function CreateEmail($mailto = '', $subject = '', $text = '') { $this->AddStrings($row); if ($mailto == 'use_client_selection' && $_SESSION['use_client_selection']) { $client_selection = join(' AND ', $_SESSION['use_client_selection']); $row['use_client_selection'] = '1'; $emails = $this->GetValue("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM clients AS c WHERE subscribe=1 AND " . $client_selection); $row['mailto'] = sprintf($this->str('client_selection'), $emails); $row['mailto_readonly'] = 'READONLY'; } else { $row['mailto'] = htmlspecialchars($mailto); $row['use_client_selection'] = '0'; $row['client_selector']['value'] = ' '; } $row['subject'] = htmlspecialchars($subject); $managers = sql_getRows("SELECT id, CONCAT(fullname,' <',email,'>') FROM admins WHERE email<>'' " . (is_root() ? '' : "AND id IN (" . join(',', $this->user['subst']) . ") AND fullname!=''") . " ORDER BY fullname", true); $row['managers'] = $this->GetArrayOptions($managers, $this->user['id'], true); ### include "editor/fckeditor.php"; $oFCKeditor = new FCKeditor(); $oFCKeditor->ToolbarSet = 'Common'; $oFCKeditor->Value = $text; $row['editor'] = $oFCKeditor->ReturnFCKeditor('editor[html]', '100%', '100%'); ### return Parse($row, $this->name . '.tmpl'); }
function Show() { global $limit; $this->Init(); $this->AddStrings($ret); $offset = (int) get('offset'); $limit = (int) get('limit', $this->Param('limit', $limit)); $count = sql_getValue("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . STAT_SESSIONS_TABLE . " WHERE robot=0 AND time_last>" . (time() - STAT_SESS_TIME * 60)); $data = sql_getRows("SELECT ip, 'count_pages', path, time, time_last FROM " . STAT_SESSIONS_TABLE . " WHERE robot=0 AND time_last>" . (time() - STAT_SESS_TIME * 60) . " ORDER BY time_last DESC LIMIT " . $offset . ", " . $limit); // Построить массив для всех страниц ($this->path) if ($data) { $pages_id = array(); foreach ($data as $row) { $pages_id = array_merge($pages_id, explode(' ', trim($row['path']))); } $pages_id = array_unique($pages_id); $this->path_pages = sql_getRows("SELECT id, CONCAT(host, uri) AS page FROM " . STAT_PAGES_TABLE . " WHERE id IN (" . join(', ', $pages_id) . ")", true); $this->path_keys = array_flip(array_keys($this->path_pages)); foreach ($this->path_pages as $page_id => $href) { $ret['pathes']['row'][] = array('key' => $this->path_keys[$page_id] + 1, 'href' => $href); } } // Main Table $columns = array(array('header' => 'ip', 'nowrap' => '1', 'type' => 'ip'), array('header' => 'pages', 'align' => 'right', 'type' => 'pages'), array('header' => 'pathes', 'type' => 'path'), array('header' => 'time', 'align' => 'right', 'type' => 'time'), array('header' => 'last', 'align' => 'right', 'type' => 'last')); if (isset($GLOBALS['_stat']['stat/stat_banlist'])) { $columns[] = array('header' => 'ban', 'type' => 'ban', 'align' => 'center'); } $ret['table'] = $this->stat_table(array('columns' => $columns, 'data' => $data, 'count' => $count, 'offset' => $offset, 'limit' => $limit)); $ret['navig'] = $this->NavigForm(array('hidden' => array('show' => $this->show))); return Parse($ret, 'stat/stat.no_navig.tmpl'); }
function Show() { if (!empty($GLOBALS['_POST'])) { $actions = get('actions', '', 'p'); if ($actions) { return $this->{$actions}(); } } require_once core('ajax_table'); $ret['id'] = 0; $ret['auth_group'] = (int) get('auth_group'); $ret['auth_groups'] = sql_getRows('select id, name from auth_groups order by priority, name', true); if (!$ret['auth_group']) { $ret['auth_group'] = key($ret['auth_groups']); } $ret['auth_group_type'] = sql_getValue(' SELECT dt.type FROM auth_groups AS ag LEFT JOIN discount_types AS dt ON = ag.discount_type WHERE = ' . $ret['auth_group']); if ($ret['auth_group_type'] == 'fix') { $ret['table'] = ajax_table(array('columns' => array(array('select' => '', 'type' => 'checkbox'), array('select' => '', 'display' => 'product_group'), array('select' => '', 'display' => 'discount', 'type' => 'edit', 'align' => 'right', 'text-align' => 'right', 'maxlength' => 2, 'size' => 2), array('select' => '""', 'display' => '', 'width' => '50%')), 'from' => 'discount_groups AS dg LEFT OUTER JOIN discounts ON discounts.discount_group_id = AND discounts.user_discount_group_id=' . $ret['auth_group'], 'orderby' => 