function display_members_callback($atts, $content, $tag) { $values = shortcode_atts(array('id' => 0, 'slug' => '', 'section' => 'null', 'type' => '', 'style' => '1', 'link_slug' => '0', 'groupby' => 'section'), $atts); $options = get_option('sn_scoutnet_api'); $mysections = array(); $mytypes = array(); $styles = array(1, 2, 3); $groupby = array('section', 'type', 'none'); $values['hide'] = array(); if (isset($options['option1'])) { if ($options['option1'] == 'y') { $values['hide'][] = 'birthday'; } } if (isset($options['option2'])) { if ($options['option2'] == 'y') { $values['hide'][] = 'phone'; } } if (!in_array($values['style'], $styles)) { $values['style'] = 1; } if (!in_array($values['groupby'], $groupby)) { $values['groupby'] = 'section'; } //return print_r($values,true); $output = ''; if ($values['id'] > 0) { $call = sn_getMember($values['id'], $options['accountid']); if ($call['decoded']['head']['status'] == 1) { $member = $call['decoded']['body']['data']; //$output = print_r($member,true); return display_member_style($member, $values); } else { $output = "<div class=\"error\">error</div>"; } //return $output; } if ($values['slug'] != '') { $call = sn_getMember($values['slug'], $options['accountid']); if ($call['decoded']['head']['status'] == 1) { $member = $call['decoded']['body']['data']; //$output = print_r($member,true); return display_member_style($member, $values); } else { $output = "<div class=\"error\">error</div>"; } //return $output; } if (!isset($_SESSION['sections'][$options['accountid']])) { $call = sn_getAllSections($options['accountid']); if (isset($call['decoded']['head']['status']) && $call['decoded']['head']['status'] === "1") { if ($call['decoded']['body']['num'] != 0) { $all_sections = $call['decoded']['body']['data']; } else { $all_sections = array(); } } else { echo "<div class=\"error settings-error\"><p><strong>Sections failure</strong></p></div>"; } $_SESSION['sections'][$options['accountid']] = $all_sections; } else { $all_sections = $_SESSION['sections'][$options['accountid']]; } foreach ($all_sections as $section) { $mysections[] = $section['code']; } if (!isset($_SESSION['types'][$options['accountid']])) { $call = sn_getAllTypes($options['accountid']); if (isset($call['decoded']['head']['status']) && $call['decoded']['head']['status'] === "1") { if ($call['decoded']['body']['num'] != 0) { $all_types = $call['decoded']['body']['data']; } else { $all_types = array(); } } else { echo "<div class=\"error settings-error\"><p><strong>Types failure</strong></p></div>"; } $_SESSION['types'][$options['accountid']] = $all_types; } else { $all_types = $_SESSION['types'][$options['accountid']]; } foreach ($all_types as $type) { $mytypes[] = strtolower($type['name']); } if (in_array($values['section'], $mysections) || in_array($values['type'], $mytypes)) { $call = sn_getSectionMembers($values['section'], $values['type']); if ($call['decoded']['head']['status'] == 1) { $members = $call['decoded']['body']['data']; //$output = print_r($members,true); } else { $output = "<div class=\"error settings-error\">error</div>"; } //return $output; return display_members_style($members, $values); } //return print_r($_SESSION['sections'],true); //return print_r($mytypes,true); //return $values['type']."ee"; }
function sn_scoutnet_api_members_html_page() { $options = get_option('sn_scoutnet_api'); //$_SESSION = array(); // Finally, destroy the session. //session_destroy(); //print_r($_SESSION); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> var templateDir = "<?php echo SN_API_PLUGIN_URL; ?> "; </script> <div class="wrap"> <h2>Contacten beheer</h2> <?php $active_tab = isset($_GET['tab']) ? $_GET['tab'] : 'per-persoon'; ?> <h2 class="nav-tab-wrapper"> <a href="?page=scoutnet-api-members&tab=per-persoon" class="nav-tab <?php echo $active_tab == 'per-persoon' ? 'nav-tab-active' : ''; ?> ">Per persoon</a> <a href="?page=scoutnet-api-members&tab=per-adres" class="nav-tab <?php echo $active_tab == 'per-adres' ? 'nav-tab-active' : ''; ?> ">Per adres</a> </h2> <?php // HARDCODED //Array ( [21] => Array ( [natid] => 21 [natcode] => BE [nation] => België [nat] => Belg ) [56] => Array ( [natid] => 56 [natcode] => DE [nation] => Duitsland [nat] => Duitser ) [69] => Array ( [natid] => 69 [natcode] => FR [nation] => Frankrijk [nat] => Fransman ) [152] => Array ( [natid] => 152 [natcode] => NL [nation] => Nederland [nat] => Nederlander ) ) $nations = array('21' => array('natid' => 21, 'natcode' => 'BE', 'nation' => 'België', 'nat' => 'Belg'), '56' => array('natid' => 56, 'natcode' => 'DE', 'nation' => 'Duitsland', 'nat' => 'Duitser'), '69' => array('natid' => 69, 'natcode' => 'FR', 'nation' => 'Frankrijk', 'nat' => 'Fransman'), '152' => array('natid' => 152, 'natcode' => 'NL', 'nation' => 'Nederland', 'nat' => 'Nederlander')); $auth_user = get_bloginfo('admin_email'); if ($active_tab == 'per-persoon') { /* // TODO waarschijnlijk nodig voor dep if (isset($_GET['accountid'])){ $accountid = intval($_GET['accountid']); }else{ $accountid=$account; } */ //unset($_SESSION['sections'][$options['accountid']]); if (!isset($_SESSION['sections'][$options['accountid']])) { $call = sn_getAllSections($options['accountid']); if (isset($call['decoded']['head']['status']) && $call['decoded']['head']['status'] === "1") { if ($call['decoded']['body']['num'] != 0) { $all_sections = $call['decoded']['body']['data']; } else { $all_sections = array(); } } else { echo "<div class=\"error settings-error\"><p><strong>Sections failure</strong></p></div>"; } $_SESSION['sections'][$options['accountid']] = $all_sections; } else { $all_sections = $_SESSION['sections'][$options['accountid']]; } if (!isset($_SESSION['types'][$options['accountid']])) { $call = sn_getAllTypes($options['accountid']); if (isset($call['decoded']['head']['status']) && $call['decoded']['head']['status'] === "1") { if ($call['decoded']['body']['num'] != 0) { $all_types = $call['decoded']['body']['data']; } else { $all_types = array(); } } else { echo "<div class=\"error settings-error\"><p><strong>Types failure</strong></p></div>"; } $_SESSION['types'][$options['accountid']] = $all_types; } else { $all_types = $_SESSION['types'][$options['accountid']]; } if (isset($_POST['filters']) && !isset($_POST['sections'])) { unset($_SESSION['sections']['filter']); } if (!isset($_SESSION['sections']['filter'])) { $_SESSION['sections']['filter']['id'] = ""; $_SESSION['sections']['filter']['name'] = ""; $_SESSION['sections']['filter']['arr'] = array(); } if (isset($_POST['sections'])) { unset($_SESSION['sections']['filter']); $_SESSION['sections']['filter']['id'] = implode(":", $_POST['sections']); $_SESSION['sections']['filter']['arr'] = $_POST['sections']; foreach ($all_sections as $k => $v) { if (in_array($k, $_POST['sections'])) { $_SESSION['sections']['filter']['name'] .= "{$v['name']}, "; } } $_SESSION['sections']['filter']['name'] = substr($_SESSION['sections']['filter']['name'], 0, -2); } if (isset($_POST['filters']) && !isset($_POST['types'])) { unset($_SESSION['types']['filter']); } if (!isset($_SESSION['types']['filter'])) { $_SESSION['types']['filter']['id'] = ""; $_SESSION['types']['filter']['name'] = ""; $_SESSION['types']['filter']['arr'] = array(); } if (isset($_POST['types'])) { unset($_SESSION['types']['filter']); $_SESSION['types']['filter']['id'] = implode(":", $_POST['types']); $_SESSION['types']['filter']['arr'] = $_POST['types']; foreach ($all_types as $k => $v) { if (in_array($k, $_POST['types'])) { $_SESSION['types']['filter']['name'] .= "{$v['name']}, "; } } $_SESSION['types']['filter']['name'] = substr($_SESSION['types']['filter']['name'], 0, -2); } if (isset($_POST['btnVerzenden'])) { $args = array(); $personid = intval($_POST['personid']); $accountid = intval($_POST['accountid']); if (!isset($_POST['section'])) { $_POST['section'] = array(); } if (!isset($_POST['type'])) { $_POST['type'] = array(); } $args['personid'] = $personid; $string_fields = array('fname' => 40, 'lname' => 40, 'birthday' => 10, 'tel' => 15, 'mobile' => 20, 'email' => 50, 'street' => 50, 'bus' => 5, 'nlcode' => 2, 'gem' => 70, 'natid' => 3, 'orgnum' => 20, 'gender' => 1, 'countrycode' => 3, 'http_host' => 40, 'auth_user' => 40); foreach ($string_fields as $key => $value) { if (isset($_POST[$key])) { $args[$key] = substr(trim($_POST[$key]), 0, $value); } } if (isset($_POST['section'])) { $args['sections'] = implode(':', $_POST['section']); } // optional string 1:2:3:6 if (isset($_POST['type'])) { $args['types'] = implode(':', $_POST['type']); } // optional string 1:2:3:6 $args['alert'] = ""; try { $call = sn_updateMember($personid, $accountid, $args); $warnings = $call['decoded']['head']['warning']; if (count($warnings) > 0) { echo "<div class=\"update-nag settings-error\">"; foreach ($warnings as $key => $value) { echo "<p>{$value} [{$key}]</p>"; } echo "</div>"; } if ($call['decoded']['head']['status'] == 1) { echo "<div class=\"updated settings-error\"><p><strong>Persoongegevens zijn aangepast.</strong></p></div>"; // update-nag } else { echo "<div class=\"error settings-error\"><p><strong>Aanpassing mislukt</strong></p></div>"; } } catch (Exception $ex) { printf('<br /><span class="error">%s</span><br />', $ex->getMessage()); } if (isset($_POST['sn_password']) && $_POST['sn_password'] != '') { $args = array(); $args['personid'] = intval($_POST['personid']); $args['username'] = substr(trim($_POST['sn_username']), 0, 50); $args['password'] = substr(trim($_POST['sn_password']), 0, 50); try { $call = sn_updateMemberPassword($personid, $accountid, $args); $warnings = $call['decoded']['head']['warning']; if (count($warnings) > 0) { echo "<div class=\"update-nag settings-error\">"; foreach ($warnings as $key => $value) { echo "<p>{$value} [{$key}]</p>"; } echo "</div>"; } if ($call['decoded']['head']['status'] == 1) { echo "<div class=\"updated settings-error\"><p><strong>Password updated.</strong></p></div>"; // update-nag } else { echo "<div class=\"error settings-error\"><p><strong>Aanpassing mislukt</strong></p></div>"; } } catch (Exception $ex) { printf('<br /><span class="error">%s</span><br />', $ex->getMessage()); } } } if (isset($_POST['del'])) { if ($_POST['del'] == 'y') { try { $args = array(); $personid = intval($_POST['personid']); $call = sn_delMember($personid); $warnings = $call['decoded']['head']['warning']; if (count($warnings) > 0) { echo "<div class=\"update-nag settings-error\">"; foreach ($warnings as $key => $value) { echo "<p>{$value} [{$key}]</p>"; } echo "</div>"; } if ($call['decoded']['head']['status'] == 1) { echo "<div class=\"updated settings-error\"><p><strong>Person deleted.