Пример #1
function sql($m)
    require_once 'api/function.sqlquery.php';
    if ($m->getNumParams() > 1) {
        $error = "Invalid number of parameters. SQL query required";
        return new XML_RPC_Response(0, $GLOBALS['XML_RPC_erruser'], $error);
    $db = $GLOBALS['dsn'] . $GLOBALS['datadb'];
    // get the SQL statement
    $query = $m->getParam(0);
    // return an error if the query is not allowed
    if (!ereg("^(select|show|describe) ", strtolower($query->scalarval()))) {
        $error = 'Invalid query, only "SELECT", "SHOW", or "DESCRIBE" statements are accepted';
        return new XML_RPC_Response(0, $GLOBALS['XML_RPC_erruser'], $error);
    // perform the query
    $result = @sqlquery($db, $query->scalarval(), true);
    if (is_object($result) && DB::isError($result)) {
        $error = $result->getCode() . ": " . $result->getMessage();
        return new XML_RPC_Response(0, $GLOBALS['XML_RPC_erruser'], $error);
    $res = db2XMLRPC($result);
    return new XML_RPC_Response($res);
Пример #2
function buildVariableEnv($uid, $gid, $tid, &$vardisp, &$bounds, &$privilege, &$tree, &$condensed, &$autoDisplay)
    $result = sqlquery("SELECT view_row.name AS user_name, variable.name AS var_name, path, warning_bound, error_bound, alarm_order, view_row.filter as varfilter, view_table.filter as viewfilter, display, auto_display, view_row.vid AS vid " . "FROM variable, view_row, view_table " . "WHERE variable.command='variable' AND (view_table.uid='{$uid}' OR view_table.uid='{$gid}') AND view_table.tid='{$tid}' AND view_row.tid='{$tid}' AND variable.vid=view_row.vid ORDER BY view_row.ordering");
    while ($result && ($arr = sqlfetch($result))) {
        $vid = $arr["vid"];
        if (!hasAccessToVariable($vid)) {
        $path = $arr["path"];
        if ($arr["varfilter"] != "" && ($path = filterPath($path, $arr["varfilter"])) == "") {
        if ($arr["viewfilter"] != "" && ($path = filterPath($path, $arr["viewfilter"])) == "") {
        $condensed = $arr["display"] == "condensed";
        $autoDisplay = $arr["auto_display"] == "auto";
        $varName = getVarName($path);
        $vardisp[$varName] = $arr["user_name"];
        $bounds[$varName] = array($arr["warning_bound"], $arr["error_bound"], $arr["alarm_order"]);
        $privilege[$varName] = getVariableRight($vid);
        $address = explode(".", $path);
        //echo "add to tree address $path<br>\n";
        if (!isset($numsteps)) {
            $numsteps = count($address);
        if ($numsteps != count($address)) {
            echo "Invalid table <b>{$tid}</b>, contains different variable path length (typically, mixed shard/server/service variables with entity variables)\n";
        addToNode($tree, $address, 0);
Пример #3
 function __construct($gateway_override = false)
     $s = BigTreeAdmin::getSetting("bigtree-internal-payment-gateway");
     // Setting doesn't exist? Create it.
     if ($s === false) {
         sqlquery("INSERT INTO bigtree_settings (`id`,`system`,`encrypted`) VALUES ('bigtree-internal-payment-gateway','on','on')");
         $s = array("service" => "", "settings" => array());
         BigTreeAdmin::updateSettingValue("bigtree-internal-payment-gateway", $s);
     // If for some reason the setting doesn't exist, make one.
