Пример #1
    public function _gallery_create()
        global $bio, $core;
        if (_button()) {
            $upload = _import('upload');
            // Start
            $sql = 'SELECT MAX(image_id) AS total
				FROM _bio_images
				WHERE image_bio = ?';
            $image = sql_field(sql_filter($sql, $this->a('bio_id')), 'total', 0) + 1;
            $upload->chmod(array(_lib(LIB_BIO . ' ' . $this->a('bio_id'))), 0777);
            $f = $upload->process(LIB . 'tmp/', request_var('files:picture'), w('jpg'), $core->v('max_upload'));
            if ($f === false && count($upload->error)) {
            if (!$warning->exist) {
                $total = 0;
                foreach ($f as $row) {
                    //$row = $upload->_row($gallery, $image);
                    $f2 = $upload->resize($row, LIB . 'tmp', LIB . 'events/future/', $v['e_id'], array(600, 400), false, false, true);
                    if ($f2 === false) {
                    $f3 = $upload->resize($row, LIB . 'events/future/', LIB . 'events/preview/', $v['e_id'], array(210, 210), false, false);
                    $sql_insert = array('bio' => $bio->v('bio_id'), 'image' => $image, 'width' => $i_data['width'], 'height' => $i_data['height'], 'views' => 0, 'downloads' => 0, 'allow_dl' => (int) $allow_dl);
                    sql_put('_bio_images', prefix('image', $sql_insert));
                $sql = 'UPDATE _bio_store SET store_value = store_value + ??
					WHERE store_bio = ?';
                _sql(sql_filter($sql, $total, $bio->v('bio_id')));
            if (!$error) {
                redirect(_link_control('a', array('a' => $bio->v('bio_alias'), 'x1' => $this->x(1))));
        return v_style(array('U_CREATE' => _link_bio($bio->v('bio_alias'), array('x1' => $this->x(1), 'x2' => $this->x(2))), 'MAX_FILESIZE' => $core - v('max_upload')));
Пример #2
    protected function _like_home()
        global $bio;
        if (!is_ghost()) {
        $v = $this->__(array('ref' => 0));
        if (!$v['ref']) {
        if (!$bio->v('auth_member')) {
        // like_time
        $sql = 'SELECT *
			FROM _reference
			WHERE ref_id = ?';
        if (!($ref = _fieldrow(sql_filter($sql, $v['ref'])))) {
        $sql = 'SELECT like_id
			FROM _reference_likes
			WHERE like_ref = ?
				AND like_uid = ?';
        if (!_field(sql_filter($sql, $ref['ref_id'], $bio->v('bio_id')), 'like_id', 0)) {
            $sql_insert = array('ref' => $ref['ref_id'], 'uid' => $bio->v('bio_id'));
            sql_put('_reference_likes', prefix('like', $sql_insert));
        return $this->e('~OK');
Пример #3
    protected function _publish_home()
        global $bio;
        $v = $this->__(w('address key subject content playing f 0 p 0'));
        // TODO: Implement bio authorization
        $this->_bio_publish($v->address, $v->key);
        if (!$v->forum && !$v->post) {
        if ($v->forum) {
            if (empty($v->subject)) {
            $sql = 'SELECT *
				FROM _board_forums
				WHERE forum_id = ?';
            if (!($forum = sql_fieldrow(sql_filter($sql, $v->forum)))) {
            $v->subject = _subject($v->subject);
        } else {
            $sql = 'SELECT *
				FROM _board_posts
				WHERE post_id = ?';
            if (!($post = sql_fieldrow(sql_filter($sql, $v->post)))) {
            $sql = 'SELECT *
				FROM _board_topics
				WHERE topic_id = ?';
            if (!($topic = sql_fieldrow(sql_filter($sql, $post->post_topic)))) {
        if ($v->forum) {
            if ($forum->forum_locked && !$this->auth_forum($forum, 'create')) {
        if (empty($v->content)) {
        $v->content = _prepare($v->content);
        // Start insert transaction
        $sql_commit = false;
        if ($v->forum) {
            // Insert topic
            $sql_insert = array('forum' => $v->forum, 'subject' => $v->subject, 'author' => $bio->v('bio_id'), 'time' => time(), 'active' => $bio->v('bio_confirmed'));
            $v->topic_next = sql_put('_board_topics', prefix('topic', $sql_insert));
            // Insert post
            $sql_insert = array('forum' => $v->forum, 'topic' => $v->topic_next, 'parent' => 0, 'bio' => $bio->v('bio_id'), 'time' => time(), 'active' => $bio->v('bio_confirmed'), 'message' => $v->content, 'playing' => $v->playing);
