function writeSingleICatRow($icat, $strIndent, $bShowLinks, $enumReportType) { //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // //--------------------------------------------------------------------- $lICatID = $icat->lKeyID; $bTop = $strIndent == ''; if ($bShowLinks) { if ($icat->lNumItems == 0 && $icat->lNumChildren == 0) { $strLinkRemCat = strLinkRem_ICat($lICatID, 'Remove inventory category', true, true); } else { $strLinkRemCat = strCantDelete('A category can only be removed if there are no sub-categories and no associated items'); } $strLinkEditCat = strLinkEdit_InventoryCat($lICatID, 'Edit inventory category', true); } else { $strLinkRemCat = ''; $strLinkEditCat = ''; } $strItems = ''; if ($icat->lNumItems > 0) { $strItems = strLinkView_InventoryItemsByCat($lICatID, $enumReportType, 'View items', true); } if ($bShowLinks) { $strItems .= ' ' . strLinkAdd_InventoryItem($lICatID, 'Add item', true); } echoT(' <tr class="makeStripe"> <td class="enpRpt" style="text-align: center; width: 60px;">' . str_pad($lICatID, 5, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . ' ' . $strLinkEditCat . ' </td> <td class="enpRpt" style="text-align: center; width: 30px;">' . $strLinkRemCat . ' </td> <td class="enpRpt" style="width: 180pt; ' . ($bTop ? 'font-weight: bold;' : '') . '">' . '<span style="color: gray;">' . $strIndent . '</span> ' . htmlspecialchars($icat->strCatName) . ' </td> <td class="enpRpt" style="text-align: center; width: 80px;">' . $icat->lNumItems . $strItems . ' </td> <td class="enpRpt" style="text-align: left;">' . nl2br(htmlspecialchars($icat->strNotes)) . ' </td> </tr>'); }
function htmlVocList($bShowEditLink, $clsVocs, $bCenterTable = true) { //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // user must call $this->loadClientVocabulary prior to this call //--------------------------------------------------------------------- $strVocTable = ' <table class="enpRpt' . ($bCenterTable ? 'C' : '') . '"> <tr> <td class="enpRptLabel" rowspan="2" style="vertical-align:bottom;"> Vocabulary ID </td>'; if ($bShowEditLink) { $strVocTable .= ' <td class="enpRptLabel" rowspan="2" style="vertical-align:bottom;"> </td>'; } $strVocTable .= ' <td class="enpRptLabel" rowspan="2" style="vertical-align:bottom;"> Name </td> <td class="enpRptLabel" colspan="6" style="text-align: center"> Vocabulary </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="enpRptLabel"> Sponsor <font style="font-weight: normal;">(s)</font> </td> <td class="enpRptLabel"> Sponsor <font style="font-weight: normal;">(p)</font> </td> <td class="enpRptLabel"> Client <font style="font-weight: normal;">(s)</font> </td> <td class="enpRptLabel"> Client <font style="font-weight: normal;">(p)</font> </td> <td class="enpRptLabel"> Location <font style="font-weight: normal;">(s)</font> </td> <td class="enpRptLabel"> Location <font style="font-weight: normal;">(p)</font> </td> </tr>'; foreach ($clsVocs as $clsVoc) { if (!$clsVoc->bRetired) { $lKeyID = $clsVoc->lKeyID; if ($clsVoc->bProtected || !$bShowEditLink) { $strLinkEdit = ''; if ($bShowEditLink) { $strRemRow = '<td class="enpRpt">' . strCantDelete('Default vocabulary can\'t be removed') . '</td>'; } else { $strRemRow = ''; } } else { $strLinkEdit = strLinkEdit_ClientVoc($lKeyID, 'Edit client vocabulary', true); $strRemRow = '<td class="enpRpt">' . strLinkRem_ClientVoc($lKeyID, 'Remove client vocabulary', true, true) . '</td>'; } $strVocTable .