'priority, name', 'params' => array('page' => $this->name, 'do' => 'show', 'id' => '', 'auth_group' => $ret['auth_group']), 'click' => 'ID=cb.value;'), $this); } else { $ret['table'] = ajax_table(array('columns' => array(array('select' => 'id', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'display' => 'id'), array('select' => 'volume', 'display' => 'upvolume', 'type' => 'edit', 'align' => 'right', 'text-align' => 'right', 'maxlength' => 10, 'size' => 10), array('select' => 'discount', 'display' => 'discount', 'type' => 'edit', 'align' => 'right', 'text-align' => 'right', 'maxlength' => 2, 'size' => 2), array('select' => '""', 'display' => '', 'width' => '50%')), 'from' => 'discounts_volume', 'where' => 'auth_group_id=' . $ret['auth_group'], 'orderby' => 'volume', 'params' => array('page' => $this->name, 'do' => 'show', 'id' => '', 'auth_group' => $ret['auth_group']), 'click' => 'ID=cb.value;'), $this); } $this->AddStrings($ret); return $this->Parse($ret, $this->name . '.tmpl'); }
function Show() { if (!empty($GLOBALS['_POST'])) { $actions = get('actions', '', 'p'); if ($actions) { return $this->{$actions}(); } } $this->SetValues(); require_once core('ajax_table'); $data['thisname'] = $this->name; $data['root'] = is_root(); $this->AddStrings($data); $_tables = sql_getRows('SHOW tables'); foreach ($_tables as $key => $val) { $tables[$val] = $val; } $_transactions = sql_getColumn('SELECT distinct action FROM ' . $this->table . ' ORDER BY action'); foreach ($_transactions as $key => $val) { $transactions[$val] = $val; } $where = ''; if ($this->from_date && $this->to_date) { $where = ' UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date)>=' . $this->from_date . ' AND UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date)<=' . $this->to_date; } $data['table'] = ajax_table(array('columns' => array(array('select' => 'user', 'display' => 'user', 'width' => '1px', 'flags' => FLAG_SORT | FLAG_SEARCH), array('select' => 'object', 'display' => 'object', 'width' => '1px', 'flags' => FLAG_SORT | FLAG_FILTER | FLAG_SEARCH, 'filter_type' => 'array', 'filter_value' => array('' => '-- все --') + $tables, 'filter_rule' => 'find_in_set'), array('select' => 'action', 'display' => 'action', 'width' => '1px', 'flags' => FLAG_SORT | FLAG_FILTER | FLAG_SEARCH, 'filter_type' => 'array', 'filter_value' => array('' => '-- все --') + $transactions), array('select' => 'description', 'display' => 'description', 'type' => 'description', 'flags' => FLAG_SEARCH), array('select' => 'date', 'display' => 'date', 'type' => 'datetime', 'width' => '100px', 'flags' => FLAG_SORT)), 'from' => $this->table, 'where' => $where, 'orderby' => 'date DESC', 'params' => array('page' => $this->name, 'do' => 'show'), 'dblclick' => '', 'click' => ''), $this); $data['navig'] = $this->NavigForm(); return $this->parse($data, $this->name . '.tmpl'); }
function ElemInit() { $id_user = (int) get('id', 0, 'pg'); global $site_domains; $user_roles = array(); $user_roles_tmp = sql_getRows("SELECT * FROM auth_users_roles WHERE user_id = " . (int) $id_user); $roles = sql_getRows("SELECT * FROM acl_roles"); foreach ($user_roles_tmp as $v) { $user_roles[$v['root_id']][$v['role_id']] = true; } unset($user_roles_tmp); // рисуем таблицу $data = '<table class="ajax_table_main" cellspacing="1">'; $data .= '<tr class="ajax_table_header_row">'; $data .= '<th class="ajax_table_header_cell"> </th>'; foreach ($roles as $role) { $data .= '<th class="ajax_table_header_cell" style="text-align: center;">' . $role['description'] . '</th>'; } $data .= '</tr>'; foreach ($site_domains as $site) { foreach ($site['langs'] as $l) { $data .= '<tr class="ajax_table_row">'; $data .= '<td class="ajax_table_cell" style="text-align: left; vertical-align: middle">' . $site['descr'] . (count($site['langs']) > 1 ? ' (' . $l['descr'] . ')' : '') . '<br /><a target="_blank" href="http://' . $site['name'] . '/' . (count($site['langs']) > 1 ? $l['name'] : '') . '">' . $site['name'] . '</a></td>'; reset($roles); foreach ($roles as $role) { $role_checked = isset($user_roles[$l['root_id']][$role['id']]) ? "checked" : null; $data .= '<td class="ajax_table_cell" style="text-align: center;"><input type="checkbox" name="fld[sites][' . $l['root_id'] . '][roles][' . $role['id'] . ']" value="1" ' . $role_checked . ' /></td>'; } $data .= '</tr>'; } } $data .= '</table>'; $this->elem_fields['columns']['data']['value'] = $data; return parent::ElemInit(); }
