function showGiftInfo(&$clsRpt, $lGID, $lFID, $bBiz, &$gifts, $people, $biz, $bSponPayment)
    global $genumDateFormat;
    // deposit info
    $lDepositID = $gifts->lDepositLogID;
    if (is_null($lDepositID)) {
        $strDeposit = 'n/a';
    } else {
        $strDeposit = strLinkView_DepositEntry($lDepositID, 'View deposit', true) . str_pad($lDepositID, 5, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '  ';
        if ($gifts->strDepositBank . '' != '') {
            $strDeposit .= $gifts->strDepositBank;
        if ($gifts->strDepositAccount . '' != '') {
            if ($gifts->strDepositBank . '' != '') {
                $strDeposit .= ' / ';
            $strDeposit .= $gifts->strDepositAccount;
        $strDeposit .= ' (created ' . date($genumDateFormat, $gifts->dteDeposit) . ')';
    // pledge info
    if (is_null($gifts->lPledgeID)) {
        $strPledge = 'n/a';
    } else {
        $strPledge = 'pledgeID ' . str_pad($gifts->lPledgeID, 5, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . ' ' . strLinkView_Pledge($gifts->lPledgeID, 'View pledge record', true);
    openBlock(($bSponPayment ? 'Sponsorship Payment' : 'Gift') . "\n", strLinkEdit_GiftRecord($lGID, 'Edit gift record', true) . "\n" . '   ' . "\n" . strLinkAdd_Gift($lFID, 'Add new gift', true) . "\n" . '   ' . "\n" . strLinkView_GiftsHistory($lFID, 'View donor\'s gift history', true) . ' ' . strLinkView_GiftsHistory($lFID, 'Donor\'s gift history', false) . "\n" . '              ' . "\n" . strLinkRem_Gift($lGID, 'Remove this gift record', true, true) . "\n\n");
    echoT($clsRpt->openRow() . $clsRpt->writeLabel('Gift ID:') . $clsRpt->writeCell(str_pad($lGID, 5, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT), '', '', 1, 1, ' id="gift_id" ') . $clsRpt->closeRow());
    echoT($clsRpt->openRow() . $clsRpt->writeLabel('Amount:') . $clsRpt->writeCell($gifts->strFormattedAmnt, '', '', 1, 1, ' id="gift_amount" ') . $clsRpt->closeRow());
    echoT($clsRpt->openRow() . $clsRpt->writeLabel('Date:') . $clsRpt->writeCell(date($genumDateFormat, $gifts->gi_dteDonation), '', '', 1, 1, ' id="gift_date" ') . $clsRpt->closeRow());
    echoT($clsRpt->openRow() . $clsRpt->writeLabel('Account:') . $clsRpt->writeCell(htmlspecialchars($gifts->ga_strAccount), '', '', 1, 1, ' id="gift_acct" ') . $clsRpt->closeRow());
    echoT($clsRpt->openRow() . $clsRpt->writeLabel('Campaign:') . $clsRpt->writeCell(htmlspecialchars($gifts->gc_strCampaign), '', '', 1, 1, ' id="gift_camp" ') . $clsRpt->closeRow());
    echoT($clsRpt->openRow() . $clsRpt->writeLabel('Check #:') . $clsRpt->writeCell(htmlspecialchars($gifts->gi_strCheckNum), '', '', 1, 1, ' id="gift_cn" ') . $clsRpt->closeRow());
    echoT($clsRpt->openRow() . $clsRpt->writeLabel('Pledge:') . $clsRpt->writeCell($strPledge, '', '', 1, 1, ' id="gift_pledge" ') . $clsRpt->closeRow());
    echoT($clsRpt->openRow() . $clsRpt->writeLabel('Payment Type:') . $clsRpt->writeCell(htmlspecialchars($gifts->strPaymentType), '', '', 1, 1, ' id="gift_pt" ') . $clsRpt->closeRow());
    echoT($clsRpt->openRow() . $clsRpt->writeLabel('Deposit:') . $clsRpt->writeCell($strDeposit, '', '', 1, 1, ' id="gift_dep" ') . $clsRpt->closeRow());