     $this->Service = isset($s["value"]["service"]) ? $s["value"]["service"] : "";
     $this->Settings = isset($s["value"]["settings"]) ? $s["value"]["settings"] : array();
     // If you specifically request a certain service, use it instead of the default
     if ($gateway_override) {
         $this->Service = $gateway_override;
     if ($this->Service == "authorize.net") {
     } elseif ($this->Service == "paypal") {
     } elseif ($this->Service == "paypal-rest") {
     } elseif ($this->Service == "payflow") {
     } elseif ($this->Service == "linkpoint") {
Пример #4
function getShardLockState()
    global $shardLockState, $uid, $REMOTE_ADDR, $enablelock, $shardList;
    global $ASHost, $ASPort;
    $shardLockState = array();
    if (count($shardList) > 0) {
        foreach ($shardList as $shard => $s) {
            $shardLockState[$shard]['lock_state'] = $enablelock ? 0 : 1;
    $result = sqlquery("SELECT * FROM shard_annotation");
    while ($result && ($arr = sqlfetch($result))) {
        if ($enablelock) {
            if ($arr['lock_user'] == 0) {
                $lockState = 0;
                // unlocked
            } else {
                if ($arr['lock_user'] == $uid && $arr['lock_ip'] == $REMOTE_ADDR) {
                    $lockState = 1;
                    // locked by user
                } else {
                    $lockState = 2;
                    // locked by another user
        } else {
            $lockState = 1;
        $shardLockState[$arr['shard']] = array('user_annot' => $arr['user'], 'annot' => htmlentities($arr['annotation'], ENT_QUOTES), 'post_date' => $arr['post_date'], 'lock_user' => $arr['lock_user'], 'lock_ip' => $arr['lock_ip'], 'lock_date' => $arr['lock_date'], 'lock_state' => $lockState, 'ASAddr' => $arr['ASAddr'], 'alias' => $arr['alias']);
Пример #5
function loghistory($link, $userid, $ip, $ua, $outcome)
    $sql = "SELECT max(`id`) AS `m` FROM `history`";
    $res = sqlquery($sql, $link);
    $r = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
    $i = $r == FALSE ? 0 : (int) $r['m'] + 1;
    $sql = "INSERT INTO `history` VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)";
    $res = sqlexec($sql, array($i, $userid, $ip, $ua, $outcome), $link);
function selectorder($conn, $select, $from, $where, $order)
    if ($where == "") {
        $where = "1=1";
    if ($where == "") {
        $where = "1=1";
    return sqlquery($conn, "SELECT " . $select . " FROM " . $from . " WHERE " . $where . " ORDER BY " . $order);
Пример #7
function delete_old_process($link)
    $ret = sqlquery('SELECT * FROM `process` where 1', $link);
    while ($i = $ret->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
        if (!pstatus($i['pid'])) {
            sqlexec('DELETE FROM `process` where pid=?', array($i['pid']), $link);
            deldir('qqbot/' . $i['id']);
Пример #8
 function __construct()
     $s = BigTreeAdmin::getSetting("bigtree-internal-email-service");
     // Setting doesn't exist? Create it.
     if ($s === false) {
         sqlquery("INSERT INTO bigtree_settings (`id`,`system`,`encrypted`) VALUES ('bigtree-internal-email-service','on','on')");
         $s = array("service" => "", "settings" => array());
         BigTreeAdmin::updateSettingValue("bigtree-internal-email-service", $s);
     $this->Service = !empty($s["value"]["service"]) ? $s["value"]["service"] : "local";
     $this->Settings = !empty($s["value"]["settings"]) ? $s["value"]["settings"] : array();
Пример #9
 function sql($query)
     if (!eregi("^(select|show|describe)", $query)) {
         trigger_error('Invalid query. Only SELECT, SHOW and DESCRIBE allowed', E_USER_ERROR);
     $db = $GLOBALS['dsn'] . $GLOBALS['datadb'];
     $result = @sqlquery($db, $query, false);
     if (is_object($result) && PEAR::isError($result)) {
         trigger_error($result->getMessage(), E_USER_ERROR);
