function people_biz_search($strSearch, $lLimit = 30) { //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // //--------------------------------------------------------------------- $lLen = strlen($strSearch); $sqlStr = 'SELECT pe_strLName, pe_strFName, pe_bBiz, pe_lKeyID, pe_strAddr1 FROM people_names WHERE NOT pe_bRetired AND LEFT(pe_strLName, ' . $lLen . ')=' . strPrepStr($strSearch) . "\n ORDER BY pe_strLName, pe_strFName, pe_lKeyID\n LIMIT 0, {$lLimit};"; $query = $this->db->query($sqlStr); $this->lNumRows = $query->num_rows(); if ($this->lNumRows > 0) { $idx = 0; $this->results = array(); foreach ($query->result() as $row) { $this->results[$idx] = new stdClass(); $r =& $this->results[$idx]; $r->lKeyID = $row->pe_lKeyID; $r->strFName = $row->pe_strFName; $r->strLName = $row->pe_strLName; $r->bBiz = $row->pe_bBiz; $r->strAddr1 = $row->pe_strAddr1; if ($r->bBiz) { $r->strSafeName = htmlspecialchars($r->strLName) . ' (business)'; } else { $r->strSafeName = htmlspecialchars($r->strLName . ', ' . $r->strFName); } ++$idx; } } }
function lSaveObject(&$theObject) { $prepedObject = strPrepStr(serialize($theObject)); $sqlStr = "INSERT INTO serial_objects SET so_object= {$prepedObject};"; $this->db->query($sqlStr); return $this->db->insert_id(); }
function upgrade_addTimeZoneTables() { //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // //--------------------------------------------------------------------- $CI =& get_instance(); /* $zzzlPos = strrpos(__FILE__, '\\'); $zzzlLen=strlen(__FILE__); echo('<font class="debug">'.substr(__FILE__, strrpos(__FILE__, '\\',-(($zzzlLen-$zzzlPos)+1))) .': '.__LINE__ .":\$CI->config->item('dl_timezone') = ".$CI->config->item('dl_timezone')."<br></font>\n"); die; */ $sqlStr = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS lists_tz;"; $CI->db->query($sqlStr); $sqlStr = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS lists_tz (\n tz_lKeyID int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n tz_strTimeZone varchar(120) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n tz_lTZ_Const int(11) NOT NULL,\n tz_bTopList tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' ,\n PRIMARY KEY (tz_lKeyID),\n KEY tz_strTimeZone (tz_strTimeZone)\n\n ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1\n COMMENT='php time zone constants via'\n AUTO_INCREMENT=1;"; $CI->db->query($sqlStr); $sqlStr = "INSERT INTO lists_tz (tz_strTimeZone, tz_lTZ_Const, tz_bTopList) VALUES\n ('US/Eastern' , 0x03E4DA , 1), ('US/Central' , 0x03DFCF , 1), ('US/Mountain' , 0x03F35C , 1),\n ('US/Pacific' , 0x03F6D5 , 1), ('US/Alaska' , 0x03D872 , 1), ('US/Hawaii' , 0x03EC43 , 1),\n\n\t('Canada/Atlantic' , 0x02617D , 1),\t('Canada/Central' , 0x026665 , 1),\n\t('Canada/East-Saskatchewan' , 0x026F6F , 1),\t('Canada/Eastern' , 0x026A7F , 1),\n\t('Canada/Mountain' , 0x0270F8 , 1),\t('Canada/Newfoundland' , 0x02746E , 1),\n\t('Canada/Pacific' , 0x027999 , 1),\t('Canada/Saskatchewan' , 0x027DB2 , 1),\n\t('Canada/Yukon' , 0x027F3B , 1),\n\n\t( 'Africa/Abidjan' , 0x000000 , 0),\t( 'Africa/Accra' , 0x000055 , 0),\t( 'Africa/Addis_Ababa' , 0x00019D , 0),\t( 'Africa/Algiers' , 0x00021C , 0),\n\t( 'Africa/Asmara' , 0x000347 , 0),\t( 'Africa/Asmera' , 0x0003C6 , 0),\t( 'Africa/Bamako' , 0x000445 , 0),\t( 'Africa/Bangui' , 0x00049A , 0),\n\t( 'Africa/Banjul' , 0x0004EF , 0),\t( 'Africa/Bissau' , 0x000544 , 0),\t( 'Africa/Blantyre' , 0x0005AA , 0),\t( 'Africa/Brazzaville' , 0x0005FF , 0),\n\t( 'Africa/Bujumbura' , 0x000654 , 0),\t( 'Africa/Cairo' , 0x0006A9 , 0),\t( 'Africa/Casablanca' , 0x000A90 , 0),\t( 'Africa/Ceuta' , 0x000CF2 , 0),\n\t( 'Africa/Conakry' , 0x000FF9 , 0),\t( 'Africa/Dakar' , 0x00104E , 0),\t( 'Africa/Dar_es_Salaam' , 0x0010A3 , 0),\t( 'Africa/Djibouti' , 0x001122 , 0),\n\t( 'Africa/Douala' , 0x0011A1 , 0),\t( 'Africa/El_Aaiun' , 0x0011F6 , 0),\t( 'Africa/Freetown' , 0x001421 , 0),\t( 'Africa/Gaborone' , 0x001476 , 0),\n\t( 'Africa/Harare' , 0x0014CB , 0),\t( 'Africa/Johannesburg' , 0x001520 , 0),\t( 'Africa/Juba' , 0x00158E , 0),\t( 'Africa/Kampala' , 0x0016A1 , 0),\n\t( 'Africa/Khartoum' , 0x001720 , 0),\t( 'Africa/Kigali' , 0x001833 , 0),\t( 'Africa/Kinshasa' , 0x001888 , 0),\t( 'Africa/Lagos' , 0x0018F4 , 0),\n\t( 'Africa/Libreville' , 0x001949 , 0),\t( 'Africa/Lome' , 0x00199E , 0),\t( 'Africa/Luanda' , 0x0019F3 , 0),\t( 'Africa/Lubumbashi' , 0x001A48 , 0),\n\t( 'Africa/Lusaka' , 0x001AB4 , 0),\t( 'Africa/Malabo' , 0x001B09 , 0),\t( 'Africa/Maputo' , 0x001B5E , 0),\t( 'Africa/Maseru' , 0x001BB3 , 0),\n\t( 'Africa/Mbabane' , 0x001C21 , 0),\t( 'Africa/Mogadishu' , 0x001C8F , 0),\t( 'Africa/Monrovia' , 0x001D0E , 0),\t( 'Africa/Nairobi' , 0x001D74 , 0),\n\t( 'Africa/Ndjamena' , 0x001DF3 , 0),\t( 'Africa/Niamey' , 0x001E5F , 0),\t( 'Africa/Nouakchott' , 0x001EB4 , 0),\t( 'Africa/Ouagadougou' , 0x001F09 , 0),\n\t( 'Africa/Porto-Novo' , 0x001F5E , 0),\t( 'Africa/Sao_Tome' , 0x001FB3 , 0),\t( 'Africa/Timbuktu' , 0x002008 , 0),\t( 'Africa/Tripoli' , 0x00205D , 0),\n\t( 'Africa/Tunis' , 0x002166 , 0),\t( 'Africa/Windhoek' , 0x002278 , 0),\t( 'America/Adak' , 0x0024BF , 0),\t( 'America/Anchorage' , 0x002835 , 0),\n\t( 'America/Anguilla' , 0x002BA9 , 0),\t( 'America/Antigua' , 0x002BFE , 0),\t( 'America/Araguaina' , 0x002C53 , 0),\t( 'America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires' , 0x002DB8 , 0),\n\t( 'America/Argentina/Catamarca' , 0x002F66 , 0),\t( 'America/Argentina/ComodRivadavia' , 0x003127 , 0),\t( 'America/Argentina/Cordoba' , 0x0032CD , 0),\t( 'America/Argentina/Jujuy' , 0x0034A2 , 0),\n\t( 'America/Argentina/La_Rioja' , 0x003656 , 0),\t( 'America/Argentina/Mendoza' , 0x00380E , 0),\t( 'America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos' , 0x0039CE , 0),\t( 'America/Argentina/Salta' , 0x003B83 , 0),\n\t( 'America/Argentina/San_Juan' , 0x003D2F , 0),\t( 'America/Argentina/San_Luis' , 0x003EE7 , 0),\t( 'America/Argentina/Tucuman' , 0x0040AD , 0),\t( 'America/Argentina/Ushuaia' , 0x004269 , 0),\n\t( 'America/Aruba' , 0x004424 , 0),\t( 'America/Asuncion' , 0x00448A , 0),\t( 'America/Atikokan' , 0x00476F , 0),\t( 'America/Atka' , 0x004845 , 0),\n\t( 'America/Bahia' , 0x004BAB , 0),\t( 'America/Bahia_Banderas' , 0x004D3E , 0),\t( 'America/Barbados' , 0x004FB7 , 0),\t( 'America/Belem' , 0x005051 , 0),\n\t( 'America/Belize' , 0x00514C , 0),\t( 'America/Blanc-Sablon' , 0x0052C8 , 0),\t( 'America/Boa_Vista' , 0x00537C , 0),\t( 'America/Bogota' , 0x005485 , 0),\n\t( 'America/Boise' , 0x0054F1 , 0),\t( 'America/Buenos_Aires' , 0x005888 , 0),\t( 'America/Cambridge_Bay' , 0x005A21 , 0),\t( 'America/Campo_Grande' , 0x005D49 , 0),\n\t( 'America/Cancun' , 0x006038 , 0),\t( 'America/Caracas' , 0x0061A2 , 0),\t( 'America/Catamarca' , 0x006209 , 0),\t( 'America/Cayenne' , 0x0063AF , 0),\n\t( 'America/Cayman' , 0x006411 , 0),\t( 'America/Chicago' , 0x006466 , 0),\t( 'America/Chihuahua' , 0x00697D , 0),\t( 'America/Coral_Harbour' , 0x006BE8 , 0),\n\t( 'America/Cordoba' , 0x006C7A , 0),\t( 'America/Costa_Rica' , 0x006E20 , 0),\t( 'America/Creston' , 0x006EAA , 0),\t( 'America/Cuiaba' , 0x006F36 , 0),\n\t( 'America/Curacao' , 