_email_data->metadata['priority']; # Urgent = 1, Not Urgent = 5, Disable = 0 $mail->CharSet = $t_email_data->metadata['charset']; $mail->Host = config_get('smtp_host'); $mail->From = config_get('from_email'); $mail->Sender = escapeshellcmd(config_get('return_path_email')); $mail->FromName = config_get('from_name'); if (!is_blank(config_get('smtp_username'))) { # Use SMTP Authentication $mail->SMTPAuth = true; $mail->Username = config_get('smtp_username'); $mail->Password = config_get('smtp_password'); } if (OFF !== $t_debug_email) { $t_message = 'To: ' . $t_recipient . "\n\n" . $t_message; $mail->AddAddress($t_debug_email, ''); } else { $mail->AddAddress($t_recipient, ''); } $mail->Subject = $t_subject; $mail->Body = make_lf_crlf("\n" . $t_message); if (isset($t_email_data->metadata['headers']) && is_array($t_email_data->metadata['headers'])) { foreach ($t_email_data->metadata['headers'] as $t_key => $t_value) { $mail->AddCustomHeader("{$t_key}: {$t_value}"); } } if (!$mail->Send()) { $t_success = false; } else { $t_success = true; if ($t_email_data->email_id > 0) { email_queue_delete($t_email_data->email_id); } } if (!is_null($mail->smtp)) { # @@@ yarick123: It is said in phpMailer comments, that phpMailer::smtp has private access. # but there is no common method to reset PHPMailer object, so # I see the smallest evel - to initialize only one 'private' # field phpMailer::smtp in order to reuse smtp connection. $g_phpMailer_smtp = $mail->smtp; } return $t_success; }
function string_email_links($p_string) { $p_string = string_email($p_string); $p_string = string_process_bug_link($p_string, false); $p_string = string_process_bugnote_link($p_string, false); $p_string = string_process_cvs_link($p_string, false); return $p_string; }
$t_emails = explode(',', plugin_config_get('notify_email', PLUGINS_RELEASEMGT_NOTIFY_EMAIL_DEFAULT)); foreach ($t_emails as $t_email) { if (trim($t_email) != '') { $t_id_list[] = trim($t_email); } } $t_email_ids = array_unique($t_id_list); if (defined('MANTIS_VERSION')) { $t_mantis_version = MANTIS_VERSION; } else { $t_mantis_version = config_get('mantis_version'); } if (version_compare($t_mantis_version, '1.1.0a2', '>=')) { foreach ($t_email_ids as $t_email) { $t_recipient = trim($t_email); $t_subject = string_email(trim($t_subject)); $t_message = string_email_links(trim($t_message)); $t_email_data = new EmailData(); $t_email_data->email = $t_recipient; $t_email_data->subject = $t_subject; $t_email_data->body = $t_message; $t_email_data->metadata = array(); $t_email_data->metadata['headers'] = array('X-Mantis' => 'ReleaseMgt'); $t_email_data->metadata['priority'] = config_get('mail_priority'); $t_email_data->metadata['charset'] = 'utf-8'; $t_email_data->metadata['plugins_htmlmail_html_message'] = base64_encode($t_html_message); email_queue_add($t_email_data); } if (OFF == config_get('email_send_using_cronjob')) { email_send_all(); }
function email_send($p_recipient, $p_subject, $p_message, $p_header = '', $p_category = '', $p_exit_on_error = true) { global $g_phpMailer_smtp; $t_recipient = trim($p_recipient); $t_subject = string_email(trim($p_subject)); $t_message = string_email_links(trim($p_message)); # short-circuit if no recipient is defined, or email disabled # note that this may cause signup messages not to be sent if (is_blank($p_recipient) || OFF == config_get('enable_email_notification')) { return; } # for debugging only #PRINT $t_recipient.'<br />'.$t_subject.'<br />'.$t_message.'<br />'.$t_headers; #exit; #PRINT '<br />xxxRecipient ='.