</strong></p></div>"; // update-nag } else { echo "<div class=\"error settings-error\"><p><strong>Aanpassing mislukt</strong></p></div>"; } unset($_GET['personid']); //?? } catch (Exception $ex) { printf('<br /><span class="error">%s</span><br />', $ex->getMessage()); } } } if (isset($_GET['personid'])) { $personid = intval($_GET['personid']); $accountid = intval($_GET['accountid']); //$auth_user = get_bloginfo('admin_email'); try { if ($personid > 0) { $call = sn_getMember($personid, $accountid); if (isset($call['decoded']['head']['status']) && $call['decoded']['head']['status'] === "1") { if ($call['decoded']['body']['num'] != 0) { $person = $call['decoded']['body']['data']; } else { $person = array(); } } else { echo "<div class=\"error settings-error\"><p><strong>Types failure</strong></p></div>"; } } else { $person['id'] = 0; $person['accountid'] = $options['accountid']; $person['natid'] = 21; $person['countrycode'] = "BE"; $person['birthday'] = '0000-00-00'; } //var_dump($person); if ($person) { if ($person['gender'] == 'F') { $person['gender'] = 'V'; } // Geslacht (wordt in de database webgeschreven als 'F') // Onbekend en een nieuw persoon -> Belg if ($person['natid'] == 247 && $personid == 0) { $person['natid'] = 21; } // Nationaliteit // Default Country Belgium //if (($person['countrycode']=='')&&($personid==0)){$person['countrycode']="BE";} // Land default BE if ($person['countrycode'] == '') { $person['countrycode'] = "BE"; } // Land default BE // Birthday required if (is_null($person['birthday'])) { $person['birthday'] = '0000-00-00'; } //$person['fname'] = utf8_decode($person['fname']); //$person['lname'] = utf8_decode($person['lname']); //$person['street'] = utf8_decode($person['street']); //$person['city'] = utf8_decode($person['city']); $sections = array(); $types = array(); //var_dump($person['sections']); if (isset($person['sections'])) { $sections = flat_array($person['sections'], 'id'); } if (isset($person['types'])) { $types = flat_array($person['types'], 'id'); } //print_r($person); //var_dump($sections); //var_dump($types); if (isset($_GET['locationid'])) { $locationid = intval($_GET['locationid']); //$location = $mm->getLocation($locationid); $call = sn_getLocation($locationid); if (isset($call['decoded']['head']['status']) && $call['decoded']['head']['status'] === "1") { if ($call['decoded']['body']['num'] != 0) { $location = $call['decoded']['body']['data']; } else { $location = array(); } } else { echo "<div class=\"error settings-error\"><p><strong>Locations failure</strong></p></div>"; } //$person['street'] = utf8_decode($location['street']); $person['street'] = $location['street']; $person['bus'] = $location['bus']; $person['nlcode'] = $location['nlcode']; $person['postcode'] = $location['postcode']; //$person['city'] = utf8_encode($location['city']); $person['city'] = $location['city']; $person['contrycode'] = $location['countrycode']; } if ($personid > 0) { ?> <form action="?page=scoutnet-api-members&personid=<?php echo $personid; ?> " method="post" name="frmlidwijzigen" id="frmlidwijzigen"> <?php } else { ?> <form action="?page=scoutnet-api-members" method="post" name="frmlidwijzigen" id="frmlidwijzigen"> <?php } ?> <br /><h3>Vul alle gegevens aan en klik op "Verzenden"</h3><br /> <input type="hidden" name="accountid" value="<?php echo $person['accountid']; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="del" value="n" /> <input type="hidden" name="http_host" value="<?php echo $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="auth_user" value="<?php echo $auth_user; ?> " /> <label for="orgnum">Koepel ID</label> <input type="text" name="orgnum" id="orgnum" value="<?php echo $person['orgnum']; ?> " size="10" maxlength="20" title="lidnummer bij koepel" /><span class="notatie"><?php echo $options['orgname']; ?> lidnummer</span><br /> <label for="personid"><?php echo $options['depmark']; ?> ID</label> <input type="text" name="personid" id="personid" value="<?php echo $person['id']; ?> " size="10" title="<?php echo $options['depmark']; ?> ID" readonly="readonly" /> <input type="text" name="sn_username" id="sn_username" value="<?php echo $person['username']; ?> " size="30" title="Username" readonly="readonly" /> <img width="9" height="9" title="change password" src="<?php echo SN_API_PLUGIN_URL; ?> img/plus.gif" name="state14" onclick="exp(14)" alt="password" id="state14"> <div id="item14" style="display: none;" class="sourcecode"> <br /> <input type="button" class="button button-primary" value="generate new password" onclick="generate_password()" /><input name="sn_password" id="sn_password" type="text" size="24" maxlength="20" value="" autocomplete="off" class="password1" /> <span class="notatie">Geef enkel het nieuwe paswoord als je dit wilt wijzigen</span> </div> <br /> <input type="hidden" name="score" id="score" value="" /> <label for="fname">Voornaam</label> <input type="text" name="fname" class="required" id="fname" maxlength="50" size="40" title="geef de voornaam" value="<?php echo $person['fname']; ?> " /><br /> <label for="lname">Familienaam</label> <input type="text" name="lname" class="required" id="lname" maxlength="50" size="40" title="geef de familienaam" value="<?php echo $person['lname']; ?> " /><br /> <label for="birthday">Geboortedatum</label> <input type="text" name="birthday" class="required" id="birthday" maxlength="10" title="geef de geboortedatum" value="<?php echo $person['birthday']; ?> " /><span class="notatie">jjjj-mm-dd</span><br /> <label for="tel">Telefoon</label> <input type="text" name="tel" id="tel" maxlength="15" size="40" title="geef telefoonnnumer" value="<?php echo $person['tel']; ?> " /><span class="notatie">+32.12345678</span><br /> <label for="mobile">GSM</label> <input type="text" name="mobile" id="mobile" maxlength="20" size="40" title="geef mobiel nummer" value="<?php echo $person['mobile']; ?> " /><br /> <label for="email">Email</label> <input type="text" name="email" class="email" id="email" maxlength="50" size="40" title="geef emailadres" value="<?php echo $person['email']; ?> " /><br /> <label for="gender">Geslacht</label> <input type="text" name="gender" class="required" id="gender" size="1" maxlength="1" title="geef het geslacht M|V" value="<?php echo $person['gender']; ?