0x007214 , 0),\t( 'America/Danmarkshavn' , 0x00727A , 0),\t( 'America/Dawson' , 0x0073BE , 0),\t( 'America/Dawson_Creek' , 0x0076DB , 0),\n\t( 'America/Denver' , 0x0078B5 , 0),\t( 'America/Detroit' , 0x007C3B , 0),\t( 'America/Dominica' , 0x007F9A , 0),\t( 'America/Edmonton' , 0x007FEF , 0),\n\t( 'America/Eirunepe' , 0x0083A7 , 0),\t( 'America/El_Salvador' , 0x0084BF , 0),\t( 'America/Ensenada' , 0x008534 , 0),\t( 'America/Fort_Wayne' , 0x0089DB , 0),\n\t( 'America/Fortaleza' , 0x00889D , 0),\t( 'America/Glace_Bay' , 0x008C45 , 0),\t( 'America/Godthab' , 0x008FBC , 0),\t( 'America/Goose_Bay' , 0x009280 , 0),\n\t( 'America/Grand_Turk' , 0x00973D , 0),\t( 'America/Grenada' , 0x00991C , 0),\t( 'America/Guadeloupe' , 0x009971 , 0),\t( 'America/Guatemala' , 0x0099C6 , 0),\n\t( 'America/Guayaquil' , 0x009A4F , 0),\t( 'America/Guyana' , 0x009AAC , 0),\t( 'America/Halifax' , 0x009B2D , 0),\t( 'America/Havana' , 0x00A043 , 0),\n\t( 'America/Hermosillo' , 0x00A3B6 , 0),\t( 'America/Indiana/Indianapolis' , 0x00A494 , 0),\t( 'America/Indiana/Knox' , 0x00A725 , 0),\t( 'America/Indiana/Marengo' , 0x00AABC , 0),\n\t( 'America/Indiana/Petersburg' , 0x00AD62 , 0),\t( 'America/Indiana/Tell_City' , 0x00B2AF , 0),\t( 'America/Indiana/Vevay' , 0x00B548 , 0),\t( 'America/Indiana/Vincennes' , 0x00B783 , 0),\n\t( 'America/Indiana/Winamac' , 0x00BA37 , 0),\t( 'America/Indianapolis' , 0x00B045 , 0),\t( 'America/Inuvik' , 0x00BCF0 , 0),\t( 'America/Iqaluit' , 0x00BFE7 , 0),\n\t( 'America/Jamaica' , 0x00C309 , 0),\t( 'America/Jujuy' , 0x00C3CE , 0),\t( 'America/Juneau' , 0x00C578 , 0),\t( 'America/Kentucky/Louisville' , 0x00C8F6 , 0),\n\t( 'America/Kentucky/Monticello' , 0x00CD14 , 0),\t( 'America/Knox_IN' , 0x00D099 , 0),\t( 'America/Kralendijk' , 0x00D40A , 0),\t( 'America/La_Paz' , 0x00D470 , 0),\n\t( 'America/Lima' , 0x00D4D7 , 0),\t( 'America/Los_Angeles' , 0x00D57F , 0),\t( 'America/Louisville' , 0x00D990 , 0),\t( 'America/Lower_Princes' , 0x00DD85 , 0),\n\t( 'America/Maceio' , 0x00DDEB , 0),\t( 'America/Managua' , 0x00DF25 , 0),\t( 'America/Manaus' , 0x00DFD8 , 0),\t( 'America/Marigot' , 0x00E0DA , 0),\n\t( 'America/Martinique' , 0x00E12F , 0),\t( 'America/Matamoros' , 0x00E19B , 0),\t( 'America/Mazatlan' , 0x00E3F4 , 0),\t( 'America/Mendoza' , 0x00E661 , 0),\n\t( 'America/Menominee' , 0x00E815 , 0),\t( 'America/Merida' , 0x00EB96 , 0),\t( 'America/Metlakatla' , 0x00EDD1 , 0),\t( 'America/Mexico_City' , 0x00EF0C , 0),\n\t( 'America/Miquelon' , 0x00F187 , 0),\t( 'America/Moncton' , 0x00F3F9 , 0),\t( 'America/Monterrey' , 0x00F890 , 0),\t( 'America/Montevideo' , 0x00FAF3 , 0),\n\t( 'America/Montreal' , 0x00FE05 , 0),\t( 'America/Montserrat' , 0x0102F5 , 0),\t( 'America/Nassau' , 0x01034A , 0),\t( 'America/New_York' , 0x01068F , 0),\n\t( 'America/Nipigon' , 0x010B9A , 0),\t( 'America/Nome' , 0x010EEB , 0),\t( 'America/Noronha' , 0x011269 , 0),\t( 'America/North_Dakota/Beulah' , 0x011399 , 0),\n\t( 'America/North_Dakota/Center' , 0x01172D , 0),\t( 'America/North_Dakota/New_Salem' , 0x011AC1 , 0),\t( 'America/Ojinaga' , 0x011E6A , 0),\t( 'America/Panama' , 0x0120CB , 0),\n\t( 'America/Pangnirtung' , 0x012120 , 0),\t( 'America/Paramaribo' , 0x012456 , 0),\t( 'America/Phoenix' , 0x0124E8 , 0),\t( 'America/Port-au-Prince' , 0x0125A6 , 0),\n\t( 'America/Port_of_Spain' , 0x0128CA , 0),\t( 'America/Porto_Acre' , 0x0127C6 , 0),\t( 'America/Porto_Velho' , 0x01291F , 0),\t( 'America/Puerto_Rico' , 0x012A15 , 0),\n\t( 'America/Rainy_River' , 0x012A80 , 0),\t( 'America/Rankin_Inlet' , 0x012DB8 , 0),\t( 'America/Recife' , 0x01309E , 0),\t( 'America/Regina' , 0x0131C8 , 0),\n\t( 'America/Resolute' , 0x013386 , 0),\t( 'America/Rio_Branco' , 0x01366E , 0),\t( 'America/Rosario' , 0x013776 , 0),\t( 'America/Santa_Isabel' , 0x01391C , 0),\n\t( 'America/Santarem' , 0x013CBF , 0),\t( 'America/Santiago' , 0x013DC4 , 0),\t( 'America/Santo_Domingo' , 0x014094 , 0),\t( 'America/Sao_Paulo' , 0x01415A , 0),\n\t( 'America/Scoresbysund' , 0x014469 , 0),\t( 'America/Shiprock' , 0x014757 , 0),\t( 'America/Sitka' , 0x014AD0 , 0),\t( 'America/St_Barthelemy' , 0x014E58 , 0),\n\t( 'America/St_Johns' , 0x014EAD , 0),\t( 'America/St_Kitts' , 0x015400 , 0),\t( 'America/St_Lucia' , 0x015455 , 0),\t( 'America/St_Thomas' , 0x0154AA , 0),\n\t( 'America/St_Vincent' , 0x0154FF , 0),\t( 'America/Swift_Current' , 0x015554 , 0),\t( 'America/Tegucigalpa' , 0x015675 , 0),\t( 'America/Thule' , 0x0156F4 , 0),\n\t( 'America/Thunder_Bay' , 0x01593B , 0),\t( 'America/Tijuana' , 0x015C84 , 0),\t( 'America/Toronto' , 0x01601D , 0),\t( 'America/Tortola' , 0x01653D , 0),\n\t( 'America/Vancouver' , 0x016592 , 0),\t( 'America/Virgin' , 0x0169CF , 0),\t( 'America/Whitehorse' , 0x016A24 , 0),\t( 'America/Winnipeg' , 0x016D41 , 0),\n\t( 'America/Yakutat' , 0x017181 , 0),\t( 'America/Yellowknife' , 0x0174EC , 0),\t( 'Antarctica/Casey' , 0x0177FC , 0),\t( 'Antarctica/Davis' , 0x01789A , 0),\n\t( 'Antarctica/DumontDUrville' , 0x01793B , 0),\t( 'Antarctica/Macquarie' , 0x0179CC , 0),\t( 'Antarctica/Mawson' , 0x017C19 , 0),\t( 'Antarctica/McMurdo' , 0x017C95 , 0),\n\t( 'Antarctica/Palmer' , 0x018040 , 0),\t( 'Antarctica/Rothera' , 0x018283 , 0),\t( 'Antarctica/South_Pole' , 0x0182F9 , 0),\t( 'Antarctica/Syowa' , 0x018677 , 0),\n\t( 'Antarctica/Troll' , 0x0186E5 , 0),\t( 'Antarctica/Vostok' , 0x0188B7 , 0),\t( 'Arctic/Longyearbyen' , 0x018928 , 0),\t( 'Asia/Aden' , 0x018C5A , 0),\n\t( 'Asia/Almaty' , 0x018CAF , 0),\t( 'Asia/Amman' , 0x018E2E , 0),\t( 'Asia/Anadyr' , 0x0190E4 , 0),\t( 'Asia/Aqtau' , 0x0192E6 , 0),\n\t( 'Asia/Aqtobe' , 0x0194E5 , 0),\t( 'Asia/Ashgabat' , 0x01969D , 0),\t( 'Asia/Ashkhabad' , 0x0197BA , 0),\t( 'Asia/Baghdad' , 0x0198D7 , 0),\n\t( 'Asia/Bahrain' , 0x019A4C , 0),\t( 'Asia/Baku' , 0x019AB2 , 0),\t( 'Asia/Bangkok' , 0x019D9A , 0),\t( 'Asia/Beirut' , 0x019DEF , 0),\n\t( 'Asia/Bishkek' , 0x01A0FC , 0),\t( 'Asia/Brunei' , 0x01A2A8 , 0),\t( 'Asia/Calcutta' , 0x01A30A , 0),\t( 'Asia/Chita' , 0x01A383 , 0),\n\t( 'Asia/Choibalsan' , 0x01A598 , 0),\t( 'Asia/Chongqing' , 0x01A7FF , 0),\t( 'Asia/Chungking' , 0x01A89F , 0),\t( 'Asia/Colombo' , 0x01A93F , 0),\n\t( 'Asia/Dacca' , 0x01A9DB , 0),\t( 'Asia/Damascus' , 0x01AA81 , 0),\t( 'Asia/Dhaka' , 0x01ADD1 , 0),\t( 'Asia/Dili' , 0x01AE77 , 0),\n\t( 'Asia/Dubai' , 0x01AF01 , 0),\t( 'Asia/Dushanbe' , 0x01AF56 , 0),\t( 'Asia/Gaza' , 0x01B059 , 0),\t( 'Asia/Harbin' , 0x01B3AC , 0),\n\t( 'Asia/Hebron' , 0x01B44C , 0),\t( 'Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh' , 0x01B7A8 , 0),\t( 'Asia/Hong_Kong' , 0x01B84A , 0),\t( 'Asia/Hovd' , 0x01BA0C , 0),\n\t( 'Asia/Irkutsk' , 0x01BC6A , 0),\t( 'Asia/Istanbul' , 0x01BE55 , 0),\t( 'Asia/Jakarta' , 0x01C242 , 0),\t( 'Asia/Jayapura' , 0x01C2EC , 0),\n\t( 'Asia/Jerusalem' , 0x01C389 , 0),\t( 'Asia/Kabul' , 0x01C6B8 , 0),\t( 'Asia/Kamchatka' , 0x01C709 , 0),\t( 'Asia/Karachi' , 0x01C902 , 0),\n\t( 'Asia/Kashgar' , 0x01C9B7 , 0),\t( 'Asia/Kathmandu' , 0x01CA0C , 0),\t( 'Asia/Katmandu' , 0x01CA72 , 0),\t( 'Asia/Khandyga' , 0x01CAD8 , 0),\n\t( 'Asia/Kolkata' , 0x01CD02 , 0),\t( 'Asia/Krasnoyarsk' , 0x01CD7B , 0),\t( 'Asia/Kuala_Lumpur' , 0x01CF68 , 