Пример #1
  * Reports a count to the StatHat API.
  * @param int $count
  *   The count to report.
 public function reportCount($count)
     $statName = $this->prefix . $this->statNames;
     if ($this->isProduction) {
         stathat_ez_count($this->ezkey, $statName, $count);
Пример #2
 * firstDelimiterLyrics function.
 * @access public
 * @param mixed $w
 * @param mixed $query
 * @param mixed $settings
 * @param mixed $db
 * @param mixed $update_in_progress
 * @return void
function firstDelimiterLyrics($w, $query, $settings, $db, $update_in_progress)
    $words = explode('▹', $query);
    $kind = $words[0];
    $all_playlists = $settings->all_playlists;
    $is_alfred_playlist_active = $settings->is_alfred_playlist_active;
    $radio_number_tracks = $settings->radio_number_tracks;
    $now_playing_notifications = $settings->now_playing_notifications;
    $max_results = $settings->max_results;
    $alfred_playlist_uri = $settings->alfred_playlist_uri;
    $alfred_playlist_name = $settings->alfred_playlist_name;
    $country_code = $settings->country_code;
    $last_check_update_time = $settings->last_check_update_time;
    $oauth_client_id = $settings->oauth_client_id;
    $oauth_client_secret = $settings->oauth_client_secret;
    $oauth_redirect_uri = $settings->oauth_redirect_uri;
    $oauth_access_token = $settings->oauth_access_token;
    $oauth_expires = $settings->oauth_expires;
    $oauth_refresh_token = $settings->oauth_refresh_token;
    $display_name = $settings->display_name;
    $userid = $settings->userid;
    $echonest_api_key = $settings->echonest_api_key;
    if (substr_count($query, '∙') == 2) {
        // Search Lyrics
        $tmp = $words[1];
        $words = explode('∙', $tmp);
        $track_uri = $words[0];
        $artist_name = $words[1];
        $track_name = $words[2];
        list($lyrics_url, $lyrics) = getLyrics($w, $artist_name, $track_name);
        if ($userid != 'vdesabou') {
            stathat_ez_count('AlfredSpotifyMiniPlayer', 'lyrics', 1);
        if ($lyrics_url != false) {
            $w->result(null, serialize(array('', '', '', '', '', '', 'Open▹' . $lyrics_url, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '')), 'See lyrics for ' . $track_name . ' by ' . $artist_name . ' online', "This will open your default browser", './images/lyrics.png', 'yes', null, '');
            $track_artwork = getTrackOrAlbumArtwork($w, $track_uri, false);
            $wrapped = wordwrap($lyrics, 70, "\n", false);
            $lyrics_sentances = explode("\n", $wrapped);
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($lyrics_sentances); $i++) {
                $w->result(null, '', $lyrics_sentances[$i], '', $track_artwork, 'no', null, '');
        } else {
            $w->result(null, 'help', "No lyrics found!", "", './images/warning.png', 'no', null, '');
            echo $w->toxml();
Пример #3
 function register_usage($portalID, $appID, $screenId = 169, $action = "", $hs_settings = "")
     if (!is_array($hs_settings)) {
         $hs_settings = array();
         $hs_settings = get_option('hs_settings');
     if ($hs_settings["hs_portal"] != "" && $hs_settings["hs_appdomain"] != "") {
         $logging_url = 'http://usagetracking.hubapi.com/UsageTracker/addActivity';
         $logging_url .= '?portalId=' . $portalID;
         $logging_url .= '&appId=' . $appID;
         $logging_url .= '&screenId=' . $screenId;
         if ($action != "") {
             $logging_url .= '&action=' . $action;
             // Register with StatHat
             $replace_these = array('+', '%2F');
             $stathat_key = 'HSWP-' . str_replace($replace_these, '-', $action);
             stathat_ez_count("{$stathat_key}", 1);
             // Count if action is present
Пример #4
 * getArtistArtwork function.
 * @access public
 * @param mixed $w
 * @param mixed $artist
 * @param mixed $fetchIfNotPresent
 * @return void
function getArtistArtwork($w, $artist, $fetchIfNotPresent = false, $fetchLater = false, $isLaterFetch = false)
    $parsedArtist = urlencode(escapeQuery($artist));
    if (!file_exists($w->data() . "/artwork")) {
        exec("mkdir '" . $w->data() . "/artwork'");
    $currentArtwork = $w->data() . "/artwork/" . hash('md5', $parsedArtist . ".png") . "/" . "{$parsedArtist}.png";
    $artwork = "";
    if ($fetchLater == true) {
        if (!is_file($currentArtwork)) {
            return array(false, $currentArtwork);
        } else {
            return array(true, $currentArtwork);
        // always return currentArtwork
        return $currentArtwork;
    if (!is_file($currentArtwork) || is_file($currentArtwork) && filesize($currentArtwork) == 0) {
        if ($fetchIfNotPresent == true || is_file($currentArtwork) && filesize($currentArtwork) == 0) {
            $artwork = getArtistArtworkURL($w, $artist);
            // if return 0, it is a 404 error, no need to fetch
            if (!empty($artwork) || is_numeric($artwork) && $artwork != 0) {
                if (!file_exists($w->data() . "/artwork/" . hash('md5', $parsedArtist . ".png"))) {
                    exec("mkdir '" . $w->data() . "/artwork/" . hash('md5', $parsedArtist . ".png") . "'");
                $fp = fopen($currentArtwork, 'w+');
                $options = array(CURLOPT_FILE => $fp);
                $w->request("{$artwork}", $options);
                stathat_ez_count('AlfredSpotifyMiniPlayer', 'artworks', 1);
                if ($isLaterFetch == true) {
                    return true;
            } else {
                if ($isLaterFetch == true) {
                    if (!file_exists($w->data() . "/artwork/" . hash('md5', $parsedArtist . ".png"))) {
                        exec("mkdir '" . $w->data() . "/artwork/" . hash('md5', $parsedArtist . ".png") . "'");
