/** * Configuration tab for buddypress plugins * * @package SeoPress * @author Sven Wagener * @copyright Copyright (C) Themekraft **/ function sp_admin_bp_plugins_tab() { global $bp, $seopress_plugin_url; // Getting saved data $bp_seo_components = get_blog_option(SITE_ID_CURRENT_SITE, 'bp_seo_plugins'); // <===== Have to be replaced with framework !!! // Adding tab header $html .= sp_admin_tab_header(__('Buddypress Plugins', 'seopress'), __('Setup your title and meta tags of the buddypress plugins you have installed.', 'seopress'), $seopress_plugin_url . 'includes/images/logo-buddypress.png'); // Showing component configuration $html .= sp_admin_bp_plugins_tabs(); // Configurating Buddypress plugins $button = '<p class="submit"><input class="button-primary" type="submit" name="save" value="' . __('Save settings', 'seopress') . '" /></p>'; $html .= $button; return $html; }
/** * Configuration tab for general seo settings * * @package SeoPress * @author Sven Wagener * @copyright Copyright (C) Themekraft **/ function sp_admin_settings_tab() { global $seopress_plugin_url; $html .= sp_admin_tab_header(__('Global Seo options', 'seopress'), __('Setup the global settings of the Seo part of the plugin.', 'seopress'), $seopress_plugin_url . 'includes/images/logo-wordpress.png'); $html .= '<table class="widefat">'; $html .= '<tbody>'; $html .= '<tr>'; $html .= '<td colspan="2"><div class="components_extend" colspan="2"><strong>' . __('Title', 'seopress') . '</strong></td>'; $html .= '</tr>'; $html .= '<tr>'; $html .= '<td><div class="components_extend">' . __('Show pagination', 'seopress') . '</div></td>'; $html .= '<td><div class="components_extend">' . tk_wp_form_checkbox('show_pagination', 'seopress_options', 'show_pagination') . '</div></td>'; $html .= '</tr>'; $html .= '<tr>'; $html .= '<td><div class="components_extend">' . __('Standard length of title', 'seopress') . '</div></td>'; // $html.= '<td><div class="components_extend"><input type="text" name="bp_seo_metadesc_length" length="4" size="3" value="' . get_option('bp_seo_metadesc_length') . '" /> (' . __('number of chars', 'seopress' ) . ')</div></td>'; $html .= '<td><div class="components_extend">' . tk_wp_form_textfield('std_title_legth', 'seopress_options', 'std_title_legth') . ' (' . __('number of chars', 'seopress') . ')</div></td>'; $html .= '</tr>'; $html .= '<tr>'; $html .= '<td><div class="components_extend">' . __('Standard length of meta description', 'seopress') . '</div></td>'; // $html.= '<td><div class="components_extend"><input type="text" name="bp_seo_metadesc_length" length="4" size="3" value="' . get_option('bp_seo_metadesc_length') . '" /> (' . __('number of chars', 'seopress' ) . ')</div></td>'; $html .= '<td><div class="components_extend">' . tk_wp_form_textfield('std_metadesc_legth', 'seopress_options', 'std_metadesc_legth') . ' (' . __('number of chars', 'seopress') . ')</div></td>'; $html .= '</tr>'; $html .= '<tr>'; $html .= '<td colspan="2"><div class="components_extend" colspan="2"><strong>' . __('Meta boxes in posts and pages', 'seopress') . '</strong></td>'; $html .= '</tr>'; $html .= '<tr>'; $html .= '<td><div class="components_extend">' . __('Hide meta boxes in posts:', 'seopress') . '</div></td>'; // $html.= '<td><div class="components_extend"><input type="checkbox" name="bp_seo_meta_box_post" ' . $meta_box_post_checked . ' value="1" /></div></td>'; $html .= '<td><div class="components_extend">' . tk_wp_form_checkbox('metabox_post', 'seopress_options', 'metabox_post') . '</div></td>'; $html .= '</tr>'; $html .= '<tr>'; $html .= '<td><div class="components_extend">' . __('Hide meta boxes in pages:', 'seopress') . '</div></td>'; // $html.= '<td><div class="components_extend"><input type="checkbox" name="bp_seo_meta_box_page" ' . $meta_box_page_checked . ' value="1" /></div></td>'; $html .= '<td><div class="components_extend">' . tk_wp_form_checkbox('metabox_page', 'seopress_options', 'metabox_page') . '</div></td>'; $html .= '</tr>'; do_action('seopress_seo_options'); $html .= '</tbody>'; $html .= '</table>'; $button = '<p class="submit"><input class="button-primary" type="submit" name="save" value="' . __('Save', 'seopress') . '" /></p>'; $html .= $button; return $html; }