0),\t( 'Asia/Kuching' , 0x01D025 , 0),\n\t( 'Asia/Kuwait' , 0x01D113 , 0),\t( 'Asia/Macao' , 0x01D168 , 0),\t( 'Asia/Macau' , 0x01D2A3 , 0),\t( 'Asia/Magadan' , 0x01D3DE , 0),\n\t( 'Asia/Makassar' , 0x01D5E2 , 0),\t( 'Asia/Manila' , 0x01D6A7 , 0),\t( 'Asia/Muscat' , 0x01D72C , 0),\t( 'Asia/Nicosia' , 0x01D781 , 0),\n\t( 'Asia/Novokuznetsk' , 0x01DA69 , 0),\t( 'Asia/Novosibirsk' , 0x01DC89 , 0),\t( 'Asia/Omsk' , 0x01DE79 , 0),\t( 'Asia/Oral' , 0x01E065 , 0),\n\t( 'Asia/Phnom_Penh' , 0x01E235 , 0),\t( 'Asia/Pontianak' , 0x01E28A , 0),\t( 'Asia/Pyongyang' , 0x01E34C , 0),\t( 'Asia/Qatar' , 0x01E3D1 , 0),\n\t( 'Asia/Qyzylorda' , 0x01E437 , 0),\t( 'Asia/Rangoon' , 0x01E60D , 0),\t( 'Asia/Riyadh' , 0x01E685 , 0),\t( 'Asia/Saigon' , 0x01E6DA , 0),\n\t( 'Asia/Sakhalin' , 0x01E77C , 0),\t( 'Asia/Samarkand' , 0x01E979 , 0),\t( 'Asia/Seoul' , 0x01EAAF , 0),\t( 'Asia/Shanghai' , 0x01EBA2 , 0),\n\t( 'Asia/Singapore' , 0x01EC4E , 0),\t( 'Asia/Srednekolymsk' , 0x01ED05 , 0),\t( 'Asia/Taipei' , 0x01EF05 , 0),\t( 'Asia/Tashkent' , 0x01F036 , 0),\n\t( 'Asia/Tbilisi' , 0x01F167 , 0),\t( 'Asia/Tehran' , 0x01F321 , 0),\t( 'Asia/Tel_Aviv' , 0x01F58F , 0),\t( 'Asia/Thimbu' , 0x01F8BE , 0),\n\t( 'Asia/Thimphu' , 0x01F924 , 0),\t( 'Asia/Tokyo' , 0x01F98A , 0),\t( 'Asia/Ujung_Pandang' , 0x01FA14 , 0),\t( 'Asia/Ulaanbaatar' , 0x01FA91 , 0),\n\t( 'Asia/Ulan_Bator' , 0x01FCD2 , 0),\t( 'Asia/Urumqi' , 0x01FF05 , 0),\t( 'Asia/Ust-Nera' , 0x01FF67 , 0),\t( 'Asia/Vientiane' , 0x020179 , 0),\n\t( 'Asia/Vladivostok' , 0x0201CE , 0),\t( 'Asia/Yakutsk' , 0x0203B8 , 0),\t( 'Asia/Yekaterinburg' , 0x0205A2 , 0),\t( 'Asia/Yerevan' , 0x0207C3 , 0),\n\t( 'Atlantic/Azores' , 0x0209C3 , 0),\t( 'Atlantic/Bermuda' , 0x020EC6 , 0),\t( 'Atlantic/Canary' , 0x0211A7 , 0),\t( 'Atlantic/Cape_Verde' , 0x02147D , 0),\n\t( 'Atlantic/Faeroe' , 0x0214F6 , 0),\t( 'Atlantic/Faroe' , 0x02179A , 0),\t( 'Atlantic/Jan_Mayen' , 0x021A3E , 0),\t( 'Atlantic/Madeira' , 0x021D70 , 0),\n\t( 'Atlantic/Reykjavik' , 0x022279 , 0),\t( 'Atlantic/South_Georgia' , 0x022446 , 0),\t( 'Atlantic/St_Helena' , 0x022658 , 0),\t( 'Atlantic/Stanley' , 0x02248A , 0),\n\t( 'Australia/ACT' , 0x0226AD , 0),\t( 'Australia/Adelaide' , 0x0229D0 , 0),\t( 'Australia/Brisbane' , 0x022D02 , 0),\t( 'Australia/Broken_Hill' , 0x022DCF , 0),\n\t( 'Australia/Canberra' , 0x023113 , 0),\t( 'Australia/Currie' , 0x023436 , 0),\t( 'Australia/Darwin' , 0x02376F , 0),\t( 'Australia/Eucla' , 0x0237FB , 0),\n\t( 'Australia/Hobart' , 0x0238D7 , 0),\t( 'Australia/LHI' , 0x023C3B , 0),\t( 'Australia/Lindeman' , 0x023EDC , 0),\t( 'Australia/Lord_Howe' , 0x023FC3 , 0),\n\t( 'Australia/Melbourne' , 0x024274 , 0),\t( 'Australia/North' , 0x02459F , 0),\t( 'Australia/NSW' , 0x024619 , 0),\t( 'Australia/Perth' , 0x02493C , 0),\n\t( 'Australia/Queensland' , 0x024A1A , 0),\t( 'Australia/South' , 0x024ACC , 0),\t( 'Australia/Sydney' , 0x024DEF , 0),\t( 'Australia/Tasmania' , 0x025132 , 0),\n\t( 'Australia/Victoria' , 0x02547D , 0),\t( 'Australia/West' , 0x0257A0 , 0),\t( 'Australia/Yancowinna' , 0x02585C , 0),\t( 'Brazil/Acre' , 0x025B84 , 0),\n\t( 'Brazil/DeNoronha' , 0x025C88 , 0),\t( 'Brazil/East' , 0x025DA8 , 0),\t( 'Brazil/West' , 0x026085 , 0),\t( 'Canada/Atlantic' , 0x02617D , 0),\n\t( 'Canada/Central' , 0x026665 , 0),\t( 'Canada/East-Saskatchewan' , 0x026F6F , 0),\t( 'Canada/Eastern' , 0x026A7F , 0),\t( 'Canada/Mountain' , 0x0270F8 , 0),\n\t( 'Canada/Newfoundland' , 0x02746E , 0),\t( 'Canada/Pacific' , 0x027999 , 0),\t( 'Canada/Saskatchewan' , 0x027DB2 , 0),\t( 'Canada/Yukon' , 0x027F3B , 0),\n\t( 'CET' , 0x02823E , 0),\t( 'Chile/Continental' , 0x028547 , 0),\t( 'Chile/EasterIsland' , 0x028809 , 0),\t( 'CST6CDT' , 0x028A72 , 0),\n\t( 'Cuba' , 0x028DC3 , 0),\t( 'EET' , 0x029136 , 0),\t( 'Egypt' , 0x0293E9 , 0),\t( 'Eire' , 0x0297D0 , 0),\n\t( 'EST' , 0x029CE1 , 0),\t( 'EST5EDT' , 0x029D25 , 0),\t( 'Etc/GMT' , 0x02A076 , 0),\t( 'Etc/GMT+0' , 0x02A142 , 0),\n\t( 'Etc/GMT+1' , 0x02A1CC , 0),\t( 'Etc/GMT+10' , 0x02A259 , 0),\t( 'Etc/GMT+11' , 0x02A2E7 , 0),\t( 'Etc/GMT+12' , 0x02A375 , 0),\n\t( 'Etc/GMT+2' , 0x02A490 , 0),\t( 'Etc/GMT+3' , 0x02A51C , 0),\t( 'Etc/GMT+4' , 0x02A5A8 , 0),\t( 'Etc/GMT+5' , 0x02A634 , 0),\n\t( 'Etc/GMT+6' , 0x02A6C0 , 0),\t( 'Etc/GMT+7' , 0x02A74C , 0),\t( 'Etc/GMT+8' , 0x02A7D8 , 0),\t( 'Etc/GMT+9' , 0x02A864 , 0),\n\t( 'Etc/GMT-0' , 0x02A0FE , 0),\t( 'Etc/GMT-1' , 0x02A186 , 0),\t( 'Etc/GMT-10' , 0x02A212 , 0),\t( 'Etc/GMT-11' , 0x02A2A0 , 0),\n\t( 'Etc/GMT-12' , 0x02A32E , 0),\t( 'Etc/GMT-13' , 0x02A3BC , 0),\t( 'Etc/GMT-14' , 0x02A403 , 0),\t( 'Etc/GMT-2' , 0x02A44A , 0),\n\t( 'Etc/GMT-3' , 0x02A4D6 , 0),\t( 'Etc/GMT-4' , 0x02A562 , 0),\t( 'Etc/GMT-5' , 0x02A5EE , 0),\t( 'Etc/GMT-6' , 0x02A67A , 0),\n\t( 'Etc/GMT-7' , 0x02A706 , 0),\t( 'Etc/GMT-8' , 0x02A792 , 0),\t( 'Etc/GMT-9' , 0x02A81E , 0),\t( 'Etc/GMT0' , 0x02A0BA , 0),\n\t( 'Etc/Greenwich' , 0x02A8AA , 0),\t( 'Etc/UCT' , 0x02A8EE , 0),\t( 'Etc/Universal' , 0x02A932 , 0),\t( 'Etc/UTC' , 0x02A976 , 0),\n\t( 'Etc/Zulu' , 0x02A9BA , 0),\t( 'Europe/Amsterdam' , 0x02A9FE , 0),\t( 'Europe/Andorra' , 0x02AE3C , 0),\t( 'Europe/Athens' , 0x02B0B8 , 0),\n\t( 'Europe/Belfast' , 0x02B3FB , 0),\t( 'Europe/Belgrade' , 0x02B932 , 0),\t( 'Europe/Berlin' , 0x02BBFB , 0),\t( 'Europe/Bratislava' , 0x02BF5F , 0),\n\t( 'Europe/Brussels' , 0x02C291 , 0),\t( 'Europe/Bucharest' , 0x02C6C8 , 0),\t( 'Europe/Budapest' , 0x02C9F2 , 0),\t( 'Europe/Busingen' , 0x02CD5B , 0),\n\t( 'Europe/Chisinau' , 0x02D012 , 0),\t( 'Europe/Copenhagen' , 0x02D3A0 , 0),\t( 'Europe/Dublin' , 0x02D6AA , 0),\t( 'Europe/Gibraltar' , 0x02DBBB , 0),\n\t( 'Europe/Guernsey' , 0x02E012 , 0),\t( 'Europe/Helsinki' , 0x02E549 , 0),\t( 'Europe/Isle_of_Man' , 0x02E7FF , 0),\t( 'Europe/Istanbul' , 0x02ED36 , 0),\n\t( 'Europe/Jersey' , 0x02F123 , 0),\t( 'Europe/Kaliningrad' , 0x02F65A , 0),\t( 'Europe/Kiev' , 0x02F8C5 , 0),\t( 'Europe/Lisbon' , 0x02FBE1 , 0),\n\t( 'Europe/Ljubljana' , 0x0300E5 , 0),\t( 'Europe/London' , 0x0303AE , 0),\t( 'Europe/Luxembourg' , 0x0308E5 , 0),\t( 'Europe/Madrid' , 0x030D3B , 0),\n\t( 'Europe/Malta' , 0x031101 , 0),\t( 'Europe/Mariehamn' , 0x0314BA , 0),\t( 'Europe/Minsk' , 0x031770 , 0),\t( 'Europe/Monaco' , 0x031983 , 0),\n\t( 'Europe/Moscow' , 0x031DBE , 0),\t( 'Europe/Nicosia' , 0x032018 , 0),\t( 'Europe/Oslo' , 0x032300 , 0),\t( 'Europe/Paris' , 0x032632 , 0),\n\t( 'Europe/Podgorica' , 0x032A78 , 0),\t( 'Europe/Prague' , 0x032D41 , 0),\t( 'Europe/Riga' , 0x033073 , 0),\t( 'Europe/Rome' , 0x0333B8 , 0),\n\t( 'Europe/Samara' , 0x03377B , 0),\t( 'Europe/San_Marino' , 0x0339E4 , 0),\t( 'Europe/Sarajevo' , 0x033DA7 , 0),\t( 'Europe/Simferopol' , 0x034070 , 0),\n\t( 'Europe/Skopje' , 0x0342C1 , 0),\t( 'Europe/Sofia' , 0x03458A , 0),\t( 'Europe/Stockholm' , 0x034892 , 0),\t( 'Europe/Tallinn' , 0x034B41 , 0),\n\t( 'Europe/Tirane' , 0x034E7B , 0),\t( 'Europe/Tiraspol' , 0x035181 , 0),\t( 'Europe/Uzhgorod' , 0x03550F , 0),\t( 'Europe/Vaduz' , 0x035826 , 0),\n\t( 'Europe/Vatican' , 0x035AD5 , 0),\t( 'Europe/Vienna' , 0x035E98 , 0),\t( 'Europe/Vilnius' , 0x0361C5 , 0),\t( 'Europe/Volgograd' , 0x036504 , 0),\n\t( 'Europe/Warsaw' , 0x036729 , 0),\t( 'Europe/Zagreb' , 0x036B0A , 0),\t( 'Europe/Zaporozhye' , 0x036DD3 , 0),\t( 'Europe/Zurich' , 0x037114 , 0),\n\t( 'Factory' , 0x0373C3 , 0),\t( 'GB' , 0x037434 , 0),\t( 'GB-Eire' , 0x03796B , 0),\t( 'GMT' , 0x037EA2 , 0),\n\t( 'GMT+0' , 0x037F6E , 0),\t( 'GMT-0' , 0x037F2A , 0),\t( 'GMT0' , 0x037EE6 , 0),\t( 'Greenwich' , 0x037FB2 , 0),\n\t( 'Hongkong' , 0x037FF6 , 0),\t( 'HST' , 0x0381B8 , 0),\t( 'Iceland' , 0x0381FC , 0),\t( 'Indian/Antananarivo' , 0x0383C9 , 0),\n\t( 'Indian/Chagos' , 0x038448 , 0),\t( 'Indian/Christmas' , 0x0384AA , 0),\t( 'Indian/Cocos' , 0x0384EE , 0),\t( 'Indian/Comoro' , 0x038532 , 0),\n\t( 'Indian/Kerguelen' , 0x0385B1 , 0),\t( 'Indian/Mahe' , 0x038606 , 0),\t( 'Indian/Maldives' , 0x03865B , 0),\t( 'Indian/Mauritius' , 0x0386B0 , 0),\n\t( 'Indian/Mayotte' , 0x038726 , 0),\t( 'Indian/Reunion' , 0x0387A5 , 0),\t( 'Iran' , 0x0387FA , 0),\t( 'Israel' , 0x038A68 , 0),\n\t( 'Jamaica' , 0x038D97 , 0),\t( 'Japan' , 0x038E5C , 0),\t( 'Kwajalein' , 0x038EE6 , 0),\t( 'Libya' , 0x038F49 , 0),\n\t( 'MET' , 0x039052 , 0),\t( 'Mexico/BajaNorte' , 0x03935B , 0),\t( 'Mexico/BajaSur' , 0x0396C4 , 0),\t( 'Mexico/General' , 0x039909 , 0),\n\t( 'MST' , 0x039B67 , 0),\t( 'MST7MDT' , 0x039BAB , 0),\t( 'Navajo' , 0x039EFC , 0),\t( 'NZ' , 0x03A275 , 0),\n\t( 'NZ-CHAT' , 0x03A5F3 , 0),\t( 'Pacific/Apia' , 0x03A8D7 , 0),\t( 'Pacific/Auckland' , 0x03AA73 , 0),\t( 'Pacific/Bougainville' , 0x03ADFF , 0),\n\t( 'Pacific/Chatham' , 0x03AE76 , 0),\t( 'Pacific/Chuuk' , 0x03B169 , 0),\t( 'Pacific/Easter' , 0x03B1C2 , 0),\t( 'Pacific/Efate' , 0x03B438 , 0),\n\t( 'Pacific/Enderbury' , 0x03B4FE , 0),\t( 'Pacific/Fakaofo' , 0x03B56C , 0),\t( 'Pacific/Fiji' , 0x03B5BD , 0),\t( 'Pacific/Funafuti' , 0x03B750 , 0),\n\t( 'Pacific/Galapagos' , 0x03B794 , 0),\t( 'Pacific/Gambier' , 0x03B80C , 0),\t( 'Pacific/Guadalcanal' , 0x03B871 , 0),\t( 'Pacific/Guam' , 0x03B8C6 , 0),\n\t( 'Pacific/Honolulu' , 0x03B91C , 0),\t( 'Pacific/Johnston' , 0x03B993 , 0),\t( 'Pacific/Kiritimati' , 0x03BA12 , 0),\t( 'Pacific/Kosrae' , 0x03BA7D , 0),\n\t( 'Pacific/Kwajalein' , 0x03BADA , 0),\t( 'Pacific/Majuro' , 0x03BB46 , 0),\t( 'Pacific/Marquesas' , 0x03BBA5 , 0),\t( 'Pacific/Midway' , 0x03BC0C , 0),\n\t( 'Pacific/Nauru' , 0x03BC91 , 0),\t( 'Pacific/Niue' , 0x03BD09 , 0),\t( 'Pacific/Norfolk' , 0x03BD67 , 0),\t( 'Pacific/Noumea' , 0x03BDBC , 0),\n\t( 'Pacific/Pago_Pago' , 0x03BE4C , 0),\t( 'Pacific/Palau' , 0x03BEC3 , 0),\t( 'Pacific/Pitcairn' , 0x03BF07 , 0),\t( 'Pacific/Pohnpei' , 0x03BF5C , 0),\n\t( 'Pacific/Ponape' , 0x03BFB1 , 0),\t( 'Pacific/Port_Moresby' , 0x03BFF6 , 0),\t( 'Pacific/Rarotonga' , 0x03C048 , 0),\t( 'Pacific/Saipan' , 0x03C124 , 0),\n\t( 'Pacific/Samoa' , 0x03C17A , 0),\t( 'Pacific/Tahiti' , 0x03C1F1 , 0),\t( 'Pacific/Tarawa' , 0x03C256 , 0),\t( 'Pacific/Tongatapu' , 0x03C2AA , 0),\n\t( 'Pacific/Truk' , 0x03C336 , 0),\t( 'Pacific/Wake' , 0x03C37B , 0),\t( 'Pacific/Wallis' , 0x03C3CB , 0),\t( 'Pacific/Yap' , 0x03C40F , 0),\n\t( 'Poland' , 0x03C454 , 0),\t( 'Portugal' , 0x03C835 , 0),\t( 'PRC' , 0x03CD31 , 0),\t( 'PST8PDT' , 0x03CDD1 , 0),\n\t( 'ROC' , 0x03D122 , 0),\t( 'ROK' , 0x03D253 , 0),\t( 'Singapore' , 0x03D346 , 0),\t( 'Turkey' , 0x03D3FD , 0),\n\t( 'UCT' , 0x03D7EA , 0),\t( 'Universal' , 0x03D82E , 0),\t( 'US/Alaska' , 0x03D872 , 0),\t( 'US/Aleutian' , 0x03DBDB , 0),\n\t( 'US/Arizona' , 0x03DF41 , 0),\t( 'US/Central' , 0x03DFCF , 0),\t( 'US/East-Indiana' , 0x03E9D9 , 0),\t( 'US/Eastern' , 0x03E4DA , 0),\n\t( 'US/Hawaii' , 0x03EC43 , 0),\t( 'US/Indiana-Starke' , 0x03ECB4 , 0),\t( 'US/Michigan' , 0x03F025 , 0),\t( 'US/Mountain' , 0x03F35C , 0),\n\t( 'US/Pacific' , 0x03F6D5 , 0),\t( 'US/Pacific-New' , 0x03FADA , 0),\t( 'US/Samoa' , 0x03FEDF , 0),\t( 'UTC' , 0x03FF56 , 0),\n\t( 'W-SU' , 0x04024D , 0),\t( 'WET' , 0x03FF9A , 0),\n ( 'Zulu' , 0x040490 , 0);"; $CI->db->query($sqlStr); $sqlStr = "ALTER TABLE admin_chapters\n ADD ch_lTimeZone INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '2'\n COMMENT 'foreign key to table lists_tz'\n AFTER `ch_bUS_DateFormat`;"; $CI->db->query($sqlStr); // find the current time zone $strTZ = $CI->config->item('dl_timezone'); $sqlStr = 'SELECT tz_lKeyID FROM lists_tz WHERE tz_strTimeZone=' . strPrepStr($strTZ) . ' ORDER BY tz_lKeyID LIMIT 0,1;'; $query = $CI->db->query($sqlStr); $numRows = $query->num_rows(); if ($numRows > 0) { $row = $query->row(); $lTZ = (int) $row->tz_lKeyID; $sqlStr = "UPDATE admin_chapters SET ch_lTimeZone = '{$lTZ}' WHERE ch_lKeyID =1;"; $CI->db->query($sqlStr); } }
function loadCustomFormsViaType($enumType) { //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // //--------------------------------------------------------------------- $this->strWhereExtra = ' AND cf_enumContextType= ' . strPrepStr($enumType) . ' '; $this->loadCustomForms(); }
function loadVolRegFormsViaHash($strHash) { //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // //--------------------------------------------------------------------- $this->strWhereExtra = ' AND vreg_strURLHash=' . strPrepStr($strHash) . ' '; $this->loadVolRegForms(); }
function lDocsGrouped(&$lNumContextGroups, &$contextGroups) { //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // //--------------------------------------------------------------------- $sqlWhere = 'AND di_enumEntryType=' . strPrepStr(CENUM_IMGDOC_ENTRY_PDF) . ' '; $this->lGroupedImageDocCnt($sqlWhere, 'di_enumContextType', $lNumContextGroups, $contextGroups); }
public function updateEventDate($lEventDateID, $dteEvent, $bmysqlDate = false) { //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($bmysqlDate) { $strEDate = strPrepStr($dteEvent); } else { $strEDate = strPrepDate($dteEvent); } $sqlStr = "UPDATE vol_events_dates\n SET\n ved_dteEvent = {$strEDate}\n WHERE ved_lKeyID={$lEventDateID};"; $this->db->query($sqlStr); }
function strNameWhereClauseViaLetter($strFieldName, $strDirLetter) { //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // //--------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($strDirLetter == '*') { $strWhereName = ' '; } elseif ($strDirLetter == '#') { $strWhereName = ' AND ((LEFT(' . $strFieldName . ',1) < "A") OR (LEFT(' . $strFieldName . ',1) > "Z")) '; } else { $strWhereName = ' AND (LEFT(' . $strFieldName . ',1)=' . strPrepStr($strDirLetter) . ') '; } return $strWhereName; }
function loadUFSchemaViaAttachTypeUserTabName($enumAttachType, $strUserTabName, &$lTableID, $bFreakIfNotFound = false) { //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // //--------------------------------------------------------------------- $this->sqlWhereExtra = ' AND pft_enumAttachType = ' . strPrepStr($enumAttachType) . ' AND pft_strUserTableName = ' . strPrepStr($strUserTabName) . ' '; $this->loadUFSchema(); if ($bFreakIfNotFound && $this->lNumTables == 0) { screamForHelp($strUserTabName . ': user table not found<br>error on line <b> -- ' . __LINE__ . ' --</b>,<br>file ' . __FILE__ . ',<br>function ' . __FUNCTION__); } // technique to get first key value // reset($this->schema); $lTableID = key($this->schema); }
