public function effectively_installed() { return src_version_compare($this->config['version'], '3.0.8', '>='); }
/** * The version to check * * @param string $version * @return bool */ protected function version_is_filtered($version) { return (!$this->min_version || src_version_compare($this->min_version, $version, '<=')) && (!$this->max_version || src_version_compare($this->max_version, $version, '>=')); }
/** * Checks for correct MySQL version and stores min/max word length in the config * * @return string|bool Language key of the error/incompatiblity occurred */ public function init() { if ($this->db->get_sql_layer() != 'mysql4' && $this->db->get_sql_layer() != 'mysqli') { return $this->user->lang['FULLTEXT_MYSQL_INCOMPATIBLE_DATABASE']; } $result = $this->db->sql_query('SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE \'' . POSTS_TABLE . '\''); $info = $this->db->sql_fetchrow($result); $this->db->sql_freeresult($result); $engine = ''; if (isset($info['Engine'])) { $engine = $info['Engine']; } else { if (isset($info['Type'])) { $engine = $info['Type']; } } $fulltext_supported = $engine === 'MyISAM' || $engine === 'InnoDB' && src_version_compare($this->db->sql_server_info(true), '5.6.4', '>='); if (!$fulltext_supported) { return $this->user->lang['FULLTEXT_MYSQL_NOT_SUPPORTED']; } $sql = 'SHOW VARIABLES LIKE \'ft\\_%\''; $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql); $mysql_info = array(); while ($row = $this->db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $mysql_info[$row['Variable_name']] = $row['Value']; } $this->db->sql_freeresult($result); set_config('fulltext_mysql_max_word_len', $mysql_info['ft_max_word_len']); set_config('fulltext_mysql_min_word_len', $mysql_info['ft_min_word_len']); return false; }
public function update_data() { return array(array('if', array(src_version_compare($this->config['version'], '3.0.14-RC1', '<'), array('config.update', array('version', '3.0.14-RC1'))))); }
/** * Wrapper for version_compare() that allows using uppercase A and B * for alpha and beta releases. * * See * * @param string $version1 First version number * @param string $version2 Second version number * @param string $operator Comparison operator (optional) * * @return mixed Boolean (true, false) if comparison operator is specified. * Integer (-1, 0, 1) otherwise. */ public function compare($version1, $version2, $operator = null) { return src_version_compare($version1, $version2, $operator); }