     } else {
         return new SOAP_Value('result', 'Struct', $result);
 static function getForm($id)
     $id = sqlescape($id);
     $form = sqlfetch(sqlquery("SELECT * FROM btx_form_builder_forms WHERE id = '{$id}'"));
     if (!$form) {
         return false;
     $fields = array();
     $object_count = 0;
     $field_query = sqlquery("SELECT * FROM btx_form_builder_fields WHERE form = '{$id}' AND `column` = '0' ORDER BY position DESC, id ASC");
     while ($field = sqlfetch($field_query)) {
         if ($field["type"] == "column") {
             // Get left column
             $column_fields = array();
             $column_query = sqlquery("SELECT * FROM btx_form_builder_fields WHERE `column` = '" . $field["id"] . "' AND `alignment` = 'left' ORDER BY position DESC, id ASC");
             while ($sub_field = sqlfetch($column_query)) {
                 $column_fields[] = $sub_field;
             $field["fields"] = $column_fields;
             $fields[] = $field;
             // Get right column
             $column_fields = array();
             $column_query = sqlquery("SELECT * FROM btx_form_builder_fields WHERE `column` = '" . $field["id"] . "' AND `alignment` = 'right' ORDER BY position DESC, id ASC");
             while ($sub_field = sqlfetch($column_query)) {
                 $column_fields[] = $sub_field;
             $field["fields"] = $column_fields;
             $fields[] = $field;
             // Column start/end count as objects so we add 3 since there's two columns
             $object_count += 3;
         } else {
             $fields[] = $field;
     $form["fields"] = $fields;
     $form["object_count"] = $object_count - 1;
     // We start at 0
     return $form;
Пример #11
 function sql()
     if (!$_REQUEST['query']) {
         echo "<b>ERROR: Missing parameters.</b>\n";
         return false;
     // allow only SELECT, SHOW or DESCRIBE queries
     $allowed = "^(select|show|describe)";
     if (!eregi($allowed, trim($_REQUEST['query']))) {
         echo "<b>ERROR: Only 'SELECT', 'SHOW', or 'DESCRIBE' queries are allowed.</b>\n";
         return false;
     $result = sqlquery(MDB_DATA_DSN, $_REQUEST['query']);
     if (is_object($result) && DB::isError($result)) {
         echo "<b>ERROR " . $result->getCode() . ": " . $result->getMessage() . "</b>\n";
         return false;
     $format = isset($_REQUEST['format']) ? strtolower($_REQUEST['format']) : "csv";
     switch ($format) {
         case "wddx":
             $out = wddx_serialize_value($result);
         case "serialize":
             $out = serialize($result);
         case "table":
             $out = toTable($result);
         case "csv":
             $fields = array_keys($result[0]);
             $out = toCSV($fields);
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($result); $i++) {
                 $out .= toCSV(array_values($result[$i]));
     echo $out;
     return true;
Пример #12
function checkpseudo($pseudo)
    if ($pseudo == '') {
        return 'empty';
    } else {
        if (strlen($pseudo) < 3) {
            return 'tooshort';
        } else {
            if (strlen($pseudo) > 32) {
                return 'toolong';
            } else {
                $result = sqlquery("SELECT COUNT(*) AS nbr FROM membres WHERE membre_pseudo = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($pseudo) . "'", 1);
                global $queries;
                if ($result['nbr'] > 0) {
                    return 'exists';
                } else {
                    return 'ok';
Пример #13
function _local_bigtree_update_201()
    setcookie("bigtree_admin[password]", "", time() - 3600, str_replace(DOMAIN, "", WWW_ROOT));
    sqlquery("CREATE TABLE `bigtree_user_sessions` (`id` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `email` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `chain` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `email` (`email`), KEY `chain` (`chain`)) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8");