            $v->post_next = sql_put('_board_posts', prefix('post', $sql_insert));
            if ($v->topic_next && $v->post_next) {
                $sql_commit = true;
        } else {
            $sql_insert = array('forum' => $topic->topic_forum, 'topic' => $topic->topic_id, 'parent' => $v->post, 'bio' => $bio->v('bio_id'), 'time' => time(), 'active' => $bio->v('bio_confirmed'), 'message' => $v->content, 'playing' => $v->playing);
            $v->post_next = sql_put('_board_posts', prefix('post', $sql_insert));
            $sql_update = w();
            $sql = 'UPDATE _board_topics SET topic_replies = topic_replies + 1' . sql_build('UPDATE', $sql_update) . sql_filter('
				WHERE topic_id = ?', $topic->topic_id);
            $updated = sql_affected($sql);
            if ($v->post_next && $updated) {
                $sql_commit = true;
        if (!$sql_commit) {
        if (is_ghost() && $v->post) {
            if ($bio->v('bio_confirmed')) {
                $response = array('show' => 1, 'parent' => $v->post, 'post' => $v->post_next, 'content' => _message($v->content), 'time' => _format_date(), 'profile' => array('link' => _link_bio($bio->v('bio_alias')), 'name' => $bio->v('bio_name')));
            } else {
                $response = array('show' => 0, 'legend' => _lang('PUBLISH_TOPIC_GUEST'));
        return redirect(_link('board', array('topic', $v->topic)));
Пример #4
    protected function _analytics_store()
        global $bio, $core;
        list($h, $d, $m, $y) = explode(' ', gmdate('G j n Y', _localtime()));
        $sql = 'SELECT *
			FROM _stats
			WHERE stat_page = ?
				AND stat_hour = ?
				AND stat_day = ?
				AND stat_month = ?
				AND stat_year = ?';
        if ($stat = sql_fieldrow(sql_filter($sql, $bio->page, $h, $d, $m, $y))) {
            $field_stat = $bio->v('auth_member') ? 'member' : 'guest';
            $sql = 'UPDATE _stats SET stat_' . $field_stat . ' = stat_' . $field_stat . ' + 1
				WHERE stat_id = ?';
            $sql = sql_filter($sql, $stat->stat_id);
        } else {
            if ($bio->v('auth_member')) {
                $sql_insert = array();
            } else {
                $sql_insert = array();
            sql_put('_stats', $sql_insert);
Пример #5
    protected function _press_home()
        global $bio;
        $sql = 'SELECT *
			FROM _newsletter
			WHERE newsletter_active = 1
			LIMIT 1';
        if (!($newsletter = _fieldrow($sql))) {
        if (!$newsletter->newsletter_start) {
            $sql = 'UPDATE _newsletter SET newsletter_start = ?
				WHERE newsletter_id = ?';
            sql_query(sql_filter($sql, time(), $newsletter->newsletter_id));
        $sql = 'SELECT bio_id, bio_alias, bio_name, bio_address, bio_lastvisit
			FROM _bio b
			RIGHT JOIN _bio_newsletter bn ON b.bio_id = bn.newsletter_bio
				AND bn.newsletter_receive = ? 
			WHERE b.bio_lastvisit >= ?
				AND b.bio_status <> ?
			ORDER BY b.bio_name
			LIMIT ??, ??';
        $sql_country = '';
        if (!empty($newsletter->newsletter_country)) {
            $sql_country = sql_filter(' LEFT JOIN _countries ON bio_country = country_id
				AND country_id IN (??)', implode(', ', w($newsletter->newsletter_country)));
        $members = _rowset(sql_filter($sql, $sql_country, 1, $newsletter['newsletter_lastvisit'], 2, $newsletter->newsletter_last, $core->v('newsletter_process')));
        $i = 0;
        foreach ($members as $row) {
            if (!is_email($row['user_email'])) {
            $email = array('USERNAME' => $row->username, 'MESSAGE' => entity_decode($email->email_message));
            $core->email->init('press', 'mass:plain', $email);
            if (!empty($row['user_public_email']) && $row['user_email'] != $row['user_public_email'] && is_email($row['user_public_email'])) {
            $sql_history = array('history_newsletter' => $newsletter->newsletter_id, 'history_bio' => $row->bio_id, 'history_time' => time());
            sql_put('_newsletter_history', $sql_history);
        if ($i) {
            $email['email_last'] += $i;
            $sql = 'UPDATE _newsletter SET newsletter_last = ?