function ElemInit() { $columns = sql_getRows("SHOW COLUMNS FROM " . $this->elem_table . "", true); if (!isset($columns['footer_text_radio'])) { sql_query("ALTER TABLE " . $this->elem_table . " ADD footer_text_radio TINYINT( 1 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '0 - редактор текста; 1 - html-код баннера'"); } if (!isset($columns['footer_title'])) { sql_query("ALTER TABLE {$this->elem_table} ADD footer_title VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Название кнопки Подробнее';"); } if (!isset($columns['footer_title_link'])) { sql_query("ALTER TABLE {$this->elem_table} ADD footer_title_link VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Ссылка на кнопке Подробнее';"); } $id = (int) get('id'); if ($id) { $infoblock_end = sql_getRow("SELECT * FROM " . $this->elem_table . " WHERE id = " . $id); if ($infoblock_end['footer_text_radio']) { $this->elem_fields['columns']['footer_text']['value'] = htmlspecialchars($infoblock_end['footer_text']); $this->elem_fields['columns']['footer_text_area']['value'] = $infoblock_end['footer_text']; } else { $this->elem_fields['columns']['footer_text_fck']['value'] = $infoblock_end['footer_text']; } } $this->script .= "\n\n function elem1(name) {\n return \$('#tr_fld\\\\[" . $this->tabname . "\\\\]\\\\[' + name + '\\\\]');\n }\n\n function elemName1(name) {\n return 'fld[" . $this->tabname . "][' + name + ']';\n };\n\n function getFck1(name) {\n name = elemName1(name);\n for(nameFck in CKEDITOR.instances) {\n if(name == nameFck) {\n return CKEDITOR.instances[name];\n }\n }\n }\n\n function open_fck_footer(name_fck, name_area) {\n var fck = getFck1(name_fck);\n var footer_text_fck = \$(elem1(name_fck));\n var footer_text_area = \$(elem1(name_area));\n\n footer_text_fck.children('span').show();\n footer_text_area.hide();\n\n var data = footer_text_area.children('textarea').val();\n if (data.length) fck.setData(data);\n\n;\n fck.updateElement();\n }\n\n function close_fck_footer(name_fck, name_area) {\n var fck = getFck1(name_fck);\n var footer_text_fck = \$(elem1(name_fck));\n var footer_text_area = \$(elem1(name_area));\n fck.container.hide();\n fck.updateElement();\n\n footer_text_fck.children('span').hide();\n;\n footer_text_area.children('textarea').css({\n 'width' : '98%',\n 'height' : fck.config.height\n });\n\n var data = fck.getData();\n if (data.length) footer_text_area.children('textarea').val(data);\n }\n\n \$(function () {\n var footer_text_radio = \$(elem1('footer_text_radio')).children('input');\n \$(footer_text_radio).click(function() {\n if(\$(this).val() == 1) {\n close_fck_footer('footer_text_fck', 'footer_text_area');\n } else {\n open_fck_footer('footer_text_fck', 'footer_text_area');\n }\n });\n\n CKEDITOR.on( 'instanceReady', function( ev )\n {\n " . (isset($infoblock_end) && $infoblock_end['footer_text_radio'] ? "close_fck_footer" : "open_fck_footer") . "('footer_text_fck', 'footer_text_area');\n });\n });\n "; TElems::ElemInit(); }
function GetTable() { global $limit; $offset = (int) get('offset'); $limit = (int) get('limit', $this->Param('limit', $limit)); $search = get('find', ''); $search_state = ''; if (!empty($search)) { $search_state = ' AND ( LIKE "' . $search . '" OR LIKE "' . $search . '")'; } $q = "SELECT AS city, COUNT(*) AS kol, COUNT(*) as proc, as region\n\t\tFROM " . $this->sess_table . " AS sess\n\t\tLEFT JOIN " . STAT_CITIES_TABLE . " AS city ON =\n\t\tLEFT JOIN " . STAT_REGIONS_TABLE . " AS region ON city.reg =\n\t\tWHERE sess.robot=0 {$search_state}\n\t\tGROUP BY\n\t\tORDER BY kol DESC\n\t\t"; $data = sql_getRows($q); $all_total = sql_getValue("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $this->sess_table . " AS sess\n LEFT JOIN " . STAT_CITIES_TABLE . " AS city ON =\n LEFT JOIN " . STAT_REGIONS_TABLE . " AS region ON city.reg =\n WHERE sess.robot=0"); # исправляем пустое имя foreach ($data as $k => $v) { if ($v['city'] == '') { $data[$k]['city'] = $this->str('unknown_city'); } else { $data[$k]['city'] = $v['city'] . ' (' . $v['region'] . ')'; } } # считаем проценты и записываем для каждого