                    copy('./images/artists.png', $currentArtwork);
                    return false;
                } else {
                    return "./images/artists.png";
        } else {
            if ($isLaterFetch == true) {
                if (!file_exists($w->data() . "/artwork/" . hash('md5', $parsedArtist . ".png"))) {
                    exec("mkdir '" . $w->data() . "/artwork/" . hash('md5', $parsedArtist . ".png") . "'");
                copy('./images/artists.png', $currentArtwork);
                return false;
            } else {
                return "./images/artists.png";
    } else {
        if (filesize($currentArtwork) == 0) {
            if ($isLaterFetch == true) {
                if (!file_exists($w->data() . "/artwork/" . hash('md5', $parsedArtist . ".png"))) {
                    exec("mkdir '" . $w->data() . "/artwork/" . hash('md5', $parsedArtist . ".png") . "'");
                copy('./images/artists.png', $currentArtwork);
                return false;
            } else {
                return "./images/artists.png";
    if (is_numeric($artwork) && $artwork == 0) {
        if ($isLaterFetch == true) {
            if (!file_exists($w->data() . "/artwork/" . hash('md5', $parsedArtist . ".png"))) {
                exec("mkdir '" . $w->data() . "/artwork/" . hash('md5', $parsedArtist . ".png") . "'");
            copy('./images/artists.png', $currentArtwork);
            return false;
        } else {
            return "./images/artists.png";
    } else {
        return $currentArtwork;
Пример #5
                                                 if ($userid != 'vdesabou') {
                                                     stathat_ez_count('AlfredSpotifyMiniPlayer', 'update library', 1);
                                             } else {
                                                 if ($other_action == "refresh_library") {
                                                     if (file_exists($w->data() . '/update_library_in_progress')) {
                                                         displayNotificationWithArtwork("Cannot modify library while update is in progress", './images/warning.png', 'Error!');
                                                     if ($userid != 'vdesabou') {
                                                         stathat_ez_count('AlfredSpotifyMiniPlayer', 'update library', 1);
Пример #6
 function hs_analytics_insert()
     global $current_user;
     $hs_settings = array();
     $hs_settings = get_option('hs_settings');
     if ($hs_settings["hs_portal"] != "") {
         // Identify the current user if logged in
         if ($current_user->user_email) {
             $hs_identify_name = $current_user->user_login;
             $hs_identify_email = $current_user->user_email;
             $hs_identify_id = md5($current_user->user_email);
         } else {
             $commenter = wp_get_current_commenter();
             if ($commenter['comment_author_email']) {
                 $hs_identify_name = $commenter['comment_author'];
                 $hs_identify_email = $commenter['comment_author_email'];
                 $hs_identify_id = md5($commenter['comment_author_email']);
         if (isset($hs_identify_email)) {
             echo "\n" . '<!-- DO NOT COPY THIS SNIPPET! -- HubSpot User Identification Code -->' . "\n";
             echo '<script type="text/javascript">' . "\n";
             echo "(function(d,w) {\n";
             // Wrap `identify` call in hubspotutk check to help prevent accidental copy-paste
             if (isset($_COOKIE['hubspotutk'])) {
                 echo "var match = d.cookie.match('(^|;) ?hubspotutk=([^;]*)(;|\$)');\n";
                 echo "if (match && match[2] == \"" . $_COOKIE['hubspotutk'] . "\") {\n";
             echo "w._hsq = w._hsq || [];\n";
             echo "w._hsq.push([\"identify\", {\n";
             echo "  \"email\" : \"" . $hs_identify_email . "\",\n";
             echo "  \"name\" : \"" . $hs_identify_name . "\",\n";
             echo "  \"id\" : \"" . $hs_identify_id . "\"\n";
             echo "}]);\n";
             if (isset($_COOKIE['hubspotutk'])) {
                 echo "}\n";
             echo "})(document, window);\n";
             echo '</script>' . "\n";
             echo '<!-- End of HubSpot User Identification Code -- DO NOT COPY THIS SNIPPET! -->' . "\n";
             stathat_ez_count('HSWP-identified-user', 1);
         echo "\n" . '<!-- Start of Async HubSpot Analytics Code for WordPress v' . HUBSPOT_PLUGIN_VERSION . ' -->' . "\n";
         echo '<script type="text/javascript">' . "\n";
         echo 'var _hsq = _hsq || [];' . "\n";
         // Pass along the correct content-type
         if (is_single()) {
             echo '_hsq.push(["setContentType", "blog-post"]);' . "\n";
         } else {
             if (is_archive() || is_search()) {
                 echo '_hsq.push(["setContentType", "listing-page"]);' . "\n";
             } else {
                 echo '_hsq.push(["setContentType", "standard-page"]);' . "\n";
         echo '(function(d,s,i,r) {' . "\n";
         echo '  if (d.getElementById(i)){return;}' . "\n";
         echo '  var n = d.createElement(s),e = document.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];' . "\n";
         echo '  n.id=i;n.src = \'//js.hs-analytics.net/analytics/\'+(Math.ceil(new Date()/r)*r)+\'/' . trim($hs_settings["hs_portal"]) . '.js\';' . "\n";
         echo '  e.parentNode.insertBefore(n, e);' . "\n";
         echo '})(document, "script", "hs-analytics", 300000);' . "\n";
         echo '</script>' . "\n";
         echo '<!-- End of Async HubSpot Analytics Code -->' . "\n";