$t_recipient.'<br />'; #PRINT 'Headers ='.nl2br($t_headers).'<br />'; #PRINT $t_subject.'<br />'; #PRINT nl2br($t_message).'<br />'; #exit; $t_debug_email = config_get('debug_email'); # Visit # if you have problems with phpMailer $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->PluginDir = PHPMAILER_PATH; # @@@ should this be the current language (for the recipient) or the default one (for the user running the command) (thraxisp) $mail->SetLanguage(lang_get('phpmailer_language', lang_get_current()), PHPMAILER_PATH . 'language' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); # Select the method to send mail switch (config_get('phpMailer_method')) { case 0: $mail->IsMail(); break; case 1: $mail->IsSendmail(); break; case 2: $mail->IsSMTP(); # SMTP collection is always kept alive # $mail->SMTPKeepAlive = true; # @@@ yarick123: It is said in phpMailer comments, that phpMailer::smtp has private access. # but there is no common method to reset PHPMailer object, so # I see the smallest evel - to initialize only one 'private' # field phpMailer::smtp in order to reuse smtp connection. if (is_null($g_phpMailer_smtp)) { register_shutdown_function('email_smtp_close'); } else { $mail->smtp = $g_phpMailer_smtp; } break; } $mail->IsHTML(false); # set email format to plain text $mail->WordWrap = 80; # set word wrap to 50 characters $mail->Priority = config_get('mail_priority'); # Urgent = 1, Not Urgent = 5, Disable = 0 $mail->CharSet = lang_get('charset', lang_get_current()); $mail->Host = config_get('smtp_host'); $mail->From = config_get('from_email'); $mail->Sender = config_get('return_path_email'); $mail->FromName = ''; if (!is_blank(config_get('smtp_username'))) { # Use SMTP Authentication $mail->SMTPAuth = true; $mail->Username = config_get('smtp_username'); $mail->Password = config_get('smtp_password'); } $t_debug_to = ''; # add to the Recipient list $t_recipient_list = split(',', $t_recipient); while (list(, $t_recipient) = each($t_recipient_list)) { if (!is_blank($t_recipient)) { if (OFF === $t_debug_email) { $mail->AddAddress($t_recipient, ''); } else { $t_debug_to .= !is_blank($t_debug_to) ? ', ' : ''; $t_debug_to .= $t_recipient; } } } # add to the BCC list $t_debug_bcc = ''; $t_bcc_list = split(',', $p_header); while (list(, $t_bcc) = each($t_bcc_list)) { if (!is_blank($t_bcc)) { if (OFF === $t_debug_email) { $mail->AddBCC($t_bcc, ''); } else { $t_debug_bcc .= !is_blank($t_debug_bcc) ? ', ' : ''; $t_debug_bcc .= $t_bcc; } } } if (OFF !== $t_debug_email) { $t_message = "\n" . $t_message; if (!is_blank($t_debug_bcc)) { $t_message = 'Bcc: ' . $t_debug_bcc . "\n" . $t_message; } if (!is_blank($t_debug_to)) { $t_message = 'To: ' . $t_debug_to . "\n" . $t_message; } $mail->AddAddress($t_debug_email, ''); } $mail->Subject = $t_subject; $mail->Body = make_lf_crlf("\n" . $t_message); if (EMAIL_CATEGORY_PROJECT_CATEGORY == config_get('email_set_category')) { $mail->AddCustomHeader("Keywords: {$p_category}"); } if (!$mail->Send()) { print "PROBLEMS SENDING MAIL TO: {$p_recipient}<br />"; print 'Mailer Error: ' . $mail->ErrorInfo . '<br />'; if ($p_exit_on_error) { exit; } else { return false; } } if (!is_null($mail->smtp)) { # @@@ yarick123: It is said in phpMailer comments, that phpMailer::smtp has private access. # but there is no common method to reset PHPMailer object, so # I see the smallest evel - to initialize only one 'private' # field phpMailer::smtp in order to reuse smtp connection. $g_phpMailer_smtp = $mail->smtp; } return true; }