Пример #14
 function handle404($url)
     $url = sqlescape(htmlspecialchars(strip_tags(rtrim($url, "/"))));
     $f = sqlfetch(sqlquery("SELECT * FROM bigtree_404s WHERE broken_url = '{$url}'"));
     if (!$url) {
         return true;
     if ($f["redirect_url"]) {
         if ($f["redirect_url"] == "/") {
             $f["redirect_url"] = "";
         if (substr($f["redirect_url"], 0, 7) == "http://" || substr($f["redirect_url"], 0, 8) == "https://") {
             $redirect = $f["redirect_url"];
         } else {
             $redirect = WWW_ROOT . str_replace(WWW_ROOT, "", $f["redirect_url"]);
         sqlquery("UPDATE bigtree_404s SET requests = (requests + 1) WHERE id = '" . $f["id"] . "'");
         BigTree::redirect($redirect, "301");
         return false;
     } else {
         header($_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"] . " 404 Not Found");
         if ($f) {
             sqlquery("UPDATE bigtree_404s SET requests = (requests + 1) WHERE id = '" . $f["id"] . "'");
         } else {
             sqlquery("INSERT INTO bigtree_404s (`broken_url`,`requests`) VALUES ('{$url}','1')");
         define("BIGTREE_DO_NOT_CACHE", true);
         return true;
Пример #15
 static function updatePendingItemField($id, $field, $value)
     $id = sqlescape($id);
     $item = sqlfetch(sqlquery("SELECT * FROM bigtree_pending_changes WHERE id = '{$id}'"));
     $changes = json_decode($item["changes"], true);
     if (is_array($value)) {
         $value = BigTree::translateArray($value);
     $changes[$field] = $value;
     $changes = sqlescape(json_encode($changes));
     sqlquery("UPDATE bigtree_pending_changes SET changes = '{$changes}' WHERE id = '{$id}'");
Пример #16
 static function updateUserPassword($id, $password)
     global $bigtree;
     $id = sqlescape($id);
     $phpass = new PasswordHash($bigtree["config"]["password_depth"], TRUE);
     $password = sqlescape($phpass->HashPassword(trim($password)));
     sqlquery("UPDATE bigtree_users SET password = '******' WHERE id = '{$id}'");
Пример #17
// Sanitize the form data so it fits properly in the database (convert dates to MySQL-friendly format and such)
$bigtree["entry"] = BigTreeAutoModule::sanitizeData($bigtree["form"]["table"], $bigtree["entry"]);
// Make some easier to write out vars for below.
$tags = $_POST["_tags"];
$edit_id = $_POST["id"] ? $_POST["id"] : false;
$new_id = false;
$table = $bigtree["form"]["table"];
$item = $bigtree["entry"];
$many_to_many = $bigtree["many-to-many"];
// Check to see if this is a positioned element
// If it is and the form is setup to create new items at the top and this is a new record, update the position column.
$table_description = BigTree::describeTable($table);
if (isset($table_description["columns"]["position"]) && $bigtree["form"]["default_position"] == "Top" && !$_POST["id"]) {
    $max = sqlrows(sqlquery("SELECT id FROM `{$table}`")) + sqlrows(sqlquery("SELECT id FROM `bigtree_pending_changes` WHERE `table` = '" . sqlescape($table) . "'"));
    $item["position"] = $max;
// Let's stick it in the database or whatever!
$data_action = $_POST["save_and_publish"] || $_POST["save_and_publish_x"] || $_POST["save_and_publish_y"] ? "publish" : "save";
$did_publish = false;
// We're an editor or "Save" was chosen
if ($bigtree["access_level"] == "e" || $data_action == "save") {
    // We have an existing module entry we're saving a change to.
    if ($edit_id) {
        BigTreeAutoModule::submitChange($bigtree["module"]["id"], $table, $edit_id, $item, $many_to_many, $tags);
        $admin->growl($bigtree["module"]["name"], "Saved " . $bigtree["form"]["title"] . " Draft");
        // It's a new entry, so we create a pending item.