    echoT($clsRpt->openRow() . $clsRpt->writeLabel('Gift Category:') . $clsRpt->writeCell(htmlspecialchars($gifts->strMajorGiftCat), '', '', 1, 1, ' id="gift_cat" ') . $clsRpt->closeRow());
    echoT($clsRpt->openRow() . $clsRpt->writeLabel('Attributed To:') . $clsRpt->writeCell(htmlspecialchars($gifts->strAttribTo), '', '', 1, 1, ' id="gift_attrib" ') . $clsRpt->closeRow());
    echoT($clsRpt->openRow() . $clsRpt->writeLabel('Notes:') . $clsRpt->writeCell(nl2br(htmlspecialchars($gifts->strNotes)), '', '', 1, 1, ' id="gift_notes" ') . $clsRpt->closeRow());
    // in-kind
    echoT($clsRpt->openRow() . $clsRpt->writeLabel('In-Kind?:'));
    if ($gifts->gi_bGIK) {
        echoT($clsRpt->writeCell('Yes - ' . htmlspecialchars($gifts->strInKind), '', '', 1, 1, ' id="gift_ik" '));
    } else {
        echoT($clsRpt->writeCell('No', '', '', 1, 1, ' id="gift_ik" '));
    // Acknowledged?
    echoT($clsRpt->openRow() . $clsRpt->writeLabel('Acknowledged?:', '', 'padding-top: 8px;'));
    if ($gifts->bAck) {
        echoT($clsRpt->writeCell('Yes - ' . date($genumDateFormat, $gifts->dteAck) . ' ' . strLinkSpecial_GiftChangeAck($lGID, false, 'Set to unacknowledged', true), '', 'padding-top: 8px;', 1, 1, ' id="gift_ack" '));
    } else {
        echoT($clsRpt->writeCell('No ' . strLinkSpecial_GiftChangeAck($lGID, true, 'Set to acknowledged', true), '', 'padding-top: 8px;', 1, 1, ' id="gift_ack" '));
echoT($clsForm->strLabelRow('Notes', 'You will be able to select donations to be included in this deposit.<br>
                     To qualify, a donation must:
                     <ul style="list-style-type: square; display:inline; margin-left: 0; padding: 0pt;">
                       <li style="margin-left: 20px;">be within your timeframe</li>
                       <li style="margin-left: 20px;">not an in-kind donation</li>
                       <li style="margin-left: 20px;">not included in another deposit</li>
                     </ul>', 1));
// Recent Deposits
if ($lNumDeposits == 0) {
    echoT($clsForm->strLabelRow('Recent Deposits', '<i>No previous deposits</i>', 1));
} else {
    $strOut = '';
    foreach ($deposits as $deposit) {
        $strOut .= $deposit->strCountryName . '&nbsp;' . $deposit->strFlagImg . '&nbsp;&nbsp;' . date($genumDateFormat, $deposit->dteStart) . ' - ' . date($genumDateFormat, $deposit->dteEnd) . ' by ' . htmlspecialchars($deposit->strCFName . ' ' . $deposit->strCLName) . '&nbsp;' . '(' . number_format($deposit->lNumGifts) . ' entries)&nbsp;' . strLinkView_DepositEntry($deposit->lKeyID, 'View deposit record', true) . '<br>';
    echoT($clsForm->strLabelRow('Recent Deposits', $strOut, 1));
// Accounting country of Origin
$clsForm->strStyleExtraLabel = 'vertical-align: middle; width: 100pt; ';
echoT($clsForm->strLabelRow('Accounting Country', $formData->strACORadio, 1));
// report start
$clsForm->strStyleExtraLabel = 'vertical-align: top; padding-top: 6pt; ';
echoT(strDatePicker('datepicker1', false));
$clsForm->strExtraFieldText = form_error('txtSDate');
echoT($clsForm->strGenericDatePicker('Start', 'txtSDate', true, $txtSDate, 'frmNewDeposit', 'datepicker1'));
Пример #3
 function strDepositLogReport(&$sRpt, $lStartRec, $lRecsPerPage)
     global $genumDateFormat;
     $strLimit = " LIMIT {$lStartRec}, {$lRecsPerPage} ";
