<?php global $genumDateFormat; echoT(strLinkAdd_Auction('Add new auction', true) . ' ' . strLinkAdd_Auction('Add new auction', false) . ' ' . strLinkView_BidSheets('View bid sheet templates', true) . ' ' . strLinkView_BidSheets('View bid sheet templates', false) . '<br><br>'); if ($lNumAuctions == 0) { echoT('<i>There are currently no auctions in your database.<br><br></i>'); } else { echoT(' <table class="enpRptC"> <tr> <td class="enpRptTitle" colspan="10"> Silent Auctions </td> </tr>'); echoT(' <tr> <td class="enpRptLabel"> Auction ID </td> <td class="enpRptLabel"> </td> <td class="enpRptLabel"> Name </td> <td class="enpRptLabel"> Date </td> <td class="enpRptLabel"> # Packages </td>
<?php global $genumDateFormat; if ($lNumAuctions == 0) { echoT('<br><i>Bid sheet templates are attached to your silent auction events. You currently<br> do not have any silent auctions defined. Please create one or more auction events <br> before creating bit sheet templates.</i><br><br>'); echoT(strLinkAdd_Auction('Add auction event', true, 'id="imgaddAuction" ') . ' ' . strLinkAdd_Auction('Add auction event', false, 'id="lnkaddAuction" ') . '<br>'); return; } echoT(strLinkAdd_BidSheet('Add new bid sheet template', true) . ' ' . strLinkAdd_BidSheet('Add new bid sheet template', false) . '<br><br>'); if ($lNumBidSheets == 0) { echoT('<i>There are currently no bid sheet templates in your database.<br><br></i>'); } else { echoT(' <table class="enpRptC"> <tr> <td class="enpRptTitle" colspan="10"> Bid Sheet Templates </td> </tr>'); echoT(' <tr> <td class="enpRptLabel"> Bid Sheet ID </td> <td class="enpRptLabel"> Auction </td> <td class="enpRptLabel"> Name