    } else {
        $edit_id = "p" . BigTreeAutoModule::createPendingItem($bigtree["module"]["id"], $table, $item, $many_to_many, $tags);
        $admin->growl($bigtree["module"]["name"], "Created " . $bigtree["form"]["title"] . " Draft");
Пример #18
    $numRows = current($arr);
    $numLines = ($numRes - $numRows - 2) / $numRows;
    for ($i = 0; $i < $numRows; ++$i) {
        $vars[] = current($arr);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $numLines; ++$i) {
        foreach ($vars as $var) {
            $l[$var] = current($arr);
        $sql_query = "SELECT * FROM server WHERE name='" . $l['server'] . "'";
        $sql_res = sqlquery($sql_query);
        if ($sql_res && ($sql_arr = sqlfetch($sql_res))) {
            $l['address'] = $sql_arr['address'];
        $availableLAS[] = $l;
	echo "<pre>";
	echo "</pre>";
Пример #19
    bt_touch_writable("templates/basic/_404.php", "<h1>404 - Page Not Found</h1>");
    bt_touch_writable("templates/basic/_maintenance.php", "<h1>Under Construction</h1><p>Maintenance mode has been enabled.</p>");
    bt_touch_writable("templates/basic/_sitemap.php", "<h1>Sitemap</h1>");
    bt_touch_writable("templates/basic/content.php", '<h1><?=$page_header?></h1>
    bt_touch_writable("custom/environment.php", str_replace($find, $replace, file_get_contents("core/config.environment.php")));
    // Install the example site if they asked for it.
    if ($install_example_site) {
        bt_copy_dir("core/example-site/", "");
        $sql_queries = explode("\n", file_get_contents("example-site.sql"));
        foreach ($sql_queries as $query) {
            $query = trim($query);
            if ($query != "") {
                $q = sqlquery($query);
        bt_touch_writable("custom/settings.php", str_replace($find, $replace, file_get_contents("core/example-site/custom/settings.php")));
    } else {
        bt_touch_writable("custom/settings.php", str_replace($find, $replace, file_get_contents("core/config.settings.php")));
    // Create site/index.php, site/.htaccess, and .htaccess (masks the 'site' directory)
    bt_touch_writable("site/index.php", '<?
	$server_root = str_replace("site/index.php","",strtr(__FILE__, "\\\\", "/"));	
	include "../core/launch.php";
    if ($routing == "advanced") {
        bt_touch_writable("site/.htaccess", '<IfModule mod_deflate.c>
	<IfModule mod_setenvif.c>
		<IfModule mod_headers.c>
Пример #20
 function update($id, $fields, $values = false, $ignore_cache = false)
     $id = sqlescape($id);
     // Turn a key => value array into pairs
     if ($values === false && is_array($fields)) {
         $values = $fields;
         $fields = array_keys($fields);
     // Multiple columns to update
     if (is_array($fields)) {
         $query_parts = array();
         foreach ($fields as $key) {
             $val = current($values);
             if (is_array($val)) {
                 $val = BigTree::json(BigTree::translateArray($val));
             } else {
                 $val = BigTreeAdmin::autoIPL($val);
             $query_parts[] = "`{$key}` = '" . sqlescape($val) . "'";
         sqlquery("UPDATE `" . $this->Table . "` SET " . implode(", ", $query_parts) . " WHERE id = '{$id}'");
         // Single column to update
     } else {
         if (is_array($values)) {
             $val = json_encode(BigTree::translateArray($values));
         } else {
             $val = BigTreeAdmin::autoIPL($values);
         sqlquery("UPDATE `" . $this->Table . "` SET `{$fields}` = '" . sqlescape($val) . "' WHERE id = '{$id}'");
     if (!$ignore_cache) {
         BigTreeAutoModule::recacheItem($id, $this->Table);
Пример #21

$db_error = false;
$is_group_based_perm = false;
$list = array();
// Database populated list.
if ($field["options"]["list_type"] == "db") {
    $list_table = $field["options"]["pop-table"];
    $list_id = $field["options"]["pop-id"];
    $list_title = $field["options"]["pop-description"];
    $list_sort = $field["options"]["pop-sort"];
    // If debug is on we're going to check if the tables exists...