     $clsACO = new madmin_aco();
     $sqlStr = "SELECT dl_lKeyID,\n               dl_lACOID, dl_dteStart, dl_dteEnd, \n               dl_strBank, dl_strAccount, dl_strNotes,  dl_bRetired,\n               dl_lOriginID, dl_lLastUpdateID,\n               usersC.us_strFirstName AS strCFName, usersC.us_strLastName AS strCLName,\n               usersL.us_strFirstName AS strLFName, usersL.us_strLastName AS strLLName,\n\n               aco_strFlag, aco_strCurrencySymbol, aco_strName,\n\n               UNIX_TIMESTAMP(dl_dteOrigin)     AS dteOrigin,\n               UNIX_TIMESTAMP(dl_dteLastUpdate) AS dteLastUpdate\n\n             FROM deposit_log\n               INNER JOIN admin_users AS usersC ON dl_lOriginID     = usersC.us_lKeyID\n               INNER JOIN admin_users AS usersL ON dl_lLastUpdateID = usersL.us_lKeyID\n               INNER JOIN admin_aco             ON dl_lACOID        = aco_lKeyID\n            WHERE NOT dl_bRetired\n            ORDER BY dl_dteEnd DESC, dl_lKeyID DESC\n            {$strLimit};";
     $query = $this->db->query($sqlStr);
     $lNumRows = $query->num_rows();
     if ($lNumRows == 0) {
         return '<br><i>There are no deposits in your database.</i><br><br>';
     $strOut = strLinkAdd_Deposit('Add new deposit', true) . '&nbsp;' . strLinkAdd_Deposit('Add new deposit', false) . '<br>
       <table class="enpRptC">
             <td class="enpRptTitle" colspan="7">
                Deposit Log
             <td class="enpRptLabel">
                Deposit ID
             <td class="enpRptLabel">
             <td class="enpRptLabel">
             <td class="enpRptLabel">
                # Entries
             <td class="enpRptLabel">
             <td class="enpRptLabel">
                Bank / Account
             <td class="enpRptLabel" style="width: 150pt;">
     foreach ($query->result() as $row) {
         $lDepositID = $row->dl_lKeyID;
         $lNumEntries = $this->lNumGiftsViaDeposit($lDepositID, $curTot);
         if ($row->dl_strBank == '' & $row->dl_strAccount == '') {
             $strBA = '&nbsp;';
         } else {
             $strBA = '<b>Bank: </b>' . htmlspecialchars($row->dl_strBank) . '<br>' . '<b>Account: </b>' . htmlspecialchars($row->dl_strAccount);
         $strOut .= '
          <tr class="makeStripe">
             <td class="enpRpt" style="text-align: center;">' . str_pad($lDepositID, 5, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '&nbsp;' . strLinkView_DepositEntry($lDepositID, 'View deposit entry', true) . '
             <td class="enpRpt">' . htmlspecialchars($row->aco_strName) . '&nbsp;' . $row->aco_strCurrencySymbol . '&nbsp;' . $clsACO->strFlagImage($row->aco_strFlag, $row->aco_strName) . '
             <td class="enpRpt">' . date($genumDateFormat, dteMySQLDate2Unix($row->dl_dteStart)) . ' - ' . date($genumDateFormat, dteMySQLDate2Unix($row->dl_dteEnd)) . '
             <td class="enpRpt" style="text-align: center;">' . number_format($lNumEntries) . '
             <td class="enpRpt" style="text-align: right;">' . number_format($curTot, 2) . '
             <td class="enpRpt">' . $strBA . '
             <td class="enpRpt" style="width: 150pt;">' . nl2br(htmlspecialchars($row->dl_strNotes)) . '
     $strOut .= '</table><br><br>';
     return $strOut;