				WHERE newsletter_id = ?';
            sql_query(sql_filter($sql, $newsletter->newsletter_last, $newsletter->newsletter_id));
        } else {
            $sql = 'UPDATE _newsletter SET newsletter_active = ?, newsletter_end = ?
				WHERE newsletter_id = ?';
            sql_query(sql_filter($sql, 0, time(), $newsletter->newsletter_id));
            $this->warning->set('finished: ' . $newsletter->newsletter_id);
        return $this->warning->set('completed: ' . $i);
Пример #6
    protected function _attend_home()
        global $bio;
        if (!is_ghost()) {
        if (!$bio->v('auth_member')) {
        $v = $this->__(_array_keys(w('event option'), 0));
        if (!$v['event'] || !$v['option']) {
        $sql = 'SELECT event_id
			FROM _events
			WHERE event_id = ?';
        if (!_fieldrow($sql, $v['event'])) {
        $sql = 'SELECT type_id
			FROM _events_attend_type
			WHERE type_id = ?';
        if (!_fieldrow(sql_filter($sql, $v['option']))) {
        $sql = 'SELECT attend_id
			FROM _events_attend
			WHERE attend_event = ?
				AND attend_uid = ?';
        if ($attend_id = _field(sql_filter($sql, $v['event'], $bio->v('bio_id')), 'attend_id', 0)) {
            $sql = 'UPDATE _events SET attend_option = ?
				WHERE attend_id = ?';
            _sql(sql_filter($sql, $v['option'], $attend_id));
        } else {
            $sql_insert = array('attend_event' => $v['event'], 'attend_uid' => $bio->v('bio_id'), 'attend_option' => $v['option'], 'attend_time' => time());
            sql_put('_events_attend', $sql_insert);
        return $this->e('~OK');
Пример #7
    protected function _create_home()
        global $warning;
        if (_button()) {
            $v = $this->__(w('subject message lastvisit'));
            $sql = 'SELECT press_id
				FROM _press
				WHERE pres_subject = ?
					AND press_message = ?';
            if (!sql_fieldrow(sql_filter($sql, $v->subject, $v->message))) {
            // d m y
            $vs = explode(' ', $v->lastvisit);
            $v->lastvisit = mktime(0, 0, 0, $vs[1], $vs[0], $vs[2]);
            $v->active = 1;
            sql_put('_press', prefix('email', $v));
        $s = array('SUBJECT' => '', 'MESSAGE' => '', 'LASTVISIT' => '');
Пример #8
    protected function _bios_home()
        $sql = 'SELECT field_alias, field_id
			FROM _bio_fields
			ORDER BY field_alias';
        $store_fields = _rowset($sql, 'field_alias', 'field_id');
        $current_fields = array('public_email' => 'email_0', 'fav_artists' => 'fartists', 'fav_genres' => 'fgenres', 'icq' => 'icq', 'interests' => 'interests', 'lastfm' => 'lastfm', 'location' => 'location', 'occ' => 'occ', 'os' => 'os', 'website' => 'website', 'msnm' => 'wlive');
        $sql = 'SELECT *
			FROM _members
			WHERE user_id <> 1
			ORDER BY user_id';
        $members = _rowset($sql);
        foreach ($members as $row) {
            $user_firstname = '';
            $user_lastname = '';
            switch ($row['user_id']) {
                case 2:
                    $user_firstname = 'Guillermo';
                    $user_lastname = 'Azurdia';
                case 3:
                    $user_firstname = 'Gerardo';
                    $user_lastname = 'Medina';
            $sql_insert = array('bio_type' => 2, 'bio_level' => $row['user_type'] ? $row['user_type'] : 0, 'bio_active' => $row['user_active'] ? $row['user_active'] : 0, 'bio_alias' => $row['username_base'] ? $row['username_base'] : '', 'bio_name' => $row['username'] ? $row['username'] : '', 'bio_first' => $user_firstname, 'bio_last' => $user_lastname, 'bio_key' => $row['user_password'] ? $row['user_password'] : '', 'bio_address' => $row['user_email'] ? strtolower($row['user_email']) : '', 'bio_gender' => $row['user_gender'] ? $row['user_gender'] : '', 'bio_birth' => $row['user_birthday'] ? $row['user_birthday'] : 0, 'bio_birthlast' => $row['user_birthday_last'] ? $row['user_birthday_last'] : 0, 'bio_regip' => $row['user_regip'] ? $row['user_regip'] : '', 'bio_regdate' => $row['user_regdate'] ? $row['user_regdate'] : 0, 'bio_lastvisit' => $row['user_lastvisit'] ? $row['user_lastvisit'] : 0, 'bio_session_time' => $row['user_session_time'] ? $row['user_session_time'] : 0, 'bio_lastpage' => '', 'bio_timezone' => $row['user_timezone'] ? $row['user_timezone'] : 0.0, 'bio_dst' => $row['user_dst'] ? $row['user_dst'] : 0, 'bio_dateformat' => $row['user_dateformat'] ? $row['user_dateformat'] : '', 'bio_lang' => $row['user_lang'] ? $row['user_lang'] : 'es', 'bio_country' => !