function addEditS2() { //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // //--------------------------------------------------------------------- if (!bTestForURLHack('editPeopleBizVol')) { return; } $displayData = array(); $this->load->helper('js/simple_search'); $this->load->model('util/msearch_single_generic', 'clsSearch'); $this->load->model('people/mpeople', 'clsPeople'); $this->clsSearch->strSearchTerm = $strSearch = trim($_POST['txtSearch']); //----------------------------- // search display setup //----------------------------- $this->clsSearch->enumSearchType = CENUM_CONTEXT_PEOPLE; $this->clsSearch->strSearchLabel = 'People'; $this->clsSearch->bShowKeyID = true; $this->clsSearch->strIDLabel = 'peopleID: '; $this->clsSearch->bShowLink = false; $this->clsSearch->bShowSelect = true; $this->clsSearch->bShowEnumSearchType = false; $this->clsSearch->strDisplayTitle = '<br>Please select the person to add as a volunteer</b><br>'; // landing page for selection $this->clsSearch->strPathSelection = 'volunteers/vol_add_edit/addNewS3/'; $this->clsSearch->strTitleSelection = 'Select person'; // landing page for "back" $this->clsSearch->strPathSearchAgain = 'volunteers/vol_add_edit/addEditS1'; $this->clsSearch->strTitleSearchAgain = 'Search again...'; $lLeftCnt = strlen($strSearch); $this->clsSearch->strWhereExtra = " AND LEFT(pe_strLName, {$lLeftCnt})=" . strPrepStr($strSearch) . ' '; // run search $displayData['strSearchLabel'] = 'Searching for ' . $this->clsSearch->enumSearchType . ' that begin with <b><i>"' . htmlspecialchars($strSearch) . '"</b></i><br>'; $this->clsSearch->searchNewVolunteer(); $displayData['strHTMLSearchResults'] = $this->clsSearch->strHTML_SearchResults(); //----------------------------- // breadcrumbs & page setup //----------------------------- $displayData['title'] = CS_PROGNAME . ' | Add new volunteer'; $displayData['pageTitle'] = anchor('main/menu/vols', 'Volunteers', 'class="breadcrumb"') . ' | Add New Volunteers'; $displayData['mainTemplate'] = 'vols/search_sel_person_view'; $displayData['nav'] = $this->mnav_brain_jar->navData(); $this->load->vars($displayData); $this->load->view('template'); }
function searchHH($strSearch) { //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // //--------------------------------------------------------------------- $displayData = array(); if (!bTestForURLHack('dataEntryPeopleBizVol')) { return; } $this->load->model('util/msearch_single_generic', 'clsSearch'); $this->load->model('people/mpeople', 'clsPeople'); //----------------------------- // search display setup //----------------------------- $this->clsSearch->enumSearchType = CENUM_CONTEXT_HOUSEHOLD; $this->clsSearch->strSearchLabel = 'Household'; $this->clsSearch->bShowKeyID = true; $this->clsSearch->bShowSelect = true; $this->clsSearch->bShowEnumSearchType = false; $this->clsSearch->strDisplayTitle = '<br>Please select the household for the new person</b><br>'; // landing page for selection $this->clsSearch->strPathSelection = 'people/people_add_new/addNewS3/'; $this->clsSearch->strTitleSelection = 'Select household'; // landing page for "back" $this->clsSearch->strPathSearchAgain = 'people/people_add_new/selCon'; $this->clsSearch->strTitleSearchAgain = 'Search again...'; $lLeftCnt = strlen($strSearch); $this->clsSearch->strSearchTerm = $strSearch; $this->clsSearch->strWhereExtra = " AND LEFT(pe_strLName, {$lLeftCnt})=" . strPrepStr($strSearch) . " "; $this->clsSearch->strIDLabel = 'household ID: '; $this->clsSearch->bShowLink = false; // run search $displayData['strSearchLabel'] = 'Searching for ' . $this->clsSearch->enumSearchType . ' that begin with <b><i>"' . htmlspecialchars($strSearch) . '"</b></i><br>'; // $this->clsSearch->searchPeople(); $this->clsSearch->searchHousehold(); $displayData['strHTMLSearchResults'] = $this->clsSearch->strHTML_SearchResults(); //----------------------------- // breadcrumbs & page setup //----------------------------- $displayData['title'] = CS_PROGNAME . ' | Select Household'; $displayData['pageTitle'] = anchor('main/menu/people', 'People', 'class="breadcrumb"') . ' | ' . anchor('people/people_add_new/selCon', 'Add New', 'class="breadcrumb"') . ' | Select Household'; $displayData['mainTemplate'] = 'people/search_sel_household_view'; $displayData['nav'] = $this->mnav_brain_jar->navData(); $this->load->vars($displayData); $this->load->view('template'); }
function addRecycleEntry() { //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------- global $glUserID; $varGroupID = is_null($this->lGroupID) ? 0 : $this->lGroupID; $sqlStr = "INSERT INTO recycle_bin\n SET\n rb_lGroupID = {$varGroupID},\n rb_enumRecycleType = " . strPrepStr($this->enumRecycleType) . ', rb_strDescription = ' . strPrepStr(substr($this->strNotes, 0, 255)) . ', rb_strTable = ' . strPrepStr($this->strTable) . ', rb_strKeyIDFN = ' . strPrepStr($this->strKeyIDFN) . ', rb_strRetireFN = ' . strPrepStr($this->strRetireFN) . ",\n rb_lForeignID = {$this->lForeignID},\n rb_lOriginID = {$glUserID},\n rb_lLastUpdateID = {$glUserID},\n rb_dteOrigin = NOW(),\n rb_dteLastUpdate = NOW();"; $query = $this->db->query($sqlStr); if (is_null($this->lGroupID)) { $this->lGroupID = $lKeyID = mysql_insert_id(); $sqlStr = "UPDATE recycle_bin SET rb_lGroupID={$lKeyID} WHERE rb_lKeyID={$lKeyID};"; $query = $this->db->query($sqlStr); } }
public function bVerifyUniqueText($strTestText, $strTxtFN, $lKeyExclude, $strKeyFN, $bExcludeRetired, $strRetiredFN, $bQualSubGroup1, $lKeySubGroup1, $strSubGroupFN_1, $bQualSubGroup2, $lKeySubGroup2, $strSubGroupFN_2, $strTableName) { //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // return true if the text entry is not already in the database. // Inputs: // $strTestText - text to test against // $strTxtFN - field name of the text field // $lKeyExclude - exclusion key value (if testing for uniqueness but want to exclude // the current entry (for updates)) // $strKeyFN - the field name of the key // $bExcludeRetired - if true, exclude retired table entries from the test // $strRetiredFN - field name of retired entry flag (assumed to be boolean) // $strTableName - the database table name // // $bQualSubGroup1/2, $lKeySubGroup1/2, $strSubGroupFN_1/2 // - if true, qualify the search to records that have matching // key values //--------------------------------------------------------------------- $strQual1 = $strQual2 = ''; if ($bQualSubGroup1) { if (is_numeric($lKeySubGroup1)) { $strQual1 = "AND ({$strSubGroupFN_1} = {$lKeySubGroup1}) "; } else { $strQual1 = "AND ({$strSubGroupFN_1} = " . strPrepStr($lKeySubGroup1) . ') '; } } if ($bQualSubGroup2) { if (is_numeric($lKeySubGroup2)) { $strQual2 = "AND ({$strSubGroupFN_2} = {$lKeySubGroup2}) "; } else { $strQual2 = "AND ({$strSubGroupFN_2} = " . strPrepStr($lKeySubGroup2) . ') '; } } $sqlStr = "SELECT count({$strKeyFN}) as lNumMatch\n FROM {$strTableName}\n WHERE ucase({$strTxtFN})=" . strPrepStr(strtoupper($strTestText)) . "\n AND {$strKeyFN}<>{$lKeyExclude}\n {$strQual1}\n {$strQual2} " . ($bExcludeRetired ? "AND ({$strRetiredFN}=0) " : '') . ';'; $query = $this->db->query($sqlStr); if ($query->num_rows() == 0) { screamForHelp('Unexpected SQL error - forms/util/util_VerifyUnique.php/bVerifyUniqueText'); } else { $row = $query->row(); return $row->lNumMatch == 0; } }