значения foreach ($data as $k => $v) { $data[$k]['proc'] = 100 * $v['kol'] / $all_total; unset($data[$k]['region']); } $total_head = array('', $this->str('visitors')); $total[] = array($this->str('total_period'), $all_total); // Main Table $ret['table'] = $this->stat_table(array('columns' => array(array('header' => 'city', 'nowrap' => 1, 'type' => 'city'), array('header' => 'visitors', 'align' => 'right', 'width' => '20%'), array('header' => 'percent', 'align' => 'right', 'width' => '50%', 'type' => 'graph')), 'data' => $data, 'total' => $total, 'total_head' => $total_head, 'count' => count($data), 'offset' => $offset, 'limit' => $limit)); return $ret; }
function ElemInit() { $columns = sql_getRows("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `publications`", true); if (!isset($columns['allow_comments'])) { unset($this->elem_fields['columns']['allow_comments']); } return parent::ElemInit(); }
function GetCSVData() { $filename = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . BASE . '.backup/' . $this->name . '_' . date('Y-m-d') . '.csv'; // заголовки echo $this->_str('ips') . ';' . $this->_str('viewed') . "\n"; $rows = sql_getRows("\n\t\t\tSELECT IF(ip<0, INET_NTOA(ip+4294967296), INET_NTOA(ip)) as name, COUNT(*) as kol\n\t\t\tFROM " . $this->sess_table . "\n\t\t\tWHERE robot=0 GROUP BY ip ORDER BY kol DESC"); foreach ($rows as $k => $v) { echo (isset($v['name']) ? $v['name'] : 0) . ';' . (isset($v['kol']) ? $v['kol'] : 0) . "\n"; } }
function dynamic_img() { $images = sql_getRows("SELECT * FROM `" . $this->table . "`\n WHERE\n image != '' AND\n visible = '1' AND\n FIND_IN_SET('" . ROOT_ID . "', root_ids)\n ORDER BY priority, name", true); foreach ($images as $key => $value) { if (!is_file(substr($value['image'], 1))) { unset($images[$key]); } } return array('slider' => $images); }
function GetCSVData() { // заголовки $data = $this->_str('date') . ';' . $this->_str('time') . ';' . $this->_str('ip') . ';' . $this->_str('host1') . ';' . $this->_str('address1') . ';' . $this->_str('host2') . ';' . $this->_str('address2') . ';' . $this->_str('agent') . ';' . $this->_str('country') . ';' . $this->_str('search') . ';' . $this->_str('client') . "\n"; $sql = "SELECT temp.time, IF(s.ip<0, INET_NTOA(s.ip+4294967296), INET_NTOA(s.ip)) as ip, p1.uri as address1, p2.uri as address2, p2.search_ph as search, as host1, as host2, as agent, c.name_" . lang() . " as country, CONCAT(auth.login,' <',auth.lname,' ',,' ',auth.tname,'> ') as client FROM " . $this->log_table . " AS temp\n LEFT JOIN stat_sessions AS s ON s.sess_id=temp.sess_id\n LEFT JOIN stat_pages AS p1 ON\n LEFT JOIN stat_pages AS p2 ON\n LEFT JOIN stat_agents AS a ON\n LEFT JOIN auth_users AS auth ON\n LEFT JOIN " . STAT_COUNTRIES_TABLE . " AS c ON"; $rows = sql_getRows($sql); foreach ($rows as $k => $v) { $data .= (isset($v['time']) ? date("d-m-Y", $v['time']) : 0) . ';' . (isset($v['time']) ? date("H:i:s", $v['time']) : 0) . ';' . (isset($v['ip']) ? $v['ip'] : 0) . ';' . (isset($v['host1']) ? $v['host1'] : '') . ';' . (isset($v['address1']) ? $v['address1'] : '') . ';' . (isset($v['host2']) ? $v['host2'] : '') . ';' . (isset($v['address2']) ? $v['address2'] : '') . ';' . (isset($v['agent']) ? $v['agent'] : '') . ';' . (isset($v['country']) ? $v['country'] : '') . ';' . (isset($v['search']) ? $v['search'] : '') . ';' . (isset($v['client']) ? $v['client'] : '') . "\n"; } return $data; }
function ShowRecycle() { global $limit; $limit = -1; require_once core('ajax_table'); $columns = sql_getRows('SHOW columns FROM ' . $this->table, 'Field'); $name = isset($columns['name']) ? 'name' : 'address'; $this->AddStrings($row); $row['table'] = ajax_table(array('columns' => array(array('select' => 'id', 'display' => 'id', 'type' => 'checkbox'), array('select' => $name, 'display' => 'name')), 'where' => 'visible<0 and obj_type_id="room"', 'orderby' => 'address', 'params' => array('page' => $this->name, 'do' => 'Show')), $this); return Parse($row, 'recycle.tmpl'); }
function ElemInit() { $columns = sql_getRows("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `tree`", true); if (!isset($columns['redirect'])) { sql_query("ALTER TABLE tree ADD redirect VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL;"); } if (!isset($columns['is_link'])) { sql_query("ALTER TABLE tree ADD is_link TINYINT( 1 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';"); } parent::ElemInit(); }