    if ($bigtree["config"]["debug"] && !BigTree::tableExists($list_table)) {
        $db_error = true;
    } else {
        $q = sqlquery("SELECT `id`,`{$list_title}` FROM `{$list_table}` ORDER BY {$list_sort}");
        // Check if we're doing module based permissions on this table.
        if ($bigtree["module"] && $bigtree["module"]["gbp"]["enabled"] && $form["table"] == $bigtree["module"]["gbp"]["table"] && $key == $bigtree["module"]["gbp"]["group_field"]) {
            $is_group_based_perm = true;
            while ($f = sqlfetch($q)) {
                // Find out whether the logged in user can access a given group, and if so, specify the access level.
                $access_level = $admin->canAccessGroup($bigtree["module"], $f["id"]);
                if ($access_level) {
                    $list[] = array("value" => $f["id"], "description" => $f[$list_title], "access_level" => $access_level);
            // We're not doing module group based permissions, get a regular list.
        } else {
            while ($f = sqlfetch($q)) {
                $list[] = array("value" => $f["id"], "description" => $f[$list_title]);
Пример #22
//echo $trimmed;
$word = $trimmed;
$word = utf8_decode($word);
$time_start = microtime(true);
/*$text = sqlquery($conn,$word);
	if(isset($text) && count($text)>=1)
		print_r("no such word translation |");*/
while ($i < $j) {
    $word = trim($pieces[$i++]);
    $word = utf8_decode($word);
    $text = sqlquery($conn, $word);
    if (isset($text) && count($text) >= 2) {
        echo $word . "=";
        if (count($text[1]) >= 1) {
            $text[1] = array_unique($text[1]);
            for ($ii = 0; $ii <= count($text[1]); $ii++) {
                if (!empty($text[1][$ii])) {
                    print_r("" . $text[1][$ii] . " &nbsp;, &nbsp;");
                //change this to arrive at synsets
        echo "<br>";
        //print_r($text[1] . " ");
    } else {
Пример #23
            $type["use_cases"] = array("templates" => $type["pages"], "modules" => $type["modules"], "callouts" => $type["callouts"], "settings" => $type["settings"]);
        $use_cases = is_array($type["use_cases"]) ? sqlescape(json_encode($type["use_cases"])) : sqlescape($type["use_cases"]);
        $self_draw = $type["self_draw"] ? "'on'" : "NULL";
        sqlquery("INSERT INTO bigtree_field_types (`id`,`name`,`use_cases`,`self_draw`) VALUES ('" . sqlescape($type["id"]) . "','" . sqlescape($type["name"]) . "','{$use_cases}',{$self_draw})");
// Import files
foreach ($json["files"] as $file) {
    BigTree::copyFile(SERVER_ROOT . "cache/package/{$file}", SERVER_ROOT . $file);
// Run SQL
foreach ($json["sql"] as $sql) {
// Empty view cache
sqlquery("DELETE FROM bigtree_module_view_cache");
// Remove the package directory, we do it backwards because the "deepest" files are last
$contents = @array_reverse(BigTree::directoryContents(SERVER_ROOT . "cache/package/"));
foreach ($contents as $file) {
@rmdir(SERVER_ROOT . "cache/package/");
// Clear module class cache and field type cache.