> " /><span class="notatie">M/V</span><br /> <label for="natid">Nationaliteit</label> <select name="natid" id="natid" title="kies de nationaliteit"> <?php foreach ($nations as $l_landen) { if ($person['natid'] != $l_landen['natid']) { echo "<option value='{$l_landen['natid']}'>{$l_landen['nat']}</option>"; } else { echo "<option value='{$l_landen['natid']}' selected='selected'>{$l_landen['nat']}</option>"; } } ?> </select><br /><br /> <label for="street">Straat + nummer</label> <input type="text" name="street" id="street" value="<?php echo $person['street']; ?> " title="geef de straatnaam" size="30" maxlength="50" /> bus <input type="text" name="bus" id="bus" value="<?php echo $person['bus']; ?> " title="geef het busnummer indien van toepassing" size="4" maxlength="5" /> <span class="notatie">Kerkwegel 11 + 1</span><br /> <label for="gem">Gemeente</label> <input type="text" name="gem" id="gem" value="<?php echo "{$person['postcode']} {$person['city']}"; ?> " size="40" maxlength="150" autocomplete="off" title="geef de postcode en gemeente" /> <input type="text" name="nlcode" id="nlcode" value="<?php echo "{$person['nlcode']}"; ?> " size="2" maxlength="2" title="Geef de 2 letter code (enkel voor Nederland)" style="<?php if ($person['countrycode'] == "BE") { echo "display:none;visibility:hidden;"; } else { echo "display:inline;visibility:visible;"; } ?> " /> <select name="countrycode" id="countrycode" onchange="toonNLcode(this.value);" title="geef de 2 letterige landcode (BE|NL)"> <?php foreach ($nations as $l_landen) { if ($person['countrycode'] != $l_landen["natcode"]) { echo "<option value='{$l_landen["natcode"]}'>{$l_landen["natcode"]}</option>"; } else { echo "<option value='{$l_landen["natcode"]}' selected='selected'>{$l_landen["natcode"]}</option>"; } } ?> </select> <?php //if($person->getLocationID()>1){ if ($personid > 0 && $person['locationid'] > 0) { echo "<a href=\"?page=scoutnet-api-members&tab=per-adres&locationid={$person['locationid']}\">Wil je meteen het <b>adres</b> van ALLE gezinsleden wijzigen? klik dan op deze link</a>"; } //} echo "<br />"; echo "<div id=\"container_st\">\n"; echo "<div>\n"; echo "<fieldset>\n"; echo "<legend title=\"Select one or more sections\">Sections:</legend>\n"; if (count($all_sections) > 0) { foreach ($all_sections as $k => $v) { if (!in_array($k, $sections)) { echo "<input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"{$k}\" name=\"section[]\" /> {$v['name']}<br />\n"; } else { echo "<input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"{$k}\" name=\"section[]\" checked=\"checked\" /> <b>{$v['name']}</b><br />\n"; } } } else { echo "Aanmaak van sections doe je momenteel nog via"; } echo "</fieldset>\n</div>\n<div>\n<fieldset>\n"; echo "<legend title=\"Select one or more types\">Types:</legend>\n"; if (count($all_types) > 0) { foreach ($all_types as $k => $v) { if (!in_array($k, $types)) { echo "<input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"{$k}\" name=\"type[]\" /> {$v['name']}<br />\n"; } else { echo "<input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"{$k}\" name=\"type[]\" checked=\"checked\" /> <b>{$v['name']}</b><br />\n"; } } } else { echo "Aanmaak van types doe je momenteel nog via"; } echo "</fieldset>\n"; echo "</div>\n"; echo "</div>\n"; echo "<div class=\"snspacer\"></div>"; ?> <br /> <br /> <input name="btnVerzenden" id="btnVerzenden" class="button button-primary" type="submit" value="Verzenden" /> <?php if ($personid > 0) { ?> <img src="<?php echo SN_API_PLUGIN_URL; ?> img/delete.gif" style="cursor:pointer" onclick="dele('<?php echo $personid; ?> ');" width="20" height="16" alt="delete" title="delete person" /> <?php } ?> </form> <?php } else { echo "<br /><span class=\"warning\">Person error</span><br />"; } } catch (Exception $ex) { echo "<br /><br /><span class=\"error\">" . $ex->getMessage() . "</span><br />"; } } //$members = $mm->getAllMembers($_SESSION['sections']['filter']['id'],$_SESSION['types']['filter']['id']); $call = sn_getAllMembers($options['accountid'], $_SESSION['sections']['filter']['id'], $_SESSION['types']['filter']['id']); // section en type filter if ($call['decoded']['head']['status'] == 1) { $members = $call['decoded']['body']['data']; //var_dump($members); if (count($members) >= 0) { $all = array('orgnum' => 'Koepel ID', 'id' => 'Scoutnet ID', 'groupname' => 'Groepsnaam', 'username' => 'Username', 'fname' => 'Voornaam', 'lname' => 'Familienaam', 'since' => 'Aansluitdatum (todo)', 'svd' => 'Aantal jaren lid (todo)', 'birthday' => 'Geboortedatum', 'age' => 'Leeftijd', 'gender' => 'Geslacht', 'nat' => 'Nationaliteit', 'tel' => 'Telefoon', 'mobile' => 'GSM', 'email' => 'Email', 'adres' => 'Adres', 'street' => 'Straat', 'bus' => 'Bus', 'nlcode' => 'NLcode', 'postcode' => 'Postcode', 'city' => 'Plaats', 'pcode' => 'Postcode Plaats', 'gem' => 'Gemeente', 'regio' => 'Regio', 'prov' => 'Provincie', 'country' => 'Land'); if (isset($_POST['kolom'])) { $_SESSION[$active_tab]['kolom'] = $_POST['kolom']; } if (!isset($_SESSION[$active_tab]['kolom'])) { $kolom = array('id', 'fname', 'lname', 'birthday', 'email'); } else { $kolom = $_SESSION[$active_tab]['kolom']; } if (isset($_POST['filter'])) { $_SESSION[$active_tab]['filter'] = array_filter($_POST['filter']); } if (!isset($_SESSION[$active_tab]['filter'])) { $_POST['filter'] = array(); } else { $_POST['filter'] = $_SESSION[$active_tab]['filter']; } if (!isset($_POST['andor'])) { $_POST['andor'] = 'and'; } if (!isset($_POST['check'])) { $check = array(); } else { $check = $_POST['check']; } ?> <br />Filter op inhoud: <img height="9" width="9" alt="expand" title="column filter" onclick="exp(901)" name="state901" src="<?php echo SN_API_PLUGIN_URL; ?