if ($_INI['debug_ajax']) { showDebugMessage("Failed to find flength file {$flength_file}"); } showAlertMessage("<span class='ubrError'>ERROR</span>: Failed to find <a href='http://uber-uploader.sourceforge.net/?section=flength' target='_new'>flength file</a>", 1); } elseif (strstr($total_upload_size, "ERROR")) { // Found the flength file but it contains an error list($error, $error_num, $error_msg) = explode($DATA_DELIMITER, $total_upload_size); if ($_INI['debug_ajax']) { showDebugMessage($error_msg); } if (!deleteDir($TEMP_DIR . $UPLOAD_ID . '.dir')) { if ($_INI['debug_ajax']) { showDebugMessage("Failed to delete " . $TEMP_DIR . $UPLOAD_ID . ".dir"); } } stopUpload(); if ($error_num == 1) { $formatted_error_msg = "<span class='ubrError'>ERROR</span>: Failed to open link file " . $UPLOAD_ID . ".link"; } elseif ($error_num == 2 || $error_num == 3) { $formatted_error_msg = "<span class='ubrError'>ERROR</span>: " . $error_msg; } showAlertMessage($formatted_error_msg, 1); } else { // Keep trying to read the hook file until timeout if ($_INI['cgi_upload_hook']) { for ($i = 0; $i < $_INI['hook_timeout_limit']; $i++) { if ($hook_data = readUbrFile($hook_file, $_INI['debug_ajax'])) { $found_hook_file = true; break; } clearstatcache();
$file = format_filename($file); //cheking file name if (ereg("[^a-zA-Z0-9._-]", $file)) { die(stopUpload('alert', $DLG['invalid_filename'])); } //check is file name exists if (file_exists($directory . $file)) { die(stopUpload('alert', $DLG['file_exists'])); } umask(02); //uploadig file if (!copy($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $directory . $file)) { die(stopUpload('error', $DLG['upload_failure'])); } $msg = rawurlencode("<b>'{$file}'</b> {$DLG['upload_success']}<br><a href=\"javascript:browser.insertFile('{$file}');\">{$DLG['insert_uploaded']}</a>"); die(stopUpload('done', $msg)); } ?> <form id="upload_form" action="scripts/upload_file.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" target="upload_target" onsubmit="browser.upload.start(this);" > <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="10000000" /> <p class="info" ><?php echo $DLG['select_to_upload']; ?> </p> <table> <tr><td colspan="2"></td></tr> <tr><td><?php echo $DLG['dir']; ?> : </td><td><input type="input" name="dir" value="<?php echo $dir;