= ' <tr class="makeStripe"> <td class="enpRpt" style="text-align: center;">' . $strLinkEdit . ' ' . str_pad($lKeyID, 5, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . ' </td>' . $strRemRow . '<td class="enpRpt" style="text-align: left;">' . htmlspecialchars($clsVoc->strVocTitle) . ' </td> <td class="enpRpt">' . htmlspecialchars($clsVoc->strSponsorS) . ' </td> <td class="enpRpt">' . htmlspecialchars($clsVoc->strSponsorP) . ' </td> <td class="enpRpt">' . htmlspecialchars($clsVoc->strClientS) . ' </td> <td class="enpRpt">' . htmlspecialchars($clsVoc->strClientP) . ' </td> <td class="enpRpt">' . htmlspecialchars($clsVoc->strLocS) . ' </td> <td class="enpRpt">' . htmlspecialchars($clsVoc->strLocP) . ' </td> </tr>'; } } $strVocTable .= '</table>'; return $strVocTable; }
</tr> <tr> <td class="enpRptLabel" colspan="2"> </td> <td class="enpRptLabel"> List Item </td> </tr> <?php foreach ($listItems as $clsItem) { $lListID = $clsItem->lKeyID; $strListItem = $clsItem->strListItem; if ($strListItem == $strBlockEdit) { $strLinkEdit = ' '; $strLinkRem = strCantDelete('Default entry can\'t be removed'); } else { $strLinkEdit = strLinkEdit_GenericListItem($lListID, $strListType, 'edit', true); $strLinkRem = strLinkRem_GenericListItem($lListID, $strListType, 'Remove list item', true, true); } echoT('<tr> <td class="enpRpt" align="center">' . $strLinkEdit . ' </td> <td class="enpRpt" align="center">' . $strLinkRem . ' </td> <td class="enpRpt" align="left" width="300">' . htmlspecialchars($clsItem->strListItem) . ' </td> </tr>'); } echoT('</table><br>'); }
<td class="enpRptLabel" > Commitment </td> <td class="enpRptLabel" > ACO </td> <td class="enpRptLabel" > # Sponsors </td> </tr> '); foreach ($sponProg as $clsSingleCat) { $lSPID = $clsSingleCat->lSPID; // don't remove basic sponsorship if ($lSPID == 1) { $strRem = strCantDelete('Basic sponsorship can\'t be removed.'); } else { $strRem = strLinkRem_SponProg($lSPID, 'Retire sponsorship program', true, true); } echoT(' <tr> <td class="enpRpt" style="text-align: center;">' . strLinkEdit_SponProg($lSPID, 'Edit sponsorship program', true) . ' ' . str_pad($lSPID, 5, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . ' </td> <td class="enpRpt" style="text-align: center;">' . $strRem . ' </td> <td class="enpRpt">' . htmlspecialchars($clsSingleCat->strProg) . ' </td> <td class="enpRpt" style="text-align: right;">' . $clsSingleCat->strCurrencySymbol . ' ' . number_format($clsSingleCat->curDefMonthlyCommit, 2) . ' </td> <td class="enpRpt" style="text-align: center;">' . $clsSingleCat->strFlagImg . '
<td class="enpRptLabel"> Contact Info </td> <td class="enpRptLabel" style="width: 200pt;"> Notes </td> </tr>'); foreach ($locations as $loc) { $lLocID = $loc->lKeyID; $bActive = $loc->bActive; $strLabel = $bActive ? 'Set Inactive' : 'Set Active'; $bAllowDelete = $loc->lNumPatients + $loc->lNumVolMgrs + $loc->lNumVols == 0; if ($bAllowDelete) { $strDelLink = strLinkRem_Location($lLocID, 'Remove location', true, true, ''); } else { $strDelLink = strCantDelete('To remove this location, you must first remove the location\'s patients, volunteers, and volunteer managers.'); //'<img src="'.base_url().'images/misc/'.IMGLINK_NODELETE.'">'; } if ($bActive) { $strColor = '#000'; if ($lNumActive > 1) { $strLinkActInAct = strLink_LocActiveInactive($lLocID, !$bActive, $strLabel, true); } else { $strLinkActInAct = ' '; } } else { $strLinkActInAct = strLink_LocActiveInactive($lLocID, !$bActive, $strLabel, true); $strColor = '#999'; } echoT(' <tr class="makeStripe">