> /img/plus.gif" id="state901" border="0" /><?php if (count($_POST['filter']) > 0) { echo " <img src=\"" . SN_API_PLUGIN_URL . "img/filter.png\" width=\"24\" height=\"23\" />"; } ?> <br /> <div id="item901" style="font-size: 12px; margin-left: 20px; display: none;"> <form action="" method="post"> <table> <tr><td><input type="radio" name="andor" value="and" <?php if ($_POST['andor'] == 'and') { echo " checked=\"checked\""; } ?> /> EN <input type="radio" name="andor" value="or" <?php if ($_POST['andor'] == 'or') { echo " checked=\"checked\""; } ?> />OF </td><td> </td><td> </td></tr> <?php foreach ($all as $key => $value) { ?> <tr><td><input type="text" id="f<?php echo $key; ?> " name="filter[<?php echo $key; ?> ]" size="10" value="<?php echo @$_POST['filter'][$key]; ?> "<?php if (!in_array($key, $kolom)) { echo " disabled=\"disabled\""; } ?> /></td><td><input type="checkbox" value="<?php echo $key; ?> " name="kolom[]"<?php if (in_array($key, $kolom)) { echo " checked=\"checked\""; } ?> onclick="setCheck(this,'f<?php echo $key; ?> ');" /></td><td><?php echo $value; ?> </td></tr> <?php } ?> <tr><td colspan="2"><input type="submit" name="" value="Filter on content" class="button button-primary" title="Selecteer de kolomkoppen" /></td></tr> </table> <br /> </form> </div> <br /> <?php // TODO filter op soort ook in een session variabele bewaren ?> Filter op soort: <img height="9" width="9" alt="expand" title="column filter" onclick="exp(902)" name="state902" src="<?php echo SN_API_PLUGIN_URL; ?> /img/plus.gif" id="state902" border="0" /><?php if (count($_SESSION['sections']['filter']['arr']) > 0 || count($_SESSION['types']['filter']['arr']) > 0) { echo " <img src=\"" . SN_API_PLUGIN_URL . "img/filter.png\" width=\"24\" height=\"23\" />"; } ?> <?php echo "<span title=\"sections\"><b>" . $_SESSION['sections']['filter']['name'] . "</b></span> <span title=\"types\"><b>" . $_SESSION['types']['filter']['name'] . "</b></span>"; ?> <br /> <div id="item902" style="font-size: 12px; margin-left: 20px; display: none;"> <br /> <form action="" method="post"> <input type="submit" value="Filter sections/types" name="filters" class="button button-primary" title="Maak selectie" /> <small>[beheer (toevoegen/verwijderen) voorlopig enkel mogelijk via my-site]</small><br /><br /> <div id="container_st"> <div> <fieldset> <legend>Sections:</legend> <?php foreach ($all_sections as $k => $v) { if (!in_array($k, $_SESSION['sections']['filter']['arr'])) { echo "<input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"{$k}\" name=\"sections[]\" /> {$v['name']}<br />\n"; } else { echo "<input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"{$k}\" name=\"sections[]\" checked=\"checked\" /> {$v['name']}<br />\n"; } } ?> <br /> </fieldset> </div> <div> <fieldset> <legend>Types:</legend> <?php foreach ($all_types as $k => $v) { if (!in_array($k, $_SESSION['types']['filter']['arr'])) { echo "<input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"{$k}\" name=\"types[]\" /> {$v['name']}<br />\n"; } else { echo "<input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"{$k}\" name=\"types[]\" checked=\"checked\" /> {$v['name']}<br />\n"; } } ?> <br /> </fieldset> </div> </div> </form> </div> <div class="snspacer"></div> <?php echo "<table id=\"persons\" style=\"clear:both;\" class=\"tablesorter\">"; echo "<thead>"; echo "<tr>"; foreach ($all as $key => $value) { if (in_array($key, $kolom)) { echo "<th>{$value}</th>"; } } echo "</tr>"; echo "</thead>"; echo "<tbody>"; //var_dump($members); $filter_num = count($_POST['filter']); foreach ($members as $member) { if ($filter_num > 0) { $show_line = false; $elem_num = 0; foreach ($kolom as $f) { if (@$_POST['filter'][$f] != '') { $match = "1"; $pos = false; // aantal jaren lid if ($_POST['filter'][$f][0] == '>' && ($f == "svd" || $f == "age")) { $match = ">"; } if ($_POST['filter'][$f][0] == '<' && ($f == "svd" || $f == "age")) { $match = "<"; } /* if (($_POST['filter'][$f]{0}=='>')&&($f=="afstand")){ $pieces = explode("-", $member['afstand']); $pieces = array_map("inte", $pieces); $fafstand = intval(substr($_POST['filter'][$f],1,9)); foreach ($pieces as $piece){ if ($piece>$fafstand){$show_line=true;} } } */ if ($_POST['filter'][$f][0] == '%') { $match = "0"; } switch ($_POST['andor']) { case 'or': switch ($match) { case "1": if (strtolower($member[$f]) == strtolower($_POST['filter'][$f])) { $show_line = true; } break; case "0": $pos = stripos($member[$f], substr($_POST['filter'][$f], 1)); if ($pos !== false) { $show_line = true; } break; case ">": $fafstand = intval(substr($_POST['filter'][$f], 1, 9)); switch ($f) { case "svd": $my_num = calculateAge($member['since']); break; case "age": $my_num = calculateAge($member['birthday']); break; default: } if ($my_num > $fafstand) { $show_line = true; } break; case "<": $fafstand = intval(substr($_POST['filter'][$f], 1, 9)); switch ($f) { case "svd": $my_num = calculateAge($member['since']); break; case "age": $my_num = calculateAge($member['birthday']); break; default: } if ($my_num < $fafstand) { $show_line = true; } break; } break; case 'and': switch ($match) { case "1": if (strtolower($member[$f]) == strtolower($_POST['filter'][$f])) { $elem_num += 1; } if ($filter_num == $elem_num) { $show_line = true; } break; case "0": $pos = stripos($member[$f], substr($_POST['filter'][$f], 1)); if ($pos !