$row['user_country'] ? 90 : $row['user_country'], 'bio_avatar' => $row['user_avatar'] ? $row['user_avatar'] : '', 'bio_avatar_up' => $row['user_avatar'] ? substr(md5(unique_id()), 0, 10) : '', 'bio_actkey' => '', 'bio_recovery' => '', 'bio_fails' => 0);
            $bio_id = sql_put('_bio', $sql_insert);
            foreach ($current_fields as $current_field => $new_field) {
                if (isset($row['user_' . $current_field]) && f($row['user_' . $current_field])) {
                    $sql_insert = array('bio' => $bio_id, 'field' => $store_fields[$new_field], 'value' => $row['user_' . $current_field]);
                    sql_put('_bio_store', prefix('store', $sql_insert));
            if (isset($row['user_send_mass']) && $row['user_send_mass']) {
                $sql_insert = array('bio' => $bio_id, 'receive' => $row['user_send_mass']);
                sql_put('_bio_newsletter', prefix('newsletter', $sql_insert));
        $sql = 'SELECT *
        	FROM _members_friends
        	ORDER BY user_id, buddy_id';
        $friends = _rowset($sql);
        foreach ($friends as $row)
        	$sql_insert = array(
        		'assoc' => $row['buddy_id'],
        		'bio' => $row['user_id'],
        		'active' => 1,
        		'time' => $row['friend_time'],
        		'message' => ''
         sql_put('_bio_friends', prefix('friend', $sql_insert));
        return $this->e('~OK');
Пример #9
 protected function _up_home()
     global $bio, $warning;
     $v = $this->__(w('send address'));
     if (!empty($v->send)) {
         $v = _array_merge($v, $this->__(array_merge(w('password firstname lastname country status'), _array_keys(w('gender birth_day birth_month birth_year'), 0))));
         if (empty($v->address)) {
         if (empty($v->password)) {
         if (!email_format($v->address)) {
         if (!($v->alias = _low($v->firstname . $v->lastname))) {
         if ($this->alias_exists($v->alias)) {
         if (!($v->country = $this->country_exists($v->country))) {
         if (!$v->birth_day || !$v->birth_month || !$v->birth_year) {
         $v->birth = _timestamp($v->birth_month, $v->birth_day, $v->birth_year);
         $v->name = trim($v->firstname) . ' ' . trim($v->lastname);
         $sql_insert = array('type' => 0, 'level' => 0, 'active' => 1, 'alias' => $v->alias, 'name' => $v->firstname . ' ' . $v->lastname, 'first' => $v->firstname, 'last' => $v->lastname, 'key' => HashPassword($v->password), 'address' => $v->address, 'gender' => $v->gender, 'birth' => $v->birth, 'birthlast' => 0, 'regip' => $bio->v('ip'), 'regdate' => time(), 'session_time' => time(), 'lastpage' => '', 'timezone' => -6, 'dst' => 0, 'dateformat' => 'd M Y H:i', 'lang' => 'sp', 'country' => $v->country, 'avatar' => '', 'actkey' => '', 'recovery' => 0, 'fails' => 0);
         $bio->id = sql_put('_bio', prefix('bio', $sql_insert));
         $sql_insert = array('bio' => $bio->id, 'name' => $v->address, 'primary' => 1);
         sql_put('_bio_address', prefix('address', $sql_insert));
         echo 'OK';
     //$gi = geoip_open(XFS.XCOR . 'store/geoip.dat', GEOIP_STANDARD);
     $geoip_code = '';
     if ($bio->v('ip') != '') {
         // GeoIP
         if (!@function_exists('geoip_country_code_by_name')) {
             //require_once(XFS.XCOR . 'geoip.php');
         //$geoip_code = @geoip_country_code_by_name($bio->v('ip'));
     for ($i = 1; $i < 32; $i++) {
         if ($i == 1) {
         _style('birth_day.row', array('DAY' => $i));
     for ($i = 1; $i < 13; $i++) {
         if ($i == 1) {
         _style('birth_month.row', array('MONTH' => $i));
     for ($i = date('Y'); $i > 1900; $i--) {
         if ($i == date('Y')) {
         _style('birth_year.row', array('YEAR' => $i));