@unlink(SERVER_ROOT . "cache/bigtree-module-class-list.json");
@unlink(SERVER_ROOT . "cache/bigtree-form-field-types.json");
sqlquery("INSERT INTO bigtree_extensions (`id`,`type`,`name`,`version`,`last_updated`,`manifest`) VALUES ('" . sqlescape($json["id"]) . "','package','" . sqlescape($json["title"]) . "','" . sqlescape($json["version"]) . "',NOW(),'" . sqlescape(json_encode($json)) . "')");
sqlquery("SET foreign_key_checks = 1");
$admin->growl("Developer", "Installed Package");
BigTree::redirect(DEVELOPER_ROOT . "packages/install/complete/");
Пример #24

// Update the count
sqlquery("UPDATE btx_form_builder_forms SET entries = (entries - 1) WHERE id = '" . sqlescape($_POST["form"]) . "'");
BigTreeAutoModule::recacheItem($_POST["form"], "btx_form_builder_forms");
// Delete the entry
BigTreeAutoModule::deleteItem("btx_form_builder_entries", $_POST["id"]);
// Show the growl and update the table
header("Content-type: text/javascript");
BigTree.growl("Form Builder","Deleted Entry");
echo $_POST["id"];
Пример #25
echo "//----------------------------------\n";
echo "function submitForm(entity)\n";
echo "{\n";
echo "\treturn true;\n";
echo "}\n";
echo "\n";
echo "//--></script>\n";
// input variables :
// - $preselServ : preselected service address
// - $execCommand : executed command on preselected service, like a normal service
echo "<br><br>\n";
echo "<table border=0><tr valign=top>\n";
echo "<form method=post action='" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "' name='cmdform'>\n";
echo "<td>\n";
$result = sqlquery("SELECT DISTINCT shard FROM service ORDER BY shard");
echo "<select multiple size=" . sqlnumrows($result) . " name='selshards[]'>";
while ($result && ($arr = sqlfetch($result))) {
    $selected = isset($selshards) && in_array($arr["shard"], $selshards) || (isset($admfilter_shard) && $admfilter_shard != "" && strstr($arr["shard"], $admfilter_shard) || $admfilter_shard == "" && !isset($selshards));
    if ($selected) {
        $selected_shards[] = $arr["shard"];
    echo "<option value='" . $arr["shard"] . "'" . ($selected ? " selected" : "") . ">" . $arr["shard"];
echo "</select>\n";
echo "</td>\n";
echo "<td width=30>&nbsp;</td>\n";
echo "<td>\n";
echo "<table border=0>\n";
echo "<tr><th align=left>Player/Character name</th></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td><input name=char_name value='" . stripslashes($char_name) . "' size=50 maxlength=20480></td>\n";
Пример #26
// Throw an exception if they didn't setup the field type properly
if (!$field["options"]["table"] || !$field["options"]["title_column"]) {
    throw Exception("One-to-Many field type requires a table and a title field to be setup to function.");
$entries = array();
$sort = $field["options"]["sort_by_column"] ? $field["options"]["sort_by_column"] : $field["options"]["title_column"] . " ASC";
// Get existing entries' titles
foreach ($field["value"] as $entry) {
    $g = sqlfetch(sqlquery("SELECT `id`,`" . $field["options"]["title_column"] . "` FROM `" . $field["options"]["table"] . "` WHERE id = '" . sqlescape($entry) . "'"));
    if ($g) {
        $entries[$g["id"]] = $g[$field["options"]["title_column"]];
// Gather a list of the items that could possibly be used
$list = array();
$q = sqlquery("SELECT `id`,`" . $field["options"]["title_column"] . "` FROM `" . $field["options"]["table"] . "` ORDER BY {$sort}");
while ($f = sqlfetch($q)) {
    $list[$f["id"]] = $f[$field["options"]["title_column"]];
// If we have a parser, send a list of the entries and available items through it.