== false) { $elem_num += 1; } if ($filter_num == $elem_num) { $show_line = true; } break; case ">": $fafstand = intval(substr($_POST['filter'][$f], 1, 9)); $aantal_afstanden_groter_dan_gevraagd = 0; switch ($f) { case "svd": $my_num = calculateAge($member['since']); break; case "age": $my_num = calculateAge($member['birthday']); break; default: } if ($my_num > $fafstand) { $aantal_afstanden_groter_dan_gevraagd += 1; } if ($aantal_afstanden_groter_dan_gevraagd > 0) { $elem_num += 1; } if ($filter_num == $elem_num) { $show_line = true; } break; case "<": $fafstand = intval(substr($_POST['filter'][$f], 1, 9)); $aantal_afstanden_groter_dan_gevraagd = 0; switch ($f) { case "svd": $my_num = calculateAge($member['since']); break; case "age": $my_num = calculateAge($member['birthday']); break; default: } if ($my_num < $fafstand) { $aantal_afstanden_groter_dan_gevraagd += 1; } if ($aantal_afstanden_groter_dan_gevraagd > 0) { $elem_num += 1; } if ($filter_num == $elem_num) { $show_line = true; } break; } break; } } } } else { $show_line = true; } foreach ($all as $key => $value) { if (in_array($key, $kolom)) { $member['class'][$key] = 'normal'; } } if ($show_line) { $span = array(); if (in_array('id', $kolom)) { $member['id'] = "<a href=\"?page=scoutnet-api-members&personid={$member['id']}&accountid={$member['accountid']}\" class=\"{$member['class']['id']}\">{$member['id']}</a>"; array_push($span, "id"); } if (in_array('adres', $kolom)) { if ($member['bus'] == '') { $member['adres'] = "{$member['street']} {$member['pcode']}"; } else { $member['adres'] = "{$member['street']} bus {$member['bus']} {$member['pcode']}"; } } if (in_array('age', $kolom)) { $member['age'] = calculateAge($member['birthday']) . " jaar"; } echo "<tr>"; foreach ($all as $key => $value) { if (in_array($key, $kolom)) { if (!in_array($key, $span)) { $member[$key] = "<span class=\"{$member['class'][$key]}\">{$member[$key]}</span>"; } echo "<td>{$member[$key]}</td>"; } } echo "</tr>\n"; } } echo "</tbody>"; echo "</table>"; } else { echo "<span class=\"info\">Er zijn nog geen leden.</span>"; } echo "<br /><img src=\"" . SN_API_PLUGIN_URL . "img/add_contact.gif\" alt=\"nieuw persoon toevoegen\" title=\"nieuw persoon toevoegen\" width=\"25\" height=\"21\" /> <a href=\"?page=scoutnet-api-members&personid=0\">Persoon toevoegen.</a><br />"; } else { echo "<div class=\"error\">{$call['decoded']['head']['error_message']}<br /><br />Is de secret key correct? Contacteer</div>"; } } else { // per-adres if (isset($_POST['btnVerzenden'])) { $args = array(); $locationid = intval($_POST['locationid']); $args['locationid'] = $locationid; $string_fields = array('name' => 50, 'street' => 50, 'bus' => 5, 'nlcode' => 2, 'gem' => 70, 'countrycode' => 2, 'http_host' => 40, 'auth_user' => 40); foreach ($string_fields as $key => $value) { if (isset($_POST[$key])) { $args[$key] = substr(trim($_POST[$key]), 0, $value); } } try { $call = sn_updateLocation($locationid, $args); $warnings = $call['decoded']['head']['warning']; if (count($warnings) > 0) { echo "<div class=\"update-nag settings-error\">"; foreach ($warnings as $key => $value) { echo "<p>{$value} [{$key}]</p>"; } echo "</div>"; } if ($call['decoded']['head']['status'] == 1) { echo "<div class=\"updated settings-error\"><p><strong>Adresgegevens zijn aangepast.</strong></p></div>"; // update-nag } else { echo "<div class=\"error settings-error\"><p><strong>Aanpassing mislukt</strong></p></div>"; } } catch (Exception $ex) { printf('<br /><span class="error">%s</span><br />', $ex->getMessage()); } } if (isset($_GET['locationid'])) { $locationid = intval($_GET['locationid']); try { //$location = $mm->getLocation($locationid); $call = sn_getLocation($locationid); if (isset($call['decoded']['head']['status']) && $call['decoded']['head']['status'] === "1") { if ($call['decoded']['body']['num'] != 0) { $location = $call['decoded']['body']['data']; } else { $location = array(); } } else { echo "<div class=\"error settings-error\"><p><strong>Locations failure</strong></p></div>"; } //var_dump($location); if ($location) { // Default Country Belgium if ($location['countrycode'] == '' && $locationid == 0) { $location['countrycode'] = "BE"; } // Land default BE $location['name'] = $location['name']; // TODO check utf8_decode ??? $location['street'] = $location['street']; $location['city'] = $location['city']; ?> <form action="" method="post" name="frmlidwijzigen" id="frmlidwijzigen"> <br /><h3>Vul alle gegevens aan en klik op "Verzenden"</h3><br /> <input type="hidden" name="accountid" value="<?php echo $options['accountid']; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="locationid" id="locationid" value="<?php echo $location['id']; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="http_host" value="<?php echo $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="auth_user" value="<?php echo $auth_user; ?> " /> <label for="name">Aanspreking</label> <input type="text" name="name" id="name" value="<?php echo $location['name']; ?> " title="geef de aanspreektitel" size="40" maxlength="100" /> <span class="notatie">De familie ..., De Heer en Mevrouw Peeters - Vandamme ...</span><br /> <label for="street">Straat + nummer</label> <input type="text" name="street" id="street" value="<?php echo $location['street']; ?> " title="geef de straatnaam en huisnummer" size="30" maxlength="50" /> bus <input type="text" name="bus" id="bus" value="<?php echo $location['bus']; ?> " title="geef het busnummer indien van toepassing" size="4" maxlength="10" /> <span class="notatie">Kerkwegel 25 [+ busnummer]</span><br /> <label for="gem">Gemeente</label> <input type="text" name="gem" id="gem" value="<?php echo "{$location['postcode']} {$location['city']}"; ?> " size="40" maxlength="150" autocomplete="off" title="geef de postcode en gemeente" /> <input type="text" name="nlcode" id="nlcode" value="<?php echo "{$location['nlcode']}"; ?