function lAddLogEntry($bSuccess, $strUserName) { //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // //--------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($bSuccess) { if (is_null($this->el_lUserID)) { screamForHelp('UNITIALIZED CLASS</b><br>error on <b>line:</b> ' . __LINE__ . '<br><b>file:</b> ' . __FILE__ . '<br><b>function:</b> ' . __FUNCTION__); } } $sqlStr = 'INSERT INTO admin_usage_log SET el_lUserID = ' . strDBValueConvert_INT($this->el_lUserID) . ', el_str_Remote_Addr = ' . strPrepStr(@$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) . ', el_strUserName = '******', el_bLoginSuccessful= ' . ($bSuccess ? '1' : '0') . ', el_str_Remote_Host = ' . strPrepStr(@$_SERVER['REMOTE_HOST']) . ', el_str_Remote_Port = ' . strPrepStr(@$_SERVER['REMOTE_PORT']) . ';'; $query = $this->db->query($sqlStr); return $this->db->insert_id(); }
function sqlCommonCustomFormAddEdit(&$fContext, &$rRec, $enumContext) { //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // //--------------------------------------------------------------------- global $glUserID; // internal fields $sqlStr = $fContext->strFNPrefix . 'strFormName = ' . strPrepStr($rRec->strFormName) . ', ' . "\n" . $fContext->strFNPrefix . 'strDescription = ' . strPrepStr($rRec->strDescription) . ', ' . "\n"; if ($fContext->bVolReg) { $sqlStr .= $fContext->strFNPrefix . 'strContactEmail = ' . strPrepStr($rRec->strContactEmail) . ', ' . "\n"; $sqlStr .= ' vreg_strCSSFN = ' . strPrepStr($rRec->strCSSFN) . ', vreg_lLogoImageID = ' . (is_null($rRec->lLogoImageID) ? 'null' : $rRec->lLogoImageID) . ', vreg_lVolGroupID = ' . (is_null($rRec->lVolGroupID) ? 'null' : $rRec->lVolGroupID) . ', vreg_bCaptchaRequired = ' . ($rRec->bCaptchaRequired ? '1' : '0') . ', ' . "\n"; // form registration permissions $sqlStr .= ' vreg_bPermEditContact = ' . ($rRec->bPermEditContact ? '1' : '0') . ', vreg_bPermPassReset = ' . ($rRec->bPermPassReset ? '1' : '0') . ', vreg_bPermViewGiftHistory = ' . ($rRec->bPermViewGiftHistory ? '1' : '0') . ', vreg_bPermEditJobSkills = ' . ($rRec->bPermEditJobSkills ? '1' : '0') . ', vreg_bPermViewHrsHistory = ' . ($rRec->bPermViewHrsHistory ? '1' : '0') . ', vreg_bPermAddVolHours = ' . ($rRec->bPermAddVolHours ? '1' : '0') . ', vreg_bVolShiftSignup = ' . ($rRec->bVolShiftSignup ? '1' : '0') . ', vreg_strBannerOrg = ' . strPrepStr($rRec->strBannerOrg) . ",\n"; // Standard Fields - show $sqlStr .= $fContext->strFNPrefix . 'bShowFName = ' . ($rRec->bShowFName ? '1' : '0') . ",\n" . $fContext->strFNPrefix . 'bShowLName = ' . ($rRec->bShowLName ? '1' : '0') . ",\n" . $fContext->strFNPrefix . 'bShowAddr = ' . ($rRec->bShowAddr ? '1' : '0') . ",\n" . $fContext->strFNPrefix . 'bShowEmail = ' . ($rRec->bShowEmail ? '1' : '0') . ",\n" . $fContext->strFNPrefix . 'bShowPhone = ' . ($rRec->bShowPhone ? '1' : '0') . ",\n" . $fContext->strFNPrefix . 'bShowCell = ' . ($rRec->bShowCell ? '1' : '0') . ",\n" . $fContext->strFNPrefix . 'bShowBDay = ' . ($rRec->bShowBDay ? '1' : '0') . ",\n"; // Standard Fields - required $sqlStr .= $fContext->strFNPrefix . 'bFNameRequired = ' . ($rRec->bFNameRequired ? '1' : '0') . ",\n" . $fContext->strFNPrefix . 'bLNameRequired = ' . ($rRec->bLNameRequired ? '1' : '0') . ",\n" . $fContext->strFNPrefix . 'bAddrRequired = ' . ($rRec->bAddrRequired ? '1' : '0') . ",\n" . $fContext->strFNPrefix . 'bEmailRequired = ' . ($rRec->bEmailRequired ? '1' : '0') . ",\n" . $fContext->strFNPrefix . 'bPhoneRequired = ' . ($rRec->bPhoneRequired ? '1' : '0') . ",\n" . $fContext->strFNPrefix . 'bCellRequired = ' . ($rRec->bCellRequired ? '1' : '0') . ",\n" . $fContext->strFNPrefix . 'bBDateRequired = ' . ($rRec->bBDateRequired ? '1' : '0') . ",\n"; // Disclaimer $sqlStr .= $fContext->strFNPrefix . 'bShowDisclaimer = ' . ($rRec->bShowDisclaimer ? '1' : '0') . ",\n" . $fContext->strFNPrefix . 'bDisclaimerAckRqrd = ' . ($rRec->bDisclaimerAckRqrd ? '1' : '0') . ",\n" . $fContext->strFNPrefix . 'strDisclaimerAck = ' . strPrepStr($rRec->strDisclaimerAck) . ",\n" . $fContext->strFNPrefix . 'strDisclaimer = ' . strPrepStr($rRec->strDisclaimer) . ",\n"; } else { $sqlStr .= $fContext->strFNPrefix . 'enumContextType = ' . strPrepStr($enumContext) . ",\n" . $fContext->strFNPrefix . 'strVerificationModule = ' . strPrepStr($rRec->strVerificationModule) . ",\n" . $fContext->strFNPrefix . 'strVModEntryPoint = ' . strPrepStr($rRec->strVModEntryPoint) . ",\n"; } // top banner $sqlStr .= $fContext->strFNPrefix . 'strBannerTitle = ' . strPrepStr($rRec->strBannerTitle) . ",\n" . $fContext->strFNPrefix . 'strSubmissionText = ' . strPrepStr($rRec->strSubmissionText) . ",\n" . $fContext->strFNPrefix . 'strIntro = ' . strPrepStr($rRec->strIntro) . ",\n"; // timestamp $sqlStr .= $fContext->strFNPrefix . 'lLastUpdateID = ' . $glUserID . ",\n" . $fContext->strFNPrefix . "dteLastUpdate=NOW() \n"; return $sqlStr; }
private function searchSelected(&$displayData, $lPID, $strTitle, $strSearch) { //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // //--------------------------------------------------------------------- $this->load->model('util/msearch_single_generic', 'clsSearch'); //----------------------------- // search display setup //----------------------------- $this->clsSearch->enumSearchType = CENUM_CONTEXT_PEOPLE; $this->clsSearch->strSearchLabel = 'People'; $this->clsSearch->bShowKeyID = true; $this->clsSearch->bShowSelect = true; $this->clsSearch->strIDLabel = 'peopleID: '; $this->clsSearch->bShowLink = false; $this->clsSearch->bShowEnumSearchType = false; $this->clsSearch->strDisplayTitle = '<br>Please select the person for this new relationship</b><br>'; // landing page for selection $this->clsSearch->strPathSelection = 'people/relationships/setRelType/' . $lPID . '/'; $this->clsSearch->strTitleSelection = 'Select person'; // landing page for "back" $this->clsSearch->strPathSearchAgain = 'people/relationships/addEditS1/' . $lPID; $this->clsSearch->strTitleSearchAgain = 'Search again...'; $lLeftCnt = strlen($strSearch); $this->clsSearch->strSearchTerm = $strSearch; $this->clsSearch->strWhereExtra = " AND (pe_lKeyID != {$lPID})\n AND LEFT(pe_strLName, {$lLeftCnt})=" . strPrepStr($strSearch) . " "; // run search $displayData['strSearchLabel'] = 'Searching for ' . $this->clsSearch->enumSearchType . ' that begin with <b><i>"' . htmlspecialchars($strSearch) . '"</b></i><br>'; $this->clsSearch->searchPeople(); $displayData['strHTMLSearchResults'] = $this->clsSearch->strHTML_SearchResults(); //----------------------------- // breadcrumbs & page setup //----------------------------- $displayData['title'] = CS_PROGNAME . ' | Relationships'; $displayData['nav'] = $this->mnav_brain_jar->navData(); $displayData['mainTemplate'] = 'people/search_sel_person_view'; $this->load->vars($displayData); $this->load->view('template'); }
