function ss_timing_start($name = 'default') { global $ss_timing_start_times; $ss_timing_start_times[$name] = explode(' ', microtime()); } function ss_timing_stop($name = 'default') { global $ss_timing_stop_times; $ss_timing_stop_times[$name] = explode(' ', microtime()); } function ss_timing_current($name = 'default') { global $ss_timing_start_times, $ss_timing_stop_times; if (!isset($ss_timing_start_times[$name])) { return 0; } if (!isset($ss_timing_stop_times[$name])) { $stop_time = explode(' ', microtime()); } else { $stop_time = $ss_timing_stop_times[$name]; } // do the big numbers first so the small ones aren't lost $current = $stop_time[1] - $ss_timing_start_times[$name][1]; $current += $stop_time[0] - $ss_timing_start_times[$name][0]; return $current; } ss_timing_start(); phpinfo(); ss_timing_stop(); echo "<hr><br>\r\n <div class=\"confirm\">The page was executed in : " . ss_timing_current() . " seconds.</div>"; include_once "http://localhost/a/plugins/themefooter.html";
/** * Main container function in creating the bot's reply. * * This function is the 'manager' of all the sub-funtions that do the real processing. It creates a class * called Response that is used throughout the application. * * @uses addinputs() * @uses addthats() * @uses bget() * @uses cleanup() * @uses getthat() * @uses loadcustomtags() * @uses logconversation() * @uses normalsentences() * @uses respond() * @uses ss_timing_current() * @uses ss_timing_start() * @uses ss_timing_stop() * * @global string that The conversation's previous bot output * @global string topic The contents of the AIML tag 'Topic' * @global integer uid The session ID of the user (previously $uniqueid) * @global integer loopcounter Counts the number of time a particular category is used in the same match trace. * @global array patternmatched The pattern's that matched the * * @param string $userinput The user's input. * @param integer $uniqueid The user's session ID. * @param integer $bot The bot's ID. * * @return object A class link to 'Response'. */ function reply($userinput, $uniqueid, $bot) { if (strstr($userinput, "There is no such a bot loaded")) { $myresponse->response = $userinput; } else { global $that, $topic, $uid, $loopcounter, $patternmatched, $inputmatched, $selectbot; cleanup(); ss_timing_start("all"); $patternmatched = array(); $inputmatched = array(); $myresponse = new Response(); $myresponse->errors = ""; $uid = $uniqueid; $selectbot = $bot; // Load the custom plugin tags loadcustomtags(); // Get the "that" and the "topic" $that = getthat(1, 1); $topic = bget("TOPIC"); // Normalize the input $allinputs = normalsentences($userinput); // If nothing said then use INACTIVITY special input if (sizeof($allinputs) == 0) { $allinputs[] = "INACTIVITY"; } // Put all the inputs into the <input> stack. addinputs($allinputs); $finalanswer = ""; // Build our response to all of the inputs. for ($x = 0; $x < sizeof($allinputs); $x++) { $finalanswer .= respond($allinputs[$x]); } if ($loopcounter > LOOPINGLIMIT && LOOPINGLIMIT != -1) { $finalanswer = LOOPINGERRORMSG; $myresponse->errors = "LOOPINGLIMIT"; } // Put the final answers into the <that> stack. addthats(normalsentences($finalanswer)); // Log the conversation logconversation($userinput, $finalanswer); $myresponse->response = $finalanswer; $myresponse->patternsmatched = $patternmatched; $myresponse->inputs = $inputmatched; ss_timing_stop("all"); $myresponse->timer = ss_timing_current("all"); } return $myresponse; }
$patternsinserted = 0; $depth = array(); $whaton = ""; $pattern = ""; $topic = ""; $that = ""; $template = ""; $startupwhich = ""; $splitterarray = array(); $inputarray = array(); $genderarray = array(); $personarray = array(); $person2array = array(); loadstartup(); makesubscode(); print "<font size='3' color='RED'><b>DONE LOADING</B><br /></font>\n"; print "<font size='3' color='BLUE'>Inserted {$templatesinserted} categories into database</font><br />\n"; print "<font size='3' color='BLUE'>Inserted {$patternsinserted} sentences into database</font><br /><br />\n"; print "<font size='3' color='RED'><b>WARNING!</b> You should either delete or rename the botloader.php and botloaderinc.php scripts, otherwise people may be able to abuse your server.</b></font>\n"; print "<p><font size='3' color='BLACK'><a href='talk.php'>Click here to talk to the bot</a></p></font>\n"; print "<br />"; ss_timing_stop("all"); print "<br /><br /><font size='3' color='BLACK'>execution time: " . ss_timing_current("all"); $avgts = round($templatesinserted / ss_timing_current("all")); $avgtm = round($templatesinserted / (ss_timing_current("all") / 60)); print "<br /><font size='3' color='BLACK'>Templates per second={$avgts}<br />"; print "<font size='3' color='BLACK'>Templates per minute={$avgtm}<br />"; $avgps = round($patternsinserted / ss_timing_current("all")); $avgpm = round($patternsinserted / (ss_timing_current("all") / 60)); print "<font size='3' color='BLACK'>Patterns per second={$avgps}<br />"; print "<font size='3' color='BLACK'>Patterns per minute={$avgpm}<br />";