function table_get_product(&$value, &$column, &$row) { $sql = "SELECT id, name FROM products WHERE product_type_id=" . $row['id']; $products = array('0' => 'не указан') + sql_getRows($sql, true); $html = "\n\t\t\t <input type='hidden' name='fld[" . $row['id'] . "][composition_id]' value='" . $row['composition_id'] . "'>\n\t\t\t <input type='hidden' name='fld[" . $row['id'] . "][id]' value='" . $row['id'] . "'>\n\t\t"; $html .= "<select name='fld[" . $row['id'] . "][elem_id]'>"; foreach ($products as $k => $v) { $html .= "<option value='" . $k . "' " . ($k == $value ? "selected" : "") . ">" . $v . "</option>\t"; } $html .= "</select>"; return $html; }
function GetCSVData() { $filename = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . BASE . '.backup/' . $this->name . '_' . date('Y-m-d') . '.csv'; // заголовки echo $this->_str('client_name') . ';' . $this->_str('sessions') . "\n"; $this->sess_table = 'stat_sessions'; sql_query("\n\t\t\tCREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_stat_clients\n\t\t\tSELECT sess.client_id AS client_id, AS name , cl.lname AS surname\n\t\t\tFROM " . $this->sess_table . " AS sess LEFT JOIN " . $this->clients_table . " AS cl ON\n\t\t\tWHERE sess.client_id!=0 AND sess.robot=0"); $rows = sql_getRows("SELECT IF(name<>'',name,'n/a') AS name, COUNT(*) AS kol FROM tmp_stat_clients GROUP BY client_id ORDER BY kol DESC"); foreach ($rows as $k => $v) { echo (isset($v['name']) ? $v['name'] : 0) . ';' . (isset($v['kol']) ? $v['kol'] : 0) . "\n"; } }
/** * Создание списка из БД * @param $type * @param int $pid * @param array $ret * @return array */ function createList($type, $pid = 0, $ret = array()) { $table = "_table_" . $type; $list = sql_getRows("\n SELECT t.*, AS parent\n FROM {$this->{$table}} AS t\n LEFT JOIN {$this->{$table}} AS t2 ON\n WHERE " . ($pid ? "" . $pid : " IS NULL")); $ret = array_merge($ret, $list); foreach ($list as $item) { $l = $this->createList($type, $item['id']); if (is_array($l)) { $ret = array_merge($ret, $l); } } return $ret; }
function Edit() { $fld = $_POST['fld']; if (empty($fld['priority'])) { $pr = sql_getRows('SELECT priority FROM ' . $this->table . ' ORDER BY priority DESC'); $fld['priority'] = current($pr) + 1; } $_POST['fld'] = $fld; $res = $this->Commit(array('name'), true); if (is_int($res)) { return "<script>alert('" . $this->str('saved') . "'); window.parent.location.reload();</script>"; } return $this->Error($res); }
function Show() { if (!empty($GLOBALS['_POST'])) { $actions = get('actions', '', 'p'); if ($actions) { return $this->{$actions}(); } } require_once core('list_table'); $ret['thisname'] = $this->name . '.editform'; $ret['table'] = list_table(array('columns' => array(array('select' => 'id'), array('select' => 'date', 'display' => 'date'), array('select' => 'event', 'display' => 'event', 'flags' => FLAG_FILTER, 'filter_type' => 'array', 'filter_value' => array(0 => $str[get_class_name($this)]['all_events']) + sql_getRows("SELECT DISTINCT `event`,`event` FROM `notify_events` ORDER BY `event`", true)), array('select' => 'email', 'display' => 'email')), 'from' => $this->table, 'orderby' => '`date` DESC', 'params' => array('page' => $this->name, 'do' => 'show'), 'click' => 'ID=cb.value', 'dblclick' => 'editItem(id)'), $this); $this->AddStrings($ret); return $this->Parse($ret, LIST_TEMPLATE); }
function getWCfromDb($id) { $row = $this->GetRow('SELECT *, ' . $this->getFieldName('name', true) . ', ' . $this->getFieldName('email', true) . ' FROM elem_form WHERE pid=' . $id); if ($row['form_id']) { $row['elems'] = sql_getRows('SELECT *, ' . $this->getFieldName('text', true) . ' FROM elem_form_elems WHERE pid=' . $row['form_id']); foreach ($row['elems'] as $k => $v) { $row['elems'][$k]['value'] = "'" . implode("','", sql_getRows('SELECT ' . $this->getFieldName('text', true) . ' FROM elem_form_values WHERE pid=' . $v['id'])) . "'"; } } if (empty($row['elems'])) { unset($row['form_id']); unset($row['elems']); } return $row; }
