{ foreach ($index_array as $index_name => $column) { sql_create_unique_index($map_dbms, $index_name, $table, $column); } } } // Add indexes? if (!empty($schema_changes['add_index'])) { foreach ($schema_changes['add_index'] as $table => $index_array) { foreach ($index_array as $index_name => $column) { sql_create_index($map_dbms, $index_name, $table, $column); } } } } _write_result($no_updates, $errored, $error_ary); // Data updates $error_ary = array(); $errored = $no_updates = false; ?> <br /><br /> <h1><?php echo $lang['UPDATING_DATA']; ?></h1>
/** * Function where all data changes are executed */ function change_database_data(&$no_updates, $version) { global $db, $map_dbms, $errored, $error_ary, $config, $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx; switch ($version) { case '3.0.RC2': $smileys = array(); $sql = 'SELECT smiley_id, code FROM ' . SMILIES_TABLE; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $smileys[$row['smiley_id']] = $row['code']; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); foreach ($smileys as $id => $code) { // 2.0 only entitized lt and gt; We need to do something about double quotes. if (strchr($code, '"') === false) { continue; } $new_code = str_replace('&', '&', $code); $new_code = str_replace('<', '<', $new_code); $new_code = str_replace('>', '>', $new_code); $new_code = utf8_htmlspecialchars($new_code); $sql = 'UPDATE ' . SMILIES_TABLE . ' SET code = \'' . $db->sql_escape($new_code) . '\' WHERE smiley_id = ' . (int) $id; $db->sql_query($sql); } $index_list = sql_list_index($map_dbms, ACL_ROLES_DATA_TABLE); if (in_array('ath_opt_id', $index_list)) { sql_index_drop($map_dbms, 'ath_opt_id', ACL_ROLES_DATA_TABLE); sql_create_index($map_dbms, 'ath_op_id', ACL_ROLES_DATA_TABLE, array('auth_option_id')); } $no_updates = false; break; case '3.0.RC3': if ($map_dbms === 'postgres') { $sql = "SELECT SETVAL('" . FORUMS_TABLE . "_seq',(select case when max(forum_id)>0 then max(forum_id)+1 else 1 end from " . FORUMS_TABLE . '));'; _sql($sql, $errored, $error_ary); } // we check for: // ath_opt_id // ath_op_id // ACL_ROLES_DATA_TABLE_ath_opt_id // we want ACL_ROLES_DATA_TABLE_ath_op_id $table_index_fix = array( ACL_ROLES_DATA_TABLE => array( 'ath_opt_id' => 'ath_op_id', 'ath_op_id' => 'ath_op_id', ACL_ROLES_DATA_TABLE . '_ath_opt_id' => 'ath_op_id' ), STYLES_IMAGESET_DATA_TABLE => array( 'i_id' => 'i_d', 'i_d' => 'i_d', STYLES_IMAGESET_DATA_TABLE . '_i_id' => 'i_d' ) ); // we need to create some indicies... $needed_creation = array(); foreach ($table_index_fix as $table_name => $index_info) { $index_list = sql_list_fake($map_dbms, $table_name); foreach ($index_info as $bad_index => $good_index) { if (in_array($bad_index, $index_list)) { // mysql is actually OK, it won't get a hand in this crud switch ($map_dbms) { // last version, mssql had issues with index removal case 'mssql': $sql = 'DROP INDEX ' . $table_name . '.' . $bad_index; _sql($sql, $errored, $error_ary); break; // last version, firebird, oracle, postgresql and sqlite all got bad index names // we got kinda lucky, tho: they all support the same syntax case 'firebird': case 'oracle': case 'postgres': case 'sqlite': $sql = 'DROP INDEX ' . $bad_index; _sql($sql, $errored, $error_ary); break; } // If the good index already exist we do not need to create it again... if (($map_dbms == 'mysql_40' || $map_dbms == 'mysql_41') && $bad_index == $good_index) { } else { $needed_creation[$table_name][$good_index] = 1; } } } } $new_index_defs = array('ath_op_id' => array('auth_option_id'), 'i_d' => array('imageset_id')); foreach ($needed_creation as $bad_table => $index_repair_list) { foreach ($index_repair_list as $new_index => $garbage) { sql_create_index($map_dbms, $new_index, $bad_table, $new_index_defs[$new_index]); } } // Make sure empty smiley codes do not exist $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . SMILIES_TABLE . " WHERE code = ''"; _sql($sql, $errored, $error_ary); set_config('allow_birthdays', '1'); set_config('cron_lock', '0', true); $no_updates = false; break; case '3.0.RC4': $update_auto_increment = array( STYLES_TABLE => 'style_id', STYLES_TEMPLATE_TABLE => 'template_id', STYLES_THEME_TABLE => 'theme_id', STYLES_IMAGESET_TABLE => 'imageset_id' ); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . STYLES_TABLE . ' WHERE style_id = 0'; $result = _sql($sql, $errored, $error_ary); $bad_style_row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result); $db->sql_freeresult($result); if ($bad_style_row) { $sql = 'SELECT MAX(style_id) as max_id FROM ' . STYLES_TABLE; $result = _sql($sql, $errored, $error_ary); $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result); $db->sql_freeresult($result); $proper_id = $row['max_id'] + 1; _sql('UPDATE ' . STYLES_TABLE . " SET style_id = $proper_id WHERE style_id = 0", $errored, $error_ary); _sql('UPDATE ' . FORUMS_TABLE . " SET forum_style = $proper_id WHERE forum_style = 0", $errored, $error_ary); _sql('UPDATE ' . USERS_TABLE . " SET user_style = $proper_id WHERE user_style = 0", $errored, $error_ary); $sql = 'SELECT config_value FROM ' . CONFIG_TABLE . " WHERE config_name = 'default_style'"; $result = _sql($sql, $errored, $error_ary); $style_config = $db->sql_fetchrow($result); $db->sql_freeresult($result); if ($style_config['config_value'] === '0') { set_config('default_style', (string) $proper_id); } } $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . STYLES_TEMPLATE_TABLE . ' WHERE template_id = 0'; $result = _sql($sql, $errored, $error_ary); $bad_style_row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result); $db->sql_freeresult($result); if ($bad_style_row) { $sql = 'SELECT MAX(template_id) as max_id FROM ' . STYLES_TEMPLATE_TABLE; $result = _sql($sql, $errored, $error_ary); $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result); $db->sql_freeresult($result); $proper_id = $row['max_id'] + 1; _sql('UPDATE ' . STYLES_TABLE . " SET template_id = $proper_id WHERE template_id = 0", $errored, $error_ary); } $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . STYLES_THEME_TABLE . ' WHERE theme_id = 0'; $result = _sql($sql, $errored, $error_ary); $bad_style_row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result); $db->sql_freeresult($result); if ($bad_style_row) { $sql = 'SELECT MAX(theme_id) as max_id FROM ' . STYLES_THEME_TABLE; $result = _sql($sql, $errored, $error_ary); $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result); $db->sql_freeresult($result); $proper_id = $row['max_id'] + 1; _sql('UPDATE ' . STYLES_TABLE . " SET theme_id = $proper_id WHERE theme_id = 0", $errored, $error_ary); } $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . STYLES_IMAGESET_TABLE . ' WHERE imageset_id = 0'; $result = _sql($sql, $errored, $error_ary); $bad_style_row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result); $db->sql_freeresult($result); if ($bad_style_row) { $sql = 'SELECT MAX(imageset_id) as max_id FROM ' . STYLES_IMAGESET_TABLE; $result = _sql($sql, $errored, $error_ary); $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result); $db->sql_freeresult($result); $proper_id = $row['max_id'] + 1; _sql('UPDATE ' . STYLES_TABLE . " SET imageset_id = $proper_id WHERE imageset_id = 0", $errored, $error_ary); _sql('UPDATE ' . STYLES_IMAGESET_DATA_TABLE . " SET imageset_id = $proper_id WHERE imageset_id = 0", $errored, $error_ary); } if ($map_dbms == 'mysql_40' || $map_dbms == 'mysql_41') { foreach ($update_auto_increment as $auto_table_name => $auto_column_name) { $sql = "SELECT MAX({$auto_column_name}) as max_id FROM {$auto_table_name}"; $result = _sql($sql, $errored, $error_ary); $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result); $db->sql_freeresult($result); $max_id = ((int) $row['max_id']) + 1; _sql("ALTER TABLE {$auto_table_name} AUTO_INCREMENT = {$max_id}", $errored, $error_ary); } } else if ($map_dbms == 'postgres') { foreach ($update_auto_increment as $auto_table_name => $auto_column_name) { $sql = "SELECT SETVAL('" . $auto_table_name . "_seq',(select case when max({$auto_column_name})>0 then max({$auto_column_name})+1 else 1 end from " . $auto_table_name . '));'; _sql($sql, $errored, $error_ary); } $sql = 'DROP SEQUENCE ' . STYLES_TEMPLATE_DATA_TABLE . '_seq'; _sql($sql, $errored, $error_ary); } else if ($map_dbms == 'firebird') { $sql = 'DROP TRIGGER t_' . STYLES_TEMPLATE_DATA_TABLE; _sql($sql, $errored, $error_ary); $sql = 'DROP GENERATOR ' . STYLES_TEMPLATE_DATA_TABLE . '_gen'; _sql($sql, $errored, $error_ary); } else if ($map_dbms == 'oracle') { $sql = 'DROP TRIGGER t_' . STYLES_TEMPLATE_DATA_TABLE; _sql($sql, $errored, $error_ary); $sql = 'DROP SEQUENCE ' . STYLES_TEMPLATE_DATA_TABLE . '_seq'; _sql($sql, $errored, $error_ary); } else if ($map_dbms == 'mssql') { // we use transactions because we need to have a working DB at the end of all of this $db->sql_transaction('begin'); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . STYLES_TEMPLATE_DATA_TABLE; $result = _sql($sql, $errored, $error_ary); $old_style_rows = array(); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $old_style_rows[] = $row; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); // death to the table, it is evil! $sql = 'DROP TABLE ' . STYLES_TEMPLATE_DATA_TABLE; _sql($sql, $errored, $error_ary); // the table of awesomeness, praise be to it (or something) $sql = 'CREATE TABLE [' . STYLES_TEMPLATE_DATA_TABLE . "] ( [template_id] [int] DEFAULT (0) NOT NULL , [template_filename] [varchar] (100) DEFAULT ('') NOT NULL , [template_included] [varchar] (8000) DEFAULT ('') NOT NULL , [template_mtime] [int] DEFAULT (0) NOT NULL , [template_data] [text] DEFAULT ('') NOT NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] TEXTIMAGE_ON [PRIMARY]"; _sql($sql, $errored, $error_ary); // index? index $sql = 'CREATE INDEX [tid] ON [' . STYLES_TEMPLATE_DATA_TABLE . ']([template_id]) ON [PRIMARY]'; _sql($sql, $errored, $error_ary); // yet another index $sql = 'CREATE INDEX [tfn] ON [' . STYLES_TEMPLATE_DATA_TABLE . ']([template_filename]) ON [PRIMARY]'; _sql($sql, $errored, $error_ary); foreach ($old_style_rows as $return_row) { _sql('INSERT INTO ' . STYLES_TEMPLATE_DATA_TABLE . ' ' . $db->sql_build_array('INSERT', $return_row), $errored, $error_ary); } $db->sql_transaction('commit'); } // Setting this here again because new installations may not have it... set_config('cron_lock', '0', true); set_config('ldap_port', ''); set_config('ldap_user_filter', ''); $no_updates = false; break; case '3.0.RC5': // In case the user is having the bot mediapartner google "as is", adjust it. $sql = 'UPDATE ' . BOTS_TABLE . " SET bot_agent = '" . $db->sql_escape('Mediapartners-Google') . "' WHERE bot_agent = '" . $db->sql_escape('Mediapartners-Google/') . "'"; _sql($sql, $errored, $error_ary); set_config('form_token_lifetime', '7200'); set_config('form_token_mintime', '0'); set_config('min_time_reg', '5'); set_config('min_time_terms', '2'); set_config('form_token_sid_guests', '1'); $db->sql_transaction('begin'); $sql = 'SELECT forum_id, forum_password FROM ' . FORUMS_TABLE; $result = _sql($sql, $errored, $error_ary); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { if (!empty($row['forum_password'])) { _sql('UPDATE ' . FORUMS_TABLE . " SET forum_password = '******'forum_password']) . "' WHERE forum_id = {$row['forum_id']}", $errored, $error_ary); } } $db->sql_freeresult($result); $db->sql_transaction('commit'); $no_updates = false; break; case '3.0.0': $sql = 'UPDATE ' . TOPICS_TABLE . " SET topic_last_view_time = topic_last_post_time WHERE topic_last_view_time = 0"; _sql($sql, $errored, $error_ary); // Update smiley sizes $smileys = array('icon_e_surprised.gif', 'icon_eek.gif', 'icon_cool.gif', 'icon_lol.gif', 'icon_mad.gif', 'icon_razz.gif', 'icon_redface.gif', 'icon_cry.gif', 'icon_evil.gif', 'icon_twisted.gif', 'icon_rolleyes.gif', 'icon_exclaim.gif', 'icon_question.gif', 'icon_idea.gif', 'icon_arrow.gif', 'icon_neutral.gif', 'icon_mrgreen.gif', 'icon_e_ugeek.gif'); foreach ($smileys as $smiley) { if (file_exists($phpbb_root_path . 'images/smilies/' . $smiley)) { list($width, $height) = getimagesize($phpbb_root_path . 'images/smilies/' . $smiley); $sql = 'UPDATE ' . SMILIES_TABLE . ' SET smiley_width = ' . $width . ', smiley_height = ' . $height . " WHERE smiley_url = '" . $db->sql_escape($smiley) . "'"; _sql($sql, $errored, $error_ary); } } $no_updates = false; break; // No changes from 3.0.1-RC1 to 3.0.1 case '3.0.1-RC1': break; // changes from 3.0.1 to 3.0.2-RC1 case '3.0.1': set_config('referer_validation', '1'); set_config('check_attachment_content', '1'); set_config('mime_triggers', 'body|head|html|img|plaintext|a href|pre|script|table|title'); $no_updates = false; break; // No changes from 3.0.2-RC1 to 3.0.2-RC2 case '3.0.2-RC1': break; // No changes from 3.0.2-RC2 to 3.0.2 case '3.0.2-RC2': break; // Changes from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3-RC1 case '3.0.2': set_config('enable_queue_trigger', '0'); set_config('queue_trigger_posts', '3'); set_config('pm_max_recipients', '0'); // Set maximum number of recipients for the registered users, bots, guests group $sql = 'UPDATE ' . GROUPS_TABLE . ' SET group_max_recipients = 5 WHERE ' . $db->sql_in_set('group_name', array('GUESTS', 'REGISTERED', 'REGISTERED_COPPA', 'BOTS')); _sql($sql, $errored, $error_ary); // Not prefilling yet set_config('dbms_version', ''); // Add new permission u_masspm_group and duplicate settings from u_masspm include_once($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/acp/auth.' . $phpEx); $auth_admin = new auth_admin(); // Only add the new permission if it does not already exist if (empty($auth_admin->acl_options['id']['u_masspm_group'])) { $auth_admin->acl_add_option(array('global' => array('u_masspm_group'))); // Now the tricky part, filling the permission $old_id = $auth_admin->acl_options['id']['u_masspm']; $new_id = $auth_admin->acl_options['id']['u_masspm_group']; $tables = array(ACL_GROUPS_TABLE, ACL_ROLES_DATA_TABLE, ACL_USERS_TABLE); foreach ($tables as $table) { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $table . ' WHERE auth_option_id = ' . $old_id; $result = _sql($sql, $errored, $error_ary); $sql_ary = array(); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $row['auth_option_id'] = $new_id; $sql_ary[] = $row; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); if (sizeof($sql_ary)) { $db->sql_multi_insert($table, $sql_ary); } } // Remove any old permission entries $auth_admin->acl_clear_prefetch(); } /** * Do not resync post counts here. An admin may do this later from the ACP $start = 0; $step = ($config['num_posts']) ? (max((int) ($config['num_posts'] / 5), 20000)) : 20000; $sql = 'UPDATE ' . USERS_TABLE . ' SET user_posts = 0'; _sql($sql, $errored, $error_ary); do { $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(post_id) AS num_posts, poster_id FROM ' . POSTS_TABLE . ' WHERE post_id BETWEEN ' . ($start + 1) . ' AND ' . ($start + $step) . ' AND post_postcount = 1 AND post_approved = 1 GROUP BY poster_id'; $result = _sql($sql, $errored, $error_ary); if ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { do { $sql = 'UPDATE ' . USERS_TABLE . " SET user_posts = user_posts + {$row['num_posts']} WHERE user_id = {$row['poster_id']}"; _sql($sql, $errored, $error_ary); } while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)); $start += $step; } else { $start = 0; } $db->sql_freeresult($result); } while ($start); */ $sql = 'UPDATE ' . MODULES_TABLE . ' SET module_auth = \'acl_a_email && cfg_email_enable\' WHERE module_class = \'acp\' AND module_basename = \'email\''; _sql($sql, $errored, $error_ary); $no_updates = false; break; // Changes from 3.0.3-RC1 to 3.0.3 case '3.0.3-RC1': $sql = 'UPDATE ' . LOG_TABLE . " SET log_operation = 'LOG_DELETE_TOPIC' WHERE log_operation = 'LOG_TOPIC_DELETED'"; _sql($sql, $errored, $error_ary); $no_updates = false; break; // Changes from 3.0.3 to 3.0.4-RC1 case '3.0.3': // Update the Custom Profile Fields based on previous settings to the new format $sql = 'SELECT field_id, field_required, field_show_on_reg, field_hide FROM ' . PROFILE_FIELDS_TABLE; $result = _sql($sql, $errored, $error_ary); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $sql_ary = array( 'field_required' => 0, 'field_show_on_reg' => 0, 'field_hide' => 0, 'field_show_profile'=> 0, ); if ($row['field_required']) { $sql_ary['field_required'] = $sql_ary['field_show_on_reg'] = $sql_ary['field_show_profile'] = 1; } else if ($row['field_show_on_reg']) { $sql_ary['field_show_on_reg'] = $sql_ary['field_show_profile'] = 1; } else if ($row['field_hide']) { // Only administrators and moderators can see this CPF, if the view is enabled, they can see it, otherwise just admins in the acp_users module $sql_ary['field_hide'] = 1; } else { // equivelant to "none", which is the "Display in user control panel" option $sql_ary['field_show_profile'] = 1; } _sql('UPDATE ' . PROFILE_FIELDS_TABLE . ' SET ' . $db->sql_build_array('UPDATE', $sql_ary) . ' WHERE field_id = ' . $row['field_id'], $errored, $error_ary); } $no_updates = false; break; // Changes from 3.0.4-RC1 to 3.0.4 case '3.0.4-RC1': break; } }
} else { $needed_creation[$table_name][$good_index] = 1; } } } } $new_index_defs = array('ath_op_id' => array('auth_option_id'), 'i_d' => array('imageset_id')); foreach ($needed_creation as $bad_table => $index_repair_list) { foreach ($index_repair_list as $new_index => $garbage) { sql_create_index($map_dbms, $new_index, $bad_table, $new_index_defs[$new_index]); $no_updates = false; } } // Make sure empty smiley codes do not exist $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . SMILIES_TABLE . " WHERE code = ''"; _sql($sql, $errored, $error_ary); set_config('allow_birthdays', '1'); set_config('cron_lock', '0', true); $no_updates = false; }