private function strSQLCommon() { //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // //--------------------------------------------------------------------- global $glUserID; $cprog =& $this->cprogs[0]; return ' cp_strProgramName = ' . strPrepStr($cprog->strProgramName) . ', cp_strVocEnroll = ' . strPrepStr($cprog->strEnrollmentLabel) . ', cp_strVocAttendance = ' . strPrepStr($cprog->strAttendanceLabel) . ', cp_strDescription = ' . strPrepStr($cprog->strDescription) . ', cp_dteStart = ' . strPrepStr($cprog->dteMysqlStart) . ', cp_dteEnd = ' . strPrepStr($cprog->dteMysqlEnd) . ', cp_strE_VerificationModule = ' . strPrepStr($cprog->strE_VerificationModule) . ', cp_strE_VModEntryPoint = ' . strPrepStr($cprog->strE_VModEntryPoint) . ', cp_strA_VerificationModule = ' . strPrepStr($cprog->strA_VerificationModule) . ', cp_strA_VModEntryPoint = ' . strPrepStr($cprog->strA_VModEntryPoint) . ', cp_bHidden = ' . ($cprog->bHidden ? '1' : '0') . ', cp_bMentorMentee = ' . ($cprog->bMentorMentee ? '1' : '0') . ",\n\n cp_dteLastUpdate = NOW(),\n cp_lLastUpdateID = {$glUserID} "; }
function addNewS2($lBizID) { //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // //--------------------------------------------------------------------- $this->load->helper('dl_util/verify_id'); verifyID($this, $lBizID, 'business ID'); $displayData = array(); $displayData['lBizID'] = $lBizID = (int) $lBizID; if (!bTestForURLHack('dataEntryPeopleBizVol')) { return; } $this->load->helper('js/simple_search'); //------------------------------------------------ // libraries and utilities //------------------------------------------------ $this->load->model('util/msearch_single_generic', 'clsSearch'); $this->load->model('people/mpeople', 'clsPeople'); $params = array('enumStyle' => 'terse'); $this->load->library('generic_rpt', $params); $this->load->library('util/dl_date_time', '', 'clsDateTime'); $this->load->model('admin/madmin_aco', 'clsACO'); $this->load->model('biz/mbiz', 'clsBiz'); // $this->load->helper ('dl_util/email_web'); $this->clsBiz->loadBizRecsViaBID($lBizID); $displayData['contextSummary'] = $this->clsBiz->strBizHTMLSummary(); $this->clsSearch->strSearchTerm = $strSearch = trim($_POST['txtSearch']); //----------------------------- // search display setup //----------------------------- $this->clsSearch->enumSearchType = CENUM_CONTEXT_PEOPLE; $this->clsSearch->strSearchLabel = 'People'; $this->clsSearch->bShowKeyID = true; $this->clsSearch->bShowSelect = true; $this->clsSearch->bShowEnumSearchType = false; $this->clsSearch->strDisplayTitle = '<br>Please select contact for this business/organization</b><br>'; // landing page for selection $this->clsSearch->strPathSelection = 'biz/biz_contact_add_edit/contactAddEdit/' . $lBizID . '/0/'; $this->clsSearch->strTitleSelection = 'Select person'; // landing page for "back" $this->clsSearch->strPathSearchAgain = 'biz/biz_contact_add_edit/addNewS1/' . $lBizID; $this->clsSearch->strTitleSearchAgain = 'Search again...'; $this->clsBiz->lBID = $lBizID; $strContacts = $this->clsBiz->strBizContactPeopleIDList(); $lLeftCnt = strlen($strSearch); $this->clsSearch->strWhereExtra = " AND LEFT(pe_strLName, {$lLeftCnt})=" . strPrepStr($strSearch) . ' '; if ($strContacts != '') { $this->clsSearch->strWhereExtra .= " AND NOT (pe_lKeyID IN ({$strContacts})) "; } $this->clsSearch->strIDLabel = 'peopleID: '; $this->clsSearch->bShowLink = false; // run search $displayData['strSearchLabel'] = 'Searching for ' . $this->clsSearch->enumSearchType . ' that begin with <b><i>"' . htmlspecialchars($strSearch) . '"</b></i><br>'; $this->clsSearch->searchPeople(); $displayData['strHTMLSearchResults'] = $this->clsSearch->strHTML_SearchResults(); //----------------------------- // breadcrumbs & page setup //----------------------------- $displayData['title'] = CS_PROGNAME . ' | Business'; $displayData['pageTitle'] = anchor('main/menu/biz', 'Businesses/Organizations', 'class="breadcrumb"') . ' | ' . anchor('biz/biz_record/view/' . $lBizID, 'Business Record', 'class="breadcrumb"') . ' | Add Business Contact'; $displayData['mainTemplate'] = 'biz/contact_select_view'; $displayData['nav'] = $this->mnav_brain_jar->navData(); $this->load->vars($displayData); $this->load->view('template'); }
function sqlCommonAuctions() { //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // //--------------------------------------------------------------------- global $glUserID; $auction =& $this->auctions[0]; if (is_null($auction->lDefaultBidSheet)) { $strDefBS = 'null'; } else { $strDefBS = (int) $auction->lDefaultBidSheet . ''; } return ' auc_strAuctionName = ' . strPrepStr($auction->strAuctionName) . ', auc_strDescription = ' . strPrepStr($auction->strDescription) . ', auc_dteAuctionDate = ' . strPrepStr($auction->mdteAuction) . ', auc_lACOID = ' . (int) $auction->lACOID . ', auc_strEmail = ' . strPrepStr($auction->strEmail) . ', auc_lCampaignID = ' . (int) $auction->lCampaignID . ', auc_strLocation = ' . strPrepStr($auction->strLocation) . ', auc_strContact = ' . strPrepStr($auction->strContact) . ', auc_strPhone = ' . strPrepStr($auction->strPhone) . ",\n auc_lDefaultBidSheet = {$strDefBS},\n auc_lLastUpdateID = {$glUserID},\n auc_dteLastUpdate = NOW() "; }
function addVolAssociation($va) { //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // //--------------------------------------------------------------------- global $glUserID; $sqlStr = "INSERT INTO vol_client_association\n SET\n vca_lVolID = {$va->lVolID},\n vca_lClientID = {$va->lClientID},\n vca_lOriginID = {$glUserID},\n vca_lLastUpdateID = {$glUserID},\n vca_Notes = " . strPrepStr($va->strNotes) . ', vca_bRetired = 0, vca_dteOrigin = NOW(), vca_dteLastUpdate = NOW();'; $this->db->query($sqlStr); }
private function strBizSQLCommon() { //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // //----------------------------------------------------------------------- global $glUserID; $biz =& $this->bizRecs[0]; if (is_null($biz->lAttributedTo)) { $strAttrib = 'null'; } else { $strAttrib = (int) $biz->lAttributedTo; } return ' pe_strLName = ' . strPrepStr($biz->strBizName) . ', pe_strAddr1 = ' . strPrepStr($biz->strAddr1) . ', pe_strAddr2 = ' . strPrepStr($biz->strAddr2) . ', pe_strCity = ' . strPrepStr($biz->strCity) . ', pe_strState = ' . strPrepStr($biz->strState) . ', pe_strCountry = ' . strPrepStr($biz->strCountry) . ', pe_strZip = ' . strPrepStr($biz->strZip) . ', pe_strPhone = ' . strPrepStr($biz->strPhone) . ', pe_strCell = ' . strPrepStr($biz->strCell) . ', pe_strFax = ' . strPrepStr($biz->strFax) . ', pe_strWebSite = ' . strPrepStr($biz->strWebSite) . ', pe_strNotes = ' . strPrepStr($biz->strNotes) . ', pe_strSalutation = ' . strPrepStr('') . ', pe_strEmail = ' . strPrepStr($biz->strEmail) . ",\n pe_lACO = {$biz->lACO},\n pe_lAttributedTo = {$strAttrib},\n pe_bBiz = 1,\n pe_lBizIndustryID = {$biz->lIndustryID},\n\n pe_lLastUpdateID = {$glUserID} "; }