function GetText() { # выдача скрипта, который возвращает значение из модального окна $instance = get('instance', '', 'p'); $ptable = get('ptable', '', 'p'); $pfields = get('pfields', '', 'p'); $pid = (int) get('pid', 0, 'p'); $uptime = get('uptime', 0, 'p'); $hash = get('hash', 0, 'p'); # поля, которые нужны.. $pfields = explode(", ", $pfields); foreach ($pfields as $field) { $name = explode("fld[", $field); $name = explode("]", $name[1]); $fields[] = $name[0]; } # выбираем текущее значение $row = sql_getRow('SELECT * FROM ' . $ptable . ' WHERE id=' . $pid); # выбираем все изменения $changes = sql_getRows('SELECT gzip FROM ' . $this->table . ' WHERE ptable="' . $ptable . '" AND pid=' . $pid . ' AND uptime >= ' . $uptime . ' ORDER BY uptime DESC'); # начинаем изменять текущие значения проходя по массивам... foreach ($changes as $value) { $a = unserialize(gzuncompress($value)); $row = array_merge($row, $a); } $keys = array(); $values = array(); foreach ($row as $key => $value) { if (!in_array($key, $fields)) { unset($row[$key]); } else { $keys[] = "'" . $key . "'"; $values[] = "'" . $value . "'"; } } # $row - массив значений, которые были на заданную дату $script = '<script type="text/javascript">' . "\n"; $script .= "function data() {\n"; $script .= " this.key = new Array(" . implode(",", $keys) . ");\n"; $script .= " this.value = new Array(" . implode(",", $values) . ");\n"; $script .= "}\n"; $script .= "data = new data();"; $script .= 'window.returnValue = data;' . "\n"; $script .= 'window.close();'; $script .= '</script>'; return $script; }
function TSite_usersBase() { global $str, $actions; TTable::TTable(); $actions[$this->name] = array('edit' => &$actions['table']['edit'], 'create' => &$actions['table']['create'], 'delete' => &$actions['table']['delete']); $actions[$this->name . '.editform'] = array('save' => array('title' => array('ru' => 'Сохранить', 'en' => 'Save'), 'onclick' => 'document.forms[\'editform\'].submit(); return false;', 'img' => '', 'display' => 'block', 'show_title' => true), 'cancel' => array('title' => array('ru' => 'Назад', 'en' => 'Back'), 'onclick' => 'window.location=\'/admin/?page=' . $this->name . '\'', 'img' => 'icon.close.gif', 'display' => 'block', 'show_title' => true)); if ((int) $_GET['id']) { $temp = sql_getValue("SELECT name FROM " . $this->table . " WHERE id=" . (int) $_GET['id']); } else { $temp = "Новый пользователь"; } $str[get_class_name($this)] = array_merge($str[get_class_name($this)], array('title' => array('Пользователи', 'Ste ue'), 'title_editform' => array("Пользователь: " . $temp, 'Law: ' . $temp), 'login' => array('Логин', 'Login'), 'name' => array('Имя', 'Name'), 'email' => array('Email', 'Email'), 'saved' => array('Даные были успешно сохранены', 'Data has been saved successfully'))); $tables = sql_getRows("SHOW tables LIKE 'acl_%'"); if (!$tables) { $this->elements = array(); } }
function Show() { if (!empty($GLOBALS['_POST'])) { $actions = get('actions', '', 'p'); if ($actions) { return $this->{$actions}(); } } require_once core('list_table'); $data['thisname'] = $this->name; $logins = array('' => '-') + sql_getRows('SELECT DISTINCT login FROM ' . $this->table . ' ORDER BY login', true); $data['root'] = is_root(); $this->AddStrings($data); $data['table'] = list_table(array('columns' => array(array('select' => 'login', 'display' => 'login', 'flags' => FLAG_SORT | FLAG_SEARCH | FLAG_FILTER, 'filter_type' => 'array', 'filter_value' => $logins), array('select' => 'ip', 'display' => 'ip', 'width' => '1px', 'flags' => FLAG_SORT | FLAG_SEARCH), array('select' => 'date', 'display' => 'date', 'type' => 'datetime', 'width' => '100px', 'flags' => FLAG_SORT)), 'from' => ' log_access ', 'orderby' => 'date DESC', 'params' => array('page' => $this->name, 'do' => 'show'), 'dblclick' => '', 'click' => ''), $this); $this->AddStrings($data); return $this->Parse($data, LIST_TEMPLATE); }
