Пример #1
		 * Metabox to show the backup destination options
		 * @since 1.0.2
		 * @param string $title - Title to be displayed in header of metabox
		 * @param array  $item 	- The current viewed item
		 * @return none

		function snapshot_metabox_show_destination_options($title, $item, $display_only=false) {
			global $wpmudev_snapshot;

			if (!isset($item['destination']))
				$item['destination'] = "local";
			<div class="postbox">
				<h3 class="hndle"><span><?php echo $title; ?></span></h3>
				<div class="inside">
					<table class="form-table snapshot-backup-destinations">
					<tr class="form-field">
						<th scope="row">
							<label for="snapshot-destination"><?php _e('Backup Destination', SNAPSHOT_I18N_DOMAIN); ?></label><br />
							<a href="admin.php?page=snapshots_destinations_panel"><?php _e('Add more Destinations', SNAPSHOT_I18N_DOMAIN); ?></a>
							<select name="snapshot-destination" id="snapshot-destination">
									// This global is set within the next calling function. Helps determine which set of descriptions to show.
									global $snapshot_destination_selected_type;

										$wpmudev_snapshot->snapshot_get_setting('destinationClasses')) ?>
							</select><sup>1</sup><br />

							<p class="description"><?php _e("If you select a remote destination and the 'Interval' is set as Immediate, the snapshot backup file will not be sent during the normal backup step. Instead the transfer of the backup file will be scheduled at a later time. This is to prevent the screen from locking while the backup file is sent to the remote destination.", SNAPSHOT_I18N_DOMAIN); ?></p>

							<p><strong><sup>1</sup> - <?php _e("The Snapshot scheduling process uses the WordPress Cron (WPCron) system. This is the same process used to run daily checks for updates to core, plugins and themes. It should be understood this WPCron process is not precise. If you schedule a Snapshot for a specific minute of the hour WPCron may not execute at exactly that time. WPCron relies on regular front-end traffic to your website to kickoff the processing.",
							 SNAPSHOT_I18N_DOMAIN); ?></strong></p>

					<tr class="form-field">
						<th scope="row">
							<label for="snapshot-destination-directory"><?php _e('Directory (optional)', SNAPSHOT_I18N_DOMAIN); ?></label>
							<input type="text" name="snapshot-destination-directory" id="snapshot-destination-directory" value="<?php if (isset($item['destination-directory'])) { echo stripslashes($item['destination-directory']); } ?>" />

							<?php //echo "snapshot_destination_selected_type[". $snapshot_destination_selected_type ."]<br />"; ?>
							<div id="snapshot-destination-directory-description" <?php
								if ($snapshot_destination_selected_type == 'google-drive') { echo ' style="display:none" '; } ?>>

								<p class="description"><?php _e("The optional Directory can be used to override or supplement the selected destination directory value. If 'local server' is selected and if the directory does not start with a forward slash '/' the directory will be relative to the site root.", SNAPSHOT_I18N_DOMAIN); ?></p>
								<p class="description"><?php _e("This field support tokens you can use to create dynamic values. You can use any combination of the following tokens. Use the forward slash '/' to separate directory elements.", SNAPSHOT_I18N_DOMAIN); ?></p>
								<ul class="description">
									<li><strong>[DEST_PATH]</strong> &ndash; <?php _e("This represents the Directory/Bucket used by the selected Backup Destination or if local, the Settings Folder Location. This can be used to supplement a value entered into this Snapshot. If [DEST_PATH] is not used the Directory value here will override the complete value from the selected Destination."); ?></li>
									<li><strong>[SITE_DOMAIN]</strong> &ndash; <?php _e('This represents the full domain of the selected site per this snapshot'); ?>: <?php

								if (isset($item['blog-id'])) {
									if (is_multisite()) {
										$blog_info = get_blog_details($item['blog-id']);
										if ($blog_info->domain) {
											$domain = $blog_info->domain;
									else {
										$siteurl = get_option( 'siteurl' );
										if ($siteurl) {
											$domain = parse_url($siteurl, PHP_URL_HOST);

									if ((isset($domain)) && (strlen($domain))) {
										echo "<strong>". $domain ."</strong>";
									<li><strong>[SNAPSHOT_ID]</strong> &ndash; <?php _e('This is the unique ID assigned to this Snapshot set'); ?>:
										if (isset($item['timestamp'])) {
											echo "<strong>". $item['timestamp'] ."</strong>";
							<div id="snapshot-destination-directory-description-google-drive" <?php if ($snapshot_destination_selected_type != 'google-drive') { echo ' style="display:none" '; }?>>
								<p><?php echo sprintf(__('For Google Drive destinations this is not a normal directory path. Instead you must provide the Directory ID. Go to your %s. Navigate to or create a new directory where you want to upload the Snapshot archives. Make sure you are viewing the destination directory. The URL for the directory will be something similar to <em>https://drive.google.com/#folders/0B6GD66ctHXXCOWZKNDRIRGJJXS3</em>. The Directory ID would be the last part after /#folders/ <strong><em>0B6GD66ctHXXCOWZKNDRIRGJJXS3</em></strong>.', SNAPSHOT_I18N_DOMAIN), '<a href="https://drive.google.com/#my-drive">'. __('Drive account', SNAPSHOT_I18N_DOMAIN) .'</a>') ?></p>

				</div><!-- end inside -->
			</div><!-- end postbox -->
		function extra_tablenav( $which ) {
			global $wpmudev_snapshot;

			if ($which == "top") {
				$HAS_FILTERS = false;
				$filters = $this->check_table_filters();

				?><div class="alignleft actions"><?php
				if (is_multisite()) {
					$blog_counts = array();
					if ((isset($wpmudev_snapshot->config_data['items'])) && (count($wpmudev_snapshot->config_data['items']))) {

						foreach($wpmudev_snapshot->config_data['items'] as $idx => $item) {

							if (!isset($blog_counts[$item['blog-id']]))
								$blog_counts[$item['blog-id']] = 1;
								$blog_counts[$item['blog-id']] += 1;

					// We need to display a column showing the blog for a snapshot.
					// Simply gets all blogs then builds a local array using the blog_id as the key to the blog url.
					$blogs = snapshot_utility_get_blogs();
					if ($blogs) {
						$tmp_blogs = array();
						foreach($blogs as $blog) {
							// Does this blog_id exist in our count array?
							if (isset($blog_counts[$blog->blog_id]))
								$tmp_blogs[$blog->blog_id] = $blog->blogname ."<br /> (". $blog->domain .") (". $blog_counts[$blog->blog_id] .")";
						$blogs = $tmp_blogs;

					if (($blogs) && (count($blogs))) {
						$HAS_FILTERS = true;

							name="snapshot-filter-blog-id" id="snapshot-filter-blog-id">
							<option value="">Show All Blogs</option>
								foreach($blogs as $blog_id => $blog_domain) {
									?><option <?php if ($blog_id == $filters['blog-id']) { echo ' selected="selected" '; } ?>
										value="<?php echo $blog_id ?>"><?php echo $blog_domain; ?></option><?php
				if ((isset($wpmudev_snapshot->config_data['destinations'])) && (count($wpmudev_snapshot->config_data['destinations']))) {
					$HAS_FILTERS = true;
						name="snapshot-filter-destination" id="snapshot-filter-destination">
						<option value=""><?php _e('Show All Destinations', SNAPSHOT_I18N_DOMAIN); ?></option>
						<?php snapshot_utility_destination_select_options_groups(

				if ($HAS_FILTERS) {
					?><input id="post-query-submit" class="button-secondary" type="submit" value="Filter" name="snapshot-filter"><?php