/** * Configuration tab for buddypress * * @package SeoPress * @author Sven Wagener * @copyright Copyright (C) Themekraft **/ function sp_admin_bp_tab() { global $bp, $seopress_plugin_url; $html .= sp_admin_tab_header(__('Buddypress', 'seopress'), __('Setup your title and meta tags of the buddypress pages.', 'seopress'), $seopress_plugin_url . 'includes/images/logo-buddypress.png'); $bp_seo_components = get_blog_option(SITE_ID_CURRENT_SITE, 'bp_seo_plugins'); // Searching for component slugs and adding to array $bp_components = array(); foreach ((array) $bp as $key => $value) { if ($bp->{$key}->slug != '') { array_push($bp_components, $bp->{$key}->slug); } } /* * Adding jqueryui tabs */ $html .= '<h3>' . __('Setup Buddypress pages', 'seopress') . '</h3>'; $tabs = new TK_WP_JQUERYUI_TABS(); if (tk_bp_is_active_component('activity')) { $tabs->add_tab('cap_bp_activities', __('Activity', 'seopress'), sp_admin_bp_activities_tab()); } $tabs->add_tab('cap_bp_members', __('Members', 'seopress'), sp_admin_bp_members_tab()); $tabs->add_tab('cap_bp_profiles', __('Profiles', 'seopress'), sp_admin_bp_profiles_tab()); if (tk_bp_is_active_component('groups')) { $tabs->add_tab('cap_bp_groups', __('Groups', 'seopress'), sp_admin_bp_groups_tab()); } if (tk_bp_is_active_component('forums')) { $tabs->add_tab('cap_bp_forums', __('Forums', 'seopress'), sp_admin_bp_forums()); } if (tk_bp_is_active_component('blogs')) { $tabs->add_tab('cap_bp_blogs', __('Blogs', 'seopress'), sp_admin_bp_blogs()); } if (get_option('users_can_register')) { $tabs->add_tab('cap_bp_registration', __('Registration', 'seopress'), sp_admin_bp_register()); } $html .= $tabs->get_html(); $button = '<p class="submit"><input class="button-primary" type="submit" name="save" value="' . __('Save', 'seopress') . '" /></p>'; $html .= $button; return $html; }
/** * Configuration page for wordpress main blog * * @package SeoPress * @author Sven Wagener * @copyright Copyright (C) Themekraft **/ function sp_admin_wp_tab() { global $seopress_plugin_url; $html .= sp_admin_tab_header(__('Wordpress Blog', 'seopress'), __('Setup your title and meta tags of your Wordpress blog.', 'seopress'), $seopress_plugin_url . 'includes/images/logo-wordpress.png'); $sections = array(); array_push($sections, array('type' => 'wp-home', 'title' => __('Home', 'seopress'), 'content' => $content, 'extra_title' => ' class="home"')); array_push($sections, array('type' => 'wp-post', 'title' => __('Posts', 'seopress'), 'content' => $content, 'extra_title' => ' class="posts"')); array_push($sections, array('type' => 'wp-page', 'title' => __('Pages', 'seopress'), 'content' => $content, 'extra_title' => ' class="pages"')); array_push($sections, array('type' => 'wp-archive', 'title' => __('Archive', 'seopress'), 'content' => $content)); array_push($sections, array('type' => 'wp-category', 'title' => __('Categories', 'seopress'), 'content' => $content)); array_push($sections, array('type' => 'wp-tag', 'title' => __('Tags', 'seopress'), 'content' => $content)); array_push($sections, array('type' => 'wp-author', 'title' => __('Author', 'seopress'), 'content' => $content)); array_push($sections, array('type' => 'wp-search', 'title' => __('Search result', 'seopress'), 'content' => $content)); apply_filters('sp_admin_wp_sections', $sections); $accordion = new TK_WP_JQUERYUI_ACCORDION(); foreach ($sections as $section) { $accordion->add_section($section['type'], $section['title'], sp_type_box($section['type']), $section['extra_title']); } $html .= $accordion->get_html(); $button = '<p class="submit"><input class="button-primary" type="submit" name="save" value="' . __('Save', 'seopress') . '" /></p>'; $html .= $button; do_action('sp_admin_wp_tab_bottom'); return $html; }