if (!empty($field["options"]["parser"])) {
    $list = call_user_func($field["options"]["parser"], $list, true);
    $entries = call_user_func($field["options"]["parser"], $entries, false);
// Remove items from the list that have already been used
foreach ($entries as $k => $v) {
// A count of the number of entries
$x = 0;
// Only show the field if there are items that could be used or removed
Пример #27
     * Return patient import status using patient Id
     * @param  integer $patientId Id of patient
     * @return integer            Import status for specified patient: [1 = Prescription Press, 2 = Prescription Import, 3 = Allergy Press, 4 = Allergy Import]
    public function getPatientImportStatusByPatientId($patientId)
        $return = sqlquery('SELECT soap_import_status
			FROM patient_data
			WHERE pid = ?;', array($patientId));
        return $return['soap_import_status'];
Пример #28
 if ($ldapConn) {
     $ldapBind = ldap_bind($ldapConn, $ldapDn, $ldapPass);
     if ($ldapBind) {
         //echo "Bound<br>";
         $filter = "(&(objectclass=*)(uid=" . $studentUser . "))";
         $ldapDn = "dc=ldap,dc=iitm,dc=ac,dc=in";
         $result = ldap_search($ldapConn, $ldapDn, $filter) or die("Error in search query: " . ldap_error($ldapConn));
         $entries = ldap_get_entries($ldapConn, $result);
         foreach ($entries as $values => $values1) {
             $logindn = $values1['dn'];
         $loginbind = ldap_bind($ldapConn, $logindn, $studentPass);
         if ($loginbind) {
             $qry = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='******' ";
             $result = sqlquery($qry);
             if ($result) {
                 if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) {
                     $jsonData = array();
                     while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
                         //echo "Tutorial ID :{$row['name']}  <br> " . "Title: {$row['event']} <br> " . "Author: {$row['venue']} <br> " . "Submission Date : {$row['description']} <br> " . "--------------------------------<br>";
                         $jsonData[] = $row;
                     echo json_encode(array_reverse($jsonData));
                 } else {
                     //		$array=array("val"=>"s2");
                     //		echo json_encode($array);
                     echo "{'success':2}";
Пример #29
        $code = '';
        for ($i = 1; $i <= 6; $i++) {
            $c = rand(0, 35);
            if ($c < 10) {
                $code = $code . $c;
            } else {
                $code = $code . chr($c - 10 + ord("a"));
        $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `talkrecord`  WHERE `code`=?";
        $res = sqlexec($sql, array($code), $link);
        $num = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM);
        $num = $num[0];
        if ($num == 0) {
    $sql = "SELECT max(`id`) FROM `talkrecord`";
    $res = sqlquery($sql, $link);
    $num = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM);
    if ($num == FALSE) {
        $id = 0;
    } else {
        $id = $num[0];
    $id = $id + 1;
    $sql = "INSERT INTO `talkrecord` VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?);";
    $res = sqlexec($sql, array($id, $m, $expire, $code, $p, $phint), $link);
    $_SESSION['c'] = $DOMAIN_NAME . $code;
Пример #30
file_put_contents(SERVER_ROOT . "cache/package/manifest.json", $json);
// Create the zip
@unlink(SERVER_ROOT . "cache/package.zip");
include BigTree::path("inc/lib/pclzip.php");
$zip = new PclZip(SERVER_ROOT . "cache/package.zip");
$zip->create(BigTree::directoryContents(SERVER_ROOT . "cache/package/"), PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_PATH, SERVER_ROOT . "cache/package/");
// Remove the package directory, we do it backwards because the "deepest" files are last
$contents = array_reverse(BigTree::directoryContents(SERVER_ROOT . "cache/package/"));
foreach ($contents as $file) {
@rmdir(SERVER_ROOT . "cache/package/");
// Store it in the database for future updates
if (sqlrows(sqlquery("SELECT * FROM bigtree_extensions WHERE id = '" . sqlescape($id) . "'"))) {
    sqlquery("UPDATE bigtree_extensions SET name = '" . sqlescape($title) . "', version = '" . sqlescape($version) . "', last_updated = NOW(), manifest = '" . sqlescape($json) . "' WHERE id = '" . sqlescape($id) . "'");
} else {
    sqlquery("INSERT INTO bigtree_extensions (`id`,`type`,`name`,`version`,`last_updated`,`manifest`) VALUES ('" . sqlescape($id) . "','package','" . sqlescape($title) . "','" . sqlescape($version) . "',NOW(),'" . sqlescape($json) . "')");
<div class="container">
		<p>Package created successfully.</p>
		<a href="<?php 
packages/build/download/" class="button blue">Download</a>