function Show() { if (!empty($_POST)) { $actions = get('actions', '', 'p'); if ($actions) { return $this->{$actions}(); } } $pids = $this->getChilds(); $this->getList($pids, $rows, 1); $districts = sql_getRows('SELECT id, name FROM ' . $this->table . ' WHERE pid IS NULL ORDER BY name', true); require_once core('ajax_table'); $ret['table'] = ajax_table(array('columns' => array(array('select' => '', 'display' => 'id', 'type' => 'checkbox'), array('select' => '', 'display' => 'district', 'flags' => FLAG_SORT | FLAG_SEARCH), array('select' => '', 'flags' => FLAG_FILTER, 'filter_display' => 'pid1', 'filter_type' => 'array', 'filter_value' => array('' => '-- все --') + $districts), array('select' => ''), array('select' => ''), array('select' => '')), 'from' => $this->table . ' AS d4 LEFT JOIN ' . $this->table . ' AS d3 ON LEFT JOIN ' . $this->table . ' AS d2 ON LEFT JOIN ' . $this->table . ' AS d1 ON', 'dataset' => $rows, 'params' => array('page' => $this->name, 'do' => 'show'), 'click' => 'ID=cb.value', 'dblclick' => 'editItem(id)', 'function' => 'setFilterData'), $this); $ret['thisname'] = $this->name; return $this->Parse($ret, $this->name . '.tmpl'); }
function EditForm() { $id = (int) get('id'); if ($id) { $row = $this->GetRow($id); } $row['date'] = sql_getValue("SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date) FROM " . $this->table . " WHERE id=" . $row['id']); $row['date'] = date(FORMAT_DATETIME, $row['date']); if ($row['content_type'] == 'text') { $row['body'] = nl2br($row['body']); } $row['text_tag'] = $row['content_type'] == 'html' ? 'div' : 'code'; $row['from'] = $row['user_id'] == 1 ? h(sql_getValue("SELECT value FROM strings WHERE pid=1 AND name='from_email'")) : sql_getValue("SELECT CONCAT(fullname,CHAR(32),'<',login,'>') FROM users WHERE id=" . $row['user_id']); $to = sql_getRows("SELECT, CONCAT('<nobr>',,CHAR(32),cl.lname,CHAR(32),'<',cl.login,'></nobr>') FROM email_log AS e, auth_users AS cl WHERE AND e.email_id=" . $row['id'], true); $row['to'] = join('; ', $to); $this->AddStrings($row); $row['close'] = $this->str('close'); return $this->Parse($row, $this->name . '.editform.tmpl'); }
function GetDiagData() { $res_values = $res_legends = array(); // строим темповые данные sql_query("\n\t\t\tCREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_" . str_replace('/', '__', $this->name) . "\n\t\t\tSELECT CONCAT('http://',, pag.uri) AS name\n\t\t\tFROM " . $this->sess_table . " AS sess LEFT JOIN " . STAT_PAGES_TABLE . " AS pag ON\n\t\t\tWHERE sess.robot=0 AND sess.last_page!=0"); $total = $others = sql_getValue("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tmp_" . str_replace('/', '__', $this->name)); $data = sql_getRows("SELECT name, COUNT(*) AS kol FROM tmp_" . str_replace('/', '__', $this->name) . " GROUP BY name HAVING kol/" . $total . ">0.01 ORDER BY kol DESC", true); if ($data) { $others = sql_getValue("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tmp_" . str_replace('/', '__', $this->name) . " WHERE name NOT IN ('" . join("', '", array_keys($data)) . "')"); foreach ($data as $name => $kol) { $res_values[] = $kol; $res_legends[] = '"' . $name . '" (' . round($kol / $total * 100) . '%%)'; } if ($others) { $res_values[] = $others; $res_legends[] = $this->str('others') . ' (' . round($others / $total * 100) . '%%)'; } } return array($res_values, $res_legends); }
function Delete() { $id = get('id', array(), 'gp'); if (empty($id)) { return; } # Выясняем, нужно ли перегрузить одну ветвь или лучше все $pids = sql_getRows('SELECT pid FROM ' . $this->table . ' WHERE id in (' . join(', ', array_keys($id)) . ') GROUP BY pid'); $pid = count($pids) > 1 ? 0 : $pids[0]; $r1 = sql_query("DELETE FROM " . $this->table . " WHERE id IN (" . join(', ', array_keys($id)) . ")"); if (!$r1) { return '<script>alert(\'' . $this->str('error') . ': ' . sql_getError() . '\')</script>'; } else { return '<script> alert(\'' . $this->str('deleted') . '\');"/admin/?page=tree&id=' . $pid . '"; window.close(); </script>'; } }
function table_get_page($val, $row) { // С какиех страниц переходят $referer = sql_getRows("SELECT ref_id, ref_page, ref_host FROM tmp_stat_errors WHERE page_id=" . $row['page_id'] . " AND ref_id!=0 GROUP BY ref_id"); $referers = $this->str('referer') . ':<br>'; if ($referer) { foreach ($referer as $ref) { $str = substr($ref['ref_page'], 0, 20) . (strlen($ref['ref_page']) > 20 ? '...' : ''); $referers .= '<a href="http://' . $ref['ref_host'] . $ref['ref_page'] . '" target="_blank">http://' . $ref['ref_host'] . $str . '</a><br>'; } } else { $referers = $this->str('no_referer'); } $str = substr($row['page'], 0, 20) . (strlen($row['page']) > 20 ? '...' : ''); return ' <a href="#" onclick="roll(\'referer_' . $row['page_id'] . '\'); return false;"><img src="images/icons/" width=16 heidht=16 border=0 alt="' . $this->str('referer') . '" align="absmiddle"></a> <a href="http://' . $row['host'] . $row['page'] . '" target="_blank">http://' . $row['host'] . $str . '</a> <span class="tSmall">(' . $row['status'] . ')</span> <div class="tSmall" style="display: none;" id="referer_' . $row['page_id'] . '">' . $referers . '</div>'; }