function firstLastNameSearch($strSearch) { //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // //--------------------------------------------------------------------- if (!bTestForURLHack('showSponsors')) { return; } $this->load->model('util/msearch_single_generic', 'clsSearch'); $this->load->model('sponsorship/msponsorship', 'clsSpon'); $this->load->helper('reports/report_util'); $params = array('enumStyle' => 'terse'); $this->load->library('Generic_rpt', $params); $this->load->library('util/dl_date_time', '', 'clsDateTime'); $this->clsSearch->strSearchTerm = $strSearch; //----------------------------- // search display setup //----------------------------- $this->clsSearch->enumSearchType = CENUM_CONTEXT_SPONSORSHIP; $this->clsSearch->strSearchLabel = 'Sponsor'; $this->clsSearch->bShowKeyID = true; $this->clsSearch->bShowSelect = true; $this->clsSearch->bShowEnumSearchType = false; $this->clsSearch->strDisplayTitle = '<br>Please select the sponsor</b><br>'; // landing page for selection $this->clsSearch->strPathSelection = 'sponsors/view_spon_rec/viewViaSponID/'; $this->clsSearch->strTitleSelection = 'Select sponsor:'; // landing page for "back" $this->clsSearch->strPathSearchAgain = 'sponsors/spon_search/opts'; $this->clsSearch->strTitleSearchAgain = 'Search again...'; $lLeftCnt = strlen($strSearch); $this->clsSearch->strWhereExtra = " AND ( (LEFT(pe_strFName, {$lLeftCnt})=" . strPrepStr($strSearch) . ")\n OR (LEFT(pe_strLName, {$lLeftCnt})=" . strPrepStr($strSearch) . ')) '; $this->clsSearch->strIDLabel = 'sponsorID: '; $this->clsSearch->bShowLink = false; // run search $displayData['strSearchLabel'] = 'Searching for sponsors whose first or last name begins with <b><i>"' . htmlspecialchars($strSearch) . '"</b></i><br>'; $this->clsSearch->searchSponsors($this); $displayData['strHTMLSearchResults'] = $this->clsSearch->strHTML_SearchResults(); //----------------------------- // breadcrumbs & page setup //----------------------------- $displayData['title'] = CS_PROGNAME . ' | Sponsor Search'; $displayData['pageTitle'] = anchor('main/menu/sponsorship', 'Sponsorship', 'class="breadcrumb"') . ' | ' . anchor('sponsors/spon_search/opts', 'Search Options', 'class="breadcrumb"') . ' | Results'; $displayData['mainTemplate'] = 'reports/search_select_view'; $displayData['nav'] = $this->mnav_brain_jar->navData(); $this->load->vars($displayData); $this->load->view('template'); }
function lUserIDViaUserName($strUserName) { //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // //--------------------------------------------------------------------- $sqlStr = 'SELECT us_lKeyID FROM admin_users WHERE us_strUserName='******';'; $query = $this->db->query($sqlStr); $numRows = $query->num_rows(); if ($numRows == 0) { return null; } elseif ($numRows > 1) { screamForHelp($strUserName . ': duplicate user accounts detected!<br>error on line <b> -- ' . __LINE__ . ' --</b>,<br>file ' . __FILE__ . ',<br>function ' . __FUNCTION__); } else { $row = $query->row(); return (int) $row->us_lKeyID; } }
public function xferImageDocViaEntryContextFID($enumEntryType, $enumContextType, $lNewFID, $lOldFID) { //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // transfer images/documents from the old FID to the new FID // * move to new directory (if required) // * update database record to reflect change //--------------------------------------------------------------------- $this->loadDocImageInfoViaEntryContextFID($enumEntryType, $enumContextType, $lOldFID); if ($this->lNumImageDocs == 0) { return; } $strNewPath = $this->strCatalogPath($enumContextType, $enumEntryType, $lNewFID); $strOldPath = $this->strCatalogPath($enumContextType, $enumEntryType, $lOldFID); foreach ($this->imageDocs as $imgDoc) { $lKeyID = $imgDoc->lKeyID; // move file if it directory changes if ($strNewPath != $strOldPath) { rename($strOldPath . '/' . $imgDoc->strSystemFN, $strNewPath . '/' . $imgDoc->strSystemFN); if (!is_null($imgDoc->strSystemThumbFN)) { rename($strOldPath . '/' . $imgDoc->strSystemThumbFN, $strNewPath . '/' . $imgDoc->strSystemThumbFN); } } $sqlStr = "UPDATE docs_images\n SET di_lForeignID={$lNewFID},\n di_strPath=" . strPrepStr($strNewPath) . "\n WHERE di_lKeyID = {$lKeyID};"; $query = $this->db->query($sqlStr); } }
function strDBValueConvert_String($strValue) { //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // //--------------------------------------------------------------------- if (is_null($strValue)) { $strValue = 'null'; } else { $strValue = strPrepStr($strValue); } return $strValue; }
function strLoadOptional_MY_mySQL($strDDL_Month, $strDDL_Year) { //------------------------------------------------------------------ // //------------------------------------------------------------------ $lYear = (int) @$_REQUEST[$strDDL_Year]; $lMonth = (int) @$_REQUEST[$strDDL_Month]; if ($lYear <= 0 || $lMonth <= 0) { return 'NULL'; } if (!bVerifyValidMonthDayYear($lMonth, 1, $lYear)) { return 'NULL'; } return strPrepStr(str_pad($lYear, 4, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '-' . str_pad($lMonth, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '-01'); }
private function strSQLCommon(&$locRec) { //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // //--------------------------------------------------------------------- global $glUserID; // $cRec = $this->locRec; return ' ch_strChapterName = ' . strPrepStr($locRec->strLocationName) . ', ch_strBannerTagLine = ' . strPrepStr($locRec->strBannerTagLine) . ', ch_strAddress1 = ' . strPrepStr($locRec->strAddress1) . ', ch_strAddress2 = ' . strPrepStr($locRec->strAddress2) . ', ch_strCity = ' . strPrepStr($locRec->strCity) . ', ch_strState = ' . strPrepStr($locRec->strState) . ', ch_strCountry = ' . strPrepStr($locRec->strCountry) . ', ch_strZip = ' . strPrepStr($locRec->strZip) . ', ch_strFax = ' . strPrepStr($locRec->strFax) . ', ch_strPhone = ' . strPrepStr($locRec->strPhone) . ', ch_strEmail = ' . strPrepStr($locRec->strEmail) . ', ch_strWebSite = ' . strPrepStr($locRec->strWebSite) . ', ch_strNotes = ' . strPrepStr($locRec->strNotes) . ",\n\n ch_lLastUpdateID = {$glUserID} "; }
public function lClientLocIDViaName($strName) { //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // //--------------------------------------------------------------------- $sqlStr = 'SELECT cl_lKeyID FROM client_location WHERE NOT cl_bRetired AND cl_strLocation=' . strPrepStr($strName) . ';'; $query = $this->db->query($sqlStr); $numRows = $query->num_rows(); if ($numRows == 0) { return null; } else { $row = $query->row(); return (int) $row->cl_lKeyID; } }
function updateTagEntry($strDDLEntry, $lDIT_ID) { //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // //--------------------------------------------------------------------- $sqlStr = 'UPDATE doc_img_tag_ddl SET dit_strDDLEntry = ' . strPrepStr($strDDLEntry) . "\n WHERE dit_lKeyID={$lDIT_ID};"; $query = $this->db->query($sqlStr); }
private function strGrantsCommonSQL($grant) { //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // //--------------------------------------------------------------------- global $glUserID; return 'gr_strGrantName = ' . strPrepStr($grant->strGrantName) . ', gr_strNotes = ' . strPrepStr($grant->strNotes) . ', gr_lAttributedTo = ' . (is_null($grant->lAttributedTo) ? 'NULL' : $grant->lAttributedTo) . ",\n gr_lACO = {$grant->lACO},\n gr_lLastUpdateID = {$glUserID} "; }