     //_pre($geoip_code, true);
     		$sql = 'SELECT *
     			FROM _countries
     			ORDER BY country_name';
     		$countries = sql_rowset($sql);
     		$v->country = ($v->country) ? $v->country : ((isset($country_codes[$geoip_code])) ? $country_codes[$geoip_code] : $country_codes['gt']);
     		foreach ($countries as $i => $row) {
     			if (!$i) _style('countries');
     			_style('countries.row', array(
     				'V_ID' => $row->country_id,
     				'V_NAME' => $row->country_name,
     				'V_SEL' => 0)
Пример #10
    protected function _artist_home()
        $v = array_merge($v, $this->__(array('a_name', 'a_website', 'a_email', 'a_genre' => array(0), 'a_country' => 0)));
        $v_check = array('a_name' => 'INVALID_NAME', 'a_email' => 'INVALID_EMAIL', 'a_genre' => 'INVALID_GENRE');
        foreach ($v_check as $vk => $vv) {
            if (!f($v[$vk])) {
        if (!$this->errors()) {
            $v['a_alias'] = _alias($v['a_name']);
            if (f($v['a_alias'])) {
                $sql = 'SELECT a_approved
					FROM _artists
					WHERE a_alias = ?';
                if ($a_approved = _field(sql_filter($sql, $v['a_alias']), 'a_approved')) {
                    $a_msg = $a_approved ? 'EXISTS' : 'PENDING';
                    $this->error('ARTIST_' . $a_msg);
            } else {
        if (!$this->errors() && !check_email($v['a_email'])) {
        if (!$this->errors()) {
            $sql = 'SELECT country_id
				FROM _countries
				WHERE country_id = ?';
            if (!_fieldrow(sql_filter($sql, $v['a_country']))) {
        if (!$this->errors()) {
            $sql = 'SELECT type_id
				FROM _alias_type
				WHERE type_alias = ?';
            $alias_type = _field(sql_filter($sql, 'artist'), 'type_id');
            $sql_insert = array('name' => $v['a_name'], 'alias' => $v['a_alias'], 'approved' => 0, 'time' => time(), 'email' => strtolower($v['a_email']), 'website' => $v['a_website'], 'country' => $v['a_country'], 'biography' => '', 'views' => 0, 'music' => 0, 'video' => 0, 'news' => 0, 'posts' => 0, 'votes' => 0, 'lyrics' => 0, 'images' => 0);
            sql_put('_artists', prefix('a', $sql_insert));
            $sql_insert = array('name' => $v['a_alias'], 'enable' => 0, 'type' => $alias_type);
            sql_put('_alias', prefix('alias', $sql_insert));
            redirect(_link('alias', array('alias' => $v['a_alias'])));
Пример #11
    protected function _up_home()
        $v = $this->__(w('address'));
        if (_button()) {
            $v = array_merge($v, $this->__(array_merge(w('alias nickname ref_in'), _array_keys(w('gender country birth_day birth_month birth_year aup ref'), 0))));
            if (empty($v->nickname) && !empty($v->address) && !is_email($v->address)) {
                $v->nickname = $v->address;
            if (empty($v->nickname)) {
            if (bio_length($v - nickname)) {
            if (!($v->alias = _low($v->nickname))) {
            if ($this->alias_exists($v->alias)) {
            if (!$this->country_exists($v->country)) {
            if (!$v->birth_day || !$v->birth_month || !$v->birth_year) {
            $v->birth = _timestamp($v->birth_month, $v->birth_day, $v->birth_year);
            $sql_insert = array('alias' => $v->alias, 'nickname' => $v->nickname, 'address' => $v->address, 'gender' => $v->gender, 'country' => $v->country, 'birth' => $v->birth);
            sql_put('_bio', prefix('user', $sql_insert));
        // GeoIP
        require_once XFS . XCOR . 'geoip.php';
        $gi = geoip_open(XFS . XCOR . 'store/geoip.dat', GEOIP_STANDARD);
        $geoip_code = strtolower(geoip_country_code_by_addr($gi, $bio->ip));
        $sql = 'SELECT *
			FROM _countries
			ORDER BY country_name';
        $countries = _rowset($sql);
        $v2->country = $v2->country ? $v2->country : (isset($country_codes[$geoip_code]) ? $country_codes[$geoip_code] : $country_codes['gt']);
        foreach ($countries as $i => $row) {
            if (!$i) {
            _style('countries.row', array('V_ID' => $row->country_id, 'V_NAME' => $row->country_name, 'V_SEL' => 0));