> " size="2" maxlength="2" title="Geef de letter code (enkel voor Nederland)" style="<?php if ($location['countrycode'] != "NL") { echo "display:none;visibility:hidden;"; } else { echo "display:inline;visibility:visible;"; } ?> " /> <select name="countrycode" id="countrycode" title="geef de 2 letterige landcode" onchange="toonNLcode(this.value);"> <?php foreach ($nations as $l_landen) { if ($location['countrycode'] != $l_landen["natcode"]) { echo "<option value='{$l_landen["natcode"]}'>{$l_landen["natcode"]}</option>"; } else { echo "<option value='{$l_landen["natcode"]}' selected='selected'>{$l_landen["natcode"]}</option>"; } } ?> </select><br /> <?php foreach ($location['persons'] as $key => $row) { $birthday[$key] = $row['birthday']; $gender[$key] = $row['gender']; } //array_multisort($birthday, SORT_ASC, $l_members); array_multisort($gender, SORT_ASC, $birthday, SORT_ASC, $location['persons']); if (count($location['persons'] > 0)) { echo "<table cellspacing=\"10\">"; foreach ($location['persons'] as $member) { $member['fname'] = $member['fname']; $member['lname'] = $member['lname']; echo "<tr><td>"; $l_memberprofilepath = "{$member['personid']}.jpg"; //if (file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].$l_memberprofilepath)){ if (file_exists($l_memberprofilepath)) { echo "<br /><a href=\"?page=scoutnet-api-members&personid={$member['personid']}\"><img src='{$l_memberprofilepath}' alt='{$member['fname']}' title='{$member['fname']}' /></a>"; } else { echo "<br /><a href=\"?page=scoutnet-api-members&personid={$member['personid']}\"><img src='' alt='{$member['fname']}' title='{$member['fname']}' /></a>"; } echo "</td>"; echo "<td>"; if ($member['email']) { echo "<a href=\"mailto:{$member['email']}\">{$member['fname']} {$member['lname']}</a><br />"; } else { echo "{$member['fname']} {$member['lname']}<br />"; } if ($member['mobile']) { echo "{$member['mobile']}<br />"; } echo "{$member['gender']} {$member['birthday']}<br />"; /* if ($member['paid']=='1'){$paidchecked=" checked=\"checked\" disabled=\"disabled\"";$paidstr="betaald";}else{$paidchecked="";$paidstr="";} echo "Lidgeld 2012 ? <input type=\"checkbox\" value=\"{$member['personid']}\"$paidchecked onclick=\"setPaid('{$member['personid']}',this.checked,'{$l_sessie->getSessionUIDencrypted()}');\" /><span id=\"gs{$member['personid']}\">{$paidstr}</span>"; */ echo "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; } echo "<tr><td><a href=\"?page=scoutnet-api-members&personid=0&locationid={$location['id']}\"><img src='' alt='nieuw contact' title='nieuw contact' /></a></td><td>Nieuw contact toevoegen <b>op dit adres</b>.</td></tr>"; echo "</table>"; } ?> <br /> <input name="btnVerzenden" id="btnVerzenden" class="button button-primary" type="submit" value="Verzenden" /> </form> <?php } else { //echo "<span class=\"warning\">Location error</span>"; } } catch (Exception $ex) { echo "<span class=\"error\">" . $ex->getMessage() . "</span>"; } } $call = sn_getAllLocations('residence'); if (isset($call['decoded']['head']['status']) && $call['decoded']['head']['status'] === "1") { if ($call['decoded']['body']['num'] != 0) { $locations = $call['decoded']['body']['data']; } else { $locations = array(); } } else { echo "<div class=\"error settings-error\"><p><strong>Locations failure</strong></p></div>"; } //var_dump($locations); //if ($locations===false){var_dump($snapi->showError());} if (count($locations) > 0) { $all = array('locationid' => 'Adres ID', 'name' => 'Aanspreking', 'adres' => 'Adres', 'street' => 'Straat', 'bus' => 'Bus', 'postcode' => 'Postcode', 'pcode' => 'Postcode Plaats', 'nlcode' => 'NL code', 'city' => 'Plaats', 'gem' => 'Gemeente', 'regio' => 'Regio', 'prov' => 'Provincie', 'country' => 'Land'); if (isset($_POST['kolom'])) { $_SESSION[$active_tab]['kolom'] = $_POST['kolom']; } if (!isset($_SESSION[$active_tab]['kolom'])) { $kolom = array('name', 'adres', 'pcode', 'regio'); } else { $kolom = $_SESSION[$active_tab]['kolom']; } if (isset($_POST['filter'])) { $_SESSION[$active_tab]['filter'] = array_filter($_POST['filter']); } if (!isset($_SESSION[$active_tab]['filter'])) { $_POST['filter'] = array(); } else { $_POST['filter'] = $_SESSION[$active_tab]['filter']; } if (!isset($_POST['andor'])) { $_POST['andor'] = 'and'; } if (!isset($_POST['check'])) { $check = array(); } else { $check = $_POST['check']; } ?> <br />Filter op inhoud: <img height="9" width="9" alt="expand" title="filter + selecteer kolommen" onclick="exp(901)" name="state901" src="<?php echo SN_API_PLUGIN_URL; ?> img/plus.gif" id="state901" /><?php if (count($_POST['filter']) > 0) { echo " <img src=\"" . SN_API_PLUGIN_URL . "img/filter.png\" width=\"24\" height=\"23\" />"; } ?> <br /> <div id="item901" class="sourcecode" style="font-size: 12px; margin-left: 20px; display: none;"> <form action="" method="post"> <table> <tr><td><input type="radio" name="andor" value="and" <?php if ($_POST['andor'] == 'and') { echo " checked=\"checked\""; } ?> /> EN <input type="radio" name="andor" value="or" <?php if ($_POST['andor'] == 'or') { echo " checked=\"checked\""; } ?> />OF </td><td> </td><td> </td></tr> <?php foreach ($all as $key => $value) { ?> <tr><td><input type="text" id="f<?php echo $key; ?> " name="filter[<?php echo $key; ?> ]" size="10" value="<?php echo @$_POST['filter'][$key]; ?> "<?php if (!in_array($key, $kolom)) { echo " disabled=\"disabled\""; } ?> /></td><td><input type="checkbox" value="<?php echo $key; ?> " name="kolom[]"<?php if (in_array($key, $kolom)) { echo " checked=\"checked\""; } ?> onclick="setCheck(this,'f<?php echo $key; ?> ');" /></td><td><?php echo $value; ?> </td></tr> <?php } ?> <tr><td colspan="2"><input type="submit" name="" value="Filter on content" class="button button-primary" title="Selecteer de kolomkoppen" /></td></tr> </table> </form> </div> <?php echo "<table id=\"addresses\" class=\"tablesorter\">"; echo "<thead>"; echo "<tr>"; foreach ($all as $key => $value) { if (in_array($key, $kolom)) { echo "<th>{$value}</th>"; } } echo "</tr>"; echo "</thead>"; echo "<tbody>"; //var_dump($members); foreach ($locations as $location) { $l_class = "normal"; // kleurtjes gebruiken $span = array(); $l_locationid = $location['locationid']; if (in_array('name', $kolom)) { //$location['name']=utf8_decode($location['name']); //?? TODO check if ($location['name'] == '') { $location['name'] = "EMPTY"; } if ($location['bad'] == 0) { $location['name'] = "<a href=\"?page=scoutnet-api-members&tab=per-adres&locationid={$location['locationid']}\">{$location['name']}</a>"; } else { $location['name'] = "<a href=\"?page=scoutnet-api-members&tab=per-adres&locationid={$location['locationid']}\" style=\"color:red;\" title=\"Dit adres is vermoedelijk fout.\">{$location['name']}</a>"; } array_push($span, "name"); } /* if ((in_array('street',$kolom))||((in_array('adres',$kolom)))){ $location['street']=utf8_decode($location['street']); } if (in_array('pcode',$kolom)){ $location['pcode']=utf8_decode($location['pcode']); } */ if (in_array('adres', $kolom)) { if ($location['bus'] == '') { $location['adres'] = "{$location['street']} {$location['num']}"; } else { $location['adres'] = "{$location['street']} {$location['num']} bus {$location['bus']}"; } } /* if (in_array('country',$kolom)){ $location['country']=utf8_decode($location['country']); } if (in_array('regio',$kolom)){ $location['regio']=utf8_decode($location['regio']); } if (in_array('gem',$kolom)){ $location['gem']=utf8_decode($location['gem']); } */ if (in_array('locationid', $kolom)) { $location['locationid'] = "<a href=\"?page=scoutnet-api-members&tab=per-adres&locationid={$location['locationid']}\">{$location['locationid']}</a>"; array_push($span, "locationid"); } if ($filter_num > 0) { $show_line = false; $elem_num = 0; foreach ($kolom as $f) { if (@$_POST['filter'][$f] != '') { $match = "1"; $pos = false; // afstanden if ($_POST['filter'][$f][0] == '>' && $f == "afstand") { $match = ">"; } /* if (($_POST['filter'][$f]{0}=='>')&&($f=="afstand")){ $pieces = explode("-", $location['afstand']); $pieces = array_map("inte", $pieces); $fafstand = intval(substr($_POST['filter'][$f],1,9)); foreach ($pieces as $piece){ if ($piece>$fafstand){$show_line=true;} } } */ if ($_POST['filter'][$f][0] == '%') { $match = "0"; } switch ($_POST['andor']) { case 'or': switch ($match) { case "1": if (strtolower($location[$f]) == strtolower($_POST['filter'][$f])) { $show_line = true; } break; case "0": $pos = stripos($location[$f], substr($_POST['filter'][$f], 1)); if ($pos !== false) { $show_line = true; } break; case ">": $pieces = explode("-", $location['afstand']); $pieces = array_map("inte", $pieces); $fafstand = intval(substr($_POST['filter'][$f], 1, 9)); foreach ($pieces as $piece) { if ($piece > $fafstand) { $show_line = true; } } break; } break; case 'and': switch ($match) { case "1": if (strtolower($location[$f]) == strtolower($_POST['filter'][$f])) { $elem_num += 1; } if ($filter_num == $elem_num) { $show_line = true; } break; case "0": $pos = stripos($location[$f], substr($_POST['filter'][$f], 1)); if ($pos !== false) { $elem_num += 1; } if ($filter_num == $elem_num) { $show_line = true; } break; case ">": $pieces = explode("-", $location['afstand']); $pieces = array_map("inte", $pieces); $fafstand = intval(substr($_POST['filter'][$f], 1, 9)); // geef het aantal afstanden die groter zijn dan de gevraagde afstand. //als dat getal groter is dan 1 dan $elem_num+=1 $aantal_afstanden_groter_dan_gevraagd = 0; foreach ($pieces as $piece) { if ($piece > $fafstand) { $aantal_afstanden_groter_dan_gevraagd += 1; } } if ($aantal_afstanden_groter_dan_gevraagd > 0) { $elem_num += 1; } if ($filter_num == $elem_num) { $show_line = true; } break; } break; } } } } else { $show_line = true; } //$show_line=true; if ($l_locationid == 787) { $show_line = false; } if ($show_line) { $l_teller += 1; echo "<tr>"; /* foreach ($all as $key => $value){ if (in_array($key,$kolom)){echo "<td>{$location[$key]}</td>";} } */ foreach ($all as $key => $value) { if (in_array($key, $kolom)) { if (!in_array($key, $span)) { $location[$key] = "<span>{$location[$key]}</span>"; } //echo "<td><span class=\"{$location['class'][$key]}\">{$location[$key]}</span></td>"; echo "<td>{$location[$key]}</td>"; } } echo "</tr>\n"; } } echo "</tbody>"; echo "</table>"; } else { echo "Er zijn nog geen locations."; } //} echo "<br /><img src=\"" . SN_API_PLUGIN_URL . "img/add_contact.gif\" alt=\"nieuw persoon toevoegen\" title=\"nieuw persoon toevoegen\" width=\"25\" height=\"21\" /> <a href=\"?page=scoutnet-api-members&personid=0\">Persoon toevoegen.</a><br />"; if ($l_teller != 1) { echo "<p>In totaal werden <strong>{$l_teller} adressen</strong> gevonden.</p>"; } else { echo "<p>In totaal werd <strong>1 adres</strong> gevonden.</p>"; } $filter_str = ''; if ($filter_num > 0) { $filter_str = "Filter: "; foreach ($_POST['filter'] as $key => $value) { $filter_str .= "{$key}:<b>{$value}</b> {$_POST['andor']} "; } $filter_str = substr($filter_str, 0, -4); } echo $filter_str; ?> <br /> (*) Het veld "Aanspreking" kan je vrij invullen. Dit in functie van de samenstelling van het gezin.<br /> Dit kan je gebruiken voor het versturen van brieven.<br /> Er verschijnt "EMPTY" indien dit veld leeg is.<br /> Indien de aanspreking in het rood staat, dan is het adres vermoedelijk niet juist.<br /> <?php } ?> </div> <?php }