function show_usage() { global $settings; $ret = array('hash' => $_POST['hash'], 'table_results' => array()); $code = '"%get_form=' . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['hash']) . '%"'; $code2 = '"%[[FORM ' . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['hash']) . ']]%"'; $code3 = '"%get_form=' . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['hash']) . '&is_popup%"'; $code4 = '"%[[FORMPOPUP ' . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['hash']) . ']]%"'; foreach ($settings['forms_searching_tables'] as $s_table) { if (!$s_table['key']) { $s_table['key'] = 'id'; } if (!$s_table['name']) { $s_table['name'] = "''"; } if (!$s_table['dir']) { $s_table['dir'] = "''"; } if (!$s_table['where']) { $s_table['where'] = '1'; } if (!empty($s_table['search_fields'])) { $s_table['where'] .= " AND (\n (" . implode(" LIKE {$code} ) OR (", $s_table['search_fields']) . " LIKE {$code} ) OR\n (" . implode(" LIKE {$code2} ) OR (", $s_table['search_fields']) . " LIKE {$code2} ) OR\n (" . implode(" LIKE {$code3} ) OR (", $s_table['search_fields']) . " LIKE {$code3} ) OR\n (" . implode(" LIKE {$code4} ) OR (", $s_table['search_fields']) . " LIKE {$code4} )\n )"; } $sql = "\n SELECT {$s_table['key']} as 'key', {$s_table['name']} as 'name', {$s_table['dir']} as 'dir'\n FROM {$s_table['from']} WHERE {$s_table['where']}\n "; $rows = sql_getRows($sql, 'key'); $has_admn_hrefs = false; $has_site_hrefs = false; if ($s_table['admin_href'] || $s_table['site_href']) { foreach ($rows as $key => &$row) { $row['admin_href'] = str_replace(array('{$key}', '{$dir}'), array($key, $row['dir']), $s_table['admin_href']); $row['site_href'] = str_replace(array('{$key}', '{$dir}'), array($key, $row['dir']), $s_table['site_href']); $has_admn_hrefs |= $row['admin_href'] != ''; $has_site_hrefs |= $row['site_href'] != ''; } } $ret['table_results'][] = array('has_admin_hrefs' => $has_admn_hrefs, 'has_site_hrefs' => $has_site_hrefs, 'title' => $s_table['title'], 'items' => $rows); } echo $this->Parse(array('object' => $ret), 'forms_usages_table.tmpl'); die; }
function EditForm() { $id = get('id', 0, 'g'); if (!empty($GLOBALS['_POST'])) { $actions = get('actions', '', 'p'); if ($actions) { return $this->{$actions}(); } } if ($id) { $data = $this->getRow($id); // Список ответов $data['answers'] = sql_getRows("SELECT * FROM surveys_variants WHERE id_group=" . $id . " ORDER BY priority", true); } else { $data['lang'] = lang(); } $data['types'] = array('multi' => $this->str('multi'), 'single' => $this->str('single')); $data['max_answer_id'] = sql_getValue("SELECT MAX(id) FROM surveys_variants"); $this->AddStrings($data); return $this->Parse($data, "surveys.editform.tmpl"); }
function get_config() { $id = mysql_escape_string(get('id', 0, 'gp')); if (!$id) { return; } //генерим массив необходимых полей и названия таблицы $config = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM csv_tools WHERE id=' . $id); $config = mysql_fetch_assoc($config); if (!$config) { return; } if (empty($config['fields_request'])) { $config['fields_request'] = "*"; } $config['fields_request'] = explode(",", $config['fields_request']); if (empty($config['fields_ignored'])) { $config['fields_ignored'] = null; } else { $config['fields_ignored'] = explode(",", $config['fields_ignored']); } if ($config['fields_request'][0] == '*') { // если поля не перечислены , и задан SKIP делаем полный список foreach (sql_getRows('DESCRIBE ' . $config['table_base']) as $field) { if (!$config['fields_ignored'] || !in_array($field['Field'], $config['fields_ignored'])) { $fields_request[] = $field['Field']; } } $config['fields_request'] = $fields_request; } if (empty($config['keys'])) { if (in_array('id', $config['fields_request'])) { $config['keys'] = 'id'; } else { $config['keys'] = current($config['fields_request']); } } $config['keys'] = explode(",", $config['keys']); return $config; }