function strClientStatusCatTable(&$statCats, &$statCatsEntries, $bShowLinks, $bCenterTable) { //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // //--------------------------------------------------------------------- $lCols = $bShowLinks ? 5 : 4; $strOut = '<table class="enpRpt' . ($bCenterTable ? 'C' : '') . '"> <tr> <td class="enpRptTitle" colspan="' . $lCols . '"> Client Status Categories </td> </tr>'; $strOut .= '<tr> <td class="enpRptLabel" style="vertical-align: middle;"> Category ID </td>'; if ($bShowLinks) { $strOut .= '<td class="enpRptLabel" style="vertical-align: middle;"> </td>'; } $strOut .= '<td class="enpRptLabel" style="vertical-align: middle;"> Category </td> <td class="enpRptLabel" style="width: 200pt;"> Description </td> <td class="enpRptLabel" style="vertical-align: middle;"> Entries </td> </tr>'; foreach ($statCats as $clsCat) { $lKeyID = $clsCat->lKeyID; if ($bShowLinks && !$clsCat->bProtected) { $strLinkEdit = strLinkEdit_ClientStatCat($lKeyID, 'Edit client status category', true) . ' '; $strLinkEntries = strLinkView_ClientStatEntries($lKeyID, 'View/edit/add entries', true) . ' ' . strLinkView_ClientStatEntries($lKeyID, 'View/edit/add entries', false); $strLinkRemove = strLinkRem_ClientCatEntry($lKeyID, 'Remove this status category', true, true); } else { $strLinkEdit = ''; $strLinkEntries = ''; $strLinkRemove = strCantDelete('Default category can not be removed'); } $strOut .= '<tr class="makeStripe"> <td class="enpRpt" style="text-align: center; vertical-align: top; width: 70pt;">' . $strLinkEdit . str_pad($lKeyID, 5, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . ' </td>'; if ($bShowLinks) { $strOut .= '<td class="enpRpt" style="vertical-align: top;">' . $strLinkRemove . ' </td>'; } $strOut .= '<td class="enpRpt" style="vertical-align: top;">' . htmlspecialchars($clsCat->strCatName) . ' </td> <td class="enpRpt" style="vertical-align: top; width: 200pt;">' . nl2br(htmlspecialchars($clsCat->strDescription)) . ' </td> <td class="enpRpt" style="text-align: left; vertical-align: top; width: 200pt;">'; if (is_null($statCatsEntries[$lKeyID][0]->lKeyID)) { $strOut .= '<i>No entries</i><br>'; } else { $strOut .= '<ul style="list-style-type: square; display:inline; margin-left: 0; padding: 0pt;">'; foreach ($statCatsEntries[$lKeyID] as $clsE) { $strOut .= '<li style="margin-left: 20px;">' . htmlspecialchars($clsE->strStatusEntry) . '</li>'; } $strOut .= '</ul>'; } $strOut .= $strLinkEntries . ' </td> </tr>'; } $strOut .= '</table>'; return $strOut; }
</td> <td class="enpRptLabel"> # Clients </td> <td class="enpRptLabel"> # Sponsors </td> <td class="enpRptLabel"> Allow<br>Medical Recs </td> </tr> <?php foreach ($locations as $clsLoc) { $lCLID = $clsLoc->lKeyID; if ($clsLoc->lNumberClients > 0) { $strLinkRemove = strCantDelete('Location can\'t be removed until all clients are transfered'); } else { $strLinkRemove = strLinkRem_ClientLocation($lCLID, 'Remove client location', true, true); } echoT(' <tr class="makeStripe"> <td class="enpRpt" style="text-align: center; width: 60pt;">' . strLinkView_ClientLocation($lCLID, 'View client location', true, 'id="cLocView_' . $lCLID . '"') . ' ' . str_pad($lCLID, 5, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . ' </td> <td class="enpRpt" style="text-align: center; width: 18pt;">' . $strLinkRemove . ' </td> <td class="enpRpt" style=" width: 160pt;"><b>' . htmlspecialchars($clsLoc->strLocation) . '</b><br>'); echoT($clsLoc->strSponProg); $lNumSponsors = $clsLoc->lNumSponsors; if ($lNumSponsors > 0) { $strLinkSpon = strLinkView_SponsorsViaLocProg($